THE DAILY MEWS PAOJI THAEK LOYE LETTERS USED IN BETTY COMPSON Local and Personal Wat erman PHOTOPLAY TONIGHT Specials Ii. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf Saturday Vlollnltt Give Channe of Pro gram Tonight durlno lnter Haynen, Undertaken. Phone ir Lead the world. There is a val Between Shows. 351. tf 1 '6HS Pcn lo m cvcry han(L And If "ii write love letters lo a Caih for Victory llonds. Tboa. Values in Men's Wear for every user of a Waterman is Hill. .Iwhm dale your lettnrs. MeClymont. tl Special OMiim w i-m. ie nmy aerve a a booster. I.. V. I'atnwre hhj on have IMirp that ! in-in by any- Saturday Shoppers are in a class by themselves. IhtHK I u I love. Tin i ilir moral left for a flatting tun uprivrr. II K S N0NK OTLEIl in your niif.I rutin I In1 experience, of Julian it.,If.-, )iityi-i by William g ue ffrr pfe-o-'inif fruile Fountain Pen. I. i.jii '.i..n In III.- Law am tM before you buy. City Market. If Wbiiwii" a-ftw Paramount ht- SUITS 1 Just received. Thin luiv i.nriHit lleitjr Oinpon. at 8e ew wiml.jw. fur prinet in . P fit"! CI IS leads. Hard rubber lh.' W . -Hi..lmP Theatre tonight. our Glln Out Half. Huyal Shoe handle. Like all other In Mil- r rem adaptation of Store. tf Special Values in Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits I ii,-ir Mr. Carleton Waterman products, they lead. The nicest play lli' role play,iif Ilir hultnl Mr. Totti Mnl -ail.-d lal ' Special for Saturday to use, besides they are beautiful. win. i. ;h-i'um( f the murder of iifcrltl on .the I'rin. lluert for $1.00 $1.75 $2.50 In-Ih'i'm ..iiiik married ward,In an who unncrtMMil has JiHt VSMtfBVtf. 4. - $23.40 and $28.80 ..ii- V! .iii.iii with whom llolfe hat leni ArtH, Utoyali Hay. Nar- (I. infatuated sonic yeara fce bettloR?, tUthJay a It orloek f..i. .. crown ma Mow lei toe Phone lUack 109. 170 .m.I.ii... acolnst too Inwoootit man i- it series f unaVatod IrU W Htl he a few paire of Men's Shirts Socks l'i- . untied by Ilia wotHBtl to UMiil Oxfard and l-urnps left hii. i n received frinn Itolfi' at (1.00 per Pair Itoyal Shoe Medium weight rey flannel shirts Black Cotton Socks. Special for i.. f..i.. the munlcr. Miu Store. tf Special for Saturday, Saturday, "ii u I" Jrahiusy as Ibe mo- munkr. Mr. ami Mr. N . rait.iti and 5 for i I.. 1 alleacd pairs $1.00 I i. ii i'.oiiipni plays the role daughter ratetrHevI t Hie ciiy on $1.65 Ibe I'rlnoa Johb la-l nijilil after I wife, wliii. aflrr her Vis SPECIAL! SPECIAL! lniii.l - I'MiivitUnii, wrings from bavins xpenl a foi tiiinht, at Ma I Hi.'r woman Hie eeerof ell. lli- leal . ruiimal. How u"le - - Medium Weight Khaki Flannel Handkerchief S Bargains in Carl HaltU', l-l.'graph opera reroU i hi- nm Ibe startling Shirts ti.tiriiti- one if lb clovercs tor for Ibt a N. Itailway. left for jieng white Cotton Handkerchiefs Hiui most interest in dramas to tbe Mutb oil life Prince tleoryr Sjccial for Saturday, ' Special for Saturday, the of the nfwti. Tar lal nialH Mjk wr.-k ara- SOAP lnliry Toilet tu ii- directed by Penrbjrn liott. - $2.35 1 Doz. for $1.00 Mra. Hon Yelf and her M-Irr 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps Uo Laflo ban attracted fe-hwarli, the much vlolinUt fa Mi Shoekloy, rfiurne,! on the Prim e Jidlti but timlil after liav onablr attention by hi ilaylnit to clear at in peni a furtniglil vmiting al ibe at ttaealr.- Hm wek give an RAINCOATS oliffl). diffcreoi pntgram to SkHtegate. 2 for 25c. mailt between nii.fw. 4.. Kuril.Mr. llkr,and wore Mr, aen;(ei an.ierar. for. Rubberized back, heavy Tweed Raincoats EXHIBITION MANAGER Vane.Ber oa'the prinre ((.rte for Special Saturday lal nlpht. 'Iltoy arrived lh ORMES LIMITED GOING TO INTERIOR evening train. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1GS0 4.- . $13.90 . . W ..!. I t ii,,!.I. - xliitiil i.'ii man. Mi Ahsia fttenojtro- ' Phonei 82, 200 and 134 I mm.-1 i- l.'iitiiiK in Monday plier in the prirviitrul rolleelor' tii(il ''din (ii t"iir of Ihf offiee, nail iM the Prin.e- THE PIONEER DRUQQtSTS TWO REXALL STORES !nif. i'f it' (iiim-.I i.oi with fair l..oiie tomorrow to nM'iid I10I1 i..n Hork. Hr will fee day m lh outh. ivt.ty Miiout a ftirtmphi ami will .. i i ii iiMteti with a many -of ;ii Viwlavt. rrireeul.illr MARTIN O'REILLY i ll.- rimr i"ihl-. ludy for ft laiiadtan KffVhMlve. return . ..mill ion and . .oii. adver. ed lat ntatil In Vaneouver afiei iii-ikiz work. H.- will iil Haiel- havinit tHed arlHi ininiiirf ... rw Hatt'ltoii. Kmitbera. rajotfta -m the ililrtel on uusi- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY T-!kwa. lou:u. Hum l.aie. f..ifV.-et. Vauilerlmnf. KMr Senior Baseball tonight. K. of Vi.VrINCE Of ORQC AND PRINCE RUPERT wUI sail Tbtire-cnl wfliVa I k and Terrace and rfl ' Jaok llyod. fWwelf knon C. v. Elk. 7:15. t-a..y .1.- Midnight for Swaneon Bay, lli.-r ...inlii a time will allow Mtto oImo athMo. HtlM lal Omit Falls, Powell Rlr, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. niaW o tbe Priitee Itupett for fishermen. All our rubber Fresh I Anyoi W.-dm -i-ty 1 1 4- Slawart, Saturday. 8 p.m. ..LUwutilaUe and fUbitMrr roiu. Yu MOM tor. Url SUtlus lo Ibe lHMdB are uu ale at Col Prie. IVriNCC JOHN I I 1 Northern and Southern iffret ..f tfr rily eMenrit h1 Vftnamw ihelWf the Kteetrir Iloyal Shue SUn-e.. tf QuUjwCharlotla Ulanda. M-y Uth and STlh. Juna loth and another joint iiirt'itny on ulilili- llakeriea ami doe not intend lo 4. 2,mJ' 161,1 fiiunrf in I lie mayor f offirr return hero. Mr. XV. Amitros wa a pa- FLAT ,u A' u,t 1,h ,uJ l9lh' spL o.wJ' --"J lal'' -eiiiiiM. there wa - ciizer no the Prinre ttroij!--mithboond Rupert l 'th. Train 8arlea lengthy iH h-i..ii whirb l-t ! Shipment of froh kilted nlwr la-I ihkIii. She 1-en front H until ninliiiwht when ail-jntirfiMii'iit leef juvl arnvotl from tjuei'n route tu tbe ,! 4-oiintry via Paingr Dally Eieopt Sunday, .45 p.m. wu iiiate with pros- Cbarlollew. pof roal I8r lb; Vancouver aaxl Montreal. "T5.r niiiliei. I'iio. .. lulHionloH. ainl Wlnnlpetf. i.... rt-oorfitl. The mayor and prime Hb rolled, tie lb: boilins ! d.iT. t roiin. . u-n for all jhubIb la ltttern (Unada all Ilir nM-mler of iaib rum. feerf. tttte lb: ronud kleak 8r Caid. I'dive. a otlier ctller al FISH Brand c Hilrd tiat nutter wt-re .r..-fiil. A final re lb: irtotn 8r lit; VYewk mot re-etal Odurvale. wan a '"eitaer from ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TlatE ...rl on tbe ilualioii lo the filjr on Arbire Uaoon, 8c lb. train lo tMt lt m?b for an- Agency for all Ocean Steamahlp Line I'ouiiril will lik.-ly lf r'.rthroin. Table Supdv. rouver. Opl. t'.live i a srand- 828 Third Aa. Phone 160. in.; al an e4l dale a a reult " miii ut the (jiiious I Ar! Ulivr City Ticket Office, available from the ..r tin- d-lileralion. l:. J. CoMAva), Ilia Ah)i mill, of India. now ina enztoeot. who been es-aminiotr 4. --- local retail Mi A W Sn-'iltd a. of propertlo down the Special Children' Cartoon stores. a- ; aii-'t f'f Yaneoiiver eoat for tke liriinly Oo rriurn-ed Matinee tomorrow Westholme CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ii th I'l III! '."-I night. to town )etflay pfteruMii Theatre. LASZUO SCHWARTZ. v Fish & Cold Ltd. Canadian Storage Co., and i roKi4ero, at the Hotel the eminent Hungarian vlollnltt, B.C. Coast Servicei Prinee Ituuerl. Hit wa aeeimi. will draw special cartoons for PRINCE RUPERT .l-iJililW pained on the drip by Captain the youngsters. Normau ltroatHmtt, of tbi rity. fromPrinceRupert T Al a iiuH-lin "f Ibe football d The trial ruu of the new An-aUean league , i.-rtlltv Iiil nulil lu. FftVketchrVan, Wrangell, Juneau and snagway Miiion Uuh1i. Velern liav wa xele.-le.l to referee ttu JUNE 12. 1, 2. JULY 3. 7. 14, 17, 24 and 2$. Himh, whieli Iim Joa( been, eoo t..iiii!.;..:i laj ':p fitsal The . Seattle . . . Por Vancouter. Victoria and pleted ai I he X. M. hip-yurd. the Son f Canada and Die t ai JUNE 17. 24. JULY 1, 8, 12, 19. 22 and 28. Cow Hay. fwr Hie ure of lien nest Tuesday eveninjr. ('IQPRINCESS BEATRICE For Buledale, Swanaon Bay, The Lowest lie. J. (iillell i lite (Jueen Silo Solution Eatt Bella Bella, Ooean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Ubrlott Ifland fleW. will lake River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Price for a place loeoorrow aftoriMHtM. Sev. "" Ten Years Ago Agency for all Steamehlp Line. erol,local rilu.'ii Ikivo beeu invited j THE "HOARD" SILO. 1 - Kull nif.'riii.ition fi. m In lake u ride U4l the loat In Pi'nce Rupert W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Quality Watch on tbU ocean oh. Ba",,",,, MA Silo On Every Farm." Prince Rupert, B. O. All wood No hoop Xu attention -Self-a.lju.tiny. Corner of 4lh Straet and 3rd Avenue. July 21,- 1912. j I hr di Herein e belwvn a HOARD SILO In his time. erect sparo there were I8U Mroiii pre, Anyone can a I maik lo ell and ona Several Uuli fire are UlaiinK al Ii eut at Ibe ovular weokly dance of I he Skeena The nuuiy advautaKee or the 1IOAHD over the Hoop Silo are ' tie nil Uolll Mile 1 1 ii le lo run cannot en at the Auditorium lax I nitihl. explained in their catalogue. KiUiinikHlniii. A few NOTAKY ! vulli Hi. untrained ie. Muir Xewcll Hivr near Write fur I'-alaloKue and Price. providetl THEO COLLAR 1 , LTD. run LIC by n huildiiii: on l4i and have Watcliea tXll'I.I) b j (.men (irrliettru wln.-h ouuiriea - II. destroyed Stuart's ranches were made to ell an cheap a any, Newell, piano: A. A, Kaou. kux. W. ,r. now Atlanta for lh. N.w York Uf. In.uranc. and more are threatened. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. i.iuen aim Ub.r.l id atronge.t company on hut iuuiuy ophouo; llowanl W'liilu, drum, Company. Th. n.o.t Let ua .how .UmlariN of fine conntruc-tioii and It. Jaek, lolln, iu J. Mar. ..f Hie hleuao. 350. h. contlnant. Aae.te, B8a.03a.ia8.HO. Tlir- iieesideiil P.O. Box 745, Prince Rupert B.O. Phone cannot te put into a ren wa nialer of rervnuiniei, I St. Puul Hallway how to iv your money. Milwaukee A you vvaU'h Mow 125. Jaek w on tliw door i vi'itintr Prince lttiort Lnlay Pb. aiua f Weetholme Theatra Block P. O. Boa When you luy a Oruen and retrei meiila wsre in rhurtte He will al V" I1'0 U nee 11 Wali h at up you of Mr. Watuiau. lUiarlidte Ulaudi. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED pay the nnniiiiuiii pric for SAILINGS u real whMi and U set a Yelerla) arrival al the Knameer llaxler ha tml.d For Vancouver, Ocean Fall : nd Swansuu Hay. Tuesday 5 p.m. name wliieh tand for de. Hotel Prince ltiirt Included M. the survey of the proposed rud For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy. Saturday p.m. BENTISTRY! peiidalnlily and arlintic do I'otlaud. Seal Ho; He v. Arthur around Katen Island Tor the in For Anyoi, Alice Arm, Port 8lmpn and Wales Island, Bunduy --uii. llaruer, l'4ilaary; J. K. Allan and villi'ial iioverninenl midniKut- M. Sudiiiin, uoouvr; Mr. T. Foe Naaa Rlvee Canneries. Vrldav a.m. Modern X-RAY Service John. Bulger, Hall. Kx.tew Kliill M. Urol I. In-veine.: P. lUtlee. Prime U EMORRHOIDS The Jeweller (eortie; T. V- San.Jloa. llay-purl; GET BACK ON THE FARM DR. BAYNE A. V. i arlm (K-uiiN); H. nU ot uftr .noth.r or.rrotn4J dy 160 Acres ' mile from Morlcelown. Frame houso and LAST I.. Juiiien, luitiptrin A. H I.uiul. Jnl.s or Ituawrrboia. two barns. Forty Aeres Meadowland, balance Poplar and "com. , b, , Helgeraon Block iTSIl-UOlca OIFTS THAT Vieloria; P. Puvith, Anyuc J. unU'sl oprlum rwtu"J. . Sprue. 60 Acres fenced. Snap for either cash or terms. lioura: Mornini, 9-U frrnvin. Suit, New Haieiloti; llueil T MflTurd.i.Mi.r.lAstlsir KilinABsnn.Bffni r Uslas Enquire THOS. MoCLYMONT tCvenlDgi. T.o, I . i-rUM'. HI r a. tiuiii. V T au:i'. k" f' 1