-IMflH TWO THE DAtLT XTTWE Wednesday, .May io, 10a2" , The Daily News NEVER FELT BIG PARTY OF MINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published' Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe The Prince THE RHEUMATISIVI TEACHERS TO , Rnperl Daily News Limited, Thin! Avenue. 1 ; II. P. PULI.EX, Managing F-dilor. Since Taking "Frult-a-tives" COME JULY 5 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: The Famous Fruit Medicine Special Train Will Arrive Here' mm The makers of Lifebuoy City Delivery, by mn.il or carrier, per mnn'.h. Kl.no With Pedagogues From Eastern By mail to all parts or the nhtish Empire and the United States, P.O. Ho 123, rAansBOiio, X.S. Canada and States guarantee its perfect PURITY. W "I suffered wllli Mipumathm for in advance, ner vear ............ t $0.00 at time One hundred and twenty.five; five years, Imring it so biully tlieir manufacture M To all other codnfries, in advance, per year. .7.50 I was tinal.le to grt up. school teachers from cnlern and am They own uii- I tried medicines I saw advertised, Central I'm'led stale mid Canada 9 bleached RED palm oil in Central I TELEPHONE 98 and was treated by doctors but the will arrive in lln city on (he lUieiiinitisni always caino back. eveniiiK of .Inly 5 in Ihe cour.e of mnsienl Display Advertising. , ....M.iO per inch per inserting " lu 1916, 1 fciwlu an advertisement in excursion lour of Western that "Ffuil-4-tiret" would'slop Rh'uma-dim Canada which is hi run oxer. mnsieht AdvWtising. on Front Page $2.80 per Inch and took a'box, and pot relief; the Canadian National railway,1 1 They test every other Lifebuoy'in- jm Local Readers, ler insertion 25c per line then took "Fruit a tives" right along according lo inroruialion recei.-ed. for and ' vjm gradient jm purity tpiality. ClassjnedAivertising. per insertion. 2c per word for about clx montl.s and I have at the orfice of O. Av'-Me,Nicholl, I NotVees.i'h insertion 15c per agate lino never felt my llheumatlsni since". aiiiilant 'general freiglil and'' Legal Rales Application. JOHN K, OUIl.DKKSO.V. passenger agent, which .'is planning Lifebuoy is the purest, most whole-. MW Contract on 60c a box, G for $2:50, trial siie 25c. for their routing and reception AIPadverlling should le in The Daily News Office on day pre At dealers or ent postpaid by here, v ' ' some soap that can be made. ceding publication. All advertising received suhject to approval. Fruit a-tires t.imileit, Ottawa The special train, on which Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Ihe leai'hers will arrive, will coin-! prise five sleepers, an nherva-; SUITCASES jlion car. a iliner and the nei-es-jsary Pnrr, unklrachrj, l'lni Oil and mKT daily EDITION Wednesday. May 10, I0'.2. Imggatie cars. The latest VegrtaLIr OiU arc urj K3r TRUNKS in Ihe umkiug of QUr Uidvjce i eixr-d is that Ibis IrailiJ liftbuojr dPtr jwill lie aiignienleil by ; another, Voice of B C. CLUB BAGS 1 1 wo special cars of teachers and U Heard. ifi'icnds from Hiiiuln, Minnesida. The voice of nrilMi Columhn was iinmilnkcahly heard in Large Stock on hand. jwhich will Join Ihe oilier train the House of Commons in Ihe'dchale and vOling on Ihe Oriental Prices very low. at Winnipeg. question on Monday nHjIil when 'all thirteen members frntn Ihe Stops Enroute .L i: ll ..rr:i:ni:....s -r,iu.l rtli.llv. fni 1 !! J. F. MAGUIRE The (ruin will leave Winnipeg jiroviii'r, ri'K!"ii""' '" r" lJ "''""" i " ""'"ji"" at tt:3.u a.m. on June .10 and. Next the Prince Rupert Hotel of thne where parly politics cases Oriental exclusion. .H was one I. Ill i.r.L- l..r... ..I I was IhroWn lo the winds in. Hie support of a principle, the kaloou, Wjtiiiwrigbl. IMinonton, .necessity for which is ever making- itself more apparent in this- Jasper Park, Mount Hudson, province. British Columbia, Ihe province mot effected by Prince (icorge, where there will The Man in the Moon be a July I celebration in honor Oriental penetration, through its members, has shown its feeling i SAYS:-; of I hem, Terrace, Kitwnnga an J clearly as Vi result of that vote. one of the Hkeena river canneries. J - K which will, then he In operaliim. Analysis Of PA it more thoroughly spring- before reach jng Prince-Jtuperl at rloani'd than the house when Ma The Vote. in o'clock on the night of July buys her nCw spring.Hot lies. N It is appareiiLlhat. the. East does not yet see the necessity ', j. line nour sioos will lie made for slringeiil Oriental measures. The fact that only IHl votes SpltOUTINU at Kitwnnga, where Ihe -Indian Scodsv Interns and oilier curios will be were registered in favor of the McQuarrie resolution indicates Neighhpr's cal. iiispceled, and at Terrace. f fiat, f lhee Hfi, 'thirteen were from the province of British Family shotgun. v II is hcing arranged to , have ColuihtoWiiiother one is accounted for in Hon. Arthur Meigheu And that's Dial. Ihe train reach here in Ihe even Whn&fJjWcd as having spoken in favor nf the Hrilish Columbia ing nf Wednesday. July 15, so I hat SOME married ...men would it be assunieil, (louscr-VTtUv?VhVf--puld any who wish In go, to Anypx; In reoljrfnrffrhe remamillg 22. may were rather their,, wiyjes used a lip see (he smeller be affordM support the resolution jthrongh the recojlimen- slick' than n rolling pin. may the privilege of doing so. Those dation ami example of Uieir chief. Liberals a nil i Farm ens of Hie who want to remain here will EasT-m; ITKely although the details of the -sole have hot yet Till;, 'fellow that slarlcd the slay on Hie train for the night 'ome'mmindi'vided for Ihe government amendment for-federal Min-rliiinii that Friday wa an and see this town and Ihe sights lucky day musl have been a fish. ietriction. , ,.... the next day nr go fishing or be taken lo scenic points on the ll 'I'll 11 owl hofleil because, the water, FORBID EMPLOYEES wondpeeker woiibl peck her. I'he parly will sail from here Necessity For Action. H ; - J Thilrsilnv TRADING IN STOCKS on evening, July (5, by ' l-?reii if llin min rlpfivlie mnncupA nf iviltiu!nn u'fic unl Thi1- pestiiui. nys "Never cal the Prince (Jeorge through Hie . ? . I. ..Jt't t . . -. -i r . . " .. :. ' ' on an emply sloniach.'1 ON WALL STREET Lumber & Lath i pqnpjujiae.jggveTiimeiii,. ,-isi wnoie,. ununiiess rcanzes ine ne ' ' y . Inside Passage (o Swansou May, frtsMly for some u lion. Otherwise Hie" Stewart ameiidtnujil f'K.N'OW a,man who nlade -'n Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria ! Iiever would hac been advanced ami Hie McQuarrie resolution wliili walking on ''bird .Avenue and.Seattle after which the NKW YOltK, Mriy lO.Specu-lating i wouItUiavtbeeii allowed (o go In Ihe vale for or against and lllis ir'iiiriiiu. A cliiiin a-kr-i him passengers ran make their way clerks and office boys can 'Stiiplap-Boards and home by any route they chons no longer lake "a flyer in the for a $ Hi loan anil hi- only i Vnuld.JjkeJLy h.'ive hecn'killed outright. The Premier showed hi" .gave , Hie train or a section of it being. slreel."- The slock exchange has I Tippreciation of the necessity for action against Oriental immi sent around lo pick Ihem up placed a ban on "playing the Dimensidh grayui when he called for n more moderate measure. It will be 'ONK of the Ihinss that is not again. market." where any employee of Thoroughly Air Hrjed and Stored Under Cover I interesJing lo learn Hie details' of the enactment that is lo be conducive lo niarried bliss is ils uiciuhers 4s concerned. Any brought down now that federal restriction has been decided up helping Pa to put up strive JACKIE COOGANIS member or the e.xclinnge will j nn. The provisions of the new bill will likely he known today pipes. STAR IN "MY BOY" ing Ijerearier not only be prohibited ihe. trades from of tik.employ. Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling. Siding I iir verv .soon. WESTHOLME THEATRE 'cm of slock exchange and Finish Ten Years Ago houses, hul oT employees of ( . Local Member banks, I rust companies, insurance In Pi'nce Rupert Jly Hoy," a First National at SPRUCE LATH Holds His Ground companies or others en- leaciion starring liille Jackie ' . Fred Stork, Ihe local member, demonstrated that he was nol (ioogan will he ihe feal u re rilm aged in Ihe husiuess of dealihg Manufactured In Prince RUpert and selling t Lowest Prlcei iouud by parlyism when he left the parly ranks tp support the I., Cartwriaht, Mis In a Cart- at...Ihe West holme Theatre to as broker or principal In slocks. wrighl, .1. Caldwell and ,1, P. Sle. J .Mcyiiarric, resolution. Although it is true that .Mr. Stork, in view vin lort ror Ihe .soulh mgm and lomorrow uighl. Due Advertise in the Oa'lv News, lod.ly on o the PRINCE RtJPERT CO. popularity or Iliis diminu LUMBER ' or his prrfnnuncH public utterances ,nnd feeling on" the cpiestion Ihe flily of Seattle. tive star and the rarl that In LAND ACT. bad little choice but lo vole for the J. (5. resolution, it is trratifv- 361 was so popular in bis las rilm Seal Cove', Prince Rupert, i: Telephone ing lo know that he hud Ihe "courage to support his convictions I. it. Tapley, fonnerlv of Hit "Peck s Had Hoy." il. is expected Notlc In Crinff of Inl.nllon ItiiiKTi lo Lanil Apply filxipiri to Lou Hnnn.Land. A 't, 5r ill. Ihe face of Ihe Eastern opposition o Hie original motion. peri, is in lele .lauiin (Jai-he. .Mr. mere will h crowded houses for in Inn iiiiniiy nimrli'l ui nf i-uri i:ian r.iiiRKMl.llanun ft,a.oiid ' . lapley expects to lake the first each showing. I Que liourf imii u p. jiiiiiM Jdlinsnn ami Mr. Slork is rapidly becoming a figure at Ottawa ftnd on several W.II.. 'l,.i,.l r.r C.ln...... l. i.i ieanier from the Cache In Foil .iy i my was wrillen (Tiiutlnrt iiln rinfn, Inlinil to apply., for oi casions already in the session .he' has taken the floor espe. in debatt tieoiKft which leaves On .May 15. 'Hilly ror Jackie and contains ppriiiiHHirin in ipbai urn iniiownifr ui'MTIPflil . . w - 1 animr i.iiiririionririir at a luiar n anini a f - - pli iiieslious affecting his constituency and the province gener story which is eminently filled to oulhot rrirni-r nr Lot 43. Itauiin S, Cm Htlgfrson BldckjPrince Raptrt. - Phone 686 ally, lie is to be real liv- .N. Prinjf has reliu'iied UUtrlet, TJipivp norlticail 4 rtiaina to low proving a member always on the look i. lo his lalcnls. Combining ' humor walpr mark. Uiiricn anrtlh I i-halna a hint mil for Ihe welfare of bis district and the 'e. town from a viil. to Ketchikan. ami pathos, it is a 1,-ilc. which is uikh low vvaUT waifr mark.mum,IIiriii'b iiipnm n rnnm!i rhalna alojll in Prl E. S. TAlt particularly gripping and efree-llve. IiIkIi water mark lo point nr rijlimit'iu'riiicii The CaiiioMiiu came .in about and rnntalnlnir 3 !i arrra, more or Iraa, JI I ll'S iiiicvsio I2:.'l(), Kome linurs, late on ac- 'the story is thai of lillln WAt..TF. MKMI. Dental Surgeon? oiint of Ihe heavy freisht iiiani- Jackie Hlalr who lands in New OalPil Fflirnary tn'. itit. Appllrajita. fesl for way pnrlsi She leaves York homeless "ami friendles. NOTICE. Office Hourt, 9iq.nu 'to 9 p.m. Iliis' afternoon for. fi earthy Hay. He attaches himself lo a surly -Sunday by Appointment 1 THE MATTKII Ut an limllpillm. rrJ- sea captain who is an enemy of Ilii' Isiii- or a rrevli rpriillriiip or lltln to A. H.. .MoMnslor.'O. T. P. gen l.cit til. Illork 41. Scrllrill 1. Cllv or PMnri. children, in general hut he o Iluppri. Map 8.1. ' ft eral agent, went south this ingratiates himself in Hie good nniii.r. M niTPny nrpn mat it la my morning. Intpniloii M Hsuo afipr Hip riiiiratlon at cakes graces of (lie sea dog Mi ll 'ie is l.ni; tnnnlli riulu Hip Urn I rinlilirallOn allowed lipri'or. a freull iprlllli-lli- of i(il ta ilic to share Jhc Jailer's alivp nipiitloni'il property In the name or BAIT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by fishermen home, lie hail saved j. m'Liiiir iiimfiipv. wmi'ii I'priiiisi nr Oosst been from to bo the finest procurable at Paeiflo Product ol Cand& my tlllii flulpil llip aril Marrli. lui mil i ony It t IN THE LETTER BOX deportation by good fortune hut iiumiIi'tpiI 73H I. Port and it Is "Fishy,"' Price, 130 ton. was known ' . ... . per many years ago that yeast I l. I I : ll. r. Miri.KOl), is an.excellent thing for the many ills that mi' iiiiiiiiraiioii nilirri's are on IieRlMrar or TltlM. Ipr The beet way of insuring a good quality Jr'P result from DAYLIGHT SAVING. Id trail. The 'captain tud intended I.aiul lipfrlntry omr. Prc disordered stomach or run down I'rlncn luipprt. II. to have plenty of our hard frozen ice. blood condition. Lately eminent scientists K'litnr Haily News: at first o turn him over Stat (lay or March, toil. $4 per ton. liave been investigating the matter thor-cughly M times we sjiggesl an idea nr to Ihe inspector biTT Hie Jioy had Onffita 0ur "-"luipped store can supply fishing and their conclusions point to the Ihoiiglil and ir the idea proves won his heart so thoroughly I'ml USE, flshorinen's clothing, groceries and provisions fact that the beneficial effect of yeast has not more sensihlo than ridiculous by when it came time lo cmiv nut and hardware. been simple overrated.and economical The yeast treatment is very matching it. with other ideas, we his intention he was unable to do and harmless. - altogether iccept it aft a common sense so. inn a frond f1(,y was lyin Shamrock NEW ENGLAND FISH Company proposition. in wan me .iiicKie mil in. was Before each meal eat a Royal Yeast Cake, Alaska Branch Ketchikan, f or Ihe wolfare able to return the caplain's belie, or take a cake dissolved In water or fruit public a com. juices. The scientific investigators say that n.ion sense prescription ought to fnclious. t c BACON the curative elements In Royal Yeast are be fairly digestible, providing it the vltamines and miclein which it contains. is measured right. Hut lo lake DAM SUPERINTENDENT E HAM DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK JJS TO "FIT" YOU I is certainly well worth a fair trial by the Slandard Time. Mensure and SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK those who suffer from I BUTTER of the ailments mentioned above. any fake il and make, us the puhlic ARRIVES AT ANYOX MEN'S DRE83 SHOES, light weight (welted), black pair -tB of IliU lonestini'' town und district t EGGS We have Just received a .hipuient direct from England Send name and addru for fr t,nniii bejjevc we need some fak. AN VOX, "in. May Mr. Hnlyoak. ROYAL COLLEGE t FOOTWEAR for made in Nnrlhamp-nn, Royal Yeast Cakes tor Better Health." LARD men, ing. thai idea can only be ac. representing ti, designers of be Hngland. Medium toe, all sizes, "o introduce this I'"'' tWGlLLEIT GIf)VWlJMDJJ credited lo some feolicsome sin.inew dam i in (own, registered at special price of $9.25. cuicm or lo Ihe insufficient veil. the hotel. i wj reniu K, Illation .of the city couneil penntend ihe connlructinn i.ad Tho Emplra'a Standard. FAMILY SHOE STORE rliambee. . ... will lake up hs residence at the P. BURNS CO., LTD. Our Foot Comfort Service Dept. is rapidly gaining approval of II. WMOUT. nam siin as soon as a house :au ibo puldic. If you have any minor foot Irouldes at all do"1 Central Hotel he built for hi,,,, fall to call in and see.us, D