10 10 THE DAILY NEW8 PAGE THRK9 Newell'a Orchestra regular dance Oe Luie Hall Thursday Our 1922 line is Local and Personal night. 215 BULL a dandy. The finest m-..p...., ,.,..-.u i.aijipn Silk ' lluiifrlly" ll.i.l- DOG Greeting wc II. C. LnCei taken. Phone 41. tf rry. llrauinr II 73 art ni-llinic ever pro for 91.00 t.jHli"iir'a Dollar Hl. duccd. Beautiful Haynera, Undertaker. pboi.e dainty designs-new 361. it OUIl FAMOUS, 8TOVB COAL idcas,quality Ih.Iiii' Young li-ft for MmilliVr Is, If anything, better Ihi Cards "i ihi' truln laat Biailt. year. (n)Utners Coal Co, Ltd. sentiments, and I'liOfie 7. tf PREFERENCE every card splendid AIM'I.KK. Fating and rooking. I'ri.e.. rignt. City Market, tf llrad intr (tla lay prtci liet value. - --- mi ih toll pan- of thin iuue that are different i,. .. iiraiii nn mi i lit I'rtnr KtuiMt valHM are ulTemJ. J about Orders are i mum' last night fur Anyov Urn Ltd. 210 THE FINEST QUALITY promptly execut I 'ir Cody 1ian(r. IttHVHV Mm. J. A. Trnjr, who n ed, no delay, no middleman's profit. Drop ami Loal, phone 178, night t "frli upB fur appendicili CIGAR day tf al Hi- UrnmM li"4tal two day in, or if not convenient, phone us and our - aro. In ncrW ticking'a wj re representative will call. I i.nrJr. rriilay and Hafar 'niy. li "f Ihi w--k ar Dollar I My "i .labour. 216 Mr. IfrHftfua. uifil Iter five will find what You in want our offerings you - - luldren, will arrive oh the train GENERAL CIGAR CO. LIMITED '! your ld t-lM-k going! I lonitrtit freMii llurne Lake an I CONTROLLED OPERATED BY IMPERIAL TOBACCO Ctt OF CANADA LIMITED r-Mir l kind, i.rorpe Olbb. will leave i the I'rlftre !MHTge aichtsiaktr tf for KeatINk ten eaued him ix.ii inliarrn-- eMaMvs.Ml l-dgar AhIiNmi,- wa a a-:n-f"f In Cily Hall riirlr Mayor II liient. He lian bem an uu "1114.1 ..- Anyn i.ii lh Prlnrr II. Hm-lieWor, wti in holldaylnir misiiijf fe lu Ilic Irish i-fin1ilii-;'ii .it., last niifhl. In the Miri, iected to re .noiiMenl and 1hii Lord May ! r tiirw I Hie Hy n tli I'rln-ee MarSwIney .f iWk. lay dym-'. Jonteel i' . i wmr j- firy or yur HuHn arttvli h palm luiijter etriker In IMslia pri-.n. !' I. ili... m ih.- Itard Tiiw in..ruing. Jain Henry Tlioina,. rr,i.-nl HI. IihIiIi- ii ftu,. f the IVw.les L'niwn i:niir. r-- I..O.L. al I.M.H.V. Will.I lrelln O.tMKi.mio nli-li i n-n! ilirniinl ti all Hrlve al I Inure MetrwjHtte Hall, wtirkeri. In aeiin al 1'i.rl-. I l - iimI i.i.I- MU will Ih TtiwrMkiy, I lt-r IV at H p.m mouth, Vmu-, Manwd lioiiar I.h. Cold and Combination ' i Ihi- vk.-.-k at Jaho-tir harp. Hrwyb.) weleoiie, a) "the one man iti.ir- than anv HERRING i I i.r Sni X-tS fliMMl 4tfjs hirM. .diiiiim lellit-r who ha jutifi-"l in nl-i T' ema. SI5 a 11.1 ill inarlhiHvnt Hie iiril if Reduced in price, now SOc a jar. 1 I iiI.mi. iiitnic iiinaxv. ielelimi." In n aiei-li 111 llin- '. i.-fi nu Hi- Prim-i HMrrrr J. I'. HHrtrta l-e. IilnUIiI 4n I'liruh the ClMneHIr .r.'.lwi.l They are also put in a new style jar and will lift Mixhl ht n in a lrjf oq the I'rtaaM Oe.trae for Van that th liorrniiM-nl wirtd foil' up BAIT ni(ili.ii. KraWr Im9. Mr. IIHrliie wliti ha unless it "firm" in i.-alnik keep indefinitely as they are air tight been in hvlHT-renl lieaVlh of wild finn t'eln. ! i. Nnrlli travtlinii iaiwn. late, t (mtair south by his d The ilfwire of l.ld ie and ai-nt r III CK.lt. at !SI lor a nntern. Ilonar Law to' rename trail- rl. ORMES LIMITED Paul I'-li n i h I rtrin lai nirhl lion with lliisnia I In. ut h lite s. . $30.00 per Ton fin I Ik- -al. The ll.V.V annual iteneral tiet imerlHiienl al. rnrl with nV. 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1680 - - MiefiioB wf ak ttr in the lerniitieil reoioUnri fr .in Karl Phones 200 and 134 Finest on the Coast Full elocli of 3-ply Cotton rarimrter' Hall Oetoher 10 UMrrtn. the KoreiKii S.'.-retary. 82, wood Veneer le now being car. al H u.fH. llMini: KJ-elin 'inlmi llhurehill. th.-n Sr ro THE PIONEER DRUOQISTS TWO REXALL STORES If rled by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd. of fticerlii..r report ami tary for War. ami Antm Uiaii-' Obtainable from Phone 116 or t4 . tf 4 her liiifaftel mallern. 13 lerlain. Cham-ell. i ..f tii.- Y.- clienr. 'Hie iliriirullx of M- Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. H lanii. I A In i wal The SViUImk :il. u. jiii in. H lis I ion wi iiwKle B-alr liy h Ie Juiif. IjiMt Irrrotina UBM al the rtflk last Ihe allitude of Kram i and Ainer. PRINCE RUPERT Mun litflit. K. M. ntelrt. 'ITwrti' ra a larjre al fa where llwre miik-Ii oi. DENTISTRY! third .-iiiir. f Irndanrr ihmJ ih eily Iand .iliofl lo Hie llritiMi flail. 'I'll.-Irih wlayMf durins ti. rvrHins. fte ami the Hu-iji inidilem-. Modern X-RAY Service M - VM.t.ifi Wfl Tirrarr fif aliiweiUa v.er- nreil at lite iKHHiriff on Hie beeU i.f the siti-bi r' !' i.'-ini,! (ram lat eloae. war, were beHeved to Ur mrr. I'rfli' (..r M 'HIm-mI imi r.xili Ii 'uuwl Itumtr Iw'a utrviwla. and DR. BAYNE I i. !. t . .ill .i .i .li.)i d lll. Hef.a-e MaWlraJe MrOlymunl lo have led to hia reiuni t iri- in the rlly yadata . ,eort thU Vitte life. Rooms 4, 6, C, Helgerson Block Phono IN M. .1 InihI.mi ra-- to.ntebt moniins.' Mr: lujtfi SeHuHs wa Canadian by Birth Oftice Hours: Mornings. 9.12: Afternoons, l:30-S;30; id - Prim .' i a. ..i a- fiit !.m -harveJ wMH IHjf the kir Hotvar Law w laam its Nw Evenings, 7-9. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY .. I. California, t. i-lli hi f a rommim Vawvly Imhim at I ru it w irk. lnada. on S-4iiilHr mi,I Ainicr, wli ar i 1M KHUk U.. kiiiivtH an the :C. IHJrt. the Mn ..f lli.i hv. S. PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE OEOROE. j - .. III.':.-, Halb Hinjim. The eae wa aJ Uamt Iw, M.A.. f N-w llnin-- . i u. ... i i ' it i j kulwkl lit r.n I I'om.ll tirtie4 urrtil l-nnrro KMtrn- wick. In early rt It Ii.- wa Our froien herring bait Is conceded by fishermen ' VSftCOUVta, VICTORIA, SSSTTLt. f..r mamm S imIj -i Fir Veneer, 3 ply, full height ing. lalfii lo (tlaKw wn-i.- Im- attended BAIT to be the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast ton AKTOI, WMiH4i, 11 pm, ton STIWRT, SUr)M, t t-m. of rooms, and 4 feet wide; also Mull rtiMd ami fuwll Portand It is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. S.s. PRINCE JOHN. Cottonwood Veneer, Lath and Mr.. N. K. natrhforU lea.e lvalue lHMkle-Mr for an irn IOC The best vay of insuring a good quality trip la .. Plaster. Call and see my stick. f"r lhe Hith lo-Higlit mh Hie firm, littler he wa iiMih- a iii-m- - to have plenty of our hard froien Ice. Price, I i rift .imJ 1 urMM I1m4.. Sfl I. Of I II, tt I pj E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone Prinr elraiMer lieorse. On Le brr of the rm--rn and whi'ii lo-rellrvd SI per ton. DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. 3S3. tf wtiHy t i.allfurnl'a he will from kuim-i in tit -oliticii Ollffif ur -"lu'PP"1 l,,r n aupply fishing gear, DAILY HCtPT SU0V. I OO fjm. fr -rlli. !.-.( ttHl WinKI aiiiitdri eullle. I'ort w om- i.f Hir iiUw-i Q fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions I-I I r. I 'Mil. I - all l- niU lallf I IIMCU B4 I Mint You don't dance? Well, never land and San t"raiicioi. It i mm ne-ixliaaN ..f Si-o'ani. in.lf and hardware. mlndl You can have a whole Mr. Hali'liord's illlriillon u t nd rhees an hie favoHU Agency For All Ocean Steamship Lines. 111-rca. night's fun anyway at the Hard take m Mrniannl reilence in tious. . NEW ENGLAND FISH' Company Times Dance tomorrow night at 'jilifuruia. Nine ywarii liefon- hi .-lertion Ketchikan, Alaska Brancb the Cihlbltlon Hall. It will only lo I'arllaiiieHt It married it.' cost you SOc. LONDON NEWS ANNOUNCES Annie I'ilrairn It.ddey of ilajni'. - - -- THAT CANADIAN STATESMAN wliu died in tViitf. Kur CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hi.' Hitfh (rlll lueriil r i-hildreiii Mr. II. L. ltoberon wh. left ACCEPTS CALL TO HEAD were born to them, two ...in. and , i-HnHy '!.' .'I'll ihi H- i:. s. uuattit"" lo join her IllK- NEW GOVERNMENT. twM dauishtem. Hue dauaiiter I B.C. Coast Services M I s.l s.. ffcitii U (Vlatt4lia lo band. Ilillilillll ltllKaaSkfeH in II,.- l eue. oerame u,e i., ,oe ..r Mr LADIES . ,.,. ,,r I'l-nr. 'kiiH'H. imm- of Cauat'i Cnt unit .1 1 1 inn I'uv On-. l.eiral rreden.k SyCH, ... I-Mi-1 j,,,,,. ,hr f in...I ,tralr- riiiiiial. .....tlv Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert Iiiiih.ii..ii. iiilrin-lir. T Irr-u di-hati iniiiM hat- iiM'ant Ihi don in IHSO. Ti. AntHoeiy H,r,.haed by them at Si..: Attention! aou i.nuiriwiii ... i . Mnar .. liWilllHI, ini tl and .'. in Km. downfall of Hi.- niun-h . For Ketchikan, Wrangsll. Juneau and Skagway were loot lit the wur. t.i. -- Ili.-air- funirrU : "I Oreat Statesman I am a specialist In Ladies 13 and 23. Oct. SepL 4, 15, 25; 2, .in.I M i i.f Hi.' Kiiiillli I.MH Hi loiisorial requirements and Fop Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle 'i-it--' a eov-riinieiit Soft Coal ANNOUNCEMENTS 4IIII km.I Mil i and I'atlios li-ai-r am the holder of five Frencu 17 and 27. in the liou of lion u: m., "I railed Muril Oct 6, Sept, 9, 20, 29; . I'.i. . my iireeseaia "I ...i, -lit..' i i, 7Jo. Medal und eitiht S, 8, PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butadala, Swaneon Bay, III.I morn diffu-iHt aikl Ihanklea lililt tcari Ut nivlii and it never Keep 'li-iniwr JO fri. Hig fr Diplouias East Bella Bella. Ocean Fall, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp, tMikin (hail that of lh loader even drew a mjle out of Wer. Hard-1 line I la nee Kihibilion llairdressing. belt River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. f the iiioiliuii, ia iHaoed "You boull haw i-aMed (Mr Hall. My speclalitlea Include War-eel I Umar tjiw hih anwHiitr hi itlu- " Waving, Face Massage. Lines. Hir little iie- of .-..al for all Stssmshlp Agency lrioii ith'fiif a, iiiraeli, Oreenville HirifaifioMl Pythian Sisters llaiaar in K. Shampooing, Singeing, Hair h ull inl 'i iiijlmn from Please Her Dyeing, tilaiUUin. llaiiii(iMUItaiiiieriiiRii P. Hall Outob-r S8. Scalp Treatment and W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent, Violet Ray Treatment and A. J. Ilolfour Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. Yes, Thlnkl with a Silver New of he re(teliiVnt duo In 'llie I'.ritN Want, do you wtaul Iluy Scout l.ooal Avoriatiii 1 Toupees and wigs for gentlemen II lieollh in Hie irin(r of and transformations IM2I, rSOtl for that r)Mrcmsi druwiK 1 Awiuial Meeting of iuemiera ami iwi n h.H-k til hi mlleaaue fHvii.U in poiiee Oiurl. hall. for ladies. Switches made Tea Set The Artit JmM tUty OF LIMITED -Why, ye. from UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY B.C., ladies ami iriMtuen m in wurk .Monday. October 30, at H up own combings. SAILINGS think f the hiyh jirn-a of cool p.tn. M'li woman like Hicel"ei rvii oj inrniw intifresl j For Vancouver, iiretm Kali un.l Summon Hay, Tuesday 0 p.m. Sil-iwai-i.. It maki- 1ml h lable "H'Memta. I ormer Premier A. tixlay. K.luaiielh Joiinsal. llo!iital Annual Hallowe'en Am al your service any lime For Vancouver, Alert Hay and I'urt Hardy. Saturday p.m. ami fiMnl ln..k nirr lilUllh UI: "I liaxe for mam Hall. Auditorium. Tuesday, October by appointment. Phono 00 1. For Anypi, Alio Arm, 1'ort Simpson and Walas Island, Sunda) Wo bi eU to Mill all ih. Vf eimaHl in bt iny and trunk liowltiiK. ni of PmW- 31, j Chas.LeClercq midnight caioaa. laaHiiv mow ir.xn Mr. Honar lav For Nsaa River Canneries. Friday a m """ l ft iK.wlins, voeiiiiin-iit loaagrauitM 320 Slith StreeL r'ooted Tea-i, Sugar unill'"1 "exr any rancor l. iiHiilewliii . i reeovorlau: Metholll Churrh llaiaar. l-retiM Set. . Itnabt HnUli: Ml imi tltein. l.lo.J limirue. Ill fiom Clmreli Parlor Novemlier first. nieoly a miiioi 'imtiii I'lain iieut tbrao fine lines I10'""1 " Uhanrellor'a whieh he underwent iv.-eaUly al around iuMI1i. $22.50. teller of ronimiatlon reiealedly the Sliauiilno Hiiliiary bjd- rtoyal Purple Haiaar. F.Ik Edson Coal Co. Flour A little tarimr itr, $27.00. ehoked Uaek oli ami eiren,d lal. Vancouver. Frank Uon Home. November H. llB'B1,"11,111,14,,,,,aaaaBaBijaBaaBBBiaBBaaaaa Purity A nii-e TlM-eo.l'iei-e Set. '"I thai Ms friend initihl lee of atmenee from In. dttltM At last we urg able to sup. iwiurn lo ln ilntios after Chureh of Fjigland Haiaar. linwhi. with -mad llowem u fro. on the Yukon leiejjrapU line. pty our uroiind loi. $35.00. kmiied rt. Iknally (ho preinier. Church Hall. November 15. in-nl.-i r.iiliiinal loolfil w'l'o had lwn iHMiratiiHiu anl Kretl stork, M.l.. rel4red uui muucrii linns:n. ...ur-u w.nv.i ... -liii..'. hnulil. $32.50. jHserlnl in Ih' iH.n.linl of lli fniHi Maiell I bi imrnum wtth Presbyterian Ladies' Aid Ha-tf Famous .ry fin. illation Set.Nvur, uiik luirk mill hia neat Willi K. L. Huekley after a vi-il .. saar rriday. Nov. St. equipped with upto-the-minute machinery II.-II-I....M, I'lul.-: lea. Coffer. M elure imlnatuiy hi inability Maxell. Port Clemen I timl use the best selected hard wheat procurable. SiiKur. ream und Kim- Tray, to i-onlinue. lluflley lUiy. Uui'Tisi itiurrh Haiaar in EDSON COAL $150.00. Honar Imw' brvutdow 11 J.ite.1 (.bur.-li Paitoi s Decomber fl It is impossible to buy a better FLOUR than hortl lefore the Pari' Zero Game John Bulger, f eaee Conferemv of lllv which i.,i.u il... iimt ..i.i ru.hi.uka.1 in any quantity by tho ton PURITY. Sold by all Grocers Hlille-ll! or ctarinad. Oct your order utleoded o olio of (I,, uiinu, ,,r fi .-ie-iiit" i aoimr fu. HEMORRHOIDS Tho Jowollar 1 1..1 17 . .. ... ' in early t" avoid the rush. irir,mr., mi iHUiuiar .main ini wuiier. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Positive Disposition 1 Hu hard II How oo-f I'll or ll.morrbeld. Phone SS. Office of Prlne The ijispoaition of Honar IawJ John Km llie firt peri) urslesl opartiioa rxairt, Iw. CkmM Rupert feed lnmm.nl will rail.v. you at on and Co., Cur. Second Ave. P.O. Hue 74 B Prlnc Rupert, ll.C. Phono 05O to lake tho Hyiit poHivi!i sUndlwbo run iH'i ..I ..al m lo.-k. JIr4 U.tm U-iirSt Stic a bat; all and on tav I'litln' iumUoim has of-; "Tie "I thf ta I lima. ilwltri,Umii.a vr T r tUnviMM,no SIKI BatM bos A-.-C-. Seventh 8L