wae ers bi te ‘ify PAGE FOUR * CAPITOL SHOPPE = A FULL LINE OF New Goods, and Materials inspect the new Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear ail ef Latest Styles Prince Rupert Ladies are invited to store and zoods. Fri WILL OPEN for business in New Premises in Federal Block Third Avenue ct. Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Pest Office Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS TO CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; high class workmanship; perfect fit guaranteed. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Castin Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts ' | . Miss D. Hogan Phone—Black 232 | TEACHER OF MUSIC | Pianos For Rent |} $4 Per Month and Up ! Pianos Tuned, $3 £ 1 WALKER'’S. MUSIC STORE WORKLESS MEETING Olof Hanson M. P. Sympathizes With Demands—Relief Work Criticized The National Unemployed Work- lers’ Association weekly |meeting in the Canadian Labor De- | fence e Hall last night, Charles Chap- man in the chair A committee reported on an in- ,terview with Olof Hanson M.-P. for Skeena, in which the member ag- reed that all the demands were rea- sonable and just and that a radical |change was due to alter the chronic state of affairs. | Relief work in the city was criti- i\cized, several men claiming to have ‘been cut off relief. These cases will ibe investigated by the grievance committee. i Non-attendance, principally of |married men, at these meetil ideplored and explained by sidious capitalistic These meetings were not a{ i ed of because they were too radical.| |The held its propaganaa “Red Flag,” etc. were not wan- ted. | One or two letter from Russia} written to relatives in this city| | were read and utterly contradicted | |some of the newspaper accounts of | iconditions in thé Soviet Republic. | It was announced that a working- ‘class ex-service men’s league is be-| Fined at Hazelton . ‘ing formed and all returned men interested are being invited to at- itend a meeting on Sunday next The meeting closed by singing The Red Flag.” Mail Mail Schedule |For the —. pecial Hard-Time Bargain Offer To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have been offering special barg rains to the custom- ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- tion now will get the rest of the year 1932 subscriptions or renewals. This is a very attractive offer subseribers to pay a year in advance during tl Payment may be made by check, money THE DAILY } from January 1, Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 NE we S Delivered in $5.00 THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town one year from January 1, $3.00 Rest of this year to January 1, + order sent the more you get for the money and is made free. This applies either to new the city one year FREE | TO PREE for a limited period to induce .e difficult financial period. or currency. The sooner it is DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship Sailings | “T]LLIE THE TOILER” For Vancouver— Tuesday—ss, Cardena ....1:30 p.m. Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 p.m | Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Ss. Catala midnight Oct. 3—ss. Prin. Louise p.m. Oct. 12—ss. Prin. Norah p.m. Oct, 24—ss. Prin. Norah p.m. From Vancouver— : Sunday—ss. Cardena p.m. | Wed.—ss. Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m. Friday—ss. Catala pn. Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Oct. 8--ss. Princess Norah ...a.m Oct. 17—ss. Princess Norah a.m Oct. 29—ss. Princess Norah a.m, For Naas River and Port Simpson-—-) Sunday—ss. Cardena 8 p.m. From Naas River & Port Simpson— Tuesday—ss. Cardena ...11:30a at Monday, Wednesday and Frid 8:30 a |From the East— Tuesday, Thursday and Satu! | day > ..2... 9 px |For Vancouver— Tuesday 12:30 p.m Thursday 9 pm | . Friday 1l p.m October 3, 12 and 24 p.m From Vancouver— | SHR Sebastes gost pr Weanesday 9:30 am Friday ‘ p.m October 8, 20 ‘and 29 a.m For Stewart and Anyox— Sunday in 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m From Stewart and Anyox— Tuesday > 11:30 an hursday 8 pn tor Queen Chariottes— October 14 and "_— Queen Chariottes— 28 9 p.m.! ober 12 and 26 n ‘on ian River and Port Simpsen— Sunday 7 p.m Vrom Naas River and Port Simpsor | Tuesday 11:30 am YOUNG LADY’S EYE OCCASION ALLY TURNED IN ; | Young la cently called on G. F. Davey, Registered Optomse trist, in charge of the Opti Dept. of Ma bre Jewele to have ! s ex He vision w ept gor but she tne OF ing I much afrai f going Cr Eyed.” The examination soon re vealed the trouble, eye strain ac- companied very W cles, just one of those case which the wearing of glasses a very short time should effe i cure GREAT... SACRIFICE PRICES Montreal Importers have just received a consignment of— New Goods Purchased at such reasonable prices that they can be sold At 35% Lower than elsewhere in town. The complete winter layout can be bought here for men, boys and children. NEW SHIPMENT OF UNDERWEAR & SWEATERS It is a pleasure to show our goods. Montreal Importers Third Avenue Missionary fa Very Successful, | affair Held Yesterday Afternoon at) Home of Mrs. Hollingworth ne | A tea and sale of home cooking lin aid of the Women’s Missionary Society of First Presbyterian) Church was held yesterday after- jnoon at the home of Mrs. W. Grant | Hollingworth, Stuart was general convener of the} jtea room. Mrs, J. W McKinley and} jMrs. S, Massey poured and those ; who assisted in serving were Mrs |J. Simpson, Mrs. J. Bremner, Mrs | Mrs.J R jing as cashier, Morison, had charge of the ‘enjoyable vocal solos accompanied iby Mrs, C. E. Cullin and Mrs E. J Smith Mrs. James Clark and Mrs. B. Rice were in charge of the home cooking and Mrs. J. R. Morison acted as cashier. The tea was a great success both socially and financially LOCAL NEWS _ After Collision of Auto With Truck’: Fowler i $10 and cost Alfred Caldwell s has been finec Stipendiary Ma of Smi- gistrate Storkey | Tonight's train, due East at 9 pm., was reported this morning to be on time F. S. Walton, roadmaster of the Canadian National Railways, the speaker at the regular wee luncheon of the Rotary .Club in Commodore Cafe today He an interesting account of his kly experiences while a. prisoner in Germany during the Great War |G. A. Woodland, presiaent of the S;club, was in the chair Fourth Avenue East. | | Mrs. Hollingworth, assisted by| lRuby Blythe of Vancouver, re-| leeived the guests and Mrs. D. C | R. Cameron and Mrs. W. D. Moxley. | as well as act-| !musical program. Mrs. A. J. Webber| and Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby rendered from the) was | | Sunday-Sck.ool and Young P¢ ; work of ar. a October 6, ia ani Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 a Feature Starts at 7:35 & 9:35 — A Story You'll Never Forget BEAUTIFUL BARBARA STANWYCK —in — “FORBIDDEN” With Adolph Menjou, Ralph Bellamy. The kind of a gir! that every man marries, or regrets that he didn’t Comedy—TOM HOWARD in “MEET THE WINNER” Novelty—"“MAGIC CITY” PARAMOUNT NEWS ADMISSION — 15e & 50e THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:39 Feature Starts 3:05—lL5c & 35¢ FRIDAY and SATURDAY | “TOUCHDOWN” Miss Ruby Blythe of Vancouy Sunday School worker fo: the Pres- byterian Church in British Colum- bia, arrived in ithe city yeste:caay afternoon on the Prince Ruper from the south and will be h for the next few weeks assis‘ loeal church. During is the guest at , of Rev. and Mrs. W. D the her stay she Manse Grant Hollingworth { Hazelton for driving to the com- | r and an additional $5) 1 motorvehicle withou a driver's licence, according to a re received at divisional head te1 f the provincial polic harges against Fow x ollision betweén Fow : ruck ¢ by Wil- Hazelt the col- | ng held due to defective | F wie . Checked without “dosing.” Rub on 4.2 YICKS “ z oe JARS USED YEARLY -e S ler porens Colds ' t | | | : = Daly = i ery day. Y will laf This sp i g 48 hou y er call or phone. We de- all orde $2.00 or ‘ Grapes @ 85c ~ $1. 75 a d5C N 4 ranberris 0c used $1.50 MUSSAL LEM’S Economy Store “The Original Cash & Carry” 18 — Phones — 360 317 and 319 Third Avenue ————— A Mar kof eee Bovrilis concentrated beef. It is beef con- densed to a fluid, re- taining *the natural flavours, extractives, albumen and fibrine all present in their most refined and digestible form. NRIL wwe Beer Build up your strength with BOVRII L Concentrated Beef Goodness _ —By Westover. |e WATETe FROM THE « / SPRING TS 4 . \s P= wn MOON RISE j COULD GO ON LiKE “THIS | FOR EVE, SusT! ALL THE Fine ~wiag YOU'VE DONE Sn as a — ne “THING You Tv a TRL ese AM: SHUCKS | 'D BO ANY- WHE RE’S : yee HES GoT THE | HELL GET Over IT-LETS MAC: YouRE A a 1E2 SULKS BECAUSE!) GO OUT ON “THE BEACH ANID WNONDERFUL BOoY- ka ee How My APRREC AL ay " HE HAD To WATCH "THE "LL NEVER ForeetT \ SOINS WHeShE THAT a | ee For \LwWIE SOME NICE Gi ' ZAR.S WHAT UA He ro ws pe ARE © be : A