Pn!Hrlnr..TiiniifirT PACK TWO TTTE DAILY NEWS The Daily News SO MANY PEOPLE INTERIOR AND HHITISII COLOMBIA;i pniCK niM'KrtT - PnhlWied Every Afternoon, exeept Sunday, hy The News RE NERVOUS PRINCE RUPERT Prlnliiiff ami Piililihinp tympany, Thinl 'Avenue. -II. I. Pt'Ll.RN. Managing I-Milor. , Newspaper Criticizes Local Board Support Boost EAT of Trade for Going After I "Fruit-a-llves" tiis Greatest Too Much. 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - ' Cilv Delivery, liy rnnil ir earner, per mouth ?l.0 of all Nerve Remedies r The Fish TELKWA COAL IS .FIRST Home By"mail In sll parts of the ltritih Kmpirq. ami Ihe Unilel Stale, N - ' in ailvnnee. per year if(1.00 1 Tkl: Freit Utdicine Reports HuL'i Short Line Would Make Fifty- To all other eouutrie. in advunre. per year TELEPHONE 98 The Incmse in the nonihcr of four Million Tons Available FISH Transient Iliplav AilverliMiig. . . . per inch per insertion pmant. Marring from Xtmtuitrti U foe Shipment. Industry Business icorlJ-wllc due, in a measure, to th Transient Advertising on Front Page. . 2..S0 per inch j The Inferior News has an editorial reaction followinjr the ar. SlcepteM-BfM, Loral Headers, per insertion. . . 2.V per line erilicism to make nf the Heailahrs,MenUt Depression, CJa.ilIed AilverliMiip. per insertion 2e per wnnl Rlieutiiatim, NViToua Iiyspep1. resolution of the prince ltuerlv Legn) No!ie. eju-li insertion I fie per agate line tua Heart Anion, are the resolUof Hoard of iVmiIc. It Hunks the - Member of Audit Bureau" of Circulations. adUturbed conjitlou of the Ntrroiu Imuii-iI is dif!atin(r it elTWts by fJystfM, ON DAILY EDITION .atnr.lay. Jan. 28, t0"2 Tho ne rres and the Uoo are so 'Ihe p.iM-r says: lntimately,- Titalty, onneetsl llutt Kvidence of a on(r-hlayet the condition of one U bound to affect realisation of Ihe iinMrlance of Canada's Eighth Annual Ron... A. M. Manson the condition of th other. If the Ihe Interior In the ultimate development blood is laden ith impuriUar it If anil destiny of their Ttie iuliniHl..." lion. A. .M. M.inon wwW l.e nppoinle.l impossible to liae lioog, steady Pacific ' Mrl i s- n in a rcrrnt oi .or ri tHie aUoruey-geueral rnn..-, a k" people of rxr. residntiioi. or erie of resolution, nritih O.Iun.l.ia. The North already has one good member or Th full tstnaiel im trttttia merrcui adopleT! hy the prince Itu-Hrl tthe ral.ii.el nd if Mr. -Maujon lakes the nltorney-generaMiip tnuUri it ptuiff tMritk U Umm litmrtl of Trade, ullhooli il NationalFishDay there will he two very arlive men, ImiHi of whom are Tlu. -FRUIT-A-TiriS' i3 U in frankly admitted Hint ieople in very rapnhle and who will see thal,lhe interests or no mm-Hoii o( TlttIT-A-TlV?"timuUtethe the district to he immediately the provinro i neglerleil. , bowrls tilneysaodViaudurIfiM leneniei fail to .ei the wisdom; Mr Man-on has lakyi an interest m polilieal lire lor many the blood. "Fruit a-tiTra" improves of the julep Prince UiimtI WoiiKI vears ond il i- altogether prohahle that had he lu;eu living in the apetite and digestion and inorn take, the likelihood lein I tin: Wednesday, February 1 lieen at he rl.inet when Premier food being properly difestnl, thus Sun 1 1, he would have a their jienenius action will le offset Hrewslerwas relurne.l In iwer. Siiue HiaUime'he ha eome enaMin;thelJowl tocarry holeaonic by the nmhilioiis nature of Meadilv to the Iro.iL He has vyrtu'.i iifoiKvifrtV extreme fairness nourishment lo build op the body, I heir repie.t and form a perfect anil onnt has a derision, fr particularly the ernes. a speaker r the Legislature jmt excuse for another serie or challenged. Thai is a rerurd to he prnd of. He II and vonien ho Uke."Fruit-a-tiTesM 'which Ihe Interior promise on is spoken well of hv hoth the government and opposition members.whirh because for some Uiey form cannot of nerrou-DeM eat. or has thrived so hour. Buy and Eat Fish ! If he sees fit to arrept the Miiliou of attorney-general, life that ranch Lines. work that sleep or or enjoy say do honor to. he should will? ronltdentlv e.peeled he the it is tXii fruit mrjicine it timplj mrrrllt In addition; to requireinents position and wilt rfrlaiiily he"a strength In the government. iti of their own immediate front There have been annoying lillle Irregularities fn the department a arttoa. dtr. Prince 1 1 ti perl would have' You! Boosts Boost the Business that of the atlornev-general whii h. although of no gnvit imHirlanee. 60c a bos,6 for 2J0,trial site, 2jC. the povernmcnl at Ottawa alep have been the means of making the government unpopular. At dealers or sent postpaid by rtsht oul and build some Pim- These will all have to Iw tr.iighte.iied out by the new man, and Fruit-a tiTes limited.OUawa Ont. r branch line it, ihe U-inadian Na-j among other things an effort 'must be made to carry out the provisions lional Ilaitway, all of whicft are' of the liquor art ajong the lines demanded by Hie people SUITCASES' calculated to stimulate develop-, nl f lie last plebiscite. men! of Hie nalural resource in Sinclair Fisheries, Ltd. - Prince Rupert TRUNKS what luivht he called this district.' Liquor ActOifflcult They also see Hie necessity of au! to Adminltter. CLUB BAGS etpermienial Tarm. anil while we! J The liimMvact is difficult to administer. Everyone realizes iiio noiaiiempi io iieny me nreo oi that- On the one hand are the prohibitionists who are satisfied Large Stock on hand. !these undertakings as essential lo with notion? less than complete prohibition and who look with Prices low. .Hie progress of Ihe Interior with quick returns o hr tyernmeni siispjrjou Vtti the present law, which they opposed strenuously at very indirect lienefll lo'the coast city. ami at the unie tone the pIeViVileThe opposite extreme of. this is represented by J. Fc MAGUIRE Ihe New atfrec with the former the jrrealesi concentration of settlement Canadian National Railways the dealer awUhrewers who would like to make more money out MAynr MrClynionl in the opinion would Ih twlirnnrh line to of the business by having Open selling, and with them are allied Next tht Prince Aupert Hotel I hat we would he well advised ini tap Ihe coal resource, on me the toners niijl.haiigers-oii of the trade, some of whom would like askinir tor less and insisting upon Tclkwa I'.tver. an urea proven to n jobs as liarteuffefs. Hetween thee extremes are various grades the particular work aureeil Ui al nater ettent than any other Prince Rupert of moderates, all pf whom are opposed to the return of the bar Ihe Kreatext -benent to the mot pro(erty mentioned, ullhooiMi but some of whom think, there should be liquor served with meal?. Ten Years Ago people. We" prefer actual accomplishment possihly tiavlnif no icrealer nlue The jroveniment must remember, however, thai the people. carry lux real paer In the end. Ttie Trlkwit Itiver in Prtnc Rupert voted for lh law as H 1s today and not for dining room beer or money In profession hrinpinsr area ha th advantage of cotly Shipyards any other provision for free selling of intoxK-anK They can not nnlliin? hut paper promise, and preliminary work heinjr accorn-ptisheit consistently, broaden, the present law without llrst rotiMilluig the The frasedy or Ihe Balkan itliat i about what Mr. Shirk will and reliahle reports are people Mrfln-Hier,ptehisri(e. There has been no demand for a liinpre. a .Monienesnn urama,,,.-, -, ni(,,nnl, 1o nll( ,nt.r available lo prove quite definitely Operating GT. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock change except from the iiJerested parlies. The people are satis was rewlerco by irteal .Monlenirin tll0 pro!rram 0f the ;iri,.e Hupertithe tonnage availaMe. the nature Engineers, Machinist, Boilermaker, Blacksmith, PttUct fied with the present law as lung as it i properly enforced. If taieni in me r.mpre i neaire jar,j f(f Trade. lo wlilclr.reports of the coal and the consequent maker, Founders, Woodworkers, Eta. the present head of the department can not enforce il, the new lal ninhl. It was the first limejj,,,!, JC. nas enmniitteiftiiin-'husines and earning for a - liltomev-general should place in charge "a man who will do so. the play has been pnt on in'ir ,. . ihraneir line from thai standpoint Electric and Acetylene Welding. What the people want is law enforcement, fining brings the Zanada and there was a lnrp audience Coal Bunkers. alone, o sqy nothinir of Ihe attorney-general and Hie whore provincial government into disrepute attracted- hy' il. Kvldently a an inducement lo stimulus it would give to -ellle-the Our plant I equipped to handle all kinds of ' so quickly as neglect in Ihe administration of flie a establishment of a line of ment and attendant revenue, It is announced lha'f Sir f5eor?e liquor laws. steamers to the Orient. Prinrej Tfc Telkwa Hiver line would MARINE AND rioii'hty and associate of flrims-hy, , itupert is anxious to see coal also have the advantnee in ifs nil-honker Local Member and Knpland. have purchased Ihe established at that place'vocary of not twins; new lo Ihe COMMERCIAL WORK Cuiushewa llannery and will enter Immigration." ami I bey have becjone quite del railway company n u possibility, inlo the flaked fish business-, The local member, 'the minister of lands, is making a ileler up without pivinp much thought and at least three exhaustive re-to PHONES 43 AND 3J5 mined effort to settle up the vacant lands of Ihe province. He is shipping- the product over the sequence in the matter of ports are on tile in the rirnnd Grand Trunk Pari lie devoting a tol or lime to il una lias already met with a good deal Ilaitway available coal supply. The coal,Trunk Pacific office to prove the through Prince of encouragement in the old country. In connection with the Rupert. bunkers will be a nebulous inducement; undertaking lo be one of pood working out of the plans, he will have to return lo that country, The city or Stewart is ho nn Ihe what lh" sleatnship railway business. The reports where the people like lo deal with Hie responsible head of the trail of ttie I'eaee River Iriide and companies are particularly interested ro back a dozen yeah to the lime departments rather than wilh ngenls. claims thai it should he the ter in is lot of cheap coal, and wlien Charle M. Hay headed Ihe 'DEMERS' C 1 Everyone will wish Mr. Patlullo success in his efforts, ir he minus of the proposed Canadian il would, therefore, appear as O. T. Pi, were made at hi nnlrs. succeeds he will have a great deal of credit coming lo hihi.,' The Nprlhestern Railway. common sense .to start in at the and followed detailed information a railway situation -will tie solved lo a large extent by the tilling up development of a body or coal concerning the properly. One of Great Slaughter LkJr OL 1 C of Ihe vacant lands of the interior. Already good work Iia4iieen K II will nsure the necessary Hie reports was submitted by Mr, done, but Mr. Patlullo is ambitious and would do a great deal I The Man in the Moon j supply without the necessity of lieaiidelie, a mining eupineer well more, ir we can gel rid or political bickering long enough 16 give hauliup fuel from the prairie- known to many In Ibis country, to make, room for now stock the plan a ..haiu-e or success, we may all see great prosperity in ) SAYSi- ; nece.ity that would doom Prince and the Held work was started Central British lumlii,'i. and it this happens all will have a Itupert as a port of call Ihroujih with Mr. Hays' slnlcioeril that cliance to share in IIkiI prosperity. i LOVK is the elnridatinn of inability to compete with the hotlld the reports prove the ex EXTRAORDINARY VALUES! things not undersiandahle. shorter wnler haul front Vanenu istenre of twenty million tons of ver Island. coal the branch line would be I JTST hate a knocker. ThaLis r 'n jloolil III., rif-min.llinnr y. I justified. In COATS, SUITS, DRESSES HATS why I never heard opportunity country has much lo commend ft Million Fifty-four Tone. and all Ladles' wearing 'Kpparet iviien hm came Knocking nl my lo consideration, buL it inutt be WHY YOU SHOULD SAVE J;ul 3tr. Heaiidellea report lour. remembered that a branch line lo ' showed, not the twenty million Everything in the store reduced. thai district would be Ions in the To insure yourself against an unknown WHAT I hale ahout Journitlism tons, hul his examination, made Call and see our prices. buildintr: oilier branch line mik future. i that it almnst sferi)s linpossllilc afler superintending the actual To insure happiness and comfort in yonr lo make a liviricr that way without (tested have dislancn in Iheir diamond drilling operations, old age. working. tavor, Miiiie hcnefillintc a few, slmwcd flfly-four million Ion of 3rd Ave. "DEMERS" Phone 27 To insure for plher doinir a prealer seiSice, provision your family in coal in Ihe Telkwa ttiver field, the event of death. and it seems only reasonable thai your SO MB nf Hie youns men around Iheso figure being quoted from Commence Saving to-day with this town, look on a wife ns a if we are Kojnff to expect Mr. memory but being substantially luxury; and limes are too contrary Sbuk to pel anything at all. he correct. THE ROYAL BANK should not be hound with im-pnsMil.ilil for Injuries these days. up h compared with the Oround- jes, lint hboilld be asked CUT PRICES in all Merchandise hog the. branch line to area, the OF CANADA AN editor ha few frle'nds, but lo advocate and Insist upon one Telkwa Hiver field would be those he esleenis most are the line that would meet Ihe bunker con 8. J. MacLeod, Manager. one who pay their subscriptions need of Prince Itupert and which structed in one.(bird Hie lime and at approximately one-1 bird YOUR DOLLAR Prince Rupert Branch nl Hu same time-would benefit (he cost. It would bring juiUilMl from what one fee the trrealesl number of, people a ideady and bears, there is nolliins immoral immediately. supply lo. prince llupert at nn except wearina- untidy Feasible Project. ' early date, would more quickly re. Gets Quality and Value. , Hollies and bein hard up. Looking at it -in this way, public turn the money spent on eon. Htruclion, and would create An Pttona Creon 418 that the opinion will airree Rl.OCK YOU can stand a mnn or woman immediate prosperity out HOOT of u STEVE KING mosl feasible project nfferinK - AVENGE J - - - THIRD who is cranky, is dull, to line Nanaimo-WellingtonTn wlupid or proportion n through a AT smart, but the who is always lillle country person as yet settled, flh who refuse lo learn Ihe dif telling about the condition Should Mr. Slork feel confident ference between' cod and w XjAjlXLi a n AT REDUCED PRICES of Ihe liver, Ihef Irnubln wilh the halibut. of pulling over Hie en lire pro. LAST8 LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER 8ERVICE esopliaftus, or the ill behavior of pram. Ihen let us have the THEO COLLART, LTD. - - ff,Tu your monthly hill and you tnut admit the colon is unbearable,- IS this fish lown there I more Oroundhog line a well, but If one NANAIMO-WELLINQTON is the Cheapest and Best. , iffnornnee about llie o the i to endanger Ihe oilier, as we We lme 237 lots to sell for the Iiornlnlnn fWcrnment i" KVKflV fish has il day, and, square yard than in any town I firmly believe il will, then I'rince parts of the city. Ineludlnjr Prcllon I, Tcrmn In he urrains ! ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. next Wednesday 1 every fish's know. Rupert and Hie Interior would be Tor further Information cirff at our olllco. day. p doing mighty good biJMnesa (o RenUla Real Phone 116 and 564 ' EsUU Osneral lnsursnc A PKftPON who talk a lot U conceptrale on the T'lkwa Rjvsr Fhone Blue 63 Westholms Thsstr Blooh P. 0. 9ot IT Is not the day of Ihe poor sura to talk a lot of nonirnsn. branch lo ll consummation,