dh sIx Acquaint Cook if she forgets— Ee ee ~~ .——s a augpe~ ov Beef in Brief - OF INTEREST TO WOMEN —we are repeating, for a limited time only, the offer of a British-made, 13” aluminum cooking spoon forthe return of only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers: OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Montreal aH The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” (| SMOKED | BLACK COD ———————— NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Georgia River Gold Commanding Interest—Premier . Takes Over Property Near Juneau— oration 1 result of | mer ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- SDI ted fo dlecoblihs enaiwarated| ‘The text meetine wil | “ : ‘ . . SY; . Mie dee Ca ‘ : > of ‘ SASBERLs al . iMCUNE Whi be held or : tion now will get the rest of the year 1932 free. This applies either to new rumors which were circulated some|Friday next subscriptions or renewals. BYTE RG Ah eci gd uA ae months ago but at the same time : one year from January 1, 53.00 Rest of this year to January This is a very attractive offer:ard is made for Payment may be made by check, money sent the more you get for the money. Lie SS THE DAIL’ NEWS Delivered by mail out of town 1, 1939 FREE ?. subscribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult Rahetal DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. ‘i proving that there are many oppor- } tunities awaiting capital in suffic- “oh 2 » iso: eeatnteeeetl : ient quantity to do something o "4 THE DAILY NEWS Delivered it tne eny one year aia scale ‘tn the Bulkley v ik : t. from January 1, $5.00 FREE section the Babine Gold Mines Ltd. al Rest of this year to January Lb 1933 a private company owned by W.R e || Wilson & Sons of Vancouver, devel oped by surface prospecting some gold quartz showings on @ proverty between 25 and 30 miles east of Telkwa on Dome Mountain, some high values having been obtained The same interests also carried out a limited period induce, further preliminary work on the! period. | afiver Lake group on Hudson Bay| onder 6: cur rency. The sooner it is Mountain, the results having been . favorable and a large program of tunnel work being planned for next season, This will involve the run- ning of not less than 2000 feet of tunnel to cross-cut high grade ga- ‘ena veins already opened up. De- velopment of the Ltd, has continued steadily during | the past four months and will go on | throughout the winter. he | A large gold property near Ju-| lproceeding steadily, consists of|ced. It is a group carrying wide, low- It is a pleasure to show our jtunnels, drifts, . cross-cuts, raises|grade veins of commercial ore. Bert goods. jand open cuts. There are five tun- | F. Smith, for many years assistant Pia elte cers woud aot 38% inels in addition to considerable |manager of the Premier mine in the | Miiin igiha thi vat Sdlliier jother development. New mine|Portland Canal district, has been! iin ttn: taeda: Premier | as to whether| Jessie Gold Mines! something {ing for home | GREAT... SACRIFICE PRICES Montreal Importers have just received a consignment of— New Goods Purchased at such reasonable prices that they can be sold At 35% Lower than elsewhere in town. The complete winter layout | can be bought here for men, boys and children, NEW SHIPMENT OF UNDERWEAR & SWEATERS Montreal Importers LACROSSE BENEFIT Large Crowd at Affair Staged Last Night to Raise Funds For Injured Players about one hundred persons present at the dance held last night in the Eagles’ Hall fot the relief of local lacrosse players who sustained injuries during the ‘recent playing season. The affair opened at 9 p.m. and closed a.m., being very enjoyable through out. | The Eagles’ Lodge donated the ‘hall as did Charles P. Balagno the |services of his orchestra Mothers and |players and friertds donated the re- | freshments, these including Mrs. W There were wives of lacrosse {J. McCutcheon, Mrs. J. H. Macey |Mrs. Harry Menzie, Mrs. G. M. Hunt Mrs. Lance Style Mrs. J. J. Gillis Mrs. R. B. Skinner, Mrs. George Frizzell, Mrs. R. Bury, Mrs. Stalker Mrs. William Gosnell, Mrs. Will | Grey Mrs. E. Unger d the M Zarelli, Cakes were donated by the /Rupert Bakery and the Chriss Mill | Bakery. Catering was in the capable |hands of Mrs. R, S. Woods and Mt iC. J. Gustafson The winner in the raffle of a stool donated by G. M. Hunt wa Charles Graham Third Avenue Pleased With The Convention Dr. Hi. ©. Big Wrine h “of Hazelton haved Event Was Earnest Effort to Benefit Country The recent Liberal convention in Vancouver was a great event, {cording to Dr. H. C, Wrinch, of Ha-! zelton, member for Skeena in the! Legislature, who has been in the’ city over the holiday. While only | about 250 delegates were expected, | over 600 appeared and all took a! keen interest in the affair. The con- | vention was characterized by its earnestness and hopefulness, Nar- row partyism was conspicuous by its absence. All seemed bent on doing for their country rather r their party and Mrs, Wrinch will be leay- tomorrow, than fo D: ac-) at 2 | Tuesday, October 1), a Se re ee eer re | Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 Dm 9:38 ADMISSION — lic & 5e Feature Starts at 7:38 « | | The “All Quiet” of 1932 “The Doomed Battalion” With Tala Birell, Louis Tren. ker, Vietor Varconi, Alber Conti, Henry Armette For the girl he adored and the land he loved, he fought like a fury Masquers All Star “Engineer's Daughter” Cartoon—"Pupp) Metro News No Love” 296 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY | “As You Desire Me” WEDNESDAY REVIVAL “DELICIOUS” — { There 1S Relief from HE UMATISM In this day, no man or woman need suffer with rheumatic pain. It's as easy to get rid of as a headache. disposes of such pain like magic Aspirin Two tablets with a swallow of water relieves any mild attack. If any pain is left, repeat every two hours until the last twinge is driven from the system. Never hesitate to take As pirin It is not a narcotic It won't upset the stomach, It can’t depress the hes art. It may be taken days at a time, with- out the slightest harm. So, don’t dread the winter because of rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago or constant colds. Aspirin will give you complete relief. ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REX 3. IN CANADA A BAYER E Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working -Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try slack with your furnace co Valley a portion of Bulkley al | Good Clothes Do Make You Great ||) Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLL ENS TO CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; class workmanship; fit guaranteed, | 2 kes high perfect Prince Ruper' DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauied Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-tan Derrick for Heavy Lifts mov ncmmmmenconmmamsinasn. Ne