11TK DAILY JVffWS The Daily News - i& tffr 1 KEEN GAMES PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA OF BASKETBALL I u 9 M 1 IPKLIMCfi. E Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. RFDV Sons of Canada Beat Elks In Well .jr... UV blt f Contested MatchBlue Girls SUBSCRIPTION RATES! TINE YOU Take Measure of Reds. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ i.P0 BREATHE Tlilisi- li .'XiH'rli'il In sec n mum, saner By mail' to all nails of the British Umpire and"the. United States. li il r.I mi in, 'ni'i-ii the Suns of in advance, per year $0.00, you Inhale cold germ, tome of aiiiiila and 1 1 1 - I.Ik lnsl i'miiium ru an otner countries, in advance, per year ............ throil which are nil bound breathing to lodge passages.In Ihe iM lainly " viv not liMilnlei More Tobacco for the Money Yoq canntit prevent this. You and il was' ii ilnie-il'iiiK mulch l TELEPHONE 88. can, however, prevent their development from start to finish nlllnnuti the which sets up Inflanv Sm" outlet it)il tli'' long end of matlon resulting In cough, Transient Display Advertising $1.25 pr Inch each Insertion colds, bronchitis, sore throat and 1th I lo 12 n-nrc. Jl.'utll.v till' 11)1 II Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per Inch. laryngitis. lii'iii-r team rK tin- Sons uf r.iui- Local Headers, per insertion, 25c. per line. the To throat,avoid these nasal troubles,and breathing beep tiilu were the itiosl likely winners j 1 1 W"J Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c per word. passages bathed with the medlcl. Mm ikihIiouI. ,l hull' lime Hie Legal Notices, ich insertion, -k. . . 15c. per agate line. nat and germ-destroying vspor -iwe v. ii- H to 5 lnil ih the nee.mil' that Is released 'when Pepa are fiie effort lirtir Klkft mmle a uifenu' Contract Rates A Ilc&tion. on dissolved in the mouth. This All advertising shbuld he in the Daily flews Oltlce on day pre-ceding vapor mingles with the breath ami look the leml 12 lo in publication. All advertising received subject to approval. and reaches the remotest parts of Iml liere llieir scoring trti-il. j the throat, breathing passages iile ,o Sons, before the end. ran j and lungs; destroying all germs Canada's best buy-the and preventing Infection. Hi another l.'l iminls. Ily w inninit I DAILY EDITION. IViilny. January 21, 1021. Safeguard yourself by keeping this panic the Sun iifTael the ite. ECONOMY a supply of l'eps on band. 50c real lliey siiliiiiied j-nrlier in Hie, Package box. All dealers or Peps Co., F.lks.1 Ihe season nl Ihe hands of General Hospital Toronto.FREE TRIAL package will ba I In snu inif lor tlie senior J Needs an Ambulance. j sent you upon receipt of this advertisement 10.snie llxliire; 4 An ambulance is needed badly nl the Oeneral Hospital. More and lc. stamp to Sons of Crtiia.l.i l-ine. S: Seoll, Si than thnl it will he necessary to have n driver who will he mi cover return postage. 11. Alenxie. 2: Anlerin, 5; Shake--licnre. duly nil the linle at a moment's notice. The ambulance will be 1(1; C. lily I he, t. expensive and the upkeep illi a driver will cost even more Klk nienienlsiin, 1: Muliley. AVIijit is In he done about it,? Are we, because of tliuTriillies. to V. Meiwie. WlllWroft. 2: and allow injured people" to suffer untold agonic in ronducting them ; rnKKs, I. MAIL BCHEDULC to the hospital, when by securing' nu' ambulance this could be All-Stap Girls. A Considerate Service i avoided? The ptrls" all.star (tame wni For tha Eaat. The suggestion has been made thai an nmbiilunce might be j another really jrond exhibition and kept in connection with the HrV department, and it is possible! iflore rliely eonlele( than Mondays,jo:15 Wednesday no Sat-, pOJl 55 years, our aim has bees im-dyy,, that something might be worked out along those lines. Without the score wimld indicate, but the a a ni. of the development of a stnics expert'information it niighl seem as if a combined chemical individuality a service any SUITCASES close rhrkfni: of Ihe lllue guards From lha Eaat. only efficient apparatus and ambulance might be secured to be used by Hie but intrttittd. made scoring difflrull. Hie lleil fire chief for hurried calls to tires where an application of the piindT. Tiiecdays and Tliura. TRUNKS ihtaiini?4iiil two Vine seores. All days' at 7:15 Ve lale piide in acquujB lai: chemical would slop a lire in its earlier stages and also for (he Mie players did their work well p. in. business lelalions, and ibn H few rush calls that come for carrying injured or sick people to HANDBAGS Hid. iililiiinuli I Mullen 8 lo 2. I lie For Vancouver and South. leflected in ihe eouttciy, ,ti n the hospital. This may not be practicable but it looks a if il and with with lte.l isinmI which pul up a game Tuesdays 7 p. m. promptness cwi . might. In cities the rhieY has a small chemical apparatus many WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, a nine iuck nimiit nave inane a Thursdays II tn. lotncfs' rectuireiieenls air tact. attached to his car with which he lakes the llrst step in iieltii,' trf'lter showinp. The line-ups and p. a lire. To arrange aNo for carrying patients on I he same car may -rorintr: Sundays 8 p. in. UNION BANK OF CANADA he more difficult, but possibly not insuperable. At anyrale this J. F. MAGUIRE Mines Mrs.A.T.O Neill. Mises January lit ami 30 Is the time to consider the ambulance question and to act on il A. Kelly, 2; M. flratiani. M. Harvey. promptly. It is not right that people who are seriously injured, 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert y. S. Caldernne. I. From Vancouver and South. Trlnco Rupcrl Branch A. T. BrocJcrkk, Manigef perhaps who have come here on boats with limbs broken, should II,.,! v. I Iyer, Mr. Uowan. A, Sundays Hp. m. : have to be crumpled up in an ordinary taxi and driven over oiirl David tn, f: H. Morrison. M. Lind .'Wednesdays 10:30 a. in.'III. Saturdays 8 bumpy roads, . . a. say. January 25 Fruit Grower , I. PRINCE .RUPERT TIDES Junior Girls. ' And Orientals. Th Tijlicnms. leaders nf th For Anyox and Alice Arm. The fruit growers are objecting to the admission-.of Orientals Friday, January 21. junior lea an e. easily " me Sundays 10 p.m. into the province. 'They also object to Orientals owning land Hihr II :rt a. m.. 21.7 reel. ll'.eir opponents. Hi Wlftt Itamrs. Wednesday y p.in, Only few Days here. We like to use the Orientals ami sometimes Ave like to Low, 4:18 a. m.. 8.3 feet. ty an K tn i seore. nllhouith Itiey a more nhue them but we do not want to accord them any.privileges. 17:53 t. in., 3.1 feel. hr.d loilf hi all the ray,' "fiie Whii From Anyoa and Alice Ann. Undoubtedly there would be a danger in admitting Orientals Saturday, January 22. llrngs are shmving fmpfrHiieni Tuesdays . . . . ....... a.m.' left for here without restrictions. We want this to he,a while province. ltish. 0:11 a. ni.f IP.2 feet. and uilh n little more team work "hursdays ....... p. m, If weHvere unable tu tite the laiiuVnml develop the resources, we 1 1 :5!) a. m.. 22.7 feel. vnihl he ii hard rouildnalion to should have no.right to adopt a dog in the manger policy and keep Low, 5:52 a.m., 7.2 feel. .nerrome Fcr Port CMrtpson. Arrtndata, Mill' OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS the Orientals out. We are developing the province vey rapidly, IX: It p. m.. 2 feet. .1 he serine: iUh, WUta If land anJ Mass Rlver.1 and the rale of We i iiiieiinis iiiioipii. i. ''"r-nndavs however, development is increasing. can I'J p.m.j develop our resources with white people and the mixing of the The time Ue3 Is raclflc Stan icr. ii. .iiriiB". ;i. .iriwo z jFrom PL Simpson, ArrandaU, Mill! races does not make for betterment, - dard, for the 120th Meridian west. (i. Leek. 2;'.l. McDonald for Car Bay, Wales Island and Naas RWer.l The Japanese are a virile people and they have us beaten in It is counted from 0 to 21 hour?, .. .. n . .. Tuesdays a.in.i DEMERS many respects. As a race they are sober and intelligent and from midnight to midnight. I industrious and can endure hardships with stoical indillerence. The table given is -for Port McKlnnon. M, llalctiford. It. Ilyrne i Qussn CHarlotta Islands: We as a race are not sober, not always .intelligent and are apt to Simpson but the t,ime for Prince and M. .heiillin. (For MaaoetL Port Clements and he emotional on occasion: Unless we mend.our ways it is very (lupert varies only sa few minutes Tonight's Game. Upper island tx.inU-, Last Day, Saturday, Jany 22nd probable the Japanese nod possibly also the Chinese, may have on some days and on others fa The following leant will he January 19 the ascendency on this coast. Admitting all this, there is no the same. The range of the tido pilteil nrainsl Port Simpson in tn-nicht'M j 'rou MaoseL Port Clements and reason why there should be an admixture of the races lo the dis-udvanlage may be computed as 5 per cent (rninf: II. Moliley, Lane. II. Upper Island point: of both. This should be a while man's country. greater at Prince Itupert than at Menzie, 1 Stoilii and J. Shake. J.miiary SO IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 50 Hjiearc, u.Ji ('.. Hlxllie and II. Port Simpson both at springs and "or Pkldegale. (jueen Charlotte Change of Front (ileenVM'll. The Sons of spares. Therefore the rise in the neaps. City aiui Lower Island Of the Farmers. 'auaila colors vCi 1 1 h ued. points: Prince llupert harbor is Only a few years ago the farmers of the province were asking greater than Port Simpson.slightly The Standing. From January 52 When You Want a Plumber PkldeKSin. Charlotte for indentured Chinese lahnr, hecause lahor cost loo much. Today Following I the itnsknlliall uum-u The height Is in feet and tenths they are hemming afraid of the competition of the Oriental. sliitiilinp: ., City and Lower Island point ; of feet above the average level of in hurry call 18 a They would legislate to prevent his holding land. They would lower low water. Seniors. January iise lhe Oriental hut give him no privileges. Send missionaries P W. Pis. across the ocean hut prevent his advancement on this side. Sons of Canada u 5 10 .Foe Skagway and th Yukon. KELLY & MALLETT If we aregoiug lo allow the Orientals Jo come to the province Oills , It 5 10 January 25; February 8 and 22.j we must treat him well, lie musl he given a chance to develop, IKH 8 I 8 From Skagway and Yukon. Phones and Green 41$ ----- Green 85 lie iiiidnuhtedly is a danger hecause in many respects he is a Calliea - -C, 2 4 January l, 30; February 13' Jietter man and we know it only too well. It is hecause we recognize TIMBER SALE X 2965. P.. V. V. A. t, 1 2 and 27. the virtues of industry and the value of living wiihiu our Sralrd trtMlrr will fM rrrntm hr in Sons if.Kii, 5 i 0 0 Its wart, Maple and means and using our capital for development purposes thai we iii.tnri rinwr nei uirr msn main an Intermediates. Bay Swamp i Ik- (tm liny nf ianinrv. mil. rnr llw PalnL , fear Ihe competition of the Oriental. Ve recognize the virtue pun in w r i.irfwc x near Kmmi, Cgi 1 3 J5 SILVERSIDES BROS Ui 1 7 dun 10 If cm li. leri i,t Sfirurr, Balnani, hill do not practice it. llrinlork and Odar. Heavers t 1 2 WHAT'S iimiier.oiw var will I illowrd for ri-tnoval ,r Intermediate Girls. J'HhtMsry 21 means practical roen load' a c I FitOM 1 I'Urllirr nan riilars or Ihi- c.hlff Pniviirr. Meleora 3 3 0 0 ante everything Virions, H. or Ihe lintrirt January Th. KorrKler, 22 iv. -. r.. i I Phone firfiC" 3 2 I 4 Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE TIMBER SALE X 2644. Maple Leafs 3 1 2 2 Try a classified advertisement IN A WALLPAPEES O. W. V. A. 3 0 3 0 if you want to buy or sell or if Pealed triirters will hr rrrnvrrt tr iru Clrls' Junior. January o reduction you want anything. A lot 20 per cent Mluiairr oc l.aniH at Vlctnrls, H. :.. not of business later linn nnon cm the Srd day of Ffbruary, TilliruiiiM I i n 8 js done Ihat way. NAME? Hsrg-alos in remns: DENTIST. rt, ror tin- pnri-tias or lirenre xtta, ml t.lSf.ooo rwl of llrfnlnrk. Balsam. Kink Kdwaril. I .1 l fi Se..ot3tr.. Dn Rat WI tirtirff and Odar. on an area aitnaiiii on Pimrlans i 1 3 2 certificate or improvemchts. Phone 22 Print Rupert I ,l,vv .-a iirstnratlon Ray, Burke Chanort, Hanre J, i'.ual Iiuirli-L W'lii.-llaiia i o 1 0 Iran Rote in tiin..i ci.i Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Tlirr (Si yars will b! sllnwrd for removal fist: Inn Duke n i u,...i .'..,' 1": or tmiher, Till ll.lnkl ftelicialiiill is fiS li"i.?i""'V I'."""0 "nersi i:iaim. Piirttwr oartlriilars of the Chief Forester, ISIS; oarueld Mineral cunft. I.ni louiuhl In Lady Assistant Open Evenings Virturia, u. i;., or Matnri Former, Prince In.liliiiK ii meijllnnr consider lo. as All adloinma mineral riainnC llupert, B. R. Hie of sendinir Situate in Oileen f'lurlniK I 1 Office Hours: ipiolioii an Sunday by ,m,r,rt w,mrt i, on Louis Phone 575 'llRwl' 9-12; 1.6; 7-9, Appointment CERTIFICATE Of IMeAOvIxEnTa. nll-(iir I en in from this cilv lo EDUCTION Ketchikan and New Mellakalla for oiV MTr'TrSVia!? 3XX,X.'-J! R Iron Puke Mineral Claim, 1.01 No. fill: return mulch In the viail New sa-iiiuis, r ree Miner' reennr.i. Iron Puke K. Mineral Claim. Uit no. M. atliM imi heJialf of myseir aid a. I fierby S3I; .iiiii Mineral Mliwral claim.Claim,Lot No.Uit No.fJJ !;All Mi llakall.i paid Prince llupert Inst or Hand Maedmuild. of the Mid en arret of ailinlnir mineral rlaim situate in oueen season. 7011 li. Iiitriid sir (6) dara from itwi on plain marked prices until niy i iiarimir .iniiina I'lTinioii nuperi uiiinci. date iiereiir. to antifir r.e Where Inealed: On Ixiuliu) Island. I of 'tie altnve nlaiiiia. n..n. heavy ntock is reduced G. ti. ARNOLD, Notary Public taik notick thai I, t;. J. Heimen or tae Ami rl.MTIlf.H TAkE NOTICK inal-ac-tlott. city .f Vaarouver. rronnre or Hrln.nl J. STUART PUDNEY aoiler sertion mn.i h n.n.nu.n..., ' i:lumlila. Free Miner's Cerniwate sn is - 7IIS.II. artlnr on tiehalf of invself and it Is fore the laauanre of aurrt Orllllrale of i rent for Aels I'ersen. of the aald :ily fif fnipniveiiM-iiia. STEVE KING READS AT FOR SALE vanrouver, tc Miner's Certinrste No, ,-III KETCHIKAN; liATHJ ibis ird day ALKX of nerember, l0. I C intend amy 10) days from ine Kiiui.as. Aer A linn double corner on rMxIh Avenue, near Mcflrldo date hereof, to ai-nfjr for a Crown Uraul or " ,",,n,," Meri'a l urnlslilnua Third " lMM pp" Und- Ihe above rlalrnv Hlrect in Hectlon Fix. Pewer cfmnection. Can be bought AM) H'llTIIKH TAkK NOTICE thai actum, Says the Ketchikan Ala.ka l"0"" under sertion st, miial lie commenred Chronicle- ,n ""'na Blver Mtmns niilrict. Land cheap for aasli. An excellent "ite fur Ihat dwellinp; which liefore the laauanre of aurh irtinrate or l,mrul' MMrlel of Allr I s sssssssssssssissW SlasWMBMsasJMSjajMHsjjjs htilld lilipriivrmpiiii I Palrnn- of l the Libert v Thenlrn I ,. Arm, I you are poinvr to In tha spring: Iml ,(11f Inmj) bf c II UKU mis Ird dsy of December, A. 0, i mo. iliinna Hie laal Iwo nlgliU have .ndjoininr silver city, n. c. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. C. I. DEN SEN. been phaaiii(ily entertained by as nonce mat we the underiimed Westholme Lunch ' Insurance Bonds Rentals character readinirs and recitations Anthony Mroulra and liernard W. Uarrrlt. of Alice Ann, i occupation troieclor and J. Pudne. His iccita-tions by Kluarl slun kaeper. Intends to spply for pernils- j ! Under New Management include neteral of llohert aion lo lessa the rollrine described lands: ! MWWW.M..WMWIeMw Servitv's poems and were ren oonniieni'ins st a poat jiianled souttiesai ALL WHITE HELP LADIES' AND GENTLE- Dyeing - Dry Cleaning CANCELLATION Of RCSCRVE. dered in itiilehijid style. corner, II rliains southerly direction from H.e. MT comer of 11 l; tnciice si chains MEN'S TAILOR for good work, prompt service NO'l.CE IS IIEIIEbT" OIVEN that Wis "Mr. Piidiiev, bavlnff had niiirh nonlli; I hence to rliains wealt thenra Si reeerve roverlnr Lot i It, Cssalir DialriH, Westholme Special " " Fit Cuavimtsed and reasonable prices aend pood a Is rani-eiieii. tliealrical expeilence, is nl home imams smuht Ihctiee to rhaini east snn I 1? T? TlllBD AVKNIIE to CITIZENS' CLEANKU3 & O. H. NADKN, before nti nudfeiiCe. a fad that ih ""'"" II irtH, mors or leas. MJRJ Hp Li Phon-op(mmim Red pott omo 130. DYERS, Inquiries 2037 4th solicited Ave., Van-eouver. l.anda virioria,liepartniinl,n.Deniily i... Uimster of I anna easily recognized by his audi IIKiNAtm ANTHONY W.MrliUIIIK,IIAIIItfcTT, Three Course Meal - from 45c up MMtWMaiMM.MMW y v Hi ui't-dniwr, ivo. ence rated November so, ino.