WHEN YOUIWANT A THE NEW TAXI QQ mtiln YOKOHAMA in a hurry 1 CAFE HOME BAKERY Phone t 1 '.:. . ...( The Best of Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Try our fervlce ALU NEW CARS Phone Black SO Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 0I XIII. NO. I 111. piiiNci: iu;ii:iiT. u. c, aionday, may 22, 1022. 8iturdy'i Circulation 1966. Strut ! 377, PRICK FFVK CENT W".'j Reduction Lumber Rates Announced BULGARIA IN STATE OF REVOLUTION AND REPUBLIC DECLARED Vice President C. A. Hayes NEW STEAMER . SOUTH SHORE WINS :; Report. Says King Boris KING'S PLATE RACE Fled and Wrangei s Army REACHES PORT Of Canadian National Lines 'I'hi TOHO.NTO,K'ing'.s Plate May race,??.the Officers Are Driven Out Princess Louise Here This Morning ojiening of the racing sea- on Maiden Trip to Skagway son, run a I Woodbine that bJ VIENNA, May (Jonflicliiig report say ilulgaria Says Freight Rates to Drop & Track on Saturday aflei-- in a stain of revolt and lliat King Horis, lias fled with his suite At 10 o'clock tills ifioruifig the noon was won by South from Sofia to Varna and I'remier Sluniboulsky, who represents new C.P.Il. coast steauer Princess Shore. Paddle was sec- (lie agrarians and peasants, lias proclaimed a republic. Civil war Louise glided lo her berlhal the iiud and FlJscmar. third, siiirl In ,vivl ftfwl nffirers f (Seoerfil WrcmcrelPs loivn I OTTAWA, May 22. Replying to questions by New Bruns- flARON BYNG TO government wharf ou her initial t i ft Jicfnv been expelled. u. . vicc-presiaeni oi ino oanaoian na-itlonal wick momoers, nayes, VISIT HERE IN cruise lo Skagway with Captain. Another report says that Sofia is comparatively ijuiel and- lines, this morning informed the special committee on rall-'way Arthur Slnl.cr, senior, Canadian j rieiov leaders luive issued ji tiroc tarnation flecl.'iriocr Iriv.'illi In Kin transportation costs that the Canadian National Railways MONTH AUGUST Pacific commander iu the Alaska! STAND BACK ' Horis. The expulsion of Wruhgel'.s officers is said (o be carry-ling 'proposed a cut of sixteen or seventeen per cent in freight rates Iriide, ou the.bridge.- . j oul Ihe. agreement between the Hussian soviet and Hie Bul lumber. llaron Ityng oT Vlliiy. (iorriio-(leneral The ship wus built by :lhe Wallace garian government. jon SUNDAY LAW and L)oek Shipbuilding Dry ' President Beatty, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in giving of Canada, will visit Co, at Yaiicouver to replace the Wesrern Canada this 'evidence on Friday, suggested a cut of 11.7 per cent. accompanied by I.inly Ityng.summer The steamer Princess Sophia of the PRESENT SESSION MUCH DISORDER vice refill parly will lour Him Skagway service. As .she has Mayor Marchar.t and Commissioner MAY I AST IJNTH southern inlerior in Hie never been north since she was Staneland, of early SHIP BURNED PRIVILEGES TO launched and is known us Hie Victoria, Refuse to pari or .fitly reacning?-- v ancouver MIDDLE OF JULY! UVtK WfctK-hN ) on .Inly 21. They will bavc lliiil ijlieen of Hie C. P. II. fleet in tonnage, Give In. EDGE FOREIGN cily on Hie morning- of Tucsdiv, finish, general strength ami WATER'S FISH 22. The House of Commons Has Hostages Are Seized .Inly ?.", for Hie Yukon. attractiveness, Hie arrival id the VICTORIA, May Not Yet by Free According lo. present plans vessel created ft great deal ot lo police commissioners of Vic Passed on Much Legislation Staters 27 Deaths in Coun-try BOATS RENEWED I'rinee Itupcrt will not be visited cal interest. The boat is I.L'OO torla on Saturday nlht refused to Senatv Last Few Days. Disaster Overtakes Conestoga revoke Its order for Ions 'gross, .'l.'IO reel over.all, willi to until Hie i el urn south on 1 1 KL FA ST, May 22. Seven officials I When In Canal Locks at Og-densburg, strict enforcement of the beam of IH of August I!). Yieloria will also i feet, permitting OTTAWA, May 'ii. The jiar-liamenlary of the Six New York Important Measure for Prince lie visited iifler I he Yukon. spacious prumeuaue ilrcks, uinJ u Lord's Day Act In this city. wheels are grinding provisional goverumenj, County have depth of IH.fi reel. She develops Although representatives of slowly al the Capital, and Ruport Extended by Governor It Is expected ex-scrvi -e very been arrested. here and I OUliKNSIIl IMS, New York, May General. men will lake an ai'Hve parffu i speed oT 17.5 kinds, but came the Anti-Blue Sunday League, al Ihe present rale of progress are being- held 22 Tliu strainer OouesLoga, lib'1 reception of Hie former Han . north ill the easy rale tt Ii attended th meeting the end of session will iml come by Free Slate as hostages I loaded willi wheat, I ii 1 1 1 1 east I iiiIim- ordcr-in-council ,iiili:iM Comiiuillder-ili-rliicf ,'i ml knots. ' ) armed with documents show-, until lli Imiiil days of .Inly are following' the sympathizers was burned In the water's edge in passed recently ill Ottawa ty the already llic-hidies of the cily ar Accommodation is.afforded for Ing how the voters had gone here. The Senale, Hi rough whose businessmen from detention the of 20 llie lurk 4 here. Tim fire started itovrrnor t'jK'l'itl. on rreivn . olaiuiiug. functions in huhoi :u 10 passe i ige ja m i 1 1 U i e d i in i n g 7 to 1 last week against hands legislation from the Com- Free SJato 'fqrm .jin..Miiliiuwmiuiui .and.Hit:.ineiidation-. of I hvM ecAiu nnuirtltn'rfiaratW&teapacily .Sunday..closing Mayor Mar-, i u o 1 1 f i ii ti st -V'ih a sVo'f a r"sa I jHpi'o'ertvMiybusj)Hajnlhe Six Confides area," The Ulster' screw stood Hi llicir posts and gut Marine and fisheries', Ihe, pm I- fiir'fttr'persuii. Thcie are separate chant and Commissioner spasmodically, and at tilth' government has' been lllic vessel out of I lie canal before lege enjoyed by American boats FISH ARRIVALS second class dining and Staneland remained firm and length, the reason being thai its to and Hie Uritisli cabinet appealed wilt 1 leaving Several were badly burn-1 in lirili 'Ii Columbia w:tlers, vs. smoking'' rooms. declared that they were energies have been principally be asked (o intervene. ed. The ilnnniire is esHiuated at peeially In (be m"rl of Prince r ' Modern Refrigeration willing to sacrtrice themselves confined to the approval or dis ;0o,ooo, Huperl, me reneweil for l!i: year Al the I'ish Kxel ge this The very lalesl type uf refrigerator to a species of mar-' approval of the lerrifio grist or A seaman wandering about HeHasl ninriiin,- IKl'.uihi jioiimls of halibut was questioned about li is! rather than phi ii I has been installed tyrdom swerve divorce applications, considered PREMIER GREENFIELD The order is as follows: wa.s, marketed. The arrivals and il is sufficiency large (u contain from their Interpretation of by its commit lee. Comparative religion Several and incendiary shot and wounded.ires I luring Hie present calendar were: what their oath of office implied. have are a carload of perishables. ly few measures yet coim reported in County Antrim. Lincoln. .'5,(1(10 pounds, Kay-asu. GOES TO OTTAWA ear (I'Jii) foreigners or for-eiun Powerful derricks are a fealure of through from (lie Commons. Two ami child .'(Mil) pounils ;md Sidiua 15,. men a were corporations hrinving fresh Ihe freight department. I'he carrying on of (iovern- ON FREIGHT RATES rish ill vessels registered iu the (MH) pounds sold lo Canadian Fish Interior iiienl without a clear majority is killed iu Saturday's sJiootiug hi', and Cold Storage at !,!) and Ic. EGYPT SINKS; the cily and several wero wound- I I'liiteil Slates of America to liny ralher difficult The inlerior furnishings are of undoubtedly a Cagle, .'5,000 jioiimls sold lu ed. Two more men were killed , port in llrilish Columliia, shall solid polished panelled walnut mailer. Kvcn if Premier Kin ' FDMONTON. May Premier Hie Paciric. Fisheries al He and on Sunday. lie permille,) lo laud such freh iml the cabins finished iu favored Ihe imposition of clos (rcenfield has tefl for Olluwu are 100 ARE LOST Two women named Shields in t fish at. such port without payment while enamel willi mahogany ure and il is very doubtful if Alberta's farmhouse shot and f were where he will present Pair oT .lacks. I.'l.nno pounds, i of duties, ;nid tranship the The is lie does - closure, under present, sold trimmings. dining roum wounded when they could not a in of kimiii viewpoint support a renewal Ihe and Ougred II., pnunds. of Ihe Crow's Ncsl agreement. same iu bond lo any sell poll such iu fish lo Alliu Fisheries at SI.7c and ic. of light oak willi polished mahogany UHFST, May Nearly 100 conditions is almost impossible produce the male member of the i Culled lo No further iiiliinnlioii lias come Stales, or Yalid H.noo pounds, Morengreu decorations. The stair persons perished hist night when lo invoke. Hiis.iues.s iiiusl be family who was wauled by tho J such local denier iu bond lo or with Ihe will oT the transuded to the provincial- go eminent ami kimmi pounds mill llulli 5000 case leading lo l in; silling rooms Ibe Peninsular and Oriental liner revolutionaries. authorities, nit o any slcp Dial dealers as may llie.refor be properly under' Ihe pounds unit llulii 5000 jioiimls and writing saloons is also of Hgypl sank ofT the Island of Commons and nol,( as formerly, Total deaths for Hie week-end "Ills province will be expected lo duly regulations licensed conditions here, sold lo Canadian Fish A Cold mahogany, the wood carvings and Fshaul after colliding with the by force of a majority parly iu Ireland were i weiuy-seveu. luKi' in connection willi the pulling am which dealer Storage al l.5c and te. lecoralioii affording a spacious, French steamed Seine. IhcreJu. HKI.FAST, May 22. The kill into effcci of a wheal board, inaflcr mentioned, Mdaros, 11,000 pounds, II. ,v luxuriiius effcci. The observa The Kgyd sailed from Loudon Mr. Shaw will 'request (he ing tins morning of .J. avail. according lo Premier (IreeuNeld. or dealers shall willi export the the bonding sum" II. UOOH pounds and (.ill ford K.ooo tion room is located on the forward ou Friday for Bombay with II Prime Minister lo set. a date for tell, member of Hie Ulster par-. in compliance Fisheries! portion id the vessel mid is ................., , i ,.r .mo 'i t... ! discussion on his redistribution liameiit, who shot while pounds, sold lo lloolli I s 1 1 r. I mill .1 imt j I .'V. 1 nu ' was on fbul wllhoiil' iIim reiuiieiiienls al ti.Sl c mid Sc. constructed of mahogany. Over roll call on Ihe Seine afler Ihe '"dution and.while private mem his way to business, caused the iu either ii'lau'r) EX-DEPUTY MINISTER right, however, W. T. Ill,ouu pounds, Alliai , the observation room is located disaster showed Ihal at least flf. bers' days n re'Hearing- their end ssuauce or a manifesto by Sir OF MILITIA IS DEAD In sell in Camula for consumption 12,000 iiounils and F.lhel .lime the library. There are six.imperial teen passengers and 80 of the il is scarcely possible, thai Ihe lame Craig, Ihe premier, an, therein -ur otherwise, except Premier will refuse lo provide suites and designing has special meeting of ;iono pounds, .sold o Slmdair crew were missing. miuncing a special of such I ii in bond, any res Fislieries at I Oe and U'. been effected iu each of these. A for a debate on such an ilnporl-ii the cabinet and legal authorities Finest 1". fish so' lauded', or lo sell thcir GRAHAM ISLAND ROAD. ut (opie. Should the resolution OTTAWA, May ?2. Tyce 5000 pounds,' Kiiiina I). lalhroom is located between each Ihe premier declared that Just Jam, deputy rninislcr of militia risli for. use iu Canada on payment .'000 pounds, Heliance I of them. Hon. Dr. W. II. Sutherland, carry, (hen (he session will bo retribution Is called for. 'I wad-dell -.000 here sudden-ly of Ihe duly; and siie'i foreigners provincial minister or public further lengthened, 'I'he ono hiring Hie war. dieil pounds, and Yiunie 1,000 pnuinl.-. Personnel s the first member of the-parliament last night at this age of 38, fid-lowing and foreign corporations sold lo Ifoolh Fisheries al U.lo The personnel of Ihe orficers works, announced last week iu subject which potentially may to bo attacked in the a stroke. For bis work bringing ireslt rish in vessels and ie. or Hie vessel Is as follows: Victoria thai fii.lKiu has been contribute most lo the lengthening history of Uclfasl's disorders. . during the war be was planted registered iu Hie United Stales Captain Arthur Slater, master; set aside Ibis year for the completing of the session is the freight die Imperial .Service Order. of America lo any port in Iliitisli Thomas Cliffe, extra master; Jas. of Hie main road ou rales inquiry. If il be on the Columliia, shall be permitted to MACAROW Lawrence, first officer; Jas. (iridium Island. This, work has broad lines s.uggesled fully a GO TO SUNDAY SCHOOL f SCOTLAND WINS puichaso bait, ico and supplies, Flood, srcoiiif officer; John McLaren, been going on for a couple oT month may be occupied -u pros-peel SET ASIDENEXT WEEK and ship crews ior ueu third officer; Frank J. years already. not generally relished. OVER ENGLAND of al any llrilish purl Columliia;in I be said province provnieu ACQUITTED Hosling, 'purser; Harry Hudson,1 YICTOKIA, .May 22. At the re- assistant purser; F. 1J, llawes, assistant luest of pastors, Sunday school GOLF TOURNEY also thai corporations sucji foreigners be fort ami purser; Wallace A. Pierce, Signatories of Saturday's Dail .superintendents and teachers, foreign Charge . of Making False wireless operator; Jas, J'etticrew, Premier Oliver arm members, of AY.II, Scotland, May 22. Scul-bnnl bringing llrilish Columliia fresh lisii may m a be pori pei-itiilled m Statomonts Dlsmlssod in chief engineer; Frederick Me-(iraw, Eireann Agreement Are Invited the government havo promulgat derealed F.nglund (ell matches lo purchase bail and ice Montreal, second officer; ('.. II. Kinney, ed Sunday. May 28, as "Ho To o four iu tliu liilernalioiial Ihe said Provinei! third ufNcer; Sinclair Me-Hougal, Sunday School Day" fur grownups in 22. anv vrl MONTREAL, May London at fourth officer; W. Home, To Discuss Situation in Dritish Oolf Championships, at Prest-wick. or llrilish Columbia upon uii un-dertakiiig Judge Cusson this morning chief steward; Miss Agnes Mu-Keiule, Columbia.as well as children of tn Hie satisractioii of dismissed the charge against YV. stewardess; Mackie, the .Minister uf Cuslnms and Kx-else C, Macarow, general manager iiiai'lermasler; II. Anderson, assistant LONDON, May axi. Tliu llrilish governiiieiil bus inviled the III Ihe cily police coiirl this thai catches ur fish mad of the' defunct Merchants SODA WATER WORKS iuarlermasler. signatories lo the Anglo-Irish treuly lo come lo London and discuss munilug before Magistrate Me-I'.lympnl. wilh any bailing so supplied Bank of wilfully llrilish the which signed The following officials were with the signatories agreement wus Ilrown vas chai'tieil be landed al a purl on the false and deceptive GUTTED BY FIRE shall making aboard Hie steamer making Hie ou Saturday between the representatives of the provisional government with liciiu in a slale of iuloxica-lion mainland uf lliitisb Columbia statements for October, round (rip from Yaiicouver to and He Vn I era's following. An announcement lu this mid was fined r0, oi' In default Ihe whole under s.iich regulations 1021. The charge was laid Skagway: iffecl was made in the House of Commons today by IU. lion. Thorpe Plant at Victoria Suffers ,'10 days imprisonment. and conditions as Hie Minister by an official of the finance Winston Churchill. Damage Amounting to Andrew Wa'lluce,Mr. McCall and or Cusloms and K.vcise may determine. department. It Is likely an John Howie uf the W'ullaeo Shipbuilding "While every endedvor will be liiude to avoid unnecessary $25,000. appeal will be entered by the and Dry Dock Co., Vancouver; expense and sensational ads, il is Ihe intention of the llrilish VICTORIA, JIay',22,TrFire on steam Dominion government. Pending Captain James W. Troup, go eminent lo support the government Saturday gutted Ihe frame por TELEPHONE DIRECTORY While working nil a such action the case Northern Ireland In surrender of tion of Thorpo Oo.'s mineral .1 It 1 Manager or Hie C,P.11. 11.(2, coast of newspapers as a 1 1 Carl -break shovel al Shames, against Sir H. Montagu Allan, kslcamships; James McHnwn, su every way necessary," Mr. Churchill Michael Collins "to . Earnomi do water wurks here. Tho loss is The. Cily wil pulillsb u ...... i....i il... misfortune o president of the Mer-chantsBank JMIII ll.t.l perintendent engineer, Vancouver; said. Valera. They do not seo how it about $25,000. new Tfleplinno Direclury. Iwu of his ringers(ieneral lie llos-was is held over. II. J. Maguire, baggugu superintendent Agreement Impossible will enable Ihe Irish people lo ex. llc(ucsts for alterations or hruught In i Ibe Mrs. Allan M. Davis and family tif the 'C.P.H. al. The agreement reached hi Dublin press their will respecting' the. Mrs,. Dalch and two dautflerj, additions -to bo made, in fdlal on lasl nilit' train. relumed u the cily on the Vancouver; H, Wi llrudie, C.P.Il. ou Pal unlay between the loaders Anglo-Irish treaty. Sumo also of Hydcr, were southbound pa, writing before 'May S2 lu much gas fur Princess, , l.uuisu . (his morning. general passenger' agent, Vancouver; of the factions of Uio ' Dail find a connection between tho engcrs on the I()nc(L)luperf last Supuriuleudent of Ulili- Dun'l inhale loo shortly after a fourteen months' visit W II. White, G.P.U. assistant Kireaim Is rega.'ded by most editorial peace pact and Ihe recent oul- night. They are g'oing -from lly-dur ties. then llio clouds you'll to Fiulaiid. port steward, Vaneouvor. writer ill today' London ,break of violence In North Ireland. lu Seattle on u visit. v pass.