THE DAILV NEWS, PAGE 2. ' : . ; .Mo,,'v Jim - 1'he Daily News NERVES ALL ANOTHER COLD PRINCE RUPERT TIDES PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA STORAGE MAY .Monday. June 50. LETTERS OF Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News GONE TO PIECES High ll:MI a.m H.V feel. CREDIT Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ia:&&ii.lllH IM.H feel. COME TO PORT .yw ?:I5 a.m.. t.H feel. JSJO mattcr 'm wbat parofth, II. F. PULLER, Managing Editor. MUM iyiu. J.: fed. world y0Ufn "Frult-a-tlfes" Conquered. Tlleftdiiy, June ff i fjftfc'! SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Kenrous Prostration B. C. Packers Will loe Stevetton High I ::M it.ui lil.t feet. of by carrytng a Utter of Credi, U.ued bv p 1 City Delivery,-ly carrier or mail, per month 11.00 Plant Either to Vancouver 14:33 p.m.. 10 o rei. Montreal. Particular, may be obS V Uy mail to nil parts of the llritisb Empire and the United Stalea, K. ft. Xo.4, CiwurrrwwtfM". or Pflnoe Rupert. i,,,W M;M .. i,H (eel. any branch of tlu, llanL in advance, per year 10.00. "In the Var 19t0, I had A'trwut 20.IA i.lll, ",1 feel To all other countries, in advance, per year , . 97.60. Proitratiom in it word form VANCOtJVf.fl. June JO. - Jllxl The 1 1 me uaa la racitta rttan-dard, TELEPHONE OS. druppinf from lTOto lISpouuJ. ii. IWkera' Cold for tha tznth Merbliati wuit BANK of MONTREAL It la counted from U to 21 hoora. Insertion each fl.26 .inch Transient Display Advertising per turag at Kiei'loM i to make Tht dottort kiJt no H of 7 i Transient,advertiing on front page , . . .... . . 12.00 per Inch. and every mrda-'tue f I trd its liiMlie In the future haa tint from imdmglil tu midnlvtit. rrAousmiD ovtg loo yeari rtcoitry, The lalila given I for Port Capiat PaWt Local Headers, per insertion, ' 25c- Per line, proved uaetvei uulll a frivod iuJuueJ. l-en ileci.leil. urcoriliiip to oftlrial ap W.M0 000 R. Hluipaou but the limn for Prince -Classified advertising, per Insertion,. .,... 2c per word. me to Uke "Wli llia". of Ilie AocIhI iu. 1ml It has been .Notices, each insertion, ... . 15c. per agate line. Ituiiarl variet only a few minutea Legal v ,y I began to mend almost at ooee, decided to eloi.i lite tiil Mlirne Contract Uates'bn AtPlic&tion. on aunia daya ana on olhera la. and never had. auch food health at I HiUi iimiw il tu iMlier Vancouver All should be in the Daily News Ollice on day Hie ain.Tlie ranxe of the tide advertising pre-.ceJing Late eujojed the xut eifht yean. or I'rtlice llui.erl. publication. AJI advertising received subject to approval font without "Fr tt--iiut" I'his colli inrNKe wn tiriginaU may ha oomputed aa ft per cent greater at Princ! Itupart than nl im tk lout". 3 AS. 8. DKLUATY. ty al .Nvv V. t!iitnster, hut hinlt Port finipson both at aprlng nd DAILY EDITION. Monday, June 20. ill 60c. a box,C foi $3 .10,trial site 55c. waterfront Utw nnt the iniire- nVapa. Therefor tha rlae In the IFJSIUnd SUPPORT tm At all dealars or scut potted hr uiii that il iniiihl ere both the Prinei Hupert harbor la ilijrlitty' A LOCAL INDUSTrT Ottaaa. ruliooo u of Hie Prnser Frult-a-Uea Limited, mi. i. greater than I'orUHIinpaon. Two Views on of EAT and the liuliligt requirement The la In Local Court House. halght feel and tenth i lie Weal U..i-l imnk. In rerenl Two views are being taken in the south in regard to I he SUITCASES yeur, howiM'i. I tie aatnton hae of fet above the average level of of the court ill Prince'H Thoe in lower low water. building new ione pert. Ilie itradually ibiHared from owtusiliou to the government, a well thoe who are hound dp TRUNKS Frer river and the halibut hae Rupert Brand iiKthe interests of the Mtth and do nolwnnl U see anything come fooaken (tie Vet Otaal for new AIL SCHEDULE - Prtnce Mupert's way, siwJ.e the govern'ment. of exlriivagain-e. HANDBAGS liauntx in the north, with Hie re. Kami and Hon)', a Xtiiiooiiver weekly allied with the Vancouver anil that Hie big eol'l trye at whose is launching a lleree attack the roe lit KaaL. .Hun, potliher" on provinrial Tents, Sails, Awnings the mouth of llio I"raer has become government at the present time, in irerenl isue printed on it Muudajra, Wedneadaya ana Mat. little more than a herring -BRILLS- front page a critical! leading article condemnatory or tlic preMilit urdaya at 10;3 a. m uarehotiae fur Hi Japanese. admiiiitratioftuid jnentioning the local hiiildiug say the government 1 F, iAGUIRE The aseialLoi 1ia had leaning is 'Spending jkftOO.OOO for a court hnuie'at Prince Mupert From th Kaai. toward Prlnee lluierl for lajrge and luxhrious enough for ten unies its present population Nrxt the Princ Kupcrt HoUl iupdara, Tueadaya aud Thur. some tiiue liecaue nMhe big run ami that jWlir-prtenl quarter) ar? gyi- enough." The defence daya nl 7:13 p.m. SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE of alllol. cod and halibut in Ilie for thcufhlfiigXfid the yvyHiajii being takpn by niany pvople northern wuler. bill II i wibe TO COOK-CuUiah Into required MND ACT. iwrtior.i. ii1httiWl&h5vl;ell.ra'llos'lil.:Hhe north. Is thai ibWlnre i Foe Vincauttr and South, 0 thai the plant will e- iiistalllAt. bntU r. Place, in very hot fat and fry for ISiLmateT worth? Hiaii' Sunday whileand". j the future; fwpects! niorrt imntmiialc Kotlc ,f IntMillM I tkuptf l Imm Lana. at Vniimer. For mine year p.m. necessity, warrant yie new building. Indeed, the city is likely to Tueadaya .............. 7 p.m. EOLt y XtL In Vumii rJurtolM Ulaod Land Dwlrtrl. an atlempt lio been made lo try have that "ten times greater iKipulalion" before the Vancouver Rrruntiot KKirtrt at Prior MufrL and Thurdaya II p. m Sou has any idea that it will and it is on the strength of (hat rkE MiM'-K thai Canadian Hh a the and Stfe-l--n briny uli iant,from but Hie. north Ilie ri!! Saturday ihoii Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti Cukt staratv i.a. 1.14. it fnnr Hvi-ri. prospect that Hon. T. I), l'attullo bag been snecesfiil ii obtaining mipaiMl Ink and rmtrn onh t-o. or iraiisMrriauon niaw iein iimi '. the building for. the city. , nll, u. apHr l"r prrmi.'km In Ira Prom Vnouve and South. ( . liitrti and Hie I'Un wa flbanioiie. inr roimwina omwa unni -- - Bundaya M Cofntnrarlnc al a rxKt pnantrd ntw tool p. m. Prince " . (leorge (lat.ilv. of Hn and maiia&er Rupert lit a unutlhrir dinrilc (run foot I ml l .Monday a a.m. Permanent Buildings. raiMi I. It Nu. It; thw lia'ri mrr or rold aloratte, m one ttt the ino.l lr ma S. W dirrrtiun la "Inw walrr W'ertneadaya 10:30 a. in. .Starting wjlh the building of the line new frhno at Hay aiark; turnr TD fi Mtrlf tumi mm exHrt uullioi Hie on tne lli itVirfava . a.m air mark: IUrn- mirtlwrlr a n. mntv .... , . i i i One Circle and thfi. new court heme. Prince Iliiperl ') about to ut la him wifr mart; m iuraiiiK in iirni'll iiiiiiiniia. Ihatuniaya 10:30 a m start on an era of permanent building. The buiUIing-tliat are-Jiow tt.f cumiM'nrrnirni rlr(y ahmt Mm and runtaiciaa mairr mart iu lo arrr puini fry RUPERT BAKERY being planned for the city, both public and private, will lie mcrr-nr Foe. Anjroi and Allca Arm. more of a jermaiieiit nature, than any ones that have before been tkAIIIA.M LTI.. T.nH IL jonnaun.COU STORAGE ADVERTISING ON Sunday a to p.m. For Inrilt here, very-city, has jis-.tage f "shacky" busiuesi. houses OAir.6 Mir rd. ttt I. Wedneedaya 9 p.m. AIM for aijtl residences, bift If a city is to become worth vkhile it is not MINKflAL ART. The Bread CAKC3 AND PASTRY OF QUAUTT CENSUS PAPERS beat materiala going to continue the erection of such buildings. The prosperity ii5rMovi;ijT. from Anroi and Allca Arm. Only uaad ccBTinriATE Urdm for of a plac&is largely i ud getMiy the outsider on the ouality of its or Tueftdaya ajn. btiiWlugsP lowi'i of liimbledowu And'disreputable irueluWT sitTier., iiuradaya p. in. ' that Realauraata. Kuamahlt. Casa-riaa, it Bnuima." -dniainia no. 1." rn attrmM Pruanptly U New Departure In Government does not inspire confidence while an air of ermanvure and aimu inn. a." La Hoae .o. f and ". quality most certainly' 'does. The 1itne is here when Prince (hxa hlrr Muitnt Mmrral Dlrifiun CMidw. of atlual uuur to ine IHftrirt.naaa TranaacUona Inatttutad In I Toe fori Slmpaon. Areandala, Mill Satisfies Juaem Caoj, and C ft Biootat, Praanva Itiipert;ishOuld-ij'rtjiwi4igwgn'iffcprmaneiice and U here i no null wtr Hltrr raldi on eaumda Crrea. Ml BriUln. Sar. Walaa Uland and Naaa Rlr. P.O. Boi Ul UTTtird A.. rwtt) j doubt Itut what this is warranted.-' Indications are that prince TAkE MiTICK Inat Twn W. eaunorer, rneaya a.m. is rrr Minra Orlinrai o. att-c aarnl LOMtflN. June 50. A new dfi Hu,pert tate'f jfiMiit,yj. U jynqrge, fn4iu temfMirary buildings ror in Alice ana vt lux amine iumrpmiy ana in liiiildnig stniclnres or solidity.aud permanence will take on Ltmilrd. .too-errKaiat Uabiutr. Free Mm. parlure Jn government Iran, 'From PL Slmpaon, Arranalala. Mill thftjiir of ja eity thaf has a future in. which at least its residents era dart ortintal Im im a.dale 4lf-c Iwwf. lutrnd.lo aMiy wilj u action in Ilie disposal, for a Bay, Walaa laland and Naaa HI tar. arfrontbfciiCTherovincial ror a tmneat of eah ronaideraUon, of adverlia-iiift gwerrTtneiiMby Uie ere'eling of hSSTtSJ narrxMe ol oblam Saturdaya a.m. Ina a Crono Oram or eaca of tne aixxa spare on renua papera: & it one conn ocnise. js Miowmg ji cjninuence in me jiace. is tin flaima. which the not,' enough jo inspire cnnlideee Jn others whell it conies Jo AD rChTHta TAk OTItt lual KUW, pnsreeding official North Quaan Oharlotta Island. Imildiiig. -r ander arrtinn at. mul lie cunnvnem be-litre mind would formerly have looked For V V: in Kauanre or aura trufleal of npennirni. upon with horror. June Hard Times Seem IMTfcll inia IktB day of Marea. A.U. Hven now, a propoaal of an From j I HI. Easier,Here. , , ' ' Lewis W raTMOHK. enlcrpriaJng advertiaing agency June S3. i N InTe'bankers and business men and people generally in the In ay Hie government 11,000 LAND ACT. Corner Third Ave.and Sixth St soiilh are moaning over the hard Jimes and are making blue predictions for the use of lhe bark a of II.. South Quean CharlolU lalanda: ' Helgerion Block, for the immediate future. Prince Rupert eople are still Natka af lataatlon ta aaalf ta Lhu Laad. 000,000 fiirm lo be used In the. For ; Dental Nurae in Attendance inaintaimjig feeling of optimism and eouCdence. Omipamtively In Ranr . Coaal Land uiaineL tuieord- fortbeoming national eenaua, waa June 21. Office Houra, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 leaking, Prince Hupert look bright and cheep. True hiiine Ina JOdOie Dmnrt raaaar.of -nnn tu milnt ttatvri.aoainwl and aiiuai of at firat aummarily rejerled by is slack and money is not so free as it was a few mouths Hgo and Orrinlc (Scurry. smilU laland, and I lr. Chritodier Addison, b! roe aagway and tha Tuaon. Ihis placc is affected by the general depreion that is passing rml-ran eaat(u.t norm.i..eai. a if r Qrnn.Uland...m ..Litut.. Mr Health Minialer. i ..tionauy. . . ., . noon over Ilie entire world at -the present lime, but the piht here is enni yur, huin.inirnd lo B. aiiiy c. i-ruraliun for prrnwimun land aur-loi I 1 Hir Alfrwi Mood, Fir,! Com ( e rem aaagway and Tuaon. much more cheerful than in most other m'tie. This is largely iv tae fniaimina uwruM Uwhi miaanm'T of Works, and a Keen Kallirdara p.m. because unemployment is not being fell to any great extent uud nnriliaeat onmnienrtnr end at of a a ri aand pianid Oar I ua oiiwa to "UneJt man, 0 Hie adailt i the people are busy. All here are earning enough to live com. a.W.Hana of .In caL aouinveai Uiiirirl:rnr thrnr of im inmM lu ajre or drawins revenue from lt wart, Mapla Kay and Swamp . forlJilily and this- cannot be said of the larger place. In such im-eUletiaUnes 111 tntlre Hand avar. Utlna la allnnal nart thia aouree and erauaded the Point. p these,4lhe unemployed seem to.flock-to lhe gn at aloive arrea, Low innr Water or la.Mark, and Cbtitatnin 4 MinialcT lo conaenl lo the in FOH )clteiird!lbat ivhy prince rtupert, jn common with .the other Dated ALIIIUI K. WHIOHT. novnliim. -jHuturdsyii .p.m. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ltl day of ApnAU. fl. jnla fernaller cities, is pasying thrfiugli linrd times mi smoothly. Home lime a fro. Hie name nd r-'ltOM S. 8. P.TIflCC RUPERT H rmnct uiuaui is the surnrviK COLIMIIIA.coi-bt r anitiiui verllainir finn offered I&n.ono Sunday ..pjn. ii iiiit for lhe ue of empty aparo on Thuraday and Sunday Mldnlpht for Swanaon Rtf, 0ea i?i thk rrr.a -AnMi.iniTBA- or the TIOH ACT" a ration hixika: but lhe aOlhorlliea MfNKUAI, AOT. rana, vancouar, vicioria ang oramo. a...K - and would not lialen In Hie propoaal (I'urtn r. Wedneaday t1 p. m. far Anyoi Salurtfay S p. m.Tof Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE it the mattkh r Tnr kht iE or XMll A kAl'HMM1?l. Ill.C.AHKD. r.i.nitiicATE or iMriiovi mi:ti 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN l or lor) f b-meiils. JaaeH. llu.Me luiy June pid. anf1 . TAKE NOTICE ibat In the ordr or Hla w irTTf: k Hharh'tt. June -n MEMBEK OP THE B.C. DENTAL. COLLEGE llom.r Juclra I. MrH. Vuiinr, mad in "Eal" Vlwral Claim. Sllualed la in omi mi Sotnb. rn ijneex lniy-irliih day of April, ll. I a Ten Years Ago ii Minint liituam r liintrtri Train sarvico. ..., . aplnld Adminialralur if In fcalale of VUre lraidi m l-urrtwr lUnd adl.aa DENTIST Maria kaulfmann. ocraad, and all parllea In Prtncat fupart inr in truH" Minrral cuim. rnarii'er muauaii viuhi.ui . . ., u in lmin rlaima araiimt ilu aald eaiale arc TAkE MiTICC Inat lwia W. PaltiHir. A. III. 1 in- Kmllliera. I'ritiej' ueorife. ffl iK'ii' " Phone 575 Smith Block lrri.y remrrd lo furnuh aanw pnaxrlr I.M. t:. 3aAAI-C- aa aMil f - xh'is. inakinii dr- ' .inin n tor nit ,i rind lo m on or pfore lb luirly-lirHI la, mt hrfiw Hay. Ire tn"f ilrr High (rrade dental work at t loweat pricea. lUr of Mar. A. D. Ifefl: and all fxnm A Krant f ISono waa maile to unrale Aa iaa.i;, tnlwl. amy day Canada .aid ' iwieii Hum 1 can give tha peat of reference. lndbid In in atat ar rrqulrrd 10 pay Irtrtn in ilal lrif. lu apply in to AQENCV ALL OCEAN STEAWSMIP LINES. il. aimmnl of inir lnlbttliiaa lo ote (he lUiipitnl at .lill iIkIiI e allaiur Kri.rti-r rnr a Ortinral of Im Fmv lull iiifiuiiiatloii and ii -iM vadoi i api. ' 20 in active service. yeara iiirinwna lliina l Ike liurwiw ul oouinifir KiH.l . MrMULU.H. liif.-linK or lb" ri(y coimeJI. Tle a t:ruwa llrant nf In alma rlaim. nu- Y-irk.t nm kjg Third Avanua Pnona Office Hosrs-S-12, I B ttt 7 S. Open Evenings urnriaJ Adminialralor, eity i lo havp .two rejirem-niu-Uvea And mrinr Uk italic iiial ariiMi- un nilir Ituperl. Hi C dr riiun at. niui l rMnnwnrvd l Piled tnla ll diy of May. Htl. on lhe Jiimril. for 111 laauanr of aurii i-rnnral nf a a . . a ln.l4irninla. W THE KCI-rtEME CKUlT OF HhlTISH aiu inia fad day or Mar, A. II. I'll ciiim;mhia. HonrffaiiizaHnn f the elly en-Kineerinic I.EWH W I'ATMf lltE IX Tllf: MATTKH I PMIIHATe HP THE EHTATE Of laffr H eff.rl a av- MINKItAL ACT. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY HAHOUl CIIHIHTIE ilfcTCALF in or i.ii).U2 prr anutim in F I iS H J Sl E-a 1 1 of May.TAKE iLnml JJI,XOTIflE adiulnialralion tnaFon of dcaM.I.flat Hi day aatal in.of ed the liy alaff lhe imyndl,j,jHdiil in eoiiiiiiilea riri;niiind- CERTIFICATE nTra!ir" IMFHOVFJUKNTa. i B.C. Coast Servicei llai. wit aranird u John II. MrMullin, look i mid the inoller of lhe department. Mammoia, Tlrr. Mnmalak MRivral Clainia, Jitual in in ominwa " nmnal Adiuiuiairaior, frim-a Hunnn. ant-lh ' Minina In We ColiimMa. . riaiim of loalrt!. Warn oai4i . can now offer PrinceRupert SaiHncrs from on hitrtmr d Hmil ntounlain. -J- A.HI H UTIIEU TAIE NOTICE I Rat all m rwraon owmir ikiiiih in in aald ratal TAkE. NOTICE thai Th (411 Mlnlnf ir a FRESH FROZEN HERRING ar rqulrd lo pay t aam lo In Ad-mlnlalrauir Captain Harry KnhH had a liaiipauy, Limiiwl, Mna.praonal Ualiiutyi For Ketchikan, Wranaell, Junaau ana a ML.auiaa-"' narrow of VatirHirr, a. C Fr Minrr'a Ornnrata arn.unla foriliwith.aralnal and the all aald peranna aatale lia-utr are esrapo from drnwiiimr .lo. aaail-C, HileiHl, aniy daya frcaa the June 13, 20, 27 July 4, 11, II, 25; Aufluat 1, , laMl IiIkIiI when hla da I barrof, to apply to Ik Mlnliir Ha- DRY ICE rinlred lo fll Ilie aam with lu Ad-, boat. "Jlial i ' QUICK SERVICE inluimralor within thirty daya from lit II." aank ordr for a crunrai of Jmproionu, For Vanoour, Victoria and -June I at Hie wharf while he fnr III DUrOoa Of Obtalnioa Oiab Urania I tfl dal nrtof. BUTEDALE tiatrd llila th day of May. tail. waa on board. The eaplain had of III atxiv clainia. 18, 25 July 2, 9, 18, 23, 30 Augu.t 8, CANNERY - Princeas Royal Island JUIIf. H.. MrMtJLU.1, Awl furinr ua aollre thai arftm, nadir Hardy, Port AOinliilntrator. 10 jump iiKlmre In bin night aclton IT. uiual 0 ronniMiHid bafore For Swanaon Bay, Ooaan Falla. J. In laauanra of auch Carlincala I Victoria of im- Vanoomrar and rbitbea ami Nlnpklah, Baatiar Coa. run up Outer airrei prortliHinta. i IX TliE WTTn (IF THE BAXkhl l'TCV lald una tut day of Marrii. A. n. Itl SATURDAY AT NOON. In llin EVERY Ai:T A.lll i.i iiif. or fllr. .early Innira of Hie morn- AI.TMOHIf:l( AtlONMOl OK l'U I. inir in t tin ncanly ullire in HlfMIII III lltllHUI, llllllir.. Al TIMIH- pro-i Information from DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY IZKI THIJHTLE l iAKkil('l'T-:V. cure help, 'jhe boat apparently Bags to alUtart, .a.aaiiBBtfl of the World Aaaiaaal- Full A fflAflL TAKE Xfirirr. thai mi th aih rim tit bad tier how in Home maimer C. PERCY TINKER. Manager a-1. mi, rain vaaari nr rurt driven of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruptrt. m. 'Jrnnla In iru rr,iinr if itniiMh lu. up on lhe KM-ka ut lhe Corner liinilila mad in auihiriid aaairtnnrnl lo rajlwuy Ki ade. Aa the I kin fell Suitcases Well built FIVE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS 'ira iiri or erinrr niiri in. 11 ROOMED, Ipivlnrr of Hrlllah ColilllilU, aullmrlied u did Hie ittern and nie atarted Irealr In iMiihrutiiry. to Trunks fill p PI in Section 7 AMI FI TAkE ,MITK;E that III finally diaappeurinir al-loKelher. intlnr of lti rreditora of iih laid I'aul It will be poaalble to illft Splendid Garden and $1,100, llaatarl will Im Iwld al llw nil t of Wll-liamv OF B., LIMITED. CO. Manaun A 6uniila, liarrlia, rtr HiivitRii her. Tenti, Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP Water View Itiiyal bank liiilldlna, I'rlme luirt, It, C, Ocean ralW "iJt"hrTT mi Mohiljy nu. uil) day r Juiw al Hi .or vancouvar. Half Cash, balance to suit hoiir if o'rloi k la Hi aflrrnimn. Mian Jolinami, of Hie Itiral hos IIAILI it I'rl-lra ltntM.rl in 11 I'ri.vliiMt - Fa M. Crosby ' " pital Nlatr. returned Katurday'N for v& .a- or Hrlllah Columbia Una Ifclh day of Jun. on mm "Sf Phone B7 Fire Inauratnce P.O. liox 1CSS A. b. Il?l, N liFIUtCK HOHIK, boat from a i ami Ion apenl ut her ,716 Third Avenua, Prlnev Kuwrt Ml aaoand Au rrlnaa AutlKirKnl 1rule, inline in Vanrpuver, iaeaaaeeaaaaaiaaiaaaa