tkGZ tOWS,                                                                                                         THE DAILY NEWS                                                                                        Mnndrav T

                                                                                                       r               :                         v              ..    --..-..wi-               . ... - f s
                                                                                                        ' '               .
                                  1                                                                        eT --" .-4, v                5

   Thousands                            BRINGING UP FATHER                                                                                                                                                         ByUeorge McMj

    1       with                                        '.v.    FT HOW CAN I?ir it) tNEAK                         -                           ll      wa.-r            IKViOWBOT Trie           l                         fr-r y0        ,

                                                                     OUT TONICHT- MACC1E

                                              ARE TOT :osn, II WOOtJD BEAT f            UP SO I

 BadCcids!                                        AT D04am4 would                   rr as aslc

                                                                r K           "4? TO c

    Everywhere you meet tHero

 couching, tnreziag, gasping  the                                                                                                                                                                                                              ':

 boat who need Pep, 10 kill the                                                      1-

 rrm nut are ukra ia aa yoa    .                       aW                 J ,
   A  fer  fiaaolee ia the raoets. they

 f ive efl pWMt yet pewevf el I scarf that

  an carried with the breath rata ever .                                                                                                                                                                                    3
 career of ike chert aid laoa-a
   Cenm ladfiAg ra I he I hmu sad breai b-iag

      imi'i are aoacklv eitenaiOAMd;
  lajLunmataaa aad aoreseat toothed aad

  healed aad breatbiiig ia made easy.
   The comlofticu sorthisf acuoo of
  Pej Is Hi etroef col mat to thai of
  COtnanoo uUt containing foRa-'m aad
  olltvr create drat wWa anil aad a-Eame

      Ike throat aad Ucalbia pa.aue:e.

   Far cMfh. ca4dt. chilis,
  ere throat, brtwxrhxa. aa4 rrtra weal-mi

       Af yoaaf, aad id, lp are tne
  aaiqaie,tae aad apeedy remedr Tbn-fere                                                                                                 '                                                       -                        "                   '

      taaitt on FE.PS "A ftee I ir-                                                                            If  'intra -d ilimn.    F'riiMi?
  la     Mom "   AH dealer 40c tm,
  3 let II S3 For SAMPLE Mad lc. FARMERS ASK                           SKATING GOOD                        fitrryr in lie- i!.M winner and

  tamp la Pep Co., Toroato.                                                                               ,a Ujm a Irwjilij   r wniii il may

                                                                                                          !b   rmud.    I! will tor forwmrdett
                                                                            m         a w in            m                                                                   News Classified
                                         WHEAT BOARD                      At VI-! A US A if A t V i tt rrt ttlvrr iwn afu-r It I                        Daily                                                                      Ads.

                                                                          ill mill If tllLtrA J(U                      iak-n      Awym and!
                                                                                                                                                      2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Advertisement Taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               for Leaa
                                                                                                          iMf"u Fall    for rahiblliOM.                                                                                                 than BOc

  MOVING? j Saskatchewan to Join with At. Ice' Very Good In Patches on the
                                                                                                             With all learn    in Ibe Junior.
                                        berta and Manitoba for             Big Lake    Number There                                                                                                                                  MUSIC.
                                                                                                           Ililliard league   iiatmi:  .plajed cold wilh lii;le    .al uii.il tif .

                                               Marketing.                          Yesterday.              oae gaute apiece, the sluiMiing lo in the n,..rnii..     The  ..w.den' !U'               r"r K'neral help            MAN"

                                                                                                           dale is a   fdlow.                               tin- need .if  bridge i  ai least  tour ttioniii.   ivpply la-Chelifky  M   If -I
                                                                                                                                               emphasizes                a
                                      ItWa.NA. Sask,     Ij. 13.   My    A minder of l'rinee       Iloff rt                                                                          Mr
                                                                                                                             Ply.  IU.    A. over liie rier.                      i           Murray Fuller. (Ireen      taken and .j.

8ai              au,               Canadian I'rrsj     Whew Hie an     people were- owl skating at Wlm It  Kelsior     ..     4    yftw . loin                                       SI       opell     lloapilal.  If      Im tfiiiii.-r.   f..r-moderair
                                                                       alians. Itle yeaterrtiiy. Tile Kalf                       '
                                                                                                           -r.ij    .......   i    nJS    ntn
                                                                       Ijte wa    tltMMled by the fits Iwle                                       BILLIARD STANDINGS                           FOR SALZ
     iaii us up                     wan Yiraln (imwrrs i      hfM in                                       Maple !efrt        I    KK3    H3                                                                             .   CHA8 I' It.UAi-'XO
                                                                       and it wa   iinponihte lo mim Ibe
  Experienced lyen give    ul.tn-faclion Hcj-'ina fntiu bruary I t to IT ice there5. A hniritfr of lawitrh Rlh5               I    1M     1         i                             irWft SAI.K   FHhing boat I7xl5x Rani       lllock
                                                                                                           Havere -is         I    QUH    Mn   . Following   is ibe liat  of In.     t ft. S in; Jti-Sti II. . Vriocn.     Fulton.  p,   . j;
            in  household    removals. il i Pirx'Cicd thai I tie fight hun look partiew lo Sbawatrana. Ther
                                                                                                           St. Aie-lms        I    63      H   dividual  average    m   far  this    Htamlanl engine. .Fully equipped.
                                   dred dle?atr     wilf          lh
                                                                       were two Inrpie palrliea rff good                                                                                                                        oats Fon Hint

  Order    for general cartage     Itominiiin  toTriitiieiil in iKiab- ire al Ibe far end nf the Idle and                                      season iu the Trail Club Sftietd             A bargain. Apply The,..
                                                                                                             Senior IlarkeHiiill
                                                                                                                                league scoring                                       Collart. t.itoilett. Seaond Ave.
  work given careful atteniton.    lifli a wliral Imanl in lime lo along Ibe wide it wn       not m bnd.           dale       C   (Uenietilson idlliaril notnHtitiH:                              '                    COMINO IM1WS       lauj
  Wis promise prouint delivery     handle the Itl2   crop.  Thr Ur- Tboseylio nent llieee enjoyed llii       ;-, 7ii. W. ;. Amlerson    SOC                  niw     Tolal Aver.     n.                            jsc.  betbons     I :ib n  tt

  of nil Coal orders given frm.    tns  i  toid in       MrmiR trial aflerno?iii vrrysiiMMfli. . Tb5re ni 1 4i5; A A. Kaeen    K, , &(; K. J. ltarbwr    'Tt  ...     Ifioo   200 Wit 'ri.U.lil'laiwr. in     seHlent    tor a job. i am

                                   Kak:iii?luwun    farrnr.    ttinild no wind and tin- aim wa    ntiinifuc Smith  K    i7: C. M. Itbtti   (S lilythe   TW            I ftp"  200 1  eoOdUSeMi   like new.     Al   a    a service   a?
                                   full in tin   wilh Ihr nr?anizrd                                                                            Phases         T,       (Km    S0n j                                      Phone lilaek   ' '
                                                                      all day.   Yisitora -al in the ttiiiUn;    iU,     iorkeiisen   H .3t:          pea r                          geaurne bargain.    Phone lllftrfc

                                   farmrra at Alberta and Manitoba nnd ale their InnrlK'a and the                                              Howe fV,                Mm     SOU)   J88.                          39
      GIFIG CARTAG E                                                                                       II. Jlenaies  ,)C. tH: I.. V.                                      .                                                Lao ateirrtrr
                                      lti.it the             inl.re4.                                                                                                          A A 1 aMaaaasJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMa-aa,- n.a.ai aiiaa.              a,
                                               apriTultural                                                                                    W. Halagiio   F         i.i
                                                                       nie fpirit was prevalent ever- Ijine       mn: , SC. K. MnrkinUiTb                                                  M'-rbnifig            tnldeini
                                   of Hip ltine provinrrn will pr.                                                                             II. Ilmwii T           Ib&K    mi'011                     rvoiii         h UST
                                                                      wbere.   In aiblitom to the
                                                                                                  prnale    H . 1H; M. Shaiesfare      S(lC .                                                                             Ah. !HTI r
                                                                                                                                                                                     and kilehen Inl.le. Plume    If).
                                    'nl     oIid froul wlirn                                                                                                                                                    1     J
            Limited                     a                    applies-                                                                         SlKiehley  'W           i:ui:i  19
                                                                       launchee. the Oh llaby, luade       l; H. II.    eoii   sm: ,  ir; II.                                                                         attae m eriu ii
                                   lion for Mir formalinn of    board                          r                                               leavie ;SA.                                                             avafvet. m. irj.
                                                              a                                                                                                        77rt   I9t
            Phone 93
                                                                      couple of trips.                                                                                                        FOR RENT
                                                                                                          Krtte      SOt;,., l;   W.   Illythe                                                                        trH the i-atv-1
                                   ik madr in Ollawa.     TIip I nilfil                                                                       F. Slebena (W           liitfi                                           Kapeft. hrtrme it
                                                                                                            K . VV. ll. Martin   K?. and it.                                                                           Vai iifar l 1 :
                                   l arrn'TK ronvrniion   in llalpary                                                                         Self iK-                 7.2    iesiFMKlt ojew nMnagesMeni.          M.    t4Mi rr4   i'

                                   anjl Winnipoa     pa.-d    almoHl ELKS MADE CLEAN                      Stwarl vSOC , 6.                    McF.voy    K   ..       17 tt   Il     LNb    Ilo4iin's. Mrj. P. Yglpy. butauiet rtnm icaperi.tflne nr' c

                                   iui.Tiiiinuij-"ly riliilioii ursiu?                BlflJARDS                                               Wnurb     T             I I IN  MM,    managereea.    II a lets 13 Jin per MM sfaMt at 1
                                                                           SWEEP                             I.atliea' league  Miss 8. Cat.                                                                           Ihota-laa 'It  I.
                                   I liar iifli a board b  appointed                                      .teroue ;MI. . SH; Mies A. Kelly J.-Drown ',SA,       .     70t     101 '  week and up.     Al    flitnisbed  4 ItMs reea la

                                   in an atlmpl lo    oUp tlirir mar.                                                                         Jltdge  rt              l&IA    100 1  housekeeping rooms.               tTi. holh UK)-.. e 1 1  re it!
    Rtapole Hall                                                                SONS OF ENGLAND M ,                ; Jll    I.. Pnrker   M).                                                                          ail m iwisa     i    ar 1."
                                   ktin? problem.                                                                                              Pillsbtiry 'I          1332    I00'                                      le ar          1      t taa
                                                                                                               Mr. X. Mobley.       (T), 25;                                      FOll IlIVl     Ibmslon Hotel.    It llv u Wtrh- m
                                           Reasonable Price.                                                                                  srtl                    I4U0    IK?                                     kde  f Us Keeiwa tl
                                                                                                          Ml     V. Hiinokley. (MW   4; Jlrn.
  for rent lo lodges, oi similar     An imiKirtanl "aiMro-    on the     The Elks' billiard team made                                            lm (Ml               tttir.  IR7    nm, liiritlsbed.     Apply Torn ha I Ih effeie ht m
                                                                                                            . Sherman    CO.   ll; Jlis    M.                                        le CtniNitiy. K0t Heestnd Ave. HrrtMli. saU w ain Kr
          organizations.           iiibjrct wa    made reernlly by a clean sweep or the Sons of                                               Kinahorn if?A)          IJHJ    IKJ                                       rltun J nf Ik u    -
                                                                                                          OraTiaui              Mra. T. Mn-luuey
                                                                                                                    (Ml.;. 10;                                                       nil.   Phone S7.               If
                                   .!. H. Jimielnian, jrrneral "nerpr- llnglnud in last week Trail Shield                                      Maedooahl              1171    IHi
                                                                                                                  tii,    Alls  P.                                                                                    iseerrrvei:
                                                                                                                      16;         Treniayne.
         OFFICE SPACE.             lar' of the Sakatcbrwan tirsiin tournament, Charles           llalatnio                                    Allen   tA              H60     lt TO HF.NT       PurnMhed      bouse,     l la ixriiilr a      mmnut
                                                                                                            M , It: Miss It. Moloney (CVi.                                                                            ha hata hae rt     r-   bmi
  38 by 2l,,bcated, suitable for   frtwTi. al     )Vatrnuff. "If." he having Wiiif rvef: Tnnf Riverside, and    Miss.M. Ilorviek     C ,  IS; liemmings    (Wt..      tins    IKt   'keeping suite.. Apply 110    Ofh imi a ea ter al tas i ana kmiw

  profenifial"nian, frr rent.       aid, "f cannot prl the wheul in the last ,garne nl Hie weekend'        Miss A. Stephens (Ml.,-. H; Mrs. a llalairno (F.,..        liiyu   I Ha   Ave.nue Most or     Phone. Illue avlier. ,   aa4 ifi  it  aran

                                   hoard undT all iln old iKrwero if        by    i.eoreor 2f0 In, 15.                                         Melliniil   tP.i ..    lOPn    IKS    at?.                          tr  e assVf Ifcxa, ass) a. f ttaai
                                                                                                           E.             Miss I.. Hoss ifi,,'                                                                                                   "
            Agent   for                                                                                       Young and                                                                                               aii iaire  ia ih t     -to
                                   lirronie -tbe drily nf the  overn-inenl tills is the first clean sweep                                      Me.Mnrdie  CW     .    Mftl    IHI                                     aarerwaervd mmu         rt sa
   Norwegian American      Line           fo snaraiilre    farrner  a If the season made by. the club and 7dis             Harvey   f Ml. . C;                                    FO!t   IllLVIVMouern     bouse.   S etaiaaae any tali w , mo1 e
                                                                                                                                                           ;A)...H    lilt    181
    Swedish   American    Line                                                                             Misr.  . 4dinsi.ine   T . 6: Miss                                                                                lilt         . m
                                   reasonable   iniiiiiiiiim price fns which   is Ibe   fourth  one  this                                      Suden   (Ti        7   tsr.s   IKfl   room    and bath. Phone Illue          999 af tin- r  m
     Scandinavian                                                                                          1.. Fisher   Ml.    and  Mi-s   M.
                    American                                                lo achieve the record.   The                                                                                                              ,Wsnr4 aast mimi    m k    r
                                   Ibeir wheal.   If we can'l     ibe year                                                                                                           710.
                                                              Jfe                                                      -J.                          (S                1430    IHft                                    rutai m ai a r-'t
               Line.                                                                                       Kims
                                   wheal   board or    Ibe puaranlee total for the series was: Elba.                                                                                                                  isr utea, aai lae k.    - "
                                                                                                                                              floberg   id) ......    1113    I71
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ui s
                                                                                                                                                                                   It)   IIC.NT   Apartments     nnd the momi mtiiM
       Oliver Typewriters          of a minimum price, Iben Ood 120(1; Sons or England, IM4.                                                  Andrew     SA1          101  -53S                                       naavr af hr lant -Ami
                                                                         The standing to dale follows: WANDERERS TAKE LEAD                                                           moms.     20M   Xlnth    Avenue               trr      v
           Cary Safes              help un!"    Jir. Muelman Maid                                                                             Hooper    (V)   ....            I7 1   Wsl.                           If
                                   lie lielieved wheal today wa    nl                     PI.  I'M.     .                                                                                                             thm ahee.wains   a        w"
                                                                                                                                              Wakefield (Kj ....      sai     I                                                                  f
                                                                                                                                                                                I                                                          .f
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hsbeet o   nra at  1
       FIRE INSURANCE              a "reaannable     normal    prjre,  Trail              H  trJKi   Mfil      SNOOKER TOURNAMENT (ireen              (E             t.ll3    t?l FOUIt-IIOOM bouse for rent; rur-nllure .I. Ik llfl. ..         II

                                   proiiably an   hisli a   enuld be Wanderer             8  ynsfl   1129                                     Iiiinnlioe (F,          SI7     172          for anle.  Phone ftoS.  36 aiurh I llh !!iff mm 0100.1 Hal f

                                    Specleil in peare linn'.. lie em- St. Andrew"         8  8K4     1103 Won Over Prince Rupert bjr 70 Wearmmilb           (K .      1302    170                                     tats).  1 ii 9M. n
  DyBkvn & Hanson                                                          V. V. A           7897                                                                                               BOARD.
                                   pb'AUied the    neceity    of re                      ,            J7j    Points Saturday Night and        May                    1301     170                                     rename iiae anir
                                                                        . 1 1. K             H06n    062                                                                                                                Miau 9m 9 t rtf1
         Third Avenue             iilitrinjf transportation  ebarea                       "                    Ahead in Series by One         W.l. finiilh (8 A       aio     170 Din new dining room at          the aea arrairaikst a 1
                                                                       Klks                  979J    lllrMT
                                   and putting the difference into                                                                                                                                                    ladefeaMe T1IK t.
                                                                                                                                              Worrkrr         ...    ia?7     167    Inlander is               Hoard                .
     Prince Rupert, B. C.                                                                                                Point.                                                                   now 0en.            aaiae af Mubn
                                   i be fanneri' pocket.                                                                                      Oftodrirli    ; ...   . 1.13ft  107    by the week or month. Phone ettahnm and teaa tae .         ....
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              yuif '.tlai
                                          Provincial Politics.                                                                                Fnriihar    S   ...      107    107    137.                          If    w. er e. rretrai
                                     Heolulion     aubmilled      lo-!-al.                                   The Wanderers Club won the                                                                                  niy part
                                                              by       j Sport Chat                                                           King K                 llHK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Haled al Ih laist h
                                        railing upon Hie convention                                       I bird iuter-eltib snooker tnurna-nienl Tinker (Hi         i.ins    ICt        BOARD AND ROOMS              lt..rrl. a. 1 . ihn . .. m;
                                                                       a             i                  k       sffoni Hie )rtnee ltiirt on                                                                            J. lift.
                                   lo  -o into provincial polli    an                                                                         llrWeat iUi ....        t.ma    in$                                                  H r     r -
                                                                                                          Saturday njglit by a score of 305                                       ItOOM and Hoard for lliree gen.
  EDSON COAL                       an organization     are  reaching     The Hen S'lf Xorlbern llrllish                                       Morgan Kj               t7      tfiR
                                                                                                                                                                                     ilemeii     ro      uionlli.     To VM. I. ttrtv .ti      1 -1'.
                                                                                                                                                                                            al                   Ap-ply
                                                                 it    Columbia Itasehall                 lo  2.15. As   h  result  of  their                                                        wr                                        ,,'!...' 1
                                   central office by the dozen,    In                      Chninpionship                                      Fleming (0)             iir,
                                                                                                          iVieaory by   ()' points, the Wanderers                                        Carllnn Helituranl.       If.  Mltritn.f. l-rinre t     IS
         COMPANV                   nialed, and the Mcbate on lhi       Shield is jiow on exhibilion nl                                        A. Silvnpafdea (Si     1335     118                                             and a     '  -    (1-

                                    uhjecl prninine    lo be full of Ibe Prince Unpen Pool llooni. )i              are  now ahead     in  the Mansell (Kl.            imr.    nr.          HAIRORCSSINO.                 1V. f.. rr. 11
  Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St.                                                                             seripa by a eiugle point.                                                                                     t)wert. I  . m Miiir
                                   interest.  The convention      lat was jusi released from Hie jewelers                                     T.' Kilveraidea W,      too     13:1     Under New Maiingemenl

                                   year did not lake decisive action        renectnly nfler the engrav    ,  Salurdty   niiTit'a   .individual Parr ;ti           2   -II     121 HEX DAIlllHn BII0P AND IlATIlH                Dittrata WATin aoTict.aaa lot.

                                  ;n Ibe uialfey. and Hip Farmer       ing and painting had been done. scoring was n        follows:          'niompsnn 'i .      I    I nr.  103          228 Sixth Street                                     '

  Best             Coal            n  an trganizaiinn took. no part II is a large maple trophy with            . II.  Viekers  (Wniiderera). I.a Cas.se (i    .... I   tot    101 O. M. KILDAY        Phone Illue 78 adVlreas Take bouee la I--!thai I - m iaou A

                                  Hn   the   provincial  election  of silver mouiilings and has a long 10; J. .1.     llHlfftgli (Prince llu. Rasson fH           I     00     (19                                    rar r a sreual Urrarr af an laae!' iti

                                   10-'I.  lnlerem jo added lo the column of spaces for the name          perl . Si.                                                                      MISCELLANEOUS.              ahlrh IV ml aorlhrauM'.

                                    ifuatioi by the fact   dial .1 .A. of Hie winnnu tenuis each year        II. II. Hlii'.ckley, f.H: II. A. Pliill.                                                                 Iloeull Miter als. .l i- C
               at                                                                                              1ft.                             ' BILLIARD AVERAGES               I'lSHEIIMEN! IlEMEMllEItlt Our of IUmmU liner
                                   MabaiK. who i    president of Hie                                      pot.                                                                                                          The mater a " ns
                                                                                                             W.  ,1. Hemming.     IB; J.  W.                           .            -inabirte nnd blacksmith shop' iream at a ivxsi air 11
                                   Hriiiii Orower,    resigned  Jrom                                                                                                                 i         We do         and      aaier si Iit i ru.ir
                                                                                                                                                                                                        pew       repair
  Lowest Prices                    the Haskalciicwan     government Had Bad Cough Scott. .17.                                                 For lnti club Tournament Be              open.                          aad will be ul . r 5
                                                                                                             W.                                                                           work in all Hue. Rati,         laisl iwriiMHi ar 1
                                                                                                                 .1. NeWnn, 71: dipt. P. (i.
                                   iIiiHtij.' the recent federal elec-                                                                           tween P. R. and Wanderers                                            IMI lllslrlrt Sleetu K     3t'
                                                                                                                                                                                     faction guaranteed. Nngue     A
                                   lion  c.-irnpai   afler   i'reniier               and                  liroves, 23.                               Foe MclYlordle Cup.                                                thl Hour wa r--.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Parent Co.. New Mnse.            Ih I tin    " ttnut        '
  Order Now!        Phone 58       Martin had made a speech which                                            Fred Stepltfiis, 28; 1 1..1 1. Sfti.lt.                                                                 j    rtsii ef un inai a- i
                                                                          Sore Throat                                                            A table of individual
                                   Mr.  Maliarg   interpreted us. an                                      50.                                                           averages, I'Oltfllili jobs or part time work, lruani trs-rel"im nm ;  r  '

                                   allm-k on Ibe I'rofrresve nmvn-ment.                                      W. O. Fiillon,   7? V. U. Anderson, for the inler-club billiard aerie  nlionn f.' I. Il.-irrell Illue ""irt IWaler ll." lw.rler win ji ei- a a r

                                           Incidentally nevcrnl resolutions Never ntlel eourh or raid however      to.                        between the Prince rtuiierl and       stick Ibis ndd nn your- phone Iwita tee utd    iw           VU9T-ja

  Night Phone - J. 0; Stten. .171           have come from the Infills ill r It. It you do II ran htre but one remit;                         Wanderer     Club In the compel .     lor reierence.                 H ia..i7.rtmiiMiJ.r .if Male B ai:t- r
                                                                           It leirei tbt throat or tanai. or Ijotti,                          lion for the Mc.Moniie Cup ba
       WTLongwill, Hlue270               nskinsr endorialion of Mr.                                          CHILDREN MAROONED                                                                                        lava alter the Brtl ai
                                                                      tnerud.  A flnfle dose of                                               been compiled nnd la a     follows:                                     i..u in a luri) new
         Day Phone B               Maliarjt'  allon in this respwrt.               OH. WOOD'S                                                                                       (live the preference when ynu                            ..a t r
                                      More   than   200   resolution                                                                                            PI.  Tntnl    Av.      lo (lie merchant who adver       Yk. .i.t. r ih. aril ' ll
                                                                              'HOU WAV f INC SYRUP                                                                                buy
  STEEN5L0NGWILL                                                                                          Had to Spend Night Alone Be-' Itroderlck (Pit) . 2          100    200                                      niilln. a lawwaev ft.
                                   have been received and several will tH-lp to tlop tint couth, tooth ths                                                                        tise  in the daily newspaper   and
                                   ask that Ibe name of Kin association Ihroal, iivTIf the eourb or cold has beruaei cause No Bridge Over River, ill. II. Heolt I'll ) 2 100 200 hnv ndvee(ed froode                              Lano ACT.

      Sheet Metal Worke                                                teltled on tin; luhfi the heiim wrlaes ef                              jllemmiiigh  (W) .. JT  MOO    200
                                              be made "The Un'.ied                                                                                                                                                    Nallee ef lausllen to Aaa.lf
    Agent for MeCiary Fume         Fnrmer ' of    Haskalcliewin,"   to tlw crwy pine tree alonr IUi the tooth, CAMPIIF.I.I IIIVKIl. Vancouver 1.1. W. Hcotl  (I ) 2    100   200 I        ,   IN PROSATE.               in sh.a 1-au.l liolrt "lonm,.1
                                                                       inr end etpectonot propertle of other                                                                                                          irtetor rriwe ni"'V.i.  etiirf'
  Sanitary and                     make it confirrm with the farm-em'  ireiient tierhs. root and berki prnmpilr                                                .. I   2110   200 .1.1 the si i-iir.Mr. riiinT or iuotisii khux Inlel. aerond blM 'm"1
                                                                                                          dren, aged from six nrjd a half In McMnrdie          .. I   200                      rol.I'Mlilt.                              , .... j, riv
           Heating Englneera            organization   In siler province. eradleilef tlie Mit elTerli, and Ht s-r-                                                           200 ,ln the mailer or IIIH tnVI"tTI1ATIoN "Ttk oollea thai r d    .pal
                                                                       ltenl use, caanol tut. belli to.brine about twelve year, gaily itnried off Howe (W)     - I    200    200    4trr ami In In li.allM nt IK. fcital. nl eeMiO-l loirer, ln'u,,, i

    ilh Street and Frseer. Street                                      relief.                            for school, afhT being bmugbj King         (U'i      ... I  ami    ami    enw.tiui r.u.vM..ui i'aiijiiws, oe-
  Trine  Kupert .       -  B. C.                                                                                                                                                    reau-d. Inleaiale.
                                                                                                         I AOPftMa I Ilia iaillill rt"t I f lfl fill Hooper (W) .. e  .tut   1117   TAkK  iirn.l thai In onlrr nf II 1 llnmir
                                          IT WAS    BUSINE8S.          write! "AbnttC a year a to I conirarlnd ,;.    1                    '                                      r. Men. Imiua. liul  Ibe alb la.v af ea.t aid. of khiili loi"; . . ,nwi
                                                                       coM acffjinptnlrd by a ery bJ iwurb ami bell Jirver by their parent nnd Hill (W)        ...    tui    ton frbruary. .l.ti. mf. I was etsni.sK Ad aisiin, inmre ww       ara '

                                                                       aore Ihroal. I aen( for Ute doctor, but lauilcd on I lie sand spit that Ornve   (Pit)  .... 2  ,1H(T. I(I,'I nilnlatratvr hi 1- l.iUH; of Ldwanl (.lee mam norm, inw- , le1
                                      "Arthur." maid            arllst                                                                                                                         drreaattl,
                                                      a ynunar                                                                                                                    Itml I'arwma,        anil all pariloa
                                                                       wbtt he pretrrlbed did me o little rood forms the southern able of Hie Hhockley (V) .... 1     7SH    1110 harlnir rlauua aiaUol JUe aald eiUl are iniMh iMhoi n
          For your next            In a friend, "do you   e  (hat lady I betan to ret dlteourarrd. A frleod came river. From Hie landing place Nelson  (W)   Z;   1               lien-hy rnjvirrd In filrnlah aanie, prwprrl
                                                                                                                                                                      711    IrT, vrrilird. In ine ui or before Hie lib dav ef
                                   and gentleman who are looking to ee nie and ankfd m If I had ever uad
                                                                                                          lo the school is     mailer of al               W), .                   Marrh. A.P. ttt. awl all psttiea imlrhied
                                                                       Or. Wood'a       Pine                                 a                Hlephen    (     .. a   Ml     17H
                                   at                and   talking  in           Norway      gyrup. I tolA
                                       my                                                                                                                                         to Hie e.utx are r1lllnl Vt ft  Ihs
  Shoe       Repair Job            such low, rarneil lonps?"           hUn I had not and aenl him rlrhl away to least a mile, and a half. Two nf McMnllln (Pit) -     702    1715 amount ar IUer indebliHlneaa'to ins forth

                                                                        et roe a hot lie. f tlarled mlnr II. and the little gfoup wore children nf Palmer (I'll) . I  171    tl.ii with.
                                      "Yea," replied Hie friend.                                                                                                                              JOII.X II. MeWI.'l.lll.
                                                                       arur a couple ef daya I found I waa iel-tln Mr. nnd Mr. Jack Perkins nnd Woodland  (IT!)       Oil   Hill                 onirial Aihiilnittralor.    TIMStr) SAH   '
                try                   "I wish you would saunter by         relief, and after tailor two bottle                                                                     PMFIi thla atlniav m iH.ruary. lff. ,
                                                                                                          Hie oilier four of Air. nnd Mr. Kasson (V
                                                                                                                                                             ... 2
                                                                       lh                                                                                                    isr,
                                   cafcleKsly and find mil what they      aereneii In-uiy throat ermrd to be
         J. 0. EMERTON             arn saying.    II lortkn like liusi leavlor me. ao'l reaolved to continue lit Dave Vanslone, who have rnnclie Tinkei' t')      1   R02    Id                 nonet.

  Champion Shoe Repair Shop        nens."                              ute, and after I bad ued five bottle botljnn Hie nnrlh ldn of Hi river. A Mofrieoif !'fl) 2     77    1.10  TAkf MlTICK TbTt alter Hie nubllratinq

                                                                       lay.aere throit and coufh were rone, lube A-A wf,re on a aliafn norlli-                                    or Ihla fiollre for one imsim I be LtkaJae I, ," leei m
  Emad Wock, Third Avenue             "Sho is calling bim down for      mjld hot.be wlthetlt Pr. Wood'' for any                                  Trtt.ey, (I'll) . -  inft   1,10 Hoi prinn Llmlled will apply m have ua and PiNain. rrern ;' HiI,i
                                   Maylrts nut lale lat nlfrhf,"   aid mooey."                            eaul wind began (0 blow and no Johnson        (Pit .    I   1 25   1 25 llfildlna naiiis rhanaed u.miianv lo the llmll'd.I.a elan. Hot tprtnrt ftrih Ann or Mee

    "Repairs while you wait"       thn fflend. returning,   I'lttihurg   fri'e, Jte add tee  bottle; tvt vn boat could cross       wahir   In Itilljiep (I'll) . .. I  fi     on (t"AlEP Ihla illh day  f iaeutty. A.f, Mnriet.tt.M Mi rear wm b alio

                                                                       oly by The T. Milhum Co., Umlled. bring the chlMfcn bartk And lliey                  .1 1                                                      reiumvi er !". .       fjiJ JJi
                                   ClirOiiic'l.TelPKriipli,                                                                                                                        W1I.IHMS, MANt'lV Ii un.taAltS.
                                                                       Toronto, Cm.                       iemalned    Micro   in  tfiti bittun   Ailverllse' In Him Dally New.                   Sotlrliora for takelae

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hot spring i Lluilird, rrln(,a ttvprrl, B.