MUE TV0 tub DAnrr hews Friday July fl lev i , -The Daily News ARTIST SPEAKS PtiMithed PMN'CE Every RUPERT Afternoon,- BRITISH except Sunday,COLUMBIA the Prince MUSIC MATTERS Walk Downstairs Friday & Saturday Rupert Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLF.N. Managin Editor. The Balatlen of Mutla arvd Dal- and Save Money lars Dlscu4 ay Laatlo SPECIALS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Schwartx. New Qeetn Peas Arriving Iteef 5ieak ami onion, t . idly Delivery, by mail or earner, per month f 1.00 Ttiere m-vcr ha lwwn a lime Friday l-cr tm 2Se. iHjr mail lo all part of the iritih Empire nd the United Slate. hi-n Misnes and art wr H"k yHr onler ahe.l at QROCCRICS. in advance, per year 18.00 rlY Iwrethcr than Ihry re 1 Ih. for 25. H. i Iran Ji-r. If Ih far . To all other countries, in advance .er year $7.5 lay." derlarel liili Schwarti. New potatoes. ; ihr for 25e. $1.00. Men's Shirls TELEPHONE 08 the violinist. ho is playing New lteeta a, hwNehe 250 Limit Jllh. to each evtstomer qnalitv d).,, i fUtrri WORK 8HIRT5- In a good heay dj, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. wfthlly Ibis wek al Ihe West, New (hrrM ihbace, a th. Icinr Hyar m bulk. Ih. 10c Itlue and Khaki. I'olm Ktr,,r bat me Theatre and ah att)re. f-r 2&e. Keahng'a )'-m Flate. each ami Chatnhray M, ci the llotary t4uh ai Ms hioeh. Hrod I-Mlwee, t far 1Sc. 10c 11 In l tPtClaL $1.10 EACH DAILY EDITION fl Friday, July SI, 19!!. m yeterUy on the relation be No t llalliextse Twntiti, I.MmH s In each rutntiftr tween music and dollars. H. for JSc Pacific Evap. Milk, Made In -C P. R. Looking For "Mnslr and dollars make map. S Ih. basttet. $1.15. B.C. Men's Shoes A Baiter Route. ty hciifellws." iNintinonl th,-MAker. ireen On4cn and AthUe, Thi i our first shipment TMf OCNUINC "8LATKR" 8M0C FOR WCH 10 off w Today f are pnMihlng part at an editorial article reprinted One man when akil 3 for 10c rf Ihe new Pacific MHk from Ihe hdmnnton Hiittelin in re fan In the II P. It. getting a why he sppni s., (H4kIi time mi I'ntalosspe. med site. S for whtrk i now bemar nui.le up regular prtcas, Friday and taturday only. new outlet to the Pacific Ooal in onler that it may ncrefnlly art in enn-ettMi wMb his btisi. 25. In i mix em mewl Slarntarit. eiimpele with the Canadian National line. Thi may or may not ns aid he was nedv ewpyin Bad Currants or Whlta Currants, They ay M is awfully pond. Men's Hose . ie an mtpireii anieie. we know nninina- a two it thAL Alt we Uie Cathnlie rdiurrh wkirh wa t baskets for 2Sc Well here i your ehanne to know i that it i intensely interesting in that it how what a Ihe first institution In use the Per t rale $2.75. ie it a trial tear priee fnr MEN'S FINE CASHMCRC H0SC Ml w.ed. relnf-.r -. , ,. . natural advantage we at present poe in having a roote IbrHMph htehsl art a a tnans of KoiM-i Raspbaerlas for Preserving. Ihi wee end nn)y I I Tin hv.. iv.lor Tan. Illack and Palm luaeh S.c-II the mountain with a very low prude. up a reverm ftiHl. Thr Hook your rler nw for 2Sc, anl there no ttm-it SPECIAL 2 PAIR FOR Ilepdar :e $1.00 i nreem we are HRaiHC io neneiii iiv me mw rriif ... lliouyhl evreet In imnWii Shipments frm Terrace to the qwarrlity yaat rf S. 'The rate are el liy the Railway Gnnuniion and Ihe emiiMMt terms mas new. Iiwever. wttl he arming horlly. hny. lae it rale on Ihe diffimllre with wheh Ihe 11 P. It. have Hi .Ttie man was head f ne ..f Prasarvlng Cherries aM I.)an VaHey I'am. per tin Overalls contend and ha o far refted to reroKtiiir Hit- Canadian National the gramephon enmpanis. ih-.i Preserving Apricots arc due 10c Boys' a it liat. TM yer we have been -ran led a reduction had 1 ImmI tw the balance .shcrl any Itme now. 11 u hav We have aadv 2M tin left HOYS' STRIPC OVERALLS WITH SIB-llemy .p.aldv K . f rate and liy Hext yewr the differential a again! Fort William He, wp a Dr. Jerky I and Mr. ymr order early. We Tanenea and Swko. 3 Ht. far ?1re St lo 3? SPECIAL Sa,fAin should le wiped mi allorelher. Uyile 4ti that one half of htm a-deetril Koarnnlee the tpiahty and 25c In art while Ihe Hht price. Itei M aerie SaVi naMti. t What About a eold eaVeutalinr tmsHses. GooMbeertes, I . Mt. SOo fwr 35c Children's Dresses I The CP.R.7 He was the prlHlyM of Uie n i IO th. M $1.00. ) pkr. fnr $1.00. lint what a!tiit the C.P.R.? Should the Canadian National art. Fruit Jars With eery Tip-Twav Tea 2 lb. p. fne ONILOREN'S OINOHAM DRESSES In plain ami rrv t 4. ) Railway hajwl over one of their grade through the mountain in Slentd Bl ArtUta. dWen Krwt Jn dd w will 55c with white rollar and coff. Worth ip to 11 0 onler to provide the rrvnf Concern with" a better millet to the The Vietnr coni.vay ivned five free t oniy Kotd Pack The l a reenter seller Mie At.. II EXTRA SPECIAL $1. EACH eontracls ith. a lot f bl. ar-lists Holder. We handle th-KofMHtiy Fresh Orema Co If 3 H,. roatT No private concern would d it. that i eectain I Hit if it re, on which Ihey knew IheTl and Perferl Sen I for 5c fiMind that the present facilities were overtaxed and thai lite y(l N. It. wa unahle to carry ail araiti offering, the farmer would l"e nx.ney. To Ihe ma. ! Jar. Are ynn aware that wv are Ladies' Hose . rof the prairie might hring preure to hear n the government Jrity music aiHealeit in ihe feci PROVISIONS ffertHK the iirealeat valo arwl the Vict knew I LADIES' FINE CASHMERE HOSE Alt wKd. reinfor A t r company Finest VlherU Ofeee. t Ha. on I'ffee in all nf ItrHMi sufficient to make them come lo lerm with Ihe 11 P. It. II mnl alo le rememleretl that Ihe (I P. ft. i an immene corporation that, yel for Ihe sake f pre, j fjr 45c (dnanlita. We are rrlndinit and toe. ie MS to 19. Illack -tdy SPECIAL It PAIR and very powerful, m mHch n thai it i often charged again! lige it sisnetl ii. In tmiiie r"reh lairy Dntter fraan rimost a harrH of thi rf. government that they are alfwtotely controlled by the C P. Ft. sreIMte is m rreat faHoC. Il i l erraee, lb. 35c fee per day. anl our pMHry me of Ihe nns coivinetn Max! of l lover Cream ry of fast turn er ail anvall Childrens' Pumps C P. R. May Take Ihinjrs. The history nf the Vici..r iHtller in tmlt, 1 lb. foi profit i veiling reutt ctwtfjuiH jr was tmr f the nts CHILDREN'S WHITE PUMPS One strap, in a g tl Li 'Northern Route. $1.25. Combination Canned Fruit eonvineinz example of ibis. The dMft with leather sole and heel -Sue I t.. 1 , The C. P. R. may lake a northern ronle from the Peace River Atherta Fresh Esaro. S dot. Special. red seal reeiwds lt fnr f to the coal coming out at Stewart or Prince Rupert Thi ii the hil Htlle maoey Nile for S5c Your chonse of I Thj each SPECIAL 1.45 PAia quite poiMe. o that tltere will lie another ootid In the c with Ihe prelire company.of tlie noneern hy was I'eanwt lhaltr tai bulk. lb. of ay af Ih toHowrnlli Iig tract of new country opened up. At one time it wa report-led iHtilt ant hy persistent . 20c at 4 foe $1.00. that the (1 P. R. hail acquired the old Dan Mans charter from erilintr up a taste for belter music Kry Ikteon, wtmle aide I Ml Mnede Siiced Peaches. Towels- P Stewart lo Edmonton. An era of cheaper i ami only, per Ih. 35c I . Tall. coming money wa cntlivale,!. All the adter- WHITE HUCK TOWELS Ftlra rood oualilv 34 t IS iwith it will rome a tendency for industrial expHUn. To keep tisinz was ealcntaled make lr Salt Iork. per tit 25c Lthhy Halved tseaeha, t' SPECIAL S FOR $1 M 1 pace with it there may he more railway totttdinf I'emn Fruit Cab, lb. 40c Tails. Ni.rwefTMn Fish IfctH. per ldd MmM lVearhe. Z'i. Mr. Seliwvril Ailltiaie, Ihe ' tin 50c Idbbv' Siiee.1 Ptneappte. I Toronto Globe xrowtli f Ihe advertising eaoi-paian Ladies' Shoes Norwegian. Analtoviea, Tall. t Discusses Railway. ami hwed Ibat -at first per . The Toronto Olohe dUeiiste the matter of railway haul to peopbi Mmahi Ihe ioudell rec-wrds tin 65c liel Monte Apricots. ' Tall ALL LADIES' SHOES will bo MCrtflced at LESS THANCOaT "the pacific Coast aud .pinte lherKlmonton Bulletin in regard to Un c.iM net? Iwtee t1e Nstrweaian- Sardine. Yaeht Ouaker IHaaktesrrPi. i . an Friday and Saturday only, graue. 11 ). U,pan t. - furncj ut njetoSy an.TTltJcn the hranl. 15c " hhuharh. V. T "If the Government provide handling facilities at the pacific interest rew and termaneni tin for $1.00. Prune. tH'i. jyaboard, aiid hippingicaylfiecnred on favorable term. there uitaoi"' er9 adde. t inned l rah. ier tin 40c '.rah Apple. ! x . .j may ie a very' urge iqmcmrni oi grain io Mtmpe iiy me long ea Mitsle had dime rnneh for the aan h Uan - per Im 1 Sc. Pran ; Universal to. route through th Panama fana,!. The problem of return rargie ittttary Uub. Jir. Schwant in Trading I uie most erou mat rornrtii.ine promoter oi ramie hip llinated. for il insillel in member Rupert Table Supply Co. ' meiiU. Much of the grain enl out from Montreal ami New York Ihe sMinl nf chitdhod. hipped on veel that are not dependent entirely on freight Room far Jaxz. Phones 211 and 212 Phone 376 "earniiir. There would' lA nraetirallr no naeneec traffic In The speaker did not deprecjt.. wor from Liverpool or nlagow by way of the Panama, and grain Jan. There wa rHm for it lhiptneiil would hate to te made on 'tramps which might find Yet ihe wae nf better mu-w-efl il necessary to make the weslUmnd passage largely in ballast at ea. If Ihe advemsinv 'considerable Io. The question of return cargoes, therefore, i campaign stopjHsl, hnwever. Ihe .. treatment. dary a to htm- get of very great importance. lase fnr nvuie it bad cultivated round m I tut. until Ihetv let I hem re tw-eevewyearhl regulation whirb ; So far h the"haul over Ihe Rockies i concerned there would die a natural death. The Canadian National main reaettl Prtnee fiupert Ihe ho.mes a laey at ae Railways wnuld appear to lie no difficulty at all in handling grain destined desire for muie had In he in. thankful for ntall merrte. of pr.ieeHvr and kippiu and ' for the Pacific by way of the Canadian National lines." tMM-n from ehildol. There LAlKift. heat lie. and wthee parts p.h io emId he no such ibinr a a Jutt Begins To PMtsiAal generation a vet. This a fresh eondition. Prince TAR1FFITES WILL TIRE Moo an Old One, Rupert Understand. could b estltivatet) by mean f Those who bar followed Hi The Olohe continues: sehool inusie. If wa one of OF UNPOPULAR MEASURE variolic move io the fihiii "We Iiegin to understand why the people of P.ritih Colnm-liia Ihe mo vital factor in devrloi-in busines on this eas e in Ihe DRYDOCK fought so tenaciously at Ottawa a few week ago for the epl-italioir a musical generation. Musi, So Says Victoria Tlm In Editorial senate prual th fruit nf of freight rate to that good could le hippel a cheaply clans fo4nt to a hizber slamlaM Arllclo on Halibut ,a raaspaira which nriviuated In AND from the Pacific Coast a from the hea.1 of the lake and Winning he declared. A nveetin? wtthoii-sinking Fisheries Controversy. .Ketchikan years a so when streo- easterly and westerly. British Odumliia hope not yiifrely wa dead. W'ljile ..rie-became , effurt made uH4 were to com. old when told arain. the Ikeahnir with th, duly on hall. SHIPYARD ' to out Ihe pnnbicU of the Alberta hip grain grower and ome pel le A American balihttl fleet familiar on never were old. ImiI ami the t.aH nuetunm the part of .Saskatchewan crop., but. In tend in the uppHe needed ,w land aM tie flb al that point. by the people of the prairie. It may be that f.vlorie and whide-tale They tirinjr. could be sunK WilhMM Victoria article:Time, ha the fd) twin? jThe Seattle A.wiilwo eoni Operating Q. T. P. 10,000 Tan Floating Dry Das house located or-the Pacific Coast will yet be keen competi-'lor plain becaue the two cent tar. WbUe it true that the Canadian Kn a lasers. SlachlnlsU. Ballarmakara. i BlackamHhs. ratuca of the factories and wholesale housr of Ontario and Quebec j --I,, i i - i iff w.tuld seud lb buine ia In all Ihe market wel of Ihe Manitoba-Saskatchewan loundary (iawriifuenl nae an or. lb American port at the ex. maUro, Found era, Wnadwortera, Kla. In the Letter Box der-ianwa)eii last May proud, ina that Aawiean flshinjt resets pene of I'rinre Rufrt asd le. Electric and Acetylene Welding. (at!le The ualunled siigir. may purrfcase their hail wwwwwwwwmwwwwwwwww WCRKXZr.'S CCSPESSATIOW m.1 tpdie m ihi Printer a lion made hv the Vesel Itwnera' Our plant Is equipped io handle al! kinds ef ACT. lonjr a I be undertake to land jrva ii iatin in Seattle merely lUlitor Daily New: their ealebe at nor port, there eaaphatiea the fact that llritiB Marine and Commercial Work Mr. Itos Mackay strike the i nothiax in (a ucovssmni ColufoWa tieeupie an unique njjtii note in hi letter of the whiah in any way differ frani postlloa in respect of Ihe Ameri. PHONES 43 AND ilMh insl., in which he draw al. Ihe arraaseeaenl that have been east halibut fleet II i equally tent ion to Ihe inefficiency of Ihe in ensieno aMd un.tertt.Ml hr pa lent thai a long a thi I?. W orkmen" Coaipeavalion Ael. bsrth count rie for twehe year. yr-M regulation remain A it eland it I 1 1 here ran b no complaint no adequate Fly In OlntmsnL E. H. SHOCKLEY the Canaiiian aulh-.rttie. measure uf protection In ihe The fly in the oinlioen, i the jajtaiRN worker. Claim for eompensa. laseliHi that the L'Hilrd State Sympathy with Fishermen. Planing Mlllst Caw Bay. Wharfs Neil Imperial OM De 1 Our ermaalhie would hitiir- lion whiah, uuder lle proviioa senate will piaca s daty of two Fhonai 3SS. The Drink iPletLSure of ihe Act a well a hy every cent per pound am all fih ally swing toward prince Hu. FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBCN. PLANKINO AND of pert and Seattle; hut il highly canon of Justice fair i aughl eel and play by Amrieaa and TIMBERS, SHINOLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. possible that the larlffite al should te adniiibte. are re. hl.ed in bnnl III rough a for. Agent for: Washington will realist the Tea, worau without inflaming, jet-ted summarily and without etjtn prt. The Seattle Kisbiua unpopularity KjJbertson & llacketts 8w Mills, Ltd. uf thi latel mve a iiuhl of appeal. Veael I twaer' Avsoelation J Fyfe 8tnltb" Hardwtxd. exhiliarates without intoxicating, So Ian? a the enntlruetion of eees to hare fnrgtlen the are quickly a Ihey have rrcigrtued Lamatro- 3 ply Cottonwood and gently stimulates the whole the Act is left n Ihe hand af nf 1be regulaltatn, which the I Ian. the pK.r politic which f-me Oarland Company, Hoomg Paint.Panelling, olher new tariff proposal represent. system. On a hot day, no drink a body of laymen; o ang a Ihe adian onler-In council merely applicant for compensation ' lerpeluate, and raise i hiw1 ret is more delicious, nor more won denied legal representation; o in Ihe belief thai II k a new eef derfully refreshing, than a cool, long a Hie deelinn nf the onler in retaliation p the Amer. SUITCASES clear of ICED Hoard are final, thi Act can iean duly to which we baa re. glan "SALADA". The Best never fulfil the object for which ferred. 1hi oranUation lake. TRUNKS in Rubber Footwear Just try it; I it wa passed. Ihe stand that H would .be impossible ' The remedy lies with the for the halibut fiher CLUB BAGS AnU ,n thU city for NIPRESS null"" I worker. When hy ran rouse Hying out of Heat lie to land Boot,, ,Uo th "PARTRIDGES Drand full stncJt of all R 'themselvea from their habitual their ealebe al I'rtoee Riiprt rSALADA' lethargy in matter pAitial and ind make a living after paying Large Stock on hand. fWrU!-h"' lb t'l rl. tor men s uive an active and inleaenl the duly pmpaaed by the United Prices vary low. w n-.i in, support In candidates plcdxed In Wale rnale. They reengnife EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. remedial legislation in thi and that they depend for bad and J. F. MAGUIRE Inlher matters, than they may supplies upnn trilih Coiumhia Nest tU Prior Hupart Ifotal aFAMILY sH0E STORE look for squar and honest and find tbeuuflvrs In a quan Tird PUm, SBT Third A no