tA(1E POOR THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ANNOUNCEMENT! I VamT TOO to KtCt toovu mot ceT oot or VC1U IOOk m Tug LJ Awax rori CsnTY NOO?C 'NO ONR OH TAUKlM er AeLr to wrtT Tuoeorr woouo r z AOOOT? MIM f T j A60CIT; WITH HIM IT SUB TO Ycx pMiCti time' W can offer the genuine "INVICTUS" Shoe for men from $10.60. No better shoe made al the price nnd every pail1 fully guaranteed. All shape and sites. 'The Store of Shoe Satisfaction." Family Shoe Store 'rpr; n.ri a. sim. mec. DIVORCE GRANTED Phon 357. P.O. Box 1668. irWian: .vwx. A. Mraenan, man ager; Dai id ScHt, clerk: Thomas IN ASSIZE COURT News Classified Ads. Modern JirBl. cnrpes.ler: Hownrd Sleen, Daily transferman: F.rnest t'nwin. accountant: In the Divorce Case of Qeddes ASSIZE Job Vierick. rarpentei a CENTS PEK WUKO IN ADVANCE. No AdnrtlMmsnt Takon lor Las- than BO COURT Will. J. Whalen, laborer: Wm. V. vs. Qeddes a Degree Absolute Laundry Wright, broker; Wm. K. W i(li- le Granted By Mr. Justice OPENS TODAY st arcnunar.t: Win. W. Murphy WANTED FOR SALE , merchant. ALL IS READY FOR WAXTKIi. liirl for general rOH SAI.K Tender, will be re. Service In Hie Ai wMirt lhi iinrn-Insr housework. Apiily Mr, i: II. celvnl by llie-undersuined for, True Bill Found In Ca.e .f Rex FEW UNEMPLOYED Ix'fore Mr. Jusiire Murphy. HARD TIMES DANCE Orme, Weslvlew. U the pitrrhase nl Ihe l..i.tn, ttr ffer thn following ... Hie divorre pm of llml.le vs. a a gng ronoern or the raime ( service tn the p ,b -.r ..., ( REGISTERED HERE Ueddes wns heard. A degree Daughter of Empire Have Made WAVTKM. - General Mrvnnl. Hkeeii It Iter t!o-opra.l n e In;: DISTRICT COMPLIMENTED 1 absolute was grunted and ihe Elaborate Preparations For Apply Mr. Felhenttonehaugh. AssfirtiltbHi. Ltd.. at Tercare.j Economy Laundry Service-Damp Hrst Avenue. father was givew the ciitodr Big Event Tomorrow tt The inventory Night eoiiils ..r Wash; Soft Finish, Employer Are Looking For Men Absence of Crime In North Is at Several Outside Point of. ihe three children. Ilie JAPAhjK woman want work gMewrfe. drygixMt. Iwtritware Hough Dry, Dry Cleaning, Mentioned by Mr, Justice plihatUtn for the divorce was Merything is now ready for the by the hour. Phone iMmliiton bit a fUl shoes' an, will'run Pressing and Dielng, Rug Murphy -In enlereil by Mr. Keddes and wa ha.nl time .totvre at the eliit,.' Hotel ;t9 lo nbonl .noo.fwi t uriiiiui. and Carpet Cleaning, and Th Mnmplnynynt Hiialfn tll.opHiseil. Milton Vtonxales. lion" hall tomorrow iwght. The' ,... ... and fitiures about II.Mmi. The flegular Laundry Ser. .l the opening of the Assiiie the ily today Is very much tm-Oourt of William A OniiVale. aiMnr. ItMiiuhler. r-l!...i,- I.... aole,l. Hotel lolral. lelc is fresh ami (he K1HM I hi morning .presided dver proved n compared with thin ed for Ihe elilioner. si; unking great prriMirations and it rsirMllllon. The hB lues s I We can surely sen yen, liy Mr. Jiiwl ire Murphy, the only lime n year ajro. stated J. Oatifii. . s ctpccteti Ibal n record ernvid BOARD AND ROOMS being eondurlei on rash lied may all t criminal rase wa that of Ilex v. hell, government employment WIRELESS REPORT ' will lie present. lials- athl the average monlhly Mcl-jirhern, in which a I rue hill ngenl thl ntorning. I he floor at the Ua is as good HOOM and Hoard in private sale 1,700. Alum MoOo Canadian Stemn Laundry wa found by the grand While a number of men liavr jury, j S a.m. , as any in the city and the hall family for two gentlemen, cash will h andle'lhis pr..M..i is Stanley i:. Parker wa rhoen returned to the nily in the pa.t Iil'l.l. HAItlutlt. Overcast: sharing Phone S. spacious and well v4htilalcd. ame ro.wn. Pbone Hon, balance n time. i. .irg. n foreman, the other Jurymen two week from the prairie, at light smith.eat wind; barometer essential fn.this wen I tier. A the an Hed 8S. 115 Ilorie, f!.A.. Prince Hni lieinft Harry Atkiiw, tiut'rlier; the rinrluion of je liarellnr .in.f)H; leuienillire H; Ihjbl II.lL. Jaine I). Allen, merrhant; A. K. seaon, they Jiave een enl to swell. 7.15 ii.m. spoke steamer proceeds of Ihi dance go to the FOR SALE l.-izell-Jnne., merhanirat en. Anyot a they arrived, Aorlhweslern 8 p.m. 3 46 miles building fund, it is rterted that IHJATi. FUlglftes aM eneiue fit. American Express S.VAI For Sale. will Half Inn pineer: l. McU. Hunter, inuranrn The lie ranlp whirh are ipen from Seattle southbound. everyone buy ln kets. lings; Aot.is and attlo pvrl. apent: Herbert llantplon, rlerk; Injr up alonir the line adjacent to filll TltKi: POI.VIV Hain. Ford delivery trtok. , Just r. stoves, twds. aneburs. ehain. Money OfJers built and In A.I. shape. .NVw Harry It. I.ove, rn.irhinit: Mirhael I'rinre llit.ert an takimr rwre of' ing; HbIiI stnilh-eal wind: bar ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S Meek, pmpeflors, Mtea Nnd tire and paint all rmind. MrVejl, rnrpenler; l!eo. W. Nirk-'a number of men. The Hanon ometer JO.Krt; leni.emliire tl: a variety of miserlUne.iu Issued ear.n.oo. Katen tlarage. m on erwin, broker; Jamo f5. fteen,,Tie ramp at I'riesHy ha an ap sea smnolh. BAPTISM OF FIRE flltlnifs at low fifteoe. Norlh-, pliiinlier; W. Sibbald, nintrartor: plication in at the employment liIUHY ISUVNU. IlalniKg; FOIl HAI.K or TnHlf. Iiairy and ern rUehaage. if( Norway, Sweden & Ikniela Sutherlanil, broker; J..office for 5 men who are reqnir. calm; barometer J9.V0; tenixra. Vancouver Speak of Moral Cour. chicken firm. enw; 3 yearling IIOI'SKj a'M lole for Ale ..n Denmark at Lowest II. Thompon, merchant. JeJ inifnediately. lure .i3; sea modh. I heifers; 3 a.m. are of Hon. A. M. Manson ruhrs; Here. easy lefins. lagging machinery. Current Rates In adlreinK' the Brand Jury! Tlrere pre a few local married spoke I'.mpress of lliia H p.m. Regarding Liquor Traffle frd Mill; t mr.; jon ImnI. engines, et. M. Al r. J u a tire Murphy aid he tooklmen, mostly tradesmen, who are UMirt mile from Victoria. chickens; all iteresHry tool M. . Stenhen.. Phone jti. . ifi . pleasure in comH in-rit insr the not worklnsr in the city and ac Noon li.eusin tli reeeni flurry to farm with. Hay euoiigli. Agent fee r jurymen and the cominnnHy Ren. rordinst to reBUtration at tbn Mill.I. llAUHoa. Itainlng. over the tiiiKir business in Thre miles fnui tn. Sell FOH 'SAlfli Sajllnn XmiI I tin Noew.jten Amerieavit.LJre erwlly on. the fact thai therw wa eHipIoj-ment btr-ll hee wnubl freh snullLeaii wind; baci-meier fvthieh lion. A. l. Manson has milk dally. All enquiries an, or Villi Kvinrude enaine. $tiu Swedish American Line only onrttcriminal rae at the iiuruner aiMiut a dozen. 30.09; temHralure lt: keen eallesl iih.'h o defend his wered. i:. C. Mr Kay. Kndato. I'lllten. Daily News Office If Scandinavian American Fall alze, which fart he nald At the present tlnw there are light swell. miiIoii. the VaiisHMMer rtiin of 11.0. FOR 8AI.B Line. ioke well for the City of Prince only about 30 registration of IKAI IltHK I'OLVT-s-JUudy: MiHiday last say: Old newsMiper .'5.- Oliver Typewriter) II ii pert and the northern part of uneniidoyed men in the ' rity. fresh south east wind; barn, "HenliiiiiK Ihe pngress At. '.1.30c; Inierie4se, H.OOO miiiiiis office.for largo bundle. Dally New Cary Safee the province. He a.id that, while while last ear at Ihi time there meter Jh.hii; leinraltire 55: torney.fienernl Mansitn has been at 12.20c. and 9..VI.: Volunteer. if FIRE INSURANCtj- there wa nly one indictment on were 7.' sea iiHHlerale. " making towards eleaning ii his 1,000 pounds, at 1 5.1 He. and tc; BOARO. ii the docket at the present time, IHOHV !SLAXI. ,)verrast; department, wtt's extectini Iimi lo Ihe tinadiaii KJh A Obi he had been notified that another LADIES' WHIST, calm: barometer 29.00: lempera. much o teliee that hi iMilili. Storage .. HOAHD Inlander. 8J0 Second; Dybhavn & Hanson criminal cae would cnnip before Followinx were the result of lure 5(1; sea smooth. ra uiiieiils and enemies wjth- l.iiioer.-t, sn.iino p.und. al Avenue. Phone 137. t Third Avenue ? them nett week. Bame in the xeroni! round of in ine tany wouiii leave Hint 17c. and Mr..; to the Atfiif Fish. ORIENTAL QOODS Prince Rupert, B. 0. Sml there Case the Ladies' Whist Tournament In the clly police court till alone. eries. Hie rase-of Ilex. ve. Duralit, a played last niabt al the St. He. morning, before Magistrate Me. "I!ndec lil first baptism of Teddy J.- I.noo ipMinds, al Lipancse Klmonas, Crockery. cae of indecent aaiilt, i being Bis Cafe. niymonl, l'ul.e Klwlll was fire Ihe Atlomey.lieneral ha 17c. and Mc; Utifphln. 5,nno Ilambno Furniture. Ornaments,! ent down from, HmHTler tomorrow Itehekah Tt, . Indies f Yal- charged wilh vagrancy and sen. been somewhat indiifgcnl in the pounds, a' t&.Jne. nnl VAt.: Hasket. Children' ftiimners 1 for trial at the prexent a, halla. 17 leureil In AO day detention with. laiiguave use auaiii't hi critics fiape Sjieiicer, ,ono piunds, at Toys. Kte. HYDE niies which wIM f. proceeded Ladies of Ilnyal Purple, i; out Ihe option of a fine. esferLilly since the object of 13.311c. and l..Vle.; to the Hoyal LOWKST PRICra. with on Monday. liauehter and Maid of'F.ntr- their criticism was to try. and Fish v F. K. AKASE The Brand Jury brouulit in a land. I. Mrs. M. Millard leave for draw him mil. . . P. f). Ilox At Tel. lied "V TRANSFER true bill in the cae of Hex v. Pythian Sislcr. ; Ladies of Vancouver tonight on fhe Prince "The liipior business at it HOTEL ARRIVALS Third Avenue McIIarhiTtt. Loyal Oi'Mime, I. lleorge.. I.esl is an outlaw Ira Me, ami WATCH r EXPRESS AND BAQOAQE. AND CLOCK REPAIRS Mcl'.arhern wa one of the since the worbl began ha put S. II. Urnham. W. lUniels. hand on the whaier While. While n curse on nearly erylndy Mr. Justice Murphy. W. 41 Expert watch, clock and Day and Night I'hoo &&(- Uit boat wa al Maett on Auk. connected with it. f that when Johnson, Mr. lohel Williams, chronometer maker. ii-t 21 lal it U alleged, he wtnt I I.C. aks its Attorney.Oeneral. II. A. Haley. J. . Walsh. F. I.. Waleh and Jewellery rtepair a Best Coal in addition In his oilier duties, Iluckley, Vancouver; A. nboie and became Intoxicated. , specialty. HelurninB alniard the boat he went "How Does She Do It? to regulate and bnndle.it booze Field, Winnieg; J. A. Irfive. J Mall order promptly executed. to the hridpe and abused Oaptain Iiuiims. there is immedialely Farrell. J. F. Iiulhie. Seattle.; GEO. QIBB Wood Wood lilureil iipnn I lie Allorney.lieii. II. I.. Morris, Juneau; ii. I. II Opp, post Office Amteritoii, who flapped hi face That's What I Want (I O. Ilox 71 i Stove Lengths, SpllL Turner, II. and ordered liirn below. Mc ernl's shoiild'Ts (he resMiisi. Stewart; liayhuie. Plnce Huivert. if Mlily of deulinz with all the victoria; II. Swnnson, llelling lachern it i charged then nb To Know9 lirt and in u.- eon nested with Iihiii: I'. K. Samneln, Point TAXI 139 2nd Ave. WesL la'ine.i pneitiiin or an army the tralli.-. Holterls; A. Imnaghy, I.. II. I'illa. Phone CSS Phone BIO. lifle and returnee to the deck Plai-eii in .iieh n position, an ban. Fred Nash, II. Ileppell. T. (Call Oeorge Itos mate.xhoolinif The at bullet Mr. Matthew,tore along (bo the She follows the same recipes I do, itiiriai larking moral con vie M. Kelso, John Itonl, fleo. F. Fiverpaenger Touring r.ar lion wll at nice) be xwamped in Keith, Dr. (1. It. Illeeeker. (teo. Prompt Day and Night Kervice fficer' and throiiBh the the kind of flour, calp butter, same corrtiptb'n. I'lacetl in Ihe same Little, J. M. Yigar, J. MrUiren. Standi Boaten Qrlll Third Avenue Let Us Advise You MiinLexturk ot t,lie dliip. AcCued then Jtitiljied overboard but wa eggs and flavoring and yet her Hisition. an nfllriat wilh moral Terrace; John Willmnii, I'sk; W CLOTHES CLEANED follow the Hell, prince Uw.rge; J. I.. Hatch wilh a lifetime' experience eoiirsige eniHigh In picked up by Cajrt. Anderon, who cakes have a delightful something and preesml by latest RTF.AM Hums Jus. all the dictates of his conscience will Lake; lurnlnill. Ilaz- m branches of liunched a boat, and handed bin them ' fllon; A. Mereur, San Pedro. pressing process. Hiiiidlng Trade . over to I lie police. about that I can't get. be tinder continual fife. H nit called fur and delivered. t'nlll lUe iiflllenlum is reach California. Th court wa adjourned until What's the reason? el. individual. Institutions and Phene CAS Brickwork, tomorrow iiuorninK when tin LINO, The Tailor itovernjin-r.it will eon I in lie. a a PATTULLO SAILS Stonework, prtit Jury will be selected ami The secret, madam, is mailer of ielf preservation. In AUCTION SALES. from the frillowinB", and ewnrn favor their Mend, but this I ' VKri'OlllA, Oct. 10, The Hon. Concrete, etc. the trial of the MeKachern cae T. D. Pallullo. Minister of Conducted in your home. Bales Justifiable only so long as the Lands I'lans and Specification will proceel: degree of favor remain sup for Hrilish Oiluiuhla, who ha every Thursday at 3 p.m. in our free t all our client, Harry, Astoria, chauffeur; DrPRICE'S portable. When Ihe degree of leen in Fngland since early in rooms, Kend In your goods earlv Olier llvMier, hotel keeper Hoi K. government favor and pulron- Ihe summer, sailed from Liver, GEORQE LEF.K, Auctioneer, William Watts & Co. Pnrne, carpenter; Hidney A. Hird, He becomes In'siiiiiiortahle, it pool on the .Mnnlrlare for Mont. 23 Third Ave., carpenter; Meth. I)avie, enRin-er: CREAM then changes to plain graft or real, on his way lo Victoria for Phonesi Black C1S; Red 1 57. Bulldera and Contractor Hubert L. Duncan, carpen. fraud. Ihe oten!ng of Ihe Legislature l Jlox g?3 Phone 4S2. ler; I.linNay L. Kby, carpenter: Friend of Hon. Alet. Manson here 011 October 3d. . He will BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR fficr 1017 3rd Ave. John A. 1'Jward. inmiruiico Baking powder feel they will never be called reach here Just in iii fur ihe l'lioiiH (Hack C'5 Jobbing Work of all Kinds. nrcul; John W. Mooreiiouce, fire, Upon to defend him Upon till opening. MRS. STEPHENS loan; llrnext A. MorKim, Warf. whatever Mr. Pallullo bus been score, ihey teel thai, representing above Wrathall ki.h .. hnuMeiuan; Nujeb Mjinnallein. MASK IM CANADA hi fault, he 1. morally clean. (tie I I.e.. Ooernment in Third Avenue WE HAVE iiiercluuil ; John McKechnie, car. The cream of tartar content gives Hug land on imnilgralioi pro. Halrdresslng, Shampooing. H.m, penlr j; Thomh A. . Hoy, hotel, FISH ARRIVALS posuls iimiI lius been working to naiug, Marcel Waving, Ammunition keeper; Win. (1. Oakley, laborer; a quality touch to baking that extend in I'Uirope ihe market for Hay Face and Scalp Tiesi.Ml,i..i William Hobb. warelmueman; Xhie boats marketed 87.m0 llrlllsh Oiluuibla limber. Manicuring. Kwllehe and Shot Shells Norman 0. ltobinon, eheetnietal cannot be produced with any pound of halibut a the Fish order. nude to worker; Charle (). Howe, ebeet-nvtal other leaven. i;rjiaii-e this innrning. It. F. MeNuilghtnn, t:.N.II. eily In All Sii.s ! C.bk.r worker; John Hank, flub, t ueftval. wervt Hndhem, puesenger uuent here, was a CHIMNEY 8WEEPINQ picker; Wnf, J. Scherk, laborer; Send for FREE C00U Book-'ToWe and Kitthtn" Ifi.uiKi (hhiwUs a( n.'l and truuiid trip passenger l(, Phone MO STORK'Slardware Jaue Hbeddon, contrurlor; 149 Notre, Dame Eatt, Winnipeg, Can. Ma.; I more, klomi ioiinds, ut Prince Meorge last night fr OLD NICK i f,,r 'leorKf Fuilth, bricklayer; John J 1 7ti and I Lliw.l Aiore. Auyot in I'.iniiecliiin Willi de r.hlliuieya of LlmitstU rw de.eH..i 6unbrg tarpfuler; Harold StrauJ s.otM) puuiMtt, at 1 5.20c. and partmemal buvioen. iwepl. Work uaranl.d. Phone Blaok 114.