PAT3E FOUR TBS.EMIT RSW8 Manila? iiiuf. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McNmi, Keep Your Feet Dry ovct? -s Inot EXACTLY: DT THE WAV H MWrACTUtC Jj . ' WITH MY ARE TOO Trim i.CH' TO VTAY TRIP wire: : t i fca r i J fWGto LONd? aTi J ' cl 3 Wet Fset Lead to Much Sickness. SCRUBBERS all nm Now on Sale al Possible Price. Family Shoe Store The Store or Shoe Satisfaction. Home iVioklng Mr. F. W. of which Ihe his- Teloria Hu.i-son - - - - - i Phone 357. P.O. Box 1661 Hart ami Mr. J. Howatl. I lay nlore now ManN. Their Ai 1 Main Sewing .Mm. S. Ilnmb-in, many frien.N ihroushoHl the irn. .Mrs. George Johntonc and vlnee jojn In wlilmc Mr., Daily News Classified Ads. moaern Mr W, nilehr1l. anil Mm. ViekeM many m'nrei SPECIAL SERVICES Fancy Work Mr. T. 4. Shen. hapfiy reliiriiK nf their w-isl.llnir' 3 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No AdrtlMmnl Taken for Lmmm than ROc Laundry IN CITY CHURCHES on.Ire Cream ami Candy If. P. nay. j Werwlg, Mm. A. lvaron. TAXI WANTCO I HELD YESTERDAY CHURCH ATTENDANCE Kih lnnd MM. Jo. Ilalrh- ' Service Phone 693 I Alii; eaily Hie in Ihe Aa!" fonl and Mr. X. nhinon. SUBJECT OF SERMON' Sport Chat '.all lieorjte ft" I tulne. Thmiand of men i Sperlnl ervirc were held In The re.till of the Man? raf Tourinv Car Kale . ft inrreaatlNI aV-fosn.l We off to - i Mrnl of Hie rilv churehe,ye. fle were a follow: Prompt Iay ami Night Serviee. for nfianrTeMM. Meehaa. range of erviri fa . l4il etenina- Rev. H n. liranii Tin- ii.ual fail lull t.-lw.-u the lerday. ti .iijfTT-- iiyuitini hj r. SUnd! Boston QHH Third Avenue hr. lUltery ami Ignition Kx. lie: At SI. Andrew Anglican, W. HarU won by Mr. X. C. vri n eermon on tlie ubjert KiiiniiiiT kiI'I'hii cmii ami fieri a M you run qualify fur Economy Laundry Ssrtlcs ftiankgrlng' service were held, HohJllMtn. ,nt r'",rr" alleinlanr. While irtt- lllf ailteni f the winter' III. LAMB ACT. ftfi of l)ier ID partw iraaV Dsmp Wiihi Soft Hey. Archdeacon llenthrolc, of Hrnl anrt-nute. tlwmlen by ,ng x1 leM'ie i. piaee r iN.r fHirl i now iih. Ilax-ttall, krei LV.VB marhir.T. -mstmct ar Finish, mm HauTTt. in a frw week at maJI eoi Rough Dry, Dry Clsanlni, Vancouver, prearlicd two plendid Mm. II. II. IlemmiiiiN.. wim hy ww-nin on inai nay Hie m-or fiMitlntli nnl lM.nie icaNie Tlkr Kollr UHt ilw iHIIPI Ihk, at Hemphill-, lua Aiil- so4 Pressing and lifting, crmon, morning ami evening, Mr. II. M. Illake. ait II wn a mailer fur eMi-li ier-' Ix-rn off tti.- ratemlar fitr HtrSar or?"" ' 1 ?"" Kngifteertng aehoota. tail and Carpet Clsanlag, anil Ihe choir rendered special i:iip anil atmer, lonaleal hy B Ut ee with hi own pn-1 "me week n..w ami III next ryH.tnrPM.M " M-1 oranviMV SI reel Vi the Regular Laundry It, nnlhcm in the evening. Hie Mm. F. W Hart, won hs Mm. A. eienee. Tle iliffieulty ww thai " iinmraiii will Im- liillmril p-l Hae Uul t rtWK M4 S 11.0. vice. church wa made beautiful with VBMon. netiple itiil what they 'wihe baki'llMill ami fiilily mikmi S TO"Hwmh MMM. nwmw I.It MS H antl , . bi knr wlef mark, Ma an Xow I Ike lime -Ynsjr W e HI- fr - J f thankagiting decoration. Voc Iih. iloiiale,! bv Mr, rather than what Ihey thoiiRht. He laeMll ami mwkev. In iIm ise rawa i mtrr nsrt. Mm ass' li.' . ' mm s ratm Ms war wu ii urn) a Ilev. W. II. Hedman preached John Hnlter won liy Mm. T.l' murli e il i-ome frttm iiieAnltnie Ihletir ami fan M ! rlMMM ihH MHl ltr BWM Name ... hi farewell erire at the Ilaptit Het. ji.i-dli-i-l In allenil Imrrli keri hae little lo .1,. but talk ami KM. fwaaMMn t.vasas nin It Ar re. nw a rsrii ar kaa AM AMre Canadian Steam Lwicrj Church Iiefnre leaving for Victoria I'ietiire Frame, alonaleil by!"" Sumlav. Ihink hoMt iert fur lite . . ' OT. I.TI Cut oal a4 to lo which city lie ha been enny Allen, won by Mr. II. Mr-I winter ami what Itrey are (toinv LAND I pt. T. Inr fobler and, Phone I. ianiei. iTupn ru TnilRICT in iim men. il live weailier were SCT. tranferred. John R. Davey sang SkfMS I.J v,vi pmvHirr-M or fees. the olo, "Tlie Holy City." accompanied inlreeee. ilnalei by Mr. 1II11VUUII IVUllIlJl etear it loffnNt be fMxlle in Ot'fKS I NIllDTti hy V. Yanghan K. I.arse, won by Mm. II Irfintf. SLEEPING CARS GO f a few- fperlal oulditor a)t Titf SM rsrSMM IS! w. Mw lann if ttt- Ollll. Waated fi general at-ll r- . lavie. Tea Clnlli, donated by Mr irame or few ante-eeaxm ia-iloor maa,SfST fnr nreaaaa aiSMMW u le le IS Intern wnHt. Apply Mm. P. C. American Express Al Hi" Method)! Church was a Steven, won hy W. II. Sherman, TO THE SHIP'S SIDE maleMs of me kind .r mm MS Sum aSnita Mi a-'it- tS i ribM Mtuu! i Jwly. IW Ptfth Ave, We.t tt congregational onjr ervit"e nf Jr. other mia-hl be nulled un. f ! aVst earaer at M lees. 9 Cl.i 1 ! . vT Money Orders ' HMaee sank eSaM tn tnm im moi , " bit. tnrl for general donated Mrs. J. The Canadian Nalimial Hall rli Cap, by P. I familiar hymn. An illutrnl. IheM S rftaM wiria-eMierty Mwi k . NMewiirk. ed ermon, "Quo Vadi?" or Hyan. won hy Mr. Kxley. way announce that in order to A iisrs?eJiiiii ha been ad- Mer Msrk; Meae Htik s . itme! Apply Mr, f. H i Issued ISS saia Wettview. pn i aa sImht Oftfe. Mml 'Whither Ooet Thou?" wV lea Cloth, doftaled by Mm. T. make elixe and convenient run. anee y Ifee frilM-e limirjie Irr Mark M smi.weMriy II art if gien liy Rev. fi. n. Marker. E. J. Shenlon, won by Mm. I.eek. inn with Fall and :tirit- hiirkey rlub for the formal nn of LAVotnt rtmso rrxi WAXTKIi. - Smalt foruiiie, Norway, Sweden & V. Ling sang a farewell oIc. Cushion tlonatetl hy Joe Itatrli. ma mailing from Montreal. St. a league in the ,-entral Interior 'OT I.TB. hnue or flat for Ihe winter. Denmark at Lowest Conidering the inclement fonl. won by II. M. illake. John and Halifax foi the Old till winter. iMifk) a league .it iMtad Sf4 WIS, I SIS P.O. Hox MIA. ?r. weather, the attendance al each CamUole, donated by Mr, CfKuMry. Ihey will operate the prHoe.l would include Prince fkrti UP LAND tstnict-ACT. WMMrT' or Current Rates '.church tleonie Jiltntne, wow by H. following Ihrotigh Tourl! Sleep. Oeorge. iiimmbe, Vanderfiiof. Ot'll R rHHI.OTTl POP. SALE wa very atifaelory. Hurn lAke aal Tk W llMt e. tkf La(r ritS- Agents Tor"1 . Stienlnn. ing Car from Folmonlon to the SsHilKar. Ihe I liankagixing service will b- mi awl rwiai lay Saek of Sugar, donated by It. ship' id without Change. dlWewtly llial eeui to be lurnar. uifiiwi mt' kSrJ. i5J,,','rt HAI.K.- SH r.mal bouse Norwegian Amerlean Ltss afealiirt'd next wet at (lie Preby. arHjr Jar KIMwM (a Iraw Ihe ralla f lb i li ofilwsic with bkth. Fifth Avekikie. ft Swedish A merf earn Linf CHitior7 woif hy MrPR.'IrgI fjatiny HlnjonliHi Xmember of Mir dewtilira uaitt. ru.-ii aian al la lerian. Itaptiot ami Melhodit ind finawre lrael)iag pmi p4"MrO ttxmt I aM aartk af the euh ami fiS per m-nstli. Scandinavian TkfnaWssa Churches. l'iie. dotteled by Jaek Itey 13 1 1, for .. "Iteuada" for ei. Mrtll-Bt mraer -4 lul issk. OX It tM nold, won by X. Johanin. LlverMHil; .. "Anlnnia" to Ply. pene. SniOhee i arlively 7 rlMMa ik" W atler Biarki X. ItroeV 7. Seetli-a 6. Line. Heara IS rhM ivirUi .lee)t alnat ka Its on. Ise. darntod by II. M. Ilhtke. inoulli and Iemlo; .. 'Meta. PMimimiz alrisa.ljt ior Ihe Inn-key aar Mark; tlwlirt 7 rkaia MS M IMl Ollvsr Typswrltsrs 'PYTHIAN SISTERS won hr C' Harvey. gama" fr llagow. all ailing eaon. A Qtok i lo be Mull thit atler Stfh mark:aaler Ibeai aiark la la ekaiaa a.i. caiMaMHit aaaiheaaa :.Lot It r&.on.and I I, I Hock 9?. Her. Cary Safss Plant, dueled by Mr. A, II. fr-mi Montreal Xntemher IH. ,m Hie pdWegrminiN -ami Hie rxnt INSURANCE BAZAAR SATURDAY IIayni won by Mr. Ilayne. Another car leave KdmonUo. railway eoMiuany ba besii ak- tAvutnk nsHiia UlV sn I rrnii TO Lot 1: and IH. InWk t&. Pin Ciihion. donated hy Mr. Xovemlier JM, for .. "Hejilna" for water upply. The rink Plled rrt. HU. 1 SSI Sectknn k, 7imi. WAS FINE SUCCESS J. Itowall. won by M. Ilowen. lo LierHMd from Halifax. I . '' o be prvble. with ee-t. LAMOi ACT. M. M. Stephen. if Dybhavn & Hanson MEM MP WSlkrcT- WlTtllCT Of IK.II wun by II. M. Itaxjtett. I, an.I ear leave KdiiHHtiotilrir light. FnTilie decision if oi pr.i iinLoTTt IKI.lTtt. Knilns tad angina ftt-llngs; Third Avaou Annual Lodge Affair wet Well llerember 3 and o for ..i. "Meg. S ilerinlle oalure will be tttade Tak Sutlr IK.I mm the I ah.... Si.k. tat and rarktsr :. I IS . f Malee Aulrts and auto pHs; . 0. Patronized and Many Features a n lie" to Liverpool frmn Halifax .by the smither Athletic r.luh al llartxnr, ormpinue raaaer. inienUt la sloe. Prince Rupert, MR. AND MRS. YICKERS lf tur IvrmlaMMi lo kratr Ika Mtoa-laa oo i, anchors. rhalM- Make It Event lceemher "tla. all early itala. Outstanding I0;.ao s.. dearraVed landt uawairiH .1 a blocks. pri-pellor. aie. and T an dra" In tllavgow- and .. lt altMeS abuut t raiSi aurlk nf lb CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY tMTin-ta.t eoraer Lai its. o 1.J ikaar a variety or micellane..u I The Pythian SmtrM lu-ld their 'Amianta" lo l.iverHol I)ecetn- Hill Hartaxir, wli ha e.lali-lUheil thrtwa naria rkaMa ku law alr marSi filling kt tow North-' annual baiaar in the Kmpre ber II. himrif a the heal player tliene aaltr Mark;ISS ChaM Itieae anal.nutlhanr S rfcalaa a Ian M a In rn Kir ha price. Mtkj h ye. t r j Chief William. II. Yirker. of Theatre buililinir m Salunlay Car leave FVImonlwi Ik-rent. in the I sail dub billiard com. water niaiai lli.Hl. H IMMI aiiia- HYDE the and Mrs. Virker aaaierty sloas Mrk aater mark la b-mL aflernonn. II wa a mot ur-reftii city police, her II fo .. -Canada" In Ieiitiia lai wilder, jyy Ihsl rMiianaav II arm Mor at lea. Foil SALK. rNenmg aim, near affair and w'a larK"ly aru today oelebrating the twvnly- l.iveritonl ex. Halifax Ieeiutier be ha mil Irean approiirheil by LAxnai rtvHisn Mt Y LTD.rrklio ly new, slie 10. Caah ffVH.tlo allemleil, many ilainly anil ue. firt annlverary of their wvl-ding. 10 ami ..'Mrtrganin" to Ola, any of the prupetive team re. Dated Sept. Mth, IStl. "1I Hox nt. Ilaily New. TRANSFER fill aiiirlen being on nale In The ceremony took plan- gow ex. St. John lieaemher 15. ganling lliii wtaler inre re. LAMS ACT. ofltte. if aiMilitHi ) the ierlnsr of tea on October 30. 11)01. in Ihe old For frllier particular, write turning lo lawn from I lurk ley Sa'rtVXA I.A.XD vvtr.x MvTSarT cm sloth.- DIHTWCT Of EXPRESS AND BAOOtOC. ami refreshment wlnrli was a iron chiireh, SI. John's AngtteaK, or call Oily Ticket ofllce, (Una. Hay lal week. Harbour wa the Tak Katira tkat u the I ...... n.h. ron RENT Iy and Night Phonr tIC Ina aa ra'kma u. Lid . of Madea feature. on Dougla Slrrel, Victoria, flev. lian National llailway. 518 firt mun on the champion Hartntr. arruaiHatl iTanneei. Mlemlt ut TO nKXT.-3 rK.iiie. Hal Willi Percival Jenn. father-in law nf Trail Club lal winter and HVJ lor ppnalaaiua to leaar Ihe falktw. Mr, fieortri- Ic'k was ron-vener 'iTi,in Venue Prince Ituirert. II. team IS daarritea land. .anmaarkia al balh. In gHHl mindilion. Im-medlklc Coal anil llio.f m i liare of Ihe Mr. Jenn. of thi city, official liiine ifiO. 333 wa unib-fealMl in the roume of il Ptaated alMHil ekM aank of lb Cir. Ful. Best ,various ilenartnu'iii w.t a fol. Ing. Fred Miller, reent ser-geanl-nt-arm Ihe compel num. He would..he a narlh-aan nana ekaia rtwner la or low i.i S7.itr o.r.l Mark:. iMar ibenra ton and poemn.Vriilh Ave. Api .low;.' in the Legislature, R. K. MrNauglitoit, llM-i valuuble aeipiUillon lo any of isa riMU url sknut bv Urr marki M. T. Phone tfietm s rhtlm to hlrh aater tkirk. Ilieaar Ijee. lied lad if Wood Wood Tea Itoom Mr- ll. MeCul-louali. wtis best iimiu. pai'llger agcnl for III. lina- tin winter lentil. It i md ISS r ha laa aaslarijr aAwt klah aaktr mark Mr. II. M. Itlake, Mr. II. Many change have taken plare',),, National Hallway, made likely lie will have lo go beg to rwj."uai LaQha iiHixi li trraa vvi mwra rtckixa or lata. Hill RHXT. dtjeam healed fur- Stove Lsnglhi, SpllL MeOanii'l. ami Mr. P. J. Hyan. in the" twenty-one year, a notable t(e round trip lo Siewari on the giug for a oi!ioii. Oated rot LTD niahetl llole.keeping anile Seyi t4thf t ftalfli Mi. K. Large, and one having been the tearing down Princ Ituper; al the end of the M'I'fr Mr. t Ho, Kmpre.a 133 2nd Ave. WssL Mr. J. ShfTtian. of flic old iron church on the site wc'k POLYTECHNIC CLASSES SStCVS I LAND Tti-T ACT. MSTMCT Of Hot if). Phone. black n. tr Phone 680. 01 LKM CHkMTTL. Tak .iMIr that tlx Uatart rttk-lut- Foil HKNI. Two neai iy fin - ,T KING EDWARD SCHOOL aud rarkwa t:., ltd. ar Kaden HtrU-r, nrrupaflna CtMieri. lalendt la n tlied room- ais-l fur leriuluwi Ui Iraa Ilia rallaw-in monlli. Call iOtt-KiMi Tlie following cla"-' liae oris I l de.rnUd planled rail nimrr abuui laadt of rhalaa lot cxiiearlf iaa wirlk oe.i.r al Ihe W.. or Phone lied 5H7 ' II Let Us Advise You tx-en iniM'it from ih-School Ilootli n""n a rnima i w wairr Hiark, ihenra CLOTHES CLEANED ruaia. .a.i ae-n low water mark: Willi a lifetime s ri and will in future, inert ihenra aotitk S rhatria u lurk water mark: t MACDONALLTS at Ho- King Kdwurd School eoni- '""IT. . rl" '' Hms him water md pre-d by latest 8TFAM; ejirc in all braitrfir r;t ' ' ' " ' em inn li ittlttiar Trade ' 1 uii'iiiiug i.iilay, Monday Jti-tolier or lea. pressing process. 1:10. LA.xoAiu riHiti.xa CUT svn LTD.Mrnio S nits called fur and delivered. Brickwork, j Monday: P,ngHli for Fnreign- tured Sept. I4lh. tiff. Phone S4S ;ci ami Millltirry. LINO. The Tailor Stonework, ilia Tiieday lrt-en ilioei Hookkeeping over lo'Wednesday rln Christmas AUCTION SALES. " Concrete, etc and will hi fill it re meet in Conducted In your home. Sales J'lans and f pec ' -s Che King' Kdward Scjimd. '' to all our ' HertS s every Thursday at ,3 p.m. In our BRIER Huiiie Kugllh and Arilh-metic rooms. Send In your goods early William & Co. Gifts Walls liideHt are rem I tilled OEORQC LEEK, Auctlonssr, that their rl.1 meet on Weil, S23 Third Ave., Builder and Contrsetors uewlny. King Kilwanl SrhiMil. Your Phonssi Black 815; Red 157. P ' lu.t 8 Phens Public peakltijr cla will mre copy of our Office 1017 3rd Avs in King Kilwunl Kfliool on VI. BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR 1923 Year Book Jobbing Work of all Klns-J uighl. rnnne lllark fl5 Hlnlricily and KnglMi for MRS. STEPHENS Foreigner will ineel hi Hie Klljt is ready to be above Wrathal) . store. Hil ward School ott Tliiirsday in Third Avenue. WG HAVE future. mailed Send for Ilalrdresslng, Hlianip.H.ttig, Hen. A new rhis In1 Oeulogy for naliig, Marrrl Waving: Vioi-t Ammunition a4ygpfi Miner and ProapertoM will it today. Hay Fare and Kcalp Treatment TIN meet in the KJiU Flward Hr lntl Manicuring. Mwilches made .. and Shot Shells 01 Iburailsy, order. aaJ CaiiWri la All Sltat Tl Sevtittg rla his IfPCM moved from Friday ( 'I'liilMilay CHIMNEY SWEEPINQ Packages 15 Seliol.uml will meet in' the llaolh Phone Hlue OLD 01 NICK B.k f(M. STORK'Sfardware Chimney, f Umllaal Advetii,. (u the Dally News. wrpt. Work.VBry guarantied.(,p.r((lll, Phono Black 114. t