1 PA07! 4. mm ottct jiiwu J- -r i BRINGING UP FATHER By Ge or8 McMa TKTN TAKC MY Advice-AM CT ON The m Tomorrow Alriehf m 7 fnML 0 0 I Lf'Vr.I: z. ) '.l? rrJ TRAIN VIrJ ""t . C.OT fCil.ir ne.T-. I Jlvi . . t.'h 5SI .....fftfGte;-, mwi.fO Jm MSI., m 4 ORMES LIMITED The Home Paint will add years to the lifeof jour home,-and our : would Wake : : -r- - : ! new wallpapers : : the-interior blearul more attractive.comfort- PENALTIES OF FATE IESKIM0 MURDERER SILVERSIDES ' FOR W(FE DESERTER ESCAPES police: Daily News Classified Ads. Exquisi BROS. Til.' ra-..' Willi vliii h ti s nun- (Killed Two rV(n to 3ecur Wife; 2 CFJMT3 PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvartU-mont TaWr-n for L... than OOe 2nd Street il-.l .nil abandon tiis wife aitill Is Now a Fugitive k to osliu;lili tllegnl romance) . . paints WalJpaptys Willi oilier women and lie invu'ri- ,F. I'AS. Manitoba. A t til ?". ran nenr 1 ei which follow I.AM ,M T. ana retribution jnMe 'Oimiiiiwiil.. the Fskiino murderer. mm .M.VAM.r.l I It O X W ATi:il oicsK JtP.Vrli for fiimuhrd, 'Varnishes . Kalsomine .'such procedure is rcvoalcil in lli crnpod from tlx mnunli'd ixiliri' r-nt. pipa wttnleil. tcc4ndliand. r ive Ill Rcitcral or prliote olllrc "u, 'os ie epii u ihh Vilnn iiiMtiK'. "Tin-. Wiij-Jul tUilfrlleJil Inlet nii'l i n nl tuut- i .ifl.i I ihI tn.inri. nrr.,1 lm IN iced feet iimvIi two mrU mid etc." PrJnee , nurr MM sjr'. Glass, Vflti(iti.".liirh villi Apply Ilupert Aiteneics, ;,Jw,",f'.'1fM"' Ksprll, albut. clirtlr-' m jlarw iii".lli' tl. ItirfCJ lnh Hk fi K"d eon- "nI,., shown .al llm . Kmih'K '1it4fiyJ. Onnnawak killrl Ui l.tr urenr In i'eck, Moore jirV smua lena. bimi i u I w irn-n Wiuor 4 Newlru's Art I I(ton. ''Wire or write m'I Supplies A. CU rVcnnd Avenua. tr wif" ,ji mn n .f nnai iua urai i I..'a. Silll. lonicht. ' ! 'xi'Piiri' a ttlfc. "!! Iimi Utll prica to .f. I McNeill. Telkwn. ntti' mun iimi i. tirrm wntai. l 4 (I . Pidsrrt aid Picture Frirainf il R i irrniha SM .ir a i .lii Jnyrf lasl in llf roll" laKen In (iltnwn and was retiiru-in' II. C. TO IlKXT l-'urnlshul house's W. MlrMi u apfv lor pri " 1 Vtl Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 Asallia Vinclii'lir, who liilx jul In (he ri'iie of tlw i tiiiio for . eirNMi.,. siecpin-c... 'Mrci. , two. bw,narn.ll r4kll al trvrtbr4 4l plasrlM I mi is I wen (rii'il and nninillin f 1: ial.-wliiMi In1 esrape!.' SITUATIONS WANTED. Mr iau t'r:&r.r iimrdiT in Nnti II 'I'cnn. Kit. v I'viMirlenonl i-noTapher will ttW. lUta I H I llallr New (. s, .! ooiiwi im iiwu lianw lu-r iniiui' o Annn W'linr-iii'ii f M ar, (jM( is su mm i iri ,i NEW ELKS BUILDING siihslitula or lake wrmuieiit llee ww ;. i wsi" sart rMimt and ';s In X"-t! ill. l.iiiff . !arr asw or K SALMON I-Innd. in !iiri n m-w li friNv GOING UP AT ANVOX position..ewfi olllca. fer,'iirts. nt IMf(II loll lirkllkekMi.titi IIK.VT Two-httjH, furnished t,i,.l . 'i"ni. wrTi r; ,,';M!.T- - .... Mrs. S. Friat Ifiiin lM(r,anr. Her.' sin- is iiit'. . Ti n (Its ssti r-ktftol r4 eon. i j.1 1 fd liy u cominur"! in llio form UMAX WAMS Xt'llStXU Oil, ?ln Sixth Avenue West. Phone !! krekHT i .v iH.tnii i i.i- Smim Blaci TROLLERS of Alan Woodward, u ri'mrlir Work Proceeding.Rapidly and will day work. lM,.,nivlrcin 117. 0 Illue 3HV. 9A INIft l UUSI. MSS'.ft i. Corner Third ml tto Ba Completed In Near Tit SMI'- tWi I, li. Mnvwua, imi hi n!tCij" I ho M-crel f tier . AOCNTS WANTED." I I ItXlSllKlt ItoflM with hoi and u ecal tr s an lain to imt t -r l'nt. Future. - eidd suitable for lw.. I'MP mi f Ossnt avvfttni iiim water, boat with New mmmtritui si a assausl taMii i. Trolling imilW'rfpil fins iiTtPi hl IK.T relfahle .n.s man wtiitl-ed Norfolk HfWMiis, plHine Itlaek auk-, nnrtti r miw sas (mh r.... Engine, all complete wife an J ln nllrmi'lit in turn (n A.NYOX. April 27. Tin- new iii eeVoUM lo'take orilers 33V. mi Mk-. I .r iasr Rivrr. IS.hi.-v rvariri s rkna. i amsnt rci rksia.. iMr f iiv lii atlci'liniM mi Anne and l-Uks 4!lih liiiildiujr, wliieh was for lHst'flliui.male cloie Malli a rfiein . larar- r.i as runt,, i. DINING 1 For Sale. Julia li'-ifitno, I Ik' ymnir laii?lilri commence!I hil year, is -miw fx-inff in t'.nuitiV lliifliel I'nioc.iis-sion. OFFICi: Oil MOOMH' Kilt P.NT tmuu r,r, I.. S-nsasi SM.an araaiai.a. H iMMf riaiaiiif -- 'i Ui" man'Annn hriH m In lino. roiiipei'.l. Work is prv Hx Tnilorjiix Ltd.. in Theatre llliiek. Hfeiuir -m Oliver Typewriters Cr-ediliy mpidty and the Imal Oat. I0 Itrolher MiKwIy. tf I. ft, ISfl My Utw inl.-ifniiv uf lh- i iiini-lrl ToriMJto, H -ii sntasii nti iii I'.lks are liMiklnc forwanl to having MA r SrSauS, AlVfil ISA Cary Fireproof Safes & cn a rfllwl inn upon pru- a splendid elnlilioiisi in h BOARD AND ROOMS FUII.MSIIF.il SIJITI! TO HUM"-HI. si'ni iM'ImijTils in real lift hy nin SJSXI hll IU SSO fr-tkolllW iiliir ' iienr fulnrt. Units llrwims. phone, IIH VI eaiNi a aiVHiv us so pas rail i ins . Vaults. of that tyt?( v PAI.Mint IIOUSi: for IUord. Ilooui vaji.T m linn, BAia -.. Tlie lniildlnc is lo occupy a Take aMf isal 1. vVMrr H V l-Mam lh i FOIt IlKNT- Furnlshs,! Iwdr.M.m. In tli on.J r.r'iumlrH , and Sullns. 'Jlome cooklntr. site nl far fnim the Ilank. of mum to ssfttr a n.- to aa-napM-i And a darn (tJ Lots & Houses For Sale ili-foatoil anl tli'innnri'iil charac-tci's Mrs. wMrltntiirnll. ,sl-ilfl Sev-nth Kiupire llnths. If toassi?far MeiMM ua I rOtrtswc Mrrnv.i fnniiierre. Ufislrtir will, lie n rmPlTTP to a lifr of liappim'ns Avenue Went. I'hone lle.1 habit too. God bed line Imbe room and dance hall IIOt SF l OU IlKXT. Apply Munro Jt?!ll 'tL'l'Wi and love. "T li o Vinchi-.lii-Woman" till. tf and the Kroinid llisir. will tic ucd llf,. it.Umr tmt -t teaar lm ism . and satlsiactorrrl Dybhavn & Hanson i a pirliir' ptvlly nivirh exclusively fur rluli nionis. J. p. KOIt IUXIM 4.VT)I llOAIlll Phone 1 11 as raaaw Ha ire auria a vice meant ftttel l"ihn wilh ani.i'irprli. mi'lioncc Illiyeiiian, cxntlnl mlcr of Ihc SUMMER RESORTS, eaaiaa to laa Mri HoJ 421. U w an iiwm ala mn: to to tauaa Insurance Agents. Third lineal lisljre, is keenly interested i.VCIlKA&KII ACr)MM)IAIION M. WaaStotrtrS rtaoa. i patrora. lysraWsl M. ISfl Avenue, Prince Ilupert OIL GUSHER in the proftres f tlie work. FOR f ALB for .summer Iw-arder at Uill W4I.TIM Wirr It. wssusras Sfsarai AND 0URSARI Al present tlie Klks meet in CSaa. r. aeraaa, t1 , Farm. Trfrace. J.anfenr A - the Catholic hall. . t'Oll SAI.Pr ItxIOH halibut boat, French. If sU'Hi. o. sti rrtsoin i oTit-r. Get the m Enters of Argentina Arfa Production fully equipped Frisco Standapl rmxc: at.rkKt usi wstsn t -s , With Taut or tost. nr i. Finding KnBlne; LOST Tate smsm test I. oeofr nu-war. to -A rr of Well. BUILDING PERMITS leas to pasfi tnt s hfsan to t'"H" '" .ICt'J work boat 2H h.p. tieavy um " ts fattosrsar frlratoww as For duty; . i LOST flrecn and ild jwirakeei. isiaarla al a t aH aa-Ml . St. Resis Cc HfJKNOS AIIIKS, April 2.r. The Several were) Issued During the II el urn SI. Louis IImiih. He-want. MM eas) a Mr writ nl SXaer rim a as Finest Hand Tailoring 31x8 work oo.il or trnller 5 h.p. aree asltoa -M nr rr mm. flr.il iiiK slier aiiuniB Ihe oil Past Few Days at Office Yale; l0 MI Mm; ttmmn mmm t Stoara .! s Htama. iaa anris ThiiJ Akhx. For Welti in the povornnirnt field at Building Inspector 13 ft. row boat, 2 Is h.p. Inboard DANCES se raia, to aaai .-avnrairiii. mn unatoe sitoscrf. to a aii as mtfr Comodoro Itlvadavia lia-i jul entlifie; ia.iHsir .sa. I rataa. Guaranteed Perfect Fit be-on hroualit in wiih an oii. The following hiiihlinjr perm II Hull Iflx9. eady for engine; KVKHY .SATIlllllAY F.VKNI.Ml. 0 laais oaiiHnr.Ma a HOU.IMV if. ii St.sr. iiiuIimI product of 25.000 barrel hae been issued dnrin? the 'iasl 25 h.p. 1-cyeJe engine; llll I2- Iance In Mrlntyre Halt. ia asna. s trail For a day. I lie nrevlnu wciu In few days at Ihc offlee of lh 50 h.p. 4-eycle engine; Admission: Ocntlemen, C0q;Usti nti. sxn esitoUJU M smu t t'ndernewr:anagc-fromaMaiYMtttt lluil district had been small. As bnildliip inspector: 7 li.p. Uiiarahtee engine; ' Iji.IImb e - If l-IHVt nt rrST I M IHSTHir.1 ins Ease and Grace llii new rinr i in a now part Mrs. Collar!, addition to residence Adams TSir.r or ijust. kasuK I h.p. eiKine. Takr MMirr I Sal I. sasaa WaSMIraaa. of Hie Held it in thought that I his in Section 2. JMJ5. M. M. STMPHKNH. a LASS. laiens. a ae4r fse a an a to arri l.ii- Klo.n mm m ik tmhaint trrr nmy inean Arg-ejillna is entering H. Johnson, movinpr cottage on WINItOW SIZF-H- flLASS ALL on an ra of larfro proiJuctlon, r.iBhlh Avetiui- Kai. O.N'i: S'.I.MM ruts the oppor nmnfmrm al a lira I rtaatod ato-si sw Prince -Rupt The Master Tailor Mirrors aim resiiveriug. we rMto a ad av hair to-rta rtr Mirr Tlii" oil is hy, an is f tic other Pacific. Carlatrc, Ltd.. stable on tunity to July f?5 uil- for 3S. and im stsMtk mar anal oar salt aaaw ' ; call delhcr. oil o far produci-d af (iiiiodura Tliird' Avenue in the ' ami B0 f.,r 6fi. I not Illooinfiold, ot 'flar klf; tfasa saani Knows How -Markel am 117 Flflh Avenue V:a.I. plf. nes Mwnr ra.l is rhstos: laear maris Music Stoie nivaxJavia. and is of little use Place, $3500. RohiK into the Inliorinst tmsi. lUiaaaat ibnn ml IS rhaias to Its' tsaatt Illue .137 and Oreen 107. If of eMtuwamnaal. eaalalaasl SIS arras, to exrept for fuel. William HheriiMn, 1 V ejorcy 1Ml4i. ,mi when Ills stock is t l no Max siiwsi wsaainsvi-s Dpisaiite ftol 0S- frame residence on Tallow rjTreel, !oiie, opportunity ,t gone with BICYCLES. rtaian.IwsiMt atarm ttrl. Itl. I I Sam Wood GIANT AIRSHIP IS timio. It. SIWos Wtlll4ITrniS. SpolM'sat IHCYCLKK We have Iwo mh-oihI i sas. r. steass. w , Yee ,ec, addition to imlldiup Home ami see them between COMING FROM ITALY on Tliird Avenue; f25. J. jilaln, I u.in. and 12 JO and li & hand juvenile wheels, line. hoy. jitrfati. os ri:taoUtsi viTHr-. girl's. C. M.'. "Pel feel Master Tailor conlraetoc. .1 li.m.. or by Meinl api-olnliiu-dl. pile .C. liner or t7.ti, iusor i. j Agency." 417 Fiflh Avenue Til Biar issle?. Usa. r. stiuisB, is 4 Sislh Street rtOMB. April 27. II is oxpooVd P. Howe, Ihrectroom,residence v II. A. l'hilMll. Frt Flonr. Fast. I'hone Illue 337. tf ll lu apfir tar a Urefw la rwpratt tor, on .Seventh Avenue West, fOrt'L Ir Irrrfeiini mi Ihe Murasss 4rartill ItBfl. , P.O. B.-x 2GS. Phone 238 4.1m t liie lloiihi. tlio ?ianl airship Hays Hloi k. U9 i4nnfrl il s sl Hasirrt ItsMI anr Al) outntandtrt' ' ACCOUNTANTS sast tmm naif miSM norm r IIW Sar ; p rcliaM-il Iji Italy for tin I'nlleil i;)H 8AI.lv-.-PJshlntr hoat AnnK Hltrr aiHl ebnui tan, iriUra aat rf tlar tobepa'dinuSw, Klali's- w,HI h deliverod in ANYOX 07 feet b.ii,p O fl. beam, 6 f t. KX PF.lt I K.NCKI) ACCOUNTA NT aiarr:a rlM.a:ttoiv tb-i-ra aorta xailS is rnaiss:a rl.H..thea llwara Aiiierira alwnil liie first foi I ntplil . draujflil. copper sheeted ami would Like charge of set of asat fs rlisins la xM ol auniue-nrS'S'-''.r . rutoinr sis irrva. in l Sitoae at - in Jure. Jim Kspllii, who was hurt at copiier faxtemid. Price ,8(i0. .looks, whole or part time. srbauli a .Su. I rlann EDSQN COAL GO. The Itnma !s beinji lisniantU-d the coke plant recently -is icellinir Apply It. Kohrt.. (inv 2lay.0l W. K. Witlistroft. Phone Ijwalnt Xarrtl trwt. tttt. . j J. & M. Gawtbor at the r.iainplno hangar willi all alonir line and experts til tie out Ulack 2S9, tf Fort 8AI.K -Trollfnif boat lutly ATI JUL OAS SMI rMBOimtj 4-TMX. Prop pofsihle Sieed and will ) hippoit in a couple 'of weeks. Mrs. IHIXCK lit'llMf lM Ols to the United Statoa goon after Hsplln came up from Vancouver equipped with good runnirw PERSONAL , trlll.T or fJUST. MSSIJK S. have received during Oie last TiSr ix.arr thai I. e. M. Smlis, iskst enaine, also .Kvenrude enxine. Ct T THIS KIT FOJl LI'CK-- this work is compleU-d Hie middle on last Thursday's hoat, to m-I tw s umu to i'rirri If three week of May. " Sell cheap. Apply 1123'8tli 'Ave. Seud hirlh dale and 10c or ilrwt in m lh fi.n.mis rMaerilasl usn . . . t uai.iwurlui al a Isjal jisolt Itosil isjr a ItMt. W. II. Jludland returned on Wesl. 01 wonderful horoscope uf our mile airt half tasil ol earr Hiwr 100 Coal A. Davidson, ' nn Allre Arm last Thursday loat after spend. FOIl HAI.K fenlleman's dress entire Ijfe. Prof. Ilaphael, VI litmra M itosil rl tan is mil rnalna:a ral lls-ts sf lisr loatei Hivrr; ptiane 8 cars mining man, is anions the Inn a holiday in the coast cllies. snit,nL"e 38. Cheap. Call (Iranil Onlrnl Sta New York. lairoi rliaiiM: 1 etisma Ihrtira lo eial point aSel-aiMi nf rmnawnrrmriii.if". senders hound north on the .Modern Tailors, 57 riiird r.iuinina- eta arrra. tu l- simao a s i aPFNSL from Macleod lUver sjne, ownad Jack (ody Is away on' a trip to NURSERY PRODUCTS smiilrs So. t rims lr. Davidson lrine- firorifeoday. Avenue.,, tf l.nrilnl tlirrn nl. Mil. ' by Prince Rupert citiiens. lios Vancouver, Jlc'lcfl last week. K. JH..SMIIII. amnni. spent" several months ' It O K IS S Hlrniu field grown ha. w. Ursa mm. rt We hive the exclusive rlgqt to oulaidn and visited Vancouver. I'Ofl KALeeWifnir I.nundry, 01 li plants, including alt the most There (wo handle this coal in Prince Ilupert Seattle, Spokane and Portland. were, only nccideiilj. Ave. Wrst. "Apply 023 Hlli Ave. valuable WtTI'Htl. Ots ASP CKTMOtrilM 01 1 If Ag.ntf.'f-1 ui the Kiniller and heacli for Ihe new varfel.ies'of recent iii.xi.-r: iii rnir md wstaioT- ni Pon't be milled by other coal Wrest, .- - ,01 that Tih:t of i:ovsf. hasjok . month Of March. This wna so Introduction, including Take toillr Ilia I I. John Arto..lSlriwl to dealer who use our firm name Advertising U often expensive. "Dally Mall' of varnlrhed tirrnw anars-lfr " gratifying to the inanajreiu'enl Second-hand furniture boiiKl'tand fop-prrrilor, aii'tr lor I l to advertise their coal. it is ' iriiia en ins rntHminB in-v.iiwtm ";-. t.rM-irri but nothing llk as expensive lliat Issued circular allowing and "Hoosier Ib-anly lloiil or they a sidd. P. I.eCluire, Phona Green i isumrurinl al a nmI pliausl If you witn a real good screen, as an empty store and Wle with last S44, If ' the thoicest nf (he. dark reds. mi to imI en half iMirlh f ssvrr e"" r1'" ", comparjsons year , ed coal, call ami atom! fwnr anl one nair ni up clerks. tf Mien there were 18. Tlie total Alsfi a fine Jul of standard and rdar Hirrri......K ihrnr an ....arai u Ou-nra rhaina;raft ttoare IS Phone 58 for January, February and Marci HAIR DRES8INQ. weeping roses. l.avrlU Nur Hiamai llH-sre norUi IS rhama to I n -pi"' Uilseycar is only 13, whereas fnf series, Victoria, 11.0. tf of nsmnrts riiH-nt. runiamins a to irrra. bcAi.p n U lunv-ti aa Jnn srawa no. r Prince Feed Co. AcKiiiijbs the same monlhs this year it was lAirt iiu:sJisn.8PF.ciAi, LuralrJ jiltrrh IIM, Mil. Rupert trealiiient. Marcel wavlns".' Face LAND ACT. fill.V lliaa.AMUr.,f. sriiann.ApplirinL Al-nl, Corner 2nd Ave, and 7tb St. I rolion In the ijrttem csvm pli, fiiassutru. Jlair dyeing. l,odies I4JIK OF ISTttm.'S TO I'LT TO ichsi n ttifffltit. The toitent W. returned tiii. cmnhliiKs made Into switches, AATI MAI. OAS ASH eKTn",'ff..;,n,'M. I W3 Jl. JIarper trs quickly removed bjr th v'te el In Crlnra Killer I I ami Imirlri nmM. I'M xrf: riirtnr i.s" ""'! 1 i morninjf from a trip south. Charles L.CIsrcn, 233 Hixlh Ml pialrlrt it toa'l. Hants i. and auusto Tllll.t....Or.k.i i ii r..'fc Hovihul. Inirml Or. Chats't KideyLfer filli. Street, Phtme Hlue 78 for homo ;n an laiann ijrinf bR iim Burin coaal of '..i...:: ,a nr.nrrl fof l i One M dots., tie. ' Inrrhrr lalaiiit. iitu "'.. ." , k a i.una CDTlj s soi, NOTICI TO CONTMCTONS. appointment. tf Taka nollrn thai I, Julius lUdiaixt, or iroN-um on in lunvnu's ...rc ivo Chartered Accountant II dsslsri. I'Miirr imprrt. B. C, ocritialiii rarienu-r. i;snniiiinf al a it plantod J'siut and Auditor, TEMiKllS will brerelvnl to I p.m. Illtrlul Ut afililv tar nrrinla.mn ia rtii.d. mil arid on half tlS of THurultr, My IB, 411. for lll rim-kli-urilnii. MISCELLANEOUS IS fiilkiailiis (IrarniU lamia: ihJ alxiul Ihre nuia wai ,i I GEORGE RORIE ... pr. on n..ni. vtmtnt liullilins. Coniinrnrins it piinlod on in i.r noris l mains; lonr ' ; .I k&l.nM ,1 t...lU.r, H smilh IB fliainai I trs-ari i.linil aixist I.lid IrM narmarraier.'r from riiaina: Ihenre of florla A 8mIL C.A., Vancouver and : 1eii4r khtll tr' Id.lrrasrd to Itiri MAXWI'IJ K TIlANSFI'.ft, Hag-gage, Ul urT, llanare I, Coaat Olalrirl. Inrsre 'ai so rhaioa. m POiBi or "'-""-. trine iiupart. swirlirv. Pliii asit tcr'ir.rtiiftn may F.xpress and Coal. Ofllce around llw lalaiul to IDs n.ilul of ruin, r.inlalnliil in srrra. to lie mown aa fUONE MT P.O. Box III t ernrrS tnm lh arrsilrri. ids lorl inriirrwriit, lot rmiuioiui It arm, piAie n..tlik'a So. S. Claim. ajava - Federal Duilding "t lik lo1'f tv.l nrrturSy arcrpleit. 417 Fifth Avenue FjisI. Phone or Irat, I.nrairn warm ti, !' . ..., r"r W' J HOTTKII. Kttttlfti. JULIUS llsUUSlI Illue tf lit).I W D. V ASCt, Sfrreltry. 337 Oaiid Ma red lri, ivil. " (.baa. f. scliauli, Airnt. ii