aiurda)', "May 20, 1922. TUB DAILY RBW0 AG TIRES A Take X VICTORIA DAY SUBSTANTIAL BEEchans PIUS CELEBRATION 6&Westinghouse for Constipation REDUCTIONS! Elks Are Preparing Great Pro IGNITION gram of Fun and Amusement TESTER In keeping with the spirit Wednesday, May .!, Kmpire of the times the BRUNSWICK Local and Personal Day. will be a day to be remem bered for all time by the men, Sees All Knoivs All QW tl 75 has been substantially women and children of 1'rinee. Tells All reduced in price. llupert. It will he a day of delight Made in Canada 1J. C. Undertakers, I'lione 41. tf OM I'rlce Nw VrUx to everyone in spile of what the Every Motor Boat and Motor Car Style 107 $185 $165 Huyners, Undertakers. Phone "weather man" cares to do about Owner should have one. it. for the KIks arc leaving so . Style 110 $225 $200 351. tf stone unturned to make the en II Your Dealer Canaet Supply Tea, Order Direct Style 112 $295 $260, Thief! - for l, joyment of it u milestone of joy Canadian Westinghouse Company, Limited, Hamilton, Ont. egg in the history of the cily. J he Stratford. ....$450 $400 guaranteed. Oily Market. If. entire building and Inhibition Come in and ' make arrangements AcrgpolTs Hill grounds have been J'ifleen discount all percent to have us deliver on taken over for tlie staging of I he Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648. llunning Shoes ,ii Jubour's Shoe events. Should the weather one to home, or Sale. UK many your prove, inclement the entire programme Cash for Victory Moods. I'll OS. phone us at Number G. Our Wiiil' Sale continues until will be staged in the Ks-liibilion McClymont. tf in Cash to be Terms arranged to suit customer. Victoria ay, .May .labour building. Tlofrc will not be a dull moment on Victoria Day I'lione 'Hi) for Cody's Trans-, $10 llnilher.-, l.ld. 118 r from V a.m. till midnight. fer. . tf, ; Given Away ; Ojj .Mary Chapter I.O.D.K.. The moiielary proceeds of the Sale nf llmiif Cooking in the day will he devoted to the Hoy ' Hose bushes and bedding' hut un May 23. Scout and the (?irl Guide, movement plants'. City Market. tf To the person who returns the marked coin that will for summer camping purposes lr. W. Saycr, medical miss and this fact in itself will (J, l- Jackson, of Mirror. Sask.J be placed in a LOAF OF OUR BREAD Friday or undoubtedly assure the financial is visiting in tin. city. ionary or I'orl himpseui, is r- Saturday. IkIi'I-ciJ at (he 1'rinee lluierl success of Hie undertaking. Tin' IJolul. Greenville native band have been V, AW .lone is an arrival in Try Your Luck! engaged for the entire day no that Hie cily from Ilegina. Order from Your Grocer or Phone. 643 Special .Musical Kcrvii-e, music lovers will be excellently : Mr. K, Ilourgel, of Surf lu-visiling- catered for. Concentration SALE! Anglican Church Sunday Public Parade let, is in Hie city. evening. . Soloists Mis. THE RUPERT BAKERY Cuniminjrs. Mijs palby, Mr, Promptly at !' a.m. there will Mrs, I,. K. lludiliek, of Auyox, itaviisley, S. K. Campbell be a puldic parade from Hie KIks wa jegisieri-iJ al 1 lie mihiii-Colio Home Third headed anil J, )'.. Dayry. on Avenue, by Hie Greenville prize band, to Holed, Victoria, al lhe first Rexall Hair Tonic of the week. - Hie Exhibition ground. This A report frcuii the hunts. coin parade mil leo rrcomiiii-ndlng Niat re will be well worth witnessing. and Emulsified 1 on Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Clements. $1.00, pairs, .lie made In the lar anil The children's sports will com who were anion? the e-arliesl FULLER'S Moving Specials gravel ruiif and the iron tower mence al 0.15 a.m. and will ler Coconut Oil resident of the city, sail tomor of lln- hospital which arc now miiiate at 11 o'clock. .Nothing bdi m m m w m night for Victoria where Ilieyi in had condition was adopli'd by has been forgollcn that wiH be row- Shampoo both for 5 will lake ui their residence. Mr.j EXTRAORDINARY VALUE the hospital Itoard last night. of Interest lo the little ones, Clements is al presenl at Slew-I l'n hi i II o'clock until noon an No. 1 Wlnesaps, weirlh l.00. Selling for $2.65 for this week. art and will conn" down on Sunday V. Ilium, of Hie Water llishts Intermediate baseball game will night's sleamer, Mrs. (Yemenis Netted Gem Spuds, worth 82.75. .Selling for ...... $2.25 llraui'h of lhi; Provincial (jnyern. he played between the Sons of will join him here. jiienl. who has been in 1 h city Canada and the Elks. Krlnkle Corn Flakes 4 for 25c ORMES LIMITED fur lhi' lust day ur two with u A foedhal! game England and Itev. .1. 0. Spencer, of I'ort party of surveyors, has out-filled Scotland vs. Ireland and Cunmln We are cleaning up everything, Buy Now. Simpson; llev. G. G. Hacker, of Phones 82, 200 and 134 ' for a survey trip In the will b" played between 1 p.m. and Prince Kupert; llev. William and left for 2.H0 The will be Xaa district loihiy players J. It. Deans, of 'IVlkwa. and Itev. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES the north. selected from Hie best football Hewitt; of Hn.ellon. are member talent available in (lie city and committee vf the stationing MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. President Slewart. of the llo the event augurs one of the of tin annual Methodist convention Y at las meist of the THEO COLLART, LTD. pilal Hoard, repnrled interesting games which has been in progress - - light's iiictintr tliul llospilal Day season. in ancuuver this week. luol been duly observed al tin A band concert, bv the Green Seven-room house for sale, close in. Jlath and sewer 'connection. inslilutioii but the attendance ville native band, and a drill ex $4000 vterms. Bargain.. DENTISTRY had bevn, siilall. Ministers had hibition by the Jloy Scouts'will be ANNOUNCEMENTS eome, however, and had con- riven between 2..1U aiid 3.30 p.m. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance dlie'lrd services The Seoul have been put through Cinderella Dance in De Kmc Duu't neglect your tceln. Ono decayed or missing tooth a special course of ' instruction Hall, June 2 from !) lo I tl. Admission Phone Blue 63 Westholme Theatre lock P. O. Box 66 lowers your vitality. .Mrs. S. I turly ii iiHjuiri'd at last for this display and will doubtless 50c. nimbi's hospilal hoard ineelin give a good aOcounl of themselves. DR. BAYNE how Hie eolleetor of liospilal ac counts was progressing. Major Senior Baseball Rooms 4, 6, 6, Helgorson Block Phone 109 (iilison said tlial uol iniich suc A senior baseball game between Ollice Hours: Mornings. Afternoon, t:30-5:30; cess nail liei'ii mej Willi ion;.' 1.3M and 0.30 p.m. will be' played Evenings. 7-D, miist.Hiding aeeounls lint not between Hie Sons of Canada and Dr. JOS. DENTIST much had been expected. II Hie.' KIks, The teams will be Composed MAGUIRE, would probably he easier collecting of Hie acme of baseball more recent bills. talent and Hie game will perhaps he Hie til-bit of Hie sporting You Meet Me Personally POTATOES The power schooner l.ady Mine events. I SEED was oTfered for sab- by aiii'liou In the exhibition building a al Vuucoiiver this week by Sheriff carnival will be in full swing for High Class Maedoiiuld bill no one would the whole of the day consisting No Students Chemical Fertilizers raise the reserve bid of tHi.fldO of booths of many characters, DENTISTRY so the sale is defcrred nil next and novelty games, other attractions of all kinds week. There are wage claims loo numerous to mention. No unlicensed men B & K CHICK FOOD against Hie liltle vessel, which In Hie evening from 7.30 to at the lowest can work here. Is well known liere, a It i u 11 1 1 li ;i.on in nikliliou to t lie DEVELOPING FOOD p.m. carnival, B & K In some 1,MM. there will be n band concert I own this office, and Insist on B & J goods goods that have been analysed and an exhibition by the Girl PRICES At lasl night's hospital board meet patient. every and the best. by experts proved Guide, Eroni accounts In hand meeting Mrs. S, Dartou, of Hi We retail everything for Poultry and Stock Ladies' Auxiliary, reported that of their Hie exhibition Girl Guides will be rehearsals undoubtedly I lead, others follow my I operate for you personally THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. the for recent Miss graduating Kniser bad exercises cost par excellence. , prices. H vl M under my own name Al ! p.m. there will be a Serpentine out vf the .'.n granted by P.O. Box 745 Princs Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 Ibe board. I lie difference was building,,dance wilh in colored Hie Exhibition streamer refunded uild Mi's. Marlon was and multi-colored spotlights l hanked for the Mlcecss of the much in evidence. This will be a auxiliary in keening expenses iiefitling climax lo a colossal riot down. of fun and amusement. Canadian National Railways The regular monthly meeting Eight lunches and refresh Extraction of TEETH in BANK REFERENCF: My MODERNLY of Hie liospilal board was held ments will he sened all day by a scientific manner by l am no stranger in this Equipped Office is at last night in (he eily council the the' ladies Girl Guides.of the lloyal l'untle and one who knows how. city. I pwn city property your service. eliauiber. Tlil'ro were jiresent Announce THIS OFFICE IS NOT CONTROLLED BY A STOCK COMPANY D. (i. Slewart, presidenl; Aid. II.I Pansier, l.mi a dozen. City A. Mel I and Aid. Then. Collar!, Market. if. . I DON'T HIDE BEHIND THE OTHER FELLOW'S LICENSE M. J. McNeill, Mrs. Darlon, W Summer K. Collison, Dr. .1. 1'. Cade. J. Provincial Constablu Mancor of I.orne Maelareu, Dr. I.. W. Ker- IVrraee arrivi'd in the cily last gin and Major;'. 'IS. liibsou, secretary. night. Do not bo imposed A man posing as a , . Dentist and collecting Mrs. W, Collisou and upon, be sure your Tourist Applications from S. (1. Weld daily liters, Muriel and Joyce, of Dentist carries a a fee, is receiving and S. I. Campbell for ineiii- this cily. we-re registered at the 1922 LICENSE to money under bership in Hie Prince llupert loniiuiou Hotel, victoria, early false pretenses. (iciieral Hospital Association tins week. practice in this province. Tickets J were received and accepled al "First be Your physician Hie board mccling last night. II, K. Drown ,of Juneau, lias must carry a license The necessary fees of 5 each been ap) commissioner sure then go ahead" why not yourdentist were remitted. In answer to u under the Kvideneo Act for lhe ON SALE iiestion by Mrs. S. Darlon, 'iroyince of IVitish Columbia I'residcni Stewart said Ihul u ace'oriliug lo an announcement drive for further members was made by the government. You receive the Lady Assistant May 25th to August 21st to be iusliluted. benefit of my 20 DR. JOS. MAGUIRE Kind Treatment C. C. I'erry, Indian Agenl, and yeartfin dentistry Best Service Final Return Limit October 31st You re Dot Constable W'atklnson, of I'ort 01 perimeiit Licensed Equipment complete. Registered rGZEMA lug wbeu Simpson, who arrived In town and you u IJr. h'fl on lhi morning's Examination i'huaH'. (Hllt lusl night, EXCEPTIONALLY LOW FARES fur Ecieina and Skin train on Indian departmental Appointments Dentist Rooms 7 and 8 Liueut beli It rrlievra Dae tain,at once tiaiopl aud box Dr. business. The Indian reserve given Office Ho urs, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Smith Block Phone 260 l'4iata'i OliiUiieiit tret) 11 yuu maiiuou tlil KiUumkalluni and City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. paper ud end So.(winp fur yomaiie. ooc. u( Newton, bull blltfeileri or tuiun."U. HWi Si vu KiKebi- Will he Visited. lIl-OTLimM UuilUiU,lorntits --.l--- IllIll I I