PAOE 2. mis DAif.r hews a mw m'-'t 1 1" I WJk U'l ' -- The Daily News THMv90ice BAND SMOKER PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA for digestive disorder has been iaai aam zbbk inm rj laa I Sunday, by The News Icechim I111i.loucnuvecon AND CONCERT PublishedEvery Afternoon, except fidence in this remedy for biliousness, Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, headaches, flatulency,con-ttipatioa Slujgish are organs II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Mimulated and the whole system Great Success Scored by Great War Vetirant' Association benefitted, by Last Night. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! t,. , .J. ;i , v City Delivery,. by carrier or mail, per month ............ fl.OO BEECHAM'S rni)unllftel ah. rcs allni.l.'.l llu-, i - Lly mail to nil parts of the Hritish Kmpire and the United States, smoker hebl m Ihe i;inin' al In udvance, per year f O.Oti. In UtHi SUc PILLS wlwr la Tli'eairc lnl n . til by the lin-ui To all other countries, in advance, per year ". , . $7.r,0. lit, War VHerrtn' vielallli In ui'l of Ihe hiAvly.fii null lialid. 'Die TELEPHONE C8. SUITCASES hull was filled Hi n ailleiiee! More Tobacco for the Money ilj was lifarliK snllsfleil willij Transient Display Advertising $1.85 per Inch each Insertion Hie cnlerlaiiHiiriii dial bud bein Transient advertising on front paffc ........... $2.00 per Inch. TRUNKS nlTonlcd. Tbei . wii a Ioiib pro. Local. Readers, per insertion, 85c. per. line. HANDBAGS giHin or liiii-ie. iwiim mo -. ; Cla?i(lpd advertising, per insertion ' ' Uc. per word. . itaiicdiir niiilniovniu but llie ren-1 Packages 15 m r va ! w rr n 11 Legal Notices, each insertion, . ... . 15c per agate line. turn of it aJJ was Ihe presenre ' Contract Hales on A Jicfitlon. I Tents and Awnings of Die wl.ieb rtlld lls- lf All advertising should he in the Daily Aevvs onice on day preceding nrt'dil, Itefresliini'iif tftlid smoke- i' publication. All advertising received suhject lo approval. MAGUIRE were kepi Ibiwing (li rMicmmis ; m&3!?j& eta vM F. J. ty!n ilnrtnu I lie de nf t. 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert eveuiinr. , I .DAILY KDIT10N. UCm Wednesday. April C7, I '.'-1 J. II. Kelly, president of I lie. nssocinlioiL wii- i lie cliairinan . f tin eoiieerl. A Her limkhiK it few . Hospital Day i , if s iiilnnluclbry remarkn be raileii To Be Celebrated, upon the band under llaiidinasiiT' A National Hospital Day has Ji'een set for the 1011 aniil- ieenllebi. wliieh played in ex-1 veNarv of noretlceNighllugale, which falls on May 12. "The ifayi WATKIl ACT, ION. eellenl uiiiniiei Die obi favorite, o.gtiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiniiiii.'c . . .' . . . . . , . , ,:. .il "lilouel iniireh. Tlirtmuli ' Is lifting I'ciciirnipii evcrvvvnrro wiin uic uiijert in urnwuiK Vti:e is toiimv ,"iivK iimi iik loey ll..iir i LH-Hinunl irnvr nf Hriiir ml Hie even in! Die srleclions of, ' tydtdtilinti tif Jlif vOfKdoiH Vy the Ho-pUals with ivvievv.ln clr IMllIhUt tir l IOI llw. fttlrr nl III ' " HiKBior council h lmn prmsI I I lie li6llJ were vreelaNl Willi, irreitt ' eo-oppraliw'liclweVii the piiblir and (lie in-stilnltons. . , hi ilaiiie . aiol irs ilenmn.!' . . PRINCE'Par OH TIDES TlMI fHiruanl lo tnr pmrMI.) ar i: - In Priiicj; llupert there is a very worthy.inliliiliim c Ceollenlly Srfli.41 -t if Waicr Art ttll t-inr on every lscoioii. I . o ! conducted and the people of Priun Hubert will he kd to rnn- lltal riupi.r iih rww i or it r suut in unfwwll ir II4 First Hlf.v Wedneday.rprll 27. LlihlMhhl LRfl'lirll tfTlii'hiiLi ider the splendid work it is doing. 'especially hi ciinuccuiln will ml UI Xirtnni ut Hrar Hlr Ul,in MrMullin l!M Cnnrr i:rrrt riH-Pri The firsl half of Ihe. prosramj IliUh. l:jrj n. m.. Ml ( - i 1 Walrr liinirt roMMi.imt by hieltiiiesl several splenoiu sniitfn ri &i i. i: i' r p. the day set nnlde s hospital day. , 7 ink-r-iB iiMiivii niimtirris 4 anil n-cllalliiiis. H. Hubert aon GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY .Kl inr I4IH nt lirmiilM-r, tt) "The jiy.j .intended lo he one. of widespread hospital pn)a-Vanda, Itlu, tm rtnrrlkil in Nr llu smic "My. Old Woman." and In THz-.t p. in.. v.t f.-. v. 5 5, PKINCfc GEORGE lailint -establish' MMl iwmf rruint la IB mtl.r r whlclf will Interest, prealir c-ojraUon greater' Hivr in in 1'rin Hiifri response to Ibe ilettmild of the Thurtday, April 23. Midnlnlil Tti'nai;y ' - an- t 'iiikd stimuli.!lop .fee bellcr service. The program for the day is ten vnr fiKinn mi thai nanr or amlienrv enc-oriM with 'i'll Xever Vn-iori.i ; v ver. ar Hlfr't. 5: li .-'r:1 un rtnrrlliiKMi l fHiblioliM rr a. in., .f.i. ?lu racli Individual hospital lo urnin as il ee, III, but" several siik-Kosliog inr DMuiiht in lb n. c. ilii.ii Forifrtl I Ik; Hay. t' .1 r 1H-.8I Iii.'; fiHl. S. S. PRINCE ALBERT have lieen ml forth tin" rnuiiuittec, f which ulll imi ror inr miitui la. u im p. in.. many Hrudy ieJbflrkfiuniiba llio" and . ark immin ,.r wni tiH(r biii-Uha Imw. 11:1J a. in.. flA feet. For lrl t:iinnis. Ma-i n, , t -i bp carried out in Vancouver," say Hie Daily Province. in lh Vnan neprrt Watr "Tlie ()ldClerJ)'iiMtn" and llaiuJ-lnasler SiHlllieril Jeen i;iinrln(l , OiMrirl. , "!oiiie of these arc that Hip various hospiluU have 'open day", Ixml llil tll ar ut ttarm. . II. ivy . (SreeVfleld, tteeoiiiMHlel Ihe lime na0 la raetfltf VUn. April ZMIh. lo Hip public, 'so that Ilipy ran sec' lliroujrh the institution in Ibe T. O. f'ATlU.l.o. by Ibe hand feiflereii "Till We TftAIN SEnVICC .viwir of l.arwu. Urd, for lb i:ilb .MecJdlaii .eal.) workings of llf various departments; Dial lliorp bp hejd on (hi day Meet Apalu'S'ttK a aorttel nUt. A II l" counted from (I til SI boure. t',enirer Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:11 11M variohs functions for Hip hospital, as. nurse' graduation evijreise. X DTIfiK. lep ilaucw by J. Sleunrl proved lop Sinllbera. prtnee l.,st- Kd. t ' Wit ftg, m.M (nun in lil 11 iff lit til liil.lnlel.t halls, dance, loan. etc.: thai Hip vnrio-i club dnd organisation a lortolar nuiutwr ih; M. Mom t ins direct connerliona for n'.l i 1 , 'i T'liM tnl.l I fn M THE .VITTKR r Stwuii I aivt - ltrl dtirtnjtlni week oT May 12 celebralc Hie Cay of detoUuir time a.j It or lh tarxl Htilrv Art and in in whs. a UMiul, well nwhwl, lila rflmpaon but the lime fur I'rince Agency All Ocean Steamihip Unci their meetfnp to addresses on hospital affairs; that Hip minivers iiMtir or Four (l i, hvart Thirty iai. oiiirs belriir "Tlie Jlotinie, llon-ii roe tnformaitMi aid ' -t acp! to only a few minutes' llupert varies refer lo Hip work of I lie hospital Jiom Hip pulpits Hip Sunday pre? Srima On (li. cny or Pnnc Hupn. ie Heal her" and " I be IlelU of ont Tmti o(a, ra V"4 a,Ma rm Vp tli. on ao'nn days and on others is vious;- that- thp theatre asisl in Hip prfipir-'andii by slide Tii'id y lrlefeehan." piinvli ball ex. rmnr or lit brrn or Offrnanu, and the same. The ranxe of lite tide 'niov'py; thai Hip hospitals dUlrfluilp despriplivp pamphlptK of llirir r-rnirr antrnvry or po4ltoo, by Itibltion by dirt. Slapteloti wa be & cent eomputrd as nay per . vork.4ind f-prvirp; Iliat Hip morrh.inl ilit-oralp liieir vindn ae. Edna WiMroo. in rnlrd onrr ol as well carrieil out an il wnl arr" preater at Prince Itupert than tind olliPr fpatuip to makpf It a real In abort lot. undrr a tao rranl4 fey el ever. jkcoruin?i, many cay. :nrlM E. Barrett to you. Gort Orey, Ettamlnet Scene. I'ort Simpson both at springs and!. CANADIAN PACIHC RA1LWA1 :;Britaln' Reduces datrd lh lath Jun. nil, and rntrd Tbi seel ton of the' proKram neaps. Therefore tbe rise in the in in Land Bf iiry nm al Princ Mil-Pn, Prince llupert harbor li sIlRhtl) eawapaaa e a or so ocas itaritu concluded with Ibe iHer War Debt. , i Vimtwr If 4J D. narina bn rur-nlihrd. was slnitinir II la my liranon artrr im of an oalauiiiiei sceur reitalliiiK Kryater than Port Hlnipson, B.C. Coast Serried Steamship In' spite of her domestic difllriillies Hrcat Hritain is paying tenths' piratloo or thirty dayi from the arlr ol to mind .the May many of Hi? The height Is In feet and fdT her war debt. -Press dpsnalrlfes 'announce that she is nlreaily iirtt ntir. to rnrl the rnatratmn ol lrny ei.Jprnleil wben on leave for;of feet above the averaire level of i.clear with Japan, Argentine, Holland and Spain and thaflrge itw aald la upon lh Krroier aoiett lower low water. S. S. PRINCESS WARY In Die intinw a rnod and valid objection a day or o .In .Sotne French . Msuniv liave been paid to United Statesand Canada. Thi ia (hrirlo la made and unl you lata and vitlaKe. AUIiohkIi only relienraeil For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaita. from proui lha proper prorrdinra lo t Mareh 7. 1S. it; April S, 11, Kniot eiK-onrairiuir' condition and one that crives hoite for Hie once lliis nunilriT was splendidly RuDirt ubiijB yourruan or to.prrrtnt aucn pro MAIL ICHCrXILr Seattle from Frfsee MvB Victoria and earrieil off and,was rliarae Iprlyiil j For Vancouver, . future. lf,Iritain rnn dfi that, surely il should he mi easy mailer pd aelion on ay part. t t 12. 22. April 2, march 12. 23; Land Krtairy m. pnar Huprrt, by Ihe natural manner in which for Cau.lda lo grapple with her financial situation and deal with il n v, Jru Marra, V.D. Iff;., the vurlou men takin part con. foe the Cast. , . .. TEatS from Prince hntart r Snaews Ui. intelligently' and effectually. National credit is niof important Hi T.- MAiXMIO. dueled- thenisclvc". 'J here were Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays I'aII. alrl lla H. lMr IV., t O' I t t Diitrirl Hfttrar or Tinea. .'to a nation and Hritish credit has 'almost always Leen good. ( Tc Ceorre orey. iriaii) ludicneis lucli!.'iils and lb at 10:15 a.jji. VMIIri'iner',eery Sa'unl.iy i i' is Canada' Priix-e Rupert. B. C. antics of (lie can-fr soldier ,a- (ime was restoring Ihe rondilion of her 'rifrrency and kepi the n'ldlenre in coiiliiitial From the Eael foe nu, rraun a4 rimaat. I IT" M pstalilishiiig her credit once more mi that she may be able In deal LAXI) ACT. laiuhler. Ganaral AgenL Anions the promiii.-ni Sundays. Tuesdays and Tburs- W. C. ORCHARD, wi(h the United -scales on equal terms. i Mane tt InUntlon U Spplf t Laaa Land. characters were Vl. ilnn, J. days at 7:4S p. m, Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street .Princ. Rup.rt.Wl WeslWMNl, Hid Thompson, S. I.. It Debased Currency In Stna Land DlatiieL Keeordint Ola Has Its Value, rwi of Cnaat. Hanr , and situate at Dad Warrior. W. II. Waldorf and For Vancouver and South, ir tnion Hay, adininir lot lt. Alne If tinier. Tuendaya . t 7 p. in. While those of us who buy have to "suffer from Hie jxiur Tak imllr that Mnrtnaa . KrodnurM, The second half aif the pro Thursday II p.m. condition of Canadian currency and Hie adverse balance of trade. or rrinee Kurort, occupation matter mart frraui was op.-ncl Willi a mln l.y Halurra lo li am nr. lninu lo. appir for pnnmion to I here are compensations. Take the position of Anyox as an example. lraa lh roHoln oXH-rlbrd landa: William .Murray. "The Sbam-roek, April 3. is ami 22 It is Hie discrepancy in the matter of thatnakes ijinoieiirinK at a pol planted on im Tliislle and Hose," encored Bonds, Drafts! currency aouin lin or lot l, thnr at rnama Willi "Memories." J. H. Fil-muurice From Vancouver and South. it possible Tor the smeller and mine there lo operate, at Ihe OKir or aa to low water mart; tbne was well received in Ins present price of copper. There is a, margin in favor of the producer aoaihrrly to enaina alone tow water mart read I iik of flobert W. Servlceii Sundays 8 p. m. lhnn wt rhaln nioro or leaa.lo ftlfh Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. on thls side to the extent of from twelve lo lateen per cent. water nark; Ihrnr nonherly alonr Mm Koiilful fHin." frnm (hi- flhyincs , April H 18 and 2 Foreign, ilunicipal. Industrial, air nwn 10 poi. containing 7 aerea, of a IbiJ f.r..s Man. Ilert Mr-KVfiy BRITISH, 'This enables the smelters on Ihisvddc of the line, lo make n profit nor or la. irnve a etrti'laiire .which market Good bonds are jj Awhile the'srtiellers on the other side are shut down. It militates .SUHMAM R. HHObHL'HST. wan followed wllh a i)unrteLe by, f, Foe Anyoi and Alice Arm. l)est investment. The interest and prwipi 1 Dated January t. 1911. Sundava . ... in ,nm against Hie employees but it libeller for them'to have work, even iiii'iiit.ers of Ijjo hahd. ' " all parts or drafts on Wednesday V p.m. We also issue sure. at the low rate of than for the bi lip cloeil It PHoaiiTK. Boilng Bout. wages, smeller and TIIK sl rill.MK li HT OF HIliriSH daily excW rlis bovinz event the worltf at lowest rates. See our COLOMBIA. was those who have homes there-'lii be obliged to leave. From Anyox and Alice Arm. staginfr of four-rniind a IV TIIF. MVTTLH OF, JHF. Anoi-MIIIIA Tuesday rates.. a.m. 'Commence' Permanent cislnn bout helween (tcij llavld- . and 'hursdays 'Road Building. y " IV TMK TTI.H OF TIIF tSTATK OF son and romuiy Sherman. There p.m. AL11A-I)M1 w. BWITT, wnn I illl nel The Hoard of Works recommends to Ihe Cily Council that m,l T. McCLYMONT TAKE VOTICF that In nnkr nr Ilia Iho last round wl,e the bnyJor ,rt,8,0"' rraJ,d'' two streets of the cily be graded instead or replauked. This looks Kinonr r. tn. vounr. man in am iui speeded up a lillla. llavida..,, ,11,1 Wale. Island and Ka.a niver. .I Aim i. mil, i wa atpoinid amninia like a sensible policy. We cannot alway live here with planked Iralor lo Hi F.alal of Alpiaiuir w. the n,",.. of ilu, .ffa,litr ooi mid l,,IM,,y 19 P-'n- streets and the sooner we gel down to permanent work Hie belter nereaard.aaaini in and aia all r.aiai Mrlloa ar nruir harinir rouird rlaima keil open all Die lime, while 'Prom Slmpaon, Arrandale, mill it w ill be for Ihe place. Kventually all Ihe streets will have to be mi h inniiMn or or ror i'ifrii'mm ir v. nil ni. WiiTriian slmwtil a lemb-ncy lo i0""' Wales Island and Maaa niver. graded and il is lime the work was begun, j and all parllea lndrtid tu ina ratal are close np, keeplnir hf head down 1 ,,M1)y , a.m. n-qiiirro in pay in amount or tnir in dri,u-d(r-M m rrihwilh. and protected all the way. Itni ILA.Br- join H. MrWCLLIS. Karnes wsis Ihe referee. Queen Charlotte Islands: Mrs. H. J, D. Smith C. II. Elklna DATED Ulll I fth omrial day of Adminiairalnr.April, mi. lor Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE M rilOBATE. Peltry Wiuhl, chartred with from April l and !5 SMITH & MALLETT, Ltd. I THE SCI'llF.MK. COIMT OF BHITISII allowing dninliepriea on Iter , liLDSUIA. irrnilsfN. wa fined .1 f in the April 1 K nnd JH MEMBER OP THE B.C. UENTAL COLLECE IV THE MATJEH, OF THE ADMISISTIH- pollen court this niornfiifr. ,r Plumbing & Heating Engineers DENTIST '. nut . and . For Skaway and Lha Yukon. IV THE MATTFH OF THE ESTATE OF April H. 1H and 28 Ph one 575 Smith Block JOSKPH TESTATE.ItSkOskl, UECKASEln IX Ten Years Ago From Ssagway and Yukon. Enamelled Bath Tubs, Wash Basins High grade dental work at the loweat prices, TALE XIITK F thai In ritr or Ilia Afrd 2. 12 nnd' it Vitro Toilet Outfits. Honour P. MrR. Ynunr. mad ilia am riar In Princ Rupert r: t7 tnnPS. va"1 1 can (jive the beat of reference. f Aih-II, ll, I waa appuild Ailmlnia-irator and' Every kind and Size or Pipe, ry 2U-years in act! e service. lo lh Ealal or luarpn LrSoKl, Itewart, Maple Bay Swamp regi'tany wTiwu. ami an oarua navinr riaima F-olnL eerrled In 'totk JW,M uln,I tlu aald Lata I ar ly-rrhy miuired April 27, 1911 Office Hours 9-12, t-B and 7-1. Opto Evtnings Ui rnrniah aam. pmtirrly vniil, li in, Arthur t:.:lliicrl has reHiKiied FOIl What-ver your Problem. In rj"mk'7a74 on or ix-Dir lh inn or day May, IV I, and all parllra HHlcbiml lo lh caial ar s ttcirrtary ft the Jii.rpllal board April I I ami 2H Phonai 17 or wrn- rrI(uira 10 pay in anioiini or tnir UI KflOM nd dVnb-dUKiia lo in rnrlliwilli. W. M. Wri?hl. asslsliint JOHS Olllclal II. MrMI'I.I.I.V.Adiiiinialrator. ecrelnry, has tajier. ovec bis April Ifi and 30 G. H. Arnold Itifles. ) js i 'i m - Notary Public MIXIMIAL ACT. a It. II. Thrnisin', Healtle cltv Cosing CEIITiriCATE OF IM"rHUVEMt.vt. Bas Ladies' JIOTICE. nalneer, v im Is hnr In it con. F0H SALE, limaiak idlltitr caia. iy tu iU'ii clly. says Art Clothes Maiiinmlh, TlFcr, Mineral Suitcases A Lot Third Avenue Claima, aiiuat In lh oiuiwra Mlnlna In-lulon there Is encuvh. vfalciVSiiiiiily al to Measure in on Block 34 or Caaalar lllalrlrl. W hra liujildi on Hoctwr 4 limil iiKiunlain. WofMlvVnrth a it d Pliawnllans Adjoining the new Concrete Building ."lOTir.E I.linllil. ISioii.'raonal thai lh rata l.lahintvl Mintnt .r.kes for n rlly bf a million Trunks Prices roasonuble. Large selection or Vanrixjjrr, B. C, Her Mlor' lriiniale which is puimlatign. being erected there A very desirable business Xii. IStai-C inlrnd. allly rtava from lh and styles (la l iwrrof, to appli lo lh Mlmnr '" Tents, Packsacks location r.irclrr for a lrnnral or linprovrinenla, Willie, son of Mayor William rur Ihe nurnoaa or obtalnim Crown uranta of lh alKivn rlaiina. .Manson, , w a a .iiin.lcnlly riv H. G. Fe HELGERSON,. LTD. And rurihrr laka notirc thai anion, un vercd Iv Jay tp Jenv) tlio honr M. Crosby STEVE KING - Print Insurance BanUlt Real EiUU drr nrrllun il, luual be roiiimiird tyrlrt lh Uauahre of aurh rrtinrale of Im. tal, vsheie be unihMwent an 710 Third Avenue, Prince Itupert ! prnveiiH-nla. Dlioralioit. iiaia inia viai uay of Marcii, n, 11.