TUB NEWS PAGE FOUn DAILY GIRLS SPEAK IN riFTEEN MILLION j r j- This is the finost Local and Personal PUBLIC AND BOYS CUSHION TREADS WCIW SETS 0 Ur0 an,..J! rlW SjOQkS !iaioLlrwo to DO THE COOKING Launch "Oh Baby.' Blue 548. m ias m offer sinco 19M. -a HMI H F W.iJ. rl. I 1 O N I G II 1 I Mirk.-1. hi Ihr rinlitiiency of Hon. J A Freeh Href C.lfy Every one of these writers is a top notchor Tomorrow Alright Miewari, the new mlnlaler of rail pip 81. ngU Taxi. I'hone U, Nil Tablet itop kV HJh. and ranaU. boya have lieen "Purple Springs" Nellie McClung trrulate tier bUout Le UmlnUre attack, tone cai,ana keeiina onl f lb public aprakihir 1). 0. UmfcrtakeM. I'honell t r bi1l you (rl foe, .oii.m.i at the acbool fain an.! "Rilla," etc. L M. Montgomery I "fcttw nu fiTi far Urn E" .l.m Ihe flrla lo aaplure ih. Use PhiMos anJ r t Pbon.- a Haynr.t Lndjtlr. 1 1 1'I r . Hall Cainc "Master of Man" . V Vi. At Ihe Port F Intel Fair i ......Half nt Ynnr J, I i fr..nt IMWIIbe ra'l-. w. wwt viivr- ill.tanee liort jjjy i Around the Corner" 1 "Kingdom Freeh, hilled Ponber Iln.l H- H. A K. i:Urke rrilieliad ll' I He har.l : n,,,,,. y (.,,,,, i Dawson brffi City MarlM 2 ' loy for i" . Mill OR Ike pltt-f I'hiliip' i uhi .n 1 1 1 i,.. Coinigsby . .rm. and W. I. Johnlon. M.I'.P . awi-pt tiieal Rrltatti Ok.. -, w!, , li A. Taylor ranir in from l'"i I ; iimed iliein to d il ae a.duty t" Mad of rublter Ft null n I "Alaska Man's Luck" Rutzcheck KaaiiigCui yrWlerday IITn-n lltemehe ami lhr rounlr th leaMea aab aa .. . 1 Street" Lewis Ne. Mr. riarke .aid tbal o far wear three tiw i- ,B "Main . For practical ho repalrinit ORMES LIMITED he bad seen n- Itoye paKbsiaallng eprlugy aad j . w , . ' Stmneon. Mrllride Slrt. If oralonral leeta, bat remarked ' ' loari Ike H. B. in "Helen the Old House Wright of New af 1 1 al 1 i ill suit in . .. . thai he found Ibem winning nM cai r ai i "Her Father's Daughter" . . G. S. Porter Jam R. Burr, f Mill Hay nrwi'at atylr. If. prlie al Ike ehaoi falra for Vuiaiy altar I. ,, , "3 E-M. (it:n after reached the rlty yetrrday bread, kun. rakea, aeoklea and . wpen r wiarnmir. Will Ihe naelv Limllir reium rei i.i ti noon. Ike doll earriace that waa taken htm why. Thr n h, , aand rnm. Ilarrie . Krn..re i...r,-. Va boy will b. wearin ' a hi. Th flood Kata upeeial 'ai'tona and your yoAMI eat If yau eAt get fh. . i ajiy... wieh at imt la proving very pop .Mr. taark.. ular the aftr lhalr trad Are yoa latarMted in ihe sin of ""i' 'IT." a oa pie, i ,, aj-,. j 41 If laaioiMMf ir in ikn declared. Vea e Lbjbtweigltl 1 SO MHbodlat Cburek Kunda aigbt. Men'e !totit WeslfeilJ 'JftVJliiaa I tea ay taile oa i, e LIKELY POPULATION H .ui. ii j.aa the Wfiera AM Ihia aftemeaei ;.Mre. Rwrb Mrtillneby aan outbi'. mi l-l Itt L holiday at her old home In fimHy return di.Nlay froi a WILL BE 8,500,000 Children . M V '! r r Seat lie. kfcliday vealt to amouver tt I4UK. trrTAU ihi i is. ...pi ijMMaiii J. II. Olllatt. of Mand-epii. e talbttt tbr I -n 1 1 1 t.'ti .f '.ai. returned bom I ant night lr. aa4 Mr.. ! . Mofn ia likely to be about eialtl and a after having eaenl a tew tleye in rftaraed today f ri m a brief I rip tfjf Miioiin. and een Una will, Ik ifWy adajth Vaajroaver. Tietorbl aad m mtnil adanre oer ihr ' Hatlie aiOJ.'i H pialattn of lea year aa ew-aaw al Th CH.lt. freighter Prim e la the 10 rear turn lot .. GRAND TRUNK Km la due here Mr. PACi k f ' on Tueadhy and Ure. i: A. Hannrk. ItM. the taereaaegSfae ab.Mii Wedm-Mlar eouthbowud fur Van- of buttle Hay, will leae tbi a. a. I'niacs T hi lb i..u ruPi' t M aer eeat . bat pre Phones and Th.1 d and Sixth St. 82 200. Ave. .corner h'Wtwf frotay Rkagwey aftemon on Ike I'rtnrena Aiiee I II of lo Wednteday 1100 p m for An,i. r Mi Phone 134 Third 2nd St. for Vancouver. year Ocean f alia, Vanu er ' Ave., opposite only aeMt IV per S. a. PRlXtt Crr,tf r; Mi May Prttagte bae oa tke e eeat. la ttlt Ik pofMllal tun Saturday 1:00 p.m. far at - n r So Is Mrliirr.il Alia thl aftreaooa Mart lb rtbl Ocn Talle. V Our Delivery Service Free day wUb wa avui i.roa.aaa ana u ii Cay, me v in attend Ihre wk holkJaying kreakfaal al Ike -d Kate. (bnr. were S.SfMi.aec aw. ibai would S. P 'NCC : i For Port Ciemeai. We will fill your orders exactly as ypu with. Why in 'Venriu-. VieWta and aa eombinalione ranfinir from be a miii of 18 ar eenl . wberb 2th, aad all p.mu i I. Jfl-J llle. flh to Hi In eh..e froaa. tf ruaaMetwd bkab ia u not make your telephone work for you? lpU".e Xl af Itaaiuf ratio of ihe etaaaaia Trj ae,,c, A M Arena!rong. of Wewart C. V. WlUinei.n. .f the Hank on aeroual of lb war aad the Paaeea-er aVOWwAy. Wi . 0 t irnved froaji All Arm o of Montreal elaf returned ! etiKtue of aaany pa4 of fbratfa I in Ft' wittier, !'Tnrdi.jr veniar and retaraa ! tttr ealy Ibta mnrnm afler ba- birlb after il. nea oiakint .lire. , r-.in Orrnes Limited raoaei a an.t FnMd "'.at' 'wart hr-itea.Piarara Urorve la i e It M no alpealrd that Ihe pre tf Tleitt Ogiee btH T ed t liiuioary eatiatata of la renau imperial nuair al Hie H eel- of I be I torn talon will be aiea The Pioneer Druggists Tlie Rexall Stores HfMTiitl freak trab aatad I tme Theatre hiiiahl. "Poet before Moeaber I. right in Tfea Caaod eion mow. ahd raaaant ox.rture t. Bpe by Ike W.-lh.dte Ont- NOTICE. CANADIAN P4C!;.. R! aiM444tf JUU-iw4l.l-a-Wfl Inert Kour. taaoaer The Havxiew Roii. latetr kaown B.C. Coitl S n i $ tain r. u. .rt. ' ia. ibe iaa H.ai. baa been MM Helen NflilTAlCTMlAlk. reriwM rVtur u lew.ed lu r. Chabo. Wbit will be 1 Armfrfacttetl Ike i rilr 'a froea flrean Fall where tbe .u Wh Sailing from PrinrPu? EAT FISH !la IV'tirO h id paier jit Ike aieaaerr:tnMitmti04 after ihi data. The iiedjr rveninz. Waipiu for Auairalia lat leea. I'. Ibata. ri For KetehUan. WewaaaN Juneau 1 tt!;.o-teptember P hi aufirrwaa lo lb pwiroaaae of S. 12. f. 3. Ocioif I' " bi caataaner. tit Mt44 loda'fro lb aoulb For Vanue. VbJUete end Se t -optember -And Support the Industry In loin, ffrtffa Hbf 1aVff rH. where b petit holiday. Mr. a WHAT THE MOTOR DID. 10, 17. ti Octoei- U, I! y which supports you Hulair a. ptMHM lit: (7.W. TH-'!. Mafia dame in Vaoeouer iiener-I There Vlilaaer fim oar e urate. ' Uh KattaoB 8koa. or ear W. , Roanitnt for a frw day bul Ask for Sire ajMict gentle aaa Ageevay bar ; f4ejm o. t L (irat&Nl, pkqajt Ciregm m. fU a. aoaaaletel rayrad from bi wae itU aoak up wwh a awt-Me. Full I' : Fresh Smoked and Canned llaw. kut new a l all raa) Oert J W. C. OH. Follow lb emwil la Iwinh at ia aeraMwea, Punk - Fish Ike UJ Rale. Oar tec hiaak Saturday Special at Alkiw Corner of 4th a treat ae -'d Am. P' Distributed by la a wiaaar. Ton pel coup, aU4. Meat Market Ial lamb, while li TOTAL LOSS. aieal er fMa. ia-4ab4e aad mid eat, per lb.: leg Shr. loin Jar. Mark- Waa Ihe U dinv wilk eoffae all for te. If boulder ;V. clew I Sc. Tbone brown dwelling total? Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. teak 3&. nirtoia St, rouad aleak Parka Yea. Ibe netghb-ir a ivtirkfw) err iiiuuid m t ! !' 1 '1 I Ho e Jay. wkn fnr aHy lfcre SaV. Hhoulder VeaJ S. slew ed fK Uinkrellae. bul reroioed far Wemr '.. o M-t PRINCE RUPERT it He. Hauaaae aow the lb. .e. -f. avtta a yaara baa Wean a iaaalr wawfcer per Ihrge all. -Bloi Tranwrit : tut erai. " atw. e er ti ike local Itank of Mwairval IMiveriea niada1 arroa Hay laff, leave taaeorrnw alfiit for i.'reak oa Tueeday. Tkuraday and RUPERT BRAND Vanrouvwr wkare ke will raport milurday morning. ANNOUNCEMENTS io th aaiiorlaewdwit. Mr. Jar kte fiat Vmw yrl whera Ive wMl EKCOURAQINQ. Adair Care Chapter l.itlt.K. he luiatad nnU Aaaaiat Hall, tictober 14. cf ' 17M The Last Day i MiuUler vt-ilia kl floek e e DONT FORQCT to "jrH tk'tee Vp Jeii. i il been a aora war Hoepital Aaaual Hano. e- awf kara reaktrad rbjlM kbt, a k'.rr war! tobr St. NOTICE TO. FISHERMEN 1 l v n away.1 No waiiinr l oa'ke Jaat- Ayr. bit there' two e e e TOfiAY -the T'i. fell tliem.ta Tka CkaMp4on Sfco Hf-pair thin thai )- cheered rae up (iHAMi M.AAH ia a kid ..f An. Good Supply of fikas In tka Uattd Hlowk. 4 are tUf army teere. Ane Ihe nunrialion Cburek aad M. Jo-eph day and the win1- Ihe Thinl Amiw. The lidwr oflk tboabt that we gu tba belter ' :.penl. Wentaaaday aad are not fat rr n 'Herring and BAIT it nMr" bi tfarj kM repair tbuaa. Ihe libera the fine wye I hureday. oyabr aad Itt. Hummer will iuk. Ibae Kiiui li l.orkit ua uu! e ' ileplr wklla y ttaM." Trr aa BO. - ,1 9 Salmon ini ke eoviatl &i to aameo. Hrilih Wr. klv Ollbart and Sullltraa'e "Trial FORD SEDAN t by Jury" by the Priao Ruoart V Harry Heal on, wle wa injur Mitetaat BocMy. NovMMr IS. AT BUTEDALE l eriouly ai Ike akiayardt ia Church Notices e fie I I K I liLfl 9 luly when ke fell fni Ike lop Kike' Christina lUteer Mm.tr.l -4 f 1 n- of the potiUxMM. ie ataking HhnW and Fillet l.lllllll'Mil kxm1 irareo toward raewverd i in I..'r aiHl 7 iitxl an ahla to lve ttie bed Baptlit Church. J I Phone 68 P. O. Box 743 f"i a wheel chair Ibla week. Il Mornbiii eVrviaa at It o'iLn-i, ill be HUout Ckrtataiaa before Muhje i Ho Ye."' Mtinday Krh... i, JAMES HUNTER li.- will le able to rettera to bia at ; :to t.k.MiitiK rviee a l ; ;io, II-1 Hill I' '--,r e in VaneMiver'. ub'.-.i. Ihr Influeace of Hi.. J M GENERAL BLCICSMITHING AND CR BODY Int iml.if I (ha Yi.il.lr. ROOD & FRIZZELL ForJ BUILDER Preafloi H- H w. lietimau. Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Rugglea Truck will oeceaiial moviae , a. nor- Chrlettan Science Society. ' Ph'me Green :6M I'linee K itiori ot our UiaUeer alMfcA Ia ieriee .wry Muuday al II Term bo can ar ianfil for purelirrt. joir), ,- to clear Ml. pUtit b b. r-' Hionial aayetinK every First Avenue and Cow Cay I foil- iy'ii.lrulij aamajwiaf. w Wediieeday at 8 p.m. May- blork. Prince Rupert, D. C. li" makiiiK apeelat, prim r4u--- ee.nd Axei.ue. Free literature. 365 Days a Year THEO COLLART.l.i i5-- In eerlaln Ji )oa of All av Wleolne and over Iioo of thoae dnye . ' lie iiiiia(i and dime p'ion, tkrar re-'tutioii Mttbodlit Church. We detole to III,- baking o roa eatc i it ttt-. i mi are draalir; tby will Mornmii iTvi, e at II tlin-k tin naeea lMe leeej le ''"'J Cl XT New Fal1 aml Winter i.ooe ,u,-kly. rWiog your luM-i" Hutue.l " Paalaia ill Kvery GOOD BREAD Kll. tut, eJBi u ' K)iuiri iii-utn jv ua al Iray J.iff." Sunday ShMil al Trying every tiny to get fHOai BLUE WMTt. tHIT B- I'rinre Huoerl f.liinber 1:30. Fvi'Iiiiik Ken ice nl 7:30 il a Mill belter ami a little W hee tHi" ' ii "iiiian . ffle Krai Cova. eubjet'l. I li. .iH of Tongue. ' belter. ua laa o- ii Third Avenue ART Clothes I'Iimii ;,u If lolit. Me. H.-iinetl. Prearher Not trang( if you like 7 ul Hi N. !.' i. Ilmker. It. aa you aeem to, for we rr Just Arrived Preebyterlan Church. celling more and more of TiirTiniM .SALES WSJ Moino'u mm.,, at II o'rlork. it all the lime. Fall All Wool UNDERWEAR 1 S1 'V Ulrm ea4 H IfH- nbj. I I i.tiioin..' Hbjiiday T aibre ci. .t I oi v" k Bca 7. M ""' ui il?- ii i in K iiing aer- Ceeteo Wolsey Mt-itury S Unfit Id, ete. a' 1 i.I'l.'i-'. ' I In Need RUPERT BAKERY i K-t Hi" fl"??"' ' "ii"i' i.MUge. )pie of ...a. I.. ..u. j -Ipi. Prearher. Third Avenua Phone C43 823 TWrd Ave Eu.wd. !..-... UH 1 H ii. K i.iui, U. U. I