faoi one THE DAILY NEWS M"inUr. Oi HAZELTON MOVE ADDRESS IN WE OIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE MANAGEMENT OF RENTAL PROPERTY Intrusted to our care. REPLY TO SPEECH If you need the services of an agent of known reliability lliiali Harris , hit returned healthful WESTHOLME THEATRE and experience who Is a good collector of rents, thoroughly from Smilliers and V. S Harris v ,i- IN THE LEGISLATURE conversant with rental values and leasing conditions, will from Vnneouvrr. Ih.v m.- Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9. jroina to attend to repairs carefully, water rates and taxes when swn.l the winter ta i - j w pay eonlinuinif Mi i'lll i. i in In i K due, see that Insurance policies are kept In force and who Sunrise i!roil oMTali.ns p. Il Is eti.r,on the!i Milk MILK iimi-i.-ii M l ,.r North iikan- will remit to and render detailed statements, you promptly you . lo ship ore peror sprln? . uaan. uiM in I In- ail.li ' -- in consult us. reply n ihe siKH-h from Ihe toiyTmix i-aeirie Milk Willi t.i'. of H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Oeorge II.k11ii has m, i,e tliroio- in the npenlliK of Ihe Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. New Hair-lion Dairy to l.wm li l-inonl. riMiics pure fresh from r renin the in exery ran l.ef Islatnee nn Tuelay f.-M-.w riuifous dairy Mr. IliHlirlMs will wiiii. . in h- r'mnl otteniiia today. l-rUs of Id, Ki-,.r Valtev near the Slhw Hun.lmil null K.-nin ih I .iniibi'U lite MietnlH-r IN aiui win so ror a IWp Hurtk h Wtl eew ure Bftvernment elect for Nelson will ml Ihe rerurl Tlieir mt'k airplane in I lie t(rlntr. address. Is 4. bmnrht our fmlones IiIm-im! i-.iiii'ti. ,- In-ld VARIETY Mr. Mel.el la n. iiitr of tin- Wiierr tit nuikr asiiriinee I'rliliiv hut im MMiiouiK'i'ineiil a TIMBER SALE X4471. Department of liiilia Affair. tlouMy sure e -terilur pih m.I,- of anv iiii.ini--. Iiatinu "Sky High" is the spice of life ahd Tender- be rerelrl l) trie Dt lawn, was viiiH- lit llntel- ran. rat-.-n ll'ini- We find Hi c satire di-iiinnd !later than n-.m ,n ,1m Ninth rta'r of"o- ton lat week. PACIFIC MILK """? f,,r ,h- I"'"'' f Urvar for variety even in Apple. XIIJI Mf Html ..rrlB( l-Wnce IS HEALTHFUL MORE REGISTERING ke :haaBel. W. ml M M. board fee! No mailer how good or 'Hie nw water system at Ihe Pacific Milk Co. how iHipirlar certain Apples ""f ' ' ' snea far ra HtelltMi Hospital has Iw-en com THIS YEAR FOR THE Sunshine Comedy "Mis Noisy Still" are, in tlieir respective season, renter Mrllrulara ..r ike i ki.1 r. pletes!. The new well ha- I.. . n Limited Admission 15c and 35c. Iter. tirtoria. .r I He inirtrt I We. we find a certain ier. ores pied and there is a k'o' whIit Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. MUNICIPAL VOTING crnlage of llir public who TIMBER SALE XAsTE. upply In I lie iHlitiilin i...v. Factories at Ladner and Ab-botsford, want some other line. I'os-eibly JM-Jire Tender will he rfrnrnt by Ihr B. C. lp l I i nla nielli ::l lasj.n they want a different alee tbaa num on the vtam dar r - SMiTHERS and I ni- .sv i- I t.f in;i;i iei n ,,u ,,i (. .luiiimijr tim ii colored apple or a different Bsr IsSrt. la rat . taste. m.tnmrmtrri Uf ietial .-Ii-i-Ii.i i i-ji.i.-i in a Willi! fprar. Malum. Ilrlu birk anil (XI.r. After oim- of the im.l i.-iil However it is not for us "T 'J' ' I tHnsvrd for re autumn raoiis on rword. n.. CHANGE SITE il illi rk W..kI- Tin- mini!., r , moral nf Mw. ilii .i.l i-v. .1- i ,. ,., . ii.lal You stand to decide. urlhrr nartlmrar of ine cbirf rrt. fel fir the first lime arl In-t 'iiiin.ii- nil. a chance .-ii a :n;. wr. Irvine, or M IHftlrlrt IVmltr. At any rate we have I'rlswe HBprrl. B.i . week. There was also a Ih-.h .. I n. I i i. lli. . In.ii,y ,, Tnr found f different donpur uf rglil. FOR THE RINK an apple a . III.- I TIMBtN SALE X4Zi. I.lkll'il ! I Il I al ,.ii. color and also of a different win rated Tenders mill tie rem red to $135 by the Tlie tfolivteliou urxl MMileiirr a lale Try a box of Milliner sf Lands of Vkktii, ml later "a nn tb tnd day f .WeBibee,' f eisht mmitli. aml Mr. Anyox People Find the Cost of 22 MEN LOST FROM Grimes Golden tt. for Ihr part-bate of Urrsre X till, Apples to ml I.JIT.ftM trrt of Spruce. Hrmlnrk.l leaet- Vohti who wn found Making It at Tennis Court .ottoowoort and Balam. tootle on in ullly nf sr"lnsi flHr PORTUGUESE YESSEL for tre lliis line in "iir store area at bead uf Ali Arm. taaslar Land too Heavy Diamond Ring and taste it. we knw ot lil.lnrl. sale hy Maidslrate llKin wa- will agree that it is a win-tier Ml Two al nf it limber year will b alloned for re ii.et hv III llimor Jnrlfte K. A.WOA, Oet. At the nr. st. jiiiiNs. xni.. on. :n. The pi u'n i wiy reasonable. rurtber parti' lara the .-hlef Tore. Melt. You ii a here last week. ina of itt Aiimk i iowirtriiHit IVtettly.lWn Nieli H-re Iii.I with FOn ONE DOLLAft. I.-asiie einiMcil it wwa ttcvltleil I .-ti iiiH-tes i nun a I'lirtuau-i- 3 DIAMOND RINGS AS PHIZES J. ii. voiinr or lerraee. wa. ttlmn.fi.il Hie Rllrnit Ut hmIo- fi-lima teasel, nsitw iliikn.-wii On View In Window. Rupert Table Supply elwtesl t reirreHt Northern skaliiiv rink at the lennf eourt, diiriiui a gate ill leie N.irlli At. TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY farmer. t! Advisory I burnt as Hie leHrn pilars tin-re wimltl lanlir three wt ajru. and hate DOLLAR PURCHASE. Phones 211-212. of I he laHioeiit of Arieii1 liae to he retreive.1 Itrfurp H he en INIsstMif silare then. ,e Finest Selection of Jewellery. Silverware, Cut lure n U Melorin ul a nerlHit of eoulil hr maile I'orlltaTUese rmnrl reluriie hi.nit' Glstt, Kartiters" ami Iho etwl wul. Ivory and Ivory Sets, Umbrellas, In Northern B.C. to choeit niiiuifs hM, Nsl l ',mw mleail of i)& as at with tsarely etioiaith i-rew lo from. RIGHT PRICES. TO EUROPE werk in Smithers. first rftrtcsl. Aoollaer ite it i nntiaale. etMH-lef will Is- '-m selerleil. l.en Hell and (ere llelme ra)lMN-t of MiUnl rtaal laemuilil Subscribe for tl e Dally Xew Max Christmas f hue mimwK tow were vlHors from HetHlnti "Min tar IllHHWUlOT lre. IN PROBATE. Heilbroner Smiihers fci ft. la i-otinerl itm with Deaa O'lMin- IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH " Qutetc-cMtaeouaa tmseaaa Southampton. lon's lertore it was irerkfeil on rs Ihr Mallet a COLUMBIA.rar avmasairalM4i An Jeweller. Third Atenut J f rraitca Hull JarHM has oM Ms farm and Inrtu tl motion of SriuK Omineillors Arnio,- la Ike Matter of IV ratals of Iranrt. MOMTa tAL-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWtRP. at HiNisl.Hs tw II. Ituwr aasl will arid lrwry tbt the entire rereipts aasse. aHti. pereaA. "SHU leave shortly fir his taVI frame TVLt VTli thai m urX-r .J Greeting " MlMUni amountiuc to 5I Ke Kiven to Ihe iaanaarMe Mr. JvMire Mrn sm In Krt Wortk Teta. BIOHTatAL TO OLAS40W Dean. sbs san oa ur neiHeakiier. Itff I wa. sW.ilBli d VdnnM.lralM d' the L.iale f -outhisl TO Councillor Resigns rr.sn. jasntM Ual-s trrr4. and an LlvmeooL Uminrra l.H)ae. A. K. .V A. M. pansM hibi Him- araiaal Ihe -am e m!!'st Tsslti.. The resiiftMlion )tf limrit'' labr are buti faraHk reqirel 10 uw held lis eonl annual Mil in W peat i Hi tenried i.. a. of tmtmr Isel Cards Mtnlclars I lie Smiihers liaH hist U eOne-lay arwick wal. the rounrillor SM dat r .,rmir K n iar and aM RED ... JOHSTOUlleoOL statinjr that le eoulil Ht aive pariaM Hsaebied I.. IK. e.lile are r.saNil MOUNTAIN niirtil. 'I1t a(Tair was Bar Ms- sssoani Wlr SWSBJS'SSBSBSBBBBBi Ihe tin to tire lanie proier s sue iwiti its. de-i)l Juultr.k. IS MsatrsM ureess nHl was larfrely liMIV H MeMI I.UH. Printed In our own office. T. OMN TO SLAMOW. illriije.. iosiiir. On h MiiliH of offieial VdmaataMatae I'rmln. i,..ii ..i g,,i,i ii. . . i :, j W(lt) , , PM.1IMS.1III.,. I MM.,... Oitinrilors ltsVR) aatel Noel, thi Uaard tbi tlrd dar ..f oehe. IM. Phone for Sample Book. raii ii ..I iii'iy wii-i rr-.to.n-il ut Ihe lli T. oHK-aLAtaow-Livtnr-ooL. Hu!irrl!.e for lh Dallv News. twaiiiinaliiHi w uMrptrl. Omih- arj Ileal Moiiiilmn mme 01, M,,liinlrt. tl. luher . Order for I""- . Twsialas eiHor Armour, swatifiiir tm Hie There li.nl Iifen early Foreign t. JONK-cHKaeouaa-souTNAsirTOM. IN PROBATE. an uilrrriiilion ut five wrrfc-liiilliiifjr ifHilioii, kI e whs lo vote Mailt at AMTWIMP. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH sorry oeratiiiiis 011 ar. imnl of a lire that (!" swnu COLUMBIA in faior of Ihis ressvlutkin us Mr. In Ihe Waller of tlx AdiulaHtrallua Art: agril the re lriinMrtalioH tlem. TIMBER SALE I SITS. ar. sam. i . -mUSHOH and Warwiek hal been imh uf the bewt Iloilliiliirv Ilei Rose, Cowan &Latta ST. 40HMCNtaBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON. , la live Mailer of I be r.Mate of Court vtvarkinir eoiiHeiltarH Ihe leoaue Sealed Tender, will lm rererd by Ihej MiMMilam m. mule an i,h. MAMaURQ. Crunk INMiruly. Hereaned. Isletale ''eiil. the Yaiirsjilter MMS.arr of Uk. al Vi-utla rsBsr! K' on SIin k K-Il TVLl: MlTlrt: lhal m nnler of III. hail. He ul h trHnite to his Ihaa Limited nuus mm Ibe llb d ofVoarwiMf, Honor, r. MrB. Younr. Biade IIM 1 1 lb rtj m juet tour weeks. Prince Rupert, B.C. - lctrias uf October. S. If. I wat awaHnled past reeoril. Js eWl l.eti.sso feel of llerslstk as slf u Afiata atarfaikaea, t 4. i. suminltlral'ir of llm lltr of Geurte I'oiineillor Itirttley was rir. l.ew Ifiirai 1.1 or isar rwqe. September 26 a p. 49c bid; 50c asked Phone 234. roaSTCR, o.ral Afmi. C.PJU Statlaa, CnMA IXMirtily. dereavd, and all parlle. I.iee lux. aud Ifl rordt of Sbaaale Mia -Yesterday hatlst claima tr'lu.l Iha aaid ralate ara Mimlml rliairllalll of I lie Forum aiieale , aa area oaj I be skeeaa nsser. CAHAOIAN PACiriO RAILWAY berebr required In fami.h aaiue. properly Di-pt. lo near Terrat r. hau i ia.i I aud ls - - 64c bid; 65c asked T.affl ML trrlfied In me. on or before (he itlh mirrettl Mr. Warwiek. dar of otember. A.U. Ill and all par-tie! The lllks' Si h-ta I liinioittee hail Two it yean will be aUoaed re te ItfjMir tins Indebted lo Ihe enisle are required lo inasal of luuber i iroieHt. (ruin inoni XMAS SAILINGS Itr lbs amouDI of Ibeir Indebtedneaa to iiaude diplieul ion for Hie lletrra tsribrr e furtbwitb. oarllrwiar. of ibe i.batf rWre. iii. Inn Ii to lirlirtp tli..I Hie i .ilii.. l. ni.irn;. The House of Better Values' Canadian Service jom H. M. MI I LIV lion liatl fur Nov. IS, unj as the ie. .eJ-Mna. B.i., or IHHMat IM.II IU IIP II II'I ..t llll- ..II,, . ,. Vx,i Mi.I'll. . Qled this lllh day Offleial of OtU-r,VdmlBlMrator nil. all was not in u for this TIMBER SALE jour . .iii-Kli-rulu.il. JUST RECEIVED. niplit, this date wus saitelKinetl. 14140. New Shipment from the Kail rROM TO LIVCRPOOL.MOSJTRCAL IN THC SUPREME IN PROBATE.COURT OP BRITISH Auyox Kerviet AosJatioH ask. MMatier Sealed Temteea Ijak wftM i l -iii.,i ,ai . i t ti. WOLVERTON AND I Aaaanla COMPANY of LATEST PkYMOUTM-CHERBOUIta.L ahra.Nst. tl l lb Matter tf COLUMBIA I be Aaiulnl.lrtlloo Arl ii to hate Hie use of Hie leasiue It. fur Ibe purrluM uf I Irrure X tfls. Am la Nat. 1so.XS ami ileroraltoiia. Ihe leln "and reipiest "rl to autow. la lb Mailer nf lue I.lata of lial.y rrl- ZSV J;?. Cfl.r Limited. Caasana-ra (Perila) Dm. e rilla iMMjahiy, lieread. Isteaiale. ma.l hy Jerry Marintre. Hie re-uenl l!?,ur.kM.l,".! V"." ' ,br e.' labiad. l.hjel '.Meiiier . TVkt h.u on. oner Kiih k Kkrliuiige. oHlI: llul in order of IHs (Mallfail O.t. 11 t, Lna.i Laari IH.inri Fall ISalwrala llotKir. r. McB. Vounr, Biade lb 1 1 IB da? was Hrantrsl. Styles Hai.ie One t. laar will .Vk....i t 704 Dominion Bank Building. rROM NfW VOR of Ortober. j. itff aa afisrtaited Bridge and Crlbbage beal of UMlivr. TO CHCRSOURft ANO SOUTHAMPTON. I Admlnl.iratoe uf Iba t.ltle of Patay pel. ariaer sariirBiar. of ihe i u.r VANCOUVER, B.C. i""'tasia Nat. 2s Dm. 11 ellla bourol). dVreawd. and all parlle. The ioi-liii nf briilice uiil VtrlyrTa. . . ue iiuiMri hatln daunt the aald lAceslUsIs atainal e.iale are H. 14 Baraaria . . Nt, tl Sereby required lo fiimi.h aaine. prvtier rrilihaae parties was brought ii. QUICNSTOWN ANO LIVERPOOL. ly (trifled lo Hie. ist or before Hie itlb Iy Mr. Howli-y. hhI on the uj!?e-In.ii TIMBER SALE X4400. Caraa day of ember. A.l. Itt. and all parlies in Dresses Das. S Inlebled lo I be etiale of CoiinnUor Armour Hist Carmanla Na., 11 are required lo u Scaled TNiLpii mill 1. . w. .v- pay tha amount of Ineir Indebtedneaa ,Tjrrhnla . (Baaiaa) D.c S at furlbwith, lo -oniiuitlee Im- forUketl. Iksuiarillors bi.lrtrl twvalar. l-rskre lHwrrl. tail l.ier (Hallfail Oac, 11 'S m Ibe VlMlb ls i Vrteniurr. JOHM H. ViMI LONDONDERRY ANO OLAtBOW, Ofru-lal IIIV OhtleniHii N'ih-I aul lvwny were IMS. far Iba BMrvbaar f Lieenra tls. VaUh Thursday issue for jCeluntia . . Nat, 11 Uaa. Paled Ibis Itlb day of orlotter,rtonoi.r.r ISYS. appointeil In (to into tins matter, Bear iee, in taa epriers.Mux Ifefulurk.CM. S. R.lin lo mi )ii.. M.-.1..a M ECONOMY COUNTS further announcement. !arla Nat. 2S ihi' lailieo' rest room or Ihe Ii. Agents for The Yukon Fur I Arause tha SPECIAL Warls. Naa.CRUISES.SI, II. Laaasla. I'l-ai'V Im-iiik u!ritiste us suitalil" tMrtber barHrwtara ut lbs rider -tMr. ' Eat Good at the MaSllarraiiaas Cmlii, Nat, M, S.S. Scitkla Wtl'I'l lue.ter. lai -s to holtl 4hese Mirlies. I Co. Manar swSara aa4 Srafta at lawaat rata. rrlwa llaorfl. B.C. Fall isfsrsiattas fram CUNARO AAENTS Red Mountain ar Camsasy'a Offka, Zi Haatla St. LANO ACT. S Ladies'Wear Ready-to-Dent Store iWaat. Vaacavtar. Phaaa . 1441. We have per-islrntly hI The Man in the Moon NOTICE, 0 rnuse-scT INTENTION LAND,TO APPLY TO Good Eats Cafe vieil your investigation r la Oseen f.harsiiie i.uim. i ..... Third Ave. SAYSt- herurdiBi lu.lrlrl of Skeena. Br ami the AT LESS THAN opportunity offeml ulawl" ,b ', e", ' Mu,s,,, PRE-WAR PRICES, Opp. Bank of Montreal. Silversides through pnicliae of llouii-ilary v.Viir "S'iT "" M'Vann. Good Food. Good Cooking Good Service. HeJ Muuntaiii sliares. Tllr.U. ..iiahl to I'e no siek virisna, .f.. ueruiialssi uiluer. lairmltl Private Boses. phone 301. ,,. J1' "PMv for funni..ion to iiiei r.iwri which ure iiuw offering earlier !-.. 1,1 In- win hi iiiii-iilerinv investors u profit uf 20 I to- ihiiiiIm i- ,.f tmHiod of sure lestii aiui ftalural Oat: riiunnr,i ,1 ' 1 lsl lanie4 mllea tan Bros. eure auiitb of Ibe HMjIh I per rent. luere Ure. ' iu.'."1 itnuier I ireura ur leaM . LANO ACT. All. llM-lira me.t an -i...-. LADIES Second Street. In HiMitioit to n coinire-hensite livrr ??"" II rh'n,i llieiiea ra.l.".tu nw IIVI or inTBItTION Ltaaa nan TO APPLY TO SUITCASES ie(oit on the ppo-lerly, l is i ii ! U Hlien its riim. DIRECT AGENTS FOft ve ar now prepureil day liei-ituse iifij,,. eleun lulile na.eu aafaai lain. IIf ; ,,, , n .' . . 'Z TRUNKS to rli.lli ami iu,kifl. .--is immeaiaieijr rati t uffer our rlients, fur their brt.lre Attention! S, riT.J'i Alf'JBL al mourn of Boiievaril .rse ob ai.rlb KUhliiiiee, a ilefinile opinion JU!r!-OjSslJblj, Arfil. m '.pore tt Skeena Inter CLUB BAGS NV Hou iIiuks ui two l.ib- Taka Nollra lhal I i.h Bailer I on Hie aspeeta ami merits of CEBTiriCATE OP IMPROVEMENT. of am a specialist In Ladies' -htasv." a.iairi, v.x., oi.'iipaiioa erul h-som," - ino ami! fanner. iMienrt. eluliH Instil, ulnil ulxml ... . . the mine iiulepeniient in "Won l.lVr " V V.i-.M.1!if ai.Dir roe riernii..iitft i --- tousorial requirements and by an Sn. f SI,m.i. aiioilo-r bialBt daarrlbed lamia I Large Stock hand l.ibirul tiiiiviiHuii -'.- isi.meorini VII on "'I" atn the holder of five French mininif authority uf uinpies. utr-jireKuliuii. DM!HILT, loealen on Louiw I'MISIOl.W.tul ILLUI feet men of a al .lanUxl at Iba .,uih eatl ror or r of Lot low. T. Medals and eight Diplomas tiuued reputation. You .JL,kt.',0",'Orllflrala Hv. "totes, IMtlrlrl B.C.. Itwiwe Is a m.."rl) dir?r Prices very for Hairdressing'. bhuulil lose no tinte in uc-iiuaintin, leiirt aliljr data froin Ine dti.Sim bereo.B la.to lion too fwt akmr 0 T P n. ib.t"VlB i.M-: iiiiiiu Uial won't get you api-ijr in ihe Mmior liM-onttr for Certif rata s souinerly dlrtrn., ow ,t,r u7lrf J. F. MAGUIRE My specialities Include Marcel yourself with this Inipniteiiwiiia. for Hie purpoea of oblalo-lilt inenrc in an eatlerly Jo anywher,. tryipir lu eelehrute aier mark to a p.i dirsrily k,"f.r ,'he HuUl Waving, Face Massage, information. SbU a Cross rurllier Oram of ibe abota rl.n... failM Dt eoninieiireniefii ilu.;.,. ... '. Ntit tha I'rinre Hupsrt ri-ii nay aiun inul as Ilka uoiirs anion . under Seellon al n....i ...J.77 Shampooing, Singeing, Hair aveil 111 lr wuw-l. fore Ibe lituams f auib Orllflrala ot:,"B, l,aiBf t scraa nsirs or leaa. , Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and luifirokeloeiil. btRT RI'TltH CM. Oliver uai4 mia urd day of Auiuil. A n. tttl "'"'' Violet Ray Treatment &Co.Ltd Nn i iiui we) have all reuil $LJSiili D.,M ttept SOIb. l,r CADOMIN as FOOTHIL-LS Toupees and wigs for gentlemen 430-434 Rogers Building, ul...ut win. i. it n irttlali Hili. CEBTiriCATE OS IMPROVEMENT. CERTiriCATE OP IMPBOVEMENT and transformation B.C. lies, what ulMeast fl Mil ill out r"'".L ' ' "'HUM HI VE Ko, NOTICE. COAL Vancouver, 71 traneiB ami "IMHIirin" "kllVEHAL SPniVO" for ladies. Switches made Mineral alii.ul Mhn i. t iii I'rlntie lluiert lie IB ItM OUIt aVlJi-Jii up from Indies' own combings. lll' poillli'.. L.:"-"- '.'..."'i lltl.1l Ills i.ivisiiiv of vtit ciiVrlott? 1 THICT. Iwaleil ImiIw ' on ItUmi. TIUCT. loralad 'a Taka .Sol Ira Ilia I I, let. lloatri Prat Taka Nones llul m UwIm. Duaraa Tr'aaef It.'sl I on I iniliril In A'.l: RAMSAYsS PAINTS Nluera lerllflrate No SITIUb.. Isieud alt it Miner's oriifiaaia taillSf lUeuii. I.itUe Asli Mom U Am at service time is your any Ladies' and Gents' PIONEER LADY DIES daa fwsii lbs dais Urrof. lo Iba by appointment. I'hone 604. Y..M;iii Miblur Hawrrter for a lrtira-ab'oi l m-prstrnieaii, a?sWStf& YOU'LL LIKE IT TM Kicm PAJrfT TO fAJMT RICHT Tailor. VKH, Oel. JH. Mrs. far lbs puriwaa uf obialulur Chas.LeClercq it Will Pay You to Get Our Prices. Msli..lii Mai-lure, who sellle.l in a CrSBB riraiil of iba abots rlaliaa Phones 7 and 311. Phone 22. P.O. Boi 120. M. T. LEE llrilisli i ..luinUlii iluritiu the Sir seMioB si. mo.i u irneVld bJ: a m.,wSSRtS. 320 Siith Street. P.O. Bss 7T Pbsaa RaJ till!.' of II.. Kuhl rush ilie.1 here XEUSLXST ' menu h. ...ra C.,u,,,M0a.tu'?; Consumers Coal Co. Lid 8W. I haled lliia tlrd ly ut Awautt. Ittt Ibll 1Mb ttaud Hi) of 1 U"0U1 l SepieuUf A H