ave’ r % % & * , ° - Chevrolet Six A Tomorrow’s Tides “irst in Quality — First in Value >, we and Serviced by "aX We ol i NL %S ine ap itt a a KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Bs & TAI occsoiealeciets 10;36 am. 8.46 ft. es , NORTHERN AND CENTRaL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER eee = Vol. XXIII, No. 285 PRINCE RUPERT, ‘Ch TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1932 PRICE: FIVE CENTS [ACKENZIE KING IS VERY CRITICAL ACTION IS P ROTEST AT | Judge's H Home anya Wrecked DISMISSED LOW PRICES | == 3 | OF SALMON NEW WESTMINSTER, Oct. 11: | As a protest against low prices oifered for salmon by the can- neries, members of the British Columbia Fishermen’s Protective foe Rouid } World | Flyer and Comrades Dr. George E, Seldon Cleared in Big Supreme Court Suit in Vancouver VANCOUVER, Oct. 11:—The a Mrs. Maria Plowright and husband, Lawrence Plowright ouver claiming $57,000 da- Picked Up By Ship Came Down With Broken Waterpipe Two Hundred Miles } ° am, . ° .gainst Dr. George E. Seldon,! Association propose a general | South of Rangoon While on Flight From Manila— nent Vancouver surgeon. for! strike covering the entire coast. | Towed Into Burmese Port egligence in setting the) The proposal was discussed at a | hip of Mrs. Plowright last| meeting of fishermen when it | dismissed in Supreme was decided to &sk from three to | 7 by Mr. Justice A. I. Fisher af-| five or six cents each for chums, | iry had found that Dr, Seldon | , RANGOON, Burma, Oct. 11:—With the disabled globe- ‘encircling flying boat Gronland-Wal of Capt. Wolfgan | von Gronau and three companions in tow, the Britj tigh |steamer Kasasola arrived here today. The flyers hi \forced down yesterday on the Indian Ocean two hundred | miles south of Rangoon by a broken waterpipe. They were |picked up in the rough sea by the | Kasasola and brought here. Owing |to a lengthy stay at Manila, the fly- McKee Announces ;ers are considerably behind sche- et on their home flight to He 1S Not Running GRIEVANCES For Mayoralty lilty of negligence sta! of nenest ina been Dr, Currtius is the suit locally and, | yut the hearing, the court- } | L A | ; crowded with spectat } n Os nge es per avors | }Former German Foreign Minister EX-SERVICE | ‘inns | N’ BODY’. mr ANGELES, October 11 | irtius, former German foreign minis ster, who is on a lec-| Working Class League Formed ale tour of the United States in! Several years ago, Judge Webster Thayer presided at the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti—later execu- Meeting Sunday Night the interests of promoting inter- ted. The other night a bomb cxploded at rear of the judge’s home doing much damage, but injur- NEW YORK, October 11—Joseph: nee | national whderstandihg, spentsthe} Ing BO ORE, : [|McKee, president of the board of Prince Rupert branch of the } week-end I Angele i ‘Jaldermen and ‘acting mayor of ¥ Class Ex-Servicemen’s| Dr. Curtius. in an interview hers ; . " , ee er ee ee 4 | New York following the recent res- was beoueht into being at} «tats d that he did not believe Bu National Unemployed Workers’ As-|ignation of Mayor James J. Walker, Sunday evening in the] ean na rea ntende sociation Gives Its Views of | announces that he will not be a ence Ha William R liate their war debts to ‘el ant O on 1 ence otion S Existing Conditions ‘candidate for the mayoralty at the i eg IMD nn! United S a special election to be held this fall ee eee The following letter has been ad-| put that he will support the can- ; eF ic oh the | { ; dressed to the mayor and city|didature of John P. O’Brien, the ie has for its o th HELPING ro ug t e ore ar la men y council by the National Unemploy-|unanimously nominated Democra- erests and dema of alt) j ed Workers’ Association: tic candidate 1s vicem«é f | | | ‘ e “The following case is brought puiifetihghepieieighahsibaiiiinn aaNet and Imp¢ force FARMERS Liberal Leader Following S eech to your attention as it is consid- at e. | i © m existing ¢ ered to be discrimination against a C | iniati 1 that it | . - p member of this association. This} onservatives ni man—a foreign-born worker— was inds ar follows $3,000,000 Available For asked by the City Engineer to; Control of Senate Non-contributory state unem-| Northwest Premier Bennett Defends Present Conservative Govern- LIBEL CASE work off back relief, refusing on| with the multant labo! United States Government Makes one on ; —— insurance for all ex-ser- | ~-- ment and Declares in Favor of Sound the grounds that the food allow-|_ : SPOKANE, Oct. 11:—The sum of Monetary System ance for himself, wife and three | New | Appointments For Quobes ex-servicem¢ ifferix $3 000.001 been made available oa. MONTREAL children was insufficient, that. it| Give Tories Uberal of Five ty to be forced to work at/for the a f farmers in Washing abil ; ves -f . . : required to work two or more. Over Libera nent beyond his strength or| Ore nd Idaho under the) OTTAWA, Oct. 11:—Visions of foreign nations band- owen weeks in a month, ke himselt| cle » his health. l ‘ uit 1, eratiot f the finance recon ing together Ina trade sense against the British Empire J. J. Harpell Makes Direet Charge | would require practically the whole | OTTAWA, Oct. 11 With the ap- ipation is found ich eX=| etruct corporatior it was an-| were conjured up by Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie Against President Macauley allowance and his family would | pointment of two new senators for es enon gall ciaagaae | the week-end. Spokane| King Liberal leader, in the House of Commons yesterday of Sun Life of Diverting prow to ag ae ere — as — the ee rat regardle of d ‘ be tl listribution centre ' ees ets s Siam 2anYr , : Funds | thereupon, informed him that no| vative party now has a majority o ite as he led a multiple attack upon the fiscal reeord of the ce | aide deeds eande doe reheat ¢ five in the Upber Olmaaier. ibolitior Bennett Government. Making only passing references to | egiah Ailes: te the Cidetiet Police. | eae of tribu : i ny qualified doctor's ex ‘Lief Erikson |the in wr econamic conference,% MONTREAL, Oct. 11:—Bail of} “phis is the case that was men- climaxed ry is speech by ng ' ) ”» ~My ,|/950 was renewed today when J. J.| tioned to the M he ‘ to be final a! iain’ ! policy ‘of “sound money.” Turning ) |tloned to the Mayor a short time t en : . Day Observed an amendment to the ad t} ilarpell, president of the Journal Of|aeo when he told the ccamiatiatend a i u rriva $ reply - led accord! n the printing presses and flood : ex-servicemen who |! to the Speech from! ing the country with new money/'’ommerce Publishing Company, it would be rectified. This whole vensions to have pensi Throne expressing regret that would have a disastrous effect on /“‘ppeared in court for preliminary) jatter of discrimination, particu bistanain cieialies and Tuesday without investigation | Concert and Social Held Last Night | the government has wholly failed the Canadian dollar, foreing gov oe on a charge of criminal li-}‘arly , against the foreign-born! American—269,500 pounds, 4c and ck pen ’ to be pai to Honor Anniversary of Famous ford a remedy Or unemploy ernment. securitic far below pat} 2¢! vorunt iry hearing of the case| worker, was taken up with Olof! 2c to 4.4c and 2c interest | Norwegian Explorer ent and agricultural GISoress @8) oq placing an unbearable load up a 7 fol October 18. The charge} 4anson, M-P. for the Skeena Rid- Canadian—25,000 pounds, 3.9c ex-servicemen suffering | edged by the Prime Minister, re-'on individuals and ministries ow eo oe FY r. B. Macauley, pees ing who gave the committee his} ind 2c and 4.5¢c and 2e. or injuries received dut | Lief Erikson Day wa appropriate ret that, except for the dole, the);,, qepts in international markets,| “Mt of the Sun Life Assurance | assurance that any such case} a vad [San seaiieis-. ae ealebrate the Met-| sovernment has no policy with re Company of Canada would receive his personal atten TUESDAY'S SALES ronole Hall by the local Lief Erik-} pect to relief of unemployment Mr. Harpell made a statement in}/tion and would be brought before} : er. vpn glllrebameset leon Society wit njioyable con-| nd “deploring the government's NEW SHIP 1S court today saying: “The plaintiff|the proper authorities at Ottawa American . een yowrare Oe ci rge number of} ,pvious endeavor by postponing re- this case has given to Samuel] “We ‘also take advantage of this| Majestic, 42,000, Booth, 4.2c and be advanced to 10% pen-)cor” avait co being in atten-| vision of the Bank Act to avoid im T NEW YORK ® m ull, Martin Insull and Ivar Kreu|pportunity of presenting the fol-| 2c ‘ a - t the affail nediate consideration by Parlia A twenty-six millions of dollars}lowing comments on the situation| Friendly, 10,000, Cold Storage, 4.3c ' pensions of all working | p ) yreside! if the SO-! ment of the all important subjects of ‘the policy holders’ funds. These|for the consideration of the city|and 2c. t widows be continued af-| - eo te chair and gave an} of heviktha credit and currency.” ire my funds. He has stolen myj|council. as there is undoubtedly; Arcade, 11,000, Atlin, 4.2c and 2c. sa we ee 7 z i eriptive of the life and| ‘prayersing a wide field, Mr. King} Despite Turbine Trouble at Gibral-| funds and I am here to swear out ajsomething fundementally wrong | Canadian . Sanaa ceaan oo pocir } vetivith of Lief Erikson, p ar jadvocated suc rm policies as es tar, Cote j eeryne a v0 oa a a chenee ine eee a | Relief, 14,000, Atlin, 4.5¢ and 2c. d their dependent regard Hlarly in regard to hi Wore is ee il represe! ition, an ane pen- “ si f s a a ue o M ‘a pe pervealaweta Fr desea ras ny Prost perity A., 11,000, Cold Storage, I f whether ailment is a result je xplorer of the New World cent national commission to admin : ; “ re 1e! ale lat elgnteen | \; ot ; ca 39e and 2c. of war service - not B. M. Simpson also poke during | ister the unemployment relief fund, | NEW YORK, Oct. 11 Having | million dollars of the sum was al-| a ‘ant er ee: ae A Pensions of all Imperial ex-|the evening ae | immediate banking and currency Sneaes ed hier 0g n voyage across para a -~— o ; ie . at ) 9s omare. = es MONDAY'S SALES ne * 3 ‘ . sed | The program, in which the Var-|,;eform including the establishment|the Atlantic Ocea! the huge new Harpell was without counsel, his | , 4 rs ; - American en in Canada to be based! *n Sinmer 1s a body under the|or qa central bank of rediscount, aj Italian liner Rex arrived here from |e ounsel, he stated, having resigned | direct relie€ hut demands a mor Helgeland, 32,000, Royui, 4c and i e basis as those in effect tor {de aaeahiin ‘a ‘Pe ter Lien and indi ational system of unemployment|Gibraltar where she had been de-|only yesterday morning, adequate allowance. There is also - tein ge 2 - yal, 0 Thi t alt opie uns’ funds: be] vidually took a promine oy Pa | ee » 6. and Ne tan inca nl abe bean : sok ag hte te, cai, ee | Rainier, 35,000, Atlin, 4.4c and 2c. Pooled and used for needy veterans {cluded choruse and solos, vocal and | iey of national. public works to re enin the, delay, he Rex bei New York Firm "2. The Federal Prime Minister! Sentinel, 25,000, Cold Storage, 4.1¢ un imbers readings | |jeyve unemployment {all other ships into New York and b a lependents instrumental = num ) ‘.)|passengers who had left her at was elected on the strength of his|@"d 2 ; |. That no jail terms shall in-|and community singing a“ Mr. King declared tat general Gibivaiene rl take other ships in the | In Receivershi promise that there would be work) Lituya, 17,000, Atlin, 4.3c and 2c, terfere with the pensions of an ex-| Re freshments were serve ‘ re conditions in Canada were becom- ore a Boe. oll dake lao p for all—no more unemployment.| Tatoosh, 26,00, Pacific, 42c¢ and sy ceman ane hop arg er ae ee | pointed, Among these was Forme! A ee This has not so far materialised in | 2c. on. 000 “eidibt: 44a eae ‘«; That no ex-serviceman be | Ladies Club : Premier Is Heard Mayor James J. Walker who arrived Courts Grant Order at Instance of | spite of the fact that there Is abun-| sthona a, mv ‘oot y ee Cc. “'scriminated against in regard to! cs ; set. 11:—To pay a! Following | Mr Mackenzie King, 'jater on the German liner Europa Attorney General Bennett dance of work, food and wealth in| nt yo 15,000, Cold Storage, ‘ns for his political opinions NEW YORK, Or ° wt vo {Prime Minister Bennett said that os Si! es oubivetiiis the country. To the best of our, 43c and 2c. : , Y activities, ‘visit in the United States, whi - lthe Liberal leader “could not dis-| | NEW YORK, Oct. 11:—The firm|knowledge there was no provision| Glacier, 10,500, Cold Storage, 4.2c That all unemployed ex he has many freeee = oe guise his spleen that a successful) BIRTH NOTICE lof S. W. Strauss & Co. bond and|made by Mr. Bennett that, in the | and 2c : »'Vicemen be provided relief by Admiral Lord Beatty, oe ring conference was held in this coun-| . jrealty dealers, has been ordered into |event of inability to work because} Happy, 10,000, Cold Storage, 4c the D. 8.0, R and that the Domin-|in-chief of the British rae a r. try At Bella Coola Hospital, on Sep-|temporary receivership by the/of insufficient nourishment, relief|and 2c : | On Five-Year Clause re Imperial|the latter nart of ae as The Prime Minister announced | tember 29, to Constable and Mrs.;courts at the instance of Attorney; would be summarily cut off, there-| Lancing, 14,00, Pacific, 4.1¢ and ins be revoked “nned on page e#ix) | sw Pi - ¢ . > k . heaves Oe tc: that Canada never would desert a|Malcoln Martin, a son General Bennett ; ‘Yontinued on Page T'wo ) | 2c ‘ end from England | “Rate