Friday, March 31, )$).i PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS MONEY TALKS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public AND M'CLYMONT WESTHOLME -: THEATRE II Kill; is your opportunity lo buy a home al a very reasonable price and on such easy payments thai il is no harder lo purchase. Ihan il is lo pay your present rent. Story and u half Interesting System by Address Member on of Banking tho Tonight and Tomorrow, Matinee and Night five, rooms and bu.Hi. J,300.00 on terms of 3U0.0O cash, balance Rotary Club. t $2D.U0 monlli. "Money" was liic subject of an " - H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. inleresling address given by Real Estalo Rentals Insurance 'I'homas aflernoon luncheon. McClymonl al Ihe the speaker lUitaty yesterday.made Cluh an Big Picture Carnival-IQ Reel Feature hit crest int.- comparison hid ween Ihe American and Canadian bank MARY PICKFORD HAD ing systems lo tin- advantage of TOOTH REALLY PULLED (lie latter, and eplniiiednow Hit 'Demers' money was taken from one part of .. the country lo another as it was lAccldent Makes Scene In "Little iispurevl in l lie nig intsic iimi.i-tries. PICKFORD Ladies llrady-lo-Wcnr. I Lord Fauntleroy" Partlcu- Mary larly Realistic. In speaking; of Ihe money wc Nrw Shipment of ice. Sir. ftiei.iymoin sniu icw m Mary I'irkrord inadvertently Us just wliat Hie notes we pulled a loot h while making a handled meant; The llrilish North HATS scene of her new million dollar America Act empowered the Canadian picture, "Litlle Lord Fauntleroy," Government to issue paper in which will lie the feature al 'Hie currency up'lo,000. hut ,1iisl. Arriv i-d. Wcslhnlpic Theatre lopis-'ht and tliey must have i!5 per ccnl. of tomorrow. gold bark at it or seciinUes I As Lillle Lord 1'uulillcroy, Miss SPECIAL SALE OF giPirnnlced hy the Urilish Government. J'ickrord .'tied a string lo her loolh This had heen exceeded, BLOUSES, $.75 and then atlached 'it to the hope' however and today Ihe i.sue or Valuer to 10 knoli of a heavy door in I he old notes niiiounled to iM 10.000.000 ilKirincouri Castle, the idea belnjf with Mie proper gold backing. Money-back drawing Last lo depict the pulling of the tooth Protection for Notes. week's winner 1 for a comedy scene. The iiiilividual luinlrs nisi' ! Her lirolhe.r .lack was direc,iiiir issued notes up to a sum not rx-eeediHS' Mrs. J'erry. No. 21) 'the ,ci'ne, and Alfred K. (iieen, I lie paid-up capital. 'I'll' jwho was co-direcllnir with .lack, liiilderVir Ihc'nolcs beeomes al) involuntary Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 the door. The was mniipillalinu creditor. IT the hank action called for the slamming ofl failed, there viia guarantee fund the door at a snven signal. A!idrawn upon the settle the ileiii. close-up Of Lillle Lord 1'aunllenn This fund was formed hy a levy was to he shown in which the cent, all hanks of live per' upon Appearam e, Sslring would he seen .attached to doing business in Ihe Dominion. Comfort and iMiss I'ickford's loolh, then Ihe The guarantee was held hy tin-Government, action was lo be svvilchel lo the which redeemed all Satisfaction s'iummmi; of the door. At Ibis niiMundhig notes. .The niomciit poinl. of course, il was intended t a hank failed the notes began in the are embodied to remove the string rrom Miss hear interest at live per. cent. Tin I'ickford's tooth. Through a mis. guarantee' fund protected Hie 'l-lic HARTT undcrslundiuy of Hie sisrnals, and prevented deni'oraliziil ion (ireMi slammed Ihe door il Ihe of the credit of the country. I wrung moment, actually pulling The pepMin who deposited .Miss I'ickford's tooth. Charles money in the savings hank hr-eamcn Kosher was fortunately cranking Million ry creditor of the SHOE the camera at Ihe lime, willi the hunk and depended on the assets ' result that the scene .of Hie vvell-! nT the hank. Hie double liability o! know ii liome-made mcllioil of c:v Ihe shareholders and other seen-rilies Irnclinif teeth will he shown most to protect him. $12.50 vividly and realistically on the The speaker went oil to say Hull screen. many Canadians uiu mil nuns per pair the hanks met the local situation AWGWANI and they compared in that respect with Ihe hanks in Ihe unfavorably "Awful accident in (lie train Trilled Stales. In the I'nileil KIRKPATRICK lo-day." reported Willie. "What was it?" Stale there were national hanks, The Store of Satisfaction "A woman had her eye on a slate, county, city and small town First Niilioual Hank hanks. The scat and a man sal on it!" Westfield X. J. Leader. of New York was supposed lo he Ihe strpiigrst banking ilislilulion in the world, even stronger than A good point to remember Ihe I ta nk of Kuglniid. Just Received :: Small Banks. In the t'niled Stales a bank from the Kasl Could do business on a capital of Ramsay's Large Shipment of Ihe Latest 25.OO0 ami was independent of Styles ju Ladies' and Misses' all other banks. In Canada vve had what is known as IhcMirnnrh system or Scotch system. There PAINT Spring were some branch hanks in the Slates, but not many. In Canada there were lietwceii thirty ami Dresses forty hanks in all. . IS puro and will aland the While local industries sinue-liuies lieiielllled more from Ihe test of time. SPECIAL PRICES small private banks such as those ill the Stales, chiefly because they For sale at $15.50 to $47. would loan more freely than the branch banks, there vverr-time Call, see and judge for when Hie larger institution wcr SILVERSIDES yourself. an advantage. Sixteen years ng' there was n tremendous panic and BROS. in Ihe t'niled Slates I here wen BENTS panics right and lell and score.'. Socond Street of small banks went lp Hie vval! Phono 22 P. O. Box 120 In Canada there were no such Third Avenue rd Fauntleroy" failures. The reason Canada rodi the slot-Ill heller than the people across the iiiiumiary was ine stability of Ihe hanking system. Blunt Razors EDSON COAL In Hie Community Dakolas a Banks.few years ago From Frances Hodgson Burnett's Famous Story. I h c y established community CURED COMPANY linnks. They had large crops and 50c a time Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Ihe Ihe prices slump were in iirices high.and Thru Hie cann prici 2 Reel Hall Room Boys Comedy, "This is The Life" of wheat went down lo such an Rex Barber Shop Best Coal extent business.that the banks went out of These examples showed that Hie Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 I IMPORTANT NOTICE. Evening Performance will Matinee Caiuull-in bunking system war-heiler commence at 6.45, and Tomorrow Ma at than the one obtaining in 2.30 p.m., owing to increased length of program Hie lulled Slates. AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA each 35c and 55c Lowest Prices Telling of the methods used by Admission, performance, J. Hie banks to distribute the money COAL! whore, it was needed most. Mr. Mc-Olvipoul said Hint in Must en; Order Now! Phone 58 Canada the lumber was cut during IIIOI C miles. tiUSl year iuim',ii'",- n.ieo- m nn von hi- seeui eu I'mK Indies ycsicnlay in, honor LANO ACT. i the winter and taken lo the 000 was issued for this purpose. , inmn dial i ly Set ui- uiiikI the call or her daughler, Mrs. V. II. Nolle of Inunllon lo Apply l I-"" Kxousive selling altenls rivers. As soon us the spring There was a danger in tin- race j loans, which amounted to h8,- Adams. A dainty luncheon wus III Ouoiiii Clmrlullo lsluiicl '1l'!l!),1!l'"l,1i FOOTHILLS' AND CADOMIN Night Phones J. G; Steen, 371 opened (lie logs were carried uf Hie banks to oulslrii eai-u 1 000,000, wis oi fwr served which wus presided over liKVtirdliiir llimlu la n-oitt lilrli-i uf of UlucK-rlii-;.-A "V't,,!' COALS W. Longwill, Ulue 270 down stream to the mills and other, Tlicie was a danger thai eign money in the Canadian bunks, by Mrs. Whitlow, aafUted hy I.Mlilrul-u Jiliiml. . . ....t.l Sil1'!. Delivered in your bin Day Phone 6 sold, liming Hie winter much a huge trust mighl he formed. LIh" balance ill favor of New York Mis Vera Mucliounell and Miss ime!"inim.iy I.I...U.-.1 liiliiuilluii of tun'r"JW fc money was needed lo carry the An .ut. present coi.slilulcd, liovv-eycr, beinij only ,l ;',000,0(I0. Josephine ;iiis4nirl. A most enjoyable uvrupulloii llli-(lttl.T. , ir Screened Lump, ton $14.00 STEEN & LONGWILL tur iw-inlliiii In l'j !' l" lumber crop, hut as soon us it he felt (iiiro the r.anadiuu lime wax Mpent. 'Hie " Soreened Stove, ton.. 13.25 Sheet Metal Work va marketed Hie inoiiey was lib- oyvleni wim Jiest. LUNCHEON FOR USK guesls included JUvsdnmea Wilder, out-I IK fiKit nun ir'111 KoiilhweKlorly'i 1""' ':, ,,r Ir"',es.r"" YOU'LL LIKE IT crated' und mine, west, lo the Sumcli 11 d.lie liauU wore Weir, O'llriuy, filuwarl. Wels-miller, Agent for McClary Furncaea prairies to help in pulling in the blunied for putlina iul. nmhey n LADIES IS GIVEN BY Jluiin, Bcully, Thuiits, in.uhwV.ierly llitini u T0 fuel(lli-H-iUm wwlerly t;' !' , liir' Consumers Goal Co. Lid. Sanitary and (imp und carrying' the 'fiiwer call in New York vvhejii money was f.owrlc, Bklnuer, McClurty, llerge, ...,..k.nlfr main,tlii iii'o 100 foi'l HUD f il'-0,rl' fJ''.l lliiie''', Heatlna Engineer tiulil Hie grain crop wus har needed badljfo ut, home. The rtt-son MRS. CHAS. DURHAM und M Uses WeatUerhead, Kejle-Ipt, lilirh wut mark In l""'1' or f 7 and 311 Minuinln two Phones muni uml ''."'(irullAlit 6tb Street and Fraaer Street vested, To market (lie grain orn wus lhati-they Jiuist huve a Mucliounell unj Kkulierl- Lome MacLaren, Manager Prince Hupert ... B, C. the banks needed money und they reserve fund to bundle the hol-iii'". I'Klv, Jl. 1:., Maieh Mr. COMPANY I.Tli.. AHil nf- Kfl. were allowed to issue lfi pel eeilt und this mouev being rea- 'Illl I !'1 1! d Jlie Advertise In the Dally News. limnl rela'UHr.i I". I1-'-