Monda. J"" ?0 0' THE D'ATT.T ITKWS, 1 aanii 1 iu "ii 1 1 i Birsar.i'i a en a a)ii t- IP 0 III ' in 1 a I' a. Ha. -.i"e-L"'jt ' I JT Baseball. Snappy Sport Shots plf flaring. , Tennis. i ffl WiM & laVi M I Jft'O $ 1 ON1GK i Lacrosse. Here and Everywhere Tomorrow Alright NM Tablrtt (lop tick baadathee. n 1 in ttliv rr.ulat bilioua Uk cumulative attacka, ton organ,and -SCOTTISH ALL (Local Delegation Left peak 70a letl fin. Cut Brier ,uu Tkw rO( Far tim Da" STARS WINNERS i Last Night to Attend "IN VANCOUVER' Big Jersey City Fightj More Tobacco for the Money nn Blh Oarnn. Oilli Floyrr aml'Owrn Fisher ii. i! for Defeated Mainland Select Team Ihf wmiIJi 'ih I'rinci' ftoorgi' lat night iii rnnli" 1.. Ji-i-f tilv By Score of 3 to 0-Game Uip wnrUYf I'hnmriionship fialllp on JulyS hclwi i ti Ui orgi-Carprnlipr Packages 15 ORME8 LIMITED Wat Splendid One. and Jark lKtnpcj. Tivy.vfttt frft by Can ad inn Unlional llailwn to Montreal and from Ihere will ihp a peoi.l train to j v wcurvKH,. Jmii.' ?n In n Jrrj t:ily. It i iNiHil,e they will meet I'rrd Stephens at' vf'.ti until'- before huge crtwd about that A(oiilrr-nl. V CI wcmxhwijhui JUS !WBf LILL1 How Hi,' Kroiixli nr-eefes.inetai r-Ntitill iem, which is Mr. Hrlf r"lnn hy way of fihicnjro a nil Mill go to lU-nl.m i"nim(f Canada, rlefeaiied n Main-hin.l UartMir. Mu'liigan. to 11 flghl I.o(wpii llerij Liniifirl. world - LUMBER select leam on SaltirtUy ! lightweight fpiefmi,,,,,, .,, Sailorj afternoon by a ear-ore f three In rriMHlmari.jrtu (hi- hi- wlli i-il. The KeoM ww held r--! Sport Chat winlim4 wrTR'l ay f I'ilts.i h lite tor.aU .for emiy-one hurg and 8tMaul and will viil are Harm.- ' minute. al Ilnnff And Itrllinirharii. lie will imiiiimiimiinimif; a . e tnnui'i lonuMv tin- , r'.turidcfepe alMUit (lie match The llempary-Oarpcnllr hot Uo ntck Io.-Oj4n inonlh'- -if HfHl UIO1 -oliijl.ili here was thai of lh- beenl eleven itig bout for lh world's rhatu IlllU'. . .elrrtL Htrrw I nit one piay-t pinnhiii al Jfrwy ility on July ! Mr. Self NWiv4Nl a letier-on t..rllnm ll. :. ani. .1, who wa not a native luern 2, will draw Ihr grall gale in !aliirilay rnornint from J. It. F, ; 1 ranmd Iw iwnirn. cWtrhitittn. II waa a battle of Hit liiMory of Ilea uport. A MeUilieA, af 'i-w V"ik. with wlxerti veratta and the match tnonlh (Mforr the flaht "Trx" he -allend the Kht, xladng WATER ACT, 1914. Buiidi Build! Build! - .. a complete tone of w indeesl a jyoaed imr, I lie via. Iliekanl annminra-d Uial llfV at that rt(Ter were" beinj! iond- there flora tirobabty rwrrvinR f tt ali had tnlallpd f.'0,000. a liluti :i fon for ringside ., '"J'i '"liil Materials ffffel nptmalMnn here Hull they Pinr thai day, the ftalro of all aealt, Ihe lioXaale of which Wl)niimiWa by arm mlia in auvfr nf Hi Building have yet etvouitleivd am their aaU ha gone on briAkly rx- exhau.le Wftrtth a... Mr. SteS-" n vtvM Lumber i Ihe cheapest building material in the worlif and loup'aif Camel. tjH for Hit 150 falrlMaril. and Mr. Melt!!!e hold riniraide ha perhaps reached- low sy&tcr mnriv. w the spring; irade. Cement, Lime The lar Inavo tVatay fr Vie-loria whleli ar ihaulid, and thu tiekela hill Ilie4 are nn oing to Inr rmt-m i-hapw w nj HI in nC f wwit Iw lnm riv if of it I e 14 i opening up. the tendency will lilcely he toward higher Platter, Brick, and on Wrdn'-iday will gtiMral admitjon real, to tm sell theirs TrMl if a far more attractive walrr.that ifw of rvrv Hear bate.of tn MrMninn iimwiM nwu price ttt?91 Firtclay, Lath, etc. play IIk'ii next name III lhal cily llaw4 on sal . Ui4 day of IIia offer i oeade. i in May inn ftUrmnt Hl.r In ilw Prlnm Hit The lrince rtupert Lirmber tympany has a larg sloi-k K. -ir KI.H-k ami nsainsl a eet I nam from Ilea fight. Iliekanl 'llmnlcii that i31, aewreflrrg to Information re- pen Or4fir-en-4jc.fiwl Wtirr ointnre nfimbrm etabfiot4t t4ff ip-prartHl oy from which to fill vour reqiilrements, .. . . .. . ene 1 4 in or rwmw, Mauri icartie wtotrti will bofaappmxtmatMy f.&.ivio fron i i i - i on nay i' : - l"i A''"!r.elf fn.ri ny .jiy. r-i-i i iH'lon- no ifp. it it, b ranrrimt m to rtr an in DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP CATH uewdV tii a- foliaw ShrimfM4n;lwni pay $l.ono,(H)0 In view I ho parleire, t5arieillHT veinhel 189 yakf rewrvr prfam to tft water of H"li Whii.' ami Kvcrelf Taylor: rinK action al IloylVa Thirty peHimla arel Denii-i 05. They Wiu-r.vearmcit mint Hirer In aiM the that PniK-noniv Hopert of ' NNAI WO-WELLINOTON Archie Miur. Jimmic Allen ami Ara. Tlioat figur will will enter the nnn at 178 ponnde tniwe am rannHatton tnontm en in be piiblitnm H. OttMte for SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH Muiii-o; llr-wter. HridiO,. Pelli-rrrw. lipp by far all prVTou rc- and 1H1 l)4Kiiii. re.netively. tixi for toiw monirt m on emie Do Your Building While Lumber is Cheap. . Allan and Toltie: tf rla for ring ronlfalH raeh tnnettli r nmr nprr pnl-Hrmt or nay en ine Prrae hoprt Water Present your requirement at the cifllce. Seal Core, or COAL -'rf l(iaiii-Mit. -ti k rr. (Uark-.1111. olhr opoii in Amrir. Deatriri. BASEBALL SCORES natad tm titn hit or Mirm. a. n. mi. Phone 361 fop Prices. John I'.iiiiimiinr and Writrhl. f. D. PATTULIA. Tht following Tar flgiir) "on Minttir or PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. bmila. of rrtil ' ywir: (Salimtays i.iine . ITENNIS TOURNAMENT OI-FKJI aiVRLOTTC ISI.APS LAXD 019- a. It Lattt I I Villanl.Ifjnp ,-.... It 112 1 American League in:r iiHMim isi.a.mj. b. t. ! STARTS IN ENGLAND Johhon-Ji'f4Vtf : S70.755 Cleveland 4. IMiiiai eliihia 8. Takr imuw that Tfwn Praty, In.IUn v y Wlllard-Moran ItO.OOO AreL or VliMeti. R. InlrtHls In rnakr Cliieairo I, Xe York -'."s. rpfiMeallnfi to tn .Minuter of Laiala for ..- - - - - 1 .41 Albert & McCaffery Johnon-llurn 07,000 In- Perlor of 8. r.. for a Bretir uTpro- p Detroit ;. Iloalon tt ...,............ Star from all Over World Rep ( . 60,715 tort far OHrolwm over and titular in hwloviat 4eprnbd land iett the im loui V St. 3, 5. Limited resented In BrltUh Turf WSUanWohnaon 08,000 akliuigton, t )a. or linMm lOand. a. c. VIM AND STRENGTH FOR MEN" AND WOMEN National League Onmmrnrtnr t a not Mll 0 maina Championship. ivffrira-Sharkry ... rtG,30n nam rnati th aontnitMi ronwr of Ul llrooklyn 3. lMllfMtrg t. HII: timtri! to rhim. eai: enrnn. si. DYNAMIC TONIC JrffriM.CorlwIt . GWIO Philadelphia 5 Cine-innali 3. fMiaiiH anutti: thatK rtiaina wt; thflira Vinibli4it. iMptawl. Junr 20. Cnrbolt-MrCny 5i350 rmim narm ine pome.or New York 10. Cliieago 3. irenl. A combination df thd mineral salts required for tissue iViiiu riKrla fr4ni llrilntn .Mrfiovrm-Kmi 52.000 Ijat'ited lllh VtrHi. Itfl. - Motion 3. St. Loui 4 THOUt-4 PKSV, building and a kreneral tonic of recognizeil efficiency. tntled SlnliMn, KraiMt. Swtnlrn. V'V a a a Pacific International League Robert Browa. irenl. Note The formula on every bottle. India. Kotitii Afrirm and Joli Al Irajtt 2300 Haoadian fight i.4lay In-Bun ihf Uit round 41 fan will wftne. the big bailie. Vancouver I. Virtoria 5. mh.r rinii.OTTr taLAina't.On dii- Price, $1.60 per bottle Yakiiiia-Tai-onM. rain. , TlWr .4.R4H4M liUM). B. :. Hi.- Ilriitali Turf Ijiw IVnni Iln.malfrtni for Hint numbrr oti r Tat ltn..tnl Ttywni nay, Imllan Coast League . itiiitMM m The Prince Rupert Drug Co. .iiamiii"iiahU l"Hirimmi-nl oiiiir ala havi nlrfady' bn rweiv -hentlle cpnift-atenn,rni. M4Hi.rer a Hniw i:.. lo th Mlettr m of lilayd Iiitp. n! from ,Ganada acconling to ofl Ran Franeiceo , 3. LaiMt far th ProvHw of B a for prr- PHONE 134 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street AnKele-l'ortland. rnin. hMfaton to pmnwl for pt-nolrniw wr final In tchargr of Iho oal eat nwtor to. folHwfoa rtwuwii iiMt. Mail Order Given Prompt Attention Announcement Sarrnnienio .'. Oakland 3. anutlr oat lb Woo matt or liraltam l- Can- w ale. The tolaf numlwr of GOLF STARS START awl. B K.: Hall Irfike tl. Vernien 2. idiana atlrnding will likrly r. enmnonoma at a iwt Manten at in irricTivc JUHt ttm, itti mtlbraai rornor of lot Ilia; hn north t : 4 4: OPEN TOURNAMENT eml tliii. for many havn pur-eha4Ml a etuina; thono i mt etiainn: ttionre . . ': (Sunday's OaiiM Mtoh ra riaim I hew ai rhama. lo t wf i-1 MckrtK Ihmugh frirmU in V. ' !! !' I ! a AT ST. ANDREWS Nw York. The majority of American League fnlnl iirain or eomonmni.lein .iim, oil, ' Waahiuslon I . THOVies PKtav, S. loii- -r-.- , , 4;- Canadian who have bought scnts ou 'tl Cliieago il. New York 4. TIMBER SALE X3211. SMITllF.nS SCHOOL. ii Knjlrrn Canad. A s 1 ST. ANHflKW S S. . H,ind Jittjo are from , ftfKy CHIIMTTIC ISI.t!nS LAMP Pll- w " ' Detroit 7. r.lreland8. ... party from Toronto, includ Mayor 1MI..T .Hni ii..ii. o. sald trxwr H Bp rorivd By tn s-iTtif Ti- rieKTinrmns iij; l'"" K"lf Mori- tlian liliiyr Thontai Hanv. tmlun 2l.- Tak nnitr thai T. I.. Chuirh will fifteen National League Vllnlo.r ir I n1- at Victoria. B 1:.. not 1 seal1 T.ndr. SRr(fsriibd "Trnrt'f oiwupy Aarat. Maaarll. B. :.. iHlrml. to tntk an - ' of world rr-nowti t loieai Ihr burr than wkmi i.ii ihi- smh day or Jna. smithrs i.-h.ioi. will b rerrlvat) bj ' " " Bmri tlx-Prwrtiuv y N'ew York !. Chicago 1. jmralfim lb toolatrr or Lands Tor rlngnide aeatii. A special ltl. for lie- rifn-na. i.r l-lrenr Xll.;i)).. l..n..i,rM,- ih MinlMrr or li. for Hrfir .;;.ti,ia hf of H. c. a lo prwpwl lr fiialifyiiiB- nuiiid- in o(Mn Philadelphia 5. Cincinnati 2. ami iintr Ih foiiowina lo ml l.4.oni. r.. or sprter. nr. Odtr wnrku m to 1 n-rlor noon of Turner, will al.o be from lluf- rar ovr troin run nd llrniinrk. " an aroa llatri pi Soillh i"iiriiani-iil in.- sin dsy of Jim, mil. ror th erc- f?ooJ cr Frizzell iiolf i-liHiiiHonl)H' falo for tli- accommodallon of I to I me t. SI. l.ouU 5. tl 4taartibra nteUoi UmK I.Unl.linitr B. no: lit VVM 01 hinilnrk Ann. Banr 1, Oaast hisinrl. tion tmt rompt.tim or a two-room t-Ml- lnr.. Three ( yar wlfl t Iton.-d ror Ihm to Srwrnl-honi; at Smith r. I thai Caasi LeaQue ammonrtna al a at in pott piantra (jinailiann. Ve$lern Canada will rnioval of timber. Ford Dealers n4'rll romr or Lol 1 1 IS; innr imiiorra HM-Mrsl M.irlrl, B. L Seattle 3-1. San Franpieo 0-5. furihrr parlirnlar of Ih 4err Foraairr.; Slvpinmilnn. JultHO mnA Pnrtnt nlfii be well represenled nnd 100 MMittt til rhaim ;Uwwe ae te rnm; 4 or IMMrirt Frlr, ,'nlwferw"l'"' iii4na, n. ant aft.r lb Prince Rupert, B.C. nnnh rhaina; tnmra whi tn -T SPORT STANDINGS Oakland l-l. Snerninenlo i-'. Ihrnrv Hr-ri. H. . . nldne will go from Winnipeg;. rlMUta tn piXni of ianinnrmni. 1 " iwt v, iii,, uf- ,uii r ;r" Vcrivm C8. Salt Lake 7-t. Lnraieil lllh vim, if t. J. .uanony. uovarnment Avrnl. Fight official have nnnounreo TIIOMtS IllitSV, TIMBER SALE X3117. Court llotia. Vanrouver. Portland 0-0. Lew Angelese J. 11. ilr.M.illln. Kr-u- unvernmaai Arrai. iLUt of Wlna and Losses at Fool- Hint among fiflcrn European -. nnfi Bron, aarnt, 1'rlnrr htiprrl . . ' b received the will sald ln.1r Paclflo International. by ! ball and Baseball. newspaper correspondent, who OITKM ClUnUITTK ISIMPS l-AMD 1)1- Minister or Linda al Victoria, u. 1:.. not Bir5l. Warner, Esq., SwrVlarjr to SrIMol the Jeff- Vancouver 'J-L', Tacomn "3-1. thk:t"bham isind. b. il later than noon on thr fnil day of Julr. Smltfr. , 1 will .attend -fight, are: or in o-oartmpnt or piiniie worts. Take nnura uial Tboieat ntv.. Imllan 191, pir th fnirrhn or l.tenr Xtltl. h. (!. The following nn Ihc eland-inn ery Farnol, famnuM writer, who Atiu. tlanwlt, B. V... Iw-n-by uvea noilr 10 nil a.ljii.miu fl of Slamunr Sprtiee. Vlrlorla,The low: or nv tendr not neeessarlii r intiuiioo in mk aotilfaiM to in Ililiil'ick ami ixtsr. cat 1.013 tt anl J, in the vorioua tinarli.tll and will represent Hie Ilally Mail: vtiu.iar or uimi for in pn.Tino or n, cmnshrwa Inlrt, oun i:iariolie WiniH aerpril. run ie. i . Inr I Urrnr lu PTircl Pir pirolnj lilairlrl. p. jtonllinll longufs o far llda arn. Turn Webster, Dally Mall rar-lnonlRt, ovrr anil umtrr Iho foltowlna lrr1hii Two (1 yrs will b lleowrd tor removal Public Worki riiltlwer. Mbllc Works nnd Harvey Prealnn, Mountain Park linil 'Itiialr on Ih Wmi imii of lira of llmlM-r. B npartmrtil, ami : ham MiniJ. B, i:.: (:nnin4n-lu( al a pnl f nrlln-r fiarliculars of lhChlr, Vtriorla. C. -Miv I . City League Baseball. Rveninit New anil Weekly Dr- pljntnt al Hi aoinliwmi urnr of l.m Vlriorla. B. :., or lilalrlel f'orcsier. prince ii. tut. j - ! mm. mm. and: 1 1 iv. Ihonra a rhain att tlwwe ttt Itaprn. B. C 11 ! V. I.. I'rt. patrh, all nf London. rhalu. north; thi-nr to rhaina wt; Maura MINERAL ACT. Kium of Cnnndii .... 3 0 I nno a a Black Diamond tm rhtm wiuili lu lmini or onnimouramant. TIMBER SALE X 3298. (Forro'F.i . i 'H-aia stnrn ttin.tvvt. I!i;ik 2 1 nne The MereliHlila will lleld I lu TIIOMA PEASY, 4-f.llTirit:ATfl IC IMI'MlVFMFKT. n- following leant atrainat the Dry MalllH-w Vnrmana, trrnt Saalod Irndrrs will be rVrrlvad by tn JiOTlCF-. TERRACE td Hox 0 uno (Qreat West Coal Co. Ltd.) PUtrlrt rorr. erln!- Ierl. B. &, noi "Planer Msnks' -Pan Palrh." "tM Dock 'in lomorrmv night 'a Junior Ih ISth or Jim, rillhiti and "Maude (." Miner II CIiiibs. Junior League. oiiekm iiri iirrf: isi.aius i.amd iiis latrr Ihnn noon on day siiuau- In the,a4 Hlver Mlnlnt Plvlsion tuii't ..nuHiu 141 4Kn M a: lev I. ror thr piin-ha or Mrence X S ' V. I.. I'd. League ronlhiill llxlun-: Arthur. ' rut 0,3M inal ferl of of i:4lar nuirici. . . , . . Indian Torrar to Taka iV lhal Thnmaa nraty, rear Whew loctied! About e mll'ao Ine Fruit Lands F.dwnrd 2 0 inoq Shaw, (earner, Aalori. Smilh, COALS Aavnt, Marl. B. t: , hrroiiy iv none l-nla ami l'lnt. KUiauii hlver im a trihntary known as King allowMt ror MrKinnou. t.f Iniriillnn to airily lo Ih Nlnltr or on year will be n-movat Ulark Bear ttlver. - . , . llnrmn, Laterlv th or B. C. for of linilMr Tlma 2 i i anil fnr nrovlnr a Tiny . TAkfc Mil U K Ibal I. Lnis w. rauuure. or th tTblrr miiiBM, Koole. Hurt!'. Ileaervi Ul.-.iir.- Ui pnnia-rl fur plrolum ovrr ami runner partlnilars Forrstee. f.NC. No. 9SSt-L as srent for Atrml E. " 3 ono We have been appoinleii B or Itiairlal ftirvaier. Prince .. ! fnitl Mml nf Urliun '4 Dry Docka I.IHll-r III IIHIMWina lirnrriuro laniis, Victoria. Wrlahl. 3o. J9HH7-C; Boaer J. ml am nnw brinr iHtt ui Juvenile League. Ciapp, nunenn and Thompson. agents in this district for al iu lh west naial if (Iraharn lland liuprrl, B. :. vvruthi, Frea Miner- i:erunraw o. af.- mill rtu-rilf(I as follows? Onniairra-lna al iim Uki-itr anil atiiumkiluin uora. l. vvrttnt.. rrre .Tiinrr ixrtin- 1 tit iirnHHHtlnt; Ti'rrai. YV. U J'rt. thene well known tvialK. The a pnul Ularrd 1 50 rhaina smith from Ihe TIMBER SALE X26S1. cal o. 1rit-:j Mary V. VarLaren. Free aw ituia al tia.uo iikI 1 HOrt former is bituminous coal omilhwrai ronir of Im lilt; ihHr wt niera rprinraie .10. I97u-i:: Ai.tanwr KPiimr a MhJgrln Ml rnatna: Ihrni-e south so mains: ira-tir Free Miner's lrllitcale No. SV1I7 ' ir aev llt wa M worlU - A7 DELAY BOTHERS ii Btib-bi-luminoii ai Hi rhaina; niciir norllt tt raalm tu Sealed tender will t received by the Snmh, 4 2 and Uic JuJlerHa mrnara tt. j.!ntey, wpeiai rcee winera aa ..' aa .per am-. !',r,r,K n.,i,l( lf ,'millMMlMUMlUL. ni.lrlel ponier, PrliH-e Biirt, B.C.not . tfc-14. uihi fiiimr Hp taut tnrt Cul 0 nun coal, bnlh of llrat lH-alMl Jlan-h Hlh, tell, taliT than ihhmi it tn li way nl Jun. Miner'"t.".Cerimeaie. t'.-t. So. JtT37-C and John j,rt V la Ik- THOMAS pICASr, IMI, for Ihe r'lrrha or l.lcenre X4S1 (imiw ara Uh llrat Hulaer, special Free Miner' cerniicaie h t'litNH quality. imti.ri Brown, Arnt near Klldalla Blver. B. t. lie cut ie,tee BIG PROMOTER Hemlock. .i. 7'."i. intend, aitir naya from in oat 'fii. l for iMinklrl ami ! la Football. pel of Spruce and hereof, lo airily lo lit Milnm Hemrilrr n 'Senior' The lllark Diamond coal has Ol FEI CI1AIUOTTE ISLANPS t ASD DISTRICT on year win be allowed tor reinovtl a ii- for I Ctrllhealo of ImprovemenlS,' f th tMnn4 Ihair, . 0 .W.I..J Pla. lillAHAM ISLAMO. H. II. of umber. sale in Fdmoulon purpoae of obialnlnr a Crown llrant of a gi-i'alcr1 oflhe Otter poceier, Take tmiii-a ilia I Tlumia Iieaty, Indian runhr parllcnlara KENNEY BROS. & CO. Mill of CAiinda 3 I t) 4 Himself and than any oilier domestic aai-nl. Maawll. l. i... imvimU lu mak-ap-plirttiim Victoria, B i:.. or lilairlrl Forvtirr. prtuca each AD of Ft Ih RTHEH smi T.AKB elsims..HIITUB .Ihtl arte 3 ) 3 3 Says He May Step In tn ttw Minnicr uf lainn rur the Iluprrl, B. i: in. SDiU-r eeclliii St. rniiai be eom of Enit delivered sacked KlIIIH coal. Priced 1'ntvlnri- or B. :. for a llrom-e for pr-iiiuumi the turn before Iwtta of Kal Eatate and Inturance Calliea .... S ir 0 2 2 Referee Big Haunt. -Mountain Park, tlb.00 lo prosrrrl mr i"lroli-iim InmH ovrand ltiialt TIMBER SALE X 3307, n-rred nriale or improvunetiia i.iutor if rilknt di-u-HlMl UATES ihi ISth day of April.A. D. Ittl. Brokara - - Terratec, B.C. 11 W. V. A .... 2 0 1 I t per tun: lllark Diamond mi thr W4I IM Oi' ilraliain liai.l, B. tl: LEWIS W. FArMOKE. XF.W YOIIK. June 20 Failure i .minii-ni-lui ,at a pol planlrd tt Hi Sealed lenders will b received br. the Junior Football. who Kurtencd lump, t 4.00 cr hnri' lint tl Willi 1'uliH; iiu-nre sunlh Ulnlater of Lamls al Vlrria (vol bier V. W. ... D. Pi. In reiifh mi agreement im lu I'usurki'll. $14.25 and an . Kim. llMMirr rati tu iMkihsl llnr than mm "n the SOih day of Julie, I VI I. IaA'ND (tt world heiivy-eilit Inn. norlh an i-liain: Ihrnr Mt u chains In rnr ah niirchae of Llrellca a. datf, ta ahull referee Ihe B Katie f Wanltoii lo Apptr tcr ttaat Land. Athlelica 3 2 i 0 4 1 3.25 rcspecllvtrly. Proper iililt .i . .iiniin-ni-riln-iit cm I .ii ih.ii feit of Spruce, Ledte. Iiem-J 1 In liante t'l.lnci. BecurUmt Pi-liirt Dry Duck .... 3 2 i 0 4 rlmmplonnhlp hallle be-Ivseen weight gimrantciHl. (Inn tik l.oralfil Hill Tlt'lMAS Manlu Ivtl.PKAST, lark II. neld ami HsHnnt of VuJlna on an Ihlet,area Hants aonaieu.1, t'oiM near of t-riitce Bupert, mr aliuate tl Jap Fdrn-iean Islnnit. lM. Porrfier The Inlander Men-hniita 2 0 2 0 0 fiforge Cuipeiilier,and Jin'k IK'inp-aey, order. now, for'deHvery t7lh Maiihpw Vwmtns, iant '"liiia '( t .year wltt "be itlowe" tor r-inovai r.f Tak porcher leittc Island,Hut t,orcupailon Edard L.IHurriiun.Paraons. i-hiilleiiBiT, rilABLOTTE I9IAMD9 LA!HD HIS. timber nflcr.1 OirEN of lune and emiaetl Tex B. U irttlerroretler. liMnd: in tppl.v for iM-rmiwion to iea ISLAflP. it U champion, TKIOT -C.HAIIAM Further pailifuiai Firet Clati Boardlaf llau.a FOOTBALL SCHEDULE preoeul loday lhal 'e feel suro If you Rive Taka nollra lhal Ih'Huae Drtiy. Indian Virl.irla, B. . or Mairiet Fori ter. Prince tier 4jomntenclnr rolli d''rtbd,tt I pol 'on foot llickard lo uniiAunre mm Ui.u-it. B.C.. intrnds lo maka an- n.4.. IB) A,.miu. fbiMialn I ollleiule these coal a trial that you Miration in, Ih Mlnlatrr of Land ror llw HUpert. " " i r- ItTa winterly dirertloa frnm t pott, tt Use half Lot 1143. Ihenca In W. S.W. of pf mrner A. Unln(, Proiiriaeat he iiiinlii "lep will lie thoroughly salislled, l-nivinr or . C for I lirrnre trantlnt TIMBER SALE X 3332. ot rhala tiKire or le In a weaterly Uicec. Senior League himaelf. trtnmM tn prosprrt for pnrpl'iim otrr scaled lender will b received bt the lion ttv'tuH ter tnair, Ihenra jHiv fi Colliea va. H.v.v.a., The New Jersey Tlnsiiig t.nin- ina ronuwiiir v! 1:1ml ur,or iot Urahaiu...iu"lnlanU.-......I.B. U,.n plrtrlrl Forealer, rrinc Ritperl, not later ehalna more or Irat tlont low wtier inai July the than-nnm on Ihe 71 h tlay of July, 4S. in t prMut iJvml two rhaina In t It, W, Merner. referea. ihWaion, whii'h was to liae met Phiipott, Evitt & Co. and CiuiuiM-nrlnr alM-rlhd ta al foltow:a post planted jr..,al tha far -lite pnri liae er I len.'. X 1UI m ar dlrerlion froirj i poet marked E.C.P. .1 w. M T LADIES' AND GENTLE- Junior League loday lo make the neeelon of ihe norlhwtt rtuiitar ronirr thriir el iouiB Lot to(lilt rhaiiMi lorn these at Bal-utni.Jiainu. C,CiUr B, i.and la' tue.iHi .ftet ..f l water orm r;nurk.tlirnre tlirnre to I iwl followln loi ated h'rti al waicf hi all 1 a MFN'S Tilt OR June jDry Ioek v. Mer-Mc'Culhuli. eferee, luia pomponru n mi Hays look, 1st Floor aril d clii:ii llienca norlll U rtiain to Two y-tiv sa,alt be tor mmival mark IJtmtlK lo UlU-IV potnl tl'l of eotiiHtencetueiii"niom 4il.tod r? rrr Ouu.MTaa , referee. ing until laler In Ihe wee. Phones Green 317 and 55S urtim Waled of t-oinninrinrnt.Kile March l.tvt. rlrVhrr iwrilriilaA of the ChU-f Foreale r. r.PWAHfl.fc. pAHSO.VB. Tiuau AvcNiia I'hanlf . Alh- THOMAS PEASY. V'rPii'ia, U. C . or Wlrll rorealfr. I'rtiu-a ApplifW't. LEE Uaanaiu 1'u.i ohm June ?7 .MerrliunU the tiaily News. Hobrrl Bruwu, lBL Bupert, B, C Dtied Iwna , ll, Advei ttau tu I'leon Kd 1 30. lulict. Hell, re'erua. (j - - .V .......... .. . ;:':.';- --j "eyaaeJSi--