kltur V. ife ?S 139 main Tl A (ZH Phone A J Huntley & Hale Sc..- X O x,, Hetgerson BlocW PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V,.l, Mf "3- IMUNCK .JlLtPHIlT. H. C, .MO.MIAY. JUNK 20. I2I. Salarj't ClrcuUtleit 1T17. Street Sa'et 4S3. PRICK FIVK r.KNTj y)Jy v ICaMiDi FACTIONAL FI fflTIC GOIG ON MOW PREMIERS OF BRITISH EMPIRE WILL CONSIDER FAR REACHING PROBLEMS Y. M. C AS PERMANENT EXHIBIT AT PARIS. Guerilla Warfare in Ireland - i H i i. ?.-MMMfaBaaBWaBBa-i Epochal Conference Starts In 'London Today and Will Becoming More and More Cruel; Be Watched by Whole World Terrible Crimes Being Committed I.OXIiO.V. June 20. Premier David Uov.J fitorge or Kngbiiti Premier Arlliur leighen of Canada, Premier J.ui HinuU of Ihe A LTiiiuii of .Sonlli Africa, Premier Mae)'-of New Zealaii'tl, and III Itl.IN, June 20. K m IiiiiihI llghljiig nml gtienllu warfare Premier Hughe of Aiilrjia 1(kI commeneed their p.-jdera-"lion i mcrrmlng in llerrcne ami iuleiiily. The lift ut' casualties. " of Ihe Kniiire't iiolicie.i at the (Jonfercrite of.Overseas ALLIES OFFER TO !'l-triicl ion fur Ihe week-end Iio.wj Hit dearly. The ulnfe Premiers. ;! v ' 7 " Iluhlin MEDIATE. BETWEEN It is indicated that Ihe Anglo-Jajiiie.e allftn'cej ImlTial lie-. .i-.ni ( le imiw gelling even more general. saw more GREECE AND TURKEY ,nithler the In! two Im o than there liu lieen fur mouth. ' nce. Imperial Mjlieie in regard In foreign affair nd oilier Six soldier ml ten i-iviliati were wounded fighting ufier PAWS. June 20. Ilrlt-u mailers of fnr-reaehiiig imtHirUmce wJll be diriissniU at this in inilnli ml efiiwn furra In Dublin. There wa bomb lliniw- in. 1 ramv li(.ni Italy ha joiifere'nce, nml rille (Ire. Tnn nl mixiliarie were nnhed In Ihe ke King limi-liinl n Muny viewMinl will be advanced and, doubtless, some tm-irliint ml 0 Ihe (irrek monarrh. In . . I :' ti .i tt:t I. in I : - ..i i ar -i-epl deciiin will be made n all of Kuroe will have iU Mjefir. .'II rMiiirr uauicu i ir kiiit-u hi uur sinniiu .iiiu Al li-it iiii'ilintinii In Itu f-olliefi wet- killed in ttii-rihrr. prevent jiciieral waller" titeiilion fiK-iij-rd oti this eofhal gathering. lill Ihe fltfhlilMt Wtt l'l-rlim Im-Iui'imi lirverruni.Tuiiuy In the eelilr of ibi rily. STILL AFTER uriinit mil of lli' prcserii RICHMOND WAS Armnl civilian were fniim! lnilililir Ik-Iuih'm Turkli lijin road 1nre St Colliawn mi Nutioiiali! nml Orcccr inirJr and w ii-J up.ni j RAIL SIGNALS : MUCH IMPROVED NOT DAMAGED Io ere killed ami to -u 1 r4. Detlruct'on of Boies and Burning Hillir-ii. , Newmarket.tiire nlnl The ttllnrk. i-k,.! of Ctblns Spread to LETTER RECEIVED a.' Shortage Oyer Makes Wrtir- Contact with .Sand, Bar Down the ru Manchester, iront Appear More Cheerful : Coast Doe Wot Hold wntimbnj aiul' ne killed, line FROM VANCOUVER upturn! . and Businesslike. 1 anker up. j MANCIIF.STKU. June 20. Al- g Woman Wounded. latk. fctlrllmlcd In Hie Sinn Feie. Vancouve.' Board of Trad Say a Thi-n 'titp. jilititv nf rar. mi The bi. oil -Uittfr llirlumliid ',' A matt naiiieti l'lnli. fcpww'Varricif nil "on lurJ.iy Dilro 19 Ajlst Prince i and in the railwayanU.tlire-. inH .r-ah;Fronctcn. tvlneli tiam.f iiil from hi- V$Me' HruM- Jiiuhl, ewam-l Ihe. railway .irnal ItuptrLj f Lfij ,n br rU!i bubsei i, ii'iji Mi'" f ..harbor ojn faturilay yfrUim aud htfh-aiL llTS. H,P,. iiCvn-ck."" ,Hfuln, in lr 'p6f?eHiis"TriMirVariirta -tVnT- jenH of '. "Holrlnlly nf IM efly. Spiral ' Srr rrluryi tL I ho lireM-nt lime. "ITiist cniditl-n'lber of hour around'i on n and mmli. , 1 rail way fwbin were al l.urtir.1 ift.yivi.rJlrii5W3ti...rfi.i t inke Ihe 'w!iolc pecl alon? bar al lowr InlrL seventy mile l-.lrtek lart. a .lrl learl..lhur ,BVr yrt b.iia r(rp j,,,, ft4 .vlVfa)i.n,-e- "ie waterfront l''k rnorr hul-like oUth of" here, w ill have liui.lied . .hoi Jfal al jtnulrnr.-, .i-v .'.fil- Vui.mnr Il....r.l ,r and cheerful. untoai.ing Hie 70,000 linrrcls of tl UtM-lleil w a -'y. j II I I.-Jl".fil thai an rviie!. rj,, unUnx Iii5e lifal 1 Ten carload of fUh "ld for .til she had for I hi place by (o- HraHier eirtyiM? 4iiilie f.r Hllrni U IliU" Iwms?., ,"'B4,iliili ii flu- warnii-i exc eni .toilileli't till liiilrni l nisbl and wjil then leave on her IV rrn fiieea at pik- l-hiiii) inirrriifl IrnlUr in I'tutaml ami j jMil (lf ,ak, fr n, ,-. It nmmrr tfi French Mlnlstrr ttt War invhrd the Unftr4 SUtM rum the fiillowinir arrivhl: return journey. Upon exainina- ri, ikmiiii iMfiiiy arnitii .HYmi ,rMaeii..ii. r" if'" i w,jhmi Dial bail b-en nfiv.i-.Jctl Wlr Dtirunrnl to umhl a prrmacrnt tthlblt of w material, la be llrollier. 21.000 eun'nl. ld lion In irfly "after her arrival iri rut to t'arla a mrraorlal ot French anj American cooperation ra the turn ami an inr riniiin rir luirn iim iai iiimiiiK imni" Ihrin on I hi rerenl iil. Ih-i-.- World War. The T M. CL A. aent the'palatini above, called The.T." bf: ' the Paclfie Sea Product A- this iHirl, II wa found that she Uirmii otrHflMnl. ' j"ll Hie arlMH llll ll irri-nl He vmreil' I lie feeliiis of all he Samuel M. ralmrr. aa lta exhibit. Uanv bare called It the best r-'"l"I ialion 'al H.5c and !ie. had mil sustained au injuries lo l.mr rtal.(rwril -lali"li in , -n"lllr wrrcl. 'Ilie ilmlrue-(-.inl) VaHeiHUir nieiiilier of Hie Itoanl uxjl&0 to conjunction wMh lh war FUlier. I t.ono pound, and her keef llii-iiiih the grounding luWl"eri" I'iimi-'I ilowii. ilinii l imilar l Ihwl Mbirli if Trade, in evrein-' admira lesr;ry. 8,000 pounds old lo tlie 'ft the savl bar. The double llir ifftr I'l.uiiiy eurl a rnrrleil n anum! Iiml'ii lion and Mirpri-e al Ihe growlli NORWAY IS DRY VICE REGAL PARTY "aeifie Fi.lierfe at 8.1c and Se. with tlie sternum gear. whirh' k.Kj- na Iwinlftl n! il--lrl. ' la-l k. und deiebiiiH,nl that ha iaki-i Augusta, IJt,Olio jiouud. and rausHl the arrideuL ha berh re-pa HMitlalc lU.llr. in lU'iinlvj ' ili ill Ihe eilj lately. GONE FROM OTTAWA Myra. Il.Olin imiuihI. obl in I lie i nil and Ihe hia sleainer is UMrth. f.merlr lb.- ,.r..ri f IPRIMrFI? FWA K The rbeerfulilr ami uplim--tin BUT DOES NOT 'aeifie FUlier'e "I 8 2r mid Sc. n'udv K11 to --ea aaiu. ril rrn. wn ! lire. didaypt on all ide hail Bid Farewell to CapiUl and Will V. T 13.000 pound, and. mdis the nboolliig ( li- CHARTERED IN SOUTH liarticuUrly slrurk Ihe i.ilor. Visit Quebec a Month. Tramp. 12.000 iwiund. nld lo' UWr r.anibel ttmr lium.aU mij "II I Jul riirh a wjiiril a i LOOK LIKE IT Hie Pacific Fisheries al 8.Ce nd GOMPERS TO IkU artneil ineii 'iiteml a Will Carry Lumber for Dollar didarl, by Prince Uuperl Hint OTTAWA. June 2u.Thvlr. Kt JC. ul'-ii and lixik Hit lw oii f i ifiiinvr lo make llrilib d'lum-bia jertlenrie Ihe l!ake und HucUe Iliilobler. 11.000 pound, and I'm if.prirlur, John VU'n and' Company. Ihe Ulirce! and bel (iroviuee Great Number of Arrests Made r Ievoii.lnre- inailo llieir final Mallir. I3.0U0 puncN,.sold lo the BE OPPOSED I'mni-k WAlIrr. fitnii Ibeir b il Jim SO. n- ill' Mie hnmiuioii of (ianailu, wa departure from Ottawa by ope. Canadian Fih and Cold Storage ami killnl thrill. j vaxmu;vkh. l'rliie""' Kiia. on. ihrae made ue"of in Ihe Account Liquor. eial train Sulurduy ul IVn.ni. j C. at 8.1c And 5e. ,. ... fnriubler eualwK letter. The oecre.lary ronrluded guard of honor wa provided by While Star, ltt.000 pound, awl John L. Lewis, of. United Mine of tin rhnifrred IHI. lUta-l Si-rvire.Canadian hn by saying be wbed the ciliten CIIIHSTIAXIA. June 20. -Norway Ihe liovernor-lieneral fooj 'nilileio. 5,000 pounds .ld lo . Workers, WilV Seek A. FL j ; PARISXUTO ! l.i-i'ii hy I lie of Prince HumtI lo fwl aured 'I Uppoed li be a guanl and an eVrorl of the tlie Canadian Fih and Cold Slor-lire I ' llniiprt lm-lany Presidency. Hollar Sliainhip Dial Vancouver wa behind I hem country bul no le than lloyul Canadian Mounted, Police Co., at 8.Sc and 3e.j lu enrry u eareo of luin-Ui-r p..ron wen arnwieu iai year Sherman, 1 1.000 pound: For-vurd. In ever' and va oul (.M.ru.,i tsvia- carriage vni giiv Jobfut. way, BANDITS ARE f nun Hie milt nl llorhe I'ninl ail and aid in Hie develop-menl bir beiny drunk. Iheiv were.t,,,.,,,,,,.,,, ,1ls,, , (,,. iajuu.; 0,000 pound, and Allianee, UKNYKIt, June 20, in San I'liiro. nreriiliisr io in-fiiriiialinu of her iter rity in Ihe beide I hi :U..V0 M'ron-v ar- j -l Mr -:xceHt-tiri-i arrived hi liliOO imiuikJs. sold to the Alliu Lewi, prt'sideul "of Hie t'ltited given oul by blh rested rr undi uiUdemeaiiMi-. Oueher on Sunday monttVig and t-'isherie al 8.1c and 3e. MineiVVorkcr of 3uNeriea, U"lay BUSY AGAIN i-iiniaiih' meernel. north. traceable t. the etrect of iutoxi- ,t. rt.maininjr nl the; citadel Iliiii'o. 3300 pounds: Clara rorniuliy uunnunced that fie would The Prince-. I Ilia l. well-liuiwit be a candidate fur Ihe'prcsidency 'an'- 'for about i iiiont.li. V, ,V,' t,300. pitund: luiperiroe, 7,000 in ealwle ilopjiinir m -ele ENGAGEMENT RUMORED pound, and Arore. 70OO Muml of the American J-'eCeratiun uf li&xliilf been on I be run In Labor ur-aint Samuel (iomper, nld Hie-Alliu F'islieries at 8.!o to obbtd Jewelry Slo.-es Quite northern canuerle and point "ii OF PRINCESS MARY AND MUCH LIQUOR CHINESE EXCLUDED r" Mid 3c. Ihe (ireneul president. OpenlyKept Onlookers at Vanrouver Inland for mune lime. PRINCE OF SWEDEN AT VICTORIA FROM Sentinel, 18.000 pound, and Bay Rift Fire. She will be aide to iro on beilh Margnliee, 5300 pound, sold to MISSING MAN WAS nl Ihdlarlou early in July. ARRIVES HERE ENTERING CANADA I lie lloyal Fih Co. at 8.4c and I'AIIIM, June 20. Aulirbaniliu I.ONIMIN, June 20. II wa 5c. . FOUND DEAD NEAR ' I'H'Inr Jrwelry Uliiiji al Ihe week FIRST MEETNG OF aid dial Hie emrairemeiil will Itennell 8,500 pouad, and the be Ssnt Bkck Home to ""I taking? booly (Valued at half nhortly be announced of Prince Fifteen Hundred Cases for Local Forty-one Hose point, 13.000 podnd idd CHY PRINCE GEORGE 'iiilliuirfrnne. OnliK'ker wi-re ULSTER SENATE WAS Mary lo Ihe luke or Urania, Hie Consumption' Came In Account Clauses Immigration In Hie Il mi ti FUherle Canadian h'l'l l bay by riNv fire. Ih. Crown prince of Sweden. Acl : if Co.; at 8.Cc and 3c. PIH.NCK OKOIHiK, June 20. , roblii'rioa ijullr OJ-ei) H'lit HELD THIS MORNING Ills- fir! wife wa Prince. Today., . f.i S. A S 7,000 pound. dd to Wbl eiigngi) fu Hi pulp ru! and were wllneei by Maruaret of Uonnaughl, neeoml hundred or win" VICTOIUA. June 20. F.irljvone I lie Canadian Fih and.Jlold S JorT on Slay 25. ineluber of Ihe forest liiiny iirdf(rlai. The ImndlU Marquis of Dufferln and Ava I ilaiiuhler of Ihe Uuke of lim. and'Fifteen arrived ease thi morning'! Chine!', arrived on the J.V.K age"'(!i' at 8b a'nJ'.!t , ' deiarlmenr safT fouiid ie MiiriU lieavil)- iniioked and I hi Elected Speaker. iihukIiI, Prince Marjrarel be-ealue Ihe Prince '-A lire for Hie liner Suwa; Maru. will be-'de- Slab, !)i0O pound,' obi to (be remain of the body of ail old J'-iiltiio luuio.cibb. l tlie bride of Prince tlu-tavus'Adolpliun on . purled. They a iv lidrred by Ihe Canadian Fish and Cold Storage prospector named SIcKllrit-k, " ""finite. Sen-nte 10 year ago, and i-rince mip. i k no.coi i i. , nu, Ull!iki,.u rLue in Co.. at He and Sc. lUU.IWST, June 20. The vendor lojrrlher willuu car load;., .. . who was. missed early fu tb lrili died Muy J, lat year, leaving .five new 'luimipraliou Act,. The Canadian Fib .end' Cold Nnrlliern srriiig. tut they nf Ihe ;Iit or for Prince (leorgc came upon m YETERANS BAR AT Piirllaiueul. roiiirlliiK 22 t nh-it clrildien. The Crown Prince i tirpenlers ali nl work al the Storage Company' Irawler; Andrew remaiu alHiutjlen' niile up tlm :i! old, Prliieen Mary wa Kelly, arrived in port willi yearn COLLEGE PROFESSOR who Were eleelei. wilhout -liii.ilu'ii Clapi buLjdiiig nFraer Slreel MrOregor river. .McKllrick was . FERNIE HAD NEAR on June II. held their 1 in Airil. inakiiiK uiH'eary alterations In 75,000 piiunds of halibut and 05 year of ngc. He hud beeu HEADS ATHLETIC BODY of cod. . io.ooo pound viltinff ru1 llin,river. Mur-,ti, rfimier on The used initial meeting loday. the kIoi'k In be a il Mipply BEER CONFISCATED ' " Two or three small suliuoti nf Imirerln uitd Aa wa SEIZED OPIUM AS depot. P. I. Pal meryFvriidur. ex-peel ihe llllll limn l is Illiuuue, H is UI-- In ml selling al F.xrhnugc loday lieyed tlml lie sealed fiim bad eleeled ieuker. to be iradyfor buliie Dr. J, O. Qavldson Elected, Presl-dnt'"or ' trot prices ranjting from uuir .... ....... i,,,tn .. I-.... TRYING Wire Selling on Saturday and the CHINAMAN in a day or two. B.A.' Amateur Polio lu regard lo Ihe handling of Athletlo Union, t Hlfic lo lie. to rest, and bad quielly fallen Made Raid STEEPLECHSE In FRENCH SMUGGLE ASHORE beer, Mr. Palmer lnled 'linlny. asleep and died lu the bitter Evening. Iliat for Ihe precenl, al any VANGOin'KIl, June 2H.V-Ir Aiuouit tlie tale arrival alVhe cold prevulliiitf at tliif lime. An.p . Won by Rol Beige, Forty to One VI0TOIUA. June iO. Culom rate he wa having Hhiiuiienl C. laid.ou, of Vnncouveri wa Prince Huperl Hotel are the fol Imals bud destroyed Ihe body It. H;n.1; jullu jo.The Ureal Shot, Yesterday In Paris. officiaU here iieiied III llu from below handed ..over lo .Hie elected pivsldent of "ijal.C. lowing: O. II. Patrick; David How. a great exjrnt, but Hie parly -burled ' nr Vrlerur.V Club old beer In of opium, vnlucdiRl apprvxlmale. varioii loenl ITrei'nl alive of Anialeur Alhlelie I'nloii,jOiat man, Winnipeg: 4V. S. lloyt ami hi remains, marking Ihe inemberil hero on Suturdu)-. I'.MtIS, June 20.-llnl H'le. a ly a,0(u, which a Chinamen wa biewe'ry companle;'wh'o wn'jld ui-day lilght. Dr. naviiljlja. A. J. IMelsou, New York Cily, and grave by a nowiiinf at Ibc head rluli fal.loii evell. folly lo one sholj,yeiderday won nlleuii!tng to smuggle Vruin fill orders for customer. Till social professor of PhyMcTS'al Jv C Wilson, Kdmonton. and fuot and blaz'ng a tree. Hi "8 and Ihe beer coulUealrd by l-reiuh Xalloual-Jli'eilechae 'identity was esiaulished by a ll,e aboard the lllue Kunnid liiivr will b doiiw on oriiej'w.'froiui Me. the l'iiiverlly of lirillsli'crdunij I'ollce of the clly. No ehurge of four mile and one hundred Twr al lheOuttr Wharf, Palmer being produced. i bu mmrz St. Regis TaJtl. Phone 455. If guu iieetw. - ' yard. i