pJtfifc TWO THE HATtY-flEWS . THE FINEST GREEN TEA ASKS BOUNTY produced in the world Is grown on the mountain slopes of Ceylon and India. These rare teas, specially blended, give to George Buahby Addrassee Council of Board of Trade on Subject ARE VERY DESTRUCTIVE "SALADA" Prior to Patting Resolution Matter EAT It Oltcutted at Meeting GREEN TEA H371 Prior ! the passing f the SUPPORT BOOST n flavor beyond compare -JUST TRY IT. resolution HMnir the Dominion tiovernmenl to trrant a bminly on) doff fish, tiporge ItHshhy atblress. fit I he Hoard of Trade at length! HOME THE FISH The Daily News on the subject ami Ihere w eoHslileralile tlsrusson ami tl PRINCE IIUPEHT BRITISH COLUMBIA - rotl many tjaestions wie nskel Published Ever' Aflcrnoon, except Sunday, the Prince Uhe speaker. Mr. Ittishhy .said: INDUSTRY BUSINESS Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. I presume trial you nil nre,i awn re of the nature of the plant I II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. hvhteh I am operating, and that FISH yon realiie tin- usefulness of neh SUBSCRIPTION RATES: n plant a a complement to Ihel City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 fishing industry, providing, a If I By mail to all part .if the British Empire and the United States, tloes. the menns of disposal Oft in advance, per year $0.00 the wnse which Is Inevitable inl To all other countries, in advance .er year $7.50 the fishing business, and Iiftht'J 4 TELEPHONE 88 tspnal of that waste the lletloe. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. tbn Plant convert il into most on useful ami valuable product. DAILY EDITION jk& M-mlay, Oi-i..t .V), 192i. namHy. edible fish meal, suitable ftr the element pniyfnir protein in the feed of domestic livestock ueh as poultry, swine and cattle, Canada's National Fish Day Movies and Movie People the fertrlirer.soil, especially for the enrichment as regards.f fruit and vegetable cultivation. end oil. irliennMe in the tan Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who ning imlusiry and aNo used in entertain the public. the snap ami paint iiiatifarture a -J! art well ami a in crafts.other branches of the Tuesday, October 31, 1922 will wail anxiously f.ir an op. Continuous Operation , .rl unity Nt see hr work. You wHI renilily understand WEEK AT THEATRES that, in nfiliT to iiiake such n "Notoriety" is mie of In mi). plant rermineralive, II must lie .Monday and Tu-1av. Al tonal ih-w picture. kepf in prai tidal ly rstntlnsost op. Tom Mix in lliirh" 'Sky era lion ilurfng the entire Ve-ar, Sunshine Otmedy "Hi The two hoy Jackie lMaraa fc when the steam etmkrs and There is no more health giving Nis SIUI." aiHl ley Harry ate full lletj. drjr are allowed to pi eon- Vlnetlay and Thursday ae, movie star. Jackie Noll Shlpman in "Tn en the bero in Oliver Twil bn sent sitleraMe cireuHVtanre loss ensue,the t'mler tant ber pre FOOD in existence than FISH Wrl from itr Country."' ant Veey in "Haa tt. Itirbes." operate under the disadvantage that when tle salmon canning Friday and Saturday. Constance Tatanatfre a Ming reason close the tant has ntily Mi l-oi Wilson. Mil-It Toy. ft Chinese grtrl. in Kal i the waste from the halibut fishery mi Sill. TtHxidtir Went, i proving very itopular. lo depend uMn for raw ma Hubert and HHt-n Ferguson - in r William tie Maek Sennctt ha a great Dane terial, a very insufficient supply Mille production "Mi tlial lie rent In movie ro. in iroMtrthfi to the capacity of the plant to aborb materia! Talk and Fish l.ilu raw Melt." uoeer at awn,, a' Xow Eat, Buy don't everyfo.fyrr rft'rAi ih'eir The management, therefore. dog. There are only a few like Ita been casting about to avail Teddy. itHf of a steady ami ample up. Nell Shlpman i a Canadian! ply of raw material, anil ha, log girl from lirilish Columbia "K DF Mil I P PlfTllRF rally turned it attention to lb she kg, nunliHl a iiiv.u.1 .ml UL H1IIJX lalIUlU. not ready ami available source, in the movie world. Sli i a HERE AT WEEK END shark ami dogfish. REMEMBER: The Foundation of Prince Rupert's lar among the tar. Her 'These fish almund in the picture thi week "A ttirl from water adjacent to Prince Hu Cod' Country" i said lo be an I Lola Lulu Wilton Betf la Which Star Will In "Mis be fieri and in all our British Cotum Prosperity Is Built Upon the Fish Industry excellent .live and should be seen bra water ami upon the Atlantioj Seen Friday. ty all Canadian. roast, and wherever they exist l.ol Wilson, the dainty Para, they prey upon the fisheries, lies. "Sly High! is on tonight at mount actress, i a home.wreck. troytna vast quantities of edible the Weliolne. It must be a r in Willrnm tie Mllle'n latest fish and cause much damage to liplnpper judging by il name. Paramount prmhMMlMe. "Mi fishing gear. I.Mill Dell," which raim to the Public Benefactors Trapped by.the Mormon" is Westholme Theatre, Friday, that Those wfin contribute towards Support the Industry making tpiHe a l ir in Canada i lit nay, he Mh- furniture, the destruction of these pest and thousand have been tloek-Ins ainl tlllif ami play Itavoe wild UHil lie regarded a public bene to see the picture in Mont, the uypi4tinMMl of a kitHien in factor, but, gentlemen, it re real. The tory ileal with the whktli he ha ilruiUed for years, quire the expenditure nf money ecret polygamous activities of llterrly lit jrtve vent In U.T fH to du the work, and this brinisJ That You the Mormon's of I'tali anil i loe directly to the kerne of myl Supports an i'XtOMire of the methods aid In the try, Mi Wilxm i a subject. to be used In pertiaiiriy women nplnter wImi liven In th,. home "Jn the first place, tin not ru'i and children to join them. of Iter iter ,aml brol tier-in-law lo the conclusion that I am here at a orl of eranl. She taken lo ask for anv thing fur jvx WM'U Mary I'irfor.l recently reinail;' part in a unit-k marriusfr ri rf-the tauy. I hate mi such iHtentlot) pirturo thai mailt' ln-r. TlierP linony to ilitMsover thai mIm in not I am hare to Ml you that it I W vratilutle! "Teit of the Storm only inarriMi, but that Iter hus leyoml the resource of any indl. Country." on whii-h Ur tia been band already ha a wife. Then iijual or ciniiany or group of. wttrkliu tin pat uiiiuii-r in her Iroubb' befriii. Neil C.r-nish, person to . adequately develop ROYAL FISH COMPANY. Konthero I Vt(f..r.iH (., ,,. a irarhrr lovt1 mul thi fishery, for it will heroine a the "ertiwiiiuy Hfliit'vt'iiifiil of driven to oMrMl mu Ity her fishery. It I a community mat. .Mary l'iekforil'4 caici-r ' II is 1 brother-iiulaw'n t-ondurt. he ler and iuul bo undertaken, in not often that an art ha wreck the furniture and leave part. ty iimarTisiiMiian of ourj made the um' piriui -' twiff. .her home forever, eventually to fishtyie. the Dominion (Govern. ATLIN This plrluie was mstt several; find iteat-e and hapiiMMii Willi nent. FISHERIES, LTD. year nan and in it the queen! her sweetheart. Milton Sill is "Any reduction plant Ofierallnti nf the movie first i-biisihI a I lie leading man ami oilier in in thi province i coiiijietinir for furore. Yet she alis- Hie Tht'oilori' lti'lwrt, wa- ni east are bu'sine in a very close market, fled. She speni the whnle sum- llelt-n K-ijiion Mal l Van Prince Rupert, B.C. ind the larger the output nf tint liter remakiuv il. ami utt-v ! fan llureu and :i.ir-in-i' llurlnu. plant the keener the csHiifietitinn, for the reason that difficulty i generally experienced In finding "I Can Now Do My Work ready buyer for large lot nf f.oods, ami (he placing of such Without Feeling Tired" large lot upon lh p nrkt-t nl-was Mrt. A. haa a tendaju-y to sag the Roxton Moffatt, Fall, Qua., writes I market. "I mfftrtd from a run-dowa lyitcm Markat Limited and Dfrvoui drbility. I couid'not ilrtp or "Our market in (Unail.i is hundr'd, handling I'harMes ami a nlurli ouisnln uinury i mir.nih. i material. '!' operate -.i..t-... winter. Tfit at night, and felt to weak I could not extremely litiutetl at Ihe present duly of 20 pt-r cent d valorc n, id into the local iiil.'.n fuHy wc inu-l nhtum ni raw ma Such n proceeding ,:,J J' wall any diitance. I took uvera nine, tor me consumer nar not ami iarn keen coiu'wiinon into iiirnugii iticie sjics export lerial at a pi n e whn h w ill enabi linil a.l....l , tt ..Mi.l AUil...... awukenetl to the udvantaBi's of Ihe bargain. good ami import t-nh. A er u to oietate at , , t'J Mini; l,l 1 1' iU!' tootci, but they only helped me a pmfit all. would buy very liltle f"', utilixinu our iiroduct a ti-.' "Our market for edible fish fair exchatigt', and Wi'. as -rlln -, not large a' pay a for while pr raw mi- looilsliiff. few uiirill I them. Mother wi taking feetl ami ftrtllicr, but Ihta mar. pK'al and fertilizer, u regards at find that our busini ss relatiorik lerial, we should not dvud take Dr. Chtie't pay any-IIiIiik kind, would imii ills In P' me to kel will growl in t the least V0 of suit's .with friend proportion per rent our is our to the outh of for il at Nerve Food, and I tell benefit all. and make a four men on Ihe payroll, wii;!-11' great jkimwlcdge whirh it diemriiutel In the United Stafcswtlb a nt- ju ure ivl satisfaf lory. And profit after pamn .-...t f ah. or Utile benefit lo tb front the firtt boa, and very cob-tinued j regarding Ihe iisd nf lli cki. wlsa freight ru' und a duly of piao. in till eonmsrtion. bear vfarture. ove head. would handling taking severil boxt. Today niuiiity, in fact we iiimkJiIiws. C percent ad nlnremVa"l tliu in mind that thia I feel Lie a new woman, and 4...- -t ..t ff. - ..It I t 1 1.- -I ..a ..... t. . ..... .-1. it.csmoimiiiv.. hat't'harjtc.. . transpm tai mil and duly. ru.t mil In a comfortable i'un' "r ostrri n r nil is in. mu uursri, oni rii- iu uami , ... able oemu Vry ure, ni ipvuijlllg II imHtey If we canil'il p. rate at a prufit .f..r. .. ...1 ,.f re 1 1:i I1 do work without am to my tale of NewJcfaey, away on the not absorb targe, hipiiieiil with- witli the local inerehanla, viy'it ' null, i r ,mhi- - that dreadful tired feeling. i i.un. ... i.. . j.ii , ...ti i.. ii. .... . .1,1. ... a would be f,, li-h in liberate at mean of utiliiiiia- the upcnilfin tuuiiirt' roust, iii uirevi rvinprii. oui irejiir wit eili'l ami uurri- goon uami amj one lo n mine ;,ll upon a laru - ali'. but .ii.ti""' wt of dantaauppllaa raw turn with tint Mnlie,e(i and olher ing prce. iiuiverally adatd. wouitl cut 1 DR. CHASE'S NEKVE FOOD '' -''iff to n'.wlinmliiK about' at om ,wtll tutaMislied oil stippiitM. Ill "J-'roin a etmuinuiUy p ml of Haw Malarial minimum ami . I' 01''"' III nlirseJvn- iliur- llicir fe Outs Uta, all dtJrr, or IX.us , llalt A (lu.. Mil., 'I'orutUo mis w rase a iiuiisc,hiiii. view, our saitM lo tli Uniisvt!I "Sow. in order t oiutrale eon wtlti ItUoj aii fety I il tr mi asfili.l riiut.l .... .r ail lf. . . i hi i.. .. . i 1 care of ihe wat fjiiltnu mcupatiou of fih de mir m r 'w i" 'lira tain rri uriiriii iki, ! n utMiiiy. vie iimjbi, iiuaa I'uw i.alilutl ri l ' t iiaii-4 vil J"f "'