THE DAILY ' PAGE flVl ASK BOUNTY ON DOQ FISH Taeger (continued front pnjre two -r; Ihe Mimll fi.hermen wo Givei "Real Comfort" bnve Utile nvupn ,Pr ,hlU thai nf strolling down llay Yen cannot rT"t'' I" sec that hi boat had not ,.mk "jmI camfort nwaa Mil u wo nurimr me riiriil. n III). tnn P""w'Gannenu. Utt worm)g .Winkle exlnr for nil concerned Mfhl M WW1 J ctrritd wmw Jimuv or who should he rnnrcrnf jf, bhtf ihf ptr ibis branch n immslrv. tnJur.nrt, J(ff G National Importance mmi,In pnasatiuw I I In maklne- a careful simly of H.W gHt, gr tun the situation Hi following w( EAT hft ihM r ,-cem in I ho uio.i important auterisL Hetiienls, ami ft will be ,f,n , wImiI nn extent the entire nation tttApptt frtt a iHI Ik. benefjiled. rr this i nol ifftum. a iiirpnrtanre,local mailer Nit mfe nf nalmnal mm mm4 A....I . i The pin eminent,, in Iru.l for lh wo pie, rnnlrola flhtls an mi).I he held Ire.pon.jt.i. for Ihe reservation H. S. Wallace and conservation of ih polenlu.1 wHtllh nlriin tfi II. rnr. Tin-ar"irnfiifnt on mul. Ihwfor. inkr. Co., Ltd. up il. hart' nf tho Imnlon and ha a dUllnrl .Inly trfnrm wtnrh inihi.lo. Ihf llnriAn of nwU OCTOBER 1922 CrmUlnry a. dlmy Hi.. 31, fi-hr. and. al-lli mtu Iimi 3 ply it hotiltl .In all in it ixmrr .. "lr Hi' iii(..Mal 'laldi.h-ntonu Uifh Id i,-Hns of li.Minit nf lh farm.., of lhi veneer turd.mnU.r.l..ry Ivitu.i vnH fi.,m hIiIi.ili rroaiinir.UI.i.i.m.frr.ti ph,, Canada's National Fish Day MMirf of rtKlfonnl nr-allh. flM.kin liHfly lUfinr, ,ai panelling tUr Vkmilh if a nation rnn.i. f. in tho following frm.: 'nw wwalih .r a nation. Gift Baaullful InUrlof flrl. and H m and wHI-l"inB Efftct and Can ba Applied to l.ld. ind Hton Hip Canada Iht Walla ry Rapidly and minder f ir.nn. it ran cm. Expects ply In makins ?am1 and u-. ,a fatiiy, ful Ihlnv." j . Ttial quolatlmi mw up (n a fiw r -natd: I'm..-, rail !ord a wonderful nil""' io a! Albert & McCaffery jrit ffiifti lo In manHfarlMrr.dillgonll) UH II. n.; Every Man This Day LIMITED roUr InduatHaa Phonaa 116-664. l it lural mrnniiinily llin. Iia t a duly In rforfo lo iinrir. for l.y: ijf fo.irrini: urh indii.lri-.i Will Do His Edson Coal Co. n ar o lalilulird r.laMi.ll r wliirli llliii-l.-may: Duty I'H-all). Hi.- wealth of lual roin. rj am af' I' eup- n.mii) will I Burp m U.-manner ofnin . hr iHinnoial Famous i o.landing fraltir of ilu matUr l thai thi prrman-ii I r.lahll.hHfal of tirfiil lii.lii.try lrilrd Ui h ronr-i..n AND EDSON COAL of shark and ttaiifLh into SUPPORT U.rful roinliiodilir, l h l' Eat Fish! r ant.or by the Ion in.-aii. of utiliiinir tli- natural i. ait tie vnur orJr tourer t-t ihf iMtiitrular lorainy YOUR OWN INDUSTRY y t u avoid Ilia ruth. . rued. j Phone SI. Iii order ill male na.fh III.-e.lallihnienl Of flea a( P rlnce Rupert Feed of Ihl. in.In.try and Co, Cor Second Ae. and ill onler to develop he .hark and Seventh SL ! ft li fishery llien inu.t .e a- itanee derned frfiin tha minion iierniient, and I am, King George Cafe the through therefore1,i lie ad Ifcuililtioii liability tlie a.kinir inier of ymi rhannel.aiimarhni8 Koternmeiit.Ut rin.ider with CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD the idijwl nf inire.ina; uon it NEW CAFE the ne-pily nf offering a Im.ium la Hie flherinen for lhe ile.lrnr-! Weurve the Beat CHOP Prince Rupert B. C. - - - lion hi narw an-i iti ri-it a :i - SI KV and NOODLES toean. nf riddinir the wnter of Ihe.e elru-tive net. and a a; Car, Ilk Slr..l mmi 2mA At 'mean of trndurinir national' Phono Blue 471 w.'alth in the form of nianufai'-' lured -oinmnditi. havinit a a diaw nf raw material Ihe rarrae nf mirh shark anil d.'fc-fnli a muv lie i. tr-ned under lite hounty. DENTISTRY Muat Qeneral have the iwcaaary auxin? upon nultions. - fittiH'c-i would be im !! I.mi xxeeks. Tin1 rase was the I am referring to all rihrmen which lo live during the winter l.'ss. I am not g.'.ng to rompib-a .illy .nil u.ih.n. -iiitsidi' "f im i.nd all Inchon i!nn!, w1iereer months and i"sMMy many tiax.-lioihing lt of iignres i" pnivc tins iliV" .r tin- I'' ut Assires nnd -iluated. . illnr on Ihe 1'nrifie or to live upon, lint all tiiit .intention ..r that, for the mum its hearuiK l.xik tlir-e ful' itays.j Dr.J.Maguire Ion the Atlantic. It would he a l in a po.ltion of fuCIIIK the IbniM. aft.-r all is suid. Is In siirl a Archie llonaahy, of Terrace, an l' ASTORIA Ipoor Milicy ! ak th iiirniiirnt winter with feeling not unmix.-.1 new industry wlnelwHl lie the T. It. H.oMr. of Prince Hupci : I .t gie MHial riileKe to any with a certain amount nf anxiety. means of giving employment during h4MNr.-d lot Ihe plaintiff and I-W. Room 7 and 8 Smith Block. Toiiw iarl of Ihe country. Tlii. "Itoat and gear depre.iate Hi.' winter uif.nllis, every win PaliiMi.' and V. il. Kult.m. ..rj Ofrica Houra! 9 to 9. 'matter i nol .ectioiial Imt dU-iinrtly rapidly when not in ue, and the lei . to un exer im-r.'asinj: nuiids'i I'atm.u.' k Kh4Uoi. were both in' Piiona 575 Lady AaalttanL national. aame appliea U nuHl. Wort IHtlat of men, to k.-ep wing such in-dti-lnes rnurt ih- defendant. Wit-i..-s.-s "Hut i i nhvinii that the rltl lie found for hoat, K'r at v.I men. as the on- I am oper:il. for the plaintiff were 1.. H. Shoes 'en f Prim e llunerl. Ihe jrrettt-el and plfa.e include Die 4anl u iug and xxliirli arc tlie means of i ullaUnp. J. (KmiII, J. Kelso atid fihing; cntrn un tlm I'aci-fic the inlet when dlriiiug tin-mntter, iIi-Ii'iIiiiIimk laric sums of .noney I.eoiK.' Kcttli and for Ihe defend .-oii.t and ! nf ttie greatest for wt hae a heay in-eKtment in tli.' I'M-iililies in xxbirli Ihey at" ant J.oiut luroUill. 111.if llan-. TAILOR MADE FOR PARTICULAR Ihe world, in iiMrhinery and employ lal.ii-lo-.l. t. tut ii hitherto ti.--(ess ii. II. I- Aileo, Ji4i Yiger. J. TRADE. PACIFIC CARTAGE fl'liinir centre, in We have just received a large shipment of thU fumoiu Mi'l.aieu and liettrge l.llb. 1'he useful fish into products, ami Mmiild take the lead in a matter u number nf men. line. They express the last word in fine shoe to rid tho fislitnt sum ..f 30,O0(l is iilxolve.1 tn the making. incumhent Flatting Activity iwirtmlly like tine, and II U aln . Slocked in various slyles ami pattern. Prices from Limited ;iiion u to lHk aurh atc.a a will "Wilh a. hoituly and with wha' grounds or -in li ic-lrut'lie aveu-t'ies urlmn. -s. , lead to th de-elomonl nf lh we ran afford lo iwiy for the fl.h us shark anil dogfish." Phone 93 Ifi.hlnir buine In ll uliiHt ra Uiere will reilt a.ery C4nt.ler-ahle. PIONEER MERCHANT $9.00 to $12.00 Furniture, Pfano and pacity, and, until then I a mriv-inu niiioiint of nrlivily in Ihe HEARING OF TIMBER Safe ahart and doBfifh fUhery and fi.hing part of lite eouuinmll t. a AT VICTORIA DIES Moving ul.o a fishery fur th niimernu fresh axeiiue of opiortiinily will CASE FROM TERRACE 1 - EXCLUSIVE SALE AT Pnnl General Carta lecle of wlihle uhonnding lie opened up, and, without a i Vlt TliRIA. Oct. 2. William! vual Sindknd Cruvil in Hi water. Ilia rltiirn nf douhl, the experience,of this xxin-Irr FINISHED IN COURT iVtl.'ii. 8i y.-ara orage. a pioneer McARTHUR Shoe Store till, rniniimnlly rhonld ha lindemi will ntnply deitmnslrate that , iiiei. h.iiit of Victoria and Cariboo 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. in tho eienditiiri nf Ihcir ener-gi With a due niivnint of thought Mr. Juttlca Murphy Raaarvaa Hla ami former member of Iha, along- he line of develop, given In tin. iie'aiu of handling dicl her. Frday. Ilf Pro-War Price. mriit. Prince IUirt ha not fon-lUenced. the trade, a periikuueut udditiun Judgment For Thrat or Four came t.. VictttrU frin .wnUon, til i at till dale, to develop Mill be inudn lo the fishing occupation ! Waaka j fvugland. in IKOt, by way of Cape, I r r a and lucrative business her fishery lo any rttenl. Tha u Horn. Launcn dewdopiiirttt l purely lh 'p-ruce, built up for all concerned, and Taking of evidence in (he THEO COLLART, LTD. - - ffftY hut taka warning and do not who, in I'rlnce lluperi, is not concerned lleniuc I.. Kellh v. ilwjrge-I.lltle. PEACE RIVER CROPS f liwuiu of rilateitco with (he flsherieaf I timber land damage action froi.i nllnw ymir FOR SALE. Narbethong" deetrnyed hy i-ilhrr wu.l. fMJ "I lux ix no tntentleu of wn burking jTei-rucie wits ctunpletetl In Iha VANnOrVKll. 9f. 28. -Kineai lm I.ot--on Third inran or by nulural dettroycra. iMn a lot of figures in onler Supreme llourl Friday after J4nr of Holla Who is visiting Avenue, only $800.00. ThU it a good chuisincj hunting "h winter U upon u and to It'll you of how many millions iMn be f oio Mr. Justica Murphy. bar aav h Pear Tlllvfjr buy lor Homebody. hleasuke nf lha fUhrmen who nwii tif ilollura worth nf fish the d.I tin SalurtUv aiguuoul if rstujw rotmlry gi dndJJ ersp Phone Dlack 400 Mnall hoata hava heguu I" '"V,troxrra .'onstitue iii it year, for I M'l was heard and decision reserved lids year Uut lack of tranjir Phone Blue ft. Weatholme Theatre Block. P.O. Boa M. thrill up. Polhly oina of themi ht'Ueva they ru t m couutleva hy lit Lordship-for Ihrec tatiuu piiM-utcd morketitn.