paob in THS DAILY HBWfl Monday May 19?" iREAL BOXING MATCH Was Troubled 20.8C;sniMolh. Iruiperaturc. II;' sou ONEY INVESTED IN VICTORY BONDS can be made to earn UKillY ISLAM M IN PICTURE TONIGHT I'aMing With Her Liver h larger interest oy selling ine oonas ana investing in nrsi showers, wind southeast fresh; mortgage on Improved City property. And tho mortgages are barometer Sl.0l; teiuperaluiv 18; Tonleht and Tnmnr,,. Charles Ray Film Is Vory Real for 4 months sea modcrnlo; Princess louiso Just as safe, although not so readily convertable Into cash. Money istic Personal Direction. over in 8: 15 a.m. tiorlhbouml. Invested In mortgages Is, generally speaking, fixed for the term of A rililinis lliinu iilmtil Hie re Win n id irr tipconiPi rluw, rlutl CHARLES the loans which run from 6 months to S years. Hence the larger J rvrr)T RAY ii nul orklnr r ' MM iiiarkaMy eiilin fight in lli a lorpl.l It Is BASEBALL rate of Intorest. Drop In and talk It over. and ilora not u(plr aumrirat tile In lali-sl i.hai'lrs May iiIiii, crap llNirouililjr art on thn bowrla aul carry Irmi," (In' 1'ii.xl Nalioual pit tho atP products of lira sjstrm, Saturday's Scores H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. lion lo he shown at I lie W'vui lipiirr tho bonrls upcoidp clulttfd up, tho AMERIOAN holme I'licali-,. Imtialil and lo Idle rrls Into Hi" lil'iod, rontl('allon ttl LEAGUE, Scrap Iron" In and llirr tniuklrs follow, anionr vlilrb Detroit. I; Philadelphia. 0. morrow is llial I lie rounds run arp rlrk or Mllous lipadai-lie., Iiptrttiurn, Cleveland, 0; Hosloti, 2, on tlte si'twi aliotii lite same watrr tirauli, Jaumllip. noallnir fpTks lip Mcrmnid St. Louis, 8; New Yuri. 2. Comedy, "Oh j QVKtX lill.VIlLUTTE LA.MJ PIV13IO.". I line us I hey do in I lie riup. fore Hip r)r I'Jln undPr llin rlflit Buddy" I'.liarles. Hay planned carefully iH.uMrr. coaled loiiriip. bad brralti, jrl Chicago, ;i: Washington, t. Prices. 15c and :55c. I Taki- ihiIIit tint W. O. MrMurrls. nf low NATIONAL LEAGUE, :tani-..uvcr. ii.i.., miner. Intend to apply mil spetil mil- whole day in mak pjc, etc. Tuesday night thot Greenville Hand will (i. Hit .MMiHtrr of l.miil for a licence to MILBUNN'S New York, 7; Pittsburg, 10. appear ,i ipnwpcrl for coal, petroleum and nut lira I jutr iliawnitMs in rhalk on the LAXA-LIVER PILLS both performances in addition to the regular & Hartt lloston, 3; Chicago, 5. way nrr aim iinucr me following aesrniica slac for die four eaiul'ra nn-n lulrkly rrniotr Hip fprrctln, rlfar anay of for lands. Pillule un Skldcrate Inlet. Urahain Percentage proceeds Hand Philadelphia. I; benefit I lip rrfrta and naslp rnallcr I'T arllnr Cincinnati, '. Island, Ii.i;.: :i iiiiif'iiri nsr at a Met plained who eranked die flalil from ilif at Ihe iiorlh-t corner of Section S3, . Uitrrtly on Hip llvrr. and niiklnr tlic litlf St. Louis, ; llrooklyn, 2. ferrnl ausle. i hp itsiiiI wa innnsinp s; inencn rl so rnalin; thence, fits llinnirti llw borls In-trad uf tllon- COAST LEAGUE, wiulli JO chains; llieiirc rati o chains; dial in die two days spenl on Ina- II lo art Into Hip blood. iiicnre norm to mam in noun or com- .faille, II; Salt Lake, 4. tlirlircllir-Dt. llio fiftlil, a very larpi numlier Mrs. AIipp MpIiIII, INapanrp, t'nt.. Shoes Loo led Marrh W. II.SI,Mr.viollllls,IDS. Locator. of scenes wen' lakeii Willi only wrllps: "I was very badly run doii for Portland, 7; .Sacramento, 6. ovrr four months. I Irkd prtrrat rfiw Vernon, 2; Sun Francisco. 5. one relake, caused hy the lishls Vll.t. rilAllLOTTE I-AMi IHVISlOX iIp. bin arot no rrllrf. One day my Oakland, 3; Los Angeles. 5. lieiuc lurneil off loo soon. 'I'lien.' hii-l,atnl brought lira homo a t la I of Mil RUPERT BRAND Take iKillrc Dial V. 0. McMorrU. of AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. . . Onre worn, will so fully win Vancouver. li.C. miner. Intends to was very litlle rehearsing bum's Laia-I.lvrr I'llLs ami before I In J . . your cotilldeiicc (lint will i In tin- .vilnlMrr of Land for a Hern lo diaries Hay exidained lite aelion ieU half of It I was murli bPtler. I only SI. Paul, 1 1 ; Minneapolis, j. you inwiTi ror Dial. petroleum and natural ed lu vials and I aui a different pprson Columbus, I; Toledo, 3. and he ami Tom O'ltrien. hi rn over ami under llin rnllontiiir described accept, (lie next pair widiutil lands, hlluji In on fklderale Intel, (irahain jusl went "In it." Iwlay. Kuusu Cily, l ; Milwaukee, 15. and Island, ll.C: Cominciiriiiir at a 4iM planted opponenl. "I ran safrly reroiimiriHl l.iu t.hrr Kippers Bloaters further iiilruiJuctimi Indianapolis, or recommendation, at the tinrllmr comer or section S, II was Charlie's first experi fills lo anyone troubled with liver ; Louisville, o. T.ttn,hlp S: llience ra so rlialn; thence, ..... . WESTERN INTERNATIONAL old friends Iniublp.'i (i.i mull (ill -; In : tlH'tirc west HO chains; cnec in ilirerliiiK IHK scenes ami whose dependability anil iiifiif'p nonii au mains to tioini or com his ilelci'iiiinalion lo direct his f'rlre, S3e a vial al all dealers, or mailed Vancouver, 11-iS; Calgary. l-S. mciiccinctit. direct on rrrelpt of price by The T. Mil-burn Tacoiiia, t-5; ('.dmonlou, H-H. Localcd Marrh SI. toil. own features, was justified. He worth are fully proven. W. MeMonm,. Locator. Co.. Limited. "Toronto. OnL handled die mob Willi ease and INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. for;Salet Ol r.K. CII.Ull.OTTF. L..M DIVISION. Heading, .1-1; Jersey Cily. ?-8. the aelion in the fiahl speaks Take llullcc thai W. II. Mr.Uiirri. of eloiiienlly for itself. Hochesler, 8; .Syracuse, . ALL RETAIL STORES Vani-oiivcr, Ii.i:.. niliier, Intend to apply In the Letter Box ! Il.illiitiore. 5-V; .Newark, S-0. lo th" Minister of Lands fur a licence to KIRKPATRICK mixt I for t'oal, petroleum and natural Sunday's Scores. The Most Tasty Breakfast Food pa ovrr and under thn following dcurrltieil SPECIAL MUSIC AT land. situate on Skldrratc Intnl. Graham Heading, 5; Jersey City. n. Island, B.C..: Coniiurnriiia al a t"wt planted THE REAL CRIMINAL Ilallimore. 0; Newark. Obtainable The Store of Satisfaction at Hip liorlhp.i4 corner of Scrllini T, ANGLICAN CHURCH louiiMiip z: iihupp uei iiu cnain: inritrr AMERICAN LEAGUE. ixmlli, I'll rhaln; tlu'tirp eat 80 rtialni; ililor laily .News: SI. Louis, G; New York, n, r: irillll CV IU VIUI Ul t.OU Inrnrpiiii'iil. A upeeiaf musical service lasl corporation is a composite Chicai:o, I; Washington, 8. Smoked,Daily by Loralpd Marrh St. I9SJ. individual. I.loyd (ieoru'e has all W. II. MfMiinm. UM-alnr. nislil was held in (he Anglican NATIONAL LEAGUE, Church, wliicli was hiirhly ap- ocated for Millions as fur imliv- llrooklyn, 8; Chicago, 5. Canadian Fish & Cold olft.N CIIAItLOTTE LAND DIVISIOX. Storage Lid. Co., Trollers ! preeialcil hy the la rite allemlaiicc duals the first priiiciules of law New York, I; Cincinnati, 5. Take notice that W. 0. of MeXlorrls, order and Hid decency. In his Vancouver. II.n., miner, liitenil to apply present. I he choir gave a lloston, I; SI. Louis, 3, PRINCE RUPERT lo the Milliliter of Minis for a licence lo healthful reiideriiiL' of die an peech before the Union confcr- proH'ii irat over ami for under coal, the petroleum follonina;anil ilrsrrlbed thems "Al Kven Kre the Sun Was ncu he condemns Ihe iha of Sous of Lnglund team- Slork-dale, Salmon lands, situate on sklrtcaale Inlet. Graham orffaiiized efforls to interfere Set." Mrs. J. Itarnsley singin;.' Island. Ii.i:.: Omimcnrin at a isist nUmed Ktial; llert Wearmoiith ami at soiillieasl corner of section 34, Town- the solo, nuil "HarV! Hark! My i 1 1 1 oilier nations, so loir- n llaiimiond. fullbacks; Mansell.K When fish nio scarce in vest snip s:80 tnrnce chains; norm ihence mi south rnains;go chains;inenre Soul" the solo Ileitis' taken hy they mind Iheir own business. K'elsev milt !! ifn''s linlf ImfLuJ Spring and Fall, (lie Uieucp meiicrmenl.east go chains to point of com- Miss Halhy and .1. K. Davey. Miss only when a nation injures or Huberts. Laiube, Lewis, Tinker Located March J I. is;. Cuniiiiiiiss sang "Oh Hest in die threatens to injure another dial and Fnriiuhar, forwards; Uarton Helgerson Block, Prince Ruptrt. Phone 68S Inverness Camp W. II. McVniilllS, Locator. all nations have lit or Lord" with lunch effecl. "Oh. nny it: and llournu reserves. at Dundas Island Ol.tE.N CIIAnLOTTE LA.VD DIVISION. Correcl Mi'" hy llaiulel, ami to inleifcic. The same Ihin . Henimick. ipplies to individuals who coin- MITK K IS Id 111 U V C.IV r.N Dial oil Mull Dr. E. S. TAIT is on tli e job lo handle, your Take notl.'e that W. O. McMorrl, or "Hock of Afe'es" hy day. Hie vin iljy t)t June. 111!, at IU V'anrouvec. B.c:., intends to fish. miner, apply were renilereil lay . i. i,;iiiuil"li. c naioii.s. So lonir as one o'cliK'k In llio forenoon, it tli ilourt- lo the MinlMer of I-and for a licence lo prospect for coal, petroleum and natural " omlucts himself with for iii.u-c. al I'rnit-r iiuinti. ii.i:. i riivti Hutu Dental respecl Surgeon Finest told bronze, brass and I'lil duel The I.oid Is My Shep a Court i.f llrvMoti fwr tli uf If as over under the follow lug- described ri'-'hls of others he is rrHliiir Hie vim-rs1 list f th abivi- Miss lialby en and German silver: Cully-liunk, lands, elluale on frKideirate Inlet, (iranain herd" was suiii hy leland, H.i .: Coniinenrlna at a fstst planted titled lo do as he pleases. WIum. iiaiiii-d rln-loral distrlrt. and it lirarlnr Office Hours, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. spoon., riiifts, swivel.-', at the southwest corner of Section 31. and -I. K. Oavey. and ilrtiTfiitiiinir any and all otijertl.tnii lu Town.-hlp 3; thence north go rliains; ever he,conducts himself in sucli inr rrirniiiin ur auy name ur ViWf uti lines, hooks, copper painl, llienee cast SO chains: llicnce Mintli go I. W. Austin was lite orau-isl. llw rrrisler uf vuirra for the Mid dln-trlrt. Sunday by Appointment and everything for Trollers chains; thence nest 80 chains to point of maiiuer that he becomes a nati-.l nils vtli iliv or Mar. III. at commencement. nuisance or a menace Kv. ::on,- at lowest prices. Located Marrh SI, itii. I'rltire rtui'frrt, ti.C. White Salmon for Halibut W. n. McMoums, i.iM-ator. T. II. SI.-pi eitsoll, of Vl 'l ina. iiinily has tin: rthl'lu iuler- l!"Hirar i, II. MrMl'I.U.V.of Vulrr ror llio Boats. is rejjisll'rcil ill the Priitc" H.i- re, TJiis tiling- of inlerferiii? Prlure fluirt l.lrrtoral tlt. We Sell Groceries. pi-ll II..lei. i Lit or. re'.'iilatiiiK sumo otlier IJVVXS tllAKLOTTK LA.ND IUVtslU.V O A ur 'r,,ltcn 'tcrrlng bail is conceded by flhermti Honest Wcgiils. individual or iialiou is a crime Tali iiiififf. thai w n Mu..,u ,.r OrKl 1 io ,e the finest procurable al any Pacific Carl Iuncsf Measures, and Ladies' which should be siiMress' d. Van.iiuirr. H.i;., mlnrr. Intend to apply I'ort and It Is "Fishy." Price. 130 per Ion. The first iriucijile of Christianity tu Ihr Mlnl-tpr of Lands for a lirnre lo Honest Kmployees. pprrt ror coal, petrol.-uiu and naltiral Ipr The be-Bl wuy of Insuring a good quality trip is is lo mind one's own KM oirr and uinler th r,iiii,iiiv ,friiM.,i Hunt to have plenty of our bard froien ice. Prw. Mrs. business. Any attempt to regul- lands, almate on SkldrriK llill. liralialn ''mm' i-niKi. ii.i,.: i.uiiinjeiirliia- it a pol pl4tilrd fi ton. ale anyoiii. else's business as occurs on Sertion tl at Ihe Inlrrirrtlun of th per Pacific i.irlli line of 1 1 and llin line or Lot flj.ffifc ',,r vvel.piuipiied slort- can supply flsliing vv in all licenses is contrary I, Tiiwn-hlp S; tlioiire rt nil rli.llns; Beautiful Lingerie Says lo xooil overiimcul. (ielliu thenre coulh to thaliM; Uience tut SO fj8,ermen's clolhfiiK, groceries and priivini'iiii chains- llienre nor IS 80 clialua lo polut and hardwure. ri-'lil down to it a nation is a of cisiiini'iirriiienl. iM-alcd Man-ti l, lii. It hi? labor union of which we are VV. 11. Me.Monnis. I..ct..r. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Summer IN SILKS, SATINS, CREPE Keeps all members, c require nu OIKK.N CIUIILOTTE LAND MVISION, Ketchikan, Alaska Branch DE CHINES, ETC. protection esecpl a-r.iinsl the Mrs. I.. II. Hunt she likes Tali.- nolle tint V. (I. MrMorrl. or says man who wauls lo injure some Vanrouver. B.f: inliii-r, liiei,.J4 o l'acific Milk because, it keeps one else. All of us are laborers lo Uf Minister of Ijnils fur a lleenre l All made in our own workshops, pnii'H-rt for coal, relmliiiii and iialural Knit Suits better in Ihe 'summer than and we offer service for which n oier ami umicr tho foilunlnr derribed fresh milk or cream, and makes people arc willing to pay. Theo, slluile B.C.: Dollillinrlnr on skliietaie at H Inlet,ttasl liraliam planted nicer salad dressiii.:.s and cus-lards. retically we are handed lordlier al Hi norllieast romer of sertlon t;, Shoes Shoes At Exceptionally Low Pricos. iiiwiiih.i a: inenrr m.'M ao f'liailt inenrt just to hand She also mentions the to protect ourselves, against tins soulli go rlwliii: llienre -a.t an rlialiit; Tact dial she is ulad lo know-dial criminals. tlii-nri- north 8U tlnliu to point of rum-iiienrcineiit. one llrilish Columbia product, Kvcry once in u while criminal Lorain! Marrh K. tin. W. n. Mevti.nrtis, .wal'.r. J. Bent's at least, is belter from minded people using specious VILLA CIIMlLU TTL LA Ml P1VISIOS. control of standpoint, a "DEMERS" every arguments secure l'acific Milk is (he only milk iialiou. The individuals of Ilia' Take iiullrp that V, 0. MrMorrlj, or SALE Lingerie Shop Vancouver. B.C.. minor. lnteinl. to ai.t.H pul up in llrilish Columbia iialiou, .seeking a solution giv to thn Minister of ImmI for a llrrnee lu Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 lro!"-ri rr roai. prtroleuin and natural Third Avo. dial is purely a Western industry, greater power lo Ibis criminal Kas over and under the follonina' dem-rlbnd owned, coiilrolled ami class. JIvciiluiilly revolution re. laiid. Klluale on l(l'ltle Inlet, tiriliam, H.i:.: Coniiiieni-liiir at a Jxl planleil SALE COMMENCES THURSDAY, MAY 18, opci-iileil in llritish Columbia. suds. The worst criminal is Human i ine eouiiieaii rorner or secttoii vt. AND CONTINUES UNTIL VICTORIA DAY, MAY 2. Tonii'litp t; Ihenre north SU i luln.j lliem-u who strives lo secure some. Pacific Milk Co. wert IU rliHlli.; itirm-e noutli rlMln; This eveul Shoe iJepai lie c.M-rplioual in our TO ALL Ihing without an adeipiale return. tli.-iue eat dv chain to point of com-iiK'iii-i-nii-nt. Let Us Advise You Limited This applies lo both individuals I.oialiil Marelr SI, IVii. Jon dial no such v nl ucs have been offered bef "1' ' and nations. W. tl. Mevtoiiiiis, .,i-atr. low irice. No! Neither in Prince Hupeil nor Vm TRAPPERS! Factorlta al Willi a lifetime's experience Abbotaforrf and S2S DRAKE STREET There is no war between cap-Hal VUtn CIIAIlLOTTK LAM) IHVIslO.N. iomjiare these prices when you ee lite ipniMi in all branches of the Ladnar, B C. Llmitad VANCOUVER ami labor for Capital is Take Imllre tnat II. MrVlorrK. of CHILDREN'S SHOE DEPARTMENT JJuildiii Traduj. slored labor. The war is between Vaiimuver, H... miuiT. Inlcn.H to apply I'ifly piiir.s Inranls' soft sob-d Shoes and Slippi ' ' ' Let's all get (outlier. In Hit- MliiMcr of laiKli for a ll.-riiie to ,k Have inside Brickwork, the eoiiimiiitily and the prospect for coal, petrol.uin and iialural 'j, .1, I. Ilcmilai- I.iiii ami I . 5 vitlm-. To clear at inforiiiallon as ovrr and under the follow Inir dencrllM-d ' ' dial will hem-fit us. man who wjiiil lo get something lands, allualc on iikldetate Inlet, (iraliam I'ifly pairs Children's While Canvas rubber s b i" Stonework, Extra SPECIAL for liolhiinr. Island, M.:.: Coiiiiiiciicinir at a tut planlt-.I Slippers, nebular mid :'.:'5 values. To clear at WRITE US AT ONCE al Ihe rotitlii-aat conii-r of Si-cliou 34, llomiKS K. Kit K KM AN. lnnlil. t; llienre wot tti rhaliiai'tlii-ni-c 10209 101st St., Edmonton, Concrete, etc. whi'e they last Ii..rlli UK chains; llienre rait 8a cliln: RUNNING SHOE Km Hi 80 I'lulii lo point of com- All Running Shoes, any color, sizes 5 to 10'., 10' off. Alta. f'laiis and Specifications lilCllCfllllllt. fee to all our clienls. 50 Sacks WIRELESS REPORT l.o.ateil March VV. II.SI.MeVllillllls, ,-,l,,r AM Running Shoes, and color, sizes 11 to 2, 15'. off- 8 a.m. OUR LADIES' SHOE, DEPARTMENT BARGAINS t'urr.x ciitni.oTTK lamp William Watts & Co. HULL IIAH1JOH Cloudy, calm; lake notice that VV. II. .Mr.Morrlf,pivisiom,of IH pairs While. Cuiiwis llouls nml Simpers, rubbf'" ' ROBIN Vancouver, HX miner, Intenda to apply al ' baronieter .'in.--; tcnieralure, To clear to tlm Minister of Lands for a llcrucp lo Bell & Crossed Builders and Contractors I'.O. Hox 823. Phone 482. IS: liylit swell; G:S() inn, sokc trai prohrt over and ror under coal, the petroleum followliir and dekcrlhed natural .75 pails Oxfonls and Pumps, military and lnijli h' i;" I'rinccss Jlealricc Ictt aniu, lainl. situate on Skldcitite Inlet, Oralum brown iiud pnteiil Icalher . H.Il to 8ll vaf , Painters Office: 1017 aid Ave. Prince ll.ili.. Ii.i:.: Chinmencluir at a Miit plaulnd for Decorators 7 sjioke choice and soiilhbiiuud; i.m. at the nortline.l corticr of Section 1. Youc Jobbing Work of all Kinds. PAPERHANGING HOOD John abeam I'iuu Island uorb. south Tuwmliip no i;chain)llicnce.iience eaat 80 et riialmi) rhaliis:tlienco 25 pairs "Colnnlal Tie" black. 'kid and blwk -' 1 .fi KALSOMIWNQ bound; I0:.'0 n.m. snoke l'riu-cess thence north nu rhalna lo ooiul or Colli' and liiuh heels, "Classic" values to l.5(). To ctcaf ;5 Louiso in Milbaiik".Sotnid, llirii.i-iiivi.i,I.lira led .March ft. i9it. Ladies' two-slrap black ami tan Slippers. Special Pre-war l'rices From the Farm iiorlhbouiid; 1:15 a.m. spoke W. il. M.-Mnnrts, locator. Ladies' two-slrap black Slippers Willi button, , - Work neatly and rpiickly Camoftuu in Milbauk Sound 01 I l Cll VIll.OTTr mm, i,iv iti,v very Special, , done. to the Table FLOUR lake notice that W, II, MrMorrla, or H,tJ northbound, Vancouver, .!., miner. Inti-nda to apply 15 Discount on all other Ladies' Shoes in 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 Hi:.l TIIKi: I'OIN'I -Cloijily. lo tlic Minister or Ijiiai for lleenca to which you ctn pnieis-cl for coal, petroleum and natural 1MFT Here 8 an opportunity BulkleyValley wind soiillieasl light; barometer, K over and under llin folio.In di-acrlbed IVlEull. lciiijeraluru 13; sea di.u, enuair on eaiupiraie inlet, Oralialu not afford to miss Damaged by water -'U.80; I.laid. H.C.: Coiuiiii-iirinir at a isiti plained $4.75. Men's Workinx llrowii Slioes. Special, smoolli, at Hie (oulliwetl corner ol Seellon l. Heavy 5 For your next PORK BEEF 49 lb. sacks at OIOIIY ISLAM Huining, wind norili TowiKhlp 80 clulnn t Ihence theuee eat 80 eat chalnsi 80 cIhIiki thenei' Men's "Hoyal Qualily" Dress Shoes, biilldoR loe Special,? MUTTON soullieast fresh; barometer, '20 inenciincni.thence aoUili 80 cliilua lo point of com) Men's "Hoyal Quality" Dress Shoes, brown, "a'g n (J j.50 VEAL I'll ; teiiijieralurii 17; light mvcII; Located March . tin. Shoe Repair Job FRESH KILLED POULTRY 95c I'litice Hiiiierl out midiiighl, VV. II. MeVloHlilS, Locator. 15 Discount on nil HiinuiiiK Shoes, Oxford and soullibuund. WKKX CIIMILOTTK LAND tJlVISIO.H, any color. Skeena River Farm Produce Take notice thai w. a. McMorrU. or try Noon. Vani-ouver, li.C, miner. Intend to apply REMEMBER! VANOERHOOF CREAMERY to Ihe Minister or Lands for li.i- i.. ,utti. .J. C. EMERTON BUTTER each. HULL IIAHHOIl l'uslng proBsrt for roal, and ualiiriil The "Liberty" Shoe, which we have already Inlroou' showers; wind west; huroineler, na mcr uuoer inn rotiow'luir deacrihed Champion Shoe Repair Shop HKii ,.I,!I.,'U"" "vkl'I'lfale Inlet. Uraliam NORTHERN INTERIOR .'10.18; Icmpeiature SI; light Maud, li.C: Comineiiclnir at a oot olanieii Kinad Dlock, Third Avenue at ihe norihweit eurnrr of section 30, Jabour Bros., Lta. Rupert Table Supply Co. swell; 11:15 a.m. l'rjncu Hupcrl Toililp 4i thence ratt 80 cltalna; thence CO-OPERATIVE in Milbank Hound, iioulhbouiid. aouili 80 chaluai thence well 80 chalnai 7th St while wait" thence north 80 clialui coin,' "Repairs to Point or you Phone 211-212 Phone 81 UKAI) TllKli POINT llalning, menceinent. Phone 645. 3rd Ave. enu wind tmroiticler Located March , igj. S 'Udieasf fresh; W. 0. McMniilUb, tucitur