faoi TPini TH1 DAILY RIWB Monday, May ?j BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM For, .Sale anui MAO A PACKAGE sENT " ID-UKE. TO CGT A TEN I'll Call, up 0 jTs I HEC CO O. WILL TOO SPOT UNTIL TomohrOW, BOT l JUVT PaiO OOT all Ww V?20 HAVE FATHE.1 PVf FOR AH' MAVE. MT TMC NOWCT -TOO tiM it- Tm (5 ? Praclicallj modern fjAsFE FQft A. f n n ark-e residence fyi, excellent rcsi., TOOft. DAU-SHTEKi -rVT MEE! 0 f;7o I I drntial secUo'n', splendid harbor vjow. Central heating. Offered nt less than cost. J Agents for Norwegian American Line Swedish "American Line Scandinavian American Line. Oliver Typewriters Cary Safe FIRE INSURANCE Dybhavn & Hanson 1121 t IwT-v FtaTttx'ScnviCt, Inc. Third Avenue Prlnci Rupert, B. 0. ngo, B AUCTION SALES TERRACE jj Two Men in a Car low.ont-s Many Job's of and Iho Comforter.Iho jraragos religious advertise fanatics i ( Daily News Classified Ads. AUCTION Mortgage I SAU:dated 1 n.ter Hi u."'" now ami I lien wrilo sentences !.'?. bolwoe,, I red Syw, A short account of a Trip to on he fences such as: 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advnrtlsement Taken for ! than BOe of Ibis rity and Hav ra FRU.T LANDS California in Ford Flivver nnd Alex. B. a i"Where are vou goinc when von Sinrrj,. lilh j Ton aero. Jot. 214 miles front By II. F. Pullen idie"' There are inspirit ing. I this city, we. ar,. oiiti.,rird .1 WANTED FOR 8ALZ oi,r and sell . Town. 5 acres cleared including 1 """l have forgotten how many fatal i,,,, (' Yokohama, September 2!. ttJI. o.jlin1er ncro nT bearing slrawberry plants. THE HOTTEST YET. moior aooidenis Jiiern were in : r.'ill Latitude. 4'.l:."tli: Ioiiri. WANTKI) Men and women lo Foil SAI.F. 1 roomed house, two aulotiinbiif ,r. p.m.. lBl.r.80, lirpiise 40 n'ppln trees sol tint this l.os Angeles in I ln t;t -1 molilh learn the lots ,i spring. Undo. 1 5 i :20 West. All is well. Harbor Trade by the and all in garden, ?i;u0, Sale' wjll.be held H clover. Framed MODF.STO, -May 12. Those hut it was i Imvo number. The al I he um acre ealiin 12 l-'rom Iho liiini'h." only method in Iho world that half cash nr 1500 all cash. 10 fool, Land . who like a lint rlimale should i wonder lx that there are not gwiMl Garage, Fraser Mirehr t x nil Jove nail v will save ynU lime and money Vmomed house wilh additional fenced ami on main wagon road.il.ry th1 San ,,,"T''n (pronounced more and fit you . for a position 3 room aparlmcql, on c.enieul P. m. on Tlnir-ilay, Alay : San Waakeeti,. mid the other in We have driven in Sealllo, Ta IW22. Philp.iH.i:viff A p., Price $1,550, small worth while. We' amount on NEW BUILDING guarantee. piles, bath, etc., excellent con terms lorior valleys of California which citurn, Cortland, San Francisco sleady employment nt good dition and good location ."),- Auclioiieers. Next i (,( connect with it. Today has boon and other plnies, but l.os Angeles fico. .FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET wages. Write now for beauli ooo on easy payments. Four room house, I mile from intensely hot, a jrroal contrast is Jy far Iho most lifficull fill illustrated I IS FINE ONE catalogue. Moler mom house, lot in garden, BOATS FOR HIRE. town, nil furnished. Can he had In the cold woalher of a day or owing lo Iho large number of Harbor College. 300 Main 8t. chicken house, etc.. near Klnz two ago when noar the coast. cars there. Kxory street for .AUNCH "Narbelhonir' until October 1st. A fine opporr Vancouver, H. C. IMwarfl School, $100, lorms, Yesterday wo crossed ho miles is lined willi parked aulos. Service, Phnne Illack o. for lunity anyone wishing to Middy Fortier Has Handsome H rooinjiouso. 2 n in garden, the Terhaohnpi mountains and drove At some corners burning lo Iho nF.I.IAHI.F. agent wanted for Ilu spend summer at Terrace. Four-storey Permanent fenced, chicken house, close in For full along the lops over a wonderful left is forbidden. The way Iho pert Oislrict. The Sovereign PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER particulars, address - Block wilh balh, 2.00. F.asy lornA. road for-nbout half a itav. It js practiced drivers, dodge in and on Eighth Ave. Life Assurance Company. Head K. M. Karl. Phone Ulsdk jh Lots II and 35, Block 3, Sec. KENNEY BROS. & CO.';:ailed Iho llidge Itnad and while oul is a wonder. II. makes me office, Winnipeg, Man. Wrilo ST. ELMO One of Hie finest permanent '!, View lots on Allln Avenue. HOTEL look down hundreds and nervous lo pass through the city Chna. A. Pync, Prince (Seorgc, Terrace, B. C, even thousands of feel. the with Iho l.izr.io. eomenl. Ml,, ami slueco four manager for Northern British A perfect bomesite, f7r.0. half Rooms to let from 3 pofwxna storey .buildings in I lie is. cash. One lot on lloarh Place yxados of Hie road are ,so easy Hollywood, which we visilod rity Columbia. lluhnlng hot nnd cnbll nvilVf ii slluaji'il on the corner of Kihlli for ?3?."t, a beauty. Lots C.K and that our lil lie Ford negolialed several times, appealed to us nn rooms. Avenue and Fulton Slroel. ami WANTED fJreon for fi'J, block 13, section s;o, I hem on high all the way. The as the best hit of l.o Angeles, spriirn ox. Bath. Rte.am Healed, M4en will lie completed early in June, porl; 200 cord lots. Address I terms or 7."0 cash. M. M. EBSON COAL scenery rannol bo described. hut there may have been oilier Phone Qreen 510 I'll i s building is being erected W, Darnell, H2I Hroadway Stephens. There wore nn Iroe's hut Iho suburbs we did not visit. We at a cos of $7,iHin by A. I'orlior, North. Seattle, Wash. If TAXI hills Were mottled like a leopard. saw Venice, an inlonsely- beanli-ful I OH SAI.F. I r, h.p. Yale marine COMPANY an old tinier of Prince Ilupert. Phone 693 Mesf-epding into the. plain we place, bill ralher degraded by SITUATIONS WANTED engine, lalesj yje, new, roiiu Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th SL have had level country over since, cheap nmusemonls. who recently returned to the eity plole outfit, price 30.00. 1 (Call GeorRe flns so level lhal it is tiring to drive Secret of Prosperity from .Montreal afler a five year (iAHD.F.N work wnnlod by exper 0 h.p. Automatic, rehuili with Flve-passencer Toun'mriOar on account of Iho sameness. To. Y'oslerday 1 nie a business absence. He is taking uit bis ienced .Japanese. Phono Black conijilelo outfit, including Columbia Prompt Day and Nieht Soivi. Best Coal day wo covered two hundred man and asking him about con- Iteriifuncul residence hero and 300. . 10!) Peerless 22x22 propeller Stand: Boston Qrlll, Third Avenui thinks that .of all Iho cities be miles .lit ion In IliA hirv Inupiut nnnl most of Iho throuzh j ivi . and 0 way WOMAN wauls work daily from foo 1 inch Toll-in CLOTHES CLEANED " ""l' irrigated lands including wonderful He lold me the place was pros- bronze shaft. Price 300.00. t) to t. Apply P. O. Box 130 l orlior thai for !' say grape country around ..it., ,.r -Mr- I, 10-12 h. p. Huffalo, rolniilt; and pressed by latest STFAK at in the Fresno. immense lourisl trade and part-'l'r"i,eU .vokmanship AGENTS WANTED. wilh new I l-i Incli Tobin pressing process, There are a number of fine ly because; it -was a non-union "i i- blonto shaft: 22x21 Peerless Rult called for and ddivprod. Lowest Prices little cities and thriving towns city. Many factories wero'estnb- riiy nuve no o( BIO PllOI-TIS are being made propeller. Price jtro0.Hi Ilupert Phone 649 ing has "a .'in 'ool frontage 10' by selling Aladdin Portable .Movie abound every few miles alnn lishing Ihere rattier than' at Sun Marine rloiiworks and LINO, The Tailor foot depth and a full 8 foot cement machines to lumber the route. Sometimes 'we. pass Francisco, because labor con ramps. Sujiply Co.. Ageuls for Yale basement. The enl ire ORIENTAL GOODS cement churches, schools, Y.M.C.A.'s, Ore er Now! Phbne 58 through an oil country and then ditions were' more favorable. and Alias Imperial engines. If work outside stucco again it is purely agricultural. II sooms that unskilled labor and lodpc and homes. liny al Jnpanose Kimonas, r .:.-,:.rr. was executed by II. Itryson and At Modesto. is cheap heeanse so many people dealer s price. Make money FOIt SAI.F, One fifteen h.p. nnmboo Fitrnilure. Ornamfnt fi. V. Van Tuyl and loaves nothing from demonstrations and lake Tonfphf we had supper in with small capital go Ihere lo WestinRliou-o, Hint' phase llaskets, .Children's flempfrs . . use . Modesto and arc now camping live and then find the time hang lo bo desired from a work (inters ton. Wiie Aladdin electric motor ami winch com. Fie. manship standpoint, The slore Cinema Co. I.Id. .rl.ir. Craig Toys, on the banks of I he river. There heavy on ifioir hands and decide plelo; two platform scales, one I.OWKST MUCKS. floor has a iOJi feet height from have been-no inridcuts that could In look for temporary jobs..T!iev West. Montreal. beam scale. All Fairbanks F. K, AKASE Shamrock floor lo roiling, with a suite in interest northern people. There are willing to worn for io. the rear comprising bathroom, BOARD. make. Also one ice crusher. P. O. Box 01 Tel, nod 8S aii" n few mosquitoes flying wages because they do not whol Phone Black 211. 118 Third Avenue and bed kitchen, living room around and occasionally ly depend on Iho wages foe a liv HOARD Inlander, 830 Second t bacon t one room. The store will in all probability i on SAI.K -Sixty rords hemlock biles, but nol so many as To ing. Avenue. Phone 137. If SHOE REPAIRS be opened by Mr. Fortier and cedar; cm fine, fi.sn per make it disagreeable. There Tomorrow we hopn to be in i t are : ham in Iho future. The Umbrella Repairs near upstair cord or "5 f.n.b. V Hints, .lap that of about a dor.en other parties Sacramenlo and will keep moving a lumber building. II Is living are and Pnrchcr Island. tf Clohes cleaned and pressfi n.uai-fers roomy Intel, p BUTTER jj camped in the park here. 'northward as lime is limited his opinion that in six years ho lily, wilh large windows admit Suits called; Tor and rtemwa. I was much impressed with This hurried trip does uol ie will have saved Iho exira cost of IOH SAI.K---Fumed oak hook- EGGS 5 ting much daylight and conxirl- Phono. Blue 29 I I he influence of oivironrnenl on' much opportunity to "o 'hing.s. thn permanent slructuro in case; small fumed oak table, iug of dining room, two bedrooms, LEM JOHN $ LARD people. In where there painting and insurance. He js g places bathroom, kitchen, and a and ..carpet; 2 llesner Apartments, 844 Third Avenui was plonly or water and the land MESSAGE FLOATED large living room. The ci-iJins particularly pleased with the phono '107. 120 was suitable, the people were! manner in which the on I ire. wink WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. The are V-f. :i-in. high, llie piumn. has boon carried out and is hlph roil SAI.K Twonty.slx foot Empire's Standard.. prosperous, clean, anil active. In FROM MID-OCEAN has been ing done daces where there was not a admirably by ill his praise of the way the eim-Iraclor.s raised deck cabin cruiser; uj Ktprrt waXoiii clock awl P.BURNS CO., LTD. sufficiency of water or where, TO GRAHAM ISLAND II.Iho I.otoiirneau city lost. and The easily whole passed Interior have handled the Job. h.p.; ITi0.no. Phone Blue ehronothele.r and. irjw.llery maker.ncpai" l the land seemed unsuitable for .rf.".l. If Watch is lathed and idaslereil with bearing good crops ihere, was An interesting piece of paper hardwall plaster finish giving lti GUESSING CONTESTS I OH SALlMChlna fwibitiel ahd Mali nrder.s specially.prnniplly txmm every evidence of sloth fulness enclosed in a bollle which has maximum of inside comfort, the six foiit" show, case," Apply M. OIBB dirt, nepleel, and a.generally im- floated over 1IIIMI miles, from work liciii-r done by C. lllytbe.. DEMORALIZE YOUTH II. Craig. Arctic Studio. If OEO.,office 'P. n. 7i' Post PACIFIC GARTAG E Uenipt condition. Iho middle of Iho Pacific Ocean The huildihg is filled throuphoul rtpp.f Riipft !! To any young man who would lo Die west coast of Oraham Isl with the double wiring system Calgary Council Urge Minister to I'OH SALIv-Twfi cows; fresh Prlnci succeed I would say : f!o to a milkers. W. Sims, .lap llilel, Limited and since September lllil. installed by (ton. ilrown, permitting Make Practice Illegal. REPAIR SHOP coinninnily thai is PoiTher Island. tf prosperous, was picked up liy J'. .. Mouse, of light ami power for cooking Phone 93 offers that has inducements natural wealth and thai, fisherman of Ihce schooner Mur-iheag, and heating being carried CALGARY. Alia., May 2?. FOIl SAI.K "NarbellTnng" I000. nKPAIflS-. 'lt)TIMI-:ANYTlin" for nlhet-s to Captain M. follows, which over separate wires, provision A most definilo stand in regard I need Hie money. II, K, I't'oo- '-vlvywiiKHK-RnKkJAR Piano and ihere. is' Furniture, Nothing discnur-aging go so was in port over the week-emli has born made for electric heating In guessing contests tf on foof-bnll man. nnos. Safe Moving: us n have In fight nature; I'lie bottle was found mi the in every room. The flooring and .baseball games which is Wel Close to Accidents. beach of Graham Island last will he of double dressed fir, Iho al being I'OH SAI.K-condiliou. -Piano in excellent 820 Third' Avenue present ronducled General by 57 Cartage piiono .Rod Goal Sand'and Gravel We lofl l.os Angele for home .Monday. interior carpentry being carried several newspapers and publications Phone llliirt I IK If yesterday morning and hope In I'lie message, which is wnllen oul by A. Lovoiino. in Western Canada has FOIl SAI.I--Plano CcVOLE REPAIB3. in excellent continue northward. We have on a sheet of note paper .Of the Mr. I'orlior says lhal for Hie been taken ' up by the Council of condition. Phone Hlue hail no accidents so far bill Admiral Line .-learner Keystone northern climaio this class of Hie Calgary Board of Trade ami MH, Cjcles of - liil makes xf Night Phones J. Gj Steen, 371 have been very close lo Idem. Slate and is-, almost washed out building is by far the best 'and a resolution iii-giiiy Iho I'OH SAI.K-Investment paying HIIU ('"..j i.nhv enrrincres rp-liri"l, . upon W. Longwill, Blue 270 Yesterday morning as I was by apparent conlact with water, cheapest in the long run, and Minister of Justice In amend Iho 2.'!. See F. U Hart. If Cycle Accessories. Day Phone S making my way mil of the congested is as follows lhal, in insurance rating alone, Criminal Onder Canada In J. OAWTHORN STEEN5L0NGWIIL part of l.os Angeles, I "F.n roulo In Vlcloria fromiihe premium is less than half on o make silcb a practice order illegal KMTR Care for sate, furnished Ha removed lo rear oMW saw a girl knocked down. I has boon adopted. complete. Phone 173. tf Rupert Music store Sheet Metal Works could nol be sure whelher il was Members of Third Avenue tie Council aro FOR RENT Agent for McClary Furncaes done- hy (tie street car or a unanimous Hi their opinion that HYDE TRANSFER passing aulo as I was inlenlly Iho amount of the money and roil HUNT furnished house, Sanitary Heating and Engineers minding my own business just llrne. how b'eing consumed on keeping suites. Apply 410 Phone B80 then, but I saw her fall and saw Ihese Sixth Express guessing contests Inlor. Avenue Kasl. Phiinn Blue Baggage and Ctb Street and Fraser Street (he olhers pick her up. She did wilh . . Tores lejrfiimale business 217. tf and Prince Ilupert - B. C. not seem badly hurt. and were helping In form, Coal and Wood. , . , Yeslerday wo' passed a blpr THE EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILPBEH In the minds of particularly the (1001) Clean Beds from SI,SO per Agents Rupert nnd Cadillac car on lis side and were young people-, the idea of gelling week. Fishermen's Rest, I,ale Globe Airless tud. HVPATT1NS0N old by people slandlng near lhal. Have you Ibe money with which to do it? soinelblng for nothing which was Pioneer Rooms. 167 3rd AvbK. Second Avft'"" - two young uieii had stolen Hie Start to save while they are young let thr m ri'il in Iho public interest. car and unset il there n few commence life knowing you ate at the back llOUSK for rent Second Avenue "TaOQAOE and EXPRESS . Electrical and minnles before we arrived. One of thetn. FISH ARRIVALS. and Ninth Street West, Phone hy ..-c. was killed nud the other was llllie MH. If WAKEFIELD'S FAST rsn-DELIVERY Mechanical Engineer lint expected to Savings Accounts are a specialty with recover. At Iho i'xcliange Saturday foil RKN'T I'Ivh roomed bouse. Dynamos, Motors I think I (old before of seeing morning 20,r00 pounds of halibut Apply .Ml Nllilh Avfliu'e Prompt Service. THE ROYAL BANK - iMagnetos a Ford smashed at Palo Alio OF CANADA was;, "sold. The arrivals West. I2fl Phone 67. Repaired and Rewound when wo men were fatally injured. wnrn: Bland; nil'n CIct rjtor- Storage Batteries Repaired It struck a tree on the S. J. MacLeod, Manager. Lumen, 12.000 i'LAT for Rent in Bcsner Apat'U forlhO and Recharged roadside and telescoped, one man Prince Rupert Branch Marguerite, 8.500 pounds and ments. M. M. Ktepheh. f Thc '.J....i.i-,ueHlion many aJv;l"' Phone BOO P.O. Box 1 64 being thrown out and the other pounds, sold er Ml. roiinoi. l .a a i.mv .' Hi 'Canadian I'ish ami Col, Slor-afe ItHl HUNT- Two furnished ft . il . ....nn. remained tangled in the wreck- al 8,Co bedrooms. pie read inc. p.ii-e and 3c. Phone Blue 280, tf get results wilhout circulatio"-