Saturday, October 6, —— = 1932 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS or rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insettion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word No advertisement taken for lesssthan 50c. eee FOR SALE “Sera — rae oe — PERSONAL EE aa SAAN _ THE DATLY NEWS — ema MANY LINES OFF MARKET: Preserving and Pickling Season Ahout Over—Turkeys Here at Reasonable Price A number of lines of seasonal Thousands of People Read The Adverisemenis on y Day © RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP,SELL.FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC. THROUGH.A CLASSIFIED rT oe B&. Cooking, lb. 4¢ to 05 | Roasting Chicken dh yessnsntacnenace BO AARGOUINA QML CBO oii... eccessenceese 3.00 Fruits Ham, sliced, first grade ...... 85'Fime Oat Chops 2.......c:cceccos-cesoon 1.70 Valencia Oranges. ....doz. 26¢ to .g0| Ham, picnic, first grade, Yb... .1% Crushed Oats a cee ce Biack Cooking Figs, Yb 10 | Fish | SRE pe nesee sien ee Citron Peel 30 | Smoked Kinpers, lb. . As | October 3, 12 and 24 . p.m Whe Fics,» 4gy,| Salmon, fresh, lb. 15 From Vancouver— firtiee 00-46. & ‘a Halibut. 1b. 15 Sunday ins vclelhaian sniieacnabaiiansiclas Cae hg . : Wednesday 9:30 a.m, Prunes, 40-50, io 1 Feea Prunes, 30-70, 3 lbs .25| Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 vantee a Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .15| Wheat, usaeains Valley 1.75 Oeereer S, 0 and oF vin ~~ cee ; BG Noctua nine at. dame raaeiie ot ‘fo For Stewart and Anyox— Raisins, Cal. seedless. 2 ibs. ... 36) Oats 170 sunday 1 oh eeiaternenttn eet inns bined oo ceneepearcemmane: aiocselt: | OR p.m Gursanie, ee RE . 140! Wednesday sO DM. Apricots. Ib. 18¢ to 20 | Shorts ; - 145 from Stewart and Anyox— Apples, dried SB yOMAMIngs: si. 185 Tuesday .. 11:30 a.m. Peaches, Peeled 18 | Barley shadeicks kits ncladheliliians AAT Thursday . Ski eacee . § p.m. Meas TAT TR a a 2.65 Wor Queen Chariottes— Turkeys, lb. 35 , Oyster Shell wsveeeeeess 190° October 14 and 28 9 pm. Fow!, No. 1, lb GB THO MN ak a, 2.90 From Queen Chariottes— The Classified Ads. Many people have something in the house they tisement. There are a m “For Rent” personals, a little higher successful try age secure a tenant. Others satisfied customer certainly do bring results.” umber Some people after trying other tising decide to try a reader among the locals and Then they have got results. but they have been well satisfied, When conditions are like they papers can often help. The price is not very high. Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. different kind of advertisement and if that is not in. of houses rented yet and many people make little effort to who are wise to their op- oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the evlumn and often said r would like to sell which could be turned into money if they knew of a customer. Try a classified adver- Most people read the classifieds. about fifty cents you can let them know and it may prove a profitable transaction. Por about it Renting the House in the city not As one little ads get results. - “Those ecently: Some Like Reader Ads. kinds of adver- The cost is are today the news- Try a oa . pind : aa ae Shi Wek eel fresh fruits and vegetables have FOR SALE—Mink, Quepec. Labra- PRIVATE Hidiieestend pay. Ad- made their disappearance from the dor, young or adult. $20 per pair. vice given free by the Canadian PASTEURIZED MILK _icca! retail market and the season F’, Hoppe, Luchdale, B.C. tf. Kindergarten Institute. Winnipee for preserving and pickling is now een naen ) Sepenee onions seme we IS SAFE MILK asoes Wake Casinos Undlake cali aks USE. close in. Pay- PERSONAL a 4 put ! mncord grapes, pears M¢ a ao Jt 4 . ' ay _ < ames Donald. and crab apples are, however still ments like rent, no a _ 5 aoe ee of Qwen Sound, On- in and housewives are being ad- mission or in 10n¢ ed tario, will commammnicat th th oe a *7. ae i ie aati : “ ‘? \Gennda than - ne Ye fresh from Buikley Valley ¥! o purchase their supplies of va alee j aoe ee : es ai . icord grapes without further de- gina, Saskate > Execu- ‘arms ; ‘ FOR SALE—Sunbeam Oak Heater ; am ‘aad the Execu Farm while the quality is still good : eed ; : lors under Mi of the jate , »®) ; / and the sw The seaso and stove beard 9980; COMP, Peter Donald, he will learn VALENTIN DAIRY oo “7 a a a e. The heater and druin oven $380. ae e or for (Mis trult is not a long one 1e ans ag 23 os ‘ ; Phone Black 905. 235 a te lo His advantage. 236 Phone 65 first cranbervi yf the season are now in LT 5 - — T A CHIROPRACTIC First turkeys of the season are FOR RENT i ieihcocstndiebincallin alice EE Be ct Ls AUC | IONEER now here in readiness for Thanks- at W tiving next Monday. The price is POR - RENT Cc les an wet furnished .C. Aspinall List your goods with us—Prines = 25c¢ per pound which is lower than modern two-room suite. ‘Phone Tieee Year Graduate Chiropractic Rupert's leading Auctioneer. usual for the opening “ [Wes ; | Tet PLAct \ ( YORK | (© Get CAMP | TAKE |] wie © 1} sust ~& AUSY SEEMS 4, IHESE | Fue OF wanD |) city ALMOST PACKS b AANIMAL S } AND DO Lite ’ i } || BRED SAIC { Su NI A\ Be SOME } QuR } tee oe € ji WILD : 2 1) HOME , , >. JOH / MAN. EXPLORING Ff } VOUS { a \ 2 ) | FeRDIE | BaP VV" PRY / INLAND faut be. Pe : Vs = eng ope Pay 7< | i ; ) An | 4 J ’ ar) om i , ‘ vA A he frag ho, ye Gi ¥ 4 " @ | Pee Zh 4 / I ‘ ss " ™~. SMR N/ —_ —By Westover. Loc OK * | LETS SNEAK | | VP ON AT t vat al Be AN | SLD \ HESER TED CABIN J-s- a) FI 7 % 5 a HURRAY: Us a SAIN OF Civin pata vST A i F wn + os Om TTT EY 4 Fic .