i JUN - feffl J ta-x. 139 Phone A A Huntley & Hale X 67 X Helgerion Block PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V.I V' K'5 I'lllNUtt IIIJ'KIIT, II. (i, .MONDAY, MAY .'JO, 12I. Siturttr't Circulation 1.tG. SfrMt liln 42. PMGK FIVK r.KNl Soviet Government Is Now Bankrupt FORMER MUNITIONS BOARD HEAD CHAIRMAN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY BOARD Moscow Despatches to Paris MR5.STILLMAN aBaBeeaapeaapaBsaBBBBaa ON WITNESS STAND. Sir Joseph Flavelle Is New ' Cha rman Grand Trunk State That Premier Lenine Railway Board Directors Sends Out Distress Signals MO.yrUKAL, May :.. ir Jiepli Havelle ha befii elecl.etl rJiuiniMit of Ihe Orarnl Tnink lnjunl of tlirecloi-s. Upward tJ, Kellcy. retdrul of the railway, i inaile a direelor retainnig. RIGA, Mir 30. According to direct dispatcher received from PRIZE STOCK BEING ' aBaBaBBBBBaaB "' (he JMirif a pre.oiilent. ' ' onw from Independent sources Lenine, the ,8ovlet Ilusilan,, CUIppCn fll n PflllNTUV With the jruvernnieiilNt new move in nominating and t'aLlinp vtmler. h" declared that communism It In complete bank-, OnilTLU ULU LUUiUIU lu iniloii Ilie nnmc of the iiew (.rand Tnifik dirpriorS tliis and ha asked that the presiding officers of the IMimrcr railway for Hie ftrt lime in iU Jiiltir' gels a dniiudian "r"' .Specially Selected Four Carloads Ruiilin Central Executive Committee approve of an unlimited , 'lirei-torule a jn-elmle to being taken over by Ihe Canadiau nurd to capitalism. Me alto asks that all constitutions! Demo Isolde for wbo.e belief!! il will be run hereafter. Market ptti and other parties be recalled for the purpose of rebuilding BBBBaBBBBBVHBtAhSRvBBBVBBaBIL? Kven Ihoiigh the aiiHiintmrnts re temjHirHry while arrangement) are being imide for bringing' the system iiito.ro-ordinalioii the itata. I DMO.VloX. May an. - Sul HBH29lLaCBBBm7aSBBBm Thli action would completely upiel the system now obtain- faftenml sircm, makiiu- Tur . n with Un- Canadian National Itail- jri in Russia and would mean the downfall of the soviet regime bad of prue minimi- f-i inu nFrfM A way system, s'.me of them will .. . ..it...- Th. rtein.trhe. are eaoilna more attention from " lloiinlo. l.-fl li.-r. ;iALA r A lilll u ,r:"':rn:,a,"", . . , V -1 m - J IBIIWI Saturday itiiihL Ilefore li.-.n I II Il.lllllll ! fll ...W-JHI of all Europe than has any news for months. Ktavellf cliairmnn aerord IM diplomats as . ikdh-d I hi") will I exhibited ii NOT FIGHT JAP illi Ihe srenernl aHsiBsik!4iBB impression err- ola-giw. They dm-ell Ii? ivi - arrli wa- icivrri up. The l aled somr weeks bsii that lit YOUNG MAN WAS il. i on ll.c inland j.ay dial. the IHiii. Ouuenn .Marsliall all). wu BBaBEBKj'iAjUEB mislil br siiusht after by tlm a-ti. ra.ill in !' On...l .1. Nesvcombs Dsntes ' ,Captain Report Canadian government In art ns ln.iiK Dial Hi le-Iy w. urrjof Alberta Iniversily. : in Wireless Message. icbairuinij of llm unified board of ' DROWNED WHILE .. il ul and Ihe chance ' direetf.rs when all Hie irovern-TOKIO. ' v.--, arc rcnoir. The .rtj ifFMFR 1 SMUTS ANT) May :il.- -The Knreisn menl roads are brouslil. unler returned In Hi' rily Ul nichl. Clllire has no r.ii.flnuali.in of the 'ne mauatfeiiMllt. 'null he Is not GOING PORGHER Ted liiirsler wan hut a yiiiut COLLEAGUES LEWE ilrslrurlinii uf a JaianrP iMiat.a railniad man is un;rd by. some man Ji year of aire. Ill parent IbbbbbbBbIbbSbbbbbHbw bV 'bBH iali-etjly eauirlil sealina in Cana.jwlio obj-rt lj tb ai$x(iutment Mr. "l Mr. I'.. I". Ournter re. ATTEND CONFERENCE; tian wj,er as. rrjiorted by l'rince.l'ut the relort.iuade. i that hi" LLCarsltr, Aged 22, Lost His bb- at PIG lohti NrrM, Van. Uiiirrl lii-siiatrlies. The Jaiine'si-"'was not a iiinnllioin uian' be fore life Saturday After- ,wrr. and Ibf.Md wa brouzbt r.AITTiiVX. May ;(. -rernrra !r.iuiil at Vn.ir.mxltr- im Im-ii be took over t ln iiiunii inns bianl "Ml, lJr aaai.llllBa ribitV'tf to invtKll!eMr1i)lul diiiafaHs-Ml.tFauewwtaliv.-.fnc' " ' Wrro.iMliicTaimcfo I II.... -irt -11...... II.m 1..... fini f.i.-Mra tn.li I II will , vx a IH sn .ili.-r iii.Lnfe of Hi- " 'wrn Wand. There are ,rRp ,,ar,y wbjVn lis no foundation for Ihe report surj'rise no one if he remains WiMj m' rit-ii atlpniUnl immmi brother ami on sister. If. rrl f ln cabinet'Witfrtisu' Slial Un1 llimiinion ilslii-ries eruis- rhaiiman of the iermaiient.board 0 Mitbil.u Li nwini l ! fx reard. -'lice rmnlnir lirr Iwo ailrtl fur l.-.inl"n ou Saturday ier MaJ;:siina hail eaiilure.J a whieh must eventually be naiited RWjnl 1 1t J rem In IT of IUJ-nrd yir Mfc-. ha. l-n rinl)m at ,Hn,j ,. f t..nt4 tn.- ..ntrrti. toil Mr.or aivoirc Aim L'cqahart bmicfal by retlrr r kuabaM.Blitlmxa Juira at the A.rcfrmi SUUm&a.hearioc in th i JapBiM-sr walrr. snvs a wir-lrss by the government. . iurifr. a yiximt ;in llir lii.yar.l and fr a uliilr wa v SPf.4, mi(in na, j.,,, a, !frnm Ca.'.l iin Holmes Xrwrombe Two Rallwaymen. l.-nl in Hi- I'rihcr llowrl ,., Sl .. i... uattr uf Hie Malaspina. i Mr. hVHcy's name in the list j .if directors, does not , "" necessarily MUai rily. who lM ili'liaHis from tllU h)H. La Ii f I k rrla. ft-aatll Him -atiail ami vi a wll tiknl by all wild The Wonderful Valley iNAVICATlflN WIH. RF I""!!!' ".h. "I lb whom lie rami m n" llii 1 lunaiwti r aw aval m fiiiiaiifiii iiii'ii. is I urs.runui j MORE KILLINGS TAKE flPFW QOHN OW V!IarflN ", ,ia' on "' l,"ard one closply llmkHHI of the Bulkley River. UlEll JlUll Uil lUftU.ass.K-ialriJ wilh Hie iiiaiiaaement In r.,,,.t tttll, Ml" Kill RESULTS OF PLACE IN IRELAND - of ihe (irand Trunk Ilaifway. and V"' ii.. ai fine lo lil By tKe Editor. Flrtt Vessel Expected to Leave one like Mr. Mileliell, cliwely i rorriiiT ikibhu. ir,i III, ct'-r!nl 1 llltll lll Constables, Soldiers and Civilians is sufllrienl to disil Whitshorse Bound North assinrialed with the Canadian by:elections .Vlrjjt through the Hulkley Valley ny Naliona) Ilnilways, so the prb-ress and a flh'Hfiail. llM-ar' Fall Victims In Dublin Raids on June 6. distriet for idea u to Ihe inadaptability of Ihe agrii-iillure-lirighl of rii-onlinalioii can lie ni.l- I. fl hrrr In llw tauoHi ! and choro-lute W by exrierl knowledge of bolh Held of timothy are seen everywhere n-k lui,- al u'rluek Salur-! . .... . . lUlltK. May 30 T I'lUrrald green liAW fiN MayJ0.-av.lio,x- ,lU.m; l o-ernm.n ""' " brown iuiid lhat lias been plowed or -reded and wlitrh f t) anrr.,.a.n. In Orr l'aa. briUirr, a K.lilirr ul a railwn ju.-t from WTiilehor-e lo I law-011 and York-Sunbury and Liberal Mr. Newcoinbe's presence on ht .,llTl,..r ,.,amt lrP UHJ iMirliT. urrr IhIml fnim thrii very soon will also be green. Kverywhere prosperity is iiptdreiiL the mouth of Ihe Yukon Hiver Ihe hoard will enable him to pit ,n amia. lkf ... 11.- ...-ft... . iinin lierr ali'l killnl A party f und will iu fearful of booni-lers tributary points .Hal BT I The people of Ihe Hulkley valley are open r.u.il ofn nf IIia f..trui.irt c trr IS n. hMi.iJaii.aAlk.l aa.II 1 I "in -n. l"l"tr Plic irii rrr nri'il on in dislike essiniisl. auxknis. jhiil jhe a few days. .The lirst steamer . ,u tk. ...... Oil AW A. May nnal and also Ihey a They are ...i i .tr.n.. 'I'..iim Ijiii.UliIrt IUnillir u ll is. eM.ecU-d I., leave W hiletmrse . Sit hi. lltfliivn in tlir frdiml by-rlrrl inn ; " out-ide world shall know the Inilli. about. (lie place anil thai aUvp frampW1,rk ,0 thul 10 I.M.I l.M. I.. l. a.hll. killtfl. TI.I Ollf lliail Willi Vxll-MII l. for liaw'-iui oil June G. ... Yi.rk-Smiliury NW !,... eouiilry's'interests avo kept fure-. ai ,.i - lalrr ilird of new filters -who conie shall have a good idea of thu'dilliculties Mil iW!. ., Haklllir wan .,. ". ..." ,Z.i iwirk. mi Nilunlay Klr - I, ' most. air ,. ttl11111,..l well as llio poiliililies. as AVI T0RS FALL ..Whether Mr. Kellcy remain. a ri.,.,,.... .i ...... i i ... Hair, n majxriiy .111014. m - - Wo drtive tlirougli the best pari of the country' around on the board or lint il Is expected wa IIik fariiirr Telkwn, niorof parlieiilurly llio Tjee Lake ami Honing Lajuiis-Irirts. he will have a trtfc'li managerial fjejir Five Killed at Nancy, ''Tt.ii DESTRUCTION "SAID There ore few farming dilrirts as pretlyas) fue'uiiy' or pos offered him. , France, on Friday . "of the world; The land 'I Personnel Board. where in rolliirjr, purify cvjerwilh Heard Shriek. , n Yamaska. ' TO BE SUCCESSFUL The personnel of (ho board ii La. ... n't ttiuber, Uil with large stretches ...... Vour he aa,M.y II NANCY. .May 3(. or a follows: n ln'anJ ahrirk . IIih ,,, .......VuJMa.u iimitaurncy... ..'Jur-. eultivateil, with lierdj of cattle brandius some of lii.- ouiijjaltb' a avkitiirs. who un .l!url Toronto. were Uyins nerr Sir Joseph 'Flavelle, fir in.i ...-1.1. ....'"".., M. A, Ilwuelier,: llir: . I.IIK-IUI 80 Says Oall Elrann In Commenting nml lii-lf and lliere .u lloek of anrl the man who was liel'iiiS' lijln - ." ,. w lilane. were klll-sl wlieii t II e alM,Willl,t uu, rtwlMl by a ma- Tlie entile had' wintered aiiolher candidate al'ilie . 11.. 1 Il.l-t. Last Week's Activities sheep. was re. '.I'IM'lll'U i.iiiin-ii.nit in lliree-rornrr- on murhine era-lied lo the ground. Howard O. Kellcy, fonlreal, f 1.513 a jiirily well ami are now lliuliinf plenty rrnl cleriinu. Oeo. Murray, .who fl-nl II..' bi.al nml nul .iff in . . present pre.-ilenl of the (Irand fd,..i.. . . .. ru rniii--i. II it oMinrntn wrrt lit Iiiiil r.iraim of Krass iu thu lletds or on the contested Hie seat in the Ikiu- t ..., 1.mam ihp siniKKiiiiH ,. A. Momliiu. tauiorrvalhe. unU III.IN. Mil) 3d. . NEW TARIFF BILL Trunk Kailway Compuny. ri iimii in. i.i.ut un.. ami bo l.ainlirrt. funnrr. lia iAUd u -Inti'iiM-ut Ibal tin- range. eratie interest. hail sup. A. J. Mitcliell. vitfe.presideiit M didiruliy m .avHiu lilm-rlt Ji.wiili i)..(rurliu of Hut rii.linn lioue Bulkley Crops per wilh llie-e two men ami ,were . .W.SIIIX("l'oN. May 311. An Canadian National Itailwuys, 'l'u-nuilo. f flniKniB tit il... in.iiit-i.i f nl Ihililiii un.I mililary i.i'rrulioiK j- The prluriial ei-op i timoiy treated most ho.-pilnbly. emergency taiitT bill, tuxinu the fill klitiMI a.'lilisli 1 1.a luie been 11 ronnilele uree; It liay. wilh out;. iMimliiK seroml und Mr. Priidliomme has lliic little majority of aHrtf'tillural products. t. I.. Neweombc, deputy liiiuis-Irr Pdni uu nl mo.t unciuiorlmi is alel Unit the lie of fouriwheat unii harley follow ins elosr. herd of Jlerefuril., f priji' slt'ck, will come jnlo effect Judy. of Justice, Ottuwa. r,4lMin. MrmiviiI, (lumlrr iiiillio'n iiiie i 11 iimre nere. Die'miestion uf wheat iruwiiii: is Ihe very best of Iltcir kinil. t'he J. N. Dupuis, dry goods uier-rliaut, ,y Mi-d NopIIii fr..Ill III.- THREE PARTS rhiirse than un uiijiileiiurai tlic ue! a irn.1 ileal, Last year )niuii: bull, I'alsy. is a fl lie,beef Montreal. P88'1' run in id,. nuruiHi manU'rolei-e. there was ummcr frost lhat injured, animal and worth u lot nf'noney. a Hue auiiual and we were tolili r .. inn... tt(l nually ulnk. but all was si.Id ut 11 K""l One of his projteny oiily1-' a: few ufler'wards it wa- a mule ib-r. a . thVtfui f I'TFRNFR RTII V S miiiiiihiiuhI (rtini miiii la Scheme Advocated al Council KIATIVCC I lUIWr llKI prieiy for rhiekeu friil. Ustiiilly. davs oh. Mr. )'Bdl)oHipy-s' a blue,m I.,,.s:rouVr..0,, HVa- very la'o-10 1 Lllll iLill llUltlJ ranoliern on llii Ulun.l of Ambassadors Today 11tiiiioj uiitvu vii j Mr were told, u heat ' ripen well III.l all "tUt unlil 3''UVIkIi In ACCOUNT FLOOD and urades high. Wheal itpiwina and alloweil us to approach within ROOFS 'nwiniir llir W . I.. illianw villi a few feel, now aiyl tlifll liooliiiji FORIRELAND nlK.a,. iirnrartlie I'AIUS. May 30. The division I., not the future 111.lu-lry of ll.w l.e.nnii; Kven when cha-ed it re. L 7" l'atrullviJ.u,.Wltli- of Sil..-iu llllo lliree iinea, olio alley. however. Al ivesenl lieef our host. liek ami 1 1 elimifu -oflly. .I..!- Pnli.ti JtiriM.lelli.il. one HKOINA. May 30. Men. eullle raisins mriiuh's the attention of Ihe hill al the back ol fused to run or ly very far uway. i ""Uu n lui nrcl o I'rlm-P ItU-jWjJ,,',,'r'ly imili.r (i.-rniaiiy. 1110I Hi' lliinllaild horses liuse been drowned . . .. f ,,.- ,., ,.ajninc the farm. I hate no I.Tcu' liovv Wonderful View MaMlal Law Likely to be Extended im.iiiinjr and llm I iiurarily I'y H"' and the renident- of Ihe Itgl i- likely to lake precedence in the high it K bul il is a hard tliml'. The view from the bill was All Over Country Except y d I'.roncr wyiu Dutinetl uovk-riieil iliM-iMneJ by I lie riin- Cart It Indian Itescrval iim are liv-Iny near future. a thai is the imlus. I As we were polnx ii nnjen wonderful. On' every side of Ihe Ulster f" sr. i,(.. Allle uiiiba!.ttdnM 011 Kalunlay. on the roofs of house on Iry almol all are looking forward I Blade., we looked half, 11 uille wide valley were snow clad mountain of , Police Search.- ril 'r"'J ''' ""' account of 11 IIoihI lu Hie Carrol to. ahenil 11 iNi r the o. of Hie hill and aiuj below vvs the hinin I.OM1ON, May 30 The piv. mn'r '""'''day iiiuniinir mu Thi l'l 1110I lliillun iene-eitui-tlves. ller. Let us Ivll you of u i-it we saw a iIok cluisiux (iomejliiiw., lake with green Held, brown eriuiieiil' iMiliey for sterner rer ' fhnn'''."1' '''y ,'IIHl-llll nl Urili.li made lo one of the llMUlill "liel our kiwlak reaiy TJiere plowed land and , itoplur and preioii of the criminal element SC r"'"''i" OF with here and there in Ireland involves tlie strmxthV !! ai..x tiui.it. HEADQUARTERS farmers. is a bear 1 liliu." 1 reiarked spruce wooiU. 'r" CAPTAIN NICHOLSON Prudhomme'a Ranch jiieularly. Neither pf it- jire-liai-eil. a home-leail. T Ii e (luDkley euinit of Ho Crown forces it is "1 !, HI). mv!, (. Iwo OOINO TO HOSPITAL REPUBLICANS CAPTURED W'e went to see Alex, I'nul-houime. ImiI u minute later a line wlmliim up Hie valley au the -tilled. Close to .j(l,(lim more 1 lli,.l'lll.... r nf Km Tor we all knew him und ileer hurst through (be bush Telkwa llivi'i' llnwinu iu from Die IriMip have been sent am. it 1 " '"f i.l..in. on Tlilr.1 Ave- VAKCI)L'Vi;7May 30. --('.a.. May 30. The Crown ullhouiih iniahl luie lieeii alieail of us ami came directly Hoiilh all addi'il t Hie beauly of likely Hint martial law will he ex P.1!li,.r 1.1 1 . M'lioloii. mnierliiU'iiileiit li;itl.lN, ilic alb-y with temled lo all the country except '' - "Miini (. forfi' niinouiife Ihe capture of oiiooseil lo him poljlienliy al Ho- toward us nl a fast run ami passed lhe laml-i un'' v Mlt Wit), of U. N. H. steamer, lias been luK a centre vvu ,1'Ul'er. The kitclieuer block. , Krnl(,,ff the Jiembiuailers of Hi" "Irisli lust election, thai lias noihng toSwiih n a few.van, i:eryliunttilhi' Tye 11 hit" u biHiv '! ',"l'vor to recover taken seriounly III and iinea Iti'liubliruu Army" m a recent do with our li ip iiifouah llie'linppeni'd-sii iulclly we were un. oe of the ttnet lut of the eoun- house sytteni- nlay uto be were, liovpllul tomorrow for an oporu-Uou. rulC. country. fuuiid he wtts'ttble to jel a pbotocapti. II wastry lluoutfli vvliich wo pucd. adopted. U'ifcUi-cusiful uud llio