PAGE 2. M.nila, 't in 1... The Daily News HER CASE SEEMED ATHONS WILL.PUT ON . PRINCE RUPCHT TIDES i WELL KNOWN PLAYS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Monday, May 30 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The New HOPELESS- "Lion and the Moue" and "Qlrl HiKh. . 16 0 r.-.-l Contractors Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. of thtOoldn West". ?0:'.J p.m.. U.t ri'i'l. Tonight. , I.nw, :m,, y 5 n-.-i H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. I8: p.m J.fci.1. AND But "Frultrfes" Brought Fur Hie hi'itlnhiiur f llielr al TutadayMay 31 H - SUBSCRIPTION RATES I , Health and Strength week in Prince llnperl, Ibu Alhoi Hlgl". H:l irH.. llV.ft feet. Prospective Builders. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . 11.00 Slurk Ci., wliti rjax-r inatle sueh jl.w p.m.. IK.o rit. ... . . . Hy man 10 nil pans- oi ine lt-:l:..u nriiis mouo l ami 4 it,iwllnll..l mc- uimru uiuic,UI4I.. a fail wl)h Imnl lltettlre gnern I.ow. :t n.m.. M H f-i Nearest 29 Ht. llo St., MoTsr.AU approach to In advance, per year -au.uu. Willi their clever tabloid production, U:l ? twt. pre-war Dric. f. 7.nn. ."I writing to tell )ou thai will fotilitht In lli-Vltinliiii II.. t llfla Ilk.1 la tlfaltf Am III Ati , To all other countries, in advance, per year ant you pul on M Hi'1' a t humiv t hi 1 1- Shlplnp, Dimension Boards, ' TELEPHONE OS. lcatyliit "Vol- iitts". This Xhairf tonlglil two Ward, for the uuth Meridian weal. Lath, Flooring Transient Display Advertising $1.26 per Inch each Insertion medicine relieved toe when 1 baJ of I lie liit Viiown pluyA'of iikmU II la counieii irnuin tu zt no urn CciIinBt Rustic, Kiln Drietl Finiah Transient; advertising on front pag( ,t . . $2.00 per Inch (Irraup hope of evrrbeloi well, orii liiiiit. i from ini.hulit to' midnight. IJocal Headers, per insertion ; 2ftc. per line I m. tet-iUe sutlcrer froti One of them will ! Ihcirrfil, Tha table Riven Ii fur Port, in iNumber Une Fir Classified advertising, per insertion, ... .. 2c, per word. OjsfxfiU lud suffered for years, world-wide siicfi-s", 'The I.tin, Mltnpnon but tha.lime fur Prlnch Wo have got prices down to rock bottom Legal Notices, each insertion. 16c, per, aeate line and nothing I took did ine any good, a,ud Ihe MyuKe," wlildi KJii'vjvn llupert Variea only few minute I read about "Fruit tire" and Inspect our stock and V Contract. Hates on Application. a one or, Ihe IliliVI idys ever nn 'amine darn and oa ritliaira IS place your orter, tried them. After taking1 afrwtwtes, All advertising should be In the Dajly News Olllce on day pre nuJuint imaJtfrvm wriltcn. Hierc are several lniti the name. The ranKO of the tide etk it woitJtrnl ceding publication. All advcrlising received snriect 10 approval rtitafrrs, lim now entirely well" nioiii;n.s tlurlne the aellon of Ihe may be eomputed an 5 per cint Albert- & V Madm UOSIN'A FOtSIZ. play, Ihe hhr seen whre Hie greater al Prinea ituperl .than at McCaffery, Ltd, poor girl ge tin best of Ihe Port Simpaiin both at uprlnga and DAILY EDITION. Monday. May 30, 1981. trll site Sie. moncs i iu SOo. a boi, 0 for $2.50, World's imilrl DllHIK'iep lii'lMK neapa. Therefora Ihe rle In the ana 504 At all dealer or scud wtil by' (wprriully fxeiling. Prince) llui'ert harbor la alightly No Change In Frult-a-Uvea Limited, Ottaira. David llcUsr.ed "The fllrl nr gtrater than Port Mlmpaon. House of Commons. the floMen on of Hid Tli a halght U In feel and leullni 1 The ivlurns for Hie two liy-clerlion in enlern Canada, SUITCASES Im'.I known play of inodern of feet nhove tit" average level if York-Sinihtiry. fw Dnmswick, and Yamakn, yuebec, will not times, will nlso 1m put on Will lower low water. change the standing of the parties in me nnite 01 (.amnions TRUNKS Itobcrl Whrwick in lhr seven-ri-cl lu the former county a UniouUt will be Ihe representative whilt ffiiliiro, "Jack Plrnw," lher $5U to 5,000 in Ihe laller the Liberal. is ctmson, respectively as was the case HANDBAGS will alligchcr l-e a fine allow, AIL iCMirXJLE A YEAR FOR LIFE before. In York Siinhitry the government candidate was elected 'roiuorrow niglit Uito w ill Ik I tie tai:. Viover the farmer, the Liberal parly having no candidate. In a Kivad !lilf coMli-st nml "II m v a 'A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROYinR.if Jthrec-corncred light til ama.ka, Ihe Liberal was successful by Tents and Awnings Thursday I lie Indies' nail driving tatrbtl; . No tttttf lift inrntment tratUUt li strong majority over bolh farmer and Unionist. Tiipm) Hoe-J(ions mid wood sawiiiB conl'l. . .Mondaya,i , Wednesday. and ... No I11H arcttiity otitainable Ihe .situation in uruajs ai iii.iu a. in, ( - Cv bt aeUed ur Irrted reallyJiTtve liltle sigiiiflcanco on political upun (at any rau for Ihe successful' J. F. MAGUIRE from tha Kaat. ) : iCanada for both seats were stronghold parly SOCIALIST SPEAKER f - Nvt .Certrd bf trade drprraaloa icaudidaics returned in each case, so much so that in one of 712 Seeond Ave., I'rinee Rupert Sunday a. Tueadaya and Thuralj . f t I'M fl DdMitiiwttluajin Taa (hem Ihe Liberals diil not contest Ihe seal. TALKED UNEMPLOYMENT da j a at 7:15 p, m. . t !. JVo mdirl mitKm ituurJ j' 'Anrw OTTf'rSe'.,, ot J yrui rcWent or docntrilea la Caaeoa France Appears For Vancouvar and South, tria' fMarrnaae , Friendly to Germany. MM) ACT. Tell of Conditions From Earrly Tuandaya 7 p. itil Any taro prtaria Duif purrheat yuMly, Kntt-Joym may puithaer Joe their . flermany is about to pay the trepaartinn that has been sel fl.tic. t Intantlea te Apply I Lhh Lane. Part of' Nineteenth f Thnradays II p.m. tttrtr Itxhera cogklawa for tbeii etnptorrea mioiaiata.vhuA by Ihe Allies for the four years nf'horrors in Kiirop'e which she In sseena l.nd Malrirt, Rrrarainr ! Cantury. Kntunlnyn 10.16 Hrt or tkw.l. iuni 0. and miuat ai hrn W t r - imhi aw i. t T awa. aJIT" caused. The Wirth adminisiration, which is now governing if I'Mon lUy. nljommi lot It. April f. I? and 52 flermany'. seems to bear a vestige of sincerity which has been Taw notire that Gorman IV nrodimrtl. n, 0. .McOtltrhetdl. Ihe Wlnnt- From Vancouvar and South. iilMallOMl14if. lacking in so many of the governments of the country. Thi or frinre Rupert, ocnpation tnattrr man mx labor orator, ngain nddrewscd Pundaya Hp, lit. must be so for Premier Hriaiul of France has officially njeog-nized ner, intent to ipplr for prrmlitmn M Ihe Open Komin of I lie Oulrut Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. it mid .tttld the Chamber if Deputies last week that he leaw the roJlowlnr eleieribetf laixti l.alior Omiirll InVt evetiimr, lak-iiiK (Ujmcfwiwine it a pt planted no tna April H. 18 nnd Sri favored giving, it a chance. The statement was supported by outli line of lot lit, tnenre veal t rnaini Uhenifhyiienr' n his sul-Jccl. the chamber which Voted confidence in llriand. This is Ihe more or leaa la low water nurt; tnenre He ili'nil wilh the cnndilion For Anyoa and Allca Arm. B &K PASTRY FLOUR nearest show of amicable feeling towards fiermany which vmtbtrtr 10naio amnr low ater mark) since the early pari f Ihe .Nine, Mumlaya , . Id p.m. IES3&ZS l nenre eaal rhain more or lei to nin France, her traditional foe, has shown for a Jong time. Premier leenth renlury ami derlnred lhal V Wednesday water mark; tnenre northerly a ion Mrs p.m. ' llriand realizes that the Allies rrittst show a spirit of charily the reasona hf rellirlun. raiinnier. The real uater mark to poit. rnniainint 7 arret. From Anyoi and Allca Arm. white Kistry flour which M T aW ; and in this he manifests his good sense. However, this charity More or ten. cial treaties anih larilT werr; I Tnendays , ajn. Iff MIT means better, hirhter, and more miisl')ie tempered with watchfulness for the Allies, and especially R. rlKKIlllURST. fale. The real reason for un France, cannot forget Jhe treachery 'hat flemi.'jiiy has in luted lanoarjr l. tttl. employment ra thai Ihe workers buradnys . p. in. Ml' 'flaky imtry. , : tile pasl displayed. ' fct'EE r.lunl.nTTK ItLAMia USD DIS prmiucaMi more I hail the market " All r?oods sold under our 'B K" . . . ., For Port Simpson, Arrandala, Mill TnilJT lilMIMM ULAMI. II. C i i ,-, Trade Alarkirc ' " " Take ntlre thai Ttvnaa I . In.ltan rnuiu -o-orij. iite omy guaranteed. 'ATBjRea!; Criminals V" V --. ', tent, or Niwit, 0. 11. intend, to make . , , . j Bay. Walts Islarfd and Nass Rltrsr. ' r.'. Being. Punished? ' tnliealHin la Ine Mlni.ier or I..rut. for l I l-lll.f HIK , I IIP U m,tll ,' Sundays 13 p.m. ALL GKOCEKS sell "BfiK PASTRY rrmtnn 01 b. i:. rur a iieenre in vnt (he nlxililiori of prniluelion tt Ij "At'tlw same time as is her From rM, Simpson, Arrandala, milt; flermany making money pay-ti (ert roe elrb-um over and nnder tne proftla. A Industry of Ihe menls to Ihe her KMuminir aeu-riui land, auuaie eta lu pres. Walaa Island and Naaa tllae.' Allies, individual soldiers are being tried at Wel M)t or liraluia B.C.- enr day yta owned and con. Bay, THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING C0,LTD. jj Leipzig for crimes which they perpetrated during the war. In Cnramenrinr al a ink! planted no rhaiiu Tuesdays s ajn, naitn from the ontnoetl ronier of tot trolled by lUe Bverumenl llje ' ft dealing iwilh these war criminals the High Court is showing ill: inenr aa rtiaina ea.l: iltenee L only a,' jI'VIUI,would be P.O. Hoax 74B Prlne Kuport, B.C. Phona J50 and this is rlialna anatta; llinre ao ratna wett; the ore way Quean Charlotta Islands) ," leniency being done, no doubl,- because the ndiudi- a rnatna nurin til tne txMiit as tMMmwe. fur labor to wre Ihe power (roni . 1 rntors feed thai many of these Herman soldiers did deeds in. the irent For Loraird IIUI Marrh. Ifl. llje trovemifiiepl niul He,"lj( in M course i-4hc war thai perhaps Ihey might not have, committed TIIM9 lCSV, tiehaYf. V ' " April II and 25 tl had it ,$3jlbecn for the authorities thai demanded them. Ri.tiert Hrown, ent; own J. 'II. Ililrriiiiftl was 'chairman From The- eradication of such authority is Ihe mailer thai in the (JITF.X OI"LOTTr MI.4.MM Un M April II and 2H ', future will have In he seen to.. While TIlll T .HMH l-l.M; H I Folhiwinff ihe address there were soldiers from Ihe ranks Take not ire mat Thnma lea.r. Indian Dr. Sutherland t of Ihe German army will be punished, probably some of Ihe rrnt. Maavlt. U c. tnienda In make many questions kcd and an. For AVaflwaf-ard tha Yukon. al pllralkio Mr a Hrenre b tne Vlnl.trr tit xWiTi-d and it W(is lO.'tS before J! leaders, ,tlii whom punishment should fall,. wiljjro free. There- UH for ine rrtirtnee ut B i.. for r the broke April B, IH and IH fre Ihe will be iiumIixi 10 inMe,l rur tw imleuin wrr nioeliriK up. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. j punishments mainlyof an cxaniplary nature. and under the rrdlominr ilenrrtliril landa. From sitagway and Yukon. iiuai' on tne nw ti m uranam la U Just Germany's.Commenced.Suffering - land.uthrakl OMiuneurtoa-B. rnnier kl of a IjI Ilia:l . planted twnn Ihe WANDA HAWLEY AT April 2, 12 and 22 DENTISTRY in all its branches Although flermany indemnities 0 rtiaina: lln-nre veal fro rnainat tnenre lUwart, Mapla Bay and leimp' may pay and although her toxin rhaina; Ihenre ra.t rhalna, t EMPRESS TONIGHT FolnL soldiers may be punished, renlaeement of Ihe lives that were lost in"the war and some of the property,damage ran never be ioraiea inn THOU varrn. iiti.IiKASV, FOIU- Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 atoned for. flermany' great tuiuishme'iit will romn in Dm iueii Itpimn. aaenL 'Variety Is the Spice of Life" April 1 1 anri 28 For Appointment Phone Black 516 dealings that she has wilh her former foes. Distrust, aloofness ijt t r.i annum r. i.ii.oix ii Feature at Empress Tonight FHOM and sueh feelings that are manifested towards her in the future Take Millee that Tlumi latv. Indian April I A nnd 30 .will provide further punishment. She will learn thai Ihe Allic. rrnt, la.rtl. H. r . immda to make an- Itenlarl i-r-rtainly ljee in 'lleannn li Ihe VIMiter t Uiuli roe ihe llii a n-irnrd llielr . onna N OT I C K. cannot forget, even if they dn treat her wilh rjvility and lenieney !'mlnre nt H. C. rir a Iteenee lo nrHneei antl she will for her deeds in this T jtmkiim orrr and under the rnlluiainr noi.-itii iwie. Wanda llalcy. For pay waj for many, many iMeriled land, allnaie i,n Ihe Weal rxaal II TIIK MATTtn of BeetinAt til aH ) years. Truly flermany has a lesson to learn and it will be n r nranafn l.ljnd, II i:.: every one of the plnyrr e sliirtes ft ct tne Land hertatrr Art and in h I rhanl and severe one, but she has earned it. She will never nrthel ijnnienrinir rnmer ai.a( lxl pianiea HIS: ai llieiw-e ine nas iieen-railirnlly dlnirrnt rrom matter or 11 four III, Blor Thirty lltoj. - - suffer in sueh terrible ways as she caused France, "hi id to rtiaina :lhenre ea.t ria;n: lli olflers- -ijihL now ihey nrr srriion one II). tnj tit rruwa nuperi, Helgium and Ihenre north rhaina: Ihnire went an ivap Sil. Ihe olher. Allies to suiter. rhaina lo Int nr riicnr.M'nrrmeni. ; kliiriiiiit,Ji:adiiic' men. .lo, nlr frnnr ct Ihe brearb ef nmanl, IH GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Ixrated I llh Warrh, Kit. .. lill-. .furl Iter, ivnriiv Wandtt TIIOVAS lK.Y, rs-eainr and reruarrjr tt tMartamn, Sr i llohert H rim ii, arent. j ii.iwnjr m uni jrin Hi trri Hlale Crtn .Watdrva. Mie .feiialered nr a4r S.S. PRINCE CEORGE atllnjr jrr.r.t auiiMiTTK isi amu nn t.i with In-r puldio llirrf .Un'l the shove lul, undrr a kai r ran led bff Mldnlulil Thursday for Swantmn Ily Or an Dr. JOS. TltK.T - lillMMV HI.VI 11, H i: clianro. , ihariri r.. aoraea to yoai, Umrre Urey. - Vtrlnrlir and HraltM AVln-day I" V rrt Aiiy". MAGUIRE Take nolle ihai Trw,na. ! Indian daled the lets Jane, )U. and resiatered trn Arnl, kurl, K C, herehr rl reillee Jerome. I'alrirk (h I lie Inleal p IIM' l-'and Heeiairr omra sl Fnnre a. . S, 3. PRINCE ALBERT 4 inti'otinn a.'lr to ine r all Pl and Lawla tor Ihe pnr.lnre or B. i;. ror a netor lo msKr lln)parnnre op. pert, aa auoiber tftl-O. haunt le-en tut-matted, FnrtPnrt filerneni. AlasMll, llurklry Hay I inure 10 fn(er tut feirolemn uvrr ami oiilr the KlarfMiH'renffnir'stirli it u rojr intrntmn attr la rt-iMraiion soutliern ytiecn i:iiarl..iie l.ianda May -'" mirtrr the rolloavln ilearrllHd lamia, aitu- nr thinr nr rrwn the tnif r has been called to Vancouver on aJe ami Or.rrltxil i tLe eat a. rai.l rrilkiwa;t Cotrimrnrint(iraham al fatorilos na IliirrrVnn I'ord nnd I his imiire, to rs'nrel Ihe rrnxralton ir -MaVvsili. a lt ptared t mama (uititn rrrm the Itam- W allupK, the Mid lesae upon the nrfllrr uniria TRAIN tttRVICC s-m. special DENTAL WORK. uiuinne.i rfulin,enrjier Ihenre r aouth uni nil;It) rliam.i iwrire ilirnre weal Tall, nllileiii-.i nnd Wilh fnrln in the meantime s rood stid valid Mteiin Pn.senirer Mond.y, Wednesday .nf.,8l",VvmnlrUi. - thereto la made sift enter tKa t4d for RinKlirr. I'rinee TOO f-aHl kd rilalfu: ii.rin ait. euain. lii aline l.rown ;.- and south. He will RE-OPEN His OFFICE Ihii or rominenrenieni. , , wavy Imlr, Mr. Pal- prnaeeule the proper proeeedisia lo ei-labliaa . i.oraua Mann titn. iti. flck fftrnw n nrfw foil f (lit lour rlalm or to crrttul aurb bro- All Steamahlp k a une Ocean Atrencv on THOMAS iit HKAI4V.Mmwn, Areni iU-1 Mundn iMmily nf .Miss piaeil srtioli on mr ar(. Land aesialry omre, pnnrs Nupert, for larortnaooai ard r-eraitoa llauiey In "ller JUNE 1st OfEE.I riURUiTTR isi.rH niu- First Klopemenl H C, ird Msrrli, A.II. Iff I. i vi i . aaa TMrS Biaaaa. r.- 7IWI1 UIIAIHV IHI.A.tll. n.C, whlrli mines In flip l'nirr II. t. MAIXKOD, fcBwaaeaeTi Take imiire fhal Thiaaii lieaav. Indian 1 Ileal rr tnnislit. lilllrlrl Heralrar or Title t. Miralion ii iiu. Mlnlaler iir UniM fur lli - .' To Oeori Orey, Krovinre ur h. t. rr a llrenre for Her- Prior Huprrl, B. C iMkiu to uruapeel fur petroleum over anil hiwlr ih rrillcmtnr dencrlLrd lanita afluale on ine weal iviaal o. uranam laiaml. n. J.: Ten Years I I'llOHATK. pacific railway Coniinenrlnr at a Kial iiUtiM-u al lie Ago Till! scrum k iiii mt nr bhiukh Canadian Khore line al While Wilnli Itienn) wwin iii.i.yni a. 0 rhajna; tlwnea eaal an eliaina; tlienre In Prince Rupert TIIR M TTtll Of TIIK ADWIVsTHA j Imiiiii iHiein nr no eoniineneeueni.r.haina: tnenre ral so rhaina to . . Mj,L. M ACT and BaC, Coast Services Uirimi 1 1 III Marrn, I9JI. Tlllee VATTKH OK TIIK KSTATK Or-AIIAAMlfll THOMAS tiEASY, May 30) 1911 W. SCOtr. KIXKAStil. Films in before 9 a.m. finished the Maiiliew Vuemana, afrnt. lan TAkK MITICF. Ifial in order at iiai same day Mrlliionld, at' iiresenl n- Rupert lloiHmr r. Mr. . Ynanr, made in sin rar! Sailings from Prince (jitr.t ciHM.nrrr.-isi.AMm tus sisljiiil tiro rliiir at 'flnssland, una i.r April, 11,.I via. SMHSnled Aillnmia. IraUir Id Ihe CJIate or Alrtander W. Hroll. The Prince Take iitiv.l naUre nn,m.lliat Tlumiaa, ..Itutlan iiiininfpiraM!Ainnl liM rlilef liern drreaaed, and sir parlira hi rlaima ' For Ketchikan, Wrang", '""".W 22,29- 1 PHONE Rupert Dryg Co. ffm. Ma.vit,tn the Mlnl.trr. r... inirnoa nr Lamia to make rur ai-I'liratl'in Ihe last night hy ho clly1 rrnmi'il at u aaam.l lu turniah the aame.aald Mlale rniprrir are nrrrbv vended,renu'red in me. , Jona 13, 20, 27j July 4, 11, 18, 25J Augu.t 1, . fl 134 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street I'rovliwe tit U. :. fur a ll-rme rranllns salary of 9135. on or fcelore .the I in dar or Mar, ll, Vancouver, Victoria and 27, A . aivl all parnea Indrhted In the eatsie For 20 l v prmpert rr lroluiii urer are , U Mall Order CJven Prompt Attentlc I lie ruldmlnv dearrlben altnale m Tlirrf reuiilred lo liar the amount or ineir in. Jun. 1S, 25, July 2. 9, If, I 30, Au0u ;ft I lie Writ CuaM ot .ilrjfum I.Unrt, to. C, arc tn applicant for drbtedneM lo ine lor turn in anil ilearrlbeit aa fulluwa: llin ponillon of clly nndilor. Tlu-y jonn n. MrMl'l.l.l5i. For Swanson Bay, Ocean Fn. rr, . rmiuiHiirlnir al a pnat (.UiiiihI at the omrial Ailinlniairaior, Vancouver and Vlclon n... uorlliwral mnirr of U1 11141 Ihenre rait urn (l.lMnnroM nndij'avld Thomp. riATtu this I fin .dtr or April,. tsit, NlnpkUh NOON. an rhaina; ihenre Miutli u rlwuiai Ihenre . . , , , 'EVERY SATURDAY AT oral so rlulnai thrnre twtrlh an rhaina lo son, RUPERT BAKERY IIhi ijiraim nr emiuneni'rinenl.inn tiiomas'kkasv,Marrn i,ii. ' W, I), Vnnrp (ia: u.liern aripolnled Bags T.rk... ...iiU ,..rl.Tr Uio Hd Hiitwrl Bnmii. atenl. the now secretary of I has 8clioo For Vl'r.F.1 rilAril.OTTF. ISLAJinS I.AMn DM-TIllCT Hoard, laklnu lhf plarn if (' II. Suitcases Corner or in siree anu -i- - Also for TiHAIIAU 14 LA Ml II i: Kawlc, mm u rclirinir. CAKES AND Take noilre mat Thmnaa lieaa. Indian PASTRY OP QUALITY Asrni, Xa.Mll, D. C, The Bread lirreliy jlrra lettlre Only best materials used it iiiirniKx) ki ma a a aripneatlott m inn Joliii Mcl.eod. of IMioenlT. Trunks eiiu.irr m i.ana. mr iiui rrovnira nr II. Ordera for (.. rur a lirrnre in iiruwierl rr lietroleiim Iirfillier nf dcorKi" Mrf.eod, the that IRestsurants, nur ami under IImi rullimtiir (tearrllieii iirifoiluniitc wlmsn 'CO. OF JUgSl1' Steamships, CannerUs, etc landa altuaie on Ihe Wral f.oa.l or lira-liaui innn Imdy lius Tents. Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP Promptly attended to laland, H, C: CoMhiriirlni al s IHial Just lici-n mind n-ar Jorl MmsJiib- fur Vanrouvrr, orran lana aw p.m. planted al the aouilisral rnmer tit lAii Bell. X1,b&TmM-for Satisfies Joseni Garon and C. R. BiooeaT, Proprietors MIS: Ihenre SO rhaina eaal: Ihenre at) lon, nrrlvi't; in (tlm rily tinix-pi'drdly F. 1. tor Aliyoa. Alir Ann, W alas rtiaina Iiorlfti Ihenre SO rhaina weals ihenre Crosby P.O. ycslrid.iy In siwk III tor l'u, iVa'suVr,' .. Box 621 6X7 Third Ave. Phone Creen 211 iu rniina juium w imini ur rofninenrefnent. UK-airu Marrn iitn, isti. brother. Hit will Im in IIihh for 715 Third Avenue, Prince Itupert 2S aae.n Avasu - THOMAS DK.AMY, Mailhew Ynriiiana, strut. I h funeral Inday, , eaeeeeaie a eeeeee aeseee."