yN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI i . .. 99 lje Ifetilo YOKOHA in a nurij CAFE Phone PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKF.RY ALL NEW C AHS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PHINUK III PHUT. l, (. WBUNBHUAY. AtKJl'HT 2. 1022. Vttlsrfaf'i Oircll IMS (tMtt ! 121. price rrve CENTS air Rafnco aTYirr Crzk ELKS MAKE ELABORATE PREPARATIONS CELEBRATE FLAG DAY Prevent Welsh Coal CAR OF FISH TO IMMENSE SUM PUT POLYGAMY IS 'Preparations Being Made States ADVERTISE CITY INTO PEOPLE RAILWAYS OF CANADA BY GONE IN UTAH h or Children's t lag Day Coming to 14 T'I III INTO. Ana. -'. Wednesday or INext Week Will Be Sent to Winnipeg by Inoaila liae bad a nali'iiml i Us Place Men and Women the Strike Local Elk Lodge During railway ypin f t nearly Are Married to Those (irr-at preKirHttuii l the Klk for Hie fitting eelebrution of During 14 Already Dead. Convention. flvp ypri liuniiK thai Hajr Iiuy, nest Wed lie day. are rapidly licing t.erfei'ted and an I neriinl (lie ji.'ovprnmet Hinbilioii pnigrani ha been planned fur the day which will be asa'-BaaaBtjaBaBa es-asM BOOSTER LITERATURE. 4 ha inadif ailliiarp 'r(ii Muridy K. Kin?, a Mormon r.piiliHlly for the rlilldren. Merry-go-round rides, ice cream. i IUiJFF. An. 2. The firt -lr j toward preveiiliiig the ex-.H 4 tin- poblte t(Vary to ill... I..fl II.a l...l. ... I... .....II. UatMlwirhe xip. peanuts biilloinn and flag) will all be supplied nih i iml In Ihr I'mted Stale where Ibe miner Co-opirtlon of Various Bodies 4 Ilia yatfii a fHlw f-P.,..-- i.. r...i p-j i i.. o..ar iee n I m, a.. taken brc wln Ike council of lb South Makes Ue Display Possible. 4 t: aia.iua m:i4 an.iM-ltli.iii? inli.lun mut nfi- ,rep ',l r'rfrc I The Hnenioon fun wm comnience wllh a parade or clowiii ai Federation raited 4 l?f.7Hn.tijo ward beeaiiH an official.of ih' M i- .i-.pno.pd u re-oliition on Ibe n-Miin and Ibe band. On the evening before there will be a night-shirt r' Union ) prevent Hip riport of mal to Amrtr IhriMiuti lb fitftsnttt effort 4 .... HI.KKi.il 3 Utah Fnltff athMi tf libon, an or ! parade and the big moker. j r -trine. wf l.iHlrr t. Whir Ii Ha hii 4 raniialloit lo which the ', -i iier- hf Iihm- been niniiialh tuy gelling mil rued 4Ti yn-Tinid iiiMiii by ar- 4 .'. IHJ.7 If. losterty oMM.eil, wriiinir in IOC Hare.tlU(lHI 5 mtiuucx and under.lilt: iuiiuhiuo oiii-. . Hoy' i.. tlx- t)it''f Ht..i. v The demand lor llhoudda Val-'o fili pom panic and olhr Tbrw flaurer iHiiil all Hip Nation ay Ibal In Flab year f elfl mil li.i- in.re.ned liy leap iukI hound, and oraanitali'in nf thp rily and 4 fiieil Hiarrze an Ibe In. ppn jiloral marriage do Hot Oirln' Itaee. and undr. INDIANS WIN .11 the mno-r l.i.' hern buy ami Ihr owner began dulrtrl I'riarr MnsiPii U to pI Iprrolontal.' Nil i o II a I esil. anl that Seerel tilueal years omp oIi-imIM advprtl in tt at :h rrannttnitUI. I' Harnaue havp not been dl- lnie. .l rnf il ,...mIiIiI) fort Ik oniinz I iminhn oni 4 Mward IIihV, H ihlon prered for Hi lal ten yer. ltoy Hare, 0 to 7 jrar of axe. . mniiT" rfne lo work nail htr etport to the t'.H., 'Ill FISHERY CASE OrteVr i(Hi-e. ami I"Hp reniHaal of wietl rep irim. lion of Hip llpiietotpnl ami I'ro. IUy, MiyaMy i.e.-.. njHMit before Ike United me a lltey were w.'i 6 7 aae.' HirU' Itaee. lo ej ed. Irrlu.' Order of Klk wbirb will 4 iiw ftiMe of b&nHi 1 1 hp hw pxi i that "old ieti: years .-.e -mniii b bHd at Wlnnbrx on Auul 4 wtiieh wiKihl aJ(i vary materially 'inietly rllH? lo thalr jfionier 'I'lirea' priie. - Hoy Itaee. 7 to e.ar of aae. Companies Warned Against In 4 Ift. I and 17. 4 lo IM total wiv- and ufiiert tbeoid RAP )S rK NLfc nartoad of arhni kimd of 4 fully ff(t.oiit.Wio by IsdyzaiHy ha sheiiday to 'Hire? prfie fringing Rights of Natives liirl 7 lo V of aue.1 fUh. Onnalrd by loral firw. I 4 mjimI arrountt. TbeT petUI marrlaKe. a. Itaee, year CANADIAN FARMER In be forwarded neil wpek bf ex. 4 mImi omit al bat 9l(tH.. onlins to Ibe Mvrtnoo, reliirion. Thn-r priie Ft HIT WILLIAM. Aug. 3-An STILL ON COMINQ HERE SOON prp. II will be nrd at a 4 Mt.Hl for I hp ieal yar ppplial tory" an only b Hoy Hai-p. V lo II year bf ai$e. act dated IHul iuvokeil in tha ROCKS: ANNUAL OVERHAUL 4 Three rtifp. court lMlny when Ibe erial fih banqoet in roonpr-lloii 4 M f?. whipb rlHjpd 3 11 -blaineil afpr ilrath thrMzli l-olirp owner 4 wilb the nnPiiltHl. 4 MonU lat. lural marrlaiip. inei orw hav tlirl' Itaee. V lo tl years of axe. of a luif ami net selied in l i. . h-. i,-. thai with-in 4- Ihprr will hp dilrilMttpil al 4 I'lii al total followpil 'bad w onipti a ail woihph h-ave Tbrep prliav. Tliunder Hay wa charged with iUf Drowned When Returalnq, lln- wit l" rim Uir i hp haini-l and durina Ibe ron-venliot) 4 iip'ii in.tp than two liun-lrpl pad wipii "paleil" lo Ibein a Hoy' Itaee. II lo I? year of Infraction of the law-'irivinir et-luive U Vtt; Passengers All Off aiitMllaii lnriiiT, oin f vanou a4prUinit imiim. ! imlliou aJtaiu-el HiPir ppplial w.up. II I a ago. llite oriie. riijhl to Indiana to fish ! Ithlet In tbe loroi of nienii I r ! t'JIH. nakroliifl devi.rd, afp the In I Hfl' Itae. II lo 13 yearn of If Ipotan Itlaiul. vt n. r.- trl- o 4 Tbe iiHiat nmei of lbp- i ai of real (HilyzaiHy, in onler lUAt up. Ttirra urlip. The nel we-e returned lo tb AjlL-C 11 lb PP j m h hare to ifai ami . jm .. abet . Hip-ru-iilri-wrl .F.rf-n IviHnrHMCflo f5--r'fKSrfieriffrr jlayMir T' fitre-'and - mriH " hl V flb Im be alUPh-il 'iv .MoriHiHiini iiiijtht el m lol. aae. Tbree prue. a warniny wa iued l all ii IM r.M-K at l.a-eeilaK TW l ariiwr m nat f 4 to Ibe bito b4e like a hud-. Slowfy Losing Ground. liirl' Rare. 13 lo Ii years of ominercial Tympanies to repect ! wa- iMHknml wlihV- Im r'MMflng prl U mi Fie lbooMiid of Ibeue arr lo bp REPAYMENT OF imp look eartilly in Mr. aae. Three priie. the Indian risbt. Oii w Mfr. trttm IMlf'rnta. KM" wMI Pill. Hrintrd on iNte iilp of Ho-eoupntr Km article for Ibh thai ueb Hoy. IS and under, liieuil p 'i rw '4 a Mrti a- far a ' rH 4 Hii-MPti. t tpin, whieli ooold appeal Fafina liim(pt. Three t.riie. .- air- i r 'aW fur a ' (in" "f iapP II. I I'.. the PhmImtI.ptl: "I'mn-p Ibi fi-li ALL WAR DEBTS iily to loiol both weak ami Hoy and liirl. IS and undet. PILGRIMS LOSE t i i; ir" , aaal rmiMMg kw 4-4 it from Hajp- rt. ami o ir oi .riiiiiliwly ioalerialili.'. I lo. I'otatoe Itaee. Three prl'e. i .rf afely mi Moo 4 jual MtnvntrMt a any all lo puiy H hi Win in op if. iijt yroonil. Hp ba no doubt liirl. IS ami under, Fsi and f IITP AM TD AIM ie I'll fat oti llirr irl 4 ProUHilee) by I'rinae llooerl Britain Sends Note to European t bat -lowly but- urely, il I. Sr.n llaee. Thr.e ,.ri-e. LIT LilJ Ull 1 lYAII V 4 l.iHtiP .No. 10 4 Hi I tan olbpr Governments Regarding More than three. oarter of Ibe, Hoy. IS and under. Sack Hare. 4444444444 n4Uii peoph- of Llab arr Mormon. three priie. ne: "l'tli donalpd hy Kih and Cohl storazp (. Ltd.. Matter. I hp ursanuation i lroH3Pt iu liirl. IM ami uinJer, SLippiiiK' Collision Results in Death of 49 SOCKEYE RUN IhMilh Fthprip IiomIimii ''-o. tbe widely wallere.1 ami elf- tloulp!. 'Hiree pril. on Way to Lourdes Grotto. MINI KIN, U8U.I J--Tbe Hrtl-ih ijiiMvl fanoioz poHinoiliitie WILLIAM WATTS Ltd . Iloyal l lh Shniliall overnnwHl rannot treat rp-paymeiit liirl. Ii to IS, Skipping Con. lihprte: l oh Mil la id. I.Id.: whieb are pal eHitie lo Ibe lel. tbree cue I'AIHS. Au. .5 lorty perons be Aii?rHiertraN IS IMPROVING -i. II. Todd A Hon. I l'l . aiti-il loiin a if of it I wpr iih itdaled liiflueuce of Ibe "tieillile Hoy. IS and under. Three- were killptl and fifty injured in GETS CONTRACT hy Ibe Otruoration of I hp i:ily uipioVnl Iu whrrh only Ibe I'ni-li-ij world. lasr!el Haee. Tliree priie. collision between two trains. of I'rlare lluprrl. Ibe U'wr.1 of I be MorHM.il (Uiurrii lake Ho' Handicap Hirjtlc Itaee. one of which contained pilgrim: Stale ami ral Urilain TUI Peck For Skeena up lo the Trade amj WerrhaiiU of I'imipp iiormou pain to maintain Me orise on their way to the Krotlo of Wstk-end Wat 49,000 Cases; War VeUrane' Huoerl." ban any eoneem, say a note arip over il folbtwer: il nmL Hirt. IS and umier. Ilin ad and Our Lady of Loudre eekfn? Build Oreat Will Hill-rpi by Ibe Hrilixb iios-i'1'iinient f do m. being ow of eouriw, Needle llaee. Three prize. healing. Naas, 20,000 Caeet at Cott of Iu adjdKioii Ihprp will be Iimmi hi Fraiire, Italy. Jus-HtaviM, New Building a Ibe world Ho- chief iuluwce in hulloH.bob bteler Ian. lOOO llottiManu. I'wrlusal and Hoya' Junior HaelaM lletay The famou grotto attracts M.700. illulra. f an abiolutivl. authoiHtaiian llaee. Two priaea. thouand every year. if Ibe lhwnl-tf Trade allium run iireeiire. Tin note wa piiI inot eoOi. It ha tbe ylem. Hoy. ThrowiHi; tlie Hasrball - and Naa Mivcr led puMirll) lit'" Mini loOO t. with ..a in rouiMH'ttou a u?zeliou eihieatiwii illiaai W all waa UiM aibl Klk' plele form of relistou (j.iitet. 'ITirpe thi prtteo. rial rard laued by FISH ARRIVALS Mmu mwrLad Iw- that for Hip i'-J of Kit roue. Mle awarvVd lltr nmlrarl for Um wilb Ibe followina read-Hif m Ih United Slate; pvpry Hoy. HuiiiiiiiK llae Contest, HNtae imt Ureal Itrilain i- lo Ktiroppan I f tta npiuinram follower ior IweUe year re- 'nirei' lm tte. mailer printed imi Hipiii: lo prue. indebleilne roiiulrip lh-ii lo I In priplhood: Nine Boats Arrived at Fish Ei- tuired join ImililMis for Ibm- 4irai Why I Believe and Live In Prince Junior H.ii-ball liame. liriUni . War Viliran Aorialia. Rupert, B. C. t orvanup it-hi i M.iiiH'aiiy; u i-otcb liam-im lkmtet for change This Morning and -na mt ty.iMMi i of labor, ami of their Catches. lante pmployrr Disposed I'bara a K.1J. lilldl'l I.. li-mb-i- for a I 11 ban oiM' of Ihr riin-l tfll-l Na. ?n.fMM ra-.. hid frtiMi M. J. doe not toii-rale trodp uuioh; Mln-r wm. Harbor in the world. TWO KILLED IN mm Hie Harrnit Mn- ln.;HI. Uir lolliiitr H lake from pvery follower a Follow tiiir were the fih arriv lf.rill for 3 II I 4ot hhIp tiparer Hip " fil, Hi ar- raMfiMl at a Ibe I'a-i-iftr ul It of hi s r. iuroHie for CITY RAILWAY al and ap at tbe KirbaugQ of lb fonlrarl waa llrW.pl lbu any rtty on i upjM.ri; and by il rittuiwiial Hit niorniiiK: nrral mwlum of IM- aa. 4Vbl. AUTO ACCIDENT "threaten the whole l'.anadiau Fih and Cold Slor- lower I tun. H. Himi uneeVJ and tlr-a .1 (I i Ibp i-eulre of Hip COAL TAR SAID TO BE a lara" and nnliiiialir palthp wlirra. field In tbe Stall- with a form oi tiouimancc MEN ON STRIKE axp lt. -Peiiean. 13,000 mund. fiiiiteniilate." i..piblp to at 7.He and 5.5e; WatiiiiiBton, Hmi mii-hiimm i A aalbrrias of r world. Millionaire and Famous Golfer Outside Influence. al 7.le and lo. CAUSE OF CANCER Kullowia (he hutMr. '- I 1 i hiowinii AMitrr of our IK.000 HHiiid, H- Meet Tragio End at San Jose Mr. Kin? think that it i I'aciflr Fisberiea- Yaala, 12,- proiutilii Aoiirrrl wan bfld. of b tame! pruB ea in Chicago forced to find Impro yit-ldiiii j-round beforp the in. (Kin tMmiid., at 7.7r and auc. fcUotlflo vised Meana of Transportation JMM, liwry nayi-. II Body Now Trying to Miai.. Ibp world. SAN FHAMISIIO. Aub. 2. tellcptual and iudulrial MjMii- at Volunteer. 1 1,000 pmind. 7,?c fl4 Which V. llalMfll 'and ..Ihra an. J. & Last .'&.ooit.tMi uooml For Three Million People. of Component year H- MerlHrl lirown. iirMlionair. i lui thai are quietly but all the and Ir; Happy. 13.000 pound, Partp blrr HpompaiiyiMji. Freak Halibut hll'l'ed Dangerous. f i.phiI and John Ilhu'k, the famou time wvrklui umju it from I He CIIHl.U.ii. Another at 7.3c aud Sc. alo Mri-il. Aiii. wen lbl -'. fri'Dhmviiu of ill port. profeiwiial colfrr of Oakland. ret of the United Stale, la Allin F1berie Teddy J tl,. '- strike ha tarled In ' v Viu . Furtber Tin buihliiiB Mrli lhi We bale 'ni- of Ibe fine! biff railway rf-1 . . , lll fill Iha tlyinv, follow in an automobile ul.- of Mr. Kimr' attribution l;cltea?0, This lime tt i the ooo pound, al TM aud c', ' '!' Ihrory lUal roal rlajloti la putiiHk up " - to-wuy. IHOJlerli eiuipiP4 ipj Msrhleiil near San Joq. hip averax ..ii.ii.ih.i. nmni Maude. 3,000 Muud$, at 8o and lot lluril ilaiiU In aal-LllktiaVaTaaBW nf Ilia ilv I ! tk allkaifP. Ik bark 0 fl f I In- u uo.loilntr nblMlMilhliutt c i in aacitt In Klaek won Ihr eroud plure i i ly virlu. . he maki it elear,lakll thou Sc. ..ty thi- roar -yfclwiw Twr-iily world. iiiiri't. ha pmtlMrrd viiui. Hi,, Ibe United Slate open itold cham iioiii-h that Hi'' jm"e rapid ronduetor. and Senator, 21.000 pound, sold t'J and Ihr iMiililliMf ana inr Orain bii" rM" " undortoen, of proMMil 7 Dial Hh liwrlal pionship with the mukl kviua- jinl diriivi' Hip pl-'H-. is the the Atlin Fisheries for Ket. l''-'.llr !- hail til Ur ilrUNilmknl to iio. rua be laiiowi in ma Kiinnl on both Kurfaee- and uu- bti u I-'uimI will prairie tioual play of the year. ii.-it.'i f..i both Llah and the derurouud line weut on rika al cbikan delivery at 7e and le. '! vtu fir tl- lrwlurr ttrti-nt Imi iu aneau oi uniiii 'liny lij II IhIi'I !- I mt.'d State. arrived Jut Haib, Capt. Seliy, .. lbmubuul Ailb other hci uu I o'eliKk yeterday luoriiinji af. l t I h majority f Imi nf rotWrrti hiPI-M frn any Tbe Aiueftean teaiuer HpiIoii before noon with tt load of ukvl rfln- imniI. recliiu tbe urea I ir part of the i.lrm I'aelfke !" w iberutiiih iii" MHi-rrla Ibe do arrived at noon tmlay from American trap aliuon. iM.'ke m.rlion of (Uiieaxo. T II lll 0 by la Ibe nniniiUIn oamrtry oh workiiiit ;ii elur. riiririiiPiiU. m WESTMINSTER I'rlneo Krtelilkan with U carload Three million eople forced and pink, which he will ell tu were in of 'HIiIIIIIhI of fMi iu .llmriiolon. lAu utorvyii i... n V. P. worth IlljlN'tllMllt " herrlniC for khipmeul Fa.I over the caiineiien. to ek iuinroviel tratiiorlu- ' I .untianl uiiilicutMi imixiii. a ft i from Ho Ki'Htuu Uu(iert I the fJwe.t oti Ibe North fi the Canadian National lUtlwuy 'k 1'i'nluer a luinorout rloor lo Ihr roof. Thr froiil in" Anipriraa aouliupiit. 'llio motorthlti Ai.es relurnrd WINS LACROSSE"..n yesterday. 1 ul I oaiil v ! iIhiiiiiIL lion of tlie nrrai'iit bulkltntr will ir vi mi il.i titd beliew ine ak aUer ' ' "' a(i furl Ion of It cnmirrlpil Willi It. proMilliiiT llrolber lH from I'rlnea Huiwl niilouilpil iMUth lat 30 iiliihl earload of lofrrliiii havliM JS BRINGING PAPER N0JTICE i In- (ak llny or rii- iri-mli' for rrttl on lb'- Bioynd l.od. She will he back aaln Willi a Beats Vancouver by Score of Tan " ilr riuor and the Blub room uccow. HERE FOR WINNIPEG An ".animation for Lioeu-iei aw ffnrl l linilar e-arito niido of a week. to Eight, Giving Them Four iiu.ii ,,)a ,, H. (.,.iii- iihhUIIon Utir. NEW GOLF COURSE Game Lead i Scaler will b held by at the Forest Uruii' li at tb-ean - 'f 0,r lai ui l a tUnwtrurlioii will larl HALIFAX. Au. 3. The HbII. Jamo Me I lai n and Itouray The '-i. T. I teauier I'rini'e rail Falls at 0 AujT.lt 7, onro bmiI Ihr iifi',ali' VANCOLVF.Il. Aug. The tiporae from Vancouver is late cm. on j, ai in ... fwir uiul llouttlry t'Jub has a. domiilly. i-burned wllh nibbvry nil'1 1 1 , (IH.C ,j,, for I be buiblliiU bvlHK ,or I ftfcliAU MM t ropr!ia al on Ilia ataamer Ohelohlii lat .New Westminster Salmonbellies Iloday ami will not be in until I and at l'riiue Ituperl at 0 'imputing fi-li. .M-iUoatioii by .Nmrliibi'i .III. until. Mlhisa. oMt.id Halifax wek, ware ommlllrd for trial defeated Vancouver Teriiiiuals by u'elutk. eily time, tin artermMtii. a.m. on August II und 12. inrraa- -l tarri'd , i.lunninit to ha a new by SUiiendlury MagUtrato Me a score of ten to aiwht m a MlnlOjTba delay is caused ou aoooUnt For further particulars ap. lined i hi1 altsolulf Ucbbishop Iu Venifl i i" m ui-.. laid out there, at a Mulllii Oil inortiitiK. They will Cup Lacrosse gaina. valnlna a of Ui loading at Ocean Tails of ply Forest Hruiith, Third; I fiali lit thoae see. Ii... the .neaker at the llotary .o.l olf eotirta tinialeu ai o.'-"" "w appear before Judge Yountf to- four game lead over Vancouver' 100 lous of paper whiuli is to be Avenue. Prince Huperk, ll.U. V.U. . i he riMol. drain Club lunoheoii lomorrow. in .'.mi hh mi" Hi. ."iti '-.ii-.'. b::'pcd ' '" ' W iiiuipiv ' .mis. -ut'J' I l' ii V 'I'ul'li- -i an.