PAGE TWO TTTR nATTTr.TEWS t j j The Daily News New Redistribution Bill to pniNnn nuprcirr - imiTisii coLUMniA PLAYER'S Receive Early Attention of - Published Kvery Afternoon, eicept Sunday, the Prince, ftupert Daily News., Limited, Thinl Avenue. Next Session Federal House II. P. PtMXRN. Manafrins Edilrr. NAVY CUT SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OTTAWA. Onl.. lie., ?. lv CanndittirPr. - . Shortly Cily Delivery, by mail or earner, per month . 11.00 nfler Ihe opening of Parliament, the -ixfli ItedMriliiilton HITl pre-J By mall In all pari- of the Hntih Fnpire and the United Stales, enlr1 sinee l'.on federal inn. Mill, ac-ordinff In nrr-enl intentions, , CIGARETTES in advance, per year $fl.O0he introduced in the House. When the lal lt-iti.trilHition IIMIj Tn all other countries, m advance year 17.50 w.t intriMiiicfit l !ir Koiterl Honlen in Ihe euin which pre-rMled TELEPHONE 98 the outbreak of Ihe Ureal War. no atlatunt maie in define rsnient Display Advertising 11.40 per inch per Insertion the limits of constituencies. Knllowing Ihe example of Sir Transient Advertising on Front Pane 2.R0 per Inch Wilfrid (.aurier eleven years previously. Sir ItHbert Mihmillel a Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Mil without schedule leaving In a vrikMnf alary cotumllle He wori of nHiiarty ptatMitv DAILY EDITION ID TMih), IW. If, f MM nIIHeiel where i ftarWauMujI lias inreaa-ns. ctianiri'- liae lo w mle.! II 1 Manifoha and llrHi-a nt-wtta alllh.-r Itketv ttsnt Ih nrsv fi'st MMareil in Hie r--prewnlnlina Welcome To Officer sent iieen.ienl will follow h .ei of Ilio And Men Of Patrician. Hilr eure. ttut. in Mm mr with rVnjr auw"'e nl Prime Htifwii hid weh-ome today to I lie offirer ami men iif MMhkitr eion. Ifee 7mrly mm thi- hvttee wtia In Ihe new iL.M.flS. Palm-inn. Jl i a pleasure indeed for thi city U again jwHWii of Hie sneHnl nimiiK- (rlmnl. fnv wiM bar e-eiHeen te trllr of neeesily hate to lin-ilsnn anal fnnrfessn n'peethre- reeette a IhhIv of men rr presenting thut tirand .Navy that haa hnucd the iMllle awl Hie deep for a hundred enr in upholding i ehaiw. In 101 1. Ihe y. committee nnstste nf even the iroini-c f XHieeln am) uie r.mpire irmiiiioiiv ml keeping Hnlain the metres wf the amiwW; fane ftanHtiei ixl SnkatHren were CnrrMatl from ea. ah Honor to them m may there dulie te fTirever Ihry three OnfamdlkMl. OA III" Hie- VtilUvl VisManfci in pre- are ixia peaceful potieinff and uptHddmg nf law and order n! ecaion Hte PdiareiiSK I ltHS. In IfHWI. MiHr merely with the symliot of their might. Itwartr. in a-lttesn o IAterals(tton wan nvol al . nnt Iff r- Thi is the firl lime ii many tear to he exnrl ince IUI4 Onneevafhe il kW In th and re-iKetvtr. n ftartla when II.M.O.S. Itaiiihow wa hereiloH Pritiae HiqH has heeH presented nfi the ominHllee. wiM. HKrlii iH lia. I wtm. honored vkjith a viil of owe of Hit Majety' fighting veet. All The netl lhie. when th hr 'ami eaach.-i hm .'I. hope that n may not he Ihe lal awl IIihI Prince Hii(ert will Jeai-it) grow lo sueb importance thai lhi port wilt alway e a reim- miss effeethe, tw HVe ASKS FOR iar port ni ran lor eri m we aty latsoncil on (hi t laroet ssflit(niNif inee iVtn- QUEBEC ii- weil a. tlHce thai viit Ihe Parifit-. fWnthn, I. wiM eon.M of AID FROM RUPERT Z t OHniii . an iiw-rm"" i i Self Control " nine mr h areen4 mmer-1 In Work And Endo-wllon to Ra.olu. Play. -wnU hH. ami lite v4etda .rminee. Many men and women live loo faL Either they work too wNI he erreetl'l a fMni: I l,on Aln? foe miirn or inc ptay to muru. ery Tew ever strike Hie happy Precenl llHe Xew Mom Headquartaca Thar medium. Working life away is alimM as vain a Haying it away. OiksW Aft AS The worker i appreciated no more perhaps d atf iitwli a ,nH !nthl In l TV Ny onirteil ni4 nMit the plaer. The former i hanliy ever a good fellow; often the New (Iran II II rnivel a loli'T and rilaliM latler i. The one enjoy-an oWure life of dnly; the other mm I. I-M. I. I I frnn lh eily i-imiihiiI if 0i4SMe 'Superb Qualify achieve speclai-ular popularity, rlarli may ) hapy in ai par-lienlar OiWnrto t 81 aking fnr !wrt in w m'nw wa for. after all. he is proUlily followHig Ihe Lent of hi. ManiMha Ii 17 i h peefirttr of Ona-I an I lite fi$etfr of IU 2& natural inclination and therein lies the fault sahuiMnn ..Is ft neeeitUe' nf nhe lamadnin a-Itftmal X5t f All work ami no play may nmke Jaek a dull ! all right jul Atheeia If t ItaHwar- t owvke a "p-arnle 00 a wy all play and no work may make him iHiagry. The H.C. 13 Ii mtiT with iMtwe ti.75 aulhor of thai proverb. howeer. did not meanShat Jack 'ImhiM Ytttoa Terttyv. I I a- lKdHlacter. Ih- i-.mii-mwniralMn ghe np all wiwk and lart Haying instead. He ilal mean Hurt if ffW, iheenuned Jaek w working sixteen boars' a day he ought to give riap tU til taking Ihe tww tlnvt U ha not Hghl hours over to rerrealiwii and divide things up somewhat for lncrea frm Pcalrlea suflVtent knonyetli-t "f QnWe'.l Ihe Ie(lermeul or himeir ami lite rsHnmiiMity at large. lhlMl nn the loenl emariitinn ti twke arthm imj- 1 erywhere there i neeil Ur self rontrot. i one of th lsMra intent Itw licit -si sr an ia. ;iHS-r. nin.l important fa-tor in elf-preservatioaj and neeery in Iloawe will hae rn Mre IW rnnwiMinjeaiin awted' lit-.hit I U) loo I liat I...ii connection with one'- work ami Hay jn-1 miieh it i nere-sary from the I'rairv itrn.jMial Mttlra4 wa to tie ehen ,nui 1 1 in regulating oue'x Pilots. ior-. ,m )eMlia M oa-ia iienemi ... II. !. touarlw j lara wilt have 4aecei re. with N lamix'v M ihwI.4 andi y M lo An it No Necetiity For prraealaHMa. ysaiahsheoaa wilt , l-r.nt a fnr hi1irtera. if Hnikaev alter way. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Obtettlon With Work. H an addilinaal fhe nintwi . Ik-H 'hii-Mi .if ih" r-tm, at -- Mu of ii hertHne otesetl with hut work or with oar Ike huveol sjrmiw in any twi-ssl. miH iw unfair 1.. UW. Illi: enthtfe was a ahateheH nasi pUy. The lniiikart hermne oleel wjJh drin.k. the ficml.lx- Miw-e. .iiMra eiwne isiMnt I .Mi Kerr wwiH tmU.'ih tMti4e waat in. .. PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCE QEOROC. nir 'f1 wym img, uie pipkcr l-pmedieaed with ia a mereai jf fonr iwbi. msy ituin migw ma le tr .r ww tfi In I t-a ej4 Tknr4r tl w a f. k. ler. Vnksm, la ihe f.nvoinvr'm.!.. haiiiwirrt4 .Hv f.c the' rir. vaacouvea. eicToai. (tsrrvc. ' - - i r,T-roa ... 1 lonaceo. jtl. une- tfce player leeme fthposeii with ptay and A1 4 a MBf . . aaroa. w4Mr. ti roa trtMisaT, i ia1ii-atl or wurkrr iut wtrk. nam, uiniHgn Bt olie..j.tii. j hort-ening InMe. eHamrfT"'"- hi life. it wreeai reietaliHi f IXTKIlXAnoXAIJA a.a. PRINCE JOHN. One iim wwr. I htl lerr i I.ki4I if V f. v no .! -i, i R4rk4ir 1.1 shmild Im aide U do hi w-k weM aHd wrerHlly REFERENDUM TO BE Mir ItriM.h Ihni. tin ij wilhout sHnliBg night ami lay at it The IrtMilde . that many fhi rMre wiM ! foU4sj. Uttt awl ahe AmertMn awM e of ii who (ead imr nights as well as our day at wrk are not Vhe. Ml lioiS. Ue Yukon wm TAKEN ON HOLIDAY DAItY PASSENQER SERVICE. doing it well. We art perhaps working dwilde lime at half efficiency fir I site! a riretiaalir m N HAT ha hwewi nf (fee csiit iictrr aunoar. aee -m. u rrm nmi i IUhi, il had a ioMiin with the itnwn ll dirert nwituM re pwni lMra Ca4 n- i ii I end of .ingle time ai Iw4l efficiency. i 410 exrin Petition Received From ..i flapiier 4urnea sivcly SMialilic iincirle that Ihe man who rite an h.u4i H tt.ti'J. Ittrt Jbf Hi of Hie Asking Chanpa From Ws). Agancy for All Ocean Steamthlp Line, nil rn1i drew Im eh-. YHr work is entitled to a living ami a IHJIe to -pare for him-Hf nod a neaday AfUenoon to en TkSM 0n, tt Tki4 Si, enM aw rM m family. y jmr. thr ivUlem nf llo- Ykon .Iwaatttnl HaMt at the r--laketi Thureday Bight Hour Day tm Jane I, tut;, it Ten Years Ago Not Unionism. V.M only 1,11. ImrtfMi Hm- A ayieiosa fjru-d hv Huean In PVnc Rupart Canadian Pacific Railway titade it ilriiM Sl.jM ffc Mrnae ami ?II 4lir- ftray-imsc King Alfred divided hi day into three period eight honrs for a TefireHlwM on kfie B.C. Coast Service fir wprk. eight hours fin and eight hour It. It. KHImt. Uie i-tu.-f n. prayer for sleep. lie llie whiry f owaive re MU"tiaa of rhanxinr the wwkly M-a the original eight-hour day anrhi half VHvhmt of Ihe OraiHl li uiii la i-He. man divisWoi of the day MtrNMiliw aa hnen nw of toditfay from W'mlnrMlar the rerognixel standard Unlay. Fnr physical awl mental well-being, eeins relative Mens1mrhii M laRfrnom lo Thurdar wa -uh- i a r-ilr iu Mm- Hy. He CHRISTMAS SAILINGS eight hour work a day i enough for any man or woman. rhe ltMMe ffm Ihe oriHMtl MiiXrd lo the city roune-il la-t will nuske an miMnlion of ihe from Prince Rupert .Such a statement i not tine tMil tt Ik eily before re. uiiionisi; it i strietly ewmnHoieHe. province nf OraXeleralini. main. H wa HKUt-l ly hl. Ill Prince Itupert. there is a tendency to over-work l--o.e QoeiM's ha ftft iiwhiiIt hHII Krr and eeoHdl h AM. t4-larl turning. S.S. PRINCESS MARY. oflen there sem ti lie nothing el.e U dsi. Tla. of Hire. ami the profeniinu whirh thai that the assiitUHi iw ronn. For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle. diM. i,ot apH u eerlMKty. Here as wHt as elsewhere, liters 5 tMsir to the Imm whsiIi. 4sHtt tlii ftnftuiimv He rily 0a(4MHt :. H. Viahstlssin. naaru , THURSDAY, DEC 21 L are the loafer. nrr wf in ii i d'. -tonrMahiai Arriving Vancouver, Saturday Dec 23rd, A.M. the who rW -tiH-k fiads Hlr nte wooid rather sIhihJ anwnd and tlk lion of iwut trie ihe unit of fslitiHl on the joh iu working hour a wrM a out of them nreMltaHi frtnn ibr other ! lMr utneienf qualified niee. arr)e,j m khe prtuea For Ketchikan, Wcangell, Juneau and Skegway, Ku(rrl yMirrsUy on a Sunday Dec. 17th. r' itjre -htet. at Onifrrteralinn im lor-. naitMdy vt-4uah if Ihe PhyilcaJ Recreation ViieW ha,I Aft ntember out f itfr lias mr ui.itrwihialetv triv. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Foe Butedale, Swanaon It Needed Here. a total itf IMI. In the next f t& nawie. Eat Balla Bella. Ocean Fella, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp Their i uee.1 lit rhatse I atud J. X. IdatHdl anl J. J. Man bell River and at 1 e.m. a here f..r more recreation of a physical na ParHament. it Mill hate A mil on Ihe hate Vancouvee, every Saturday lure n .jMMdd le iHrganiaed in sneh a manner as to make it niien f Sit. Onlarhs, .Ww KrufH- around that Ihe CN.It. nol frvw itftuftied he ha the eily ffaii Aganey fee all Steamthlp Una. mMi. for the iwhlw at Urge. Many attends hate heen nfade on a wiek inul ia rfltia. IIm three ieanier areite hoee fnm Uie full information frrnn smm.II cJe to fiH tin- n-e.l those wlm have l-en l.ehin.l them oriainal ir lure of O.n- MfHih Ute i hi 'lulay UKrn-imr. Ilea relf W. 0. ORCHARO, Oeneral Agent, ami Mi Vfcila l.-a.l-hotter nay l.eeu doing a eci. fr tUf gwHJ of Ihe eommunity. Kfime-tliinlr felMthfi. have sn th4r re-ptvmtaiifi ThrM(gti Ihe lrr 'Mnst Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, C. were 4rrtet here la-i Of a mn gei.rwl nature , ,,eeJe.l. iMiwmer. It would in he lltnie in- el.HMsl, f 01-- i;er who whe ntuhi. I for jelf aiul all thai i iifrilf.l j. jj ijiii,( .rtli... -..ii... cresi-e. anl un. umMi ue U make ueehar nrre dirp-KMlsl sjasm. lit gei it Uuw lied !U4-i efnUy. It irrsMh of llo weeru lirovis- and crMaahWrMtiU toiU Tly (he... iite of priioe Iliifiert doe not tsi delie Hi-ain SijWi ha iw a loaf lt Mir rity. lie1 Fable: One uj a tnn- Mo-re UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C LTD. "" ft iiuiianrr ill a i-HKjUr girl wh i ii..nU dt ,., Imjji lh eae of (Inlnrio. -i i'ir lr-a Vriiii. Kin'" ()iiiuaiiiui. in, u,e flH.e 4.f it it look ... ..... ... if the -,f.le that lie aa neiltirr twaui ifnl rae Vaktaatte, VltUela, ruling ai aaaiwun Btv r 1111 f Ii .11.MfMt Ontario and Eaat " "'fMru iii wiirn or ueie rerreatnui than in nor ttUmeiivp. ' rae eart aiana. fsaaa niiar. ! ae Ami, auiSa uir uiijMtriaui . iilliire ul IIk ii (.i.m .iI Milling In I sr.. Mis. had sr mfii. The Man in ihe Mmi F aides. yum Clll Jan al .0mi tn w M Haraaae ua atiinifv Su -; in is," ir iw)iilertiiii Clll al .III. Kwnaaa. a4 mil Bar ra MUlBI. r-e to ; in Ki, l V. j,eu SAYfs. i r i an ,, I,IB. aZS tHMl llMk Jack BJuvaaiiv, ait. Ihe .Wiiue lariod. In )t03. Ui Nerves So Bad That reatraijMalwinif (mUrso wa MIKItl -IkmjIiJ ni- a urHi A Birks' Diamond Hf; in th rw tarliamt il Iniif in ' M 1iwii lomvhl She Would Sit and nj; IU ante,, a al Willi thi I'.ilm-Mii itu) n njr as a Christmas Gift D A IT 1 ur ,ron herring halt ! coneeded ty flser' ,' Cry OuiOoVralNtu; m tu nlt tar- midl. lo I ij,, procuratle at any Facifl' Mr. Mary Hoc Wine ilwiooNl il wiH he Ml. There la aornethinK sprrially Port and It la Fishy." Price. 130 per ton. Madoc, OnL, write I Tlw MX sia-nifirant alxnit a llirk Diamond TU h"1 wf inwrln good qoaldy 'P " rar-ntaltn f Not a a ia of "Hail! Hail! th IPF a I raftered R'""'from Food t " wondtrful lot of good. rfrfia at liunfVrMH wa 1U. iranae W h-ro wtsai the vthich iiialrn ii inot.1 1 to Tlava plenty f 0ur hard froien ice, r rslitM (taersl and w4l w n,n aDd m httrt U liw firl H Ii tsi- f4ro imSW." suilal.le a a i:iii(.tnta i.ift ; i per ton. ad ri wer m such b.d ihspc that I It is it Mf would .4 dowa nd cry roe Ik Jl. Il I hw J ami wj (M-rfert Ix-auty am. Olltfif ur H-eulpped alore ran eupply Bbln and not know wK.i 1. . .t.-... i i flawlene. tsi - n.u will. 1 lto noat parliaroesit, aordiiiit nil". diuivii f Ut) Mufimiio ( VUUJW,tlllen', clolhJiia-. vroreriee and pr vs' used to hsve wr.l tptK, t0 Dr. a.M.'. l. i ii- tirvsiri aeaeiu HuiMa-iioia. fleet hail i.r.effd a atnl' flrd N'd in your Year ItiMik Hi-fin and hardware, JWe Food. howrfr. J m real well now. wMl 1 1. a a niaK ..fVwi.l to II.M i:.t exaiir;deii nf iliaunuiil hiii-, ' hll lwyi lerp . U if tie N-w ltrunMlei had ti immui-ii-i I'ali-n-ian l.iet. in lies eiea(iir nwMWatrly prn-rd. intoi. an I NEW ENGLAND FISH Company ner rood to the house, and tt-eommeod al in fei Walton. Us re- of rh ttroyer'. arrival, the enqulriea have inwitrihaln ut. Ketohlkan, Alaska Branca - theia to my friesdi: l.ifMHalvii lu iw lu fi aiHtfnld man WMilnwevI llw enrk and fenllHii. they are a wonderful nedkint. iiiaitw,! at ill iVr to )ar. WMNthlii't vive the in-eewaary (Mr. J. V. YWe. Drujjnt, of 1 1 ihliiiii4n tt tm II. In it- onhr. ! aaaaaaaaaikaiaaaaaaaaaftjca Madoc. Oat, sayi: I have sold v-u arllaioeii U t , i Food Mm I locking your Nerve Food, alhM Hint i usilik'ly U'H wi.ti ih Varthy rti.lian Laying anj the medicisc bai done her atreHeil in the eoMrHiK r- iman t Hit wnrrid U- the Ijlirh much good. ) "jH-iiuni.... . !( ,,f ii- tiikii f llvmz ll nTai Am B. & K. POULTRY. MASH DR. waaveen peavtneoa Iwlot- -Ii - wirti its. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD Maawshilr. iMSNviniaea wi ..f - , Il le dry laying mailt. iu-r-. - - Henry Blrka A Son ae tVuta a ba. all d-Jrr. ur I jlmaiittm, IUir a i. lAtL. Toroai tlw Ureal txkn Uiim eMii into I II was Mthl iUat tl btil VANCOUVER, B.C.Ltd., J n i M:n:n Pn . Ltd. I Iwimk aiKl ihnr rM,rMMOjili.Mi I J-fl ' of tr tuiireU fnrHol.l a suild atnillUJITVCI iiiiumtt