v If local Dressed Beef to MTAXI TAXI Phone 75 'Srce j. frizzell WE NEVER SLEEP Lrhon.. lO. 20, .ISO PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 707 Second Ave. - frince Kupert Xl. V ' PIII.NCB Itt l'EIlT. II. C KUUUV J Wl AHY 21. 12I. VMUrjr' Circlll 1,C0. trttl SalM 424. PRICK FIVE IJKNTgt OULD DEBAR ORIENTALS FROM HOLDING LAID !1CHT HON. A. L. S1FT0N DIED TODAY AFTER YEARS OF USEFUL SERVICE 'tomaine Poisoning Decided MEXICAN rAtR MARRIED BY PROXY. Death Overtakes eymr,' ' ''"?, ". Cause of Schofield Tragedy Secretary of State jauest Held This Morning ard Circurrster ccs Pciiit to i Right Hon. A. L. Sifton had G:e-t ' .i -. fT . i r i i i r r . i. KeipcnsiDiity or i air icq pjeck .cq ior racainy Public Career; Was Chief Justice .iirrouudiiig (lie death or Kniel rV.hollrld rpANlf Rffll A Rfl and Pr m er of Alberta . i.ll imr.ligalrd l (he in.pie! before Coroner t'.jrfmu and tenliet rrarhed I hut Ihe de- llfcLL KNuilN J. P., In y. w in- oioroiMg a OTTWVA, January 21. Highl Hon- A. 1 .Siriou, e, rtarj . .,, hi i-.iih fnim ptomaine oiotiittg. Tlu jury PAIIFn RY FiFATM .1 l..t.-. UilXLU DI ULftll. ljd tlii iiiiiniing nl H:4M) from hsHniiig i f !hi- artrrie. Hlgrr i in..!. . 8. King. tirorge Waddell. II. He li.i.l lirii ill Mme wrrk?' and on Wednr.-i: .y MiHcred u reluj 1 lUrkin. Tli wHiie-. Mr. ' T. were yAM. Jil ,, ,.ia,u ,t)i .mil in.iIIiit this morning wliirli rndrd fatally. ker In J. A. Vel ami Mr. rUuabelh Srbo- ,rj. j.p.. . n wn n.un n Mr. SifUni w Inim in 51J near London. OnL. and in 105 ih rt-i 'I f tritifli iiIiiiiiVih 1 1 f r-. i j n iiininl willi hiK (tarcMtx to Manitoba. Ile .-fudied law and Hrt . FninK i kr Uilil of being railed lo Ihe liooe ' pam iay a I hi al Hi Ion lie i''ii-ti-cd -.ii. where ln-rame a nicnilit-r of Uir first i 1 1 it Ma It m! fotrnd Ihe door lorkod and. ptih--li. ute Urir yralrraay, at lh- uif l ;iv . i.unril iii M. 1XX.". Shortly aflerwards lie went to I'riin e Albert Iii'd trrf by. mean of a key. The pa nid linn itt. tin Iihm). uh wi'll klioun III lo Ciilg;ir. ,. .i milt K-ic ...kiIIm-i lli iii.li I '.I ihiImu Hit Kin-led n im-nilief of Ihe UM'enibly of Hie old North l . ti .III i. di. a si Iihia. .i -1-1.i m i iiiaxioirat-In T.Mi'ilnrie, he fore Hie present provinces were formed. Mr. Sifton H-(M. In the VanrtMit-'i. l-ui Ii. i - rlm(.i i. . am- iiiiiiu-:itM'r d wrk in j - - :.. M- LOOOCR3 NOW OUT ImUt Iinkii Htaii.- of Hi., iti-lrrrl Mm-Di-in nriiji.try and in tVO.I! OF ONE BIO UNION hr k in all ihiIjUi . I I Mr-. h .iirld :- ii(. 'inliij rliii-f juticf if the IRELAND STILL 'ntluirm. IU'Ui Vi n- iii'iu-i' ami V.iili l rrili.i-ie. Wlirn i.! ion. "m VAMXil VKH. Jan. SI. Virluria iiulil iwmlly lif i.l-lrruHll Ho- l'i..Mi. e ..r Allt.-rla i fitrni- I i .trtiir". Ir.; Ily an inerlifloiiut ui. Mlcr lo !! ih'VI-Itaiwr it in lUlli be Iituiui- rliirfsU!tire IN THE THROES Hiutey werrt al rlf. tlcl(ia(rit lu ll.f and t It- fniiiu .. i nf Kiel roine. imtfral rmivrnllun uf Iuk. rrr nlav IrrrlrJ Hllli l-f-cc 2ecme Premier. Ptomaine Polinlng. a.kfwrt I he krlMilt J I ainUc lw rcjirrllnj liy On lUf aVmaud ni Jii parly he Two Man Shot Dead and 82 Convicted i iIih' Ik- had r lli- IU2. ltgrt rtn. naii iil lliiwr ft Uir protiur ' M -ixnil n I If f-tl and lirrame irr-joour Men Carried Away MlM i tUnit tM Hill.. ApAjkuz variuti p.rl fli'-V . Mr K !-r arr Tim itt'OlTr i CAT SKINS LOWER 1 I, a- in Ort HVrl thai Sir. In Destroyer.- Vukm. f ib. t Mmd I rO i lu hi. alM-t .-m'i.,, Alltx H kuui .Sin. Ia-ie a manlier or i " ii i a-i fr AT NEW YORK SALE tiro iiw -J. ..u l.r)l tli'Ui M (Uim u ili..rt. .Tdei, ,d.nU1. . , M"-l,,Hn-lor Ihej m , V Ja1 suuifrirt O ... Siillivan fi'-lil n- f.wml .hot ' ' 1 ' in.m hvju lr IWI.iw i Hal uiui a ,dead near l.ilo;ll barrark and Seals Declined Slaty ptr etnt and -- tin !.-nl a a d'desale lo Ihe Standing Committees Are It'r-nn l'nnfirrni-i nl Pari. I.at -nflrr hating reliml ari iiwi mrtn Mink Ml and Flfly-n. -lii! dead ill hi txij in tile oren-enee .Mhl a r y.-ar he feeanie minirlcr of ultie of his wife Ablate. al t- IUr iw i HKU.. Ilir Slckanlng Odor. j .N'KW VHhK. Jan 'Snrrial-.-- . Named by Mayor for 1921 LATE MINISTER. i-fUlily (.lueen. Three nun are l. l. Iial dird Mr. V.rkvr laird Ilii .l.r hail IK"" ranainjr lr.Mii I j i-r crnl aliased lo have killed hini. i .f . ..,i.i. .- Vi lir at Mra. tUUrt4 ..u tbr mink l 7S i-r -nl n niarni.il . I.IMKIllCK. Jan. Si. Kiskly- iMi 4. 11, m anornuwn f January sa ami!'"' "kWwiI ly iln a-rsrr ;Alderman Uybhavn Chairman Finance Board; Aid l o Sinn Feioer who tter wn. fxJHHlM ll..111,1'ward al Ibr Sh. !! bad ... f,rtr' l"' ir l kln. M4d at Perry, Utilitiet, and Aid. Kerr, Board of Works trnred on January' 8 t ixiniHitlii i-'u i. ii'slhin ng tlb I!. ir sar:,b t,lr Mainlr Hall itiiri-nntitrnf fur unkiwfui a-- n.I ti.- .. Ni. rVlioflfld half or a :hri.Hial,,M Jlantoy. einhly have been ninvejed aboard Al the Hr niri ling d the ntw eoiiti.-il last Might Mayor II. II. - .-.l !.. ti.hi l.utWini. ilir ..lawr half lim lnfniMiri-..ii Uriiiit mad- Willi a toredo 1m.a I deslrtiyer for uu- ...y mwlbven eil. ii l her laoitly. Arter jine aeeoae prire. nroiieiil l.y lle Itorhexler named hi .lauding enmlntlee for Uie year. 'I"iere KIM'HII l ...... UVI-llltitl 11.11. I i..m the 4aib ..f Mr. rrb.iW be had """" r"r" ib" MH -' f tar lia been a good deal of pcrulatkin about town a to Ibe up-MiMlmenl Uk.n Mr. S. b..pel-. bunJUag i Aurlion Sale rir-il.i and il will tie een Ihal the romiaittee havr been ,i t ..n and iMiifliy I., b. r b.m-. There r"ralMn een Ihe hillnhlr hu BANK TELLER elerled lo xMTe!oid lu a great degree with Ihe expenem .-Ihe .i i.I ! H..W h..l Im-.ii .h-Lhiiu .Hl.ir rie!""! eale lo Ihe I II lie of H k" varMMia aldermen havr had in jirivate life. The rhairni.ni-hi - .al. Siuok.-il fltHI h.ilb. Ihe mill)' lJor Ihal Iter rent, while iwi mar I'll. i hill.- h-I "iil I irr xil-d in Ibe ioue. 'Mini niaiien and JjMiiee mink of the three maiu roHiniillee. flnanee. work nod uiilifie. IS ARRESTED .' n. h- had !ily H..irOnr lltvwr. wn look ill hrouahl rlee ii r rent tr-h have gone to the thre-e obi aldermen on the nev room il. Aid. I . ... i ihf dial Ihe iirltiK ale Naure. The Kerr aUnl Uotii Kerr I..-L ..ii.- on m irfrriiJut,pttu me Dyhhavn. I'erry repertivel)r, and lrrr bnewH!" ,"-r,-n M eenl Hector Ransom of Bank of Toronto, tovlWa, ! lr H'l "ii- nl the It Ml..r.KiMll wrrr the etiairnn-n nf the amine i ....... . .id.... jlnatle a. loTirio ltr 0" uwJ 'Wlined Otooinitleei. lal .-ur. j and 'he Ifcrt i notiee jo-nrrally Vancouver, Tried 1 -he Int.I re. !uftfl Mirll H lHIrtliiTir WiMlhl IM1 ew eenl. The drop in Miny kin Committees. , -. I h..- it will iu- III.- to Purloin. ' HO aiaii . . or astalM. HefifW MbMuIUo rearhi-l JO er eenl. I" ' thr r" ha" h Hie i4 ..f e,.ii.i.,.nrr far lSl n i..1.1 ihal u.-rTT Uimitfnir;(li'jHry. vlaleii If" We nieiolit-r here I' VAMIOl VKIt. Jun. 21. Iletor I I-- ii.- ii. 'hai all lb"- iKHiile etdene.- ha.l FISH ARRIVALS follow, the flrl na.iHHl l-ho; the;,,,, , wj ,, II.mi A I S "-ui ti J"d ;l:.noui. ased 2. a teller in the t...Hl -In- had hi-eii rdiM"Hl ami U rejirel-l rhainoaH in aarh rnfs ,iIMM iy tji,... ,., n,,.j ill, .. nuvx Dank of Toronto hen-. a ae- al lite Co-!lftM' Ihal the reHiiiilillily muld Oooth. Hoyal and Cold Storage Ktli nee Alil.-rniMli John lyb-ianee I ran in iii: Niimi- restil lal uiIil rltarKed ith the ii.-r husband t- fnrUier nlnel dn. .OI-k-. f.il .i ! . i:!i.. and l iter!.,,,.,, ,.kll ,.,.. n . nH ilf Were Buyers at Eichange Un. .M.ieniMli Stanley Jt Parker """ and I ili y..u all a pt- 1 1 mid iliTOled The Jury returned In aliouf len Thla Morning. M liirrou iwar. .i-ereliiry ..f -I ii in January ti 000. Ihe proierly if (lie bank, (le aud .Mayor Itorh.-Mi r. ii. lilllll.-. Mllll II enUel. IHJH. he a- ai-i' iiiu-il a iiieiober wild the r loetii'iry ts intruted rarlatre and Openly Fairly. llMCd f W.irk.. Itaatlh and f lli Maje!' lrtvy Ciiunril. br delivery ! th- mail !"' ee-lurned The foiloMitia ImniI ld hall, iioeiery .wnetintin iieonre I mihiio oe.oire inal all uiallerK Vwifi i...1 1 H'ul ilaui.'liter ur hut at Ihe I'Mi lUrhauae thU Kerr, A liter man M. J. .MoNelll and be i-iiudurled o.nly and fairly in a shrl Mine and sad 'mil Growers Ask to inorninit: AhJertnan Jolin h.-ity. ;and ihai our iiirusi.ii- he open. XIVe. Jm liad been rotled. Punauia. 0S.00O imuiul. lo the Public rtilitii-K - Alderman C. I( y..o have unytliin mi vnr Cloe iueliniiiii i-'-J ie lli.yul Kih !.. al I Or and ue. O. S. J. -il bid ti admit Kiel llocre huil ueTn Perry, .Mderinaii Krinteli rh.-l. p.-t ..IT, and we will he SIX KILLED Helena. 7.04HI mmiimI. and W. A and Alder-waft Tim.una W. 8Hvr- Ihu- uhle Ii. i n In o eniiiidete no holdup bul ll Aaekaice wai Have Oriental Problem .iH-retrd in u kti i nl near tlie IS.SIMI the I., pound. koI.I lit idee. lUBMi.-i-Mtiindiii!:." Hi m.I h l i.lierie linailiun l)tu. Kiolieeie AtiicriuiiU Oeiiriie J.j IN AMBUSH (auk. The uaekagv m . rrroven-d whkh lUHviMU aid UlillU elHII. iany ai IT.ve am 0 Ffi.'li and Aid'-: !;:;.!! J. Iyi)han. nnrCmTTtTini! TA Solved Government t'ranu. S?.iHiO pound, aud llo.pllal- Ahler.i.an J. II. Kelly .I ItCOC.l I n 1 lUM IU In- ui'd t.i cowr n -iliiirtajr' ; ! Ui? by llnrreeu. 3,000 pound. o!d ly the and Alileriuiin M. J McNeil!. PROSPECTIVE BRIDE Inspector Clarke and Five Others ureounl. ('.uiiihIimu I Nil and Uold hhirutre r.'xliililllon - Alilei iHaiii Parker Shot Down Near Dublin I'ji. al IT.ie aud Of. and Alderman Sih. i -UI. PULLi TZER FOUND uu' Thr-w? i an ample Supply of Ileaillnc llooin Mderuuin (I. .u inlereliiit: nresenliiliitii timk DI llt.l.V. Jan. 21. lufpeelor nestnet Jwncrship and Lonlrol oj dh ear uuilMlde al Ihe preenl N. Kerr. It. V. J"lniln. T. II. plaee lal invht Wi-n Mi lten.'i:iarke. a erinaut and four eon Hill Boat Damaged at Chlgnlk on Lands h Whiles and Keep Down I hue. Xullall u li I John M. (iHrkley. Ilrn-e Killen who i to be uiarrlrd stable were killed and a coulable lo-ller llooiiiv Mayor Itorhe. iMomhiy Ihe rei iienl of a vv.miii.I-.I thi arierniMiu at (lieu, Alaska Peninsula Found The new member of Ihe Ho ter. Alilerioan IIiIihmi, Ahlerman b.-uuliful iler enlree Uih wiIIi.wiuhI near here where they were By Ida. Immigration lo Province pilal ItiMtrd reireeiilng Ihe City Parker, rily elerk. 'ity lrrnurer her initial eniiravei thereon rroii.iimhuhed aud flred on. otiucil. J. II. Kelly and M. J. Me. Mild buiblintr iti-iiei-lnr. Ihe ladiei-. of the llehekali ldj:e. lnjieeli.r i;iark live.! in Vinni- SAX FIIANt:iSt;o. Jan. 2l. The "N J'. -1. Al Hie II. t.. f-'ruil lirower ruiivriitioii Neil, took (lirlr i-al for Ihe tin.I tkiurl of IteM.ii.ti to ait IVIi-IMi Mooeoeor niatie Ihe treen. ',.u before Ihe vnr. lie joined the Alaka mail boat Joseph I'ullitier. ' iui.eil eulling upon the Doiiiiiiion 0oerii- lime hi i-l il Ik Ii I utid were intro. ruery Mayor Hoelielrr, AI-tation hh.I oMiet ladie preeut jinaitian mminted rille aiid with 'which ha been niiiu inr le. I' l - to e1v' fijfuilo1 uf lios Oriental iiielion. Uiim'.I by i:iiiiliinnit ll. II. Stewart, ilcrnuin lhhau. AUIeillUin u-'-eie Me.liune iI.iii.vh. Fra- three hrotltrrx. who dlo lived "In.winner. ha been loeaUI at laiisr- g wtio eilrndrd lo I hem a hearty ill, mill Alderman I'arlker, -e,-. Inei. Sinif-iMi Irxme. Cx, i.wnla, erisl Ihrouiihout Ilia uik on the Ala.ku Prniunuta by ( '" "win-rliip and ronlrol of fruit funn lund and weleome. Other liiember of the Mayor's Welcome. M.Ti'iv uiui i'n ii M. (ii.niii'l. war unhurt. the oteamer Ida. Tha eai U " 1 1,1 "iiniigriili.iii in order Hint Ihe Orienlul may not inrd ireent were l. U. Mrltue, "It liive. me u tii-etal deal or ledly damaged. ; " , 11"" iiimi two per tent of the imputation of n llrv V. V.. CoIHmhi, i:. II. Morll-iiiim'. pUaalll-e lo ee bii-ni" men o ; Itnlterl A. Ititehie left lat liishl CONSIDER CLEMENCY. and Mr. Itnolh and the cc. well rereelitei mi Ihe new riiiin-;on Ijie Prince lie..i-- for Van.! Mckenzie chosen. ! fi Tl;. l fruit r.'tury. Majiir liiboon. eil hoard." aid Ihe mayor in ;i ouver en route In Monlreal. He HITAWA, Jan. 21. 'Hie fabi.l iielkii ha-, heroine live one uiiioiig u "VSv, opentllK Hie Oieelinii and weli-oin-'hnN lie.-ill kiemjili)i Ihe holiday net .-itiini-il j. mwetlns linlay for! i:i.VKIttAUi Jan. 21. F j. "h' ni'nnl n-,.m llm Piu-Hh' luive been nur- iwiiiwm Mr nilil Mm Mmieliin ar- lutr Ihe new altli-riin ii ll i year . eitnn here with hi pai enl. .Mr. v.himiI.'I-hI mi) of two i-aiiilal i-aei.l McKenife wa elerlid uiiain- Linn. "'it eojjipeiuijj: with while fruit grower lu throned in Ihe rily on lat nitihl jiiiee many m-w aldermen have ami Mi .. J hii-il llitiliie. 1-mu rlli . lie from llnii-li Coliiiiibitt. in,mouly liMiay n liiiei-vative lutler. jlruin from l'erruce. jeouie in at the iir-l f the year j.eu iwlii.li . ieowm i aked. (ndidabj for the la idi(f. ll