' TTTF. DATTiT NEWS. rxax , mm Mmi,,.,v J-,, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMt TA7 " I I oon't H oon love 'II I IS, -ooonea; &AKrJ1 wjict II LVnlTVVrxJ0 1 II It THIV v-. Better result corrvxjjxxciacc and. economy" come from the daily 'tMe ox this mallv- " IMI Ml Mul M.K, lC " '3 , , m . i ..i ii. - .i.i, ... i niiwiiwiiiim.iiii. .i . pi.. ,. n.i ... K SALMON PRFMIFR fll IVFR Idouglas mlean and miII.n rtrl nrkrkr.n JttAI aiAKilW Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwood TROLLERS i ALhh Ur UWrbi A SPARKLING COMEDY 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvarllMnwnl TaOtam far Lmm than COe Youthful 1nce Are PMr Know Crops Wlll'be Good But Players Panelli boat with New Trolling Not Sure About Prices. of Newljrweds in "Let's Be WANTED. FOR ftklST ing Engine, .all complete, fashionable. BASEBALL SCHEDULE WAXTKIV- H.miM'keeper. or girl FOH HKNT 8i roirn comfortable For Sale. VAXGOrVKll. II. C. June 18. tfcttipln Marlean flnd Dor for peuernt housework, llimie steam healed flat. 1ose 30 "They charged jnn cents -ly-t.ill 1h the nilruelion til the llluc 3g:. 3 Jn, nlso furntlure for sate The schedule for Oie seasnn flln-J. Oliver Typewriters fur one tiotato on this train at dinner last night. And here I Vellinliiie Theatrr toiiiftht and SITUATIONS WANTED ronsisllng of Oak Parlor mI, follows: Ill J . lnrmw in their latent ncr-n Carpels. lUnbe. Ited.riNitii Set June SO. -Sons of Canada' vs. jCary Fireproof Safes & se where ome fellow in Vancouver thirl , is selling them at 35 eiHiiefly. "I.el's he rashionahle." YOIWO MAN wants position in nnd Oruphauolo. Phone lllnck Hlks. . Thi is !!larl M I June St fin! Sox Sons ufl nii ii Vaults. fwnlj a xark, ' complained' lion. picture office. Sit year rxjierience, THO. If vs. fully hilarious Ihe llire t.snaua. nnv .,. nv n correspondence, etc: knowledge John Oliver, premier if Ilrillsh Lots & Houses For Sale Columbia, n he sat at .break-' previiu releases of these yi.iilh. of Jeokkrpiljr ami typewriting. riniMSIIKD Toiir nminMl .June S9 F.lks'vs. lied Sox' Al- Stille f.ir July and renl. Aug-j Till ro-sJar, who liave proven (Uot reference. Htale j0jy k vs. Son f Oan- fast jn (lie dining car of a IplSllM't. Ust. Nl. H Uesner. Pho extremely Hipular -veryv4ier. tie adu, Ciiiindian National trans-contin salary. P. O. Hox to, Telkwa., He l'nhioiint'le" is th lt, US ned SJT. lf July KSns of Canada v. I ental Irnin approaching Vanoou-VT &. Hanson Dybhavn tt innrritl lied Sox. the oilier day. AH the' Ktorj a jiHiiitt .pair 1X1 IIH.NT Three rtioroed fwr-nisheii with lhrited means uhd their v4- BOARD AND ROOMS July 1 3--fled Sox Y. iai. E. H. Shockley farmer in the fanner-premier' ulte, lurliig summer Insurance Agentst Third forts lo with Ihe mmmuI July 18 Sohs f Canada vs. rii at I he tlKaiighl. up t'Al.MIIH IHU SK for lvard and holidays. J'buue HUfk 3U. 15 l!lk. Planlna Ma. Avenue, Prince Huperi ewliu al a well Mummer reoitri. f course there's service in. lo be Jn ntyle. 1hIIi eeure I hem. moms. Miiioe tMiking. naie Hill HKSIt Two rtKm Ihmi. July SS lied Htax v. Sou of Prince Rutart, f.C. rluded," suggested a reporter. rnasttnable. Mr. MrlMiugaU, selves unffiu4ties" and inltr with bath and Cauada. w-i pantry. Apply "Yes, that remind me," added tOt-(06 Seventh Avenue Wmt. all orlA sif humorous cnmpli- HHt Summit Avenue, even in . July 27 laks vs. Me1 Sox. the premier, "of the story they Phone lied U0. If Algust I Hike V. SHt of! ealion. When they liavy nt lihl Accidentand ued to tell in the old Cariboo Foil HKNT Furnished n.m exlrieHlel tbeiuM-lvrs from Ihe Canada. j FOR laLK days about the man who. had (o mess, they nWide thai it is hol near Dry luiek. Phone lllue AuKtist i Kwiv of Cnad4 vs DINING HERE Sickness pay a dollar lo a Hebrew' peddler ' SIT I (lilted ler to be liappy titan i be fli- toft PALK. One of the .el S-t. v r n neeule. August 10 It m! Sox vs. FJks ionable. In the payiryr restaurants eily. FiiiiNisti FD mm: to hiwt "What was the point?" in Insurance Wade lldlrJer.-A'nrrts Julmomi. JtiHt lm sine, August 16 -ii.ins of Canada; quired the peported. Bhm1 loentitm. Mting PL Iniis Koom. Phuue lled Vl. and irorie Wetd arr Uieluded in x. Iw rent, with a long vs. J3kjT. ISA You are. nol immune from "Welt, wtien the miner pro-l the supiMirtimr casl. The story lease. ..owner lenviu town. TUITION J Angot 19 lied Jmix vs. Sins tested jxI illie. price. tUa. peddler Accident or Sickness cither is the work of Mildred l!oniditie Apply Ihix I'Jt. Daily News in Ltnaua. xaid: 'Holy Moc.eii. man, I'm MUSIfl-H; C. leactior t August Z4 T4k VS. lied SiX.i at huuie or travelling. A and was adapted fur ihe Mrrern orttfo.-j ,f Jlailey, pivlup you the needle a a pre-ejilthei 20 13k Sort Qlt And a darn good August vs. Policy in one of nur strong by J.ulher Heed. I J"yd lujrm-liam Music. Platin, Organ. Harmony. Companies will properly "dollar liarcjly payn the direclml the pieliire for H KMSTt'f CHINlr and plmilius at. Ily appointment. Phone lllue Canada. habit too. Good food fre ipht.' and the premier laclimeiti wurks .' 33i. If Septemliep T Son nf fjajoad im uny provide for you and your ThoiuaH II. lure. It is a para-iniiuiil " HSvS stitlifaifigry yj-vice laughed. itig niarliloe. Illy adjusted. vs. lied Sox. i family during -any disability. Arlrrafl release. Talk Seriously. BICYCLES Seutember 7 lied Sox V. F4k Our Policy will Interest Price ?.S0 wjUti full insiruc-tlorfs. means pleased Then he .took to talking er. '0'r1etim Novelty .. League . Junior you. FORMER LOCAL MAN ItlCVCLFS, flKPAirtS. lAlltK patrons, about ioufly farrnincr pruldenm. Itux .Carpus Chri-ti. Tex. June S3 Dry IhmVj K,n "This is poinjr to k one f the AND Till FA The "PF.ltFWrr" 1(3. ' AND OUHS ARE! Prince lUtwaHs. Rupert betil and on of the wort-l year. WEDDED IN SOUTH Agency, (J 3th Avenue K ISdward vs. June 30 King for the farmer,", lie olierved. KOIl K.M.I4-A giWMl Taxi and Phone lllue 337. If Tiny Tim. Get the Habit. insurance i I never caw Canada Rive such Harry Smart Marries Miss Mil l.ivery business. Ford e0-Iracl MIRRORS July T Tiny Tim s. Dry 1 a promise of pood crops a llii dred McAfee to Live In ran pnihaldy be arranges! DMk. Ltd. year. The pralrieM never looked for buyr.. Aiily to C A. Agencies, Vancouver. Minimus and ItRSII.VFItl.NO. July II Dry jnrk . JCtng better to my eye, while In Ontario Wnlte. Termre. P.l. box III. GLASS OK .MX KINDS. l-.dv.ord.v St. Regis Cfle .0. Drawer 1 632. Phone 1 30 the xpring and mild eary SAl.fi ft. IIUKIMFIFXD. 417 Slh Ave. I' II Kir. liS arts vs. Second Avenue A pretly wvdding reremony I llll Pleasure ImiiiI Jf7 July Tinv; weather with light rain has ThltJ Atmt was -performed by llev. Jr. Henderson Ions, IS ti. p i"igrtt in guix. Phone Ului 337; reii1eficjTtin given a .wonderful. l art ,to young Jn" St. Andrew' Church. rwiiniiis rvMidiOon. Snap for ISreen 107. tf Juvsnll League There!! be crops. splendid Vaiicouver, on Wednesday evea- rash. Apply phone It ilurliitr June 31 Oubs v. MMgel bar accidents. Hut crop, prices, iiiK at 1 o'clock, when Miss Mil Uy. 3K t.4XtIAV TKl4l. OSII.MAYS. Jlino tl Midet V. Fkienn Wetl. I don't know what the PrOteCt Gar- dred McAfee was married to Mr. June SK Paletm v lUibs. farmer i point? to dn this year. FOIl SAI.R Twenty fool nnv ohvmi Thi "ianr ill.w.r SILVERSIDES Mhlaels. tlnrry Kmart of Virluria and Jiltte tV Cub V. "I utayed -with a farmer in boat tn'gHKl rundithin. Suitable M Prince Tlte ments Ontario who told me that six formerly Itupert. for launch. Phone Oreen Addr! hi tar mMtmirniul. SMt KOT1CK. brile was jriven away by her 4urJ irnmtlb 4 Hi- tMlUrr itt th twl weeks before he had been ship. 301. 1(3 UfwWr.fi it. villi h rmiiMl (la. ,4liw Bros. ping cream lo Toronto at 922 a Hind her. Mr. tSwrdon MrAfi-e. Her t Mr iitHirrsimnt nnltl if tfrUr mm. IS TIIC MATTI.R of trM-UOM III aiM TluuxUk. law ii. ItSI. Us -tirr Art a to is bridesmaid wa Miss llisie "McAfee. IU -1 u from Moths can. Then It dropped lo tlO. FOIl SAl.F-Purc- bred Irish t, lr liv xiwlrurtHin uf Irvmr f-tumtr mall-r nf t romt (4i. hra Tklrty ). Lhen In $t"lhen lo IIS, and so Mr. Joe ItamuEP was Water SpnuM pu. Apply Oil's nt-H.Umm4 M. :. ua Ph.fi in tftnrr sxiMo im 1 1 1. ciijr ot rriM iauprrt. The Home of tin until the day I stayed there Krooiiisinan. After the ceremony Cigar Slorn. t. 1 1 It" f!trwikHi tit iirtufuUr fMap tril. buffet was sem-d at niilr ut frwiur iu U'lanUMi In. franf of IS tMrtrta at Covimatita, ' J)in't hope that mollis wl!J jiot he was gelling only $7 a can for a supper Irwi. im4iau ,vihsmi K0tr Ramsay's ( the huuie of Ihe brideV mother. FOIt SAI.K Jllryele In number eii. M'iarisi and tm ut mm-lrml rr-mtry am) rremary f poaaraajoo, ey ruin your garment this season, his cream.. It droppedfrom Mr. and 'Sirs. fWnuri lefl tin n oni condition. App'iy f.5t Tay-lor awr en, smI tvrm t lMxr Kfi VVa Uinta. IM rjatiaal ttf of miUinl 11 ulDrr uf IS t to 7 in six weeks Ik tlwt M, kir Jaast tnntrt but Make fiure. It looks as if this is Boinr!",,u!rln1u,' 8V1Bn,r r""'' nflr Street. , - 3 t.ni't In.trlrl Invinrr.liwinrr-r,WuiiOt-it.IdlbMlKltl.Xtn.Alt, tkarirs g. Sort to jo. Own irr), 4. CI in will' positively Vim- IHismi intiiwr. -i-miiur. All. Oalrd ID IDtli l. Itlt. tod ractaiame Pure Taints "Dry en n k Willi li iiii-j win ii'niii in lo be of for the a year difficulty FOIl SAI.K Furniture of four-rtiometl AmI'UM nil-r. tUMITMiie f Wiy. 1 IM taixl hriiatry OHlr tl rrmc tM .dentro- any epj;J-80 tiiiy nnd farmer Jn spile of potatoes at ctiuver. 'dot. Apply $iK't Clnpp Vtmnrr. . prt, HultiT 111-0, MHO l tat-lakr, Aftmt ai.lrirt fntin-f. rnnre HPIrt, . .. . . ..,., . 3! nani io ivieci which mourn nave 30c a piece on "the trains." Itullulng. (3 II It say In Im lion afr to at-pin nnu.ui i"1- TeiHlpfs villi mil tie mnnwl uelr ikh of ttilrty dj frts Ik amr of deposited. , TAKING PICTURES OF Mil. no Us lurni Miit4ml l iW tuilnsr I till notice, to l rllalralina SI up -Ui!tc FOIl SAI.K Monarrli Ilanire. T0'e rnilil 'fiiiunr. simI arnsnMium 'lif Hefore you pack away youi; ELAINE HAPiIMERSTEIN COAST FISHERIES Phoiie llhtok 22H 113 rliriiu. no ftari.ml Imhs, Hfwat 1m Ik said Ira npnai tttr otairr WALLPAPER ut ttm alu uf 4le wk, MliW" lo lb in ik anrinitiu s ikmI ami vtlid oDIMflSJ Hir Nil''" ' heavy winter sarrncnta, let us Dry COMBINES ARTS QF THE nrtrr lif On. Trra.iirvr. iiiAfua SalhMial tkrrvto M HM k0 UBJ oo Ut alul hi BOATS AND MACHINERY. liili). M4-f Ituwia jMialiW la iMrrr -.'Clean them for you. III hm arrl.fl In IHy ufrrlfl ruru iiaxHail I iojir prfrwroiiif . iir..iill'1'l' Two Men From Department IlilllMUMl. lflKlrf UMl.t tie mrrmr In labllak yuar rlaira or Id prevml uS pro-fMiartf I fill 411 li'WII ''...i..... MODISTE AND MILLINER Trade and Commerce on Coast NKW AND USKD MACHINERY, iiii,.anr filial tnrUi ii4nl -by tt lSHr arlxin l tar part. (itli'lW.ed 1,1 Canadian Steam Laundry logging tools, etc ; boat and Ilw liMaesl or an lllT . neaarav Land liyiatry umc. rum impart. lcrilil H r . Ird farrfj, II. Itft fhonstt Sslmlck Star Can Create and VANCOt'VF.Il, June 20. Two engines linught and sold; charters II. A, lUXOI, ii, Miiitim, n Rn, 120 Phone S. Complete Entire Screen moving picture mcn'Mrom tlie arranged. NOItTI I KHN .I1X-CIIANo, V'liuiPK-. Man, tMwt f n$uwrt. puirirl ifeftauar at TIU-1 Seoond Strwt .- Sixth Avenue W., Prince .Rupert Costumes. Department of Trade and Commerce. Phono 0(0. P.O. Imx JfUir HI. IUJ. Utvtim orr - K. M. Finn tmd K. .1. HI. I.'l5 Second Avenue West, is the si:rnr rot-ax or nniTisi! enhr Huirl. S. C Flaino Hntmnerstnin, the Kei.. Prince Huperi, Jl. C. UILIMMA, Ilach, liave nrrived In Vancouver 0; r I who is lo in lior Nhrht I'hon. I B5 nick.Mlur apiwur ami wiii spend 'the summer along In iIk niallrr of tbe tl f Itmi I W LongWlM. Vr a-n-v E nsriN L CO. lalest acrceu production, "Pleas Hrilsh Columbia's coast taking MISCELLANEOUS AlliiiniuilalKXI lalilie. .iWMMiai-o.AcL aim in Of HuUIrr -uf Mir 'ThcOntifigSeason' Phono S at the ure Seekers, Kiiiprexs pictures of of Ihe theotrn t mifttt. ,makes elaborutn every phase THE OllKAT tliutor In Life is TaVt. J.VOTICK tbsl ?4lsUUslSia of STEEN8L0NGWIU iov.tltm Uest fishing industry. S the Secret .of Happiness. .Send llw L.talr ill Siwirri I 1tr. dr.(l, ail surlorial preparations for oacti a-raiiH-tl JuIih II McHiillm. -OfTnlal Ad Let upp1y the When completed, Ihe films u Alberta Coal photoplay she is lo in. your birth-date, month, year fiiinniralof. I'rliirr huprrt, Jlrlll.li iiium-lu. Sh t Metal Work appear will be sent all over the world, ilw SIM iU ut ia, lavt. and One Dollar i James Dun-stone, f her. o aii 1.1'Ii-tiiim JTAkft: i k.i all Furntei A majority gowns ami will also lie shown throughout Privnte llox 1t)0, Van-' lraina i ln iiHitli.a iu Mil Maalr ara i Good Eats Ag7nt for McCjary Phone 58 and lulls she designs herself rrfiuirwl la v 111" " -t llir wmW. Canada and the United Kluley. and h is uuite capable ,if couver. II, C. Answer sent by rttiirfl f.irlliwllli, imI all lrv.ua lMtln( S",r-Tlofn:Eolnr. within the current year. Xo registered nio.ll. If.' arriMiiilt jirallHl uir aaio r flair arr rr We can furnish everything finished ami fash-ionablr fiinrril lo Sir llr mii WIUi tbe utwl'r Prince Rupert Feed Co. turning out a purl of the Industry woffld be; unrft sMhill llilrli flail troni ,1k OaK- from Soup to Nuts, uii JikUuk Sth Strwt snd Kr't8"r,c creation entirely unassisted. missed, said Mr Finn, his Instructions CORSETS lM-miT. Stuffed or Corner 2nd Ave. nnd '7th St. fAtrr. at f'rlnw Huiwii. tnu fam rta Olivrs. Plain, rrtnc Kuprt Jiaving Iiiwii to remain ut SlajXJvtl. llipe; Olive Uuller. Peanut COURF.TS made lo order. Mrs. iillii ii. afr.MUi.ajr4, in llritish (ioliimlila .four ORIclll AflllllnlalMKir, Itirtt'er. Canniit' Stent, tii'Milhs f iiecoHsnry to complete Director. Phone llluu 263. If tflhickcn. Iiolister. 1'linen-loe. TORK'Sl the series. t . rlAIRDWESSIBIO. LAND ACT, SaUd Jiressing. Plcklt-s. TOM LEE CO. These I wo photographer spnl Oils t InlanltfM 1 U laaa Ln4. Soft. Drinks. Crape Jule. V s last suinmor "taking" Ihe .Industry 1.ADIIW HAIIIDHF.HSINO, Marcel Mine Juice, Fancy Cako. 8(0 Second Avenue. SEU. Ill Hans I. -Cnaal IjiiiiI Xllaliwl. hf.rd- active by on Hie Ilnst coast. wirt in sliarrpooing, Hinge-. in r iliainri uf 'eriuw HinMrt, aoii aiiiiat itrtrl Fruits. TOVES. r keeping Ibo ltver in MlilfTI J'aaaai iitT'lbe Ofirtll Wrat Im VtiOrtTABLO ........ Ing, Hair DyeiugT Sculp treut-ineiit urn UHnm JT. m - j- uf kauuxiJir lauwl No rhnrge for packing. liter IHIm tua lue uo troubla Aniiouncemeril of the Incorporation a specially. Tctujieiis, Tas .i.o mi X. siTfwa . wruroi. or Free (lelhery. Wholesale and Ht from coiuttiiiulloo, liidlifttWn, rlvliir lliil-fi. H. i:.. orniiistifio Mud stir of Ihe I'urific Sea Protl-ucts and wig iur gentlemen and rrynf, nlnn ia aiijur Tr iwrniiMiuD to Oeneral Contractor. Association, Ihe liwuil fish, Iransforinatluns .for ladies.' laa tlir Hullowlnr 4lraeribm 'lawla: Exclittur CMiiinrHi-liir- si a ixaii tiianiad uo In Labor Fred Stork's Hardware n'ompapy, with a capltuli.atiou Switches, mudrt ui from ladies': raal rtiil iff IM Mud Oar kixion a -tiaa Munro Bros. Haurt." 40 rliaiiia vaat nr in NurlD tan C. .of 100.000 nnd with head office UVX own combings. llAItDF.Il nirnrr of-ijM Ji, tuna , Coa.l piatrirl: Prince Iiuprrt. Skcond Avknuk at Prince ftuport is made Ju the, SHOP U23 Sixth Street, Prince IImim amniirt 111 riilli ttand Sat, Oakliiar PHONE Bl ACK 1 14 current Issue of the It.C. Ou- llupormi. C. Phone lllue ln aiid all ouinniliia Uial part to aburv arti.Uiw mi.ra Waiitr or laaa.atari, Phone SS Third Avenue zetle. 78. ni.rni.ii r- wniwni tf Palad Ul I si dajr of Ai.ru u. It 1 1.