WHEN VOU WANT A TAXI wailn r. Fish Market 99 SPRING SALMON, SOLES, in a hurry Shrimp, Crabs. . . fresh Killed Poultry. Phone PRINCE RUPERT Frh Horn Made Sausage. ALL. NEWfCAKS Northern nnd Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 671, V l Ml. i. PIUM.K 111 I'KIIT. 11. I Till It .V QCTOHKll l l22 wrt.uik ma. sum s.... 4ta PRICK FIVP. CUNT LLOYD GEORGE RESIGNS FROM PREMIERSHIP ANDREW BONAR LAW AGREES TO TAKE TASK OF FORMING NEW MINISTRY British Politics Thrown Into Prince Rupert Boys had Confusion by Today's Breaking Interesting Experiences Up of Long Standing Coalition Driving Cattle to Mayo LONDON. Oct. 10. The government of Premier David Had to Cross Three Big Rivers and Bears often Lloyd George realgned this afternoon. The coalition government received lie death blow at the TEACHER DROWNED Frightened the Herd; Horses Fell into hands of the Conservative party when Conservative members of AT DECKER LAKE the House of Commons and government ministers at Uielr meet- WAS ACCIDENTAL River; Snowstorm in August Ing In the Carlton Club today voted by 186 W 87 to appeal to the f Thus situation of the III ItSS I.AKK h i lit country as a Conservative party. a greatest To drive til head of rattle .100 miles' uver a had (rail Is no political confusion Is brought about and one of greater un- ill X'Tihrl nf ai'i'litrlllttl rrliirnnl t'a.oy i.k in a wild ouiilry like theYiikon but lu iiidure lhoe rat 'has known for Minn certainty than been years. . . Ml life lmUr ml.i III.' !f to iuini urro lliree !eimrute riven and lo get llieni arruag Announcement Wade balh of Ml-. i..l.-i aly. deliveriiifr (lieui mluil at the end of I lie journey i Hie Uk. r .igiial ton ..f I rem ir I i'IImt lalruirn Mil it SIUlt1 Mi i I'rinoe ltiiert Hed Davidson and men, Murray Stephens AVmIU !arret nation Itsrvush the WorM I lii la II timrlrm yai -f an. ..-.Mill- ta tenrhri. wli" qi cniili!lied tlii until nm. Incidentally Ihey were caught in a ami i- In ih' turmoil ..f rrad- tier, i I n.w triunv lost her til'' lX drowniiia btiimiiiig !iHisl(irm and had difficulty in negotiating Hie trail at Julmriil whlrti fnttvwed IM (...,Miunt Perl, i if lary IconikM be km.i Mia ral at the at I teeter laVce. nu-s owing lo Hie prevalence of bear, who? oceut uptel the w Mte Itaiiall w- n pai Kliore and Irritiiled tlie cattle, making them holt from the brirf elllllr nrr with 'tearing wloi.1 wlirn all around .ml - that it was diffieult to T native itauahlrt f lin' i-t fr llll aftrrtlooll. lint. wrrr lo.ing theirs. He was K l i ln'iii aek. flying over Vi'hilphfre in the iMsjpMMa. an.l I. -mrWl i gr rftu' 'I ' l"wn- thr only wnr of thr I He. r'ur" viIh.' rrNer in Vain u-rt. Into Mayo aeroplane I'otar J War on hi way .ft vt Iters In- i.! a !imI not lvik-l owe. Drtank. to lawon lliln (own imiiinier. .-l'tfelii" . . ..i tiiitc f llnty. r.l.unnrrn. of Francr. laviltui, Slipliii mihJ three Navigation lia rlonnl the rn i i i ....I tt'll-.u.. , .. iL. t m.HJ Mlul. ilM-m i-onlrarled vnlli the l. , llodjiea. wli llt'Htfff'll I f .H'l I WW W'WW WWW IW ''PP. ukun for the winter eaou and 'ii. I.ImViI -lid Werr all raal anle but l.n-yd hue n iHpany lo drie the ealtle the official anil r-rfWa of lha i r..niili wi'li I hem '"nrr reHiwl. iiii Mayw, a lilanee of apurox While t'a and Yukon railway .... r,i.,.lr. .liter In- had, l.lT Ueorge hCU S. BUSINESS IMPROVES iwti-ly 300 mile, and left White .. ej J'ajaaaj i ! i - - .. -n.-a i -wx t A 17. The u.r,.. Jirra4, j Mrmtsrrs i.f Ihr ManrUewIrr on January 17. ! ll.ir.r ,H Aliaut Journey V"" .,..1 ilia! l.lo4 lo-orgr Today's Meeting ON G.T.P. RAILWAY .PREMIER XLOYO Ca look Ihnn oer ll.e goveriiinetf"r -ojUiern lomt. oil the l'riiu Hi.- Km had arpeali l ' nesrsiua. Nu-leii RESIGNED PREMIERSHIP TODAY traH a far aa Mlnto and folni, iMmttrrimtu we given a pal- t.MTfiln"iWr 11k nlirvry itne 1til Mll.Ttti:f.. Orl )ff "nr Mayo. He driver were In the ,f, DIIT EDC . t.-i.tl Inal eMber i-TajiH4rl Ply Mwpmmter lira if I Iiiiii I'Mi-llie rafHIilK for a. : IS CONFIDENT nariy who took with them the LItII AULlAiJ It iiai Law ! Karl t Italtowr emke ita iiiun af Ike thr vrrk 'lulmii llrUitwr II -wr.- a, COWBOY GRIFFIN TOO nnrur luirk lHire for tlie Mill br ' li'il a Ihv. ffinrrt.lMrajt IraaVr va title IbMMf 3.S A3.J:i;' or an uurra-e .' a. LONG TO STRETCH arrying of blanket and provi- i."Talle Ira.u-r. I Ijiw' iaha for Ho- ii-r rutins ..f HS.U(M. WALLS GAVE WAY OF SUCCESS ion. OFVICTORIA '. ol lit. j l'..n..r. a lorakiiia Up of Mi.- mrn. Thr rattlr trad to lie driven niilryr. - ''VI i-rlfil. mriii i aaM in ha" iual' BOMB EXPLODED l.Ali.AUV im. I. arro the Yukon rirr at Yukon ARE INVOLVED '! brirf 4ii'l ir---Mil l.i.ifulltMj arilMtrlli.il. Srrral ofl i;v,li iiriiiiii i tall Minister of Trade and Commerce !..- 111a. Uir I'elly Itiver ami the ' a rr llial a '-ierail Mir I Mliiitlal junior ilirllltH i.f iii:i I HI . hi II. A bortil Mia I rn i In- jml will Gives Adde In Van's1 sirwart Itiver. At tliee vint Will rln.. I fl.iW II Mir rabmrl rrigniHl iniiii.-ilii.l. l thrown int.. flu- -I f-.-.-t i'Vlll io4 ll"lil Ii"". I In- rloil-aal.it couver. Hie Mirly wa rouirlrd lo rut H I Ml ' I till'-- IM tflrr Ihr I lin I iii.-i-I in jiiiiuiiiia t"in .lr. atiHi-Irr wh jaUnl , down tree and make -raft to Mayoe and Several Members of Mi, IrrtliMl Will SM ("IIM'lt for ralinji an aul" and Y.MI YKIl. Ilrl. tV. - Kx- whfreli everal uf the eatllr wer Council Charged With Indictable (.i.-.rni a n ilouml iu London News Announces That AMl to ab-rp in jail. II' preiug belief in Vancouver a lied ami furred into the Irruru Offense " uag. Ii -ii thai l.lnyil la ern ri-l four inrhr a mm L in lint iti Oduinbia pro- for Ihe punoe of iudueimt the . may forw a nlre Mri lull aaI ihr irll t not a cn and m !hr jfrnrral xlabll- I'llier to ero. Tlie oiikwha ISSUED CHECK ILLEGALLY i'1'li lie roulil roiiiil Canadian Statesman Accepts wfile a Mia l -n the lilllr iil) of ijinaiki. J. A. Jlobb ad- luNErroo rroing were made r.ltatnherlaiii t rd lliik- Mhm had li iUii Hi hi irr.n tin- Jll "lli-I lulral without miliap. VICTOIUA. Oct. l. Ait ui.l iierbai- Un- Kjirl Call to Head New Government order to rrni huH-'elf. Liberal i.luh "f wliuli liavnl Fell Into River foniuttiuu was laid ye.tenlay- inc by ii Mir Hirer r.ii.im t mini I Minna lh n wilt llrlf-flli iSlev.'" a I ! .i iiiriil. At Mile 27 on Ihe Stewart Itixer eorite Murphy, eretary of the Alio aMn'i !" '" liiiol wa alt lu teal wllti .Mr, H"iili inl Mi' i"mi nmriil Ihe ack hore carry lug the newly formed taxpayer' aHia. Is l-inllalrd l" Ii.-iIhv - n UI.NIlUN, tl t. tt'. inliew Itiniar livv ha- roiii-enled to nighlmarr un. alrelehrtl wai ii'ilui Miiiu- in hand and blanket and troviHn. owius t- lion. agatul Mayor Marehanl and Tlita nr ii! i' form a Mihiilrv in iiri e-iiiii lo 'n inirr Moid lieorge. the Kven- ItiMiM'K in in- lull leiiHlh. .'..iifnl. iil .iT -iiri- -- and lir Ihe iau?erwu nature of the trail, Ahh-rmeii laigene S. Woodward, -! I wuM .i ..umI'In ' - ing New a. The King -iiiiiinoiiril Honor lv akiug linn lo SaHlpsotl llkr lie u too hoMl lo krrp iaiv lu puble fell into thr rier ami wire only Pavid I.reining, and Itlehard W. In lipM"l i-l .1 i'.'lll) uoilrrinke the Uk mid he roniplieil. Ihr new-pu-iri . nlmilM for Mo lillilillllit .vork Willi lin- Iiii-iii.'!.- xrowth recovered Willi great difficulty. l'erry aliririmi that Ihey have 'mil 'iT lion-i-l lii, lti" nlrrw llouar liw. "Ihe man v. ho refu.eil a King'- otfer to ami thr voili- ' mh. "f Mil' ItOlllllllMll. Tin lot"fortune meant that the eohtmitleU an indictable offense ty i In- ninth)nm iinil al- ' make Iiihi a oreiliier." liar ftM more than SO veort exerted i ii of Mi.- -l.il' Iti'-akina arty had no (h-e for three by diifheviiit: the IhIuIi and i. 'hiiitn l.ilH-ral. Una ,H.werful mfhiem e in Hnti-1, ,I.Im . A lamellor of lite Kx- , lirfoi.' Mi- l" "f III" fret. ADDCCT 017 QflA night aud duriiiir Hint? day had uing a elieek for Ku to I'olii-e i' i"ii imalit !' I txr in , hniurr and one of tne rive member m uie iji.i neorge i-m.ii-' ....-4aj44aa4 rilUlLi J 1 UI JUU illy five meal and those of fla-jark. ('vmmiavioner W. Y Slanelatnl il nm nf tin- I'liii'f pai'l) liom tioveriimeiil during the war. Ihe lloue of tUiuiiiMHi. on Iwo under a vouclier reading; "llx-lne - may iifilnlH i-elutn ! Mi Mir a! l.iln'ial I liv.l SKSS4 .tT X22X .1- i .' METHODIST MISSION I.W.W. MEMBERS From Yukon Snow In Uroitig August to OriHik-rd Ou August lo New St York."the city couiiclt l''aii'rMu alo not to in mm"" '".I m iwr mirrnn-oi .ii tor Creek the thermometer dropped IMIIl. Ihr lwrvet III Ihe IIHaiveiri .iy resolution refuei to pay -l liMikriJ. hi.t.iry i.r KajrUnd. guilli iuuitr in tvtil anl il WORK IN DOMINION to tt degree hrluw lero oc police roiutilUsioitvr Slanelaud I I.aw'a hi'itlMt i uch -man v.itli frw politiewl at UiU linH that km lieorv-.' Mayor of Portland Orders Cleanup uau-t SK and a blinding miow-toiui of hi -ll. any part exenett to at .i i. mil Ih'Ih'm'iI hr wMI . n. iin.- Itoifar Law air'. hs called upon thr furiuer Ulai-irow rilHll.N Hi. IM l The Melli-votevl of Orflanliatlon In rniieal. It wa only after tend thr cmiiv. ution of polico 111..- for a ehort lime. That City .fii ,iu,ilai. Hr did not enter iron iwerenani iu lorni a cauiiM-i. I'di.l raiHfrrencr SM&.IIHl Kiefferiiig many hardship that chiefs in New York. I llrvby arrinii to Im I he ,...hlii. until hr w IS year VMien tie umnoM. llie I1..1101 I en - uxittn wv.rk in vnrku jwrU the parly together with their t'J ' I'i'lUatily iltrriiali' rl-l ..... : 'a Ik...1.1 ff I....1 1 1-.. 1 1... 1.1 tai..1 IMlliri.A.Mi. iN-t. IV. Three oM. A Ui i'i'-rul maalfow iron o ixm ihv-ii .r..rr. .or """-f (a. t,,n:f nti.ii and or tttal luad of rattle tafrly re-aohed 'i pi'imr lit i it I-l -. who had within few huudrea mrii wen arreted here. Odlober IS. itsrrt'lMid vIhi had lieen horn)WeUiiHMH. a HMlm,i -..5on lo Victoria Mayo 011 UNEMPLOYED Back to Parties l be iiicuiImhw of Mm aud educated in taii.tt.la. hi rle UhuiIIi a .viuiller 01 .muuiihiii- w, vn. . iver. Hie re.l upeeleil lied Iavidou. Murray Stephen I ii, riiri'at rr"ill I "f t'U)' I.W.W. A eleau-up of ntcsiiberal me iinuaii i.ca miu owe . ami Oeo. lite, junior, left I'rinie III Ihe llritl.U ir,WiirtMHi f(. ,.UI . le llritl.h Vu.. h1l"' nf tin' C'lllH hoi Ii Milt-'" to emilieuce of Ihe orttanua'ioii was ordered n.'t-t ami anitnuriitiou fat-. for Whitehore Juno Huierl 011 Iiainriil lMgan wilh hi election anus ., 1 OFF TO COAST Im', lifli'r a n'i ii'il "f lp-1 1 0.1.1 ... u 1 moiit from the toiy. by Ihe maym . lat. I'ihui arrival they wurked "Hi llir h'lsglh "f wIhi'Ii it I He t'l iiaiMM 1- -u.,hi.i:i "f tda.now. Iloiuir Uw was laid Lkd u,ii1.lm,.1, fft, u .n. i II, litM " tlitll' (ill In prmllr'. till' l'iM - Ulai kfriai. SCOHISH DEFEATED '" "" "'" uU,,lfliitivar.I. ..... turiil nIorui hr be. (ieorai'V Jonathan. An u mem. on the new canyon r Ureal llrilaili ! the ruuiM 1 thr l.on.horemau-. uiiioi, IWw Men Are Leaving Prairies And noted fr hi clear reason-iiic her of the t'remier's war cabinet, IRISHMEN IN BIG 1ri,fv nJ ,. M. uac,la "I 1'iiial v-ltin of Hnveriw came that auhjiH l iukI wV. Mam at Chancellor of the Knheiper IMI .tl'lae. 1.iiim n iiaiIiI kt.rnvii ImrtfM fur Trekking Toward Vancouver ii i hi aii iri ,m i Inn"-. on Mrreiar and u the taialitiou goernment' FOOTBALL MATCH meat, 'ljil barge was later ship-1miI . I'ailiaiiK'nlaiy I Nil iii' .hi laxiril alt 11m.tr ii .i i i- the II .ard r Tiaiic. Uler he leader in Ihe lloue of Gouiummi. BATTLING SIKI TO U Mayo with 30 ton of meat. YICIOUIA. Oct. li.-ThJ flrt ilireaielv' lecaue leader of the he eiijoyid Ihe fullest confidence) UUVSlitlW. l. l !.- A Sent From Whitehurse !aidou ami touch of frosty wvsither on the VLADIVOSTOCK I ni.iiil.t or Oppo.itioii parly in uf his fatuous ehief. It Wan Uh reireeiitalm' football team FIGHT IN LONDON Hepucu iook a job on the steam- prairie srut Ihe unattached incit Ihr lloue of Common. lecrelcy It.imir Uw who for mre than defeated tlie lrili League player- Ill nrrCMDCD MCVT laea lo Uawou returning scurry ing over -the mountain into Stale for Ihe lailoillee, a mem lour )ear uf great luilioual irll yexlertluy hy a re of three 111 UfclLIUDLU LAI roui that point tu Whilehorse. llrilisli (Uilumbia where il t not IN DISORDER ltt III ilia I.lnvd lieorge lioalitloM "tut trpieted " uiluiiiitraUou nothing. Urn. 1 tie, junior, worked 011 so cold during Ihe winter month, VN ar r.aliliii'1. f.haiulor or me uu-atiireM, mrried lliiut iigalum 0 . AlllH " i ttt ill- bout he- the gastHMit Neeeheah upon ar- according to report of Ihe lil.or l i.lia.iurr uiul. finuWy. Iar.l of the goveriiment and aHwrd in. BOMBS AT SOLDIERS twern tin' tii'iitywrixiii" in'caett i iul iu v liiteliorse, winch wa I'ureau here. From I'rtnee lite'orKO City Is In Stats of Lawlessness the I'eivy teal. tereltathu from, the floor. II UOHK. INI I!' 'IVo rhlldlru and Slki r.'i tl Iiumpioiishlp o'.thr first boat uf Ihe season to gu and Itevelsloke come similar re. A Business Man '.n hi Hprlteney that heouwht were lujuri'il wli. n lenub were Kuroiie will ! fouuht in l.umloi. down the Yukon Iler fur the port. There U a great treK as Reds Approach iiKiumrllv 11 luiaiuea mail, lie uImuiI the etacuatioii of Oalllpoll. thrown ai a ini of Natnmal on I . 11 J.. 1 7. It wifll br a twenty While I'as Company. He then coavtward. F.veu Feruie retairla I'IMMI.V .Mlea-iriyii lui. ainuliited the lurlK' of hlll of ilUftnrreil Ojrwanelle run . aoldiera 111 tin- -n-eeL No ol-iltera round go and 111 will gel ti.tui'i wmt to Mao and worked there that men are going through thero llel. IV. ueaa rather Itiaii the lrateiy of palgn fame and the removal of were injuK'il. win. l'e or draw. during the suiiuner, hound thi way at the averag In Vladlvoaiok a. a n..iiiir to ilaulliut with national more IIihii 100,000 uri it inu 1 Tlie party relumed to the city rate of thirty a day. Ouerniuent "-Ult Ihr of lb of uppi'tHlch Ullrnil rnhlems. lafavter of the t mii'im' lliilih soldier from an uiilen-. AUTO ACCIDENTS CHURCHILL PROORESSINQ yesierttuy aiirrniHiii on the (2.r.ll Miiployment avent uieet the.a '"rinu i Hed II' -ili'll Arm). rri'iii'll ppnMlinit in the llvMi"" ,f 1'"- Mt' liti H' statement-, 1 IIU1AUO. lU. - Five steamer l'niirrss Mary. men and ask them whether tliev Ulalr any Unit IUr 1.1.,11 111 Itltl In lUT- 1 1 va- were i'lierullv tin id and 1 - win.'H and tnrrc mm. m kilt- I.11XIM1X iiri t " lli-lil Hon Hr. I4Md'u ha brought out vant wmk Tin reidy f always -in vii ntiai it N' .iti'd- linitai Law who a' Ihr 1 ir Mili um, fur as the guvi 'tuu'iit d m aui" d at fmn Uif- Auist.m tiur. tiiii ih" has beeii'a very interrsting hunch of soap- 110 and He y add that they an "y' Unii anu mat W 'i1"'1 u,... th" wr. proelaiH! pin '";thpii'i'e a seiinu 11 iiltl.1 in'rcicui latiway "mga 111 the . ,' laii it . ii r.H u.i" udii'itia. in -tint with bun, one of winch - a Vina- t Vmu.v i spend Ih? yoiermiMute tor jiro- fiui't. Mslitaey i.M'f , hi ihrl Coutliiui'il mi lai I'Ihih Irhii'itg.i diiiici 1 dny. progressing snti-rai lvrity. 1 jt very etem -na of tivlarti r Tre .Vttlt.T