SEP & I ;-'lafh ili,,, , AX! 139 twite TAXI Service For Prompt 99 .dey&Hale PRINCE RUPERT Phone IIkob'Ib'S and 7 rasscagfr i..,ion Block Northern nnd Central British Columbia's Newspaper Toarlng Cr PJIISCK RUPERT, H. C TIIUIlxhAY. HKPTKMIIEIl I. I2i. rt' e..i.u.i m. piunr riYH ok nth issing Steamer And Crew Are Safe MINI ON ELECTION IN FALL IS NOW CONSIDERED CERTAINTY FRENCH TENNIS WONDER UPON ARRIVAL. inadian Importer is Found Halibut Catch for iy Canadian Observer Near August Was Large Point Where Was Last Seen Amount Landed Here was 2,863,650 Pounds as Compared with 1,654,000 for the i I - The diabled steamer lUiiiadiai CANADIAN SCOTTISH same month last year I hi liovrruiiient Mrrrhaul Marine. was READY FOR SERVICE i. the sleamer Canadian Observer after In the month of August thii year there wan landed at this ml Ma fur nearly two weeka. 8he w " ' port nu le than 2.HQ3.Q5U pound of halibut, which make the Wat Turned Over lo Owner and '..erver ad la ww heading Cur r,aftifna4L , W c,mme. Loading (ruii JIi one of the rery highenl on record in the history of the ....t.f ,it tin lavl ttKa ge frwiu (ia plain Tomorrow. liih 'ieti here. It exreetli latt month, with 2,577,000 pound, and oiij-r 16 II. (1 Kely. Ihe agent here .g ut. ID20. with t.Oot.OUO pounds. Thia mean that during . nit Marina. Tm ianaa itovernniet)' the month there wa nearly 1200,000 paid ly local buyers lo Ihe M'Tftianl MaiiMw iiMwf i-ana - rvr will have Hi- ai,iane of the . lUhermen bringing in the haul of the aea. The figure also include dian Hmtttati was turned m. i- I't't paM. V alia jieyarif l thi K v the atchf s of the Caoadian Pish and Cold Storage Co. trawler. in WW -rnM-ail owner yesterday aft- r 1 Al fin lime wa the prira paid rery high, and it waa on very TRAWLER LOOKS - aixttflX i. Mifi. a r.nI.-t ship r-arV few oceakna Ihat it tterlM for rvie- in nr i-art im :i i n Nrnl a4.n fiIi. Till FOR TREASURE :;:rW and n any if tin B " ' frHH- the mnw ?,CATH0UCS ARE ha are Shipped. iat year wlirn the high! prke At fn today she called V nasd m-:i tHJr and Ihe iwt ' ,f Rlppl. Carrlaa Party lo Try Sal. h In a few h-u: 10c. f.r flrt ela fln. Thr-irn VICTIMS IN THE vaglng of MJlHona Dallara. ., running iriapan.1 wio an amntc nupplf nf it i-u-i lair tbiw a'lerrAoa ft a during liar Hmnlli. fl M5W oliK. I -Hound wl lUeJreoaaiueV, liad : no tMt-n rather aearre all I be BELFAST SCRAP ! Pat"" -, w nwprr inn a iftrt- -mi a wnniflaaTT?uYlTlno" .9' X time i4 aw oira m, aNtti irosuair r for-'lJU ljnr I In w-Mk' tiiiM. with !! t- hiHHtitMlfik le.w lrW lOppI I trBtngf a . eipeeiedlhal h mon aeai alwt over. Ih lee Additional Troop Drafted to tptrwin fM-r war nmi .uy , M1, ltn rtaJf , Mfindar will Im. nnrinal attain. It Ui City by Ultr Cabln.t to HB tifi ttau Jr (Uaxi (jarV. Vav j eipeeled. In Ihe mnntini'. hw.f K.t-v Ordr, 4 tirntntil TW tiaeriri wtMl of the nnrn rvn-r trriu np ?er- luinr may nerloutly Mir N WarH llHf -Mh! to wiiit be,riTLTUUl I till UT affeclrd fur the llutetlalf nutpl; ItKI.FAST. Hepl. I. Hlx liioro peofile are dead and thirty injur-! 'I, IM.) . f i txunU a uni.Mar tvn RICH COLD QUART7- ll.ra I. Mil. Saxaaa. Laactoa. It. rr.nta jtrl M hi twpt Uia haa bern eiliaualed and all will as a result of Wrdnenday'a .t!!! .n-Uirf-ffNt.;.i wtnin vrflb (t Admiral lava Uaata eouru or Ua continent bar. ot UU.t aad d.fMt ti. bt 'ic'uv i -n Hi.- Canadian KiH ami in ihe streets, making a Karragul , Mt plarra ta lh. world, aa ab. appard apoa bar arrtral la tbla tld li'raRP Omipany. snljiing j ... Re4lra Tldaa In Oulf of Ataaaat eoaatrr oa Autit 11 Mil. Laexlaa la cnapMlag la U. womaa'a total dmlb list of fifteen. aatlaaal ckaaiptoalp toorBmnL The L'Uler cabinet has decid ' wril few'SECRET 0RGANlZTI0N t w""d Do,Up SPEAKERS AT ' ed lo draft additional troops to .1.1 iaaii. fLUIIINU IN HUNGARY; an.:h..ra..k. aii h.,r t Take Up Rails and Turn South maintain Workmen order.were again attacked i afa liulf lidea In ltn- rirtXHltes - ROTARY LUNCH and the pollee were forced to RnllM 111 lAI'r-T i llir i Alaka hi Ta)raMtaj Arm ha End of Pacific Great Eastern fire on attackers who were dispersed. . Ma. f-wfi'v a i'faiiaiin rmr-alnl (l faut fia "f it.wrer Mutiuitf .r luii'in in tlunsarir : auarU aavlna IIM l tl The correspondent of the 111 " u aiiBouiu rO iir tli- f!i. tiere ton. lloe projrrlteg 0vr the Railway Into Sccnx Highway Hundrod Par Cant CanadlanUm Westminster ttaxette of London WllM-b In Iixlay. Ura Ulrlitf 4lier He ta. Should Ba Raqulrad of Every ierts that the attacks are dir. Vrl uf Man Saya Oancey. erted by individuals against people c tjr- lection of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway between 'The known to be Roman Catholics. i4 Political Forces .Verlh Vancouver and Suuanmh should never be compiled,,the .In 4 tin, attainment , ef world .No orgamted Orange, Lodges .are I'-iiuMatxal raits should be torn up ami the hop clowpd tietweeSr Squam'h.peace th .(lary Oub of lh taXing part in the fighting. world h"iild inv,- noleiil far- --ili aiNiara) awl CSttiluM. a dulaure of 150 mile-, and the whule road turned 6 n HiiiMrk i4u;aiY Statement from into a Sue motor road to Chilton," declared II. F. Kergm, ,M.UA., loraalated Gait.rjrruU fjneey who rfave of Jh--Chaulauqun a BIG LUMBER U4. wh was in the city )iterday mi the way to Alk e Armnfter ahorl 'adfH liefure the elutt having made the trip up the P. (I. K. Railway with Uie irty of Una mortnng- The,world was! PRODUCTS CO. 'at llt Ian. Premier this uembera and bulne men lat week. Mr..Kffgiu rlaima that iR:;.lai-KUXtoj lpWvu tunes. Evening me aia iue nii"" I iui he rd owkl be wnHe4ed from Clinton to Ah-roIt a dUlauce rLaptau hrink f preeipiee. were on I he a Million Dollar Concern Ineorpar-atad ' K" Mltu S uii4, aud Uir iMtrpM but all that wa needed wa eon-fidrnee. This Week to Build txiUI b rrvt Jut a wll. and OTTAWA. Kcl I.- Polilii-al Utn-v of all IhhI are ! betwH-n HOW PUBLICITY eo-oeraUHw patriot Two Plant. rtie lratvl esHMlry Urn. due hundred per eent uif Premier Meighen aiiiionncwieiit hi ImhIihi tin evening. quanifc and r,liHto ta uon-lrHjuoli- CanadianikiH luotd be deMianded VICTORIA. Sept- I. The Canadian MARCH The OtlHwa JiMtntal in an elitnl rireal thai Ihe Prentiei aud lliawfure a railway WAS OBTAINED f every man. Pnnioeers CorHiraUin Ii.ik (JefKled In liMilve MrtimeHt Imfure eayiufr anotlier ieion. i not hiiI. Krii a The speaker said France was has been ineorporaled al a mil. ami it i reganlisl (a the capital that an anuiMiifeeineMt l thi-elTeel crnie alaiulfwiint. liow-.r. it making a splendid effort lo re-hibilitale Ismh dollars manufacture lumber ESPITE haa mueh lo uffer aad a grand following the wur; products for export. It announces ORDER i uuw a iirHetieul crrtuliity. II lit grucnilly aecepteal Uil aulottwhite biabwmy ovar th-trada Editor "Canadian FlaharmanN llt-leioin wrv doing evn letler. that it will build a big Premier Meigheii ln UcenleU un an eorlj iliMlHtkMi, ami already would Im a pvputar on Saya Ru part's Howl Waa but tinada wa perhaps H" best plant at Vancouver and another Vlrtjlnla mrly urgaiiiiiitHinvAro making prt!.irWiiu -with that rml in vim for mdoriU who wmiW tak Heard Around World. of all. Ilussia he tielieved would at Vietoria. The incorporators w of R.u t When, in the fall, Ihe elecliun will he lieU i Utl a matter uf Ibair eara lu Siuaiui.h from takun from ring true whan she found pa are it C. Young. Oeneral Vietor la VatwouvVf by ateamar. The following u iriotie leader, lu I'niled States Odium. Robert Phillip. Henry Alxmt mmitha will he neelel Ui the ewiijertnre. tun reie letter which wa rpeiilly re. DIPra. Studied Road Problema. a there ware bread line and soup U. Maeauley. C. K. Coughlan. J. regialera ami make (he election arrangement. Thu. if the writ calved by J I.., loenl aacre- Mr. Kertfin, whan Inlervievvad kitrheos with three mil Hum men K. Sears, and Frank J. Merrick. "I't I are Wiml tills mviith, the iletHMi would Iike4y lake kiee in by a Newa repren'ntativo; yesterday lary Aaaoeiatiou,of the fruui tianadian t . .KUlieriwH;w ailace. out of work. No part of tha The new concern takes over '" lMM NwteinlxT. allerivoon, gave a flear aaal world was better off than Can-ada. tha moribund plant here ot the fur of the ax-iatiin ocrelary iifarn ). Ilefore going In Ihe country' i likely Jliat the ealmiat will tHlen-ilng aeiHMiut of Hie Inp Canada and liflir of I ha "Can. Manufacturers Corporation. " lria -Mini Ihe will bhviI with which he had niadn laal k Purge Dominion, he riHirgnuUeil government a retitm- adiaii Fisherman." vidnn- tlnieleil mininlry. Such nrlion would eliminate the neeaity ut Preinlar Oliver, three (uihlnet Vniiri fi.nn Huriiiir ear fr .There were men even in I'rineej INCREASES OF of th mnntiera wno mlnUlera-. many ....... iin.tri v.uir asitalion llunert. the speater sam, ' '""I-union holding liy-eleetioiu either for Ihe reeoiittrueleri eahinet r the and quite a number of bulne k.i the eff.ri .r Biv iugVrincn were openly cursing me iiaKi ' liavn rtu vtirnnc.ii'H in Ihe House, Mhirh now uiimher aeven. men went and it -van wil worth . .-r - iMiu.n.tdiu Aiiiiiiml of under which they lived.. They POPULATION 3 '"h'lll'a (I. while. It tMik three aud a half rVul'C nublirily.I iatiirai In faet. I think "if ahould- purge in?- hooiiuhmi i daya and llllle Np waa albiw-h branch .. I).- B..Ai.,ii..., treachery, seuiliun. au e up 'iinii.. tr,, Welsh Magistrate Alleges with the quiak iimvenieuta did your nothing sdke farlo?; next.lha standard ot one hundred pee Cansui R.tum Complala for arr4 made aud Ihe dlin of like people thre ti have 'cent Cauadianism. Four Prairie Clll.a or two 1 Chinese Sniuggled Into uf Ihe variou -plate In Interview nmre than juallfled its mIiUmW, ' Afler lellihg how France tm.k Show Oalns. ' '''''l tutlay , Ihe vUUof. 'Hie iimhi-lra these confidence during lh war in Zi Ihe work done n ears. in of the parly, many of whom v .1....i ruilroxil afriiiials their leader I'etaln thai I tie Oer OITAWA. tett. truu returns FEIN England and B.C. by Boss were wakis lhair firt trip over ....i uf uaritauiaiiL' In mans wimld not tirwik. through CHHiipltte foe some ut the sm lue road, were glveti a Hineh Ottawa and they all know well at Verdun, the speaker urged leities are as follows t v eVarer inaiglii Hit" the pmMema Moonejaw. I,173. oonnuriire i mi' Ihe I'rlaCe imparl !lll about rL!?.PREMIER LONDON. Held. 1. The ilue mugi.lrule at Pontypridd, in uf the road and alao an opn.r-I cam. To partly Ihe okl saying: Or. Orant addressed the eluti Swift Currant.--a til?, "w W the llhondda Valley. Wulea, aertii thul a eMUiliitt ! in unity to -.I.- the nvenio featuren. "You raised a howl witMu was oil ItoiaHaitisin. t. ItonLfaee. t3.Kt6. SCOTLAND all war daaroua l Pur 1 VtiH 01 1", lag mU Naturally wurktra world.' the invidved in the wholesale amuggliiig of Chlne.e heard around (aUiiiiK a niiK'li infurtMaliun MINISTER DEAD. population for the awe plae. i-lily Kngland and llritih Columbia- iflowawuya hrought before him 1'h.nil lln rountry aa iIUIe. BLACK DAMP VICTIMS. in lull were as folluwa; l.l.iyd r ind to have been ny-alematiniHy hnnded along from one lnp a jmiiUU'. H ll i ' . Hi'pi I Klcven M.AMiVMt. hug. Hepl I. io Moosijaw .i.3 si'iil to another u nu elTort to imk theiu into Hnglnnd without pn- Tli" party fi-xiii Victoria i ft mi ii Kiil.'l ami si-vi-u m- Arthur Herbert, former minisler r-Wifl u cent I 5;'. 1 iiucr Hirt. and he atnte thai evideuce ahowed Ihe ronnp. lioii with Hie Capital n Htiieaay aft i Ul - '1 t ' I'l4' l-',.lllil oft. l mi of ureal lit "lain M'-vtco HI ,llont fare TIM. eouuuuca wo Ps lour.- , ... portage a I'rann' ''iiiU- Utitih v .i !I .1 i III lu, t), i i Columbia Chuiet luituivrutiun. i