9 ais * gia October 8, 1932 ANNETTE’ . . JUST ARRIVED DRESSES TAM SETS 40 Knitted Tam Sets— PEO ie oe ie ob Votan $1.95 $2.95 FALL COATS $27.50 SILK STOCKINGS ) Pairs of Silk Stockings—In chiffon, semi-service and service weight. in latest winter shades $1.00 to $1 50 er pair NOTE—AIll the above goods just arrived on last night’s C. P. R. and Union boats. They are absolutely new stock. You are invited to come in and inspect them. FALL SKIRTS 25 Latest Fall Skirts— ETON) 0%, 525. atone 1) Fall Coats— $14.95 MAN Sete ts LOCAL NE WS NOTES Taxi 35—Ernie “arge. t2 Just arrived a shipment of Chin- chilla Coats. in tans, brown and navy, Reasonable prices. Annette’s. 234 La Crosse Benefit Dance Mon- day, Oct. 10, in Eagles Hall. Vene- tian Orchestra, Reieshments, 234 Dr. R. V. Ellis, well known Ket- chikan physician, is expected in the city at the first of the week from the north and will proceed by train either Moncay or Wednesday morning on a trip to St. Louis. E. J. Fitzpatrick returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide last evening from Vancouver where he attended the provincial Liberal} convention at the first of this week as a delegate from the Prince Rupert Liberal Association. pa ’ Alex McKinnon, former operator of the city street roller, who left here several months ago with a ‘view to locating in Vancouver, re- jturned to the city from the south | | Announcements URCH NOTICES United Church Annual Supper 10 (uct, }on the Princess Adelaide last night. | | social | Dr. H. C. Wrinch, MLA, for! |Skeena, and Mrs Wrinch arrived in, ithe city on the Princess Adelaide | |last evening from Vancouver where | |Dr. Wrinch attended the provincial | | Liberal convention at the first of} ; ; ' “Insomnia does not k kills himself It mon cause of suicide. it saps his strength, it suc a victim of insomnia, It takes a little time to Chase’s Nerve Food overcome a condition which has perhaps been Insomnia makes him remember in the night hat he was meant to forget in restful sleep It him forget during the day what he was years in developing, but the benefits Gradually and certainly the ri hness is restored to the blood and the nerves are nourished back to health. ment will find are lasting. ' - encouraged to c it to remember. Memory is first to go ‘ board, soon friendship, love, sense of duty, n pity itself are one after another washed brain and from his heart like a vampire,”’ be disappointed. a more cheerful view of life. ill its man unless he sleeplessness is the most com- kills his joy of living, ks the blood from his so writes a world famous nerve specialist. himself | I ; alt | |}Cameron was ; ceremonies A few days use of this treat- you sleeping better and taking -ontinue its use until your health is fully restored. ;garno, Mrs : 1 help but nervous Five days treatment N Despondency alone sticks to the doomed Rest andy recreation will hel : , in vest pocket alumin- ip to steer it on the rocks to total destruction. disorders do not right themselves Nerve fore - um box, sent free if Voltaire was right when he placed sleep on a must be restored and there — Oras os you mention this | with hope.” people to say that this ¢ in best be accomplishet paper The Dr. A.W. What a vivid picture of the results of exhaus- by Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. Chase Medicine Co., | sleeplessness by You will not Why not strike a blow at nerves. How well it describes a condition : c si *hase’s Nerve Food. Can Vhich ig during these using Dr. Chase's Nerve Fc = time wonderfully common of worry and discouragement There is always the temptation to seck temporary relief by the use of narcotics which only whip up the tired nerves to leave them later more exhausted, 7 Real relief ¢an only come with restoration of Restores Tired, Sleepless 1 eb ot» gerne in a ‘he depleted nerves by such treatment as Dr, . Limited, Toronto, Dr. Chase’s NerveFood | Merwes ts | | sain | . You will then be | | C.L.D.L..Dance tonights sre y, St. Peter's Seal Cove, W. A. Ba- aar, Thursday, November 10. (234) Thanksgiving services will be held on Sunday in First Unitec Church, M. P. McCaffery returned to th: city on the Princess Adelaide las evening from Vancouver where he attended the provincial Libera! convention hela earlier in the week. Raaio broadcasting station CF'CN of Calgary played selections on it: old time selection program last night for Mrs. R. W. Smith and frienas of Prince George at re quest of Mrs. W. F. Murray. Mrs. F. G. Dawson of Prince Ru- pert with small sons, Fred and John, and Mrs. EF. J. Rothwell of New Westminster ive Jeft for an extended motor trip through the western states. They will spend much of their time in Southern California—Vancopver Sun. SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS Thousands of mothers through- out Canada have used tree struck the radiator 'Scotch-Canadian | Dance Fnjoyable \fiair Mrs. Eighty Persons at Happy Under Convenership of John Bremner With Mrs. Joh vener i}Canadian dance was heid last night 4 very iccesful Scotch jin the I. O. D. E. Haii, there being jabout eighty persons present at the affair. From 9 p.m. until 2 a.m |dancing was enjoyed with music by lan orchestra consisting of James Watt, J. B. Mackay, James. lL. Lee John Bremner, Old Country was delightfully ised with the C dancing intersper- inadian dances. Bert a genial master of At midnight delicious ments were served The Bremner refresh- committee assisting Mrs included Mrs. Ben Dal- David Ritchie, Mrs. Ro- bertson, Mrs. J. G. Steen, Mrs. Wil- liam Millar, Mrs. D. MeD, Hunter and Mrs. J. W. McKinley E, J. Smith presided at the door, C.N.R. Trains For the East— Mondays, Wednesday days Fri a.m, and 9:30 From the Basten ei Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days 8 pm Sizes 13 to 44 These goods are new fall stock. They are well tail- ored, satin-lined and interlined, with good quality .} ‘DEMERS Call and Look Them Over Third Avenue Cor. Third Street — _A SATURDAY SERMON ”| Then there are the eternal things} emer me oped Thanksgivi (By Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean of St. Andrew’s Anglican Cathedral) The supreme function of Thanksgiving Day is to remind us of an obligation that is easily lost sight of. Every day should be a day of thankfulness but it is well to lift one day above the level of the others and label it by official proclamation “Thanksgiving Day” as a reminder of the blessings we enjoy as citizens of a great Dominion and to publicly acknowledge our gratitudes vefore the Throne of Grace “for yur creation, preservation and all the blessings of this life.” men everywhere from the evils of their own hearts? If these things be true then why not let us rejoice and : ' Thanksgiving Day benefit dance, this week. They will proceed to} It is interesting to note the ety- be glad in them? The best way of ST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL Eagles’ Hall,October 10 their home at Hazelton on Mon- nology of the word “thanks.” It acquiring a brighter and better (Church of England) a day morning's train. »omes from the same root as “think” spirit is to learn to keep our minds Harvest Thanksgiving . Auction a ; und they stand in the same relation more steadily fixed on the ereat Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean . a . dai s nn evidence > “t there ; / se ” ‘ ' 8 "= Sale in 8. A. Citadel, Tuesday, Oct. As an evidence of the fact th re} to each other as “sing” and “sang.” certainties of our faith. It is not oe 111, 8 pm is an impr vement in business, Bill} An act of kindness is done to me worthy of us to say that we believe eld enatidine Qeveion j - Stone, manager of wear . a jten tad as 4 ind I think of it. Later “I thank” of these things and yet to depress our- ae 5 * : ' 2 h Bri vi October Wear store, states tha ney “so > Pas. oV years as ” a f i 5 . ‘ 8 A.M.. Holy Communio a ’ f oe out every one of the fall coats; been on the market, and their S and SAYS Bae a 60, I jselves and other people by turning A. y Comm i |! pert Oe ° . c child’s life no doubt saved by its |find no better word expressive Of our eyes away from them to the 1 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon } which they had got in for Thanks-' timely use my thoughtfulness of the kindness little troubles of the hour. If we .- reissue viving idaoh to wire away ys “% s ate nanan. “ } : Preacher, The Lord Bishop of Caledonia | Boxing, 2 Arend, Fay (eo ce eee “ta \ nd Po > nan ee t ae rendered. The root meaning is a really believe them let us think Sa } ore. These. arrived t tw sts or dealers; put up only by ‘ : Angel Voices Ever Singit Mrs. F. W. Alle oot, Car ae eee aes oe el ‘The TT. Milburn Co.” Limited, |moVvement of mind or feeling.|them—let us show the courage of . , : steamships myhich ca . - “ P : ; : . ay } | dle ( 2 em cane Er i” ns Toronto, Ont. | Thankfulness is the only right way jour faith and its real power of con- } Pee er re }to think and feel. If you think; quering life by turning our eyes {., Evenin Pr sern Prea The Dean I D: Oo ! 28 oA ees. rightly you will become more and |away from the disturbing and im- Anthe OT Ad mn, Gents. 50c. I 25 oe eee Oe M ’ P t H d more aware of all there is in life for | possible conditions of the moment N freshm« ~ ayor $ ar y a you to be thankful for. The great |}and fixing them definitely and per- + o-operation | + | question is what we choose to think|manently on Jesus Christ. Royal Pu B 0 . arrow scape Vf} | about for thinking is very much a eleatiihaneterapiihindinsstenal atti Soe “7 __ ad * B Hall, 3 } matter selecti mnight’s tr ; I i RST PRESBY 7 ERIAN CHURCH ) Asked of Railway « natter of selection. a night’s train; due from the : ays T bast ¢ I yas r Minister, Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A, Catholic B October 19. av alling 0 Big Tree’ Can Always Thank t at 8 p.m., was repo ted this Organist. John E. Davey OE ee ee ee : hs : 3 | We can always be thankful for a}morning to be on time be y< pe SVS, ee : Request of C. N. R. Employees --—— | rreat deal that we are not, for many lks’ De October 2} ‘ome fore C —— . - Keomnee peter Champer (of BURNS LAKE. Oct. 8:—While; ings that have not happened to Hill 60 Hallowe’en Bridge anc reer motoring recently this district,| US. There never can be any situa- ' : ‘ Ss . > datietdtmme . | . ‘ J ave a) : s .M., . dance, Oct. 28, 1.0.D.E. Ha Harry Bowman, agricultural repre-|‘tion that might not have been so “My friends all 1 Subject I ( At the ¢ghamper of commerce centative of the Canadian National|™uch worse than it is. The most) | Presbyte E N : vacate Sarees a letter was read Railways at Prince George, Mayor | ‘/aulty of us might have been more} ask me what P.M TH UM from a committee of employees of 'c. # Orme of Prince Rupert and W. | {@ulty still and, sinners though we} ‘ 7M ) GrUOD ‘ r NiS . » ‘ . . a alg ee ae ; ha _fo k } re av Pen Canadian Na Ho ial Railway/y Tobey. divisional superintendent | 9! we can thank Goa we have been | I used W ‘ Nalaves::® x out what the railway had | of the railway. had a narrow escape | k®Pt from many sins i EVENING MUSI( for the city and asking for | from injury from a falling tree near! Then there are positive things} O Li H 7 I ' } upport Colleymount. The: travelling | that we are apt to overlook. It is| “I had a lovely delicately-colored G. W. Nickerson said he believed |in an auto along the Francois-Burns | "0t life so much that is wrong as it | silk scarf from Paris which was my n OT Se G PR ; : , Se abhi : ala oe eran: es . . is the en re take it..A great writer | yride,”” writes an enthusiastic woman ' Make I Miss } Camert request was rather one-sided |Lake road while a strong wind was | ‘8 the way we take lt. A great wrile From Quebec. “It became so soiled I esu K Pai ) moving that the request be 'piowing. They noticed three chil- | as told us that we all bear within} had to wash it—which ruined its ng of t ot Cl n excuse It n favorable consideration, he qren who were driving cattle ahead }OUr bosom materials of happiness beauty. I was heart-broken. One day Cl legested that the signers be asked vahiis Rabel ae ecaliadl fright (contentment and peace. There are | I saw in the drug store a new kind of eG the gners askec of them to run as though in fright were , ee s,| tints—Diamond. Tints. The druggist Wwe ‘ rte send another letter to the C. N.'Glancing to the side of the road,}Many pleasant things to think] said they were for light shades and R. management asking for better the driver saw a large tree begin- | about but often we simply refuse to) needed no bane When ton i 1 overatiot the : rs a , s acquire bad habits of; they were made by the makers o : oe > i for the citizens of ‘ning to fall. He applied the brakes | @° . . we a mth bad : shad | Diamond Dyes, I knew that there Prince Ruper and brought the skiddir car to a} ®™phasis and attention, we neglect} yuo. something I would dare to use penile stop as the branches of the falling | multitudes of little wayside bless-| on my precious scarf. (You see, I had dyed all my mourning clothes with Diamond Dyes and knew they were wonderful.) I got a package of Diamond Tints, dipped my scarf and it came out as gorgeously colorful as a sunset! My druggist says repeated washings will not fade it. My friends were as delighted as | and wanted to know what [ used. Indeed, I’m en- thusiastic about Diamond Tints!” DIAMOND TINTS | AT ALL DRUG STORES ings that are well worth our grati-| tude. Much doubtless has gone from | life but much is left in it still. We xrumble and deplore the evils of our times, as people have done in|} very generation since time began. | Yet a little reading of history will | how us how much better our times} ure than many ages that have been | in the past, We are passing through 1 phase of our economic existence that is depressing but those wh have travelled tell us that Canada is} much better off than the majorit | of nations and that Prince Rupert has a much more hopeful outlook | ithan many other cities, of Christ’s Gospel and these are} surely a cause for thankfulness we have not exhausted. Let us look} carefully at the things we profess tto believe and ask ourselves whe ther we believe these things or not lIs it true that Jesus Christ lived and died? Is it true that he lives for | ever to be your Friend and Redeem er? Is it true that He is rescuing Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver. PRINCRSS NORAH+-Oct.°]2. 24. Nov. 2. To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE--Fridays, 10 p.m. via Oceab Falls and Way Ports To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH.-.- Oct. 8, 20, 29 For Information call or write W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, Bw. cect nennsiinsiiainnsaieinataeasitaiieatiessiemieam UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver PSS, CATALA BVERY TUESDAY, 1:50 PM. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m TSS, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas hc nlenwatapeoceess dun + setae A CNIS SAAR Yo. Bua Tee sarin cats war avon’ Further information regarding all satlings and tickets at VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue. Phone 568