PA OF TWO THE alUY NEWS l . ' The Daily News THE -TORTURES " CAPTAIN 1MRIE lUtlNGr. 'lUH'KHT - I1I11T1H1I C.OLUMIHA PHMhhM Bvery Afternoon, except Sunday, liy The News OF ON IRELAND ''Idling.nnd Publishing Hon nr. Tliirtl Avenue RKpUSH J ir ; F PULLEN, waging Kdllnr. Deals, wrth Problerr of That Happily Sloppsd Wton He Country In Fine Lecture Lat NlghL SUBSCRIPTION RATES! City Delivery, bj' mall or carrier, per month $1.(51) B23nToT3keHFraH-a-lir2S" r I Hy mail to nft parjs of the Ilritish Empire and the United .States, "Tpiaw ?., Ili u, P. Q. CHAUTAUQUA SPEAKER in advance, per year 0.00 'rryor. I siiiTeml (U A"V-MtrM, Back! To all other countries. In advance, per year 17.60 beinf for.-.-J I stay ia bed Compares Olfflcullle of BHtaln fur five 8ooihs. 1 feted H kinds f vlth Those of Unltid States TELEPHONE 08 tnedahe without relief su.l theoftit I would e-et lv able to walk afeia. Dotll UrilanTaTid the t ml .: Transient Display Advertising U.SS per Ineh each Insertion Oh day wbihi lic In bed. Maeaa aae aVir r. il and i. r rftmt n 1 B1ti .m-'l feajj Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.00 per Inch Ja aAiV:'m" the '"lit mortal preltm wHh which to Loral Headers, per insertion 2e per Ime iwiIMm; ad it wwtl jl ebat I deal Nri if thtrr tanrf honM.'f Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word needed, so I .leeiiled to try it. lo ahouldcr lhty ran prcirp THE attention of the Ladies of Prirce RnnM Legal .Votlces", earh insertion ' . 15e per agnte lbir 7t firtt U IHp mt, and I 1 lie raoe of th. ..rld. Thai Contract Rales on Application. toe lbableta hlWr every-tnMof wa Ina aentimeat ripac! its i is called to the exhibit which we will All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding lh Ilheeminim left me." Ine leature last uiM on "St puhlirallon. All advertising received subject to approval. IXKEKZO LEDTJC iNivetaaietit" Cant. Noraian ( iu our sUre on Friday and Saturday of tOc. a tox,6 for$2-86,trtsl ile 5e. Allan fmrti at lh Kni.rr Ttif 3c At all drateci or sent poxtpalj by at r- in one of f.tinotjuiim weeK only; consisting or DAILY EDITION Thursday. Sel.'l, 1951. rroit -Utp Limited. Ottawa ATia ? iWiir. Tae artpahr on of lac clear!, hmk! Canada and rtuosM and hkhM hii"rnrm taal United' Stated ' . I- SUITCASES ha lMnl Prince NuppH and 100 of the Laiest ti' entertalafd an appiwfaiic The ftliaUtaur"ia,wjBrmided two speaker who have urged TRUNKS idiime for an hour and a on the people here, the desirability of ete friendly relation inmrlr laal niatil iIIhmi dif between Canada a"ltf1h'e United "Stale. THe anie peakar when HANDBAGS nruity. -vnnMnm turn wrrf lecturing tnLLoitH State territory urge similar action. The Stock hand 1 trill n hand trlrk. Iiy I'r-.f. MODEL DRESSES Large On 1 Jn aaM eirHlcnl uiirina hy value or 'a 'gotW iftKfertamrrng' between all memlH-rw of .the to select from. Mr. II 3a. English-speaking world i their theme. Growth of Empire. There was Utile need of such adviee here, for in Canada J. F. MAGUIRE In hi aidrsn Cai-Uln Imria generally there is a feeling of goodwill toward our digger j iiihnrd I he arowth f ih llrll-isa TL f: i iL.i I . I i neighbor. We look with admiration otr the United Stale people. Next the Prim- !tpert P lUttfdr from two htile i . i iic iincsi mat uave ever Dcen SDOWD li but at the same time we sometime look critically on some of Iaa4 h iHHtl'A' slrru H itol cmtarrd lhr.uph-HM the City of Prince Rupert. This exhibit it h their actions just as one,member of a family is not afraid frmnkly j COLONEL C W. PECK TO wtth Itits tae fc-rowth of la I'm. enable ladies to look these models over, caaluif to criticise another. Ini Hata by gradual prori Sometimes we think the United Stales might be more considerate TOUR WW MINISTER Uroni a fsw iaic ih tai their selections. We will tee own guara to it! of I be AHaplianif to of her urighhor, but oh the other band we are glad to il prHwni On West After Visit to Ot lac. iarludlna Vlaoka. ih.- Phil Way of each model in ro-uperate in all good work. We welcome United States capital only one town. tawaTelia of Visit to tptnnna. Kandwn h UUnd and in this country and. depend ery largely (Hi it to develop, our ' nf Hi- Battlefields. part IndW ami resource. Many Americans Hve here ami are highly esteemed. nwrd laaMf) a lanrp extent tli, Mr. Shane also Successful was in Often American citizen ebange their altegianeA to that of the seenruj A dfteh 1" Vaneom peoMema of ane were the w. peH Union Jack apt! they p're none the wwse for it. Canadian going paper ttl of taw return of lean of the at Iter. Racfe, aad several other liues of Ready-to-Wear, to the United States lo live permaucuUy become citien of that some f r.nlonet Perk front Unmn a titwidtary fwipeilattoii a in ladix country. It is tbetleast they can do in the la ml where they make their thing. follow: and 1 he PMnfaatee and ara aad which, have arrived and others will arrive will. Tle tretet pteawre of nil la a raeial, fHtreN. Today We all Jook with regret fit the boundary line that loijg to aat iMrk lo itnasl. ac iwaws latkN MfcVrd f the (xfutalxx. the next ten days. separata the two countries. At the same time there i no lhoogt.t .. rnnniry in Uk orM." aM Cat. f Hie tmHk owed aMaiane on thi wide of transferring allegiance from Ilritain to the United W. Hock. M.P, of either Urmft Dritatn ..m.- t nMed V.jT State, (ieographically we 'are of this continent, teutimentally Wc also wish to that wewillslin Bnri oa hi fttm Hlate. and aaeh t f to.- two flu. announce and jxiliticaily we are Of the Hrihh rlmpirr, free a any republic. In rut and J-Yaar. Colonel FVrfc flew er a rouniry taal rn-tlemorratie) but bound with the thongs or KentimeaL in itovrrnmeni. on Tuesday with our Low-Price-Quick-Turcw Va 1aM jrKkiJk I I tri a ItSYJt ral at . lina IaI ii-aIi I'nt(il Cithlamai ferritonr and Canadian territoo- We meet AnflaricB fitian . Tl? ." m The profctaenp Problem of of Each.nota Rrtiat Sale at which we will demonstrate that there" .lav aiwl il. .......lifT!,i!i.... In... . !( an imiu... .faa.a. -. frsuxLao ' .. .. H V 1 uaj w.iu ii. i nr. a III - nil ''WW uvmuim. i , aad V IV .State a wtnM ae edl- . . . , . . need of of tori 1 I.IV faint .iiiiv - a. .114. ' 1 r 1 1 1 miip nuilo. I v 'I iniu back WWl L IMS O laaaVM mi "ih maUsntr pot," Hoikiat. no sending your money out Hi a lli-.l..h Vmnin anil .f ! 1ar uhiah ml.lan, m. D...iiMt. Imaklnjr a sHi(lft rtoSNy. In cjhMs freed aitkati aaiaf f pe4 a Ui9m fram ail especially to the mail order houses, as we fffu quarter of the tilole, and the ii.u r...M,. - , ' ... . JanoUwr year tni y wMI not will be able to meet all kjT the faMRU eating for the pro-de in th- !. we prices. men 0 Mr lHlln, (ho th Iht. ,IUi;tt nnii nn .f ihalweortlM-l Ihrm. I keen utd i pcadeneie like the IttiliiMMw 'I Vpr niltlllHiriiT fltriiroc inll, ni!vr (.nornmnnl li AfVinunnl man. rtmntsed and l reiSifiU aad India aad iaadina- thew u tea? doing some valualile wark for the provinces He i )Miig beang to a ooHlrttW. wlteee I hey mtarlil publicity work which could be done in wo other ujwind-htto ror"p. 'r, ' " V .'T Uai aelf-yos praan'ttt. I'mt.-d looking into the question of markets. In this he has the aMtlHirili-f"""" ami ""rht uwfUla,; bad I tie Xecm i.ritlil-if. nf a rsfiinpl mini.fop nnrt Ilia ifillnonoo la aMnrHlcltrtr wn.fer M" rC CaiMHiktn and the Japaaaca praateni an i greater than that of any paid agent or trade representative. Speak balilcvronnda ci vara frosn iiiTr Ypre In the Britain bd Hie frth .r.4.l-in Universal Trading Co. ing of the visit an hngmh.publication says: la regard lo the latter Hommr. Jlepardinc tlte GanaaHan 4tTlix.ll tr li mi 4tAi ti a riati tJl man I let Kdain rr rrrVan nnn lar a eiiiP5i vtr ee viii.viiihiviui'.iii. . mrr irv iwn Pavia nun. Americans rri-d to pfaae liriini , - ..... . ... .v . 17 ... (falarvitla lean ataiat. , .. ...... a a-. 1 i.v M. a a, A. a 1 "hti 1 emier uic iniiiuoiuo or uic rooiriai g.Mrriiiiicins, a reiiuru in . -n.. a.m,ii.H "gn Of a areal bully will the record immigration during the decade 1003-HMS. it i be.1 M. " '-" "ii.1. ... . . .. Phone 376 S. K Shane. Mnnnppr HehcTmuM ef.mino. eAtf.iiTiiimt fhrit Ilia iiriwiflii,iltv f.if. a.fiiltivi .u.4.iii land. ' ..." : .. ". ' .. " : w.. BMMaihl. an.I llar fire type 01 seiners was never greater man at prenu rarmers anu. " - 1 Irish Question, men of means who have practical knowledge of the land are now'lffuUr. r',Bf t"nrneO inloj Oapt. Imrie theti went on more dipoed to think of acquiring freehold acreage in the Over-','f,(,t er a .a ee 1. ra 1. I deal 1th the Irish n. He seas Dominion-, inamneh a one result of post-war eonditMwsj " ' ""' .J.i I Mtnd thai the eowatry wae which I he noilh and smith eon id hn hem, In inrreR theie dllllcnlliea In nr.1vi.lin7 fne lhaip " ee rrHrVing DetW ,iii 1.1 .....i, . .hclieve thai trade work timet her. Tlie 1 in i iFi children. . -- - I.". .. . '.1. li, f.X.l. aUii.lua I li. "". ! Will WW laovernmeul wae anxious u be "In view of this fact, theOIjnisler of lands is th HrHili ,. , " "7. " , anelent tie race, and in rid of Its question, to Birr mny-thfnc Coal Weston's uiiiimma tiovernment ts making... a very opportune.....visit, rr, 11- he .. 7 7. . , the north the Saesea Irfeh wha tlie eoonlry wanted a Ionic Egg ....a f 1 1 n 1 1 1 e va n avaAWAaaaaaaaaTaa ia announce lit an interview tn this week s 'Canada,' there is now an ,T . i""! ettiel in tae riatey . . . ... . . .trjitip lli. in If a affnn f. Hln t I hey knew what ! wonted. a ojpM-iiiiiiiy, 111 a newly opened tract 01 lanu in the province 17, . , r i few hundred year ago. Te Net tliey aouhl oot llieow ever Guaranteed Coal admirably adapted for mixed farming, for acquiring Trow KKI l.,,", !'1 of ,b n,,rl, aJty ;iie L'nianiet wfm IhuI wsl by Speciality Standard acre upwards at from $2.50 lo $5 per acre, freehold. Thi im-a 'tI iT " while lhae ..f lha eouth were the Kmpire in the time of li.i Alberta 630 of 200,000 acre, which is well sentnl by railways, has bea ttZtf- 630 - PHONE niierially thniwn open by the government with a view to aUrsetiiig .ay 1.1- Hn nnl ill - 1 1.i II.1. """" " ' An elartlon was bmuiflit on .d at Ilritih -ettlers with small capital but ginni practical knowlelge.i" r. mhi I', ,Hn Z .J:".."',' '""ire were built aad where lloen after the war aad Lloyd (teorKe Guaranteotl Coal means, if ours i r t as p wHh the Mini-ter Ho murhaJias been heard of Dritish Columbia as f rut h o I U.'A. H .ft- a growing, I inaauiaciumi. I IW purl ewepl Dritaiii and ihe Kmn Fein it ...ln A rWl iTl' Jumher and fUh-exiiorting province, and as the greatest scenii-! ,n'M'u of Ireland wa lartraly Proleetanl swept Ireland. There bad been we say, wo win remove n mhiv "o .and storting area of the I nun iu ion, that the faet of iU Mste,iiig whereas the south wae larely two year of terror up lo Hi you have used an immense arrrage in all respects suitable for mixed farrning EMPLOYEE OF PULP-COMPANY cailiolte. Iruee with D Yalera and today Egg Lump cannot be too well advertised. Three Parties. all focused Ireland eye were on $14.50 IS DEAD In Irejand. Iherei ware three mi- In see what would happen. .ii;n -v., , Utl a 1 Marketing British nrcniT nc Dll.DtIC!,1,H', i,"r"r" in me aovtn wu Never Be Republic NO Columbia Timber. tiOULI Ur DUanjjfmmd the Unionist party, in the (some people asked wlgr If ire. AnfiOi ntFi Y NO CLINKERS AND "Mr. Pulliillo'ft proposed visiti to the Scandinavian countriaa, ' sotjtn were th- two patlJea - land wanted to be a republic. ftirt-lo Egypt, are also timely, in view of the greater attention V.N(Uii TJt, Kept. I. Flwanl tionaliat and Kinn rain. In prl-Deadle Britain would not stand hack whu li the lres of war attracted to ItritUh Columbia's enormous died In the (ienaral Hospi. j"f tlif fad thai Ireland bad only and allow her to set up that kind resource. Hitherto it eems to have been left to a few tal here Ihi morning a a result, four million inpulaUbn she haJ tl Ooveriiinooi. There were two TO FISHERMEN for-tglited Ainericaii to realize what the immense growth in the(of barn a he received when be was I0 reftreeeulalfviM la Use Brit. reason. In Ihe first place, if NOTICE use of wood-pulp mid other grades of timber must mean to Hritwh eealdfd by eaeaping steam al the tab MHise ..f C.oninnn. whereas Ilritain pulled out of Ireland. Mdumbia devehrpmeiit in the near future. The large onfers for U'hali'O P11I11 and Paoer Com. 8eotland wllh five million, had crvil war would follt.w. wtiirh Good Supply of railway sleeper which reached the province recently from Egypt P'y's WoodBbrw plant, in Howa only 70 meiiibera. IV11A. lnrie WOtd Isa likely to Involve Ihe uio serve as a prooi tnai Kurope knows more of nome of Canada si r"nii Saturday. Deeeasvd, then told of the' efforts to . whole Hn.Hsli speaking world. ice""ki;baii scarcely Umrluw Jiaujrul resources than il did in 1013. ln was a native son. wa un- oure heme rale for I ret a ml, sfl In lb eaond place geoicraplii "lod?u there are many indications that, though Canada, like married and leavea ls earviva him Uie early efforl nf lladUfte lly Ireland lie at the Hire the rest of, the world, requires a breathing i period in which to hie parents In .New We I mi n tar anil the sueeeaa f Asquilh. Ttiesi bold of, llritisli Irade and u y UUI11IU1I e-estobluh her, dnielic labor conditions before again actively and four sislar and two broilers. formed the Haered I.eage would be auieidal to allow a pos jih -mm ugnTg nnmiRriitMiii on pre-war lines, there are now belter i I01"' Covenant in tttslar f uhw sible enemy lu control Ihe avenue BUTEDALE oppoi iiHKties tor the email capitalist to acquire oversea holdings WIRELESS REPORT. wliO swore they wauld frght of trade. Had Ireland been AT ttuMi may liii available wlien the general fluauclal and tr .de 1 rather than rulei , by the a Hostile country uurinK me war tii'!'" turtn hum (aeu uway. south. she could blue cut off Ilritain ! Hi lL HAftnon Cloudy, 8. K. All Uned Up. fond supply eoniplelely, . for Ihe LIMITS- HKiil; liar..meter, 2V.6H; temper, The war earn and UUter nl food supply of the tittle island UNION. STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C.. alure, 5t, wa inuderate; 8 aJH.. her SAldiers to fight aicalHt iter came! frm over the sea. Iirli- far'rr o.-ein rIH S.s m " Dr.JOSJIAGUIRE p.,k.- V.-niure iu Milbank Sound many linmedUlely the call w. ni uin could not allow aeceasiun tut or Annul,V.aroofpr.A Ami,e.nt,Wi( irl iiikI nn.l.) t"1;.'1 '. noriUhouiul. lout, ami the Nationalist leader, ror Port Sunp'oo tod Hir peiii. . any rinu p I tun Abe Lincoln could Mca BAassiir, ii ..UM I'FAIi THP.K 1H1INT Clear; John Itedmoad. also pleilir.-d Hi-calm; MCMkCa or Till B.C. DENTAL COLUGB tillow si-cession nf Ihe soiillisrn barometer, ?t7i, t.-m- services of the N'aliaaalisia The tali s Ilriialn nnuld never en- DENTIST peralure 5t; ae - ih Hint) rein leader, Wr Hoger t'.ane- ewaemeeae-eB-B-BBB-Bsa . itp i is'cr mier ner wnr recsini r -i ii r t Phono 575 Smith Block lui.HY im.AM (llr-ia. lli-lp4l want aKl ..ffvrrd ,.,.- .M ah allow eoinnleliSt a irtrriAM r A I .LS l.0UU-. nilaT 1 VI M-M. I I aaJ W ''Miiel. r la ftO' iMiiwr. his services t.. Dermany and was High ffrade dental work at the luwt price. ,,t4.Bt,n of the eounlry. I can give the Ut of r-f-renec alure r, i ,, .tt(. ,i , : to oaugiM ami c i' I in. penalty, no -- Before disposing of your c$ 5i0 yrara in active eervtc -"k- ' in, i ,,ff i id)-. n ha-t. i n,,,,, f.,ii.-w.'d and I nborn tomorrows and dead . . .miilt US. ' . at . I... i-:u' 1 afi'r .i 'li! i,i r' . .-invention wtu- li v trrda: B' Why forget abiN.i jrwui- iiiiiitxt .i..-ae- (Ktiee Henr$-ll2i II its 71 Oyt. ftti'Dji i ' hf j -ir iis " d '"ni Today is v. ytlnng Ad 823 Third Ave, ct I Advertise In the Daily Mewe I it bn m r avreptit! le vetdse now I