WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI 99 YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE HOME BAKERY Phone 'V The Best of Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Try our ervice ALL. NEW CARS Phone Black 59 Northern and Centra! British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. MIL NO, lOtf. l-IUNCB' IIUPKHT, H. C, WHUN'KyDAV, MAY 10, i0&2 YMtrd' Circulation 1,680. StrMt ! PJUCE FIVE CENTS ,. Government Is Slashing Estimates NEW COMPANY TO TAKE OVER ALICE ARM RAILWAY AND MINE Unique Situation Arises LIGHTHOUSE THIS BOY MAY DISTURB PEACE OF EUROPE. George WingReld, Colorado In House of Commons as Creditor, Plan? To Start New Members Debate Finances Company Oat Of Dolly Varden For Three Years "Bob" Smith OTTAWA, May I (J. The IIout; or Commons today wit nd Wife Tended Lonely Oeorgc Wingfield, of Cripple Creek, Colorado, who it was nrssed III" unique speclncle or IliCgoveriinieiil moving u rcduc Beacon en Queen Charlottes. announced couple or weeks;pgo is lakiug proceedings to foreclose liuii in ih Own estimates while llic lender or tlic opposition in-Mlcd on the .overdue mortgage for $200,001) which he holds on ii'on supporting the original estimates. the Dolly Vurdcn and Woir mi)ies and railway to Alice Arm, plans The mililia vole which was originally ror .fl.i00.000 was VANCOI.VKII, May Id. Com. lo form it new company to acquire lillc to llic mining properties ' reduced lo J,000,000 on llic government's own amendment lo ing here ror medical attention involved, according to advice which have liccn received iu .the I lie motipn by Major u O, Power, (Juelje boulh, a govern men I nrier having been alone with bis cily. supporter who called fur a reduclion lo .:M0,0UO net. wife ror Ihree years as tishl-lioiin Mr. Wingfield has comj'cnlcd to take all the current creditors Major Power refused lo meet Ihe government inidvay und keeper al Cape SI. James, of-Ihe Taylor Kiigiiiecnng Co. in with him on estial basis, - stuck to his motion. tin? soulhermosl light on Hi" Hie proecss of making Ihe ar Jlon. Arthur .Mcilieri, leader Quern Charlotte Island. Hubert rangement being 'by means of in- TITfI A 1 XlPni T IRISH PEACE or Ihe opposition, said that udo- James ,"llub"; Smith dii-d slid Mljwdual agreement. Upon Ihis KIJiTillAll liftr III quale national defense required ilenly in SI. Paul's Hospital liere being done Ihe company will be tin' supiort of the original estimate yesterday. : formed with a capitalization equal DriAhf1 ATTrnifri COMMIHEE IS and refused to support the Mrs. Smith is still alone nl .he total umoun. of Mr. Wing. iJjtllNb AL 1 fcKfcU I reduction hut the government's Addonbrooke l.iahl., "'57 ,)nili-s 'fii'hls claim and those or the amendment finally passed the from here, tending the beacon. jeri'dilors. Kaeli creditor will be READY REPORT,I house williout division. In liad recently been moved alloted his jiitmorlionale num. Delivery is Delayed Following Hon. (!. P. (iruliiim informed there. Mrs. Smith worked for her of shares opial to his claim. Consultation Between Foreign tin; house that there would he. a seei weeks at SI. James lijilil a II is the .purpose ,of the new Ministers. at Genoa, DUJl.l.N, May 10. -J he (K-nee ,lt.ljol nf ?700o0o altogether a point from which a predecessor company lo dispose of the pro-' ; - V committee between the north and m ,,. mmin estimates, nun iicu on aecouiu oi uie orear-Iness perl ics on the basis Ihut will give1 (iliSOA, May 10. The. Hussian soulli factious or Ireland have g and N. Bill a ' inonlli prter ilf' ;qi-pidulmenl. each or the shareholders their rc,,y l(i le A1k.t ,la.m0runduin, concluded their meetings and A prjvule' bill Julhoriziiig an . money: jn Mir. Whether the pro-Vq,, was rcaJy ror presentation report to tiro-Hull HI ream today. ',.xe,iion r Uuu. for ,.um.j l-'or lhrei'year.;.Mre-ajiil Mrs. pi-rties are In be sold or dovelop-'n.j., fm-enoon, whs not delivered Tlie result has not been disclosed i,.f(if i.f tin, Ksuoiiniilt nnd Smilh reei'lve.it maiT Duty twice ed is not deriuitcly indicated. l(, Ariiltt us b,.cu expi.ct. but it Is said lo he very uusalis Xauaimo railway was read lor llic yearly at St. J.au').s. They fouml -f)mi Hie appearance r Ihe latest At ,i. ins, ,.,,, )irir factory. third time. A. V. Ncill, member tulerlulilmenj Willi- hyilz dojis ploelopmenl it -appears as ir tlie it.0,1Versaliou between foreign Failure ReDorted for Comox-Albcrnj, fulled in- his and' jnials and. iiC a -.'aVilen mad) Cablcfirains (rum A'leunb sa that yuuug Otto efileal sua of the rorno'r course is to be, taken. Ministers Tchilcherin, oT ?.T7tfON, 'Ai;.y":i Jl'lt'vas TiV-j Ihird ailf-mf.lIW unieiid llhu bill iQ on u leik'e .lif.roi'k al I In light. former Kraperor Clinrleti ol AustriD-IIunjary, may ycl be bruugbt toi'h llussia, a i cjaliiianl to (.tJt l,-i"&"'',t'n O'rooc now.lhal his (albcr.baa tllcU Id and Scanier oJIlaly5 U uljiJi-c ported this morning in u Central !,,. . 'Immcdj5'l 'complothui " txlle- He In -sli'il liut fi.ultie i-xlilmlslV - - - i d ed e'Uat IJhe r ej i 1 y wou I d Vims News dispatch from Dublin (hat ' ' . ' MR: PATTUILO j,,f -oaj. MINISTER OF LABOR to undergo some allerallon. the pi-ace committee which wus C.N. CONSIDERING Latest reports are that llussia MAN AND WIFE rind basis or WORKINGTON LANS endeavoring to a B.C. LAWYERS f is preparing to make broad con M-llb-mcnl between north and ' MMPLOYED OPERATING TRAINS cessions iu its reply l))4he Allies' Mulh Ireland had railed in its OTTAWA RELIEVE memorandum. -WIRE BY USE OF RADIO; roUGHItBflEL- purpose. 'The (ieriiian and I'olish dclega- In Course of Trip EasC Was In Endorse Protest of Manitoba lion. A; Mt Munsou, allnryy galious are ai)l to have arrived Benchers Aoalnst Recent ji-nerul am) ininisler of labor, is Officials at Winnipeg Are DIs- ' Consultation with Pulp and at an understanding on the vexed APPOINTED TO Appointment. makius a determined rfrorl to cussing Advisability of the I Mr. and Mrs. Lobort, of Paper Interests.' question of Ihe territorial division Michigan, Beth Die As "cliieve an immediate solution of Movo. or 1'pper Silesia. VICTOIIIA. May in. llenehcrs lb)! UUeliipjnyiiieul problem ill Ihe Result. FINANCES FOR LOCAL The llavas agency telegraphs SUPREME COURT of Ihe It. C. Law Society lutVr province arcni'dini; lo repor WIN.MPCti, May 1 1).- Winnipeg PROJECT IN CHICAGO thai plans Tor a treaty between telegraph)!) the federal government SARNIA, May 10. Joseph south. in (lie pulilishi-d Mr, officials Ihe llritain and oT Canadian National Italy is going Tor- siiifrjifsl Inn that Ihe protest Munsou lias been in communi llailwnys here considering- Lobert, ased , 33, and his Hon. T. D. Pallullo, provincial ward which will are Ottawa Despatches Say D. A. McDonald, of tln Muiuitnba lawyers against cation with OJIawa askio'; that Ihe plan oT dispatching by wife, acd 29, of Elkton, a minister of hinds and member position in the Mediterranean."guarantee, duly a K.C., Vancouver, Ihe appointment of a Judge without few miles from Port Huron, liuskilli1)! arliiian labor In held radio, lids plan, if adopted, will o rihi' legislature ror I'riiici llu-perl. Succeeds Mr. Justice consulting tlieiu was reiis)iu. Michigan, fouqht a duel to bark from Ihe proiiicc but be in operation more at night nrrivi'd on last niglil's (rain Clement able. pointing out that tlie provino llian by day. Those considering death at their farm yesterday rrom Ilii VmA and will sail to DOMINIONS NOT Tlo' Society also stales Jhat In th0 prosonco of their did want immigriilion of bona Ihe plan point out lhal it w!l morrow night (in ibi.. prince VANCOl Villi. May 1 0. Special it would nppreeiale being emu fide agriculturists and capital obviate III) necessity or keeping three children.. Butcher fieorge for Victoria. dipulche from Oltawu state that uilleil In f o're a successor lo the ists, lie is also asking Ihe Do. niulit operators til many obscure knives and axes were used In Speaking Ihis morning,oT pulp BEARING SHARE l. A. well late Mr. .JuMIri) Clement is the battle which resulted In McDonald. K.C.. a minion (iovernment to increase stations, thereby reducing costs. ' and paper projects iu the north, known local barrister, has been chosen for III) provincial Su llo crews at' work in Ihe pro-vine'. Thi'y claim that with trains the death of both, Mr. Pallullo was inclined to .look appointed to (he Supreme Court premo Court. Detnils or a scheme for equipped with radio running 'orders Investigation by tho police wilh lioi'e oil llo: local proposi Lord Lee Deplores Tardiness In I" fill the vacancy caused by Ihe Ihe clearing or -llll acres of rouhl lie si'iil direct (u Ihe and a coroner's Jury has tion lull iudicaleil lhal Ihe government Coming Forward With death of the late Mr. Justice Clement. AMERICAN GIRL land in the possession of Hie train-crews. This ' Ibey also practically established th ami the principals of the Naval Assistance fact that the man and Woman government al lluruaby-llastings l-'raser Timber claim would have a tendency o Syndicate, which Mr. McDonald was born it IN ASIA MINOR are also being worked out to as prevent head-on collisions between fouoht until both were plans the pulling iu of a mill at LONDON, May 10. Lord Lee,, years uko. lie was educated al certain if It is possible. This stations. mortally wounded. Prince ijeorge, had nunc lo, n First Lord or tlov Admiralty, iu HOME LETTER f'leneoe High School, Toronto , FINDS Would engage a number ot unemployed deadlock over concessions. .1 discussing the llritish naval I nivcrsilv and OsgoOde Hall and married men. unemFloyment Mr. Pallullo explained in regard program Minor. May III INCONSISTENCY IN. loday deplored Ihe lurdi-ness IIODOSTO, Asia served overseas with the lOHIh to the interior project that or the Dominions in I'llllllliOII. While distributing old clothes after huviug been granted oilier coming lining refugee runners of Ar-meiiiu SPRING SALMON RUN HOUSE OF COMMONS large concessions by Ihe govern rorwanl with assistance, lo the last week, Miss Margurel RELIEF ASKED naval derence or the Kinpire. Tho ALREADY VERY GOOD ment, Ihe Fraser Timber syndicate STEAMER llritish ABECO Navy and. Hie Uritbdi taxpayers Caldwell of llrislol, Tenu., a OTTAWA, May 10. A member was now asking 'for u 30 Near Kasl relii-r worker, emne or Parliament can say in the year royally. This had never shouldered 'Hit entire re. ON ROCKS; WILL across two bundles or elolJiing J, T. C. Williams, Inspector, Bad House of Commons (hat Canada Attornoy General Manson Has before, been granted in the province sponsibility or the protection or BETOTAL LOSS fruui her homo town. In one or From Visit to Skeena Naas sliotld not ilo such or such u Appealed to Manufacturers' und would create a precedent Ihe empire and lis trade while lliese she round a pair oT trousers River Fishing Satisfactory. tiling, mid Canada, including the Association and Railways. which Mr. Patlullo had the Dominions benefitted, lie said. .ST. JOHN'S .N'fld. May HI.--'Ihe which looked familiar. Feeling House, Just keeps on doing it. clearly (old I lie principals in u steamer Abeco, bound from something iu ""' ul" I. T. C. Williams, Dominion So it was on the first sitting of VICTOIIIA, May ID. - lion. A. conference at Montreal the provincial QUEBEC-VANCOUVER Liverpool to Quebec williout pockets, she Investigated, and Fisheries inspector, relumed yes. the louse, under daylight saving M. Miinson, attorney general ami government would not cargo, ) on Ihe rocks twenty found a letter addressed to her Icrduy ufler u visit of some das made efreclive by (he eily or Ol. ininisler or labor, has appealed consider undertaking. HIGHWAY PROPOSED miles north or Cape llace. The father. lo lb)- Skee'na lliver e.innerji's. lawn. The House came lo furlli-er lo Ihe .manufacturers to help Loat Project. new bus lieen landed but the Mr. Williams reports Hint till consideration or the motion meet llic.unemployment situation Mr. l'allullo went to Chicago AS FEDERAL WORK Vessel will be a lulal loss. DAMAGING FIRE canneries on Ihe Skeena ami by I'red K'uy, that legislation be hy stimulating Industries. To while Iu Ihe Nasi lo.Interview In Naas lliver are to operate this introduced during the. present day he is lo address I he Manu terests there tliul are considering B. C. Progressive Member S It's a lone person who doesn't season ami , the spring salmon session to prohibit the adoption facturers' Association along the financing of the local Way to Relieve Unemployment. like dugs. VICTORIA TODAY run lias already commenced.-The. or daylight-saving lime In any these lines. project. Ih' assured llicm thai first risliing of .the season cum. part of Canada." Cries oT Mr. Manson hud also asked Ihe I ho nrooositiou would receive inenecil yesterday on the Skeena. Lost" followed t our's of laugh. management of the Canadian Rational sympathetic consideration oT the OTTAWA. May 10. , Irj.ns. Half of Arcade Building Destroyed; Speaking r (he Naas lliver, er, ami llic, Speaker, appreciating Ituilways tin reconsider government. Ciicumsluuc.es are coiilinenlul highway rroui Quebec, MEETING. Damaae Estimated at Mr. Williams said Ihal the Ihe situation, nddeq the author. their di'scisiou not lo build fur such, howcyeri lhal considerable lo Vancouver is being mooted $250,000. spring salmon were running Ilatlvc "Lust." Canadian municipalities ther terminal facllilirs pointing time will bo necessary lo work by 'I'. Mullilde, Progressive A meeting of all VICTOIIIA, May 10. Damage nicely Ihi'Te taking into consideration may carry, on without out that the province is paying out arrangements and it is hardly ror Cariboo. Mr. Mellrido is f t,(, Liberal sup-porter,, estimated to amount to ul least tlie late season' ami the fear. interest on 'money raised for the likely lhal conslrucliou will askliig(lhe Commons (o eonetir In I'arty will be held hi the a5(i,000 was caused by a fire few buuls lhal were risliing. purpose of building terminal fa slurl this year. Ihe Idea Iu the rol lowing resolution. Liberal .Hooms, l'allullo which consumed hulf or the Ar-cude Nans llarboi' Is the only cunuery Constable Martin ,of tlie pro cilities on provluchilly guaran lllock, Second Avenue, at lluihling liere In the heart which is running now but Ihe re. vincial police, returned from the teed bonds. FISH ARRIVALS. "That In lint opinion or this :H0 p.m., Thursday, May of the city' business section malmlcr will commence in the south this morning. He escorted 'Che ininisler has rurthec ask house, the gOvcrnuieul of Canada t llh for he of curly this morning. epurse ol a shprt time now. Hurry Lathrop, recently senten ed the Canadian I'aclfio Hallway There was marketed ut Ihe should as huoii as practicable, selecting delegate purpose lo at. The Hie broke out at l:3u and Since his return lo Ihe cily ced Tor 'breaking und entering, o employ while Kcetlon hands J'ish exchange IliU morning til,. gvu lls"mol curerul ai'id favorable lend the Liberal Conven. was under control at 8 o'clock last week, Mr. Williams has beep Musluuo Caruiello, sentenced ut Instead tr colored. 000 pounds or bullbul. I no arrivals consideration to (h-j iii'o. lion being held in Nelson, but not before eight stores and ery busy "gelling his departmental Ihe assizes to la inohtlis hard were: ject of bilildiug a (ruuscunlineiil. II. C, in June. Hon, T, D. us many ndices bad been gutted. affairs in shape preparatory; labor Tor attempted, murder at YUKON RIVER OPENS. Hrolhers 10,000 pounds, Ced- ul highway from Quebec Pa Vancouver, I'ultullo. Minister of the offices or the Victoria ty tin;' opening of the sul-myit' Seaton, lo ho Okulla prison ric, 1000 pounds, Inez II., 5im as the bulldjng, oT Ihis Uuds, will address the Chamber or Commerce located in fishing "and canning season rarm, and Murk rspence, an In DAWSOX. May lO.Nnvlgulloii pounds, Kininu D., -000 pounds, road would go a long wtiy (uward mectiiiir. the building were umuiig those which will soon bo on In full dian or Mussed, to the Insane on the Yukon lliver wilt open this sold to the Cuuadian Fish and providing work ror the. uiujiii. de-ieoved. swing. asylum ut ew Westminster. v eek Cold Storage ut 13.2cand 4c ployed''