rnn HAIIY 5FWS The Daily News THE HORRORS OF ELKS' MINSTREL Iff a rniNon nupnriT - unman columiiia J. A. KIRKPATRICK SHOW IS IUImNu Published Every Af'-rnnnn, exre pi Sunday, hf The Newt INDIGESTION Printing aw Publishing Company. Third Avenue. II. F. PULt.nN. Managing Editor. Big Event to Be SUgad on Wd-nttday announces his first Relief ed by "Frult-a-llyes" Cvanlng of Neil TELEPHONE 88 the Fruit Medicine Weak. Contract Hale on Application. Imtir-Hnn Wrik iir""'en or XMl have lieiM I ili " i'i.-.i Cle All adverlMng pul.Iieolloij,ahowld All be advertising in The Daily received News subject OrTlee on to approval.day pre-ceding parttel dipr'oa of foo.1. i f tbrttl UaJ aowe ' 111 hi.' an-up Sale the moot en..i.ii f pe, Itaaa a m,mS ,.irin.''. in omHrimatt tManw " H apo-,, m m apaiei n j..-tl DAILY EDITION' rs Tuesday, lincemhee ft, I Ml fornmni wnm litmltlra. vsrj. yu will It IH'VI nM tM nf" "' l-f' W r4urmkf evmiiiw you ill- On iMiiunr f. In?. I mi.-nd .e -m I ii m alt. ,i , Liberal! and ahornl iiumriM mrt aW lend the Veh..l fheai wlin li w tl n ee Mill l.' IIH llH i. 'Ik I'M f! 'r a iimr Ui.f. f. I ii,. Kliemmmtiim, V.ri.- f Mill) ' W hen tttf f'Uliain v" Up The Campaign. Kmmamrm. nil tin- i -It .... i. III I XNIil I i t ia'l The Liberal hav been rondMrlmg an election campaign for SlrrpUui mmd t ." hi' rliil.Tl.ieatot '! 'i,- KU. 'H alai eM-Te the wt fire .r week, mid tey ran congratulate tiimeive MIVu1i i !" aV W.i Vlmir.l h.Nf p.i-niienuii t he ale will maiinur 1irin Inv-endier, nr imiii ike whnl t.ir. i.mi ... M. Mtiim r in wttirli their h.ne carried il out Hi I hi cnn- Inatreatma Ih -i-al.-d lhrr' m 'lie maart-x, MNMrd af. en 4eMaa1 ttraclhea the tumk Whatfer yon huy yan nittaaHBj jan t-rg-r . .iMHn, . Thet hve Hi ever eme treated the nnnoaitHHt Willi dialoe f l lie tieal lN. Hi t ha i-Ner of r conid.ralion mid hav Again wild again refiil to bring forward jottB4efTeriratHMn.tihah InereaM U il nat raarrthi i a any '' mnltof whi. h mtffbt bare bran pemonaMy nffeflive to tbe nlher utuallr reomn lndiffrtioa ri.iii ..f rtil ir lam. i 01 uie wn . I'hea witt e' 'hr H.ril' thai iraunion '"h yoa mn-lxliii'-. Tin- i' m Imr 60 bat. 8 for tl Hat ae ?V. 'It is IiHI.it lo go oii ) ilefent with rlean hand- than lo win At der or nt lid by oinea .inre in a 1 if- llin" Men's .u 4iu4, .Hiiv the n.irl but tlie whole coHHlry t Fruit aHei l.i"e.l. f ti. The ItU :n.'m r.hr.-- ali:l mefl aMMtee ha. .jiartnl il" - The I.ilteral exne-t In win in thi constituency, but if liy the iwnae. I imc or Irouhle I al'" (fortune of war Ihcv honld lose the will have nothing U regret SUITCASES :h Ubll. Ihe l I mn ah te MEN'S MARTT 8H0CS UhOtRWEiR TIm have fought for the cmix' the lielievail wa dewing lo win and lliey irul, al'h'-niih la- Valoe ! iH.oa Suits irori l.elieving the jieoplc were willing Wi narK eurw a mne. Trunks .-ar pei fn,main . a on All ona prica, $1100 menled n for ii . 'Un, ar t.f -i hat lhi will ' 'r :No Complaint BAGS year Your choice of any ult Manii. , fit Other Side. CLUB i-iMr in :"? i' !" i i little of urllieli In ntm-inlniu The Mlnttrala. In stock tr Brmrl y t In retard ta Ihe nlher .ide there Large Stock on hand. HATS lerhiin Hi- m-l ol.ie. i loimWe feature wa the Collar) Prices low. There will be l ! wiinilrel Matattaa, ar $7.00 Plana, i., very ..i.T.m .hirli ,! nil the mmearanre of fryMjr W nr limine jii rrlelra nf ei. '-n minl'l jnflnen. . to weaken Ihe force, of the apjweaig aide. flood J. F. MAGUIRE MH-iaMg attnuirr-t-. inintre hi Rrork Ike l.e, re. I7.IKI; $39.50 rr garmt Mn Jiifln. hve u.I.Milte1ly been al work to temper the language fint. inawir. mm- awl Joh.- aaja priee (5.00 iof mine .if the baker of Colonel Peril. at) mUaenee whi. h i-tamml Ktt U Prince Kuprrt IIM thai will (rive Mi'V a laoh ami 1.. prevail Hi the long mil. for gilttaT language neer help i-ha- dall rare aa. Widtbauaea. re. 'a.nn; The nr-aier potintn of the MACKIPIAWt am n.nx'. It eaiMw nmo-emeul in ajaarler and dignt I lie aroaram will ti lara-! aale artee M.00 iM k i nia4 up o akc. Heavy, i'l.i-lima, hlh.o. That fliere a a -lead tmjmwrOBiawt a the campaign el and hel rM handed ' m '.fc aa4 faa uifV. SmU ili. READ NEWS adv.i ') wh vary evident mid will make for a better feeling tii.n of Ihe Weih..l(Me lbrr Ihwwiglioiil the contmiiiiit. H i time we gat away from village li wiM e.iatn aen:y.w.. Htg. - nady, Campball'a aad C. MVal M.ii' . jxilittc- mid villa wttim-. and the raWfMign wbieb ha jn-t will b a "uiinii MEN'S WORK SHIRTS N. A ft. make. Now $10 00 TO AUDIENCE sjt; MaMaey riaaaH. Mm . . m inded i an indfi-iilmn thl we are ea nnile In wielhiriK - Orry Ihe lietter. ' H'-tareen the frl 'l e- Haai Hrand; aie nil.aMtfia aeciaH will I-aien. artra 00 fancy a r I r 4 una MACKINAW tHIRTt Curlou Difference Colontl Pack Wat BHflht Spot They will -unii a ntMnr li"? In Liberal Policy. In OtharwlM Dull IMatIng. aaoptaniie a,aart.)i. illu-i rated Kak4 FlaaaH ahiH. rea. aa4 Ihe hifheat t. li l'eoete Were anot have een lniek try the different hraml m on jr. MrHtea1 inlrumel quar. U.I I. aow S)0 peare i aaly SprobH SA t?ta I.ileralim et forth l differenl peakm ana" n(r. At the The lat meeting nf the ram- letlr aad a Mefci-rw ari by ..lie meeting lat night in the VetMlme Theatre W. H WiMiara" fwbiB wa bhl lat erinir la nf the -Heather rahV spke moM emptirall again"t gtrverameat wBerWp ftf rail-wa. the HmfMeaa Theatre Hf Cntoarl ftanUllon Scan. $39.50 vet frovernmeui ownership of raitwari i an arBmptih4 rVrk'a eoMiintitee It. ft. Mw. A "fHantatioa How" wdl r.m-tiiMi.. fact nid there little rhum r of their evw being Uiraed lek Ut a art nr4e4. Seolljr . I Mania, iae nata aad la-i nan privale irty. Nu ana Iter wat may be mir opinion. Uie railway lie. Ja Kaa of Hnitthor.. of late profram ami n or siire.-f will be rom!urte4 by the nation ia the mteret af the tiaUwn Major MHrejror, V.r... and Krank HHara Huprn lady i:i mt-Itat- Mackenzie King r pledged lo thi caice of artkm aad will na-itonl'ltHll) Waller were on the platform will be f.-i lalW'-d Tl." norlina l.nrl reek. I if lhee Mm fr.ni fir f .mi., .i tarry it out nlire rMipan will lake .ur' We mention ttn U -how that hi UbcralMxa there i aa ouch in.- H- Mr. Kvan wa ily in thin aceMe If i'i indix i4ially ltia-w ''"' In l .( rtllmll- tLiac a- it demiite hard hd fat et p..li. There r much lati- ir-.nre.t faaikar. oat a h and r .:frt and II Will he a inde for tle esprai'ta of 'piin. w and than U view at, onmmenred Ma anru"'Ni with real nhi IHtte ftmdortnai. (he peiile fe cryMaluad mi one or two out.taadtng reform that ajne yma i I'faii if. hr earn f.. The eM-iaa' eaiartaiaaneal J. A. KIRKPATRICK are nei -;ir an4 other ninmr mattrro are furgHtteaj. There are wrjHr aapjrniia rtwht rill be acmniail lit a rhma with JJlwaya. however; In the party pefplc with a4vaeeJ ideaa an the alnataa "i a iweaHey of lio w4m are iiw-lined to hold hark. In tar nwt radical are oftea redone t had travelled far .ik. pliMi of ratmaciwii. W e nioxe fniward little by little atid hM 4wrwfr itn eaatoaian avM waij The j,reed. U !i w will aaKaptni all al oo'. There i- slo the larkah of Tnrytam that rwnre ureal. iii III. he lirhtae) aa-n t.mmrd i:hr,iini- iwr Q- back fruas time U t.me. Iiot to th- idd alartiag t-nai. but jat taeroe daH ntnii wiin ritntf tmmU . arvla anhine (4 rWIM t .tWWI 'Mm. Mil far eaottaji ttfaaake a iihmi to run oidatr fair patfono anal ftaehe f tinri'NM-tin ha MShTMUnae I for the aanther mi rm Ik- iil n" i I rive fur tb axt pyai. wteirh hi aaaaeuew wan arf abw and kiddie- of Knaav Rapm - - - MM ft rkUM Ut I" ' to takr Ta enioyed hi National Railways up. irr not aaeea wiaa an avaw HM ar nnmiain Canadian World Generally la the full. That abundaiare .f tar w.irtd" awns Moving Forward. aolHiaal aarl "f bm addr.. wl, w, .L.trUK,! irre.pe-lN l.rHi HI a V M4jl. ttwM. $ The annamaat chi fereuce, tbe Umg draws oat Irtli negatia-tjrni taifrrly taken up In r-a4iaa the iipih.-r no r-.-.Mer are Klk- and bene of other exaiM1 advaarcnieitt are before ewrrewl auatber of tte Itmtty ,ali,. . II..I rnL v rrTiMNft a ct. Prince Rupert ov We m-c tbe world steadily rhatignfg H riewj4HL Xaw and Xe. 1 rtaf i.a bttrwcT txi or 'it fieu there i a wave of extreme radicalism, aa there wa two year The meetia Had mrif af SUGGESTION MADE r wm, mt ao in Oaaaaa, wbii-li w a prHl agawot the retrogreive ler half Moi ten. Mat Tm in'iti awai m tar pi.liry of tbe Oovenimeul. II i atRMnit inipoi4ie for each a TO MUNICIPAUTIES movement to taka pU.-e during Liberal adaniaiatratioa. and yet LAD AT CEDARDALE Shipyards fflere t- more real progre fnim Liberal adFaiaietralion than UNIUN BI lUUnUL ZLSX f(oni ihe progreMivr prolrt- during tbe reacloa)ar period. WAS ACCIDENTALLY Dot t The rule of prgre hi leen for tbe radical bi blaie Ihe Tin- .-I'y rl-rfc l.i write i-ihe o r MoacafiM ar i. trtaa Operating 0. T P- 20,000 Ton Heatlnc, Dry f , and often l Miffrr fur being paweer. At any rate, they are SHOT AND KILLED wit-iary .it Ihe I. iii.jii ! H rtra.it. iti a Hw. Machinist. Boilermaker. Icn'th1 yre in i.er tbe mhiITii of tbe more careful but Ir aaergetir. l ha' Engineer, Woodworkers, Etc r. MuiorifkaiHif aae4in rjtxL ami rrTM.ii a act. maker, founders. yiiiveril) tudenti. are ad to be very radical, for they have plenty Ilernard P.-an k u f Mr. the I ii"ii eMiieotrr lb biauui -tin of idealism and energy Init mi reponiblfty. Ak ieo4e pet older!atd Mm. i. II. I'ai'rk. of 4-fjiey nf a iimt- alif art nr f (. i IraivcR fwt-r wrrar of milt lap avvai Wftarr t Irtl miIht down and tend to heome conservative. rpeoillv if jarvale. wa u'-'MtruUII)' abol i. i. r aMrkh. r 1 1 it j.i.ii.i )'..i- .1 i.. ha' to allow luar.ai yleai nf a Uiey h'iiild be burdened with lancti of thi wurtil weallh. Jan4 kit lea yeteraar when a .St if rriuinriuaJilMiw U ln ni -r. !' mrt for ! twli ana Older eople are apt to Inak with horror on tbe proert .if' rifle with which he mini h f wiiat wrk wa betas aVxir iMiMi in a Mfeataf hh t4aoa ereUa a i MARINE AND politM-ai ui iHuuttwu buuge, for h miKfit mean tliat thy would . brother. Hoiieri. frr playiaa. aeoila- rm mm tj Lak ill. reaard t eo-iali ib 'JJ! ; hue Ui niter their mode of life should the theories of the radieal went ff. A wire l tbia effect in.ii- iwiweea Ihe i ni'n ana l he 'ft"'-J a i te (aaw.a OkHMe late aarwi mat COMMERCIAL WORK !eeonie etlertivr. On the whole, however, W mmmu aw awl. everything i working wa rwraHed by the prov lariat leyilaii:re. If afaaeiat flnanr r rm. nl well. Hud mailer l..il .. Httitude. made nar PHONES 43 AND 3SS no ir pro(rret i tteiiig aolire yeterday afteraoua. did not allow for that thea lb a. r 4II iln'j the line .uid grnerut iou to ronie should benelit nialer-Qilly The parrnl f Ihe daad hoy i liuk ..f the Mioiieialille anaiil nea.!i 'f'i a. ut. rt- from the -ifrre that i being made today. are IhiIIi in t.'wn at pcearal em. I be it,creaed. A aotl.mn u AMI ItTtmUl N ICT. Iii'! irii IU.e aunrtfalMwa wa- tM POLE TENDERS i,i .-.. iii.-rt try Aid. Herry at lh- rai T or oat. MAMA bMTMCT QUALITY IS ECONOMY riiui" ii nei'iiaa iai nim ajaaraa. a C. BW a-r. ftl w "DEMERS" REMEMBER THIS WHEN DOINQ YOUR Tender f.W elaclrtr ttaht naed by aw i x 2 jr&xjxjrz ,and wa ia"l unanimioualy. ivXIta CfleeaaakrnaT at si Hww poleat. I l.i 00 lineal leH. were HI aad Mato NH I' " for council tl ke jT r f U . aiaat wi itMiea hy the a Mr i XMAS SHOPPING Advartiee In the DirHy News. kaaUi 4wMM. Uwara '! aiirht aad reterrea Ui the e at. ma I Willi erera. GIFT t'tllitlee CoaiaOtlee They were j LAKD AST. XMAS a fidlwwa: a. rfSlfTT. AMkVkM Cherry Jam in 4-lb tlna Boiled Cider William Kmtlh. SM ttit TMSICf MTTCftT LA-1 It MfTWCT- Ml rra nan, ftn " t, I TMII T 111 milt mUt A. I nataa SetWar eer suet Table naiatna Jordan Almond Ilanen. ttTM: IJltle. auu Ual I. lata) Lr4krt. Smyrna Flga allied Nuta Terrace f.o.h. ear. SIHOO lanaad u. ihI IV a ak a pmr tm , LAND ACT. Caka Decorations Holly and Holly Wreathe HHer iilliyaii an A Allkert I uud (I'leulk.iW mm) Mlaral aa Iht Nnie ktl ef laUatlM te ! U 1m Laa4 Eveiy purehnser entiUwl to i om r fcur ! laiato QuuoMHuf tl t wl Fancy Mclntoeh Apple Ground Almonds a'JMO: 4lm llurrie k aula aaMk aad iM ral wra le rNil ltiwl rxirwt. Raeardier DoirMI OUI! GRAND DKAWIN'. Almond Pasta Or BX mnw af Ul lit. ihruri at .af enaaa kaiirrl. ind kliukla tl CtDUIS ICftalMk Uwarr Okirtk te cuaHM. tiwara 'IGaa, rni ! .! i-lkHaa laaara kMlh l rtlaMM Ttka Buttea thai Rtr MtrdoMia. Of value $50.00 MUNRO BROS. 1 af rulMMMtratuaal. MJUUMaHf S4 1 ennr Kupan. S ... onwpatMW Bkhaooan, First Prize, Evening Dress, I lour uf la. laUNWI Mi VtJ iw iwaiaai m laaaa Ten Years Ago . JOM?l LOCAHAhT, ApUtal. h fi4l"lk lBt .nl( UlKJi Everything for the Table n u uiwrww imi raaaarUir tl t I! 4kw tl lb ... value Phone 8 "The Quality Grocer" Third Avenue In Prinea Kopcrt feat r taraar.llwana t rtiaaw fbaint iwrlh,eorth Uianre(rf Wbila mm Mart,rhkm Second Prize, Silk Blouse, $1&J COAI. AXP rCTMOLTUM ACT. hm, tkrure t flwUik auuia, tkanra ona iMki (. aud rwiuiuin four tcrtt luuf 5 value December 6, 1911. iwscr IU rtRT LklO MSTHHTr OIS Trimmed Hal, ' Tin- W'U-dani TMTT HIT rl4T kltUL A. K MACDONAID. Apfillrtol. Third Prize, damn;)' euit helweea Tlkk i.in r lakl I, M H. rumikll, of Ataat ia a. a p r6 ca otki.ii. ctmlraetor and th (HHa-aa a i -vtlnc ttlsios ccstctcr, kwl ll.llrf If tft J te tw la HemiM la prmiwrl XMAS CAKES li.iiy of prmi'e Hubert waa opaa-i-ii r wirk.uai tai aetertl an I ha fal-HI MlNtaAL ACT. "DEMERS" I hie fii'irninv hefurr Mr. Jaa- daarellwrf bkUi CMinuaurAnr II A r. ual ptaaiaa 4 rUtMM MMtb tad M fHi Cartltlt tf Imaratamaau. , 3rd Ave. Hre dement. V. II. Wttljav. ! I Mw auriaetM tnr al Ue ICED TO ORDER Umw ! rtiailM. tarare Barl ftoTlik fM. Individual Mince f Witllanu & Manaon. baa tbe Illan rl t oluilVt. UMUlaf. MatiM-Hi- Na. I awiarkl r.umi. atuala m, Ple. Pumpkin PI, Etc. rate far the plaintiff v.bile Uty auata tu rkaaw la puliil al riaiiinf'-laaal. laa Aaia Mauaf IMtlkMNI ul l-rtaw Hit I Specialist In Birthday and ruUUMUMI I'iur er . lri lllklHrl aawlae ue ewak H1l Wadding Cake SolirlUic Pater ia cosmI uetiK the ii n ri'firk7T. Aiaatat. Ulaua. ua ana ea4 t klf Imat eurf ImWi OUIl PASTRY IS UNEXCELLED ttwt a. lull Aleut. CiMtuRire UNION STEA.PO defeuaa. Hfrl jHUf. ,f 1f TaW aaO HMl I. art. rurr Uomsra. 1 Th Horn of Domestic Bread" tl AXp fiThKttUM ACT. atatr tt'Hm Mw Blk Imtmi ta teat Half the population of I'ureber ta la Nlmat keoiraar f..r t rliraia irfl tw kkt 1MHM, nM w' ,T- ktllltf THE LACASSE riun r hi i tMT lau MiTaiat. -MI- HiifrtMMlMl' f lb fHirfua "I .iMtlaail I Galilee tl Oaaeal ta BAKERY Island ia In Hie city l"itii liatniK I HI' I V f.lllr. kA.NftL 1. i.mmi. liraul "f Om tl" 'Uiai i'2U.tn, av-e-. am a. - a Ttkr i...I,,, nu. I u M. manIL f and rurihar uka iHrfir. tbai ' .Phone 190 717 Third taaan tbe Mj,MiMunii i.. i-n iln . ""H .7 A.akl r'w-" Avenue p. o. Bo 41S linn. i. ruiiMi Hiiutiif iir. uixh-r Ak'ti.a ai Hi... w 'omium.ee pa- e aafcy by tin- I' .I'.hi. nilliiiK '"""" ...ii '.ii a iiikiik ei taaefa. i r..i tut 'jt'd'tt af .u at HNB Ii. f. i .. . ia atl,i namiai tki i At hi) liin. Mfi.i.i I' m.. .; Mb. i I4UU- 1 'iiiuiiew ini tl liiiici) vu- i ?tb ts if n- .iij. . tin.