Tuesday, October 11, 1932 4 RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP IFIE , SE SE A CLASSI TISEMENT 99 ’ °9 : i j , i ; is get 4 : ma nn fe nn a . - “— — ~ : ee 1 — se | yi | tt. <— |B.C, Cooking, Ib. 4¢ to ... 05 | Roasting Chicken, :Db,. \-ashailicoees 30; Ground Of] Cake ...............--.. 3.00 ‘nite ny i | Fruita |Ham, sliced, first grade ....... 95\Fine Oat OOPS occcccccccomn 170 ¥ Th) Valencia Oranges. doz. 25¢ to .g0| Ham, picnic, first grade, Ib... 18 Crushed Oats 20.00.0..0.-....... 1.80 VAy” Lemons. Cal. la*ve 60 | Veal, lotr, Mi. © cocci: ek eile! ne Pe ON MNEs. hs cachacsodectee 1.80 te ‘ed "Grapefruit, California, dc to 19 Véal, shoulier, We jiciciaciccie AD nee WW 1Ore rries ; Beef, it yy 15 peseuaes e he vor rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 vents i ac 2 a0 | iheet, nate te. oo. ‘chats 461 M il S “hed ] e a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four, By the month the charge is 25c a word, || Preserving and Pickling Season |¢.,..), Apples 4 Ios. ‘gr, | Beef, roast, pfime rib, Ib. ....... .22| a € wie No advertisement taken for less than 50c. About Over—Turkeys Here at lee rs i 2 0 | Beef, steak, Ib. 26¢ to .0........... 30 ie sp Reasonable Price ‘Pears. Anjous, doz. 30c tc ...... 49 |Lainb, shoulder, i. .. 25 For the Bast alt | es Ribier Grapes, Ib. cece one 25 | Lamb, leg, Ib. ........ . %0| Monday. Wednesday and Friday 919 . FOR SALE PERSONAL DAIRIES A number of lines of seasonal|+ 2 “y eo 1EO. J. PAWES—Phone Black Tee | Qo O a * room || WHY LOOK AY SHABBY & Green Pepvers, Ib. 20 ee ee ee DIRTY WALLS? Citron, Ib 05 ences including electric ‘ange We paperhang a room for Sweet Potatees, 3 Ibs 25 ind oll heating. Apply at 217 ; Sei fen : c a 1A : a e enihs intidiees hdel 234 $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 uk i:|Field Tomatoes, lb. 5e to 07 ie. ne - and up. Call, Red 802. i Radishes,.8 Munches ................. 10 > For Sale or Rent B.C. Cauliflower, 20c to ; J. P. MOLLER tek AS 8 te a ; , Lr , . . i . ¥ {8 ons, dey, V0 Ss " baal a : he WORK WANTED | Rese, Cowan & Latta = [\ oon onions. 3 bunches 10 ‘ aoa eee enna Phone 234 Hubbard Squash, lb. 08 IRL wants general housework ot : md | a ‘Celery, head large 15 a king. Apply Box 152, Daily Steamship Sailings {Golden Bantam Corn, doz, ..... 40 . News 237 |Garlic, imported, per Ib. «....... 40 The Classified Ads. t \ a -m vor Vancouve:+ _D_——————— ©=|Savoy Cabbage, each, 12 to 18 Tuesday—ss, Cardena .. 1:30 p.m. | ; ; eae Cabbage, local, green 05 anv » hove « ; ; ica they VIOLIN iia “cae Betaue hiner 10 sin SHORT NOTICE Sa cahllaine ste stdinnen aie 07 _ Many people have something in the house they ; — | pridayss. Pri. Adelaide 10 p.u.| Head Lettuce, head, 8 to .10 would like to sell which could be turned into money ISS NELLIE LAWRENCE will re Ss, Catala midnight! - an lb “4 if they knew of a customer. Try a classified adver- the | me violin lessons October Ist Oct. 3—ss. Prin: Louise p.m. |} pinacnh, ? . ica f - * > nlnesifianc Var ‘ : an tf Oct. 12—ss. Prin, Norah p.m. | Flour tise ment. Most people read the classifieds. For of Oct. 24—ss. Prin. Norah p.m Flour, 49’s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.55 about fifty cents you can let them know about it fy from Vaneouve:— Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 45 to .50 and i av nrnve 5s ntits teancants " and it may prove a profitable transaction. TRANSFERS Sunday—ss. Cardena p.m. } XS A ] E. |} Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs. ......... 40 y) a] é Ct ; Wed. —ss, Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m.| Eggs ot, Cameron's Transf Cordwood Pritay—es. Catalin Dre: 2 | Alberta Seconss, ‘dos = mero ranslier / i ’. Wresh FE as 7 m Firewood. FPurnacewood, Kindling, Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Household Furniture jpe Fresh Extras, doz. 45 . Piling Oct, 8—ss. Princess Norah ...a.m. | , Aca = : , |B.C. Fresh First, doz. 37 enting t e ouse ; —s Oct. 17—ss. Princess Norah a.m.| ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, |p oca), new laid, doz. 50 aj —— Oct. 290—~ss. Princess Norah am.| On the Premises, 53% 6th East, Butter sain Naa ia rhage? coh % sb ‘\de tapdee bal Ott, Beaainokees Near Booth School ERSTE oe There are a number of houses in the cit} not Sunday—ss. Cardena 8 pm.| Commencing at 2.15 _|No. 1 Creamery, 3 Ibs. 13 rented yet and many people make little effort to From Naas River & Port Simpson— oa “ gin aie Honey secure a tenant. Others who are wise to their op- 7 ss Cardent 1:30a OWDO' adio; Sé iF ASH- Mxtracted ; er jar 20c 20) vo oa: . . js i 5 eee ae a . Mi. ING MACHINE: Premier Duplex ‘ a eo ee oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the A ror Stew i jae : omb ne 20 ‘ ns 7 ‘ Sunday—ss. Cardena 8 pm.| Vacuum Clean s Walnut Cheese “For Rent” column and often get results. As one I ' scion sal ining Room Suit Thite R i a ‘ esied ‘ a ae Cha. Wed,.—ss pela Supert 4 p.m ee eas ah weeorn se ae Ontario solids, new ib. IS satisfied customer said recently: “Those little ads ho From Stewart and Anyox— .— re rene Oniario 1 ature. Ib 30 : ce 99 ; IK O/ Tuesday—ss, Cardena . 11:30 a.m er *k Gi wr een é large |gtilton, Ib 35 cel tainly do bt ng results, \ X a Thurs—ss. Prince Rupert, 8 p.m.| “e@lnel Rocke! Wicke c _ 'fdam. Ib 4 \) 2 For Ocean Falis— ae lined Heater, Spring " ace }Roquetort, 16 3” } Thurs,.—ss, Prinee Rupert, 10 p.m _ Lress Renan and Br 7 i remgh Goreonecia. Ib 6) Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm | nu ; wle™ ae ‘ hairs + Surar S } R d A j CNAOLATUMN v0 doesn vain | Card Tables. ixicchen Tobe, 6 |pnite, 100 thm s00 Some Lifee Reader Ads. : Tf h Li Wed 8 Pr. Rupert 9:30 a.m on ; ump Vul “Ups ‘ Yellow. 100 lbs §.10 - éti ea Sings Jecl ; Drawe j ‘ > : : . &) he vealing Cream Friday—@, Casas ov TO OA wake ice Stations, Ue ian Lard s Some people after trying other kinds of adver- i tor Colds, Catarrh, . ’ ae ro Bm | world; Inlaid ino, Lino Rug. ee ™ ® ee " Dh tising decide to try a reader among the locals and For Queen Charlotte tsiands— Garden To id biinndio nee ’ é : : aa : Jore throat ere on Oc i and 28—~-ss. P. John 10 pin .¥t fore avers ane ba ashe : aaa Almonds. shelled Valentias 50 4 one personals. T hen they have got results. The cost is MADE IN CANADA From Queen Charlotte Islands— ~ , Keiornta sot cnet Waleats 35 a little higher but they have been well satisfied. Oct, 12 and 26—ss. P. John a.m Walnuts, broken shelled 30 : ae Pi 7 ' ss, Prince John a.m Walnuts, shelled halves 43 q When conditions are like they are today the news- For Alaska— eae Peanuts 15 papers can often help. The price is not very high. Yw Oct. 8 17 and 29—ss. Princess Annies ie ne . rour hard fate. Try ¢ ra Guide to en am THE AUCTIONEER sextntogh Reds ranged) tb... 07 Do not lie dow n and be moan your hard fate. Trs a ‘ From Alaska-— Phone Black 120 hem G21" 2.75 different kind of advertisement and if that is not Corres ondents Oct. 12—8. Prin. Norah... 0. ae eee ee eof successful try again. Pp Oct. 24—8s Prin Norah pm p «box, S105 bo Lv | 4 The Daily News welcomes correspondence on live topics \s ” . ‘ of the day or any other sub TILLIE THE TOILER A Rescue Ride —By Westover. ma ject of public interest, but let- 4 ters must be brief and to the : point. The long-winded cor- il wad a shila _igieneipiamenesatigeneetilit ditiansthineneliedibaiendemiie aii ‘ one respondent has no place in mn ie Youre RIGHTY 7 OH / GOoD THIS “wST you | [fie TCHED GQOOD GRitF' ~ a YE'’RE COMIN! ATTA BOY] modern journalism. SEEIN | = ul Uva E OL' FOR A GOSH ’ Re THE GARDEN rad | YE [f2ED- POLICEMAN: “WIE Ree ALONG ~ 1M aU 5 ET nae : oe tila dies ae ROAD/ KIDDIE OF EDEN =— HANnED ) LSAVEC + VY GIVIN' YE A | Every letter must be signed THINGS | Back 6 am | car oe | |\ APPLES ! = ES a 7 /SNERE rp by the writer, not necessarily 1] Cre + | | rome /t * ] py! ys Pair vy Po “f for publication but as a mate icra | > Sd “4 es ROLLER | ; . ter of good faith and courtesy. h R 4 Skates | : All unsigned documents go to } Wa the waste paper basket. Let | | ters of a caustic character " must have the signature ap- “ne ie, \ bended for publication ‘ SP Letter should be written on \ 4 | one side of the paper only, mrrtnetass < , } Correspondents must avold s/ We personalities and the language en a 2 " Should be such as would be al- QQ ms ’ lowed in the ordinary rules of debate, | = ‘