i IV mm FACT WXJ9 thi daily mwa "Ailne,lay. May i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus A DOCTOR IN w r I'D C OCUK3HTEO TO PLA.V MACC1E TllCRc-b1! , COL.P THIs AFTERNOON rye jove r it6 AN I OCTAL. DAX A TIN BOX! FOR OLFANO founts strange, doei It not? II I I I tJSUfc I 1 1 I I I I Tt that is how Mr. J. Cartler says Zam-Quk 1i regarded by hit family. Mr. Cartler, nho ii i member of the family of the late Sir Ccorra Cartler, U Justice of the Peace and Assistant Clerk of the Circuit Court. Montreal He first dtsror-(red the wonderful Jjov.tr of Zau-Huk by using It for eczema, which. It completely ended. Sloe then Ms family s never without It 2. "Allow me to eiprets mi jratb tude," hi -writes, - for the benefit I Lave derived from the use of Zaro-Buk. I have proved that It Is, without doutt, fhe finest remedy for erxema. Its general healing aud curative powers are Immense. We call It 'Our Family Doctor,' and are never without It" I I rcATunc Scuvict. twe Illil Mothers' sTiould see that Zam-Duk Is always hanCy, for cot only does It end pain, draw out inflammation water, who .suesled a revision and prevent blood poison-, I BOY SCOUTS' ins, but it heals skin diseases and r Hiif law. II wo aiiii'mnceil1 Injuries In the shortest time pos-stole. that fiie l.or, r.hnncellnr. Lord! All dealers, 60c. box. Hirkeuhead with the Alloriiey. Daily News Classified Ads. CONCERT WAS j Sweeten the Stomach (ieneral. Sir Karnesi Pollock,! 7a mEuk won hi Hnpoinl a pommiiiee i 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea. th hoc FINE AFFAIRS consider Ihe whole iiieslioii nfj, Die siaius iiihI responlliiiiy of wnmen under the law in Hie WANTED KOH SAI.F. IS II.p. Wlnlnn-Six MISCELLANEOUS. Mr Ttippei and Miss Ciimmm's. rihl of their changed slaudini;. Fl'JIS- I.al call nf Hie season. automobile engine, complete 50.00 Empress Theatre Was Packed S. K. Campbell was in rhaifre with lloeh magneto, P.-jraKon ltF.WAHD iff fan t)) ,., Our three specials. Heaver. hair. Oriental liui: ,. V,r Last Evening Address by of musical arranjreuif in ieiu reverse gear, 'Universal coupler, (COMMUNIST PLOT IN Woir, Hats, nn which we can rower. Worlds Columbia proieler, bras i.r,.,,, assisle,) J.y Mr. II. Mcl d. -1. Archdeacon Rix. I pay you highest price. Hush Hair Orower. 1 n II shafl and slern bearing. (n,,ws I,:,,. .Mrs'. Fca0'' sini.l olhers. Mrs. A good point to remember i FRANCE IS ALLEGED shipment before decline bald head. lr All in good shape. Suitable. run.-' i,... D. rhiiiii.in Mrs. and S. Darlon ,jll ruaijs Jed lo I he Kmpress enmes. We can alsn'pay you put where hair made for vpeedbnal. C. I., fleindel. is nm men's 'Mi'iilre Insl nislil. The reason ih( uniforms. the market value for all rurs. Cure, (iandruff Highly Developed System Said to Seal COve. ( ,-mJ ni, ,-U, The sinpiiiii or SiU Save Ihe wac I lie foci lliul Ye Oldo Time Heaver up In Mll.no. Sprinir troubles. 1 .75 Involve Two Hundred Ramsay's Operatives. !.( King;" 10 o'clock Jlr (irerl. in rolume," was' lielJ al broii.shl a rats iifi In ?.1.00. WnH up lo FOR SAI.F. Al Terrace, .tine acre vgenN wauled. Pinf. Jf. j; in iiiil of Ihe Hoy Seouls. The deliirrful musical evening lo a 1 8.110 lo close. as average. Please land all under cultivation; hair Crosse, 4 48 Logan Ave Wn. enlfrre lniu.se win packed and the PAIHS .May 10, Claiming lo send in a trial; shipment. IM-monlnn in strawberries; fenced. Five nipeg, Man. larjre audience enjoyed fully Hie Italph W O. l.eplne, (ieorge If. Hide A Fur Company, roomed house, barn, yVnoilshed, have discovered Ihe exislence of very e.eelini prn?r,-)ni pnnidcd, Munro and II. I., CampbeJI were 1020'J I0 Slreel. Fdnninlon. good well. Fifteen., minutes SCIF.NTIFIC Secrels ! I mK I r, PANT n liiirlilyr il'iVeloped espionage encores beipy I hi- order of lh members of The eommillee In system, iirgttnied hy cniiiiifunisM Alberta. , III walk from pnsl office and Love, llnppiness nn, Hi,-j ... cliarfre. is ex)eele. Ihal abotil (yen inif. Send your birth il :U t. , school. Apply (ten. Stranger, s50 will luive been realized when in France for Hie benefit of Hie WaN'TRIi.... . .... Mn nr..! ..r, i Prior lr the and and U.,,J year mn- uouu;. eoiiiiuciieemenl o Hox 101. Terrace. II. C. 10'J IS pure and will stand the file proprram, Arch'deaeoii Hi all nccounllnjr is rinisie.. nie,,,l!,f,isHI s"Vct Sovernmenl, tk learn the ltarher Trade by tho fessitr Wood. r i i. Xi-..n made a few fill in? remarks, lie monev will fe used tnwanls Ihe l '",l",Ji police here made Ihrce only method in the world that FOH SAM-VSOrt shares of lluh 'Slreel, Vuneouvci. H c it, ,,. test of time. said thai I tie occasion for which purchase-of niorms ami eijuip- a msts and promised numeiims will save yo;i Hrnn and" money Mines I.Id. Also 100 shares II. C. Illgs senl by return jr...:!, I he conceri was held reminded inenl. iiii hits ilillll , ii-w iiaj.s. and nt you ror a position Silver mines., All dollar shares l ii i of Hie slnry of Hie Human Members or Ihe Hoy Senilis I '!'P',"'a2, scheme, they worth while. We guarantee. nnn-ttsscssahie. Offers in ORIENTAL GOODS For sale at mairon. who, while Ihe ladies of troo(is were in charsV or n,P declare, involves 2t)iV operalives, ai,iuuy empioymeni at gooi H.u'2J. Daily News Office. Uaoanese Kimnnas. Hie eourl ere displaying their ushering and ticket taking. ja.(l ',:s ramiricalion in Hresl, wasrj. iinio iiiiw inr nraiiii. .. . . ,irw. r,r,ii1,- n,.,, ttll. M- SMERSIDES i.orieni, louion ami hism ai pow rul illustrated calalogun. Moer.,,',, VV' U ilaskol ft jewels, luriied lo her and asked der faclories in Hie centre of T. rM Cliildrens ni..-r.. whal jewels, she had. (lallinv lo To Fie. HUSBAND AND WIFE vs. France and arsenals in the vie-, Vancouver, II. C. mm me luiMiriiuy uouri linn i her I wo hoys in Ihe garden -she LOWI..SJ PHlfJ-.S. OROS. inily nf Paris. neeil Ihe nwinevl Prieo 81.100. lurned In ' the ladies and IN BRITISH "I said LAWS - Second Street Secret Documents Stolen. nELlAHLP. agent wanted ror fu. I loonies K. F'reehian. ! F. K. AKASE "These are my' jewels." Tlio Secret document have been pert Disjricl. The Sovereign J o. iiox ni T"i n-i g; Phone 2Z 6. P. Box 120 Archdeacon remanked Ihal'Avilhfnij Suggestion That Law Be Annul!- loen from Ihe Hresl arsenal. . Lire Assurance Company; Head I'OH SAI.I! Rooming house, wilh Third Avenue 25 years from now"he iryimtr-i ed In Matter of Wife Coercion I according to the police revela- orflce, Winnjpes, Man. .Write , Iwenty-Hve rponts eomjilelely TAXI Uient .of iho whole world Would and Husband Consent. lions, and from the largest pow- Chas. A. Pyne, P.rince George, furnished. Hood lease, 1,(100. be in Ihe hands of Ihe and Phone 693 lytys McCarrery & Oibbons .Ltd. , ir der factory -in Die cenlre of manager for orthcrn .Jritih TERRACE jrirls- who were Ihe children Of (Call fleorgo Ross I.OXDOX, May 8. 'Hy Canadian I'riinci anil tliey claim In have cotumhin. T.lOO.oo C.-.n today. , waS therefore;, Ihe puis yliu in possession Five-passenger Touring duly of every frrown man and Press,. One of the absurdities proof thai regular couriers have WA.NTFD Ofeen spniKe Wr l-i of a fine four roomed house Prompt Day nnd NirIiI ft - FRUIT LANDS surviving in Hritish passed between espionage cen- woman of today n see that those port; 200 cord lots,'Address V. wilh' hah and 'fireplace. Terms Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenui vviio are Inkiiip iiii the instrti law-lliat a married woman' isjlres in France and IJerlin, where W. Darnell; -fil Hroadway' lo be arranged. F. W. Hurl, if presumed In be coerced by Jier i doqurlienl. . were assembled, SHOE REPAIRS ' ' .. menls of labor mil only made' Xorlh, Seattle.' Wash. if I 11 E. 1: are i ell ill IV Ul. -SJ miles - from1 hiilliinl when she commits cer- classified and forw;irded In Mm. FOH SALIC 5 ll.p. Yafe I'lngine Town tt acres cleared including i us frooii as iiieniseives lull a jromi tain ' iTiinifs in his Yi'psencc cv. Inlcnsive Holshevist pro , Complele wilti .shaft, propeller. Umbrella Repairs jicre of bearing strawberry plants.' deal better. If the youri'.' 'pe. was bi'iiiithl vividly before Ihe jiavanda, Ihe police asserl, also SITUATIONS WANTED cnjl. like new. i'r.O cash. M. M. Clothes cleaned and preMsA 1(1 apple trees set iiul I his spring. In who are o run Ihinas 25 public, in 11m' 'thai of the case has been earned nu as a side YOl.'.Vfi would like 'house Stephen. Suits called for and deliveri-A ypiirs lience are not heller ihan woman .!i acri chiver. Framed cabin 12 agaipsl Caplaiii' Owen Peel line. Phnnn Hlue :"J re are in principles, morals ;ahd a work, whole or part I line. Fund FOH SALH--Slightly used X 10 feet.Land all Inri, partly, short lime ago nu a' r barge of One nf the men nrresled is Ihe nf children. Phone piano, LEM JOHN eneral ietiaracter, then we had HO. Oil .'l.'0 cash. Teetel's Slalinnery S44 Third Avenue fcjicedjand.iui main road." councillor wagon nblaining money from turf com. rnmmunisi municipal failed in' our duly. Any boy who and Cand SI lire, 111 Third Price $1,550, small amount on mission agents by means of of lvry-sur-Seine, just outside YS'OMW wants work .Housework ' tried In live up lo Ihe len com, Avenue. if. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Win. - i forged belling telegrams, but Jliis Paris, which is Ihe sjle of one of or nursing; nr both. Phone iriandmcnls of the liny Soeiils ' FURNISHED HOUSE TO -LET-j is nn the only surviviil of an Hie. largest arsenal "'in France. Hlue IL".). hi FL'HNJTIJJlR of Ihi-i-e mnm suile F.xperl waleh, clock as t could nnf help hut benefil le Four room house, I mile from! nneient law which -is 'oul of rnr s"ale. Nn. 2 llesner Aparl-menls. ehroiinmelec mak r id it was very eiilent Dial the OAHDI'i.N' svurk wanted by town, nil furnished. Cm bo. had; harmony Willi Ihe jireseul age. OF MONTREAL exper PhniiV.07. I III Watch ahd Jew. ilerv lb i rn BANK parcjii or the Jinys of I'rmci! ience,) Japanese. Phone Hlack uiili) October IM. A flne opportunity Ill Ihe pee case, the wife liatl specialty. for anyone' -wishing id Jluperl were behind Ihe move been jointly accused Willi her CROP REPORT ano. Hi1.) FOH SALK Seven pno lables. 50 Mall orders promptly eti thai Hie i:iks ment, lakin? spend the summer at Terrace'.' were husband, but because of Hie an each ir Liken al once. Apply GEO. GIBB ' FOR SALS nil active Inleresl in the work, For full particulars, address cient tw referred In, she was . Kmpress Ioe. 109 0ip. Post Office P O. Hox and thai Hie cily hai made n The Hank of Montreal ha jusl rani nf IO0 for Ihe benefit of no placed mi (rial, but allowed Tor FOH SAI.I-; i roomed house, two F.LITK Caro ror sale, furnished Pflnce Rupert. KENNEY BROS. & CO; issued its first crop report. Ihe .work. In go free, while Caplain Peel this season. The general summary lots and all in garden, $1700, complele. Phone 17.1. ir REPAIR SHOP who pleaded guilly, w,1s ;sentr half cash or l.'00 all cash. Terrace, B. C. The Program. of the situation in Hritish r enced t(i prison for ntie year. 7 Tonmcd house with additional FOR SALK Haby buggy. I'lione ItKP.MRS TO ANMIIIV I'tfe curtain then lifted on a The law of coverture, us iioinl. Columbia slates that a late sen-son 5 room aparl'meiit, on cement Oreen l5. tr ANY TIM I very piclii'csi)iic drawing room ed mil by Mr. Francis Halfrrrir, following on long winter piles, bath, etc,., excellent enn-dilion AN'YWIIFHI' sceiu. The program was" as s fol-lnw's: president of the NationaPCoiineil wilh unusually, heavy snow .has and good local jo'u $.'),- AUCTION SALE. ROKKJAR BROS. PACIFIC CARTAGE- of Women of fireat Hrilain, in lefl Ihe ground in excellent condition. 000 (in easy payments. R20 Third Avenue Wr.-l Opening chorus., "Jii.ifrle llelis" Plowing has not been AUCTION SALK on Thursday nl llu Times, although some or its 1 room hniise, lot in gnrden, Plione Red 578 (rnet "The Rose but is 2 p.m. In our salesroom', 82.1 solo, J.ast wors features were swepj away completed, seeding general chicken hiiise, ele King ijear Limited f Suiimier," encore "Mother by Hie Married Women's Properly in most localities. II is ton early Fdwanl Schnnl, I70), lerms, Third Avenue, consisting of CYCLE REPAIRS. Phone 93 Machree." by A .Kerry, accom Acls, has never been ibnl- to predk'l field crop prospects. K mom house, Slots in garden, mattresses, beds, springs', chlf-rnnicres, repair" panied by W . . Mavis (n Hie isbeil in its entirely. Thai doctrine Alfalfa in Ashcrnfl district has chicken dressers, kitchen Cycles nf all make Furniture, Piano and piiinn, is thai a man and his wife .suffered serious damage through wilh fenced,bath, $2."00.house,Kasy close in cabinets, ranges, cln, f)eorge and baby carriages re lirM terms. ?afe Moving Tsonsr, "Sweel flenevieve," by are one person, and Hint being winterkilled. Pasturage js Lids. 3i and .15,. HInck .1, See. Leek, auctioneer. 100 Cycle Accessories.promp"' Mrs. .fin-vis Mcl.eod. Out or town orders aecornpauied Iusbaiid is Ihal person. The good. Orchards have wintered 2, View lots on Alliu Avenue. FOR RENT VOal 1 General Cartage by Mrs. Traser. wife's legal -exislence is inenr- well. Indications in Okanagan A perfect homesite, ftfT,0, half a tended to. Sand'and Gravel Iter itnl inn "'.rJic J.aily of Shu- )oralei and consolidated Into are for lighter crop than , last cash, fine lot on Heacii Place fill RKNT Furnished house, J. GAWTHORN loll" 'by Mis. .1.' C. nrady; en, Ihal of her husband's. year. Frost ha damaged small for 9'JJ'i, a beauly. l.ols i!8 and keeping suites. Apply l0 517 Trillion Street enre, reading from "The Merch. - Husband's Consent. fruits in Fraser Valley In some (10; block I',', section 780,1 Sixth Avenue Kas. Phone Hlue HYDE TRANSFER an I of Venice." Only abofil 'Ihlrly years ago Ihe extent. lerhis or 750 tcah. M. M. 217. If Phones Quartetle, "Sweet and Low" House of Lord gave a decision Phone 680 Night J. - G; Sleen, 871 Stephens. W. LongwUI, Blue 270 by Mrs. JurvU Mcl.eod, Mrs, A. in what was known as the Jack OOQD clean Hd from 9 1,50 per Baggage and Express Day Phone 5 Dalby, Mrs. S. Iiarlon and Mrs, son case which definitely negatived Have FOH SALK I 5 h,p, Yale marine week. Fishermen's Rest. Late and Fraser accompanied ' by Miss a claim I lust a husband had you engine, hilest lype, new, com. Pioneer Rooms. 107 3rd Ave..K. Coal and Wood. STEEN5L0NGWILL Knllileen (Irani. a riglil In Imprison his wife, smnedyour plelft mil fit. Price $.180,00. OR RKNT-furnished. -Tw ronni collage, Agenls Rupert and Dliri''t fu( Sheet Metal Work Instrumental selection, llawai, which was bused (ii thi doc,' 'shoes today? (S h.p. Aulnmalic, rebuill with Phone Red 2SW. If Globe Airless Tubes. ian iruilur, Hud Pnrllahce, Kititar, lrne. Al Ihe same time. Ihe: complete outfit, including Columbia Second Avenue Agent for McClary Furneaes J. Prevosl. Three encores were wife's ni'isilinii is tier tiushunil's t Peerless 22x22 propel-ler FLAT Tor Rent in llesner Aparl- Sanitary and responded In, properly ) Mill jit practice, as. and fee I . inch rob-In menls. M. M. Stephens. tf CLOTHES CLEANED Heating Engineer! Son).', "TJie Deolh, of Jy'esnn" for example, when she is not bron.e shun. Price ijiriOO.OO. 1 by lalcf STr'A" by K. K. Camijblll, encore "Carry 10-12 h. BOARD. am pressed 6tb Street and Fraser Street allowed to decide for hersejr I, i. Hurralo, rebuilt; pressing process Prince Kupert . . . , H, C. Me Hack to Old Vii'frinny," ac whether or nnf she shall submit with new l-i Ineli Tnhln HOARD Inlander, 830 Second S uits called ror and m'r,'a- cninpaniKl V. V. Davis, to a surgical nperalion.. Her irnn.e ahart; 22x21 Peerless Avenue. Phone t.17. tr T349 Phone Dance, "The Minuet." by Mis husband mul first give his con. propeer Price 'rr,o,oo Jluperl i Tailor Winnie Thomson and Miss wnl. Marine rlonworks and BOATS FOR HIRE. LING, The l,orna Macl.ai'cji. Tlijs item wa The ,aljoiiul Council of Wnmen Supply Co., Agenl ror Yale BAGGAGE and EXPRES5 e.xceplinnally well I'xi'culed, Ac U iiioving n have Ihese doctrines and Atlas Imperial engines. ( LAUNCH 'Narbetliong" Wn sell H.PATTINSON coinpuuisl v, V, Davis, x uumillcl-r-diic-lriiu's. which service. Phono Illnek 100, tr WAKEFIELD'S FAST llecitatinn, "Voting l.ochinvar" Ihe Council declare?, belong In FOH riAldi or Charter, 30x10 gas DELIVERY Electrical and by J'riiicJpal J, fi, Hrady. an age of servitude apd wrfilnm. boat; 20 h.p, heavy duly eru PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Prompt service i Sojis, "J.fives Old Swccl Sonjt" An equally responsible partner TIMBER SALE X3T87. gine. iloal and engine in fir I K. M. Karl. Phono Hlack 320 Phone C7. Mechanical Engineer 1... M.. I.....-,,. ..I...I I class condition, Will charier iliy .mi. I iui.i-1, iiri-uiiiillli'il liy ship in marriage is demanded by Kcali-il Iciiilmn win m. iiccUfi) )y Iks Slund: Oil's '.tga- Dynamos, Motors Miss Kainnwn (ilillll. Ihe ladies of Hie Council. They MliiMur of l.aiuN. VlrK.rlg. not laiar for season at Jnw fiuie. ,Vn' Whenever you want to buy. miuii iiiniii nil nil (in or Jllllf, lfV, Magnetos fllionis, "''here) Is a Tavern in claim Hial this Is necessary to for IIih 1'iinlid.r of Llrliicf X1J7, 10 rut therii I'.xchuDye, jf H, mil, nchange, gel a Joji, ST. ELMO HOTEL I.LUII.UIIU fill i,t Knrurr. (f.ljr llrmliirk or hire TRY A CLASS-IFIKD sonjeone Repaired and Rewound the Towji" and "Aud I.ijpff Syne" the building up of Hie highest 'awu wr l!'."u"1 "" "i" I'OHI 'Jnurintf car ror sale Or w ADYIvRTISIiMKNT IN Till" Ruon. lo let from 3 I1''1" Storage Batteries Repair Principal J. C, llindy made an kind of family life ' , Oouil l.ain IHMrltl. would KXChunge with Wiuie DAILY NKWB. U cobl wl'r Ihe quick. Rminlnu nnd ed and Recharged excellent stae iiiauaKer. Menu The ineslion of" the. 'Vuerejoji" t;, be sHowed for re-njivul ' rauli for niall boijsn hot and lot. Phone BOO P.O. Box 164 hers of Ihe chorus .f timber. sure, economical way lo "con. nil rooms. . were: W, V., nf wiypH "jefejiljy In. riiritirr rr was. piiml parili-uliri nf It), Truf rorcs-cr. Mpy not p, Daily News Of, riccl" wilh the 'M'"" thing waul at Ileate.l. lrtiru. B.C.. yon Until. Rlenui J. 'DUlrlrl jFislifri', Cunie, A, CluppifHmi, the Houe of Lords by I.ord UIU. nr -t'M-eilr. fice. riince - iiujirrr, B.C. j7, IheMim" you want it, - if Phone Oreen 610