idaeldnjr. April 12, ID23, TBI DATT7T HSW8 faor rrv FOOTBALL INCREASED ENTRY TO COYER FEE BASEBALL IS Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco Lifebuoy is tlic simple, SCOTTISH TOUR COST GIVEN START natural way to skin-healtli. Dominion Association Looks For OLD Quick Recovery feom Annual Meeting Held Last Eve' Difficulty. nlng -W. D. Vance Reelected It makes beautiful President. VIN.''i:l. MUI,., I?.- April A'lviK'aliiu an increase in (lie fee AMATEUR AFFILIATION complexions. Pill iii WeWte barbed on each registration 18 TO BE LOOKED INTO Sojt, white hands. card IMicil fioni 10 cents lo 2 tins .cenis as a means of ovcrcoiiiiiifr the annual jneeiin or the Fresb, wbolesome the defieil resullin? from lb Prince lluperl Itasehall Assocla and uiifoiliinale ending nf,Jhe Scot lion was held last -evening iii packet bodies. lish lour last year, President I). Ihe Sons of Canada Hall. W. D Macneil of ie llomin'inn . t ool nnce, (iresidenl, In the chair. ball Association, is ciinfidenl of The allendancc was not as, lare Th Tobacco of Quality liraltli odour The. vanishes an early r very In the financial as miklil have been teiralde toll quickly after use. Handing of I lie associalinn. lie Ibis wn possibly du'e to the fact hopes, within a shorl lime, to that Inany jnleresled persons did see the hi-r deficit cniiseil by the not underslaud .that it whs to be lisaslrous United Slates pro-t'ram a public meeting. There were Sport Chat sliijfeil by the Kcots. com-bined present besides Ihe president, C. with the loss sustained C. Clemenlsou. II. A. llonohne. tt " --. HMIFII H I. In the OiniiauiHil thip series, lohn .Mitchell, W. 1'.. Thompson, II Is really unnecessary lo wiped Vint entirely. MlvMaejteil's W. O. Anderson, C. Hlylhe, inenlion that the action of the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY plan of increasing tlip'replslra- Oeorpe .lidin(oiie, p. I.aiiorle council on Monday evening in llon fee will be put before the and II. A. Ilreen. adopting daylight saving for the S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will pail' Wednesday 11 p.m. for ileb":aes a the next annual TJie 1'i'porl of the secretary summer months met wilh Ihe Anynx. Thursday nlM2 p.m. for Swanson Hay, Ocean Falls, ineel ins. v, for - lhi season' of H;t was appreciation and endor'snlion of Powell Hlvor. Vancouver. Victoria and So.att.lp. The nelly sipiahhlc which; read and adopted. II showed all sporting organization in Ihe 8. S. PRINCE ALBERT For all points Northern and' following Seerelary Hoy's financial that there was a cash 'balance city.-' The baseballers will pow Soul hern 'Oneen Charlotte Islands, April 10 ylinl 2'5. l'ir slalemeiit, Ihrealeiied ill one on liaifd of I00 iifier a sum of be able to bat Ihe pjlj around Stewart. April 1.1 and 27. lime (lie disinlejii illioii of Hie pea Hy! l,iii)0 bad been expended in (he evenings to their hearts' Train Service. assiH'jilliou, hae all iasf.el lo during the past year. conlenl, the, soccerisls will be , asserife-r MONDAY, WbDNESDA Y and SATURDAY at 11:16 I he jr real beyond, nceordliifr lo Flection of officers fi.r l) able lo manhandle Ihe pigskin i. in. For Sin'thor, Prince Ceorgn, F.dinonlou and Wiuiiti .Mr, Macneil and pracllcally all resulted as follows: till the midnight sun goes down. peg, making direct, connection for nil points in Fasterri flic provincial bodies with the Honorary 'Pn-slilenl, i. V. lennis may "love all" in Canada and IJnileil Stales. exception of Manfloha and Alberta, Nickerson. definitely' umi Ihe swimmers may Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. have all renewed their af Presldi'lil, W. D. Vance. swim and no feat of llicehily City Ticket Office, 628 Third Avenue Phone 280 filiations, willi the parent associalinn. First Vice Presfdenl. W. , J. pangs or the night air or the The II is anticipated that Cash. venomous slings of the nasly .Manitoba and Alberta wilt siu Second ' Vice-iiresldeiil, Jack lack fly. Well done, good and HEALTH soap ii I following their annual general Venables. . faithful, council! Carry on! CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY mediums, to he held shortly. Secreary-treasnrer, II. A. From the facl Dial Quebec 'and Ilreen. Why nol, lacrosse? That i LE OF MINERAL be any nolwcaldc iiierrrfVe in th( Ontario belweeu them require Amateur Affiliation. the question that, several adepts B.C. Coast Services consumption of ll-ll, as might lif ",00(1 reistraliou fees, it is Perhaps one of llu' most im of Ibis game in Ihe city are now I PROPERTIES THE PAS expected during Ilic period of,evident thai by Hie president's portant items of business taken wondering about. It is said Hint from Prince 'lrCMee:il !method of chariu? I'.i-ccnt at the Ihe Sailings Rupert nnmi lAiimminn i "v business i Icprcssiou, n Up meeting was prop there is enough.material in Ihe BMN LUiMrlnltltlJ Mioiish n h. was I lie first food, fee on each, a very resp7'clable ortion of j-'cl t i nsr local baseliall form of players in Prince Iiu- For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagwav" stuff lo ilrop to tin low price 'sum can be realized, sufficient affiliated with the It, (',. Ama-teur pert at the present time In. form march' 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. INNIPKO, Aprir 12. -lly the level. 'Ilic present favorable not only lo clear of r outstanding Alh.lelh; I'ninn. It was fell two good teams of 12 men each For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle , al at The J'as, .Multiloba, of market conditions was cotnpara- debts hut also to create an annual by the meeting' ihal this would who could engage In a series, this March 4, 15, 25; April 6, 14 25. II.. Ilejdcnreich. consulting fii- lively small, and available stocks revenue. be an especially ood step forj season. I The Sons of, Canada .S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, i-r to lake charge if develop. are now smaller Ibnii at any Ibe younger players although mid Flks are suggested Us Ihe East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell lime 'for 'A biff calch Ibis wilh some of jlie Seniors it two logical contenders. The only years. work, confirmation lm been FAME OF BABE RUTH River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m.' !1 year will bo necessary to. meet mifrlif he more difficult on ac lifffcully that seems o he in the n to 'ho reported sale of Agency for all Steamship Lines. Ilic current market denianils and REACHES TO FRANCE counl of many imrepislered way is itie question or nnance. lloen Copper Lake gold claim Full information from provide the normal' carry over i)ayeiVs thai mihf lake part, not, .acrnsse accoulreinent comes lUf Mpissing .Mini or Cobalt W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, of slocks. It Was the Money That Carried only here hut in other parts of hisli in cost and il is. estimated New York. The claim arc Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince B. C. Willi the revival or the fish His Name Across the ' Ihe dlstrfcl. In the meantime, it thai il would reouiro at least Rupert; i lln mineral north in areas industry, the shipyard where Ocean. wiis decided' to el in touch willi 20 a man to equip Ihe teams I'lii Pa, and were located liy wooden vessels are constructed Ihe II. C. Amateur Allilelie, and grounds properly. Slicks, dordon, formerly chief on- are also sjiowins sijsiis of aclivily. PAIUS, April 12. The fame t.'nion with a view lo jiossilile more than two a man, gloves, i it til I no Hinlspu Jt.TV-llaiJ- of the preal I In be Itiilb has at armialion. padded cap, balls, pads and l.r.w grade jiff has been last crossed -Ihe ocean and Condition of Grounds. hoes nr.d ground equipment. DENTISTRY it :: vi-ral oT iheni. In nddi- ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION French pubhica,1ions have 're-cenllv The brtrily- annual ' rrftardinj; would likely he lost every game, In one spectacular iiorkot of been filled with the nar the condition of the. grounds also on account of the way Ihe ja-; Don't neglect your teeth, '(One decayed or missing tooth If is sani that OO.Onn will FOR LONDON WOMEN rative of -Ihe superslusrjfer's exploits. came up. II was reported, ttial erosse goal is defended. The! lowers your vitality. llirr.l in duvclnpiucnl. work. the Acropolis grounds had not Acropolis p round would be a I LONDON. April I Formation lie of the 3'.i home runs is not been cleaiied up of loose rocks suitable place for staging of, DR. BAYNE IING INDUSTRY oT an aihleiie association heiny exalted in France for the and there was necessity of some games. Among the experienced, for women lias been endorsed by number of rence he has driven filliny bcinfr done al the eastern lacrosse players in the city arej Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 199 IN NOYA SCOTIA IS the Keneral eoniinillee of the the ball over but the dent lie has end where the heavy .rains had Vic and Harry Menzies, .limmie! Ofllce Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:3.0.5:3.0;. Amateur Athletic Association. iiiiuIp in the bankroll of Ihe club washed away the sand. Although Shakespeare, I.e. Lane, Hughlnj Evenings, 7-9. SHOWING ACTIVITY! The aelion was stijjiieslad at a owners. the bleachers- were still in sood Scott, li. LaCasse, llarrj- Lipsclli recent meeting of the committee "The swill? of his hal is terrible shape, the nets were down and and Hen Crossel. licside siicli re Ships Gone Out This Year when Ihe iiuestion of female but the swish of his. 'pen would have to be replaced or men as these thore would be EThan at Any Time Since athletes and their ''control was is deadlier." said Ihe slaid Aeenir repaired. II was '.decided to many auiaieut's who niiht also War. approved in principle. Affiliation refprrlny to fhe sifinln? of Ihe leave the matter in the hands engage, ;r women' ortrnninn-tion reporPd.'.roil,i(iO for Five. Years' of the execulive lo take up with ., of the IAI.IFAX, N. S., April II. with Ihe Amateur AlhlPlie Contract." Ihe Football Association and the 'f'h'e annual meeting of Ihe anajtian Press j Nova Apsocialion W(is also proposed. "The virtuoso oflbe liomerun oily engineer's' department. Prince Rupert Tenuis Club will The Easter f.ia w ll have n -larger num. is also nn ace In Ihe business Last year' rules and by-laws he hebl in the court house to. end of tt,"lhe Paris Midi comments. of the were again Hie. flf deep; tpa fishing vessels association, morrow night and proor!s aged 111 the soring risliini: FRENCH WILL ENTER adopted. a're I hal t here will be a bumper year than in any spring BIG MARATHON RACE "Five ljuudred dollars each Entries In Two Weeks. allendance for Ihe lennis giwnn ire the war. anil li'ailiTS in lime for billing a baseball half It was decided lo leave Ihe is steadily gaining In popularity Breakfast fishing industry anticipate a AprirTT- The French as far as I could hit a ?d( dale of entries for teams until liere and inaiiy, new recruits have iin of groat activity. I lit PAMS. will make ball." laments. Ji ainmyiiious April 25, on Ibe evening of which already made Iheir appearance iinit husinc.. was 0110 of ho athletic authorities writer in the Paris Sport. 'dale them will be another meeting. On the courts this year. There pt In go In pieces, when tin1 a slrnntr bid for the Marathon of the "Besides the money which hn II was especially urged that is a possibility that the lennis eveni lip of business depression set Harp, the feature"flames. sralbers from baseball, 'le aro any possible team. he entered club will, this year, not only have demands They are hut il is now well on Ilic road lir.'l Olympic lJehe itulh' also earns piioukJi on by that dale ami thai Iheir rop-l'Penlalies to- keep the present courts, in attention f recovery, und Ilic aclivily already developincr paying particular their colonial Ihe slajte to keep several families atlend Ihe meeting. sjiapo hut will also have lo face Foods of Quality rywhoro manifest in this in. to Colonel See, .formerly! in affluence," says Coinoedia, a I is possible thai there will Ibe question of providing more tlry ik giving an impetus to runners. theatrical paper. , jo iio in a senior anu uneriueu- courts. The recreation grounds Mili- ; klllds llf hllsillCSK tlll'hUgllOUl in chaise of' Ihe .loinville Itabe Itulh mlphl have i-'ooe lale League this year. The Flks at Ihe comer of Sixth Aeuur Province. tary School for Physical Culture, on forever knocking Ihe covers and Son of Canada wpi-c men and Mcllride Slreel, which is t"pnrps ,of so boohors have al- is now in .Mirinern .mru start,and off baseballia, ilorfinpr his cap in tioned as. Senior possibililiea as serving lilile purpose now; Is conipetitions liave already each time he reached well Intermediate. The SHAMROCK BACON dy sailed for tin- fishfii! marathon distance, a bored way an menlioned as a very suitable fcks and iilhors al;e hoinir fil- ed over the full the home plate after a circuit Knigbls of Columbus may also 'place for the building of an- from choose, oul as fast as possible. TJio in order l oilier unlives; trip of the, diamond, yet ho, have a .team for Intermediate olher couple of courts. As il U Lean or fat lo your laslo; sweet and tedder froiujts (Jl known racer Hiurnnsc was the Arabs and for Ihe 2i- would have never been heard of company! I Here was every pros. now. some of Ihe hoy say that mild sugar-cure and, ohl-fashloncd 'looking. ff IIip firsi lo sail. Olympic., candidates in France, hail be not sinned for peel of There being much interest they have lo get up at ii o'clock In the spring fishing Luiion-B'g, miles ilislance. Ihe reliorleil um of 00.(mil as; ever Ibis season is Ibe on Sunday mornings ami noni a year. ' Junior and Juvenile field. the Acropolis Court all day in which for some pears past SHAMROCK HAMS ' hitd numbers of grand bank-lying SEASONABLE SERVICE order lo get a game al all. idle, will sciil out prao- ully every vessel of lit big We are equipped 'nu BASEBALL Tondir tuul juicy. CL which is mil away on a al. any season of the year, but we ding voyage. Ami whether or oin render you a special service Washable Coast League. SHAMROCK EGGS the spring Iriii is $ success. al this particular .season. dainty Sacramento, S, blankets, SeallJe, I; heavy s indication are thai every rusrs. e suitable for Ilic fishing lace ciirfaiiis--.'ill Ibe unusual San Francisco, 2; Oakland, 7, Strlclly fresh, weighing 20 ounces lo Ihe DOZF. II be, pressed Inla service for washing which every housewife Los Angeles, t; Vernon. 2. lo do at this season, Portland at Sail Lake, rain. Summer trip lo the fiiaml feels compelled inks. Much' let; lias been re-fled can he "iifply entrusted to us C&xr(U?V? i TOURNAMENT. SHAMROCK BUTTER CHESS Oil Kimie of Jilt! fishing-Hks for laiiuileriuK. We buve special lliis hut in spile machinery for eilber wet or dry spring, anything LONDON, April 12. Kighl Made in our own creamery of rich fresh cream, will jttlial Hie fishing skippers have' cleaning', and will return Mli In. countries are represented among make F.ASTFU HltF.AKFAKT plele. cieuo your rn to fresh aim eager lo make an early i'lilrusled lis for the entries so far approved rt. as new. Hie Masters' Tournament of the Your butcher or grocer will supply all Shamrock product. jiecordiiiK to prominent , fish We, also off i rnrpet cleaninB Che Congress, Clean Loudon Inlernalional ((''liaiils here I he fish markids service which ha ttiven neneral mmmm which begins on July .11. in a posit Inn I if1 absorb a( satisfaction .to our patrons. Wr- The kitchen ware that r catch thU year. Very few ,e) u relieve you of IhU cleans readily attractive and Cuba's contingent to the congress tough to resist heat and hard includes, besides the P. BURNS & CO. ?h'rs have Klopks of any Ini- heavier work of housecleanini;. "MmJm V MtCLr?,,in LenJon ". world's, champion, J. It, Casablanca", ITUnce on their hands, and for A phone call will p"t you in yA klf tlow firm murh r.nin"' wear-just stj'J'McClary's" fcenorjla Maria Teresa 6 past two moiilliH pricesilmve touch with this labor-toivinK Mora. Henorlla Mora's entry is Limited in Incrpaslrttf, UioukIi usually At AU Good Stores the only one recorded In dale for (his season of the year Ihfi STEAM LAUNDRY CANADIAN Ihe Women's Open Tournament Jdency of prlcpi is (o de- AMAMVVVVVIVVVVVVWVVWMMWVVVVVVVVVVVV ilt4 Mil beginning August 7- ine, There does not uppcar lu Phone 8 I