is 2 et a Fs i | «oer ereredsetat PAGE SIX WATERFRONT WHIFES Salmon Pack Figures Higher—Halibut Landings Here and at Seattle—Other Doings }/s0n up to 12,954,250 pounds as com- |year. The American landings for |this year were 9.117,600 pounds as jagainst 9,129,940 pounds last year! while the Canadian total was 3,-| 836,750 pounds as compared with 5,392,900 pounds’ price of the week for Canadian fish was 4.8c and 3c paid the Vera Bea- trice for 8,000 pounds and the low, With the entire season almost accounted for except for’) 4c and 2c received by the Atli, Gul- | some possible revisions, the salmon pack on the British|vik and Ingrid H. for catches of! Columbia coast for the 1932 season up to and including | !%-200, 10,000 and 13,500 pounds re- Se ber 24 totalled 949,211 cases as compared with 646,-/sbectvely. For American fish the september 24 lotaled 34,2 I : . ? |high price of the week was 5.5c and 015 cases at a corresponding date last year. Fraser River, |2¢ paid the Thor and Visitor for! Naas River, Skeena River, Smith’s Inlet, Central Area and ‘catches of 5,000 and 4,500 pounds| Queen Charlotte Island districts Ally |respectively. The low price of the} show increases in pack over last eighth year as an active cannery Week was 3c and 2c which a num- | year, Rivers Inlet and District No.3 man on the Skeena River, R. G.| ber of boats received. being the only regions to show de-/| (Bob) Johnston, widely known and! creased packs popular manager of inverness can- Coast Halibut Landings Springs, blue backs, cohoes, pinks nery, left Prince Rupert last night! According to a statistical bulletin and chums are salmon species show- ‘for Victoria where, in accordance, !ssued by the United States Bureau ing increased pack over last year,' with his usual custom although not Of Fisheries, halibut land‘ngs on the sockeyes and steelheads showing by actual personal preference, he Pacific Coast for the 1932 season up| Karina Peterson. 1; very slight decreases |spends the winters. On departure, | t0 the end of July totalled 25,536,099 UNDERWEAR & Third prize, $5, No. 483, Mrs, H.- WQ°xs 0000000000008 0000: R02 0 0 A gp The pack per district up to Sep- | he promised that he would be back pounds as compared with 27,418,175 SWEATERS McCallum (Ardly Post Office). tember 24 was as follows, figures again bright and early next spring Pounds for the 1931 season up to a| Raffles for 1931 being also shown for com-|and the people of the Skeena River|°0rresponding date. Landings at|{ It is a pleasure to show our Half side of lamb, donated by | parison: /know that Bob’s return is one of the Prince Rupert were placed at 8,- goods. Jack Preece, won by Miss | 1932 1931 ‘sure signs of spring. Accompanying 118.910 pounds ag against 10,192,- On city orders you get 35° Jerry, No. 49 Fraser River 156,166" 101,277 Mr, Johnson south was his wife, 000 pounds’ last yeor while Seattle more goods than anywhere Ham, donated by P. Burns Naas River 79,052 14,674 Bert Keiser, in charge of the cold |landings for this year were 12,770,- ain, tows Ltd., won by Jack Preece, No. 20. Rivers Inlet 71.634 176517'storage at Inverness, and Mrs. Kei-|92 pounds in comvarisen with 7,- cs Bed Spread, donated by Mrs. Jack Skeena River 223,322 173,543 ser, Howard Chambers, accountant, , 984,519 pounds last year. Landings 'Preece, won by Gillis Royer, No. 111. Smith’s Inlet 26,362 13,915 and a number of members of the for Alaska ports and Vancouver are Montreal Cushion, donated by Mrs. Carl Central Area 254,101 126,934 crew, R. G. Sinclair, assistantsmana- | Shown as being far below last year. Tohnson, won by Dr. J. F. Maguire, Q. C. Islands 6,851 6,187 ger, and Frank Wilson, storekeeper, | Importers ,No. 22 District No. 3 131,723 132,968 will be in charge at Inverness dur-| George Smith, wnarfinger of the wits: Avenue Japanese Cushion, donated by. SPEE, The pack per varieties this season ing the winter. |Government Wharf, started at the Mrs. Jack Preece, won by Mayor C, a and last: -—— first of the week cn his annual 1H. Orme, No. 2 1932 1931 | Exceptionally heavy landings of, fortnight’s vacation. His. assistant,} ~~~ oe | Suitcase of Soaps, donated by Sockeye 271,761 277,441 Avnerican fish forced halibut prices Doc Clapperton, is carrying on dur-| Pilotage boarding stations are lo-|Mrs’ Jack Preece, won by Pat Way, Springs 70,309 25,794 at the port of Prince Rupert back ing Mr. Smith’s absence and, on the| cated within a radius of seven miles |No_ 17 When you take Aspirin, you are sure of Steelheads 1,020 1,189 down to very low levels during the return of the chief, expcts to take|from Race Rocks, off Vancouver! gijk scarf, donated by Mrs. Jack immediate relief. Because these tablets dissolve Blue backs 26,610 25,129 week ending yesterday. Landings at his own vacation {sland, and at Triple Island in He- | preece, won by Evelyn Johnson, No. re a ; Cohoes 130,923 64,262 the port during the week totalled etme vate Straits. I at once. Their action is almost instantaneous. Pinks 214.825 200.754 655.800 pounds of which 91,000 A notice to mariners regarding --— Bread tickets, $5 value, donated Your pain is gone before a slower tablet could Chums 233,763 51,446 pounds was from Canadian vessels pilotage regulations on this coast} Alex Finnie, William Watts and py Charles Biggart, won by Mrs. W have any effect! and 564.800 pounds from American. has been issued by the Department | George Johnstone, prominent mem-~-1B. McCallum, No. 44 Having completed his forty- This brought the total for the sea-'of Marine. It is pointed out that! ers of the local sEOCery epee WHls Box of Vegetables, donated by W. | So, stick to ‘the tablets that relieve your : leave tomorrow with Capt. William |c. Little of Woodcock, won by Roy suffering promptly. Time counts, when you're nt ee Oe eee Tn ee eT eee ———— | Miller of Porcher Island for a deer) wicks No. 13. ; es : r jhunting trip to Welcome Harbor; yyncheon Cloth. donated by Mrs in pain! You can always depend on the reliable jand other Porcher Island points. | porey cameron, won by Miss Yvonne and uniform action of genuine Aspirin. They expect to be away about ten Terrien No. 91. : days and are looking forward to a} China Cabinet, donated by W. V And tablets of Aspirin are perfectly safe, pleasant outing. rsal, won by Mayor C. H. Orme Doctors will tell you they contain nothing to ee Capt. Paul Armour, local man Chesterfield Stool. donated by G depress the heart. ger of the Pacific Salvage Co M. Ht won by J. Owen, No. 93 Aspirin tablets cost so very little, there's really ® N P e F d ] ] personal command of the power Mu for dancing was provided no-Seonomy in buvine th » te fecti az In ew remises, e era B ock tug Salvage Priricess, the skipper-|py mrs. J. S. Black’s Orchestra and ny in buying anything less effective, ship of which ha§ been relinquished | crowd was on the floor at by Capt. Frank Tyler, who has ta-| 41) times. ¢ ; Rover was master CAPITOL SHOPPE |iiecsic = Alberni, returned to port Thursday} presigs it the door night from a trip to Vancouver A| During the evening there was tap B scowload of coal for Albert & Mc-| qancin little Miss Margaret A Caffery was brought north by the) Bruyn who, like Misses Betty Brown BAYER ‘ . . 7 Princess which took a week for the ‘lara Dahl. who danced or Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear trip,‘encountering much tog and|nuciey misht'c prod a oe heavy westerly winds on the vw | il of Miss Ele vr Tite north. Accompanying Capt. Armour! pofreshment were dispensed A NEW SHIPMENT HAS JUST ARRIVED OF wag Qucar Havery). 3. W, Thomp bs trent taak att a son, accountant of the local branch | wir nd coffee oe ? 3 ® of the Salvage Co., who went sout! ees j harge in connection B k N h iris Dresses, Skirts & Sweaters | er eee oo ie ack Northern B. C. Payrolls 3 Vancouver for the winter | Da Charles Lemon, Andrew, All sizes and the very latest winter styles and materials |Met Donald, Harry A oaks u. 6 K. Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on im 2 uaenscnuda, A general invitation is issued to all the ladies of Prince Rupert to call and NEW HAZELTON Percy Cameron, Gillis inspect our new premises and see our stock. W. B. McCallum, Charles ll ey a ey (Coa mon, Richard Long and Ted Ror- eS o en _ ee James McRae and J. C. K. Sealy . adi Mrs. Charles Edwards left last week by. motor to attend | vrs FM. Crosby, Mrs. Ole Stegavig, For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley the Kamloops fair. Mi w VY. Tattersal Mrs. Jack slack with your furnace coal —— Preece, M Fam Haudenschild and Little Leonara Wrinch, daughte {rs. H. Grimsson of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Wrinch, is Special Hard-Time Bargain Offer To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- ipared with 14,522,840 pounds last’ last year. High’ GREAT... SACRIFICE PRICES Monireal Importers have just received a consignment of— New Goods Purchased at such reasonable prices that they can be sold At 35% Lower than elsewhere in town. The complete winter layout can be bought here for men, boys and children. NEW SHIPMENT OF tion This and Miss ers. Here is our contribution. Any per son sending in a full year subscrip- tion now will get the rest of the year 1932 free. This applies either to new subscriptions or renewals. THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town | | | one year from January 1, $3.00 FREE Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 This is a very attractive offer made for a limited period to induce subscribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult financial period. Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it is sent the more you get for the money. THE DAILY N “ S Delivered in the city one year from January 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 FREE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. making satisfa Hazelton Hospital taken suddenly From one crab apple tree at the Hazelton Hospital, Harold Wrinch gathered no less than eleven boxes of apples. tory aa ae afte il on Monde’ ee Daily Special Look for our advertisement in this space every day. You will get a real snap. This special is good for 48 hours only Either call or phone, We e- for $2.00 or 20¢ liver all orders more free. Empress Mincemeat bulk, per Ib Lobster—-Quarters per tin i8c Comb Honey 7 28¢c Pineola— For All household , purposes per 2-Ib. tin 95c Horlick’s Maited Milk—For good health fanee bottle SBeaD MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store “The Original Cash & Carry” 18 — Phones — 360 317 and 319 Third Avenue TE trier BAZAAR WAS An interestl Fir Second prize, ture fering for tle than any other of the many war pictures which Lave _ been | shown The story deals with a beautiful oot ‘ndship between a mountain guide of the Austrian Tyrol and an Italian gentleman which is cemen- ted by many Alpine climbs. Sud- Prepared Dail lenly the World War breaks out 3 . y By not only to part them but to place Can d F h & ( ld § them in opposing mountain com- a lanl IS 0 lorage Co., Ltd. panies contesting for a vantage} On Dr : peak. A tense situation develops PRINCE RUI ERT, B.C, when military orders force the} Italian to attempt to annihilation {3 " yf his friend’s detachment by blowing up the top of the moun- tain. Suspense runs high right up e H { | ( tr | Ltd on thaling climes Pianos For Rent ||| coice (nt an Tala Birell, young European ac- Covenient to business district, tress of exceptional promise, has $4 P | homelike, beautiful harbor the feminine lead as a heroic Aus- Pe er Month and Up views. trian wife and mother, a _ role Rates reasonable. Spacious which permits fill play of her emo- » : Sample rooms. tional talents, Victor Varconi plays Pianos Tuned, $33 | FIRST CLASS CAFE he part of the Italian officer and Open at All Hours Louis Trenker is cast as the moun- y FVD OG i Special monthly rate for f Ta ° tain guide, a role ne formerly play- WALKER S MUSIC Rooms and Meals ec in real life. There is also com- STORE Hotel Central Ltd. ,edy relief. First Avenue & Seventh Street Saturday, October 8, 1939 ——— 7? EE ome ‘gms m0 0000 000 Ra im Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 p.m Feature Starts at 7:38 & 9:38 ADMISSION l5e & 5c > ra aa i THEATRE: SUCCESSFUL Big Dance, With Drawings, Brings Moose Affair to Close la “AT “i es f 1932 A largely attended and highly | The Quie 0 successful grand dance brought the annual bazaar and carnival of the BATTALION’ Moose Lodge to a fitting close last * ‘THE D night after the straight bazaar fea- tures, conducted by the ladies, had With Tala Birell, Louis Trenker, Victor Varconi, Albert Conti, vlied a good trade during the after-! Henry Armetta. For the girl he adored and the land he loved noon he fought like a fury. ig feature in connec-| MASQUERS ALL STAR—ENGINEER’S DAUGHTER with the dance was the con- Cartoon—“PUPPY LOVE” Metro News No. 296 ing of drawings for the raffles. | t 3:08—15 was in charge of Gillis Royer MONDAY MATINEE at 2:30—Feature Starts a Stace the winners were as follows: Grand Drawing st. prize, $20, No, 536, won by) Peggy McKenzie. $10, No. 693, won by Ne Bi Last Time Today—“Touchdown” | WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY—“AS YOU DESIRE ME” WEDNESDAY REVIVAL—“DELICIOUS” LRILLING PICTURE yomed Battalion,’ ito] Theatre here as the first The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous coming the of ‘Rupert Brand” SMOKED very absorbing pic- War aealt with, different from very in ak SNS | (ala