3 a THE DAILY NEWfl PAGE THREE THE HORRORS OF AID. COLLART POSTS Local and Personal NOTICE OF MOTIONj VALENTINES INDIGESTION Will Seek Civic Regulation Regarding I or a Taxi, phone 07. If Laundries, Piggeries, j George Leek, Auctioneer. If Relieved by "Fruil-a-tives" Etc., Also Cows and Poultry. ! TwiiiO'lli Century sees i lii i i,,t.)iD of nnnUiiiK '8CATTEH 1i, Launoh "Oh Baby." Blue"B48. the Fruit Medicine Aid. Collar! al IqiiIkIiI councill NSillM'- '-Mil t"'w by l ui uDd bounds. riifetlinr will introduce a million' lidig;eliois, XS'ik ingestion or Huyners, Undertakers I'hunc calling the solicitor to upon city partial digestion of fix I, in one ot "Say it uiifi Card" 301. If tli jnost aerious of prrsrnl-lay prepare a bylaw regulating the Io-j a v onmplaliita U-catiae it i reMjuiMe cation, conxtruclion and u? ofj t Uah for Victory. Ilonds. Tho. for many aerioua trouotea. ic li-liotie LiuildiiiKd, laundnen l , I- the up-IO-tUle way. We ,uv Card With jut Ihe MrClyniont. ," ' - tf Thorn tiho lufcr, villi ImligruUm, livery mLu lilcH. piifperieei ami ,.,,.-iti oti,l vjli lo xprcni. uilji,e for grown-up, ; tilmmt ituariaUy ire Imublnt uilh hrewerieg in the eily. He villi iiI.hiii r.u i-julilrcii-; ' More nie-al .for your money; HheumatUm, I'utiiUition of ilir. llenrt, seek municipal legislation reu-l v :i1y Market, jf . if Slrrpltunrtt and ex"iu Nmoutntu, latliiK the keeping oT ru, goal.. K ill Till: Cllll.llllKN nme Valentine paper. cfor and . "Fruit-a tlrr" will aliraya relieve pig, loiiltry and oilier iiiiinai , IIh the H W. Sinclair, of Int ernea Indifrsflon Israuiwj these tablets and defining the limits in wlm l-: ami let cy-. hand aud'Ho- imagination deirfop. Cannery, came in on last night' slrcujlheii the stomach tnurln( Ihey may he kept, Notice of mo-1 hi Henri. Amn, i.ui.J every enilubl device Irain. increase the flow of the dicralirn tiou i.s ol-d. manna Valenline Iiay happy. I)oti'l mi ilng Hie latest Joif and rorrert(Vmatiiation,hieli iu Valentines. Ileiucmbcr the day February I t. spring, Millinery, in...Ihe usually accompanies Indigestion. Inluui ,..i -t.i.i BURKE WILL MEET -iji.-F j, urmivi- at ne- 60c a box, 6 for 2 ,'jO. trial site 25e. inci'. ,At dealers or sent postpaid by BOB FITZSIMMONS Fruit a-utcs Limited. Ottawa. . i. I iii.n arrived from TONIGHT ORLEANS Slcwurl mi (lie I'arlicnu yesterday afl'TiiMiin. TWENTY CENTS A DAY JON RUSSIAN RAILWAYS!" ? i'Si'jr that'll- K. S. Cow. tf Smilh- r. reached the city on lal London. AIUSt)W. Fell, l i.--TheflH of night - i min. good frtim ItueMian railways are XKW OIILF.VNS.. FH. 13. J., .1 It: i: t... 'I In- Itwvpfl Vacuum Cbtaner riiniflni turn. I jerjuiay. Martin Ilurke, lighlwelghL i lo "illy I(5.00- mid Tiolhinu lh I'ole who now 4lireelN the meet young I lob Kil.f iniiiion. of "IHTUlc IMiciif lllaek 700. If railway adminiatraiioii, aBvrln Xew York in a scheduled fifleen Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. Dial it will be necexnary to e round ImiiiI here tonight. On the (loyal I'urule jjlltrr Tm, ink1 fa'uiioli a jeial jiolic force to nulniliii- of ihe iiial h hinge tin: f.inlfc Iii.,iii4, Vlifilax frni 1 nmp il oUl. ; lijerjltinky first array of future bouU. Ilurke i Until that time we will offer '" c. A iituniRitl proirrjim. Jiv; eante ittln inleMlMl tonal noliee included jn the ehnmplonliii Candy jacket just II i rough liin j3)rJfiih of the maleh with (!ene Tuuney and if ! Ii.hJv welcome 37 in mouth" then you S4 eou nl er-rev1 u I ii orgS u i za I io u cuee''ful in lhe.e 1m m I will your Specials in Several Lines the delectable gum center. KvB get vidian Sitlr Wlili lHv.-:mil tiiown h tht Oheka during the have a ehanee Ui meet Carpentier llaiier in the K, of I'. Hall, 'ted terror ieriid in the euuimer in . London. And with Wri nicy's three old XBB r ItllK. standby also affording friendly Sjgm aVBHHB riKHMlar. Mi: iC ait H:?n. Ad- French CHOCOLATES He re-eenlly . denounred Ihe WIRELESS REPORT aid to teeth, throat, brcaih, jS!ISw9 - ailway eirtplbyi, a fjteeiila- appetite and digestion. Jga'.M Ioi-k and Irnfflntr win should A tutrial "1hliitffir Ihr mem. Soothing.tMrst. yMR he jailed, ilowevvr, il i diffi- S a.m. Ier iif St. AllieM Si-i(ly and Ivory u 1 1 lo untlerKland how the mil. Ill I.I. HAHHOU Ghmdy. calm: K lite I.adie Auxiliary will lie held the next cigar taste STATIONERY roivd men can -he eipei'ted lo baromelei-. 30.-.': teniperalure. in I lie rvMiii ii Monday; al K-.:ifi work wilhnat leaJing for train. lTi; ura mMilh: 7:55 p.m, poke p.m. - 36 men have I old Ihe enrre'poiideiit Canadian Hover in Filzhuzh These will be sold at cost to clear. . S. I'iiinrvnn aud"W.i. Vn-ilerllp. thai their jmy atiioonled to only Sound; 7:55 p.m.. cpoke North 3.0OU Six iet riibli-n a month. western. 3!I3 mile frwm Seattle, of Terraee. reaehol I lie 'I'll ir ii i-iiii ah-ut I" 2 Ameri-ran iiorllileunil: i eily on Saturday aftefiiiMin Mild i-i-nl-. I--- I list n the prine Dtaii I41KK 1'OLNT Chsar; ORMESLMITED an- rejsUterfd al Hie Unlet I'rlnre of a single imuud of iilack liread. aim; barometer. 30.30; tempera- lluperl. lure, 0; ta cmootli. - ifi The Pioneer DruggUti The Rexall Store Je HuleUinixiti'. of the I o-uiimnn LANGUAGES SPOKEN IHG1.1V 1SUN1 Clear; calm; wm barometer, 30.1 K; Jemperalure Fihertee Office, left thin LEAGUE OF NATIONS IK: ea smooth. nioviiinv for Cuptaih' !ve on a Noon. Irip in romteelion with Jii de- 1UT.L HAimuJt Overca!: parliiK'tila iluliex. MINI MIX. Feb. I:t. rofeMr calm; bammeter, 30 lemper-alure. -30; Canadian National Railways Mi t.udzale. of Hie loeal lib-- iSUU-rl if lite rerultve Murray,roinmllee vie-rhairman of Ihe .30; ea ,modb; 9:35 a. . . RUPERT BRAND . . in,, jmke Prince John, off Jor- pllal laff. relunied mi Salur league 'of Nalloit, jiay the ne kin I'oinl, northbound, dui day aflerinHui from 'I'oronlw csHy of an inlerualional Ian Prince Huiwrt midnight .Monday where lie lien I three notnlh mage was rornniy iHnie uion Kippers and Bloaters 1ICI TJtKB I'OINT Clear: Prince Rupert iciiiU al her hmoe'. hitn M-fien alli'ndlihr the nwnl calm; barometer. 30.31; leiupera; meling! of the League of Na lure. 33; ea mouth. I he lliertnoiiieier i-es-ii-lereil 8 iioii at ileneva. liK.'lJY ISL.ND Clear, calm drjj rr altot e ji-rw nl, the Do-itiiliinn "If ynn ooke iu Ijigti-li." he .Mrleir.'liifrlral taliifi aid, "il v Iraubiied into barometer, 30J?0; teniperalure forJSale at Shipyards 38; ea mooth; I pjiu spoke here Mil. Mtoruinir al iliH-k. Krenrli; if in Freweli il wax leainer rrince Mary du ALL RETAIL STORES 'I'lii a (lie lowi'xt reading o IraHxIaN-d into ICngli.-h, and if I'riiitM" lluperl 1:50 p.m. far llii winter. hiiJhIv kivw Heither Kuglixh Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating' Dry Dock The Most Tasty Breakfast Food nor i reueb lliat was tils own Engineer, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern FULLER'S SPECIALS Magistrate Mi-I'.lymolil wa mil look on I maker, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. h I Ih.v Hioriiing lo lake over On the whole, he I hough! the Obtainable Electric and Acetylene Welding. hi dutle al the rity police court natural way out of the difficulty SwifC Lard, per lb. ... 21c hut lhjre weiv n offender lo would be for Ihe League lo re. I'urily Flour, Mrk $2.25 Smoked Daily by appear Imfore him. He ha Ititd ognife one of fhe two artificial Fruit ... . 6c j rur (it.ml 11 cipiippcd to handle all kinds of (rape no cne. Miice hi afiiMiiiif ineiit. international languages eillier Local N. L. F.gg 60c MARINE AND Kneranlo or Mo. .loSinloue' Fluid il'-f. S1.25 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Mi. lieorge II. While return The toller for inot Furopeuns French Muslard ... 25c d on Salunlay ariennMn' leiay wa eaier. To iiou-lkirojieiiii.i Our tlwu tlraud Hut lei- 45c PRINCE RUPERT COMMERCIAL WORK ei Irain from 1'onoka. Alia, lo lliere were uei lnin ndvaittnve tn French Muhroonib 75c whirli il,ice he iirroliiKt(ied Ihe Kperanlo, which had a smaller IJ. C. Milk, iKr cue .$5.50 PHONES 43 AND 385 v illain- of her father, M. Or-vi-ney. hiuinlM-r of roots linger' Syrup, 5. prr tin . .50c who ied away here a 2orn Slurcli, cpiM'ial .... . .10c fow weeks ag". MANITOBA MAKING Ilolleil Oat. ?0. only . . .85c lril lirtv'ii Pea, epii-. 3 lb. 25c Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 !r Hurry Sitiiinoii i;i-eil MUCHMORE BUTTER Climax Jam. 1. p-r tin 75c llH-iiugh Ihe lal Carnation and SI. Chare, JAMES HUNTER eily night on the " i-r Nanaimo-Wellingtonf( A Venlure enroule lo Anyos where Wl.VN I VKi i. i-'.-ii. 13. The.ml- cae $7.25 In- .will lake over Ihe denlul put of ciraiin ij butler iu Maui- iatile Snap, big bars 25c GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY AT REDUCED PRICES jJ lLi liriieliee of hi fa I her," In. II. loba in IH.I was the large! in .aundry Starch, package, ,25c BUILDER Siinmiiii.. vho died rewmlly. Ir. the hixlory of the indutry, ae- Murmalade 90c LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE Lrorditig mipiu , Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and RuQgles Trucks I In- to annual Siuinniiiii, jr. in a Vuiieouvrr report of reh (kilfi. .'I lbs. for S1 ii'i'h nt ut. ! ! lit-. ii ml unittl adlixt A. (jlb4Ui, Terms can be arranged for purchasers. ili-iil ii. (-omuiiKiouer of r.renm of Wheal 25c NANAIMO.WELLINGTON Is the Cheapest and Beat, Ihe dairy brunch of Ihe provin Christie's Sodas, tin 65c First Avenue and Cow Bay ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. You have read our advertisement cial department of agriculture. Corn, big tins, 3 for 50c Prince Rupert, B. C. of last week. Dr. The output for l"l n 8.-530.1(15 Phones 116 and 564 Scholl's representative Is p.iund, a compared now in this store for three with 7.000.KU;' pound-, in IlC'ii. days. Don't fall to come The average tuift; realized by the A Man and see htm. Any foot trouble cruaiui'ries laf year wa ;ie "rrrrrgj-jj ss sss rrrt r at all, from the merest jor iKiUU.I, a .wuupaii'd with Phone 15 Peter Black, Agent Main OfTlce, Central Hotel NOTARY corn to the most aggravated S5c .er pound iu wlui'li Wants to THEO COLLART. LTD. - had tlic effeel ol culling tin- PUBLIC case of flat foot treated suc Prince Rupert Coal Company cessfully. Family Shoe luUl telling value by I In-' cream Sell This TWO FINE LOTS on 5th Avenue W. Store. 37 eries front l.ili.J5 in Itfso to Exclusive Representatives: Ladysmlth-WeHington, Pembina " li.l('..'1,538 in IM2 1 . $1300.00 on easy terms 11. V. Ii. Lepine. diclrii-l dt'plity A coiiiiaialii. fulement for Watch Peerless and Yellowhead Coals. Rentals General Insurance grinnl exulted ruler. W. F. Jlo-berge. the pat IU year liov thai only Wultliam "Vanguunl. ?3 Real Estate Phonq Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 eleeined lecturing knight, iu t'JIit,' when dairying, condition jewel, adjusted to heal-and Pembina Peerless Coal of No. 10, II. J. . I-:., and Fine! were iniiiMmlly good didtlie cold iBoehroiiiain and live I nvvin left la night fur Any-ox t,olal out put come anywhere, near the figure for IU1, Uu output posiliou. in gold.lllled dust where Ihey take pari iu Ihe proof eae: cost I(Ml, never On Dock Delivered iiutiillaliou of officer of Ihe in UH8 being .H.i.V.i.iK? pound worn; must sell for C0. Anyos Flk.' Lodge. Tomorrow IN BULK, ' With 150 solid gold hetiw $9.00 $10.50 Ihe lodge in Ihe North will put H llnr.ertukei. flume 41 -tf per ton. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE double chain slumped on on a big maiiunrade hull. The, every link: 75 for both or IN SACKS, local men will return on Th urn-day ANNOUNCEMENTS $9.75 $12.00 night. ;'() for the chain. per ton DENTIST u . ... . , Order a Trial Half Ton Today SI. Valentine Hall February Visit hla OfTlce Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Do bo I auffrr It by G.W.V.A. John Bulger, W recommend Ibis Coal. for use in Household llunge und Block or phone for an appointment. anouier I tub I n.day wiia Healing S'lovc. It gives hot llr and five from soot aud 676 1 I orrruu-utl- The Jeweller clinkers. Phone jus, Honpilal Women' Auxiliary Unicu hours: U-12, i lo 0 and 7 to 9 alloc ulrrd. Silver Tea Friday. 17th. Il"in'lal. .We now keep al Pembina Coal stored In our new bunkers, evenings. lf,Cbaw'a Ointment will rllyou at which completely protects It from the weather. When It Is aud alluni laU( baucftl. aua a Imii all Sunday Appointments Lady AsaUtont oeal.ra, ur Edmaiianii, luirt ti Co.. iJuutM, KnlgliU or tntumbus Annual delivered to you It Is absolutely dry. luruiita. SwuiiIii Hot Irtw U jruu luenUou Uila T U4 aoduBt So. atami Vr jmr wt. J'aace, F- i't 'iMi-v v I