yetober 11, 1932 WNETTE'S { lust Arrived 20 DRESSES pierce ae Sees 810.60 Flat Crepe and Velvet 24 FALL HATS [ FALL FELTS $1.95 y—THESE GOODS JUST ARRIVED OFF U. S. S. CARDENA cow AROS Buy, : /ROWN BRAND’ ” LOCAL NEWS NOTES | 4 rere vernevetilbs + Taxi.35—Ernie. Large. t: | 1 ton coal, 1 big load wood $14. Albert & McCaffery. Phone 116. tf For drunkenness, Harry Johnso teen days’ imprisonmen‘, in cit }police court this morning nj was fined $25, with option of four- yj Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, pro- vincial police, returned to the city on the Cardena Sunday evening irom a ten-day trip to Vancouver |and Victoria on official dutic | eee | The fire department had a call jat 10 o’clock Sunday night to a; ichimney fire in the building on | Third Avenue occupied by Tho |Ballinger’s store. No Gamage | done Provincia] Constable Williar |Harrison sailed on the Princes | Nor. ah. Sati ay evening fo: jnorth. He is of government ilin district escorting a shipmei liquor was *imorning’s train for it into the At Mrs. J. B. MacKay played the piano for the Canadian dances at | the Scotch-Canadian dance which ; |}was held Friday night at the LO - trifling cost the most bee + eee ae convenerskip of |Mrs. John Bremner Nourishing a | = a Dioticiansseed W | seca. w. w'seandus varticcrn, TARCH ©O., Limited ed to her home in Var ver af cane = ag to her home in Vancouve iter c3 1 visit in Smithers with her son inc daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs : > iR. B. Brummitt. Dr. Brummitt i | ‘ony i] cil ron in l¢ 1S- § CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING | || sainea in gw COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL—BRITISH COLUMBIA | Angelo Pagnotta | FS tatesieiis tie |day morning’s train for w York AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE | where he will embark October 22 LEPHANT SULPHATE OF AMMONIA aboard the steamer Augustus fol Brand TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE Naples, He. will spend the " CHEMICAL a eee ihis Lome in Italy ana expr 1 & Refine return here in the sprin BBADANAC LEAD-21NC _— ; Brand CADMIUM-BISMUTH De Se ee aa , PLECTROLYTIC pector of the Bank of.Montreal i and his assistant; Fi MuBrady, at- having Spent seyeral, day I thes cit sailed Sunday night on . es ie Cal on for Stewart inspect ) |! - ch f before poce¢ | i uVE 9 r. W. Brown, well know while , c Im j week : } him rine 1 i ‘ UES! f | iw i inthe Ofs Country =» Give the Old Folks the best possible Christmas co by going to see them this year. Enjoy the thrill of doing your \ Christmas shopping in London, Glasgow or Paris. Low ocean rates still in force. Oc ean Rates One Way Return Cabin from $104. $192. Tourtst from 89. 157. Third 67. 11%. Nearly a century of sea-experience is back of the famous Cunard-Anchor-Donaldson service, accommodation and comfort. Weekly sailings throughout the Fall LAST SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL Now, 18 AURANIA Plymouth, Hayre, London Nov. 18 ATHENIA B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow Nov. 26 ANTONIA Gl'gow, Belfast, Liverpoot i ats Wiha Nov. 26 AUSONIA Plymouth, Havre, London es FIRST SAILINGS FROM HALIFAX Dec. 3 ASCANIA Plymouth, Havre, London Dec. 10 *#LETITIA B fast, Liverpool, Glasgow S i #From Saint Joha on Dec. 9 th your local ai P © can serve you ; CUNARD LINE, "as Street West, 45) Vancouver, INCHORDONALSION | - CANADIAN PACIFIC PRINCESS NOAH 1. N , } iver PRINCESS ADELAIDE panay 10 p.m, via Ocean | ind Way Ports e at Wrangell NORAH } 2, 29 Por ‘ Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS eall or write Prince Information | COATES, Generali Agent | oe Pe UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED | Prince Rupert for Vancouver Rupert, Ba steamers leave TATALA RVERY TUESDAY 1:30 PM k ci, Waypoints. arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m “ARDENA BEVERY FRIDAY MIDMIGN' Vancouver “Sunday midnight. approx ngs to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas River points, Sunday, 8 p.m » mation regarding all sailings and tickets at ! = SINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue. Phone 568 er ee ee ~ Hotel Central Ltd. Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. reasonable, Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals } Hotel Central Ltd. |, First Avenue & Seventh Street | | i anos For Rent Per Month and Up Rates p. ; rlanos T uned, $3 ALKER’S MUSIC STORE cement eon NAC eK | Scott's Emulsion | fa ae Ba Vancottve i i, cau layed somewhat SOUTH Winter Sailings From Prinee Rupert for Ocean Falls, Powell River and Vancouver, Thursdays, 10.00 p.m, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, calling at Queen Charlotte Island Ports. Fort. nightly service. Particulars on request. TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednes« days, Fridays at 9.30 a.m, for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. Passports arranged for Old Country sailings, For information call or write local agent, or H. McEWEN, D.F, & PLA, Prince Rapert, B.0 V-100R.32 SANADIAN NATIONAL eevee? es re ee it) iid a. 2 is | Tonight's -train;~ due*-from~ the’! East at 8 p.m., was reported this| ;morning to be on. time. | —_ Why stay RUN -DOWN? Fruit-a-tives T. W. Hall, inspector iwft on yesterday morning’s train jor a trip to the Smithers district jon official duties., of schools, Bipe new life “The only thing that makes me mis erable now is the thought that for years 1 struggled along inarun-down condition, when, if Ihad known about *Fruit-a-tives’ I would have been well. I was constipated, bilious and suffered greatly from severe headaches. ‘Fruit-a-tives’ toned ine up generally. They really have done me the world of good.” Miss Lottie Bowron, welfare of- jficer for the mene of Edu-| | cation, arrived in the city on the | Cardena Sunday evening from Vic- toria, being on one of her perio- dicai visits to this district on of- ficial duties. } Mrs, T. C. Richards, wife of the! manager of P. Burns Co. Ltd, s tore | at Whitehorse, was a passenger on board the Princess Norah Saturday | evening returning to her home in} the Yukon after a trip to Vancou- ver and elsewhere in the south Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores Meeting of the N.U.W.A. tonight at 8 p.m. in C.L.D.L. Hall, 2nd Ay- enue. Hear W. Mahoney’s report on 1e Workers’ Economic Conference left on ye New will pay a visit ano daughtei-in-law, William Wood. Mrs. Wood terday | York with Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Georgeson, arrived in port Mr 4 7:45 Sunday evening from the south and sailed an hour or so later for Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she return- ed here this afternoon at 1 p.m. department had a call to the vici- nity of McClymon: Park where a Sailing at 1:30 for the south. slearing fire had got out of con- . % Idren's Colds trol. No damage was done. Checked without | eke "Rub on | where she her son and Mrs. At 8:30 Saturday night the fire Leo Contoli left on yesterday morning’s train for New York where he will embark aboard the| Italian Line steamer Augustus on Ys KS VAPORUB . October 22 for a visit to his na- eal . : OVER 2! MILLION JAR Y ie home in Lugano, Switzerland. | SER Ta Ra TT | ee Dr. .R. V. Ellis, well known Ket- Indian Agen-|chikan physician and surgeon, ar- Columbia arrived rived in the city by gaskoat from the Cardena Sunday |the Alaskan city at the end of the from the south. He will visit} week and entrained here yesterday |]. Col. George S. Pragnell of Kam-| oops, inspector of ies for British in the city on night this city and district on official) morning for the east to attend a | GES medical convention Man’s Heart Stopped W. Mahoney, organizer of the By Bad Stomach Gas | National Unemployed Workevs’ As- W. L. Adams bloated so with gas |S°ciation, is back in the city after after meals that his heart missed ;|a tour whick took in many western beats. Adlerika brought out all gas|and prairie points as well as Ot- ind now he eats anything: and feels tawa where he attended the “work- fine. Orme’s Ltd., Drugs. ; ' 7 my see Ne j¢rs econcmic conference” in Au- oe Announcements The regular monthly busines ; luncheon .of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club was held today in the I A ait .._|Commodore Cafe 2 number of larve sl T) iksgiving Auction matters concerning club policy and sale in S. A. Citadel, Tuesday, Oct. affairs coming uv for discussion rw jIn the absence of President Wil- ROMs liam Cruickshank, who is on a Dat ) >» . 7 ; ” : Rebekah Bridge-Whist, October) cation trip to Vancouver, P: » | — isident L. W. Waugh was i: . 7 chair There Wa a 2g dd atten- Boxing, Empress Arena, Thurs | gance of members ay, October 13, main event—Wen | Gurvich . i | Hotel Arrivals Bagies’ Dance, October 14 and 23.} ion, Gents, 50c; Ladies 25c . ‘ ‘ CENTRAL » refreshments | ) « C. Spirlmen and L. Forkrua, city y s+ Toy srhoe Royal Purple Bridge Oct, 18! W- Litta, Vanderhog on Hall, 35¢ ; > CREEL LESBO RES TY Cathlic Bazaar, October 19, uv — “Build B, C. Payrolis” Elks’ Dance, October 21, Hill 60 Hallowe’en Bridge anc ‘A — lance, Oct. 28, I.0.D.E. Hall, n j ! ‘i i| Ds i | Presbyterian Bazaar, Noy. 24 i i acl io | Up-to-Date | ms (Oe eal im} For quick returns Try a Want ‘ | |\erere/ Advertiseme isement Pioneer =| gaye . — meen Pacific Milk is a British Colum- z . bia pioneer up-to-date one al y Cla as its new vacuum pack shows Throughout the years hundreds : of thousands of tins have been Now is the time to do your fall ined cleaning. Here are a few of . our many bargains for your oven e convenience Pacific Milk Jol t R li é Pas Sdumgegieamt = ~m “100% B. C. Owned and Controlled” asve l-lb. tin 50¢ PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Liquid Veneer—Reg 30c, special _. 20c Mac’s No-Rub 25¢ * SF FOB DON’T FORGET Pearl White Naphtha 25¢ Soap, 5 “ts rs hie’ Th 25 G ; ee e arage For Efficient, Reasonable and 40¢, 90¢, $1. 75 ' Fast Service This is the best buy yet. Get A. M. Honeywell, Phone 25 the habit and use it. Good for all cleaning purposes. We have = .ll the other lines at reduced prices. . D Li MUSSALLEM’S Miss D. Hogan " > Economy Store TEACHER OF MUSIC “Phe Or iginal Cash & Carry”. 18 —! prunes 2230" ** Phone—Black 232 317 and 319 Third Avenue ‘ ‘ Cup Cakes are delicious when ‘made with Magic Baking Powder,” _ reeset h) says Miss Helen Campbell, Director of The Chatelaine Institute “@~oop baking goes hand in hand with good materials,” Miss Campbell will tell you. That’s why Magic Baking Powder is used and recommended by The Chatelaine Institute. Magic meets all the Institute’s rigid requirements of fine quality —repeated tests have proved it absolutely pure, uniform and de- pendable. The majority of dietitians and teachers of cookery throughout Canada plan their recipes for Magic. They use it exclusively because they know it gives con- sistently better results. And 3 out of 4 Canadian house- Miss Campbeil’s Recipe for Cup Cakes . ae > ; ¥4 cup butter 2 cups pastry flour wives say Magic is their favorite. 1 cup sugar (or 134 cups i de ; 2 eggs bread flour) It outsells all other baking iten naek-a seis powders combined, extract Baking Powder 34 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk Cream butter thoroughly; add a ome 8 little at a time, beating well. Add yolke of eggs and vanilla; beat well. Sift flour with baking powder and salt, and add, alternately with milk, to first mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake it greased cup cake tins, or in paper baking cups, in moderate oven at 375° F. about 25 minutes. Serve warm from the oven, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Or cool, and frost the tops. You will find many delicious frosting recipes in the Magic Cook Book. “Contains no alum.” This statement on every tia «s our guar- antee that Magic Baking Powder is free from alum or any harmful ingredient. Free Cook Book—When you bake at home, the new Magic Cook Book will give you dozens of recipes for deli- cious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario. Swagger Coats These goods are new fall stock. They are well tail- ored, satin-lined and interlined, with good quality fur trimmings. Just Received New Shipment of Felt Hats Silk Face Wool Hose and Silk at per pair D E M fi R 5 ind Wool Mixed $1.60 Third Avenue Cor Second St. Call and Look Them Over - TAKE KLIM ALONGE AND YOU'LL ALWAYS & HAVE FRESH MILK!<5 Noe matter how far from the beaten track your journey takes you — how far into the bush — along untrodden trails — you can always have a supply of pure, fresh milk, if you include Klim in your duniage. For Klim is milk—milk in conven- ient powder form, from which only the water has been removed. The replacing of that water gives you pure, fresh, full cream milk again whenever you require it. Klim is compact and easily carried—a 5-lb, tin makes, 16. quarts of rich milk. ee | k ; p CQUPON Kling) docs not sour in the dry {ahadian Milk Company, . : c form, even after the tin is opened. _115 George St, Toronto, Please send me free booklet, “Camp Cooking, CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS, LIMITED 4, 115 George Street a eee Toronto Address -