1 !.! vmn roam THBDAILT NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMana, Specials BY COLLI" OiOHT VE. HAVE THAT TIGHT WC I DON'T MP WHM I HE; tAW 7Tr HE BIT HEP 1 HONOLULU A-TIMC LAT NIHY- COTIN WOl A rU THINOH NF 1 L A CWCAT JUtT UtKE. THE tlir!' or I mile' llrow-n Kid PLACE' OLD -.a ua ft i ii i ill u i uhtT. J i r ir r vfut r "-t jk i .mjrm. t ii i i fUfii"!. low he. I .... $6.59 ,riaa JSr--.. r-M fWfl Jzirrjzzr-' II wmg Hi Ao lirt or I.adie' llmw"n. twr lr!ip. low heel, ealf-nkto .76 OiH-" or Invlie' Mack ili- fur l, low heel ....... $4.75 T1iee ure exceptional bargain nnil on moving n My, n be 1 1 re nnl n 1 1 anil them. Family Shoe Store "The Store of Phoe Satifaclinn." Phone 357. P.O. Boi 1C6. LABOR MEMBER ; . - - . . . m i ' - ' . . ported in two oilier level lull adju1cd: nor IhmiIiI he IimiW up - - - - M il lhi one. The ue nf lo ee Ihe ball leave hi band. AND MINISTER ri- -er hail been forbidden ill The knnwlmlire "f lhee lliinit News Classified Ads. SILVERSIDES llhe eonl Iml unfortunately he nfiil be alined by praclirc Daily Iiu mn ii element had entered Into IbrrMiuh Ihe ene of touch. ,iw BROS. Ipipector Wat Appointee of Wm.,nll accident. Men a well a nf lime In Adjiiliu) Ihe ball may 8 CENTS PEK WOKO IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlmnl Taken for La than BOe Second Slrert Manton and Endorsed by employer were often negligent mean A blocked hnl nml Ibe Socialltts I in enforcing Ihe regnlalinn. ami eve iiiiiI be employed in cektni . I, WANTED POR SALE il wit neceary for Ihe in the cac local mil of Ihe liake. BOARD. VinrOIIIA. Nov. !. riie labor .eel or h keep liolh ii In ie Ease and Confidence II .Mll Inlander. Mill nrtoiiil VAXTi:i. Men nml Women lulKOII PAIK. SU lit.iwn lluliy I member for XeweaHe Joen mil marl. I'lifnrtiiualcly they could Kiie and cooliil.nce in hwl- Avenue. Phone :I7 If learn Harlerit. I MM while lraiu S.C ItheKle NlaiH He.I mate a vry koI memljer nf Ihe not employ enough inspector. ) inr will conic to the player if he learning and tol free. Writ eorkarel. J)ll the kin.t ,.f hu d Pictures l.eytlaltire for he rannol listen. be mi I lie J i nil Ihe linii anil hut concentrate on Ibe rim of MISCELLANEOUS. for calaloffiie. Moler Herbert rn head ynitf, (liNvk. Ilre rr.nH If there I nnylliinir with which nee I tint everyone iliil liU tuly . Ihe hakel nenreM him and lHp PIIO.NK e. -M!I f.. YVnnl'iw (illegr, Vancoiiver. Il.". j BlVtVJ lajrera, WV each W. lie ilia?ree lie ta lo o Well Recleved Framed and Unfrmd. nay Ibe hnll o Ibai on il down . P. ArkrjuLV7 .Vlnlb Avaaur nnl wanlx to iiMke little ieerheii Mr. Slan' eeeh wa well ward rMire II will jnl clear I'.leaiiljj plari-; 'I' M.l.l J. l'. Any WAXTKU. l w small C.n.K I AVel. fT(B)e lltack 3W7 Afler here anil lhen linrinK h ie. reeehnl anil wn lUtenetl to willi Dial rim and fall UiriMiah the any I'll'. ruivr. .Mllol M- n llltM p. rJI. INK 3 If Pte 75 c hate on the aililr lie ehallenj. iillenlinii. lie ulioweil thai lie opening, 'hillinjt Ibe rim. it will ami etieaii for cab poly uprsrfs e-l lion. T. I. I'aliulln'M inimltrra. R mauler nf I In- ilu.itiiiii rebound to Ibe Imrk-board nml FIRST BASKETBALL OF N on hern KveHamrc i7 luH AlJt mi aarrifice. Koll lion poliey ami iliil il in h lnii'l iliruiialK'iil. fall azain Into ibe- bakel If Ihe guaraalead MM on player Win-.- N ami very aerlive voice. II hot I entirely for Ibe back. SEAS0NFR1DAY NIGHT MAUl wanletl for general hoie. I ieawl i Uti inUrwMH'nL iai r j nlnil a bullying voire ami Ihe f board thr ballmul bii Ibe encJ work IM Afifilv Mr. l. li. Slew art. I. Wll lake MM ini litae imliealeil that be wa Hn Koorlh Avenwe. We.l. tl aeh. A Apply ! Afali. mi ni riani nnsie. lite nacs- Prince Ruoert Ateoclallon Will Window Olaet and Oltilti lo ailinii of no nppoilitn In hi Basketball and Ixiarjl hould never le ued Intentionally Start Off With Intereeting HXnf.lsilWilMA.V want work by iNMty .'jew. llOrr, Speelall. own pet view, nmt lhe view with Ibe Mi hrtt, bncjr. PiMMie Hlnck III. Wilt SAIiRr otlfer lt riMimeil are Iteil. How to Play It however. II ue for 4 be glanrina Trio of Encounter rnh Phone tl. ypi Bi m r iNoolhly Hon. WOMAN I During W. J. Sloair lnt will be described In Ihe fnl. wan work br (. peech be kenl up a rtinninst fire, By Observer lowing Arlfele. The lkakWball eaMi will nen I'lnnte I Hank IKH. f ayiiafil. Io SI and ewnlrailielinx ami objerlin? unlil on FrMay evi-nmg of Dim week It, Work I?, se. There I anolher Ut nflen MAIM Wantcf Aiwlr OwtraJ wnrneil by the speaker. Mr. w-Jten I lie fit -1 baiim will lake (I. eilfta.ua. M. ,m. Htepacn ued in bakelball. rpelally ky UiMl. Sloan eharned Oiithrie with FORWARDS (Cont'd) Hie bejtiniier. Il I (he under- plan.- u niter Hie auuwe of Ihe JM FrH SAI.K. Yarf rheafi R, ..n,. American Express ei?naliiu Innpeelor W ilkinson Batket Shootlnjj lnnd ho. evecutcl l.v rap-Ing I'rint-e Hun I lkiel tiall A. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. ma h.me and .ton-, all ( ir a a "Liberal beeler" ye I bat Xo olber ihai- of the aame Ibe ball with Ihe finger and iM-talion at the Kihilolioa building HOW maheil. Three miuule w.iTv Money OrJers nflieial bail been apHiinte hy I (JeniamN Hie aiii' ti'i'tiniiiui' or thiirvb and wlnging ike arm WOIT.H YOt I.IKH T from iKy I lock. nli.-Avenue. 4he .Onnerrallve itoverniiieni on rlsblily of form a ha-ki-t nhiNit-reeoniinemtal from Indwell lenl kne. Thi Hie oftefling iMHw wilt be. OWN" a nice !iMh garaaa Inial. Phone Red 107 ;7o Issued oh ion William liiu. U Iwi-en Ihe ne rlaaring from a I'M) to of Man. Uhoiii the protter kmtw-Mtn i prohaldy Uic iuol natural and Maple laf. wh di. nf I'rtnre ltuerl, wbnoe ru!lelite or iinilertaiiii of lhi I certainly 'he hioi eaily ae- Iiilgiuhed llienieKe win-ler. 3(Hi par mnth You ran ! Mlfc MU - Wieir Hahy Higv Norway, "Sweden & IT Mr. Sloan reat. W'l1klnon' farl Ihe player i liky lo tie. ipilred ehul but it i iract tclly ami the AiUnac, a new or. IL Yea. yonr finance are nf-t MH.iia. Mly Mr. Jack Mr. Denmark at Loweit w-a alo the Sorialin) nomiiieeelop pernona.1 peeuliarrtle wbirb iinele in a if an- a it U very aoiiathin nniting of liuinv nf ftaient; am mUar bow' low, we Kent. ran ttAenth Avruitt'. for ihe oiliu. He wa a eoaliare frep:iently unite iMrimciilal. aily Idocked. Ihe bel lady fOayer in Ibe city. am at yoa. Wrtfa ll'fd. 1'. Baat. : Current Rate. miner who hail reaclie( ihe MiUi lbe proper form in bootintr can The ecwMi gM will be be. UUy ami M evahUn Ihw FOR S..H Foul Pboac I ion nf chief in'iectir anH Ihe tie roaiiily likened (o lb owiiiir I ween Uw Kuighl of OditmfMi )imi can owaltfy for man va. car. AgeaU far IlaJ 7tA. ir niiniler reenlei an Hltack on or a golf cluli or of a lacial! md I jll lntemf)iale tmiui. anriea in I hi fal trtwims In. Norwegian AmeHean tla IiIf inlevrily. (iulhrle denieil bat. The greale and mo .it. Sport Chat The Men Si-ejior game e. Iu.tr . Wa have a amipi POR RENT Swedleh AmarUan Uu bavins' ue the expreion but Ufaclnry reull ran not le ob I ween ihH iimi of I'aiiMiiLi ami raal iniiilluui. rlel.l iV.ui r... Soandlnatlan AmtHni m refuel fo retract anylhintr be laincd urile rigidily of fi)rm I Fjldie Mulliean. Klk nlHHild'lie a Mifiuk4t draw, men Wles want t gel into tRajH"1 HBXT Hei(rJ. HaHlern Una. Ilunl baeuian .. . . bail nkl. u.i.ir-it-.i 1 1 - J in, uuuoiign 1.1 or. , , ,1,. ,.,,,. t i .. ing ca nl. I'liey are old tune cimi-lnnl Jl npnay fiebl bi i yonr atmrrete b'iiwilj with ku Ollter TypewrtUre Had Been Endorsed ranionallv n i.kayer nwv ue orne ,. . . .t and each will lie out for rani uiortuitit7. Ak f.r new ehen. rani, and tntlel. Will Cary Safee Mr. ban a No tiil.l of ie individual rhanareritic lo ad. rd by the( ' Salt wtim f'ranri.co" w rr Club IIK1 of a foottaiiii irofii Ibe Mart. Ihe cirrHlar: "llnw I raa Make flood Hold 7 prtpb. Amiable for FIRE INSURaNCt merit of Ibr olber inenr vanlage. A idayer who Miee the line-.up will be rlangei emi. -in the AnUi lluaina." Hew p. eluh mom, meat iag ir part.i I'arific Oiat league, and will anil naiil Ihe ulalT w loyal to a natural eye for "hooting but Meraldy from lal year buf , liill Auto a Fngineerina la. Tarw rvaaonablc Apply the miner am enfurre, the re. poor form nhoiild be carefully rrinrl In hi new club revt !- keejrr rivalry than rver i et- Sahmil. Lit liranville SL, Midrt FoHier. 7n:i Kigtwb . Dybhavn &' kansw on. I he purehae i a part of I'lMMie All . I sul.-ilion 0ralnl IhHIi employer coarheil, Ipecleil. Vunroiiver. II. (.. .; i the deal whereby Willie Kaltnfi. nml men. Iiurinjj the present linke nhooliug during practice - i . 1 Third Aioi San Francico Mill IlKXTFleaiu healed fur regime Ihe falalitie haJ beeii or a game demand ronceulratfon third laeiiMin, LN0 ACT. Prince Rupert, B. 0. goes lo Chicago. The White S.iv WHIST STANDINGS niafead rtatni. wllb or, without nil down one hundred rwr rent which eablllie a proper Co. NOTICE or IMTINTIOM TO arrLT to tesard. Ilnrn nokmr Xor-fnlk paid Idft.niMi for KaniAi. and he boed lo Mil tbeni ilown ordination between the mind and la rrlnc Ktixrt lBd IMIrVL hmrri fmm. I'tuma I Hack 19- aiiolber biimlred. AIo be re. Hie miioclr governing Ibe lnl- Ladle' Section I la buirwi. ChiI I, It, td M- minded (iulhri thai be. Sloan, Ing. The nblecHve i- lo Be Ihe.L Sam KilxpHtrK'k, who died in i I.. I'U iT 1 - -F4 raiiMd !. bad already bewi endorsed a rinjre under ucli ronlrol thai .New York recently at Ihe age of Pythian Sitir i I t trior i mouik iniiuxiiir r aoarinnt! or i.mk or.r ay.n uWti aorta with balb ami range. IM no STANDARD ewnd time by the miner nf the detdrcii nrlion come auto, 5M, wu Moled for year n lo- lloygl Purple S I 3 im .k" I mi i. ari allr, r par mnth. Apply Itavid li Nanaimo ami be inllinated thai malically. I have watched play, ing promolc'r and a monagrr of lvlkab a. i 3 HrpAft. B.t . oerupalloa faraar. lHvil Hay A C. t w i4y for fwrmiMioti to ! iiv tm be expected lo remain in poll Mr er wale hour in bake. Iiihi. ring champion. He wa known I. O. V.. 3 13 Mami oetrnueo ina imuuwuai lit lonjc after ii friend from New. lug practice lniply hecaue (heir In the fighl tcaiii n "Honet Valhalla I 3 I frrl roriwr M f of a iml Lot pUld 17. Kun tl lb I.auaib-Catl Hilt IIKXT.-nal in lie lie l IRONWORKS ranlle bad liiippearel. action were Ihe rc.iilt nf phy. Sam." and, himelf a lighlwelght St. Andrew I 3 I Irmrlcl B.C., hrtur in KMIrlll direr- parlmanla. . M. M. Hteplieii. mm ta rei tiunr nt r ifar iUcuin7 ibe mailer of gun ic.il arlioii only, nol the com. hover of roiuiderahlr nbilily, piloted I.. M. li. A ... n i o ouitwrlr direrimn .. low ay.,wtter mtt, ItiiOM lo with with. in Ihe Cumberland mine where binalion nf mind and Jack Jiihn-on to the heavy. Men't Section inrnr In u wWli 4irrtlia taiar mm rent, or mi muce nl airk l pmm dirartly MaHk af IIM hoard. I'bone llluc 23a. . I'HU SMITH the ploioii bad ociMirreal, Mr. lieljlierate nhnoling ii the only Weight rhatiipiniuhip of the St. Andrew . sns lol f ebadnewrnirni. Ilatira hi aar-lbli HUGH Slnan aid il had heii nhown (homing worth while. world, the negro whipping Tommy s. f C. : l 1 ' 4 ntrnl, rMiUintnf dirrlKi i..t i-.im rr aw af iiin,iaar ar Wa. DRESSMAKINQ thai there wa no cun of km (turn lit rapture Ihe Idle. II-aln Valhalla I I I NIRT HUTI tn. Science of Shooting iVama of AM4taai. Mr-ehotlng (here (trior to the exjioioii um Mayer nhould lie impreed guiilcil Ihe fortune of Peter K. nf P. 33 Palfd LJpt. f.Mh, llt MISK K. Hlil.lir.Mi ha .nM.iied a Blackimlthlng and very mikuj afli-rwanU ii had aculn immeilialely with Ihe relative. Jarkon, anolher famnii negro S. of K. tit draaamuking parlor on Third Repair of all iliapreared. He hnwcd thai Ue of the diameter of Ihe hall puniit, a nil lienrge "Kid" lj"v. K. of :. S 3 J Avenue, oppomle Federal lllovk Kind. thte (lalemeni of Mr. (Iulhrle 'nge. who wa ligtilweight tHU MS Fancy work and crochet .li (M.lfelli.w Z 2 t' and I It at of Ihe hakel. The hoop that the irn rnmmitlee wa holder. Filjpnlrick i ii porlcil to mi roiiiiiiUion. i eighteen inrhe in diameter M. V. f t I Wgon n.-f-rtra i afraid reimri. roiild not be' have won ami ot even fortune. TIMBin (LI I 444. Mooe t and the ball nine or ten inrhA, i 4 Valnl Teaarr. am ! rrreitrd br Me TAXI rorwt lierano' sa had Iimmi re. Ihu having a clearance nf four in hi career a fighl innunge.- F.Ik I I I Miaular W lad V irioria aal later Ikaa Kiipplte, eli-work na lie mli .la r v..tTlar. lt. and track follower tie Phone 693 incite for a bull dropping direct. rare wean par lue Hterhaie ur I.i.-mh" 414. la eal iinwiptiy birth. TM.aaa feel rtpru.r Mlar. Haariati. (Call (leorge Ho) Aiotralian by C D r..; the renter from above. My to THROUGH TOURIST tad Hlaaiii. Mlaaled .i o am it)iiMMa oystem Kun Uownl h a nr evident fan. ii, lal III, KcMll hivr aii t. ioal. Five-paenger Touring Car Hrt Atenue, Prlnc RuP n effort i tieing made In have ' Uad niMelri nnimili t... .n. Vhl R..rvi lure, lliai I lie inure UlT i'i'l I lie SLEEPING CARS GO Tan if ver. ni l ilk.aed tut ra il the venue nf the annual meeting iMuttl uf IMatirr. Stand: Botton Grill Third Avenue of the ball from above the drop Blood Out of Order i'Mrltwr parllcMlri lla tJkfl rare more chance for Ihe throw lo be nf Ihe Canadian Amateur Alhle. TO THE SHIP'S SIDE ! i. VldoH. n r... r iM.lrlrl CLOTHES CLEANED P.O. Bo 190. Pbor. Bed IIi Huiert Mi mv lie l.'nioti changed Munlreiil iireful. Hood llooling would from therefore eeui in demand a In Winnipeg. II I ixiinled mil by The Cimadalan National Hall-way TIMBIN LB X4IT. and preed by lataat HTI'A M i Mu miii Im'imi ruu down. tiMl Weli-ru ifficial that out of (le highly limited ball the downward aiiniiiiuce thai in order In Kealed IwwViri lll br mwlved by th prettlng proce. j Coo l kaiiw JuM rtartl) wbil tlielf Intuble motion liirliiig al nouie ililance lat five meeting only nne hu MlnKtrr uf Laadt tl Wiurla. a Uler H ult called for and delivered Pre-War Price. make i-ie and convenient con- titan ivkmi on Ilia Ml day uf MMriiiUr. l, slu-ii, I rule, l u Iniri4cr rlrru-IIUhi leen liebl in welern CaiuuU ami M above the banket In order thai ' tmrrnnr m i.irm m Phone 649 I iierlh.n. Wtlt all and t.ilii!. ut Uf Mood, that that one wa the bet meet. ita mi i.4.w nt r iiamiwt 4 LINO, The Tailor Ihe drop be direct ind xtrHlglil. ma tilling from Montreal. HI. ,ic,... IM maai frat....rf Ociir rJa,. "Launch All Uiy wed li rood tutt la twllj A ball thrown in a Mlralght line ing in Ihe lntory of the union. 4-M -, .ft. HAd. .-1. John and Halifax for the (Md ai'iual ia an an im nw kiaaa htttr! AUCTION SALES. up llw ..xlfiu ! fMil Ihe IImk1 lull or al a hur(i angle lo the bak- l'...oiil.v will ..irale th. arr. " . - Lntt Ul iney ,., Conducted In your home. Hair rroN-r lu hu Utile chance nf paing following ihniiigh TnurUt wlP tflMlr,'0,,riP to far r - at 3 Thuriday lif lliU rurp" tlwrr I Hblnf on every p.m, in our Narbethong" through the Iiihi'i nf the elliptical Ik uurkM la miuI Itape of Ihe hake, BETTER Dig Car fritlil I'Wlnionliin In tliel rurllvr partwalara of Uulrlil tb I bir luftalrr.rorra room. Bend In your good rarly alilll ne without Change. hVwrL B.C QEORQE LEP.K, Auctioneer, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Looo Shot Beet ii . h ave Fnlniontnil lieceinber! TIMBin IALK laaaa 823 Third Ave., CRUISING .JLKT,NC Though there are uiaiiy vai inij COOKING i ami A for ., "Iteglna i I.IV.! Bralad Tnwtr am lw rrrntad La Hit. Phoneai Blaok 615 Red 157. 'form of Hhooting the "overhand Iim immiI lleeeniliae fld for .. """'I' l V irba. But lalar 400 II rrrulali' ll Mmiurh, liver ul . I", .(,, ,WMH1 ,m tiv fllk a r !i.rMiJ.. Phone Black b..ri.. iHinrie. in. t,i.i .,,4 iuiu up ''M,l -I'"1 tmlvermally recog. It ii wonderful what Caaiiili B ' to lhigow ami . 'L.'l..ii" iLrrV"r J"" .; BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR tlw ruilr .yiuni. i lined ii the Hunt renliri. II a help Oxo ii in the inlunm In liiverMMi, Itei-eiu. tiMl llrinWk. ui n of Uprui. iKltr I'll.me lltack OSS Htt, li. I'oui. furl Pwr. ot.. riii Ubotild b ud for long, tiu-iluiin kitchen. Oxo ..er t, aits, jsasR. xi MRS. STEPHENS "jr (tfniMo w run iluii wl uc ltuwl and hort dialanre fcliol etrejil meant ttr eavH l!llflonton lifii L-X,0r'',,,.r,,H l'd fur ra- ahfive Wrathuir SUue. We "urrv a Uiifl ' 1 uil vt .rUr, iul I mlttrrt trtt !'wImmi right under Ihe ukel. good food every day Third ne i ii ior a.a. itauaua m rurnwr aartlrulara ..r iw . a.r e. Avenue. 'jr'??J'ZtZilrtU Myr a romparalively and good health all ar Um "' Liver p.. Halifax Ite4einlier .lr.'.' Vf.jf- u. lraater. IIalrilrelnif. Shaiiipuoing, lien, Hra.Mk mnr., I rl txiiu '" J't "! '"'l the year round. ni ....i rii m.u. ,Pi'Hniiill i............a...1. oin"., ' lfri. liallig, Manel Waving; V.el GURNEY - OXFORD tu4 tfi- ii lewd fuuiMi ii MMiand tuhed upward um forward, gow SI. Jnllll lleaemlier 10. I i au.i. TIMBIR inaTrr- win Mil iw rrmim4 4oe. Km 1.11 lluy Fare and Scalp Treatment dmuir in w4. I k'l't V"" b4 eaviuir the band numewherH K pallciilar. wrilr rHT Manleurlns. Swiluha ... . u further made tu and Heaters ii'. mrn, him i i .iin. -Uil Stoves ttUUMB, ,kiVi I),,, fup.t lll I ill City Tb?kt ofhVe, Igina. 1 Jll. 'k wr-liaa u Vii-at.., Xtl'. ' order. tf buliiui tin lurk II miiI tl lm lllllcull to liliM'k and prai tically diati National Hallway. 17a wi ueiiaVk. u u r .m'.i.V CHIMNEY nil in lltlil' III tmii Iiiiii up" iliipoihle In Intercept Hu- venua, MrtAra Hll--rl. II. f$ rmil iMaad iSWEEPINQ A player In Ihe act of nhiailiiig I Ph. irtfl. I I tu Mf Will br ... I'hnlle l.. lin, ak fl), rr Um ixtt II rt R. B. u. in lm ilia iiii.d i... Hardware lliotal uf liuibai OLD Storks NICK liotild never look down ul Ihe lutHutnlurrd unly tir Tlw T Milliurn 'm. I I unbar parli. ulai 7 lie lUHHd, Turuolu. Out, ball or e Hial it ii properly ( Aih' rinn hi the daily New irrluc lrr. Viet,Ru(ri.ria, a."i' III tile r.n ti r.hiinneyv awrpt ,,f Work.v..,guaranteed,Jisrnpti Black 1H