-Monday, May 22, 1922. TIIB DAILY H1WB a . D. Zarclli returned this mofn-ins by the Princess Louise from I Local and Personal Victoria. I K K AU01IOX Sale of niiluiiiobib; Flags, Horns 11. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf In Kaien (iarac, Fraser Street - at 2:30 p.m. Tbursdayf May 25. Hayners, Undertakers. I'houe Philpoll.F.vill Co. Auctioneers. 351. tr 120 etci - Pahsic. l.oo a dozen. Lily Vicloria Day. May 2i belli t? a We have an abundant supply of flags, Market. If. $rince George and public general holiday,delivery Ihe wickets registration only flying canaries, horns, trumpets and Three dozen eggs fur gotel will be oi.cn froiii 1' lo Id a. m. guaranteed. City Market. If. xl the Pos.l Office. general noise makers enough to meet TORONTO In Centre of Shoppina A. W. Heiming', business man Mrs. W. It. Held, or Stewart, and Business District' all the requirements of the 24th of urived hi (In- cily on f lie Prince 250 ROOMS ager of Ihe Juneau l'mpirc, pass, lluperl last night. 100 with Print Bithi ed through the cily this inorn-inj May Celebration. EUROPEAN PLAN on III,; Princess LOulse bound t WINNITt tHOMMON.MH O.DIR. K, C. Manning, district forester for bis. home lown. Flags from - - - - - - 5c up sailed Inst jiighl on Ihe Priii'c lluperl for Ocean Falls on dr. Captain Harvey, Caplain Mur Launoh "Oh Baby." Blue 648. t Horns & Trumpets, 10c up parlineiilal business. ray ami (lapiain iinune, oi me While Pass service, were passengers Flying Canaries- - 25c each Miss Healricc While and Miss McClymonl.,Gash for Victory Uonds. Thus.tf for the north on the I-II I of the local ... Princess Louise litis mornintr. :j Frank, hospital Buy from us and you buy right. See Our Window. slaff returned on last night's l'hono 210 for Cody's Trans Mrs. Kllner, and family, train from Terrace where Ihey Mr. and fer. - If spent their holidays. or Seattle, were passengers y ' for Mayo on the Princess Louise Ja.'ll. Hum of Mill liny, i. an this morning. They are accompanied New line of Trleoletle Waists arrival in the eiiy. of Xew Miss Manners, by just arrived.' The newssl styles. Come in and select heron York. yours W. II. C. Wilson, of Victoria, they all so. Asia Trading? Uo 1 20 is in Hie i city on business, Mr. ami Mrs. Hood, of Health?. are making 1 he. round trip from I:. A. Moore, of Port lsii,gl)u lh W. II. MeFarlanc ami A. 1 Vancouver to Skagway on Is in Uh- eiiy on. business. Princes Louise. Mr. Hood is Ilreec. of Slewarl, were :i inojiy I lie passengers passing through W. Adamson, of ('or! IMwa-td manager of the Mclroiolilaii the city on tin- Prince lluperl Theatre. Senllle. arrived in the cily I'lsl'itiglil. Concentration SALE! lasl night for Vancouver. Mrs. and Miss Shadd. of D"-Iroil; . 1).- C. lloherls, of Slcwai IV- who hai jusl returned from Allan McXicholl. son. of Mr List jiigh:.. river in (lie -eiiy and Mrs. O. A. McXicholl, of, this a holiday Dip lo Honolulu, were eiiy. sailed lasl night for I' well round trip passeir-'ers froiii Van arrival lie nil lliver where he will Like ,loe Liimli was an couver to Skagway on the Priu Rexall Hair Tonic a pos eiiy last night from Oeean'u: Louise this luorniug. ition for I lie summer holiday cess $1.Q0, and Emulsified II. L. Wall er ami liis mother Mrs. II. T. Freeman, SLOP Mr. an. ll"ii. J. 1. McLean, minister of isillut! Hit of HfL'iirt, are :n and daughl"r. were passengers Coconut Oil Fducatioii mid iroviucial secre lary. i arling premier of Hi city. . on Ihe Princess Loiiisr this Shampoo both for province while Hon. John Olive Oneen Mary Chapter I.O.I .K morning from Vicloria making lo Hi"Skajrwny.round lri Mr. Long Wear Is Ollawa the rate al on freight in the Hut Sale of Home Cooking Marine editor Is he Freeman for this week. rate. lomorrow. of Ihe Victoria Times. FIRST because they are made of highest tested materials Captain lloherls, who was chief Dance al the Auditorium Fri Hubert Kelly ur lisle, and Mrs. mercerized, Mr. cashmere, silk,cotton, C. M. officer of the !. M, steam Hi. Wesl holme Orches ORMES LIMITED er Canadian Ilrills'her when thai day the 2 123 rived from Vancouver today on silk and wool, fancy mixtures. Ira. the Princess Ltiuise and will vessel left here, lias hern transferred fast they the dyes Phones 82, 200 and 134 lo I he command of the spend a few days in the cily. Mr SECOND will not are A. Crilchley, of Inverness, vtu Kelly is. head of Ihe well-known run. Canadian THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES lnveiili.tr. an arrival in Ihe eiiy on' l.sl wholesale' firm of Kelly-Douglas We intend Mercury hose to wear well Art Heed, formerly of I he dry nihl's train. Ltd. which has a branch here. and wc make certain every pair is right MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. known in the trade. tests dock here lul more recently .em Mr. rud Mrs H.lV: '"ei: tuf by the strictest ployed .al, the Premier.lini;, sail ' James Lipscotulie, eiiier oper llanaH, are ref-Mstcreil a In ator of the While Pass & Yukon Mercury Mills, Limited ed on (he Princesjs' Iodise this HiiiillU" ; I'rince. nr. I'lfJ-llit Hallway, was a passenger today Hamilton - Canada ridH..7.1St'etvafl'f?'rcv weeks on the Princess Louise for Ska (i A. ' oifillainl, rifana er o it and (.kilJrtn. way. This is. Mr. Lipscomb' or Men, t mem ago. the Imperial Oil Co. Ltd.. left DENTISTRY I wenty-sccoiul ytrar in Hie serv for Ocean Falls on lln Prince While Pass . ice of Hie Hallway. Milton (ionzales, of Ihe law lluperl last night. ' Don't neglect your I eel". Ouo decayed or missing tooth firm of Williams, Malison NOTICE. lowers your vitality. (ionzales, sailed by Ihe Prim!' Mr. ami Mrs. F. S. Clements lluperl Saluiday nigh I for Slew- sailed last Prince nighl on-liter art where hi' was called in con Vicloria To Whom II May Concern: DR. BAYNE nection with a Honor sei.uii lluperl for where Ihcy I have this day leased to Sam will lake residence. future up Milofr and John George, the Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helflerson Block Phone 109 which was made (here lasl week pre mini's known as (lie Ooou Ullice Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, 1:3(1-5:30; P. IL Daws.in ami AV. 11 Fals CaTe tog-el Iter wilh all What believed have is to been Kvenings, 7-V. rhompson, of Vancouver, arrived I therein. will not he fi'uipiriciil he the beard first by Vancouver radio here concert was r-to hi the cily on Ihe Princess I feat-rice rcspoitshilc for any liabilities in GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ord-d here last Saturday by A. returncil on Saturday Hi aflernooti the Prince and curred under this lease, neither S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT Mill sail Thursday sou on II. Thompson, wireless opera. llupert lasl night. will Hie rixlurcs lliereiu he con und Sunday ut 12 u'clock Midnight for Swanson Bay, lor of the steamer venture. sidered as security unless oilier. Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. i 1 1 1 , while Hie vessel was in purl. The Hospital Tag Day, held on Sat WIS.. IIIIUOUIICOl.' For Anyox Wednesday, 11 pint. For Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.ui, SEED POTATOES heard recorded May 22, 1022. J. C. (JAYIOAN. program was as on the Vancouver Sun radio. urday, under Ihe auspices of the S. S. PRINCE JOHN For all points Northern und Southern Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary, netted NOTICE. .Queen Charlotto Islands, May 13th and 27lh, June loth and I In' annual provincial coiiven- Ihe sum of 210.0(1. The lag 2 Slh, July Hlli and 22nd, Augusl Olli and lUth, Sept. 2nd, lOUi Chemical Fertilizers ers who came on duly al iio.mi lioi) of Ihe Knights of Columbus Ihu Till'. HOOD MATS CAI'i; will and JUlh. included Misses Clara Ilijau opened in .ew V estiiiinsier tills e reopencii uimer new manage Train Service of all kinds Doris Camlow, Xchla Hihlitch. The ment on Wednesday. John WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11.15 morning:. delegates from Fdna Passenger MONDAY, L'nger, Hriaii and B & K CHICK FOOD (he I'rince lluperl , council .are Parsons, ieorgc, will be ill charge audi a.m. For Sinilhers, I'rince (ieorgc. Fdmoutun, and Winnipeg, Mary McCaffrey. B & K DEVELOPING FOOD lii.hop F ..M. Iluiioz, M. P. Mb will iiniinlain his high standard making direct connections for all points in Kasteni Canada Insist on 13 & K goodsgoods that have been analysed Caffery and .1. J. Mudoon, III Among Ihe passengers sailing of Cat cooking.can depend Patrons upon of the gelling(lortd and Lulled Slutes. lasl mentioned hein and the best. treasur from here for Ihe north on Ihe ALL TRAINS AND' BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME by experts proved of Ihe slate council. wbul lliey want done right. If. Princess Louise today were for all Ocean Lines Agency Steamship We retail everything for Poultry and Stock llev. William Charles lledlcy, Miss F. S. All is not milk that comes in I City Ticket Office, S2S Third Ave. Phone 260. Deans, roruierly Wearne, and Mr. and Mrs. H. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Melhodisl minister at Telkwa, Mcl.enuaud for Juneau; hollies. lias lieeii tranrerreil lo anrini- Urdu for Whilehorse, and Mr. P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 ver Hcighls I'.hurcli, Vancouver and Mrs. L. Walker and S. ANNOUNCEMENTS ! according to the Hrsl draft al for Kefchikan. Flnloss, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (he Melhodisl Conference. Ilev. Cinderella Dance in De Luxe , W. S. A. Crux, formerly of The annual school children's Hall. June 2 from 0 to 12. Ad Prince lluperl, kocs front Xorlh Umpire Day demonstration under mission 00c. B.C. Coast Services Vancouver lo Collingwood Fast, Ihe Imperial Order, Daughters of Gretnvill' Greenville Vancouver. the Fmpire, will lake place to-1 Carnival & nd Sailings from Prince Rupert Band Sports Hose bushes and bedding morrow afternoon. The parallel plants. Cily Market. tf will be formed al the corner of!AH Eye Pains For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway MAY 24 Fiilloti SI reel and Fifth Avenue April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. and will march to Ihe Weslholme, For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-April EXHIBITION BUILDING AND GROUNDS. Theatre, led by Ihe Hroeuville 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. PROGRAMME native hand, Al Ihe Iheulre there Mean Something S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, 9.00 a.m. PAHADF KIW Homo to (i rounds. there will be a special, education. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell 9.16 to 11.00 CIIILDIIKN'S SPOUTS. al film, "Hiding a lluuaway Hut what is is can only be) River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. 11.00 to 12.00 noon Intermediate HAS KHALI.: Sous of Train," addresses und music by revealed by a careful exam.) Agency for all Steamship Lines. Canada v. this', Ihe (ireenville I la ml. The at inullon by a competent op. Full Information from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 -FOOTIJALL: Fnglaud und Scotland v. Ire. tendance al the show will be lim liciun. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, iled to children only. laud und Canada. We examine eyes euro. Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. 2.30 to 3.30--HAND CONCFItT and FXHIHl'l ION by HOY fully and fit glasses uc. "' SCOUTS. OIL JOSKPII MAOUIIIK in I lib curalely. 3.30 to 5.30 -Senior IIAKKHALL: Sou of Canada y.,Klks. Smith II lock has been Ihrealened Lei us test your eyes, therel ADMISSION TICKFTS for Ihe abuse events; Adults Ouc,; by telephone, because of an ad. may he nothing at all wrung: Children 25c. verliseuieiil appearing in Salur with them, but it would be HEAUTY OF THE SKIN day's paper. The police , have I FULLER'S EVENING PROGRAMME a good thing lo KNOW Unit. Moving Specials U tL oiturnl delr of tmr wouiin, mil vel been nidified of tlie Admission 5Uc Adlllls; 2.r0 Children. f.?d Uju'." ''ilnl'lo hr tli im ot Dr. lineal. Dr. Muguire is ulvfug It will take but a few minutes 7.30 to jp.OO CAHNIVAL, HAND OO.NCFUT u'"' liXIH- rouglinu..Olnttnrut.,nd rwinow I1ui1om.bladkiradl, to find out. p.m mmnn of tlie tkln, valuahle iuforiiiiiliou o the pub. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE HITJON by UIIIL OUIDLS. Uw iliu U md left toft,eoieimt unooth 11a and! velvety,r. nd lie through advertising space in J 9.00 p.m, sfiipfxtini; dancf. All Mm(ItMlera,ad, Tnromo.or Kdunnnon.Semple Hole lri- ft Jf Co..jou our local paper, it is evident John Bulger No. 1 Wlnesaps, worth 1.00. Selling for ., S2.6B All Day - Light Lunches and Jlcrreshnicnts served l) lb iik iuoa Uil ptiier. ilial such condition a as staled The Jeweller Netted Gem Spuds, worlh 2.75. Selling for $2.25 Ladies Of tlio itoyul Purple and Olrl (iuidos. in Saturday's "Daily .News" exists, Portion, of thej Funds to be given to the Boy Scouts and Girl as Ihe language used over Krlnkle Corn Flakes 4 for 25c Guides for Camping purposes. Ihe telephone was of the street S'GIFTS THAT LAST j Under Auspices Prince Rupert Elks. variety and unworthy of a colli We are cleaning up everything. Buy Now, Ill .' limit. udvl.i