PAGE 8. THE- I.U!iY NEWS. LABOR LEADER Popular nnd Reliable L-LflM-HHIL G. H. Arnold - Notary Public FOR SALE Westholme Theatre A line trouble corner m HUlli Avciiih, Seel Ion sit, nl Collnu Street. lias1 sewcr connection. Splendid , duelling nlle. W. A. Prltchard, One of Winni Purely a buy nt $1,600.00 cash or $1,800.00 on term of peg Strike Leaders Speaks iinun i and 1 UMUKROW SiOO.UO cadi niril balance in one find two years Qj, H Under O.B.U. Auspices. for llio pair. There n Inrwr n 1 1 tinT;i m nl llii' weekly r.niii.i held i;i i In' H. G. HELCERSON, LTD. Mrlntyre Hell last night, many Insurance Rentals Real Estate Indies. lemt nollci.! nmnuM ihr OUGLAS llili nildielli'i'. Tin .i.l.hess .il (III ewltiliK Hi Hie i in il fi'l lin last liiifhl win tlcliv .!.! -Iiy V lOc CIGAR D Ann jyiACLEAN T. I'rilchanl, lln' well knuwii so riiill-l and lalim- lender yf Win- Unfott Mtdt la Vtocooru One Lady's Idea recently nlteir. win'for served shike i-Miiiiriii wre months y Simct 1904 ORIS Jlr. I'rilrhartl. who is speiiilinif dliee.1 in the wild l suiply III' n few days In t It t cily is deliver ii.mmJs of all ami then leue plenty Of Sales iiijr three addresses while here over, the tlistllliill i'li was sii iin- in I he first was on Saturday. n e.pial that the xi'-nt muss th' llii subject of "The Wiiiiilp.-B workers nnd i.roiucei- wen- ile- She sal, 'Oh prices are just raised for these sales.". Strike Trials." Inst uljrhl h. Hieij eru t siinill inndieuiii of "Let's be Well. jusMis link would hai it she happened to notice sMke on "Wnrlil Problems,' Hie' plenstirfs and eoinfort-. of Fashionable" an nricle she had seen in our slock nnd wnnlctl for a li'uiff nnd ton i ah t tic will deal with the reuls of tln-ir liih'irs. (into and found that it Mil) had the same old lait on uuu she l.alior OrttanUailnn." The Dieiki'i' by Another hit thnt makes the "Grcnt His address last venilig, was counselling the u inker-. In learn n lnuf,h- able to buy it at the sale Yon in and was price. can conic ko Iitctietl lo with -great interest nml educate Ihi-iuoelx.-s and kiiep all over our More nml And it the same; likely there's lliln and "uyiy of ui (joint were re- Mln with eiirrenl eeilt so Mack Sennett Comedy, "Unhaj Finish" you e wauliHl ami romcmlicr (lie prices I hey were inarke.l, rmTu,un appiausc vj nie mm that whfU, the lunln'' was reached py r. c. . i . ... ... i . ..... ... . lenee. .Mr. rrnwiAM uewi. as nntl hnil ! he er.'ed, they Prizma Educational .1 w " liniiM l.lll..,iiilin' ..i riLiiu null'.? IS 11 .111 Ulnil,. Scenic Paramr I I In. w.iiiIpM Anll.Hi ii.r Willi n...l unt Magazine would . he able 'In siit-riv Hie a ru nijf ihhi nwh i fi. must oe n uarKBiii. .n kimts I r He ww ,,,(. m w,., xtwifcule J hat w tihl uiid nihlull) Popular Prices miscellaneous articles at bargain prices. We are bound tilldenreented an altitude of imroeh iake p1nf am) not he suhliienrt-d reduce stock for the new fall pood. lal eiuservntism. or the small in (fie niaellri.ii and destri)ed twn vlw u( which piHiple t the nllvurelber. John west were apt tnke up IhrouR'h Empress Theatre Bulger . Tonight and Tomorrow helnfr far remote, from the greai 'EACE RIVER GOLD Jeweller centres of induilr) in the tvasl. Kverythlnir thnl hnpfft in the RUSH SOON PETERED Knt or the Old World reacts and ELAINE is felt anniMt even the smallest . OUMJTTLE METAL! HAMMERSTEIN IMPERATOR is now enmmuiiily in the imt itnllviuc liilrlels i.f Hi.- ;real Vet. KHMuNTuX JiMte an. The in 'Keep SmiliiT THE BERENGARIA Condemns System. inild rush in the l'err llier 66' I'lic sMakiT made n stinxiiiK listrielhas retrl" mil ae- Pleasure Seekers" I.I VKIl POOL. June an The nml enlliiltC lioltrtinent nf the onllntr l' wi.r.l tr .until Ut lite iicrinan-iiuiu liner imncrator is present capitalistic syfin whi.-li eily by IuMeti.r llauriwk .f the Universal Trading Co. no longer the linMralor. When while havinv in the past ful- AlherlM I'rov iiieml I'.dire Ml A chnrmlng chnrncterizntfon. CIcorcut us o corrc. Tuesday.Wednesday passenpors embarked in the fillcd n (.'real mission in mnkiuit I'cac lliver. I In- rush win! ll-'iant vessel, now a Cunanler. on (HtHlucI ion possihli. of ail the strontt ami enlliiimsln- while il I Saub Pollard Comedy, 'Dinner Time Topics of Today J her outwnrd trip last week, they useful and l.-11-hI lliini:- thai were lasted, life inspect..r r.-p.-rls. but "a Thursday Specials faw painted on lier tuwerim; used and i-nj.iyil In mnnkind. very little irohl was found Hint I hows. Itereiu'iu la. day had arrived tit a pmnt when- w.rum lea.i i a liiiay ( any I 'Hi is was the name of the wife all In miii h sufficient was pn. irn-ni amount f eoiliu-ia-m. it 10 Boys' First Long of lllrhard (Mur-de..ioii, a Iiis-H-Mor Hm.cek re(M.rU ifie LUjto nrrc A Kill utoULl nrcitiT Pants Suits 'monarch who was Imprisoned in Synapsis f trrain In ( in ,exretteui e.-uii-limi BULLHEAD SCRATCH Japanese YOU I.Vuslria, and Who, like the boat IhrxuKiTucil Ihe I'rare li-r Sizes 34 35 and EG I after beink in enemy hands came country hut Mint a til I In iiinn- Laid Aci Amandments COME li k Barcsin ito Kiiglaml. Already the crew nugslure would d" a nn-al ileal llltui'.KVH.MJ. J III Fancy Goods , $10 a Suit have (;iveii ( the boat the uick-liaine i'f fund. Farmers gt nj ,iittl i, polsoomu. ileeliiped from III'-pierrillf! "llorii-in-Oermany." he sayjt, arc tnoKinu forwnnl with ..f a flllrfer while a FIRST 20 Men's Suits Klia. uitM IrMsilua enthusiasm lo n houuliful cr ip fishing trip by the horns f a f . in.i.r.l a. All sizes II M u m nnd urn well atlsfletj with pres- lullhrHI, has rosulte.1 In the I'orcclalne, Lacquer. w.a r.s v Special valuirs at Special i r4 iu tr. rfll CKIIllilioll's. of Ihe left arm nl Bamboo and Antimony hi b wntlrn, 1 I $17.50 each Rootsl will k M..riu Mtv lilwin lln;rrrs of Alexandra liny. Toys Pa pet cries ." l'i Una tultabla tor urliltarl niiiini liaialara. I. ..'... Just received a full line of ! Announcement U4 hkl) u m-IIHMr Ur.4. Mr. Ilojtrrs first had Ihe tiiur Silk Mil dsn I" "' rrtiirblp pr-mptlaa llihd. removed. Hint then rpli p.ini-il!2 s..i. Ladies', White Wear , bat pwtlM ( not mor ibui tnr m&7 i ursnc for m4)ent pr-raptton followed, tm-rssltf liny e .r (.li'i ! ii with joint rMl4o. kul Hik maktns 33"VS. '-. F. K. Akase & Co. fw.orw.... -." at special reduced prices. This is the last week of (he HHHWT BUmwtBU M IMMfttl. sei'iiiid t (utrai fou. y ri w.iibs'rWw 01 New jjoods arriving with . SO,I a' W.i m.9BtM MUM MMfll .t.l fu every, train. W'e invite KLIM It tmlti and niAk Int4vnau U BAIL IS allowed;' fbon Red W P.O. Ilok CI ) win Im 1 1 .... mill d lit Dr .-.a Itifludlnv 1A. in " HOLMCS! 619 Third Amu. . FOR ROD CUT wit. rk-l.ih win your Inspection lac aa cnlUTktUa rf at Ut t urn, ALICE AR.fl. LOCK-UP. DEMONSTRATION Mfor rclTtu Ona Grant. I'rinc Ituport, II.C to ... is Whara rjraafBBta In mmimiIa. m in. 1 laa than I ana SOTCl TO COKTflACTOSI. xaara. ha mad in I'rniee Kiiperl. mid fur tin-beiielll porUonat pro -. .I.-.I r.h r-. wivnu-ntvit rnW rill taprronu. b ir. UNIVERSAL mar, I . Irru IM ' will br n-rr4rw nccu-ei mi Ihr 11.dines miir-irrr aua of ta-aMJtk. of those who have or thr cau. M Hm ll irmablr ll Vlul.lrr iif I'wkNr (Tantl lntnndlala eartlftcal of eharite. rrH-i.jr.l won) .friu Van. GlbboniJc l..r. ),. ,. rr,r .4 .aar PJ.orw 5SS or Black -172 McCaffery, not tried had am. siicees in prTBnt an traaaf r hia elala. Koor wiUiaut tin- llh lai ..f J.ll). lot I. for Nr mrlM e.tuver lHlay Ihtil an ortlfr f..r IIMIIK this Wonderful Whole (no may b lua.BrmAnt prnd4 appU-cant r1. ihI Ih. linn n li-rUaral-f ( IM".lll.lrtrl.I U al H llkr 1 . rw Itall nl 5.H00 Iwrn nude for CV. EVITT Doyle, Ltd. TRADING CO. BaitM tmprrsnu t oi Milk Mrs. itai I'owiler. Tal"r, Kl t.lal IIM pr aanvaa and rvoord i.m. aca I'lativ i" iu'liw iMt Y r T-a his elieut. Insurance Ihe 'u- 1 11.a Is- OB) arwt .flrr liar I lib Auctioneer 11a ieili..nilnr. il he Fallur t mak tmprTrBau '.I., n 1 1 r.o. n.. .rf JillH. Il. al Mw isHIrr r racord and Auditor Accountant aarn wiu op I a for. S. K. Shane, Manager please.) to jfhr yon any information faltur. Tltl cannot b otxalnad la . .J un MalH.m.ii .... taarnavrr.r.aaj.. tUivrnvmrut .larta. "I Ifetgeraon Block required. f 111,hn rnaxa. and lmrrBnala i 11 w. M11II111. 1. Owvrrnaaml StruX par acr. Iiu-ludm I ara . Market Prices The clrd . .n-i II l-rlarr Mairrl demoifstraliou of Kliui and crutt Iv.l nrf rUi- "n.ii.l 1 .utataMr. Ainu has licen a remarkable uc-cess. rrt-tmpw' laaat t yan ax rqnlr4.Crown ir ibr Is-cartuaml uf fMbr VVutk. noidlnf gnat tlrliil-W. B. TTie'sures for less than .mar rooord ntbr... .. . K wiu.If HI.k ..replMl Tit.- k.wrai V-i uf Irtwior l'l ssFtOMrllir Mauls. , three Vcels" lime"e'xceefcd .xm, wiuvout actual occupation, pro . riuue. T-hone steak ........ 1 ." 15c Tld4 DE LUXE and eacli new customer and rldnc atatutonr malntalnad lmirmnta on Crow uadi a. I'l.t.llr ll'IVa. t iHllrfir niu.ul V.-. tMlaasrr. " Hound 1 teak ,f'. . . tne riousjejr. framed land. t CAMPERS! s a I'll-., rl. u Kirluin aleak, per Ih ISo ununrrd araa. not leoodlnf II Jme Ik. Il ICE CREAM which Tills is not the'Ktiiu ifsed I'owiler tltl fr.t majr b obtained b Uaaod aftar a fulflillrg hornaaltaa;roal- li"ef (lot iroatt. lb.. 25?4o t', tie was overseas. ontui and lmpro.amant conditions. llet-f. iliuck I..'2U tu S5o There two kinds For (Taatrr and Induatrlal llHvinjr enlurKcd tmr premises are of Kllin, kroaa xdlnf lit aero purpooaa ma k lleef. rib rtwi.t, lb., 30c and 3So and installed inodci'n machinery, namely, Skim Milk I'owiler Jd br on proa or eompaa. lleef. JjfiJlin. IK. . . . 6c IT COST faetory or Induatrlal alio glue Ribbon Whole and Milk 1'owder. T he we lirn thoroughly eiuiiiped to tlmbr land not irdlna id etm Hamburger, per bn '.. 25o Whole Milk Bar bo ha l'owih'r has been pure .ad. eoadltion IncJa take caretif our evcr-gruwiu Ice pay man! of atumpaf. 'rewin(f beef, jrer Ih. .16 and I He Cream trade. on the marki-l only since Nalarai bar roaaduwa InaoeoaolbU Corinil beef. 'r lb. SUo last T tlitlnf road mar bo purobaaod The insrcdientH used in "Do September. eondltlonal upon eonatractlon of a road I.a rub, leg, per lb 45o $47,000 Following is the schedule for t thorn. Rabat of ona-baif f ooot tt TEA l.ainb. loin ... I So Luxe" Ice Cream an of the best, tliis road, not ieadlnf baU o puroaa week: prw, u mad. Million, slcvvliiif 2llo our cream being imported from the south (rl-weckly. Monday Cream of Tomato rb.kmotohs' rmum opiant Mutton, shoulder, lb.. TCo to 2 Ho ACT. Ice Cream Is made dally on our Soup. ,f m onlartad to Make of million, lb lOo YOUR fires in 1920 Tuesday Custard Pudding. taelud. afl To out premises In three flavors Van-, p.roon Jolnina and aarr. Loin of mutton, lb (Oo put ilia, Strawberry and Chocolate. Wednesday Nabob Coffee. .f within whlcb MJ.tjr:tb. b.lra ore.or darlaaaa T Its Charm Veal shoulder roail, per lb.. . 28c Thursday Clam Chowder. I a dacoaaad prt-tmptor'mar applr lw(, of veal ...... .30c and 40c, We also specialize In Neapolitan for tltl undar ibla Act U itiuUd bricks. In all these demonstration from for ono yaar from tb daalh of Your Own I'laln sausages, per lb, .... 25c Mrs. Taylor will u.e Klim uh paraon, a formarlr. ntU on We solicit orders for Teas, faar at.r tb oonelucloa of tb irat shamrock sausage 45a Dances.' etc., and all orders arc NTiole Milk I'owder and will ' Tbl prlTUat. la lo mad ra-troartlT. at Every Social Tea I'ork, leff ...... 4 So THEY DESTROYED given spepjaj attention and de- prove to anyone, that Klim N fa ralatlna to pra-amptlona ara I'ork eui, per Ih,, . i. Whole Milk I'owder Is not du or parabl toiilvt n pra-amptlona To dsilre and rve tho bett I'ork, Jiolder, per lb 25b Jlvcrid byour own aulomobile. rcrd.d afi.r Jun II. fin only (hf ,l'urrt oud most Taaa. ara remitted for Br rri ' to show fine judgment lltue out Wc of iiiaVn,;,pioiiiit town orders. shipments l of rm.-iicai vihk on tne inarkeL ir,1.VK4u r-ronalon "4 for ha r.lurn of monara Autiwl m. Itibbon Ii tiaWJaL iiy IU Ilam7il?c-jri! fl. IS .f $150,000 today hut it aim the most r lilt,taio on account of parmanla. I excluilv quality of flavor and Ham, whole, per lb. SJrWk.V on aoldi.r." Wholesale in economical. f I I v e ft the Itrt on T..innt purchaa aroma Blue Itibbon gratifies kl ruu.. .oiiras L - ...... i s. 11' -I he 5 gallon 1 $195 severest test known to cook. Alllod rorc...,',' '"or d.pandanta.'" r m.rnbr.aoaulrod of the discriminating- Uitr de-lighti Chicken, per lb. . . . andupwa ing science and lie convinced. dlraot or I lndlroct,March 11,romlllad im. from on-Utmnt , the mcHt critical srnie. Fowl, per. lb i . . coo PROPERTY LAST YEAR per gallon We buy American Currency, sua.rurtCHAscns of crown It'i unequalled economy ap Pickled pork, per lb. 4 bp OF Two Blores LANDI, js-tli no leu, (looked ham. sliced, p.-r lb,.. 7e Silver, Gold or Crown rrorlatoa cranl mad to aub-purchaa.r for laauano. of of "There't a Differtnce" Sparc rib, per lb., 30c Royal Confectionery Bills Crown urrba.r Uinda.who acoulrlr.a-fallad to liaht.oompltt from Sales lloasl ham, per lb, ....,,, H&c Be Sure Your Fire urchaao, Involrlrj forf.ltura. on ful Agent llologna, pcx lb. .......... 30o DeLuxe Confectionery taraat llmant and cf tai.condltlona Wbr tA Bur.h...aub-purebM.I.. John L. Christie Jellied Ioiikuo l0c Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Rupert Table Supply Co. ori U ta purcba not claim prlc who!du of and original taiaa par.mat llrvllers .-i a. 60c Is Out Phones 17 and 193 b dJatrlbut4 orar Prince Itupert, H.C. Calves liver. Ih..' 35o j PHONES 111, tit. wbol . Apblloatlona tnu.t k Dalrv Produce. or mj , ii. ORAZINQ. Mutter, per lb. v , 45o " " 1 " ' 1 11 r lluller, (cookliiK) J 1 35o anslr Act. lll. for rtaatU per dar.lopm.nt of llvutock Induatrr pro-old Cheese, lb 30o Chartered per for irali- dlairlct Accountant ..i ta irtvi Our phone number It W : admlal.tratlon undar Commla.lonor and rant and Auditor. Llniliiirger Cheese, per lb,... fi5c Not IJgnit. W. ij.00ton; changed. New num. flsVrJ Annual (railr. pormlt laajad ttnl Coal Real .... Kkks cae) 40c ber U numUar. ran(di prlorllr for ootab. GEORGE RORIE , Ploneret'7 K had novo ii. 'rr .... imi ioi- ci li owiwr. Ilock-awnar. mar Ktfif" (II. 0. fresh)" case. 45o ..h iff form A.aoeUtlon for rani manad-aunt. of Rorla A gmall. C A., Vanou.r a ad and Kumar. Col Will fUrpniv w nivi n" . ..T-trr. MS, TAILOR SiA... Xraa, or partial) fraa, partaiU Kkks. local '. . , . , &6o - T - .asa.n ir a kJT I.1"ni k aV COAL 1 CONSUMERS lyjf waayre or ImtoiC la Marifurlno 25o MACLAKtW.HsnkK'f ,.B0.. - Federal Dulldlng Room II S-ITU HLOCK J. LoSb-B Comb honey OOo