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                                                                                 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper

   VOl. MIL NO. H.                                                                         PH1NUK HUPKHT. 11,(1, HATUHDAY, MAY 20, 1022.                    VMttrdty't Circulation 1628   trl    !  404             PRICE FIVE CENT

                                                                 'iiifi. ,

 Public Works Estimates                                             KlTURNSFROM                      resolution of                    FLOOD DAMAGE                      Great Welcome to be Accorded

                                                                           AUSTRALASIA LABOR COUNCIL                                       NICOLA VALLEY                    Premier Lloyd George Tonight

     Are Passed by Commons                                                                                                                                                                                                   London
                                                                                                                                                                                     By His Supporters in

                                                                      W. Nicholls Is Back From Four       FINDS SUPPORT Total                 Estimated at $20,000;

                                                                      Month Business Trip to Far                                         Houses and Roads Washed            LONDON, May 20.       There is every pruspcel lhal the public
      OTTAWA, May 20.--Tim' House of (Joiiimons has adopted                      South
              estimates                                                                                                                      Out; Animals Lost         welcome, organized for Premier Lloyd (Seorgc tonight on his return
       works             tolulling $11,700,000.
 public                                                                                              Hospital Board   Endorses   Proposal                                    from the (tenon, economic conference will he a memorable
      Hun. I). J. II. Miig, minister of public works, sonJ lie wel   J. W. Nicholls, comptroller of          For Commission to Investigate
                                                                                                                                        MCOl.A, May 20.    It is esti- one.   It is apparent, however, lhal it will be partisan and not
 comed discussion on Hi-' Vuiicoiivcr dry dock which was brought jlho Canadian Fish it Cold Storage                With View to       mateil (hat the lotal loss as a result national.
    by Hon. II. II. Stevens and Leon J. Ludner.     The minister, ;o., relumed lo the city today af              Reforms                                                    Kdiloriafs
 up                                                                                                                                        of Thursday's flood in Hie                  today in London newspapers on the break up of
 however, reserved a statement on Hie subject iiulil a future dale. ler having I  n uwuy for some                                                                      flie
                                                                                                                                      Nicola llier valley will be ap-I'rilice conference are significant as bearing upon   the  Premier's
     The House, passed an ilem for the enforcement of the Drug four months on a business mis-1         The resolution . of the        niHxiniaLelv L'0.()00.  Tills ill. lMlsililiri. fill nill luitlfl In. 1 riflt'.rw(.ll. rt!f iivi.t fill lila rnnnn-nll

     lolnlluig SI ln.riOM or tin increase of 10.000 from asl ver. sioirror his company lo Auslra- liuperl Trades uml Labor I'.uuncil ..-i,,,!,.,, Muj(,r (iuldmuu'x ranch address at (ienoa arid for a greater part of his public conduct

 The minister said that illicit drug Iraffice was on the increase lla, .ew    ealuii.l ami the oulh calling Tor a commission beaded wi,jt.  will have to be reconstruct, there while, on Hie oilier, he is praised for his courage and re-ea
 everywhere except in I'rlnee, I'.d-                                   Islands. Jle stales llial Aus- by " S. II. Winn, c.hiiirmnn of Hie ...i n.-..,.  :.. i.......   Miiiri.nriiliii. in II... r...... ..f immni..n .iirr:....ii;
                                                                   I.........I'll 1 1 1. . ...in ill i.w ...i.f f....m am.. ,It' f . ...:                                                                 '
fwurd Island. Answering a    ue. JAPANSE BOY HAD                             ll...l.T    IVUfc        llf-KIIIIMI H 1.U IlllJeilS.lllflll flllill'll. were curried out ami (he loss lo
 linii, lie said Hint tin! absence uf                              hililies but.business conditions at lo invesiteule liospiial urrairs fanners in Hie ulley-.        1

 prohibition in Hellish Columbia            SKULL FRACTURED the present lime are very          poor. tlirouhout the province with a     (i,. rainier lost a  learn  of     3ABE RUTH AND                 EDUCATION

 iin J Ouebec apparently nau mile                                  Speaking ot the outlook fur the view to having     the  provincial horses and three or   Tour  milk        BOB MEUSEL ARE
 effect in Hie reducing of drug                                    supplying of local fish there, Mr. government lake over Hie finane- v.,ws     others lost       two           AGAIN   ON   DECK.
                                                                                                                                                            one or
i consumption.                    Was Hanging on Rear of Delivery  Nicholls said that il was   very f UK and administration of all Ims- cows.                                                                     CONFERENCE

   ilun. II. II. Stevens suggested       Truck   Wheel   Passed    doubttul ir frozen fish' from this piiais was auopie.i iinanimously  J'our miles of government road       CIIICAliO,  May   JO.

 Hint Chinese drUK peddlnrs be               Over Him.             side could be marketed there on by the local hospital   board   in vvas aso j.,    ul in a,,iUon lo    Hahe    lliilh  and   Hob

 deported.                                                         account of the fact tbut there is a regular monthly  session  lust a bridge In town.                   Meusel or, the New York        Mayor Marchant     Would   Have
   The House voted an additional    A Japanese boy. mimed Masa big supply there of       their own iiiwiii. i ne resolution was presented                                 Yankees have been rein           Minister and Municipalities
 $100,000 for uiiemployment mak- Naconmlox,   aged     years, and fresh fish.  There was, however,         lo Ihc board in  a  Idler                                      stated  by Judge    f.andis                                   ,
          , , ..                         .      .   .       ...                                                                                                                                                 Go into Question.
 tig a i loiai in r . ?uuu,uuu,arin nun i no-' n mg on nixin r, Avenue west. a big market Jn Australasia for and there was a delegation" present DAM AT ANYOX             (("lay and will play in today's

 initiislrr hoped there might now mcl willi an accident 'on Fulton lumber and other exports    from     from Labor Council in sup.                                              game; after a suspension
I lie enough if uiiemployment is Street yesterday aflernoou about Caned a.                          poll of it. This delegation com-                                              which lasted since       VICTOUIA,    May   20.- Mayor
 less next wilder                , S:30 as a result of which he is   Mr. Nicholls met  !. I'. John  prised   of   (ieorge  It. Casey,!       WELL ON WAY                  (he beginning of the -sea-sou conference is between arranging Hon, for a

                                 in I ho (ieneral Hospital surfer-jing stone, the former C. N. P,. city spokesman, 'I'. Iloss .McKay and                                       us a punishment for      McLean,                    .1, I).
                                     with a fractured skull.  The ticket agent here, in Wellington, James Jilnck.    Ml members of1                                       taking part   in a  barnstorming        minister or education,
'BELFAST                                                                                                                                                                                                and representatives    the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            or     municipalities
                REIGN            National (Irocery motor delivery New Zealand,   lie was silting in a the hosliilal board snoke in favor Railway Practically Done Large             lour after last               or Irilish Columbia to

                                 van driven by Wilson Wong, was hold in lhal city when he      was'of the acMon proposed in Hie res-    Quantity Material on Hand         year's, season.               discuss  educational  cos'ts and
                                 : proceeding up  I'ullon  Street, surprised lo bear a familiar voice olution and it was adopted after                                                                 Jlieir
                                                                                                                                                                                                              relation to the
  OF TERROR NOW                  near (he corner of Sixth Avenue and, a long    chat  ensued.   Mr.!a general discussion on the sub-Johnstniie ANYOX, B.C., May :;(. -Pre                              I treasuries. Correspondence municipal between

                                 wilh (he little buy hanging on to           expects lo do   a  big jecl.                            parations lor the ereclion of the HOSPITAL TAGGING                        Mayor Mareliant and Dr.
                                 the back.   The driver, who wus nusmcss in ine :?oinn    ana   Jir.  Mr. Cusev said that the object m.u-          ,.               ,                                   M,'l','an has
       VERY SERIOUS proceeding down Sixth Avenue Nicholls says that he has great of the Trades and Labor Council The laying or steel on                      (he new          III IM inUunJlOJ DDAPDCCC TnnAV 1UUAI foundation for already such, a laid confer-the

                                 not knowing the boy was aboard opportunities. Mr. Johnston never vvas to Impress on the hospital light railway is now     practically                                 Jence lo lake place- In Victoria In
                                 backed up lo make (he (urn when forgets lo boost Canada and is board Hie               of initialing
              i,... -in t..
  m ii.i i.                      ,.         .  . ..   ..       ...                                                                   completed to the camp   und   Iin;. Ilosilal Tag  Day.  under  nie;J,,y.
in ilelfast and its environs   is "" '      ".   . "               leavong a good word ror Prince a concerted movement through- eonf melons Imve M... i-i.iA i      J tuspices or Ihc Ladies' liospiial'
   .        ,      ,             ami   lie iiinu wuci'i oi l e van liuperl everywhere be goes.      out. Hie        lo i ring me sug-
                sucli  oporliniis                                                                          province                  already creeled and bunk  bouses
agu n assum                                     ,,                                                                                                                     Auxiliary, got uway to an early
              ",'.,,             passed diagonu y over his head                                     gesled reform about.   All real-                                                                    SPORT SEASON
                                                   .                                                                                     being   ranidlv  constructed.
;lhiil Premier l.rah;       rol.  M.           ,       ... .,                                                                        are                                iari huh  morning   un.j ui  UM
                                                                                                    ized lhut the financial aspect of The construction Vamp is (o jie eurly hour the               tag-
                                 ......       .........                                                                                                                                young lady
                                      ...11...I i  I i It- ,.,,.1 I!.., PLAN TO ROB
MJ.mibty to discuss meuMj.es for                         ,,,;                                       coiiuuenng a nosipiai was iiim- situated on the opposite side or gers were posted throughout the
uru....g .u i irii . .! u"""     ,wy      J.,((.i  ()                                               cull but. til the same time, the  ,,. divide from Hie'reservoir site. city. The weather man pul on    AT ANYOX OFF
                                 Dr. Kergin staled this morning
of secular strife. At least hair a                                      POST OFFICE                 rees came heavy on the common        .  '  llolyoke, the  resident a suniiy smile, which will doubt-workers.
                                 Dial he was suffering from a                                                 The Labor Council be-
dozen persons   were   murdered                                                                                                      engineer Tor the designers if Hie fess assure success ror the ex-lieved
                                 slight fradure of the skull but                                           that cost  f hospital and                              is                                           T0FINE5TART
Killiin (he last I't hours   and       he               lost .                                                                       Kastwood Muliiple arch dam,    lr cellenl cause,
                                           had   never       cou-                                   medicHl .twMltr'lMrtlMl
iihuu'uliio .lwcHwoUiHJedi. -                                            INNEW YORK
                                 SCIOIJSIICSS itllU Will 'doing very                                worked oul     lo dislribule I he
                                                                                                                                     j, on Thursday. - He'i expecting morning consisted of the Misses
                                 nicely.                                                            cost over (he population.  Thus tiial   actual  construction  will May Clark,   Tomie    Katsuyma, Fifty Tennis Players   First Football
AGREEMENT                          II is expected he will be oul                                    would the ends or both the bos- commence in a very short time.    Il.ois Mcllae. Mav llusekawa. Mal-        on Thursday Evening
                                 of          williiii three  four    Deep Laid Conspiracy Frustrated
                                    hospital              or
                                                                                                    IHlal ami Hie common -people un,   .'h0 deslle to (he   sand  l.it.'us ilara, Helen MeCarrery, Verna
                                 days.                                         by   Detactive       met with lillle -inconvenience or fiom which Ihc sand and gravel lirochn.   O.imlinn  C.-mdow  snwl ELKS BEAT SMELTER

           IN IRELAND                                                   Seven Man Arrestod.         hardship lo any and    the  well r,r concrete is (o be obtained, is -May McCafrcry.                         FIRST BASEBALL GAME

                                 GRENFELL SUCCEEDS                                                  would pay Iheir share   Tor  Hie ,,w creeled and the rails will be   'IC arrangements or the -day
                                                                       NEW YORK, May 20.       A    sick, lie asked Ihe hospital  lo abl shortly.  A large quantity ot are in (he hands or Mrs. Morris-1  ANY.OA', H.C., May 20.     The

Belfast Report Says Republican       TO BALFOUR'S SEAT               daylight plan to hold the up registry and rob division by seriously consider (he merits ot malerial is already at the dock ey, convener, Mrs. I'ringle, presi- sports season at Anyox is npw

  and Free Stale Factions Decide                                                                    Hie resolulion and co-operale in iMII he site of Ihe new construe-,dent. Mrs. Cuudovv. Mrs. Parsons.'gettln into its stride. There are-
                                         HOUSE OF COMMONS                of the City Hall post-office
            on Election                                                                            selling I In   iveiuenl in motion Hon is. taking on ipiile an U ut- Mrs. MeClynionl, and Mrs.' San- ovcr 50 members enrolled on the ;
                                                                                  have been
                                                                                            carried Hirouglioiil the province. K. S. 'mated uppea'ranco.              dison, secretary.                 tennis courts ami some excellent '!
                                                                         through tomorrow
  lirXTAST. May 20.   An agree.    LO.NHON.   May    id.  Charles                            except II. Winn, chairman or Hie Work-I                   -                                                practice games are being played.
                                                                          for the work of a detective
iiient between Hie Free Stale and l.dward (Sivurcll was yesterday                                  men's Compensation Hoard, was                                      HOSPITALPORT-                       The Hrsl baseball gunie ol the :
                                                                           who         beard and
the Itepubllcan factions ot  Hie elecleil o I lie House ut Comu s   hobnobbed grew for weeks a with suggested as Ihe most   suitable JACK DEMPSEY                                                       seusou wus played   on   Monday :

Nail Kiieann regarding Hie ftiftli-1 r.r the ronslllueiiey t.f Ihe city a nanq as one of tho prospective person lo head such a commission                                       FOR MONTH APRIL evening last, the combalunls being
coining elections and other ipies- or London succeeding Hie  Karl            robbers.. The   do-tectlve as was proposed.                                                                                    Hie Elks and Smeller teams. '.
lions was reached Ibis aflernooii r  Hal Phi r. dreurell defealed           obtained  all details          Stewart In Favor               TO WED GIRL                                                  I -'.. llrif r.ll'lll U'lIU' ult.tVt'M f.tt ' ..
                                     '' Vaniltarl Ilowaler, Inde-                                                                                                     Sixty-five Patients, 9 Births and      ,'   ,        ;
.ncor.ling lo dispatches received                                   of the plan and seven men,        D. ('. Slewart, president ot the                                     4             Recorded
here lo.hiy. The report says lhal 1  h-nt Conservative.             some of them "former employees hospital board, said be   was   e.       OF COLORADO                      DeathsjRre                  .,.,, j(l n seol,, of 3t    fil. i
a motion lo hold Jl   leclious in                " "                         of  the   postofflce  great   believer in   government                                     The matron's report    for  the   r or Iho Elks. The teams wcro.

lane M.l.J..,.l lo agreemenl was HARD SENTENCES ARE                 have been arrested In connection ownership of hospitals. The government                           Prim e liuperl Oeneral   Hospital composed or the rollowing play-.,

Uliailiinoilsly t'lidorseil.    I   onmit 111 xr i in nmirn                  with  the  theft of            had been willing lo tnkc                                  for Ihe month of April  was , re-' era:
                                                                    $1,477,000 worth of Liberty    oyer Ihe responsibility but had Will Not Fioht on July 1       But eeived by Hid board last night. Il Smelter?-Hob Stewart, catcher;,

LOWER MAINLAND                                                      Bonds from the' postoffice     lii-eii unable to foiinnlale a policy. Probably Will on Labor Day  showed that oT patients had been Hen FitpatriCk,   pitcher; Doug,
                                     FOR YIOLENT ROBBING            last July and $40,000 more     Investigations hud been   ordered       Perhaps Carpentler..       admitted during thfe liionlh, there Hoy, first base; Jerry Melntyre,

    BOARDS OF TRADE                                                 a fortnight ago... The robbers lint nothing bad come  ot   them.                                  had been nine births, four deaths second base; Hud Hay, short-stop;
                                 Chinese Found Guilty of Having          had told the bearded detective lie would suggest that the resolu. NI-'.W YOltK, May 20  Jack 'mid .'I t oncralious. Miss !'. Eraser. Ered Atuddux, (bird base; Davo

       COMING HERE AGAIN            $15,000 Worth Opium Gets                all  about  It In  a   lion go to every city council and. Dempscy reiuriieu  touay  r nom iiau grudua led from u (lie trainln Cray, lert fleltl; Juek Sherman,
                                         Big Punishment             boasting spirit.               hosiiilal board in the   province Europe and announced his en. 'school on April 23' and Miss M. centre      Held;  Hal  Davis,  right

  VANCOI. VKIl. Mav '.'(). Mem-                                                                    for adon lion. I ic t ine was com- giigcim iii m .is  i.in ..wan   Johnson and Miss K. Ciodwin hud field; Worn Sidlemau, substitute.
hers of Ihe associated Hoards of.  VANCOI VKIt, May 20.     Peui-Trade  CRICKET RESULTS            ing when all hospitals would bo well, of Houlder, Colorado.        resigned.   One probationer had    Elks- Hilly Hobertson, catcher
      on the lower mainland and lenliary lernis wele ordered yes-Vuuuouver                         owned hv the slate.                 ' "(! ciiampion says ne win noi been accepted und unother receiv-U'do   Dodson,  pitcher;  Hurry
           Island  will make   a Icrday !' Mr. Justice Murphy in                                     Aid. McLeod was in    fuvor  of, flirlil on July I, for ne lias, not ed. The present starr consisted.Thorley, Hrsl base; H. Dow, shorl

lour through northern anil cen-jthe cases of eighteen   prisoners   LONDON, May 20.     Old Coun   government ownership    and   re- enough lime to nam.     ne win, or eight trained nurses, nine pupil stop;,Sy. (Ireenwell, third base;
I rn I lliillsh Columbia I hi sum- convicted at the Suireme Court, try cricket results fur the week ....,)...l n.,.i il.,.-flit- i ni.ii !a However, meci sonii-oou uu i.u- nurses and two probationers, Ed. Menzie,  left field; Harry

mcr on a dale nul yet fixed. ln-'ASsizes here. In the cases of three are as follows:               now dealing with the same resolution. bor nay, possiuiy t.arpcm it-r. u a lotul ol 10. There had been a Downs, second  base;  Archie
vlliillons have been extended lo'iollicrs sentences were suspendeil. Nottingham heat Kssex by 8                                      Ihe Frenchman is not ready at good deul of sickness unions tho ICanipbell, centre Held; Juek Hag-

the Hoards  of Trade   of Van-         heaviest sentence was that wickets.                               Time Now Opportune          that lime he may go lo...South slair,   this having   neccssilated jWill, right field; Hill Martin, sub-the

couver and I'rlnee fieorgo. The yiven Hoy Ching,    Chinese,  ror   Somerset beat Kent in Ihc first  T. iloss McKay said thai the America where promoters are of-fering   engaging temporarily ol an sHtule.

parly will go Into, the Curiboo ,viiig   l 5,000 vnuth  or  mor-eountry innings.                   proposition in the resolution had       him   500,000 lo fight Luis udditionul nurse.                 Ld. W alernian, referee.

        by way of Prince Hn-!,hine In his possession.     lie wus   Middlesex beat tiloueeslershiru bceji proven to be a good one for Kerpo.                                                             The Elks ant the Mine football
pert und may detour visiting the sentenced to seven year's Impris by lb fee wickets.               hospitals.  He believed the time                                             BASEBALL               loams played their   first game
Cedar Creek gold diggings.       onment,  the  maximum penally      Lancashire bcatr.Norlh llainp. was now opportune lo lake     the legislature for ull districts.                                    Thursday   night.   Miss  H.  A.
                                 under the criminal code for in. shire by nine wickets.            mallei' up with   Iho  provincial         Do Like England                 Yesterday's Score.        Leitch kicked orr and tho game
                                         or the Drug Act.           Yorkshire beat Derbyshire by                                                    said 'Ihe resolulion                               was a splendid one.
BIG MINING MEN                   fraction,                        i5l                              goveruuienl for I hey were wuithig  Mrs. Darton                          AMERICAN LEAGUE.
                                         ..iM'r.iii.r e'ohviffeil of  runs.                        lor               If a reasonable     was a step in tho right di-
                                                                                                                                                                        Chicago, 7; Pliiladelpbiu, .
                                                                    Susscii beut Olamorgan by inn
         ARE GOING NORTH.robbery with violence were sen- ings and 18 runs.                         plau was put forward be had no recllon.     In England   hospitals   Detroit, 2: Washington, ,'(.   RUPERT MOTOR CO.
                                Henced lo rive years with twenty                                   doubt it would bo adopted.     A were so conducted thai all could    St. Louls-ltoslon, rain.
  H, A. (luess, vice-president of lashes each and a, (bird for two Warwickshire Cambridge by University eight wickets.beut commission travelling ull over tho have free medical attention, free. Cleveland, I; New York, 12. GETS CONTRACT FOR

the American Mining and Smelt-'years wilh live lushes for a sim-ing"                               province would bo a preliminary, medicine, free hospital and sick        NATIONAL LEAGUE.                HOSPITAL AMBULANCE

    Company of New    York, und jlur offence.                                                      lie thought Mr, Winn was emiii-'pay.    Possibly some such system    Philadelphia, I; Cincinnati, 0,
V II, Tiites, of I'ernie, H.C., ouoj                              PREMIER OLIVER'S                 ently suited lo head such a cum. could   be  inaugurated  in  this   Hosfon-Cliicngo, rain.
of the directors or tlio Premier CDDIXir MPPTINn                                                   mission.                          country.                           I'itlsburg-New York, rain.       On recommendation or the ambulance

Milling C'oini.ni.i- .,,...... in ll,n .llv                                  RELIEF PROPOSAL         M. J. McNeill said the plan ap    J. Lome Macluren suld lie hud    Hrooklyn, 0: St. Louis, 10.            committee, tho lender of

today en joule lo Slewurt aboard         AT TORONTO TODAY                                          peared very leasuue unu moved always been in iavor       or  state         COAST LEAGUE.            (he liuperl Motor Co. to proyido

the I'rjnee liuperl. They will ro-main                            Would Channe     Dole System to llie cmlorsutlou of Hie resolution, ownership or   hospitals.  'Ihe   Seattle, 0; Salt Lake, I.      Hie hospital aiiibtrlanco at a figure

     in Stewart for about a week.                       20. -The    Publlo  Works    Assess  50c   This was seconded by Aid. McLeod. Workmen's Compensation Hoard       Yc rhou-Suu Francisco, ruin.       or  1,087 which includes the
                                   TOllONTO,     Miiy or the Ontario Per Capita to Pay for It.                        v '            was the logical body lo lako up    I'ortluiid-Sucrainenlo, called in full' equipment on a Ford chassis
STILL IS                         spring meet lug    ul the Woodbine                                  Col. Me-Mordie agreed with the such an investigation but he did third inning on account of rain, with shock absorbers vvas accept

          FOUND;                 .luekey Club opened here loduy. The VICTOIilA, May 20.   While in principle or government ownership not think one man    should- bo    Oakland,  -.' Los Angeles, 5.5, ed by tho board last night. Thu

          OWNER ARRESTED              track     will he the running Ottawa, Premier Oliver proposes     uml deduced    that  anyone singled oul at Ibis time to head     INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE          coiuuiiltce, which comprised M.J.
                                 real urn evenl hislorio ami classu to induce the federal government who studied tho present situation suchi commission. Ho suggested   Heading, 2; Jersey City, 5,    McNeill, Aid. Thco. Collart and

                                       or Iho       ror which 12 lo revise its. unemployment re    inilst agreo hospitals were being    (hat tho hospital board meet    Huffulo, I; Toronto, 3;        Dr. L. W. Kergin,  vvas  thunked
  NANAIMO, May 20.     Joe La-"'"1. King's l'lale race expected to lief plan substituting act mil pub-lie run along the wrong lines. The the city council on tho mailer. Only two gumes were played,   and the secretary was instructed
ed,  of this eity hus been arrcsl. or I i horses lire Oeneral Sir    works for Hie dole system und suggestion wits an excellent one    The vole was Ihen put and tho    WESTERN INTERNATIONAL          lo eommiiuicato with   tho  city
     A  forty  gallon  still was sturl.   novernor                                                                                                  unanimously endorsed. Tueoma, 3; Edmonton ,3..     council advising it Uf the lacl thut
                                                                                                               be brought
                                                    to the course assessing 30 cents per capita as and should             to the at. resolution wus
found In the eolluge owned       Julian Hyng drove
him                           by In stale at 1 1 MVIork.          u tux lo pay for relief.         tcntion or tho members of the                                        Vancouver, 3; Calgary, 10.     a decision had been reached.