fM(IE TWO                                                                                           THH DaTGY HUWS                                                                                 Monday. June 5fl, in??

                   The Daily News                                     BRONCHiAL                     iNOWBALL GAME i


     Pnhlfhed Ryery Afternoon, except Sunday, tha Prince                 ASTHMA                        MOUNTAIN TOP

            Rupert Daily News, Limited, Thin! Avenue.                                                                                MACDONALDS

                 II. F. PUf.LRN, Managing Editor.      ;                                            ot Scouts Climbed to 8ummlt
                                                                   Cheklttf mh! Ckipinr fkr BUslk  Saturday and Bathed In Lakelet

         t        .  SUBSCRIPTION RATES:                             KUtrf bf"PRUt T-A-TIVty

  City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month             .$1.00                                    starting with   paper chase,
  By mail to alt parts of Hie British Empire and the United Stales,                               the St Andrew s hoy scout troop

  ,  in advance, per year                                   ffl.uu                                j;niieted a half day's enjoyment
  To all other rountries. in advance per year            . . .$7 5o(                                u  stui-xijiy with a swim in a
                                                                                                  small lake at Hie suridt of Mount

                         TELEPHONE 98                                                             lf;tys and a snowball'match near           BRIER
                                                                                                  Ihe same place.  They aN.t.Vfti-!

  Transient Display Advertising       $1.10 per inch per insertion                                look of lunch, al the siiinniit nd

  Transleiit Advertising on Front Page     ,       $2.80 per inch                                 i-jnderel along the lop of  Ihe
  Local Readers, per insertion....-;...              2"c   er linej                               rle, returning late in the ?ii.

  Classified Advertising, per insertion. . . .       2c per won'                                  inir.                                                 ifi                           a
                                                                                                    The 1mi)k, in charge  ( Seoul,i
  Legal Notices, each insertion.,'-  ".        15c per ngatij line'
                                                                                                  mter S. D. Johnson an t In assistant
                  Cuitract Rates on Application.
                                                                                                          Alex. Itlx, climbed th
  All advertising rhoold le in The Daily News Ofllce. on day ?n- j
                                                                                                            liy the rather
 .ceding publication. All advertising received subject to appro al j      una. riiNa
                                                                                                  r ate from a point near the e"ine-
             Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations.                           Niw RxkUd, P.Q.                                                                                   r mm ia . r"vauiaw a  -  mm imr mmw.-aw m w
                                                                                                  t     On"1 ialro leil off at lv
                                                                    "In 1919, 1 was Ukea with BmuLui ry.                                                                                                                   lb.
                                                                   AuXma lJ no one kns what I     n lock ami me otuer muowct! at
      DAILY EDITION                 Jtl Monday. Juno      IS?'.    suffered nith it Jriof the 'nlatsr. t'irte eatrliing .the other it tlx                                                                              TIN
                                                                                                  sMmtitit. There wre ?S boys in
                                                                   I If gaCning (XJtuig   pupilif
 .Latest Reports                                                   tot breath d1 could sot speak. n.                                                                                                                   854
  Are Satisfactory.                                                I would hare one of these bad spells Th clunh was n liff one for

      The latest sciiool reports nre on the whole extremely satis  in the ereaint;, one during-'t night, hoys averaging lvche ami thirteen Packages                  15
  factory. The two experts who have carefully      examined   the  an1 one in the mornlnf. The doctor  years of ag but tlny ma l
                                                                   said he could do nothing for me. good time and wi-re Ivo-k Imiue                                                                                        32
 jehol building make it quite clear that the building is safe and
  always ha  Ixje-n -afe but that it should be waterproofed and the "In the sprinf of 1W0, uanrJ  alniiit half-past ton.

  fire- wall rebuilt as well as having other minor repairs.        tdUg   nuWii." and in a few
      There is ardifferenee of opinion as to the floors. One "r-chiterl days,the ehoUnf f pells stopped,and CHILDREN'S DAY WAS    Mor.t;.-al. on Sainrday wtn the
         is of opinion that they might be -strengthened. If Ha re  I have had. none tat May 7th,                                  anuleiir  golf rhauipniiishlp of
  is any doubt the school board, it is hoped, -will take the safe 1930. I hate so wanted to 111 other' OBSERVED YESTERDAY         ianaJa from N M Scoli of Ihe        Canadian National Railways
                                                                   sufferers who hate the saree trouble                           Hityat Montreal Cluh afier an 'x-tra
 course and see that the floors are made so strong than any kind
                                                                                    for t know how       AT BAPTIST CHURCH                 had
                                                                        "Fruit-a-tirea"                                               hole
                                                                   about                                                                             days.
 of test will nl shake them. We do not want any tragedies nod not want parent to feel uneasy. Everything must be well     they must suffer. Aj'lima                                                                                        Prince Rupert
 done'or the children will not return to school.          '         Some thought the       would    The  llaptisl Church   Sunday
                                                                   come back on me as w.aUr fame on
                                                                                                              C.hihlreno Da
                                                                                                  School held                Ser-     Sport Chat
                                                                      it has    thani   "Fruit
                                                                   but                (o
                                                                            not,              a-tites"
  Crime To Shake                                                                                  vites yesten'ay afternoon wiien                                     DRYDOCK
                                                                          Mrs. J. if. f.iXIXOTOX.                                 t-                  -         v
  Confidence Of Parents.                                                                          aixtut 150 children and  ndolts
       l -is a crime to attempt to shake the confidence of parents  ttte a boi, 6 for$2.S3,trial slit,25c. srathered in Uie ehiirrh to cele The Senior league hasehall

  in the school. The school boanl is taking every care and the     At dealers or sent posljiaid by brate the occasion. The church game lteiwmn the Sons of Canada                               AND
  city, council is co-operating. The srhitol huilding will be made Fruits tites Limited, Ottawa.  was prettily tleisiraled with flow.  and  the  F.Iks ll   Friday

  iloufely secure, of thai we are assured, and doubtless the recommendations                      ers which wrre afterwards taker. niglit was one of the best games                        SHIPYARD
                 of the architects will be carried out.                   SUITCASES               to the hospital.                ever seen in the cily. Certainly

      It is to be expected that a new bylaw will be placed before                                   The   program   comprised   a there never was one more exciting
; the people to raise money for the extra work on the school        TRUNKS                         l(ortis by the Primary lepart-     and with a more sensational          Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock

. building. This will have to he done in order that the work mav                                  rsi'nt, recitations ly Miss Helen conclusion. The oys are getting  Engineer, machinists, Bollsrmsksrs, Blacksmiths, PstUrn
  proceed-.- Theratepayers. rannok.take any other course, than vote       CLUB BAGS               llf'.'iipllin. Miss Nina Martin nnd into form now ami there may he            makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Elo.

  the money, although -of course 'they will'feel sore at having In;An                             Mitchell Oay anil also a pretty act even heller game from now on
  tn-   o one likes In hnvp- hi tuii' ninnfti for lifimcHiipf, Ihnl imtrlil                       entitled "Children's Day Around What is wanted now hy Ihe play,      Electric and Acetylene Welding.
                    - ---- - - - i      -       -    i --- - -- -1; - Large. Stock      hand.
  h.iie been avoided. 'At the same lime we, as a city, cannot alford               on             t  World.' hr Mrs. SewelP   and ers is more practise so that they
  to allow the building bi remain unoccupied and an eyesore. We         Prices very low.          ,Vr llox's claes.  The Willing can last the whole nine innings             Our plant t equipped to handle all kinds of

  must complete it at any csl and it is satisfactory to know (ial                                 Workers read the Scripture es- without any danger of Mow-up.
                                                                    J. F. MAGUIRE
. .Ihe price will not be excessively high.                                                        s'ifV and the Helping Hands ren-                                      Marine and Commercial Work
                                                                    Nest the' Pritx! Sapert Hotel l,ied a song which was wvll re    The nei foolhal! game lo    m
  Will Sympathize With                                                                            Ci eved. Itev. O. fl. Hacker gav piny fit in the city will In- that                   PHONES 43 AND 388

  Prairie Provinces.                                    ,                                         a "i adlre on pockets, which was tomorrow nighl al Ihe Acropolis
k     The .sympathy of. thi -section of the country will go ou lo                                 iKWh enjoyed.  The hearty slng-iisig Hill Grounds between the Sons

i-the people or the prairie provinces who nave suffereir from ihe    Ten Years                        of Ihe.(hyimis wns  another of Knsrlaud and n l.eng:ie Select
 storm of Friday, morning.  While the loss of life was small, the                      Ago        conspicuous feature which contributed team. II is under Ihe auspice
 damage wa$'very heavy and Ihe effert will be felt even here.           in Pr'nca Ruprt                   to the .success f Ihe day. if Ihe Sons of Kn eland in aid of j Follow              the         Crowd! (

 Some of the most fertile parts of Manitoba will be barren   fii                                  The offering was devoted to Ihe ii-.i II'-II n t'u rAiiiiiiiiui..........1 1. ...i.Will,. ril OIIJ n i

 year.  The farmer. will behanl up and they will      not spend       A. I racy, ie..nrY?sident of Mission Fund.                  met with an iioforlunale accelcnt
 money in travel.  While the damage seems o have been more International Typographical Un                                         on the field. The worthiness of

 or local. Ihe district covered by the storm was a large one ion, is paying a visit to Prince   WIRELESS REPORT             the rane and the guarantee that              Fullers General                   Store
 and the resulting Uislress will he widespread.                  humeri.  Tonight he will be th               8 a.m.              ft good game I   In he put up      :: to                                                  ::
                                                                 guM    f the Prince Itiiwrl loeal                                should attract a record crowd of
 Will Settle With                                                                                  DKillY ISLAND Cloudy, clam                                                           HAYS COVE AVENUE
                                                                 on a trip around Ihe island and                                  soccer fans.
 Drydock Creditors.         ,   v                                a visit in Ihe Cold Storage plant barometer, 30.20; temperature                                        Wc a; i' now iimvd and doing a tremendous tin ..-.
     The Dominion Government is making                   to settle                                SA; sea smooth; 8:15 p.m.                                                                                             AND
                                           arrangements                                                                             Terrace and Srnilhers are ei- i    HARDWARE, DRUGS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SHOES
    with the creditors of the Prince Rupert Drydock and Kngiu-     T. f. Pattullo returned to Ih JTince Itiipeft soulhhound; mid  peeling 'many    visitors  fromi               STATIONERY Reduced to a Minimum,
 aoNiir .t    Vhilrt IKam    unllMiii. In :n.i:..iA ...1..1 : II... :..                          night, in Chelohsin norlhhound
                    ,.,   .4
      d     r ..ami        -         in linn, itt- urn i in,-, in t-nj mis uiornins aner an e-                                    Prince It u perl for their dominion i tirocericji, Fruits and Vegetables of the II i!n--t )'
 tention in the despatch that arrived Saturday it is In he supposed lenilffl business vtlt in Ihe  a.m., in Princess Louise north May celebrations but it rmil not j          Fuller's Bulk Tea, 2 lbs. for 95o.
 that Ihe fjovernment will pay fifty per cent of all the accounts south.                         Inn ml; 10:10 p.m. spoke steamer be forgotten thai I here is to be'          Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00.

outstanding against the shipbuilding concern and not discriminate                                 lriffco, abeam Watson Hock     n celebration in this cily ! andj                Car Delivery to All 1'arts of City.
    as did the, previous government.  If      do      there will   Itev.                         p.  m.  noriniiotinti; i:4n
                                         they     not,                  W. II. Andrews, of Toron                                  Ihe interior towns should not be
be great dissatisfaction.                                                                        spoke steamer tJriffcn, Seattle for                                 Phone 45                                  Phone 45
                                                                    accompanied uy .. Andrews                                    disappointed if Ihe crowds (hat j
     In the former case the accounts, for                    Ihe and                             KMchikan, 225 miles from Kelrh
                                            goods supplied            child, arrived loday to fill                               visit them from here on Ihe oc-
boarding house were ruled out. the Jtills of printers and advertisers' the pulpit of the Presbyterian ikan norlhhound.           cassjnn are not  ery l.irnc The:
      were scratched and many oijie'r legitimate claims were refused. Mllirrll white Ilev. F. V. Kerr tKAD THKH    POINT   Clear, sporlinij- feature of Ihe Terrace!

        If the present government does that there will be n strong is in Ihe Hast on his holid.ivs enlm; haromeier, 30.21;  tem  program   will  he  the baseball                                             GOODS JUST
protest, bill if they take Ihe fair view that all the billibe sell.ed, .Mr. Ati-lrews is a brother of Mrs perature, 52; sea smooth. game between iiiVn of Ihe local! Another Special!                            ARRIVED
they will gef the support of all sections of the community.        . K. Williams, of lliu iiv      HULL    II.MlKOIt    Overcast Intermediate League, and Terrace!
                                                                                                 norlhwesi freh; haromeier, 30..
                                                                                                 Z; temperature, 51; light swell while another el.-ili between th"   Growlntr Glrla' Oxfords, all sizes, 2j to 7        $C.50
PRINCESS LOUISE                  on hoard a parly of 00 San Fran-         BASEBALL                                               Telkwa and Srnilhers hall I ennui
                                                                                                 KV p.m., spoke princess llealrlco                                    MNVICTUS" Shoea still lead the                  alt
                                 Cisco tourist  iiersoiiallv run-                                                                will be one of the features of Ihe I                                          way:
     WAS IN PORT THIS            ditcted by M. D. KilbTlciii.                                    oft Prine poke Island Princess soufhhound,Louise 8:5:off Srnilhers day.  widths and sizes                             $11.50
                                                                        Saturday's Games.
                                        agent of that cily.
         MflRNINR AN HOUR                                             AMERICAN LEAGUE.           Isl ind norlhhound; 1 1 :35 p.m                                              Quality Shoes at reasonable price
                                                                   Xew York. 7-2: lioslon. I     spike Carnosun left Ocean Falls   7 he  preliminary  base   b.ili
                                (ANNUAL DECORATION                                                                               game between Ihe Knights of (Ut.
                                                                   Philadelphia, ft; Washington, Id p.m. soutlihoiind.                                                           FAMILY SHOE STOKE
C. P. R. Tourist Ship Had Full                                                                                                   lumbiH and the FJks for I lie lo-minion
                                                                   i.ieveiand, i; Chicago, .                  Noon.                                                                                             Third. Avenus
                                         DAY SERVICE ELKS'                                                                                                          Third Avenue
  List of Passengers Most of                                          NATIONAL LEAOUE.             IHOIiY ISLAND Cloudy, calm            Day priie will be played
   Them making Round Trip                                                                                                        tonight nl the   Acropolis   i
                                                                   Ilosloii.                     inrmu'ler, "30.20; leuiperalure.
                                   The annual   Decoration  Day             .; Philadelphia,
  The Canadian Pacific Coaster xrrviCc of ilo  I-.IkH Lodge look   ilror.klyn, ft; New York. 5,  ill; sea smooth: 0   a.m.   out liroiinds. fiesides this ihe game
Princess   I.oui'e, Captain  A. place yesterday   afternoon   at ' Ciucinali. 7; I'illnhtirg, 3.  rlncess Loue nodlhliound.      will alu count in    the league     R A IT     0ur ,fox"' herring; hall is conceded by llslisrinsn
                                                                                                                                 standing and is In he
Staler, called in port I his morning Fairs'lew Cemetery, about .'JO men Chicago, in; m. Louis, t   jDILXD TftHK   POIXT   Clear,                       recognized               to j,e ,l8 nnei(l procurahlB at any Pacific Co"
    from 8:30   to  9:15  hound and half a dozen ladies taking          COAST LEAGUE             ci',m; haromeier, 30.20; temper, as a league future. Which ever     Port  and It is Fishy." Price, 130 per ton.

north with a full list of 2hh pas-'senger part. The service was a sliorl Portland. 1; Vernon, 7. afnre, 58; sea moderate; II a.m from teams loses will be eliininalel rT7       The best way or Insuring a 8"ood quslHy trip i
        froli'i-'ani-ouver for Al-aikau 0n, Milton Ciotizales, exalted Seal lie, 5; Oakland, 0.  st.'ke steamer Prince 11iimt1 off     the  Dominion   Day prize                to have plenty of our hard frozen Ice,   I'ric
                                                                                                                                 series ami Ihe
                                                                                                                                                winner will
      porls; Th   list was large, ruler, and Ilev. Dr. II. II. iirant. .vm rrariciiteo, 3; Sacramento P-'xy Island nllihoiind.   in the final oh            play    ti per ton,
                                                                                                                                               Saturday with Ihe
ly made ui of tourists, the large chaplain, leading in it. A couple                                                              Sons of Canada.  The               O.-af'a.    Our well.npilpped store can supply ftshlnir
.majority of1 whoih were   from of hymns     were   sung    and   I.os Angeles. I; Sail Lake. . LORNE GOES SOUTH                 iate league gaine between Intermed fid's       fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions
California iillliousli a few were wreathe arid flowers were then   INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE.                                                                            and hardware.
from the Ka,    't'.iie puinher in-cluileil.lloit, laid on Ihe graves of the two Toronto, 3; llalliinore, K. TO START TOWING     and Ihe Sous of Canada which
                                                                                                                                     lo have been
            and Mrs.'.n. I. 1'er-uruson, deeeased members, of the order, Hjiffulo. 5, Heading, 7.                                was is           played tonight    NEW        ENGLAND FISH Company

       !of Tot'iuilo, ahd Mr. and Charles Kmblelon and Wilfrid    Itoohesler, fl; .Newark, n.              LOGS FOR STATES evening.postponed   until  Wednesday1                           Ketchikan, Alaska Branch

'.Mrs. Mugervc IMunkelt, of California, Macdonald. The service, though Syrneiise, !i Jersey City, 8.

        who Ihfikn I he Skagway short, was a very solemn and             Sunday Games,             fhe  iraiul  Trunk    Pacifle   The following players will lake

trip every year. Tliere was also impressivH one.                      NATIONAL LEAGUE.          Oicisl SleaiiMhip (Ut.'n lug Lome. pari in the benefit football game

                                                                  Chicago,  ; SI. Louis, 1 1 .   apt. McKernan, sallcii on Frl- lo he plnyeil at the Acropolis Hill                         Prince          Phone 6S6
                                                                                                                                                                            litlgetion Block,
                                                                  Philadelphia, 2; llrooklyn, 3. (ittf tor Cuinahewa Inlet, Morehy ground tomorrow night:
                                                                  Hoslon, 3; New York, t.         !rul, where Mie will start tow.
   "A Daily Treat"                                                                                                                 Son of Fngland Block dale:
                                                                  I'lllshurg, t; Cincinnati. 7. iiM logs for A. T. Kelly In Alert II. M. D. I.arnlie and O. Keey:                 Dr. E. S. TAIT

                                                                      AMERICAN LEAGUE.          Hit.  Ihese og   will he as.ein. Mansell, A. Crnggs,   and    R.
                                                                  Philadelphia, 1 ; Washington, 2 1'Ieii at Alert Hay and picked up Craggs, Hodgson. II. Wivvin. a.                   Dental Surgeon
                 "ICED"                                           Cleveland, .1; Chicago, -I.   there hy an American tug for P. Tinker, .1. raripihar and K.
                                                                  SI. Louis, 5; Detroit, 0.      Ugel Sound, being esporleij lo Mutters.                                    Office llourt, 9. a.m. to 9p.m.
                                                                       COAST LEAGUE.            Ihe Hulled Stales.                League Belecl   fl. Mercer:
                                                                  I.o  Angeles 3-1; Halt Lake.                                  Kingdom nnd II. Menzles; w.                                    Sunday by Appointment

                                                                7-.                               A.  W. Oray, of Alice    Arm,   nderon, W.    Davies, arid  .1.

   "SALADA"                                                       Portland,; Vernon.        ached Ihe cily on Saturday af- Ilynd; J. Klhlay. W. Mitchell.
                                                                  Seattle,,.1.; Oakland, 2-fi.  '.ernoo,i.                      Mackintosh, It. Klrhy  and    .1.

                                                                  San Francisco,   5-7;  Kacra-rnenlo,                          Mark. Ileserves, W. Marlin. V. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED

                                                                       fl.J.                    FRASER WINS AMATEUR             Menzles, fi. Anderson,  Warren                                 SAILINGS
                                                                  INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE.                                         and O. Hill.                    For Vancouver, Ocean Fulls and Swansou Jbjy, Tuesday 6 P "1'
                                                       Hilt       Toronto, 5; llalliinore, fi.         GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP          flrollo colors will be   used, T -           il..r 11,..,  tt..rl II .lu Unl.,li,il II Ml.

                                                                  Iluffalo, 5; Uending. ...                                     George llussell will rsferee,    Toe Ihwbi. Alieu Arm. t'nrt Hilnniinii un.l VVhIms Ialsnd, k!lna"
  Good on all occasions.                                          Hoehesier. lfi-; .Newark, 2-,   ANfJASTF.ll," -Inn 2B. -0. f.                                     midnight.

                                                                  fiyraeuse. 5-2; Jersey Cily, 7-3 Fraser of the Kanawaki Club,   Advertise In the Daily News,  For Nsss River Cennsrlss, I'rlday s.m,